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There are literally hundreds of types of #roses that you can grow in your garden. With such a selection to choose from, it can be extremely difficult to choose the rose that’s right for you. To make this task a bit easier, We’ve outlined a few important factors you should consider, and explained some of the different types of roses to aid in your search.
Tips on Choosing Roses 1. Color may seem trivial at first glance, but it’s usually an important factor to those that want to grow roses. Usually it is simply a matter of personal preference, but you may want to try creating a complimentary color palette for your rose garden. 2. The final growth height of a rose should be considered as it would be unattractive to grow roses that are higher than the area of the garden that it grows in. Some roses can grow to be as high as 20 feet. 3. If you live in an area that is prone to cold winters, you would certainly want a rose that could survive during the off season. 4. If certain fragrances invoke an allergic reaction, you’ll want to plant roses that have a softer fragrance than the others. 5. It’s smart gardening to learn what the advantages and disadvantages would be if you were to choose certain roses over others. 6. You will want to consider the size of your garden space, so that you can ensure proper exposure to the air and other elements as well. 7. If you are hoping to make your roses into bouquets, you will want to know if they can be cut. Hybrid teas can. Some roses will fall apart at the petals if they are cut. 8. You should also consider what other types of flowers or plants you intend on adding to the rose’s environment. You want to add plants and flowers that will not create a damaging environment to your rose’s ecosystem.
Some Common Types of Roses After you get a sense of the type of roses that you would like to plant, you’ll naturally want to know which types of roses best fit with your planting ideas. There are too many varieties of roses to list here, but this list covers some of the most popular. You should consult your nearest garden center for advice on whether your choice is fitting to your garden’s abilities. Landscape roses – Landscape roses are great for the novice gardener. They are disease resistant, and require a little bit less maintenance. Hybrid teas are not good for the novice. Climbing Roses – These roses are different from the regular roses that are planted as they are trained to grow upward like vines. Most people like to use these for trellises, or buildings. Some of them are hybrid teas, wichuraine, and large flowered climbers. They are a beautiful addition to the look of one’s house. Shrub Roses – Shrub roses like the beautiful rugosa are both long blooming, and disease resistant. These are also great for the novice planter. They are gorgeous even when they are not in bloom because the foliage is so pretty.
Old Garden Roses – These roses are not very good for those with severe allergies to strong fragrances because they have a strong fragrant odor. However, they are disease resistant and continue to bloom for months at a time. The Modern Rose – These are very special roses because they are the result of cross breeding the hybrid tea with the polyanthus. They are also referred to as Floribunda. They are a beautiful combination of the best those two flowers have to offer. They are long blooming, fragrant, and they are great for cutting. Miniature Roses – Miniature roses are exactly what they sound like. They have all of the fragrance and beauty of a regular rose, but they have smaller blooms. These particular roses are great for indoor planting. While note all inclusive, this article should be a great help in getting you started on the way to having your very own, gorgeous rose garden.
#Lawn care in winter is required for lush green lawn in spring. Learn how to care for it in this educative guide. Lawn preparation for winter is one of the most important gardening task that must be done in time and correctly. Adequate fertilization, mowing and removing weeds and debris provide the lawn healthy appearance but there are a few other things you should do, which are given below.
Lawn Preparation for Winter 1. Scarification Scarification is done to remove thatch or undergrowth from the lawn. This removes way moss, weeds and dead organic debris which impede the flow of water, air and nutrients to the roots. You can scarify your lawn in late spring when all the dangers of frost are passed or in the fall. Before scarifying your lawn, mow it. Scarify only to remove the top layer of thatch, don’t penetrate the blades too deeply. 2. Aeration Aeration improves the airflow in the soil and reduce its compactness so that water, fertilizer and oxygen are easily absorbed by the roots. This treatment improves the condition of the roots and helps in quick regeneration of grass after the winter. Aeration should be done in fall in late September or October. However, according to a research conducted by Purdue University, aeration done too late even until the November might be helpful. 3. Liming Generally grasses grow well in neutral pH and if your soil is acidic, do liming. Best time to lime your lawn is fall, after the aeration. The cycle of freezing and thawing in winter assists the penetration of lime into the soil. 4. Overseeding After the aeration, if you see holes and patches apply the seeds at a rate of 0.8 Oz (25 g)/m2. Colder months are perfect time for seeding scraggly patches of lawn. It is done when soil is not frozen but cold enough to stop germination until next spring. To learn more on how to do it, read this. 5. Top Dressing Top dressing is the process of application of thin layer of soil, sand or compost over the turf. Top dressing is done after the aeration and overseeding. It helps in leveling the surface of lawn, protect it from extreme temperatures, controls thatch, improves drainage and resistance to drought. Plus, there are many more other advantages. However, it is skipped in home gardens and lawns. To learn more about top dressing, checkout this educative article. 6. Fertilization By proper fertilizing the lawn before winter you can increase the turf resistance to freezing temperatures. The application should be done 2-3 weeks prior to first frost date using so called “winterizer fertilizer” such as 24-2-14 NPK. But beware that winterizer should not be applied to warm season grasses as it will encourage them to grow. The high level of potassium in winterizer makes grasses more tolerant to cold and stress, helping them to survive in winter. 7. Mowing Grass must not be cut too short or too high. Optimum height for last mowing job is leaving 2/3 of grass blades. Last mowing is best done anytime in between late October to mid November, depending more on the prevailing weather conditions. If you mow the lawn too early before winter and warm weather has made ​​the grass to grow again, mowing must be repeated. During winters, mowing is not required. Once temperature falls below 40 F (4 C) grass starts to grow slowly.
