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芦荟: 一盆芦荟相当于九台生物空气清洁器,盆栽芦荟有空气净化专家的美誉,可以吸收甲醛,二氧化碳,二氧化硫,一氧化碳等有害物质.尤其对甲醛吸收特别强.还能杀灭空气中的有害微生物,并能吸附灰尘,对净化居室环境有很大作用,当芦荟的叶片出现斑点,那就表明室内有害气体太多.这时只要在室内再增加几盆芦荟,空气质量又会趋于正常。 [图片]吊兰: 能吸收空气中的一氧化碳和甲醛.吊兰能在微弱的光线下进行光合作用,吊兰又被称为室内空气的绿色净化器。 [图片]非洲茉莉: 非洲茉莉能产生的挥发性油类具有显著的杀菌作用。可使人放松、有利于睡眠。 [图片]滴水观音: 滴水观音有清除空气中灰尘的功效。(不能放在卧室) [图片]白掌 抑制人体呼出的废气,如氨气和丙酮.同时它也可以过滤空气中的苯、三氯乙烯和甲醛。它的高蒸发速度可以防止鼻粘膜干燥,使患病的可能性大大降低。 [图片]银皇后 它具有独特的空气净化能力,空气中污染物的浓度越高,它越能发挥其净化能力!它非常适合养在通风条件不佳的阴暗房间。 [图片]铁线蕨: 每小时能吸收大约20微克的甲醛,因此被认为是最有效的生物"净化器"。另外,它还可以吸收电脑显示器和打印机中释放的二甲苯和甲苯。 [图片]鸭脚木: 叶片可以从烟雾弥漫的空气中吸收尼古丁和其他有害物质,会给有吸烟的家庭带来新鲜的空气,并通过光合作用将之转换为无害的植物自有的物质。它还可以每小时能把甲醛浓度降低大约9毫克。 [图片]龟背竹: 夜间吸收二氧化碳,改善空气质量,龟背竹净化空气相对弱一些,但龟背竹对清除空气中的甲醛的效果比较明显.龟背竹在晚间吸收二氧化碳的功效比较好,对改善室内空气质量,提高含氧量有很大帮助。 [图片]
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        杜鹃花对于北方的花友来说并不好养,我们今天来说说花友的一个疑惑,杜鹃花叶子枯萎一碰就掉怎么回事,杜鹃花掉叶子的现象多是环境问题,好在还有挽救的余地。 [图片]        杜鹃花喜好湿润的半阴环境,而北方地区的特点是干燥,所以我们从花卉市场买回来的杜鹃花会出现发蔫不精神,后续叶子开始慢慢干枯,甚至一碰就掉。这些症状都是环境不适应导致了,需要一个换苗的过程。         如果有机会出差的花友,可以到南方地区看看杜鹃,会发现南方的杜鹃比较皮实,而且叶子要鲜绿的多,而北方地区的杜鹃花叶子则比较深绿且显得干巴巴的。 [图片]        那么我们买回来的杜鹃花应该如何处理呢?         喜欢湿润的环境,并不代表是多浇水,所以,绝对不能盆内积水,可以暂时用大一点的塑料袋把杜鹃花套上,制造湿润的空气环境,如果不出意外,杜鹃花会很多有所缓和,然后逐渐的开大一点的孔,通风!         这样让杜鹃花有一个适应的过程,一旦养住了,杜鹃花服盆了,就容易操作了,后续我们可以用多喷水等方式增加环境湿度。杜鹃花比较容易落叶子,但是枝条还是健康的,后续还能发出新叶子,有时候即便叶子蔫了,但是它依旧活着,这个时候切勿大刀阔斧的浇水施肥换盆等操作。         花友只要记住,杜鹃花喜欢偏酸性介质,冷凉气候,湿润环境,半阴的光照就可以了,所有的养护都要围绕这几点进行,起码杜鹃花不会挂掉。
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Facebook Pinterest Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUponLearn how to grow a tamarind tree in this complete article. Growing tamarind tree is easy, it’s a low care plant with a few requirements.[图片][图片]USDA Zone — 9b to 11 Difficulty — Easy (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Other Names — Tamarindus indica, tamarindo, tamarin, tamarinier, tamarinier des Indes, tamarindier, tamarinde, sampalok, asam jawa, ambli, imli, chinch, ma-kharm. Tamarind tree is native to Africa and grows like a wild plant in Indian subcontinent. It’s also grown across Southeast Asia, South America and tropical parts of Australia and North America. Information about Tamarind Tree Tamarind is a slow-growing tree. It’s able to reach a height of 25 m and a circumference of 7 m, very long-lived, in fact, it can survive for more than 300 years. [图片][图片]Tamarind leaves are evergreen, like pinnate up to 15 cm long consisting of 10 – 12 pairs of leaflets. Its leaves somewhat looks like acacia leaves. Tamarind flowers are grouped in inflorescence and have five yellow petals with red streaks. Pollination of flowers is entomophilous (pollinated by insects). (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Tamarind fruits are legumes. Slightly curved, 10 to 15 cm long and have a brown color. Its seeds, 4 to 12 in each pod, make up 34% of the legume and are inserted into a yellowish or brown colored pulp that taste very sour and sweet but pleasant and represents most of the fruit. Compared to other fruits, in tamarind, during the maturation phase the acidity does not decrease, while the hydrolysis of the starch leads to an accumulation of reducing sugar (sucrose). Tamarind pulp contains 70% carbohydrate, 3% protein and less than 1% fat, it also contains tartaric acid (8-10%), which also occurs in other fruits like bananas and grapes. Tamarind Tree Varieties There are different types of tamarind varieties, among which include: Sweet Tamarind, Australian tamarind, Manila tamarind, Velvet tamarind, Spanish Tamarind. Propagation Tamarind is propagated by seeds, grafting, cuttings and air layering. Seeds are viable for many months. How to Grow Tamarind Tree from Seed Soak tamarind seeds overnight in warm water to speed up