Miss Chen

Have you ever heard of the flowering penstemon? If not, don’t tell members of the American Penstemon Society. Yes, there is an organization dedicated to cultivating, propagating, and identifying species of this hardy native perennial, commonly known as beardtongue. If you still aren't sure about the beardtongue flower, perhaps the two men charged with felony theft in an attempt to steal 600 pounds of Palmer’s penstemon seedpods from Utah’s Zion National Park could tell you more about the value of this little plant. These men may regret exchanging their freedom for several bags of seed worth $25,000, but you won’t need to go to such extremes to grow the beardtongue flower in your landscape.
The plantain family (Plantaginaceae) gifts us with some wonderful ornamental flowering plants, including snapdragons, foxglove, and the valuable Penstemon genus, which contains more than 250 beardtongue species ready to grow in your garden. Penstemon plants are herbaceous perennials that feature lance-shaped foliage and spikes of tubular flowers. Flower colors include pink, red, white, purple, and (rarely) yellow. The nickname of bearded tongue refers to the pollen-free stamen that protrudes from the flower, resembling a bearded iris in this aspect. This perennial is easy to grow from seeds planted in spring to early summer. It's somewhat slow to start and needs 10 to 21 days to germinate.

Botanical Name Penstemon
Common Name Beardtongue
Plant Type Herbaceous perennial
Mature Size 6 inches to 8 feet tall and 8 to 20 inches wide
Sun Exposure Full sun
Soil Type Well-drained
Soil pH 5.8 to 6.2
Bloom Time Spring, early summer
Flower Color Purple, blue, orange, red, yellow, pink, white
Hardiness Zones 3 to 8
Native Area North America
How to Grow Beardtongue
Beardtongue plants typically bloom in early summer, filling that gap between the end of spring bulbs and the maturing of summer flowers like coneflowers, yarrow, and coreopsis. Most penstemons are 1 to 3 feet tall, but Palmer’s penstemon can grow up to 6 feet, giving you options for the middle and back of the border. Keep the penstemon flowerbed weeded regularly. A 3-inch layer of organic mulch can help to control weeds, and rock mulch is also a suitable choice. You can cut the spent flower stems back after blooming to help plants look tidy. Penstemons don’t compete well with other plants, so give them plenty of space in the garden.
Plant your beardtongue in an area that receives full sun. Adequate sun exposure helps the tall stalks stay upright and not droopy.
The soil for beardtongue must drain very well. These plants are prairie natives and prefer rocky or sandy lean soil types over rich garden loam. It’s okay to amend the soil with compost to achieve proper tilth, but avoid manure applications.
Penstemons tolerate drought, but 1 inch of water per week in the summer will keep plants vigorous and promote better blooming.
Temperature and Humidity
Gardeners in USDA growing zones 3 to 9 have the option to try penstemons, although some varieties may only be hardy to zones 4 or 5. It can thrive in a range of humidity conditions.
Feed beardtongue plants once a year with an organic fertilizer, applied in the fall. Feeding these flowers with conventional bloom-boosting formula can promote too much growth and can shorten the life of the plants.
Varieties of Penstemon
'Dark Towers' is similar to Husker Red, but with pale pink flowers and darker foliage.
'Elfin Pink' is a good rock garden plant, topping out just shy of 12 inches.
'Husker Red' is perhaps the most well-known variety, due to being named perennial plant of the year in 1996; if features reddish-purple foliage and white flowers.
'Jingle Bells' has reddish-orange flowers that are beacons to hummingbirds.
'Piña Colada', a series of cultivars, features blue, rose, or white flowers on compact plants.
'Red Riding Hood' has red flowers and an upright growth habit.
Growing From Seeds
Penstemons are easy to start from seed, which is just as well, as many of the species are short-lived perennials. Seeds may germinate better after a period of aging, mimicking their conditions in the wild, so you can store seed for several years before planting. If you sow the seeds in the garden, do so in autumn, to allow a natural stratification period. Alternatively, you can stratify the seeds in the refrigerator for three months if you plan to start them indoors. If you purchase penstemon seeds, be sure to check the growing zone, as tender varieties like the ‘Tubular Bells’ series are often sold alongside the hardy perennial types.
Common Pests and Diseases
Penstemons don't suffer from too many insect problems, but slugs and snails may snack on leaves, especially in damp or shady areas.1 Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around plants to deter gnawing gastropods, and set out beer traps to catch any stragglers.

