From Madagascar. Forms a shrubby plant with long oval shaped leaves that are densely covered in fuzzy felt. Flowers are small, furry, bell -shaped. Prefers a porous soil with adequate drainage. Protect from frost. Provide bright light; hardy to 36°F; to 10" + tall.
Temperature:Temperatures between 60-75 ºF (15-23 ºC) are advised.Light:This kalanchoe - like many other succulents loves basking in bright light and sunshine. A mixture of direct, indirect and shade is a good balance of sunlight - if that can be provided.
Watering:Only water once the soil has become dry and then soak the soil, but do not leave water in the bottom tray. During the winter you'll need to water less. Because this is a succulent - it stores water within its leaves, so even if you forget to water for a period of time the plant will be fine.
Soil:I would use a cacti and succulent potting mix, or your own mix which drains easily (part sand).
Re-Potting:The panda plant is a slow grower which will only need re-potting once every 2 years and then less once it matures.
Fertilizer:You can feed once every 4 weeks with a diluted fertilizer, from spring until the end of summer.
Humidity:Normal room humidity is fine and it may also tolerate dry air.
Propagation:Leaf cuttings can be taken and planted in new soil during spring. Give the leaf cutting a week of drying out before re-potting, then you can expect them to begin rooting within 4 weeks.
Temperature:Temperatures between 60-75 ºF (15-23 ºC) are advised.Light:This kalanchoe - like many other succulents loves basking in bright light and sunshine. A mixture of direct, indirect and shade is a good balance of sunlight - if that can be provided.
Watering:Only water once the soil has become dry and then soak the soil, but do not leave water in the bottom tray. During the winter you'll need to water less. Because this is a succulent - it stores water within its leaves, so even if you forget to water for a period of time the plant will be fine.
Soil:I would use a cacti and succulent potting mix, or your own mix which drains easily (part sand).
Re-Potting:The panda plant is a slow grower which will only need re-potting once every 2 years and then less once it matures.
Fertilizer:You can feed once every 4 weeks with a diluted fertilizer, from spring until the end of summer.
Humidity:Normal room humidity is fine and it may also tolerate dry air.
Propagation:Leaf cuttings can be taken and planted in new soil during spring. Give the leaf cutting a week of drying out before re-potting, then you can expect them to begin rooting within 4 weeks.
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