germination. Sow seeds 1/2 inches deep in good quality seed starting mix. Germination occurs within one or two week after sowing. *Plants grown from seeds do not go into production before the 6 – 7 years after germination. So it is better to grow tamarind from cutting or buy a plant from nursery if you want quick results. Planting Tamarind Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball of the plant. Gently remove the plant from the pot and cut dead or damaged roots. Insert the root ball in the hole and fill the soil around root ball to maintain the tree trunk above the soil line. Firm the soil and water the plant thoroughly. For commercial growers, the planting density is large because of well developed foliage and width tamarind tree needs, the spacing should be around 5 – 15 m, depending more on the variety. Position For Growing Tamarind Tree Tamarind prefers tropical and subtropical, dry and windy climate. It can adapt even to the warm temperate climate, but there it’ll not be very productive. Young plants can’t withstand the cold, while the adults are resistant to temperature till 28 degree Fahrenheit only. Best planting position is in full sun. For flowering, fruit setting and fruit development, tamarind tree needs clear sky and drier days. How to Grow Tamarind Tree in Cold Climate[图片][图片]Tamarind is a tropical tree, it endures mild winter but growing it outside in colder climate is definitely a bad idea. If you want to grow it, grow tamarind tree in pot and keep it indoors or in a greenhouse during winter. You can also make a beautiful bonsai of tamarind tree. Tamarind Tree Growing RequirementsSun Tamarind loves full sun and heat. Soil Tamarind prefers deep loamy soil. It thrives in neutral, gritty, clay, even saline soil type. Soil should be well drained. For growing tamarind you don’t need to care about soil pH level. It grows in pH level around 4.5 – 9. Watering Water saplings deeply when the first inch of soil is dry to the touch. Once established, tamarind trees don’t need watering and can withstand periods of extreme drought conditions without experiencing adverse effects. Fertilizer Feed the tamarind plant with organic fertilizer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Fertilize young trees with 6 – 6 – 3 (N – P – K) fertilizer every 2-3 month during season. Mature trees don’t need fertilizer but can be fertilized occasionally with 8 – 3 – 9 fertilizer to give a boost. Application of compost and manure should be done too, to reduce the need of fertilizer. Tamarind Tree CareMulching[图片][图片]Spread 4 or 5 inches thick layer of mulch around tamarind tree at the beginning of each spring. This helps to protect the roots of the tree, prevents weed and keeps the soil moist, mimicking the effects of a natural forest floor. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Pruning Prune your tamarind tree regularly to control its growth and maintain its shape. Remove dead and damaged wood from the plant. Pests and Diseases Tamarind tree is susceptible to pests like scales, mealy bugs, aphids and fruit borers. In diseases, it’s affected by root rot, sooty mold and leaf spot. Tamarind Uses (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Tamarind fruits are used for fresh consumption and for the preparation of juices, sauces, jams, beverages and syrups. Tamarind pulp is used in preparation of many South Asian cuisines and curry recipes. Facebook Pinterest Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpondiv.OUTBRAIN{padding:30px}