Lawn Care in Winter 1. Weeding To find a perfect lawn in the spring, continue weeding, even in winter. Thus, the uncontrolled growth of weeds do not choke your lawn. But rest assured, it is paradoxically easier in winter. At this time, weeds grow faster than grass. This makes them much easier to spot on – except of course, when snow covers the garden. 2. Watering Watering the lawn in winter is almost never necessary. Nature takes care itself with the frequent rains of this period. However, if there is no rain and the grass suffers, then you can water the lawn. Choose a frost free day when temperature is above 40 F (4 C), water half an inch in the morning. 3. Cleaning Another important step is to regularly clean the fallen leaves and debris. Fallen leaves if remain on the turf reduce its durability. Damp leaves “pressed” under a layer of snow cut off the supply of oxygen and cause rotting of the lawn. You can use this organic litter to make compost or to mulch other plants.
Many gardeners believe that no garden is complete without a lush green #lawn . If maintained greatly it gives a soft velvety touch to a garden, plus a most favorite site to leap and lie down for pets and children. Making a lawn is easy but its maintenance and care is difficult. To make this green space more greener and refreshing than before, imply these 16 effective tips. 1. Don’t go for fancy stuff, always plant grass that is native and local and perfectly adapted to your climate. Examine your place perfectly to find out the hours of sunshine, temperature, growing conditions and soil type to choose a grass type you should grow. 2. What’s your soil pH? For lawns, pH level around 6 to 7.2 is required. Test your soil pH, if it’s not around the required level, amend your soil type. 3. Don’t plant lawns in completely shady area and avoid planting it on the slopes and anomalous spots of your yard. 4. Grass in shady part of your lawn requires less watering and fertilizer as it doesn’t receive full sun, you can’t perk up its growth by over watering and over fertilizing. The simple formula is to fertilize and water it half than the sunny spot.
5. Mow your lawn before grass reaches high to avoid sunburnt lawn, mowing tall grasses can shock their roots and dull the blades of mower, too. 6. Find out the mowing height of the grass you’re growing and cut according to it. For example, you should cut buffalo grass 2-3 inches and hybrid Bermudagrass around 1 inch. Read this post to find out ideal mowing height of your grass variety. 7. How you’ll know that your lawn needs mowing and it’s reaching height? The rule is simple, when it reaches the one third or more of the suggested mowing height, cut it. If you cut grass after 2 inch, then its mowing time is when it will reach 3 inch height. 8. Healthy growth of grass doesn’t let the weeds grow. If you want effective weed control in your lawn, grow a variety of tall grass, it’ll cover up the space for weeds and cut off their sun light. 9. Use edgings in your lawn, edgings restrict grasses from out bounding the lawn and give it a sheer look. You can use plastic edging or timber, concrete or brick edging.
10. Walking over the lawn and trampling it for years, tighten the soil and take all the air out from the area, that’s why you should aerate your lawn twice a year in both spring and fall. Aerating helps the root system and soil by providing the air and water. It also improves nutrients penetration. Aerating is the secret of happy green lawns. 11. Morning time is right for watering, as the water evaporates less. If your lawn is new you need to water more to let your plants establish. 12. Water your lawn 5-6 inches deep and let it dry up before another watering session. A lawn watered deeply doesn’t dry out quickly, best way to measure the level of water absorbed by the soil is to poke a rod or stick in the soil after watering. 13. The more you feed nitrogen rich fertilizer and water regularly, the more it will grow quickly and the more you’ll need to mow it. It’s good to make a balance for a lush lawn.
14. Best time to fertilize your lawn is in its growing season every 6 week. 15. Lack of calcium in soil provides prosperous thriving condition to common weeds. Spread lime using spreader if your soil doesn’t have calcium to magnesium ratio of 7 to 1. 16. You can feed your lawn with compost or manure, as manures are rich in nitrogen they are a better organic option than chemical fertilizers. Cow manure is best for lawns. Read this post to learn how to add manure to your lawn. 
#SOS Today just bought, I forget what is the name?
 #SOS   Today just bought, I forget what is the name?
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