Miss Chen

Bluebells (Campanula rotundifolia) grow naturally in wooded areas. In the United States they have become a favorite among wildflower lovers. The bluebell is easy to care for and spreads rapidly under the right conditions. This flower is a favorite of hummingbirds because of the shape of its blooms. The flowers are long and narrow, creating the perfect cup for a hummingbird to take nectar from.

Bell-Shaped Flowers
Native to England and Scotland, bluebell is a perennial plant named for the shape of the flower which looks like a tiny bell. These flowers grow in clusters and are usually, but not always, blue as the name implies. Bluebells can be a creamy, off-white color. The cream-colored bluebell is rarely found in nature. This plant has long stems and narrow leaves. It grows to be 12 to 18 inches tall.
Flexiblity for Garden Uses
Because bluebells are native to a range of habitats, including meadows, rocky hillsides, sandy soils and rocky crevices, they work well in many types of gardens. Tuck them into the small openings of a rock wall or among other small plants in a rock garden. Or plant them in a lightly shaded woodland area of your yard where they will multiply and naturalize to form a mass of bright blue in the late spring and throughout the summer. Moreover, bluebells attract hummingbirds wherever you plant them.
Growing Bluebells
Bluebells are common in wooded areas of Scotland, England and the United States, where they grow in USDA zones 3 to 8. They are grown from bulbs, which can endure frosts and hot temperatures. Plant the bulbs 2 inches underground in the fall, before the first frost. Plant bluebells at least 12 inches apart. The bluebell prefers partial sun with some shade in the afternoon. They do well when planted with ferns and other woodland plants. These plants do best when kept moist, so water them daily. Bluebells are useful for keeping the pest nematodes under control.

Propagation for More Plants
Bluebells are rapidly spreading perennials. As perennials, they will return each spring. As they return, they spread in clumps and choke out nearby vegetation if they are not divided every two or three years. Divide plants that are outgrowing their space in the garden. Divide the plants in fall. Place plant divisions in the ground before the threat of frost. Place 2 inches of manure over bulbs in the fall to ensure healthy plants the following spring.

Bell-Shaped Flowers
Native to England and Scotland, bluebell is a perennial plant named for the shape of the flower which looks like a tiny bell. These flowers grow in clusters and are usually, but not always, blue as the name implies. Bluebells can be a creamy, off-white color. The cream-colored bluebell is rarely found in nature. This plant has long stems and narrow leaves. It grows to be 12 to 18 inches tall.
Flexiblity for Garden Uses
Because bluebells are native to a range of habitats, including meadows, rocky hillsides, sandy soils and rocky crevices, they work well in many types of gardens. Tuck them into the small openings of a rock wall or among other small plants in a rock garden. Or plant them in a lightly shaded woodland area of your yard where they will multiply and naturalize to form a mass of bright blue in the late spring and throughout the summer. Moreover, bluebells attract hummingbirds wherever you plant them.
Growing Bluebells
Bluebells are common in wooded areas of Scotland, England and the United States, where they grow in USDA zones 3 to 8. They are grown from bulbs, which can endure frosts and hot temperatures. Plant the bulbs 2 inches underground in the fall, before the first frost. Plant bluebells at least 12 inches apart. The bluebell prefers partial sun with some shade in the afternoon. They do well when planted with ferns and other woodland plants. These plants do best when kept moist, so water them daily. Bluebells are useful for keeping the pest nematodes under control.

Propagation for More Plants
Bluebells are rapidly spreading perennials. As perennials, they will return each spring. As they return, they spread in clumps and choke out nearby vegetation if they are not divided every two or three years. Divide plants that are outgrowing their space in the garden. Divide the plants in fall. Place plant divisions in the ground before the threat of frost. Place 2 inches of manure over bulbs in the fall to ensure healthy plants the following spring.
Dummer. ゛☀

There is enough diversity in the bellflower or Campanula clan to ring just about any gardener's chimes. With bell-shaped, tubular or star-shaped flowers in shades of blue, white, pink and red, they have growth habits that range from low and creeping to tall and upright. Most of the garden-worthy choices are perennials, although there are some annuals and a biennial in the genus. And all are beautiful, even the few that are such vigorous spreaders and seeders that you may need to think twice about including them in your garden.