Penstemon plants are usually disease-free when given the proper culture of full sun and good drainage. Gardeners with heavy clay may lose plants to root rot, especially in areas with heavy snow that experience a long spring thaw. In Southern gardens, plants that don't have adequate soil drainage or are planted too closely together may succumb to powdery mildew2
or Southern blight, a fungal disease also known as white mold. Fungicide sprays treat symptoms but not the cause, so lighten your heavy soils with compost, or plant penstemons in raised beds to add air circulation to plant roots.
Landscape Uses for Beardtongue
Penstemon plants look best in groups of at least three to five plants. Smaller or alpine varieties work well in rock gardens, while tall penstemon types can provide a colorful backdrop along the back of the sunny mixed perennial border.
Penstemon flowers are a valuable source of nectar for bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds in a wildflower garden. They also make good cut flowers, although most people don’t think of them as bouquet candidates. The good news for those who prefer not to cut is that browsing deer avoid penstemon plants.
The plantain family (Plantaginaceae) gifts us with some wonderful ornamental flowering plants, including snapdragons, foxglove, and the valuable Penstemon genus, which contains more than 250 beardtongue species ready to grow in your garden. Penstemon plants are herbaceous perennials that feature lance-shaped foliage and spikes of tubular flowers. Flower colors include pink, red, white, purple, and (rarely) yellow. The nickname of bearded tongue refers to the pollen-free stamen that protrudes from the flower, resembling a bearded iris in this aspect. This perennial is easy to grow from seeds planted in spring to early summer. It's somewhat slow to start and needs 10 to 21 days to germinate.

Botanical Name Penstemon
Common Name Beardtongue
Plant Type Herbaceous perennial
Mature Size 6 inches to 8 feet tall and 8 to 20 inches wide
Sun Exposure Full sun
Soil Type Well-drained
Soil pH 5.8 to 6.2
Bloom Time Spring, early summer
Flower Color Purple, blue, orange, red, yellow, pink, white
Hardiness Zones 3 to 8
Native Area North America
How to Grow Beardtongue
Beardtongue plants typically bloom in early summer, filling that gap between the end of spring bulbs and the maturing of summer flowers like coneflowers, yarrow, and coreopsis. Most penstemons are 1 to 3 feet tall, but Palmer’s penstemon can grow up to 6 feet, giving you options for the middle and back of the border. Keep the penstemon flowerbed weeded regularly. A 3-inch layer of organic mulch can help to control weeds, and rock mulch is also a suitable choice. You can cut the spent flower stems back after blooming to help plants look tidy. Penstemons don’t compete well with other plants, so give them plenty of space in the garden.
Plant your beardtongue in an area that receives full sun. Adequate sun exposure helps the tall stalks stay upright and not droopy.
The soil for beardtongue must drain very well. These plants are prairie natives and prefer rocky or sandy lean soil types over rich garden loam. It’s okay to amend the soil with compost to achieve proper tilth, but avoid manure applications.
Penstemons tolerate drought, but 1 inch of water per week in the summer will keep plants vigorous and promote better blooming.
Temperature and Humidity
Gardeners in USDA growing zones 3 to 9 have the option to try penstemons, although some varieties may only be hardy to zones 4 or 5. It can thrive in a range of humidity conditions.
Feed beardtongue plants once a year with an organic fertilizer, applied in the fall. Feeding these flowers with conventional bloom-boosting formula can promote too much growth and can shorten the life of the plants.
Varieties of Penstemon
'Dark Towers' is similar to Husker Red, but with pale pink flowers and darker foliage.
'Elfin Pink' is a good rock garden plant, topping out just shy of 12 inches.
'Husker Red' is perhaps the most well-known variety, due to being named perennial plant of the year in 1996; if features reddish-purple foliage and white flowers.
'Jingle Bells' has reddish-orange flowers that are beacons to hummingbirds.
'Piña Colada', a series of cultivars, features blue, rose, or white flowers on compact plants.
'Red Riding Hood' has red flowers and an upright growth habit.
Growing From Seeds
Penstemons are easy to start from seed, which is just as well, as many of the species are short-lived perennials. Seeds may germinate better after a period of aging, mimicking their conditions in the wild, so you can store seed for several years before planting. If you sow the seeds in the garden, do so in autumn, to allow a natural stratification period. Alternatively, you can stratify the seeds in the refrigerator for three months if you plan to start them indoors. If you purchase penstemon seeds, be sure to check the growing zone, as tender varieties like the ‘Tubular Bells’ series are often sold alongside the hardy perennial types.
Common Pests and Diseases
Penstemons don't suffer from too many insect problems, but slugs and snails may snack on leaves, especially in damp or shady areas.1 Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around plants to deter gnawing gastropods, and set out beer traps to catch any stragglers.