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Facebook Pinterest Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUponLearn how to grow cloves in this clove cultivation guide. Growing cloves is similar to other tropical spices and requires hot and humid climate. USDA Zones— 9b – 12 Difficulty— Moderate to Hard (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Family— Myrtaceae Other Names— Syzygium aromaticum (Scientific name), Bourgeon Floral de Clou de Girofle, Bouton Floral de Clou de Girofle, Caryophylli Flos, Caryophyllum, Caryophyllus aromaticus, Clavo de Olor, Clous de Girolfe, Clove Flower, Clove Flowerbud, Clove Leaf, Clove Oil, Clove Stem, Cloves, Cloves Bud, Ding Xiang, Eugenia aromatica, Eugenia caryophyllata, Eugenia caryophyllus, Feuille de Clou de Girofle, Fleur de Clou de Girofle, Flores Caryophylli, Flores Caryophyllum, Gewurznelken Nagelein, Girofle, Giroflier, Huile de Clou de Girofle, Kreteks, Laung, Lavang, Lavanga, Oil of Clove, Syzygium aromaticum, Tige de Clou de Girofle. [图片][图片]It is an evergreen tree, and in favorable climates, it grows up to more than 8 meters high, while the cultivated varieties are of a smaller height of around 5 meters. Clove tree trunk has smooth bark with grayish yellow aromatic foliage. It is a slow growing but a long-lived tree and can exceed 100 years of age easily. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How to Grow ClovesClove Cultivation Growing cloves require humid tropical or subtropical climate. Constant temperature above 50 F (10 C) is essential, the optimum temperature for growing clove tree is around 70 – 85 F (20 – 30 C). You can not grow it outdoors in temperate zones. However, growing clove tree in a pot is also possible with proper care in winters. Propagation Growing cloves from seeds and cuttings is possible. For seed propagation, buy seeds that are recently harvested and not dried out completely as wholly dried out seeds are not viable and do not germinate. Plant seeds as soon as you get them. The seeds don’t need to be covered with soil and should be placed on top of the soil. You can cover the pot or seed tray with the plastic sheet to increase the humidity. Requirements for Growing Cloves[图片][图片]Position For healthy and strong growth, it needs a tropical climate. The Clove prefers a semi-shaded exposure similar to black pepper. It can not withstand winter temperatures below 32 F (0 C). So do not plant it outside in an area with cold and harsh winters. However, it can tolerate occasional frosts. Soil Soil should be rich and loamy with good drainage and lot of organic matter. Water Clove tree grows in wet tropics. It requires regular watering especially when the plant is young (first 3-4 years). Overwatering must be avoided. Fertilizer Apply 50 kg aged manure or compost and bone meal or fish meal 2-4 kg per year. Usually, the organic fertilizer is applied at the beginning of rainy season in the regions where clove is cultivated. Once the plant starts to grow, apply 40-gram urea, 110-gram superphosphate, and 80-gram MOP, instead of MOP you can also use potassium sulfate. The dosage must be increased and for the tree that is mature and older than 15 years, apply 600 gm urea, 1560 gm superphosphate and 1250 gm MOP per year. The fertilizer must be applied in equal split doses in shallow trenches dug around the plant after the end of summer. Pests and Diseases In diseases, it suffers from seedling wilt, leaf rot, leaf spot and bud shedding. Stem borer, scales, and mealybugs are the pests that attack it. Harvesting The cloves you use as a spice is actually the result of the harvest of dried, unopened flower buds. A Clove tree starts to flower after 6 years of its planting if grown in favorable conditions. However, it takes at least 15 – 20 years reach the full bearing stage. Because opened flowers are not valued as a spice, the unopened buds are picked before they turn pink and when they are rounded