About bellflowers
Bellflowers are hardy plants, with most types growing in Zones 4 to 8, even to zone 3 with reliable snow cover to provide insulation, but they'll sulk in the heat of the Deep South or Southwest. Peak bloom is in early to midsummer for most, but with deadheading you may get sporadic bloom throughout the summer and a second flush of flowers in fall. Bellflowers look lovely in many garden settings; their showy flowers and informal habit are the perfect fit in a cottage garden.
Special features of bellflowers
Bellflowers fall into two categories, tall, upright growers that are good choices for a border or for cutting, and low growers that work well for edging or in rock gardens.
One of the most popular uprights is Peach Leaved Bellflower (Campanula persicifolia). Tall, 15 to 30 inch spikes of 1-1.5 inch, broadly bell-shaped flowers in shades of blue, pink, white and purple rise in early summer from basal clumps of leaves. Clustered bellflower (C. glomerata) produces upwards facing heads of blossoms in purple or white in early summer on sturdy 18 inch stems. Milky bellflower (C. lactiflora), 3 to 5 feet tall, and great bellflower (C. latifolia), 4 to 5 feet tall, also both have upward-facing flowers.
Other upright growers are distinguished by their large, nodding blossoms. Spotted bellflower (C. punctata) gets about 2 feet tall and bears pink, speckled, dangling flowers from midsummer to fall. 'Cherry Bells' is a popular cultivar. The hybrid 'Sarastro' has large, deep-purple, nodding bells on a 2.5 to 3 foot tall plant.
The low spreading bellflowers look nice trailing over the tops and between the stones of a dry rock wall. In early summer, Serbian Bellflower (C. poscharskyana) spreads a wave of blue, 1-1", star-shaped flowers. Adriatic bellflower (C. garganica) and Dalmatian bellflower (C. portenschlagiana) are similar. For edging along a path, the low growing Carpathian harebell (C. carpatica) is perfect. The cultivar 'Blue Clips' bears bright blue bells on 8-12" high plants over most of the summer. Even more floriferous is the sterile hybrid 'Samantha', which is covered in violet-blue, bowl-shaped blossoms above a 6" high clump of leaves.
The biennial Canterbury bells (C. medium) is an old fashioned favorite, growing 12 to 30 inches tall and sporting boxy, bell-shaped flowers in shades of lilac, blue, pink and white. Start these plants from seed in midsummer for bloom the following year.

Choosing a site to grow bellflowers
Most bellflowers do best if planted in full sun, but will also thrive in light shade. Plant in moist, well-drained soil that is high in organic matter. Some are spreaders, especially clustered bellflower and Serbian bellflower, so plant these where they'll have some room to roam. But steer clear of the aggressive Korean bellflower (C. rapunculoides) which spreads so readily, it can become invasive.
Planting Instructions
Container plants can be set out any time during the growing season. Space most plants about a foot apart; the tall milky bellflower should have 24 inch spacing. Prepare the garden bed by using a garden fork or tiller to loosen the soil to a depth of 12 to 15 inches, then mix in a 2- to 4-inch layer of compost. Dig a hole twice the diameter of the pot the plant is in. Carefully remove the plant from its container and place it in the hole so the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. Carefully fill in around the root ball and firm the soil gently. Water thoroughly.

Ongoing Care
Apply a complete organic fertilizer and a thin layer of compost each spring, followed by a 2-inch layer of mulch to retain moisture and control weeds. Water plants during the summer if rainfall is less than 1 inch per week. Deadhead flowers to neaten plants and prevent self-sowing. On taller types, remove faded flowers individually, then cut back the flowering stalks to the base when all bloom is finished. With low growers, wait until the first flush of bloom is past, then shear back plants by half. Peachleaf bellflower can self-sow to the point of weediness if not deadheaded. Most bellflowers benefit from division every 3 to 5 years to keep them growing vigorously.

About bellflowers
Bellflowers are hardy plants, with most types growing in Zones 4 to 8, even to zone 3 with reliable snow cover to provide insulation, but they'll sulk in the heat of the Deep South or Southwest. Peak bloom is in early to midsummer for most, but with deadheading you may get sporadic bloom throughout the summer and a second flush of flowers in fall. Bellflowers look lovely in many garden settings; their showy flowers and informal habit are the perfect fit in a cottage garden.
Special features of bellflowers
Bellflowers fall into two categories, tall, upright growers that are good choices for a border or for cutting, and low growers that work well for edging or in rock gardens.
One of the most popular uprights is Peach Leaved Bellflower (Campanula persicifolia). Tall, 15 to 30 inch spikes of 1-1.5 inch, broadly bell-shaped flowers in shades of blue, pink, white and purple rise in early summer from basal clumps of leaves. Clustered bellflower (C. glomerata) produces upwards facing heads of blossoms in purple or white in early summer on sturdy 18 inch stems. Milky bellflower (C. lactiflora), 3 to 5 feet tall, and great bellflower (C. latifolia), 4 to 5 feet tall, also both have upward-facing flowers.
Other upright growers are distinguished by their large, nodding blossoms. Spotted bellflower (C. punctata) gets about 2 feet tall and bears pink, speckled, dangling flowers from midsummer to fall. 'Cherry Bells' is a popular cultivar. The hybrid 'Sarastro' has large, deep-purple, nodding bells on a 2.5 to 3 foot tall plant.
The low spreading bellflowers look nice trailing over the tops and between the stones of a dry rock wall. In early summer, Serbian Bellflower (C. poscharskyana) spreads a wave of blue, 1-1", star-shaped flowers. Adriatic bellflower (C. garganica) and Dalmatian bellflower (C. portenschlagiana) are similar. For edging along a path, the low growing Carpathian harebell (C. carpatica) is perfect. The cultivar 'Blue Clips' bears bright blue bells on 8-12" high plants over most of the summer. Even more floriferous is the sterile hybrid 'Samantha', which is covered in violet-blue, bowl-shaped blossoms above a 6" high clump of leaves.
The biennial Canterbury bells (C. medium) is an old fashioned favorite, growing 12 to 30 inches tall and sporting boxy, bell-shaped flowers in shades of lilac, blue, pink and white. Start these plants from seed in midsummer for bloom the following year.