Penstemon plants are usually disease-free when given the proper culture of full sun and good drainage. Gardeners with heavy clay may lose plants to root rot, especially in areas with heavy snow that experience a long spring thaw. In Southern gardens, plants that don't have adequate soil drainage or are planted too closely together may succumb to powdery mildew2
or Southern blight, a fungal disease also known as white mold. Fungicide sprays treat symptoms but not the cause, so lighten your heavy soils with compost, or plant penstemons in raised beds to add air circulation to plant roots.
Landscape Uses for Beardtongue
Penstemon plants look best in groups of at least three to five plants. Smaller or alpine varieties work well in rock gardens, while tall penstemon types can provide a colorful backdrop along the back of the sunny mixed perennial border.
Penstemon flowers are a valuable source of nectar for bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds in a wildflower garden. They also make good cut flowers, although most people don’t think of them as bouquet candidates. The good news for those who prefer not to cut is that browsing deer avoid penstemon plants.
Dummer. ゛☀

Scientific Name
Penstemon digitalis Nutt. ex Sims

Common Names
Foxglove Beardtongue, Foxglove Penstemon, Smooth Penstemon, Talus Slope Penstemon
Chelone digitalis, Penstemon laevigatus subsp. digitalis, Penstemon laevigatus var. digitalis
Scientific Classification
Family: Plantaginaceae
Tribe: Cheloneae
Genus: Penstemon

Color: White
Bloom Time: Late spring to early summer
Penstemon digitalis is a glabrous, up to 5 foot (1.5 m) tall, herbaceous plant with opposite, shiny green, simple leaves on slender, purple stems. The leaves are up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) long. While upright, the stems average anywhere from 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 cm) tall. The flowering panicle extends to almost one third of the plant’s height and has pairs of branches which repeat with 2 flowers multiple times. The pedicels are almost one fourth of an inch (2.5 cm) long and produce 1.25 inch (3.1 cm) long, two-lipped, tubular flowers over dark green foliage. The plant has elliptic basal leaves and lance-shaped to oblong stem leaves. The flowers are white and are borne late spring to early summer.
USDA hardiness zone 2a to 8b: from −50 °F (−45.6 °C) to 20 °F (−6.7 °C).

How to Grow and Care
The best location for your Penstemon is in a full sun area with well draining soil. Penstemon care and maintenance is minimal if the site and moisture requirements are met. Poorly draining soils and freezing temperatures while the plant is still active are the biggest causes of plant mortality.
The perennial is remarkably tolerant of drought conditions and is a stalwart presence in even low nutrient soils. It has had to be adaptable to thrive in windy, exposed areas of mountain foothills.
You can grow Penstemon from seed. They begin as rosettes low to the ground before forming the characteristic flower stalk. Indoor sowing should begin in late winter. Seedlings are ready to transplant when they have a second set of true leaves. Space Penstemon plants 1 to 3 feet apart and mix in a little compost at planting time to help conserve water and increase porosity.
Water the young plants at least once per week as they establish. You can reduce watering as the plant matures. Mulch around the plants to help protect the roots from winter’s cold and prevents spring weeds.
Native to eastern Canada and eastern and southeastern United States.
Penstemon digitalis Nutt. ex Sims

Common Names
Foxglove Beardtongue, Foxglove Penstemon, Smooth Penstemon, Talus Slope Penstemon
Chelone digitalis, Penstemon laevigatus subsp. digitalis, Penstemon laevigatus var. digitalis
Scientific Classification
Family: Plantaginaceae
Tribe: Cheloneae
Genus: Penstemon

Color: White
Bloom Time: Late spring to early summer
Penstemon digitalis is a glabrous, up to 5 foot (1.5 m) tall, herbaceous plant with opposite, shiny green, simple leaves on slender, purple stems. The leaves are up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) long. While upright, the stems average anywhere from 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 cm) tall. The flowering panicle extends to almost one third of the plant’s height and has pairs of branches which repeat with 2 flowers multiple times. The pedicels are almost one fourth of an inch (2.5 cm) long and produce 1.25 inch (3.1 cm) long, two-lipped, tubular flowers over dark green foliage. The plant has elliptic basal leaves and lance-shaped to oblong stem leaves. The flowers are white and are borne late spring to early summer.
USDA hardiness zone 2a to 8b: from −50 °F (−45.6 °C) to 20 °F (−6.7 °C).