Choosing a site to grow bellflowers
Most bellflowers do best if planted in full sun, but will also thrive in light shade. Plant in moist, well-drained soil that is high in organic matter. Some are spreaders, especially clustered bellflower and Serbian bellflower, so plant these where they'll have some room to roam. But steer clear of the aggressive Korean bellflower (C. rapunculoides) which spreads so readily, it can become invasive.
Planting Instructions
Container plants can be set out any time during the growing season. Space most plants about a foot apart; the tall milky bellflower should have 24 inch spacing. Prepare the garden bed by using a garden fork or tiller to loosen the soil to a depth of 12 to 15 inches, then mix in a 2- to 4-inch layer of compost. Dig a hole twice the diameter of the pot the plant is in. Carefully remove the plant from its container and place it in the hole so the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. Carefully fill in around the root ball and firm the soil gently. Water thoroughly.

Ongoing Care
Apply a complete organic fertilizer and a thin layer of compost each spring, followed by a 2-inch layer of mulch to retain moisture and control weeds. Water plants during the summer if rainfall is less than 1 inch per week. Deadhead flowers to neaten plants and prevent self-sowing. On taller types, remove faded flowers individually, then cut back the flowering stalks to the base when all bloom is finished. With low growers, wait until the first flush of bloom is past, then shear back plants by half. Peachleaf bellflower can self-sow to the point of weediness if not deadheaded. Most bellflowers benefit from division every 3 to 5 years to keep them growing vigorously.

学名:Campanula persicifolia (C.nitida,C.planiflora)
和名:モモバギキョウ(桃葉桔梗) その他の名前:モモノハギキョウ
科名 / 属名:キキョウ科 / ホタルブクロ属


Campanula persicifolia ‘Nitida’
Campanula persicifolia ‘Nitida Alba’
Campanula latiloba
Campanula trachelium
Campanula alliariifolia
Campanula rapunculoides

学名:Campanula persicifolia (C.nitida,C.planiflora)
和名:モモバギキョウ(桃葉桔梗) その他の名前:モモノハギキョウ
科名 / 属名:キキョウ科 / ホタルブクロ属


Campanula persicifolia ‘Nitida’
Campanula persicifolia ‘Nitida Alba’
Campanula latiloba
Campanula trachelium
Campanula alliariifolia
Campanula rapunculoides


学名:Campanula punctata var. punctata
和名:ホタルブクロ(蛍袋) その他の名前:チョウチンバナ、トッカンバナ
科名 / 属名:キキョウ科 / ホタルブクロ属

朝鮮半島に分布し、似たような姿で毛が少なく光沢のある厚い葉と鋭い鋸歯(きょし)が特徴のカンパヌラ・タケシマナ(Campanula takesimana)や、紫色の花をつけ「紫ホタルブクロ」や「青花ホタルブクロ」の名で流通している‘サラストロ’(C. ‘Sarastro’)や‘ケント・ベル’(C. ‘Kent Belle’)も同様に扱えます。

Campanula takesimana ‘Beautiful Trust’
Campanula takesimana ‘Kent Belle’

学名:Campanula punctata var. punctata
和名:ホタルブクロ(蛍袋) その他の名前:チョウチンバナ、トッカンバナ
科名 / 属名:キキョウ科 / ホタルブクロ属

朝鮮半島に分布し、似たような姿で毛が少なく光沢のある厚い葉と鋭い鋸歯(きょし)が特徴のカンパヌラ・タケシマナ(Campanula takesimana)や、紫色の花をつけ「紫ホタルブクロ」や「青花ホタルブクロ」の名で流通している‘サラストロ’(C. ‘Sarastro’)や‘ケント・ベル’(C. ‘Kent Belle’)も同様に扱えます。