How to Grow and Care
The best location for your Penstemon is in a full sun area with well draining soil. Penstemon care and maintenance is minimal if the site and moisture requirements are met. Poorly draining soils and freezing temperatures while the plant is still active are the biggest causes of plant mortality.
The perennial is remarkably tolerant of drought conditions and is a stalwart presence in even low nutrient soils. It has had to be adaptable to thrive in windy, exposed areas of mountain foothills.
You can grow Penstemon from seed. They begin as rosettes low to the ground before forming the characteristic flower stalk. Indoor sowing should begin in late winter. Seedlings are ready to transplant when they have a second set of true leaves. Space Penstemon plants 1 to 3 feet apart and mix in a little compost at planting time to help conserve water and increase porosity.
Water the young plants at least once per week as they establish. You can reduce watering as the plant matures. Mulch around the plants to help protect the roots from winter’s cold and prevents spring weeds.
Native to eastern Canada and eastern and southeastern United States.
Dummer. ゛☀

Scientific Name
Penstemon barbatus (Cav.) Roth

Common Names
Scarlet Bugler, Beardlip Penstemon, Beardlip Beardtongue, Red Penstemon, Red Beardtongue, Golden-Beard Penstemon
Penstemon barbatus var. barbatus
Scientific Classification
Family: Plantaginaceae
Tribe: Cheloneae
Genus: Penstemon

Color: Bright red to orange
Bloom Time: Mid spring to early summer
Penstemon barbatus is a flowering plant with spikes of clustered, tubular, scarlet blossoms with yellow hairs on their lower lip. The individual flowers are tubular, up to 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) long, and have 2 forward-projecting upper lobes and 3 reflexed lower lobes with a golden haired, white-streaked base. The leaves are green, opposite, and narrowly linear in shape.

How to Grow and Care
The best location for your Penstemon is in a full sun area with well draining soil. Penstemon care and maintenance is minimal if the site and moisture requirements are met. Poorly draining soils and freezing temperatures while the plant is still active are the biggest causes of plant mortality.
The perennial is remarkably tolerant of drought conditions and is a stalwart presence in even low nutrient soils. It has had to be adaptable to thrive in windy, exposed areas of mountain foothills.
You can grow Penstemon from seed. They begin as rosettes low to the ground before forming the characteristic flower stalk. Indoor sowing should begin in late winter. Seedlings are ready to transplant when they have a second set of true leaves. Space Penstemon plants 1 to 3 feet apart and mix in a little compost at planting time to help conserve water and increase porosity.
Water the young plants at least once per week as they establish. You can reduce watering as the plant matures. Mulch around the plants to help protect the roots from winter’s cold and prevents spring weeds.
Native to the western United States.
Penstemon barbatus (Cav.) Roth

Common Names
Scarlet Bugler, Beardlip Penstemon, Beardlip Beardtongue, Red Penstemon, Red Beardtongue, Golden-Beard Penstemon
Penstemon barbatus var. barbatus
Scientific Classification
Family: Plantaginaceae
Tribe: Cheloneae
Genus: Penstemon

Color: Bright red to orange
Bloom Time: Mid spring to early summer
Penstemon barbatus is a flowering plant with spikes of clustered, tubular, scarlet blossoms with yellow hairs on their lower lip. The individual flowers are tubular, up to 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) long, and have 2 forward-projecting upper lobes and 3 reflexed lower lobes with a golden haired, white-streaked base. The leaves are green, opposite, and narrowly linear in shape.