Campanula takesimana ‘Beautiful Trust’
Campanula takesimana ‘Kent Belle’

Dummer. ゛☀

This slender, delicate wildflower was known as the bluebell in some parts of Scotland, but most people in Britain and Ireland who know their wildflowers call it the Harebell.
Campanula rotundifoila is a hairless perennial that copes well with drought and exposure to sun and wind, but as a result its height is very variable and ranges from a mere 15cm to 40cm and occasionally more.
The short-lived basal leaves are round and have long stalks; leaves higher on the stems are narrower and stemless, persisting throughout the blooming period. The delicate nodding blue flowers, borne on short slender stalks, are bell shaped with nearly always five fused out-curved petals creating a toothed corolla 12 to 25mm long.
Campanula rotundifolia is common and widespread throughout Britain and occurs in many parts of Ireland particularly along the western and northern coasts. This wildlfower is also found in many parts of mainland Europe and in North America.
Harebells are found in both acid and alkaline sites, but they favour dry grassy situations such as coastal sand-dune systems and the edges of pine woodland on sandy soils.
Harebells grow in great abundance and make spectacular displays on banks, under sparse hedgerows and on well drained slopes in the hills of Britain and Ireland.
Blooming Times
In Britain and Ireland the first Harebells bloom in late June or early July and continue flowering through to the end of October and occasionally, if the weather is not too harsh, well in to November. Although late arrivals, therefore, these pretty little flowers add a welcome splash of colour to the countryside in late summer, just as most other wildflowers are dying back.
Campanula, the genus name, referes to the campanulate (bell-like) form of the flowers, while the specific epithet rotundifolia means with round (in other words rotund!) leaves.
Although it has in the past been used to treat various ailments, there is surprisingly little reference to Harebells as a herbal remedy. Perhaps some flowers really are best enjoyed for their beauty... unless you are a bee, in which case you will not be alone in visiting Harebells.
Campanula rotundifoila is a hairless perennial that copes well with drought and exposure to sun and wind, but as a result its height is very variable and ranges from a mere 15cm to 40cm and occasionally more.

The short-lived basal leaves are round and have long stalks; leaves higher on the stems are narrower and stemless, persisting throughout the blooming period. The delicate nodding blue flowers, borne on short slender stalks, are bell shaped with nearly always five fused out-curved petals creating a toothed corolla 12 to 25mm long.
Campanula rotundifolia is common and widespread throughout Britain and occurs in many parts of Ireland particularly along the western and northern coasts. This wildlfower is also found in many parts of mainland Europe and in North America.

Harebells are found in both acid and alkaline sites, but they favour dry grassy situations such as coastal sand-dune systems and the edges of pine woodland on sandy soils.
Harebells grow in great abundance and make spectacular displays on banks, under sparse hedgerows and on well drained slopes in the hills of Britain and Ireland.
Blooming Times
In Britain and Ireland the first Harebells bloom in late June or early July and continue flowering through to the end of October and occasionally, if the weather is not too harsh, well in to November. Although late arrivals, therefore, these pretty little flowers add a welcome splash of colour to the countryside in late summer, just as most other wildflowers are dying back.
Campanula, the genus name, referes to the campanulate (bell-like) form of the flowers, while the specific epithet rotundifolia means with round (in other words rotund!) leaves.

Although it has in the past been used to treat various ailments, there is surprisingly little reference to Harebells as a herbal remedy. Perhaps some flowers really are best enjoyed for their beauty... unless you are a bee, in which case you will not be alone in visiting Harebells.

学名:Campanula medium
和名:フウリンソウ(風鈴草) その他の名前:カンタベリー・ベルズ(Canterbury bells)
科名 / 属名:キキョウ科 / ホタルブクロ属
萼が変化して二重咲きになり、外側の花びらが平らに開くものは、「カップ・アンド・ソーサー」と呼ばれています。これは変種カリカンセマ(Campanula medium var.calycanthema)で、これにもいろいろな花色があります。ほかにも多数の園芸品種があります。



植えつけ、 植え替え

学名:Campanula medium
和名:フウリンソウ(風鈴草) その他の名前:カンタベリー・ベルズ(Canterbury bells)
科名 / 属名:キキョウ科 / ホタルブクロ属
萼が変化して二重咲きになり、外側の花びらが平らに開くものは、「カップ・アンド・ソーサー」と呼ばれています。これは変種カリカンセマ(Campanula medium var.calycanthema)で、これにもいろいろな花色があります。ほかにも多数の園芸品種があります。



植えつけ、 植え替え