How to Grow and Care
The best location for your Penstemon is in a full sun area with well draining soil. Penstemon care and maintenance is minimal if the site and moisture requirements are met. Poorly draining soils and freezing temperatures while the plant is still active are the biggest causes of plant mortality.
The perennial is remarkably tolerant of drought conditions and is a stalwart presence in even low nutrient soils. It has had to be adaptable to thrive in windy, exposed areas of mountain foothills.
You can grow Penstemon from seed. They begin as rosettes low to the ground before forming the characteristic flower stalk. Indoor sowing should begin in late winter. Seedlings are ready to transplant when they have a second set of true leaves. Space Penstemon plants 1 to 3 feet apart and mix in a little compost at planting time to help conserve water and increase porosity.
Water the young plants at least once per week as they establish. You can reduce watering as the plant matures. Mulch around the plants to help protect the roots from winter’s cold and prevents spring weeds.
Native to the western United States.
Dummer. ゛☀

Penstemon is one of our more spectacular native plants. Found in mountainous areas and their foothills, the herbaceous species is a temperate zone darling and thrives in most areas of the western United States. Also called Beard Tongue, the plant produces dozens of tubular flowers arranged on a tall stalk.
If you have gone hiking in areas of Mexico to western North America from May to August, you will have seen these attractive flowers. Penstemon plants are related to Snapdragons and come in a variety of cultivated hues for the home gardener. The flowers are perfectly shaped to accommodate hummingbirds, who spend their nesting period at the Penstemon snack bar.
Each flower has five petals and they come in hues of lavender, salmon, pink, red and white. The stems are triangular and the leaves are arranged opposite with grayish green tones. Several different species exist and more are in cultivation. The exact shape of the leaves varies in each cultivar of Penstemon plants. They may be oval or sword shaped, smooth or waxy.
Penstemon is a commonly found perennial, which may also grow as an annual in chilly or excessively hot regions.
Growing Conditions
The best location for your Penstemon is in a full sun area with well draining soil. Penstemon care and maintenance is minimal if the site and moisture requirements are met. Poorly draining soils and freezing temperatures while the plant is still active are the biggest causes of plant mortality.
The perennial is remarkably tolerant of drought conditions and is a stalwart presence in even low nutrient soils. It has had to be adaptable to thrive in windy, exposed areas of mountain foothills.
You can grow Penstemon from seed. They begin as rosettes low to the ground before forming the characteristic flower stalk. Indoor sowing should begin in late winter. Seedlings are ready to transplant when they have a second set of true leaves.
Space plants 1 to 3 feet apart and mix in a little compost at planting time to help conserve water and increase porosity.
Care and Maintenance
Water the young plants at least once per week as they establish. You can reduce watering as the plant matures. Mulch around the plants to help protect the roots from winter’s cold and prevents spring weeds.
The flower spire will produce seed in late summer to early fall and the petals fall away from the seeds.Penstemon makes an excellent cut flower, which will last for at least a week. Go native and plant some Penstemon plants in your sunny perennial garden.

If you have gone hiking in areas of Mexico to western North America from May to August, you will have seen these attractive flowers. Penstemon plants are related to Snapdragons and come in a variety of cultivated hues for the home gardener. The flowers are perfectly shaped to accommodate hummingbirds, who spend their nesting period at the Penstemon snack bar.
Each flower has five petals and they come in hues of lavender, salmon, pink, red and white. The stems are triangular and the leaves are arranged opposite with grayish green tones. Several different species exist and more are in cultivation. The exact shape of the leaves varies in each cultivar of Penstemon plants. They may be oval or sword shaped, smooth or waxy.

Penstemon is a commonly found perennial, which may also grow as an annual in chilly or excessively hot regions.
Growing Conditions
The best location for your Penstemon is in a full sun area with well draining soil. Penstemon care and maintenance is minimal if the site and moisture requirements are met. Poorly draining soils and freezing temperatures while the plant is still active are the biggest causes of plant mortality.
The perennial is remarkably tolerant of drought conditions and is a stalwart presence in even low nutrient soils. It has had to be adaptable to thrive in windy, exposed areas of mountain foothills.

You can grow Penstemon from seed. They begin as rosettes low to the ground before forming the characteristic flower stalk. Indoor sowing should begin in late winter. Seedlings are ready to transplant when they have a second set of true leaves.
Space plants 1 to 3 feet apart and mix in a little compost at planting time to help conserve water and increase porosity.

Care and Maintenance
Water the young plants at least once per week as they establish. You can reduce watering as the plant matures. Mulch around the plants to help protect the roots from winter’s cold and prevents spring weeds.
The flower spire will produce seed in late summer to early fall and the petals fall away from the seeds.Penstemon makes an excellent cut flower, which will last for at least a week. Go native and plant some Penstemon plants in your sunny perennial garden.