and plump. At that time, they are less than 2 cm long. Harvesting must be done carefully without damaging the branches. The buds once picked are dried in the sun or the hot air chambers until they have lost two-thirds of their original weight and the color of the bud stem has darkened to dark brown and rest of the bud in slight brown color. Properties and Benefits of ClovesClove is used in the ancient Chinese medicines and traditional Ayurvedic medicines for its antiseptic and anti-fermentation properties.Clove is used as a disinfectant in the oral cavity and teeth. The action of clove covers micro-organisms, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi. It also has analgesic or anesthetic properties.Additionally, it treats digestive disorders such as diarrhea, abdominal pain of spastic origin, bloating and dyspepsia. Since it is an antiseptic, it can also be used in a sore throat.Other Clove Uses (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The essential oil is widely used for its aroma and the preparation of toothpaste, soaps, detergents, creams, perfumes, and mouthwashes due to its antiseptic properties. Also, because of its aromatic and preservative properties, it is used in alcoholic beverages, soft drinks as well as a condiment for meat, delicious cuisines and various sauces. In Indonesia, it is used in the preparation of Indonesian cigarettes which is made from the mixture of tobacco, cloves, and mint. Facebook Pinterest Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpondiv.OUTBRAIN{padding:30px}
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Facebook Pinterest Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUponLearn how to grow pomegranate tree. Growing Pomegranates in Containers is not difficult, and it is more cold hardy and easy to grow than other tropical fruits. Pomegranate is one of the nicest fruit trees and perhaps the easiest to grow in pots because it has a shallow root system when compared to other fruit trees. [图片][图片]Pomegranate tree if grown under optimal conditions, live up to 200 years. It is native to the Middle East (Iran) and South Asia, Himalayan Northern India. It is a shrub or small tree that might grow up to 6 m (20 ft) but usually reduced to 2 m. USDA Hardiness Zones: 9b – 11, *can be grown below zone 9 in containers Difficulty: Easy Soil pH: Neutral (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Other Names: Punic apple, Granatapfel, Granada, Grenade, Melograno, Melagrana, Anardana, Anar, Dadima, Fruit du, Pomme Grenade, Punica granatum, Roma, Shi Liu Gen Pi, and Shi Liu Pi Appearance The exotic container plant is adorned with five to eight centimeters long lance-shaped leaves that are shiny and bronze in color from the bud, which later turn green. Pomegranate flowers are delicate, bell-shaped and show up in the wild bright red. Its flowers are up to 3 centimeters wide. Ornamental varieties can have flowers in pink, cream, and even white. In addition to the decorative foliage and flowers, it is mainly the fruits that make the pomegranate tree so desirable. They are of the size of apples with a yellow-brown to a reddish-brown or pink or rich red hard shell. Inside, the fruit consists of countless tiny sacs that are transparent in color. They are juicy and have beautiful pink or red pulp and one hard seed in each, which is completely edible. Overall, the taste of pomegranate fruit is a sweet and juicy, and crunchy and little tart. Without a doubt, this is the best tasting fruit full of nutrients. Also Read: How to Grow Indian Gooseberry ‘Amla Tree’ Dwarf Pomegranate VarietiesFruiting Varieties‘Nana’ – The most interesting variety among the pomegranates trees is the dwarf variety ‘Nana.’ It grows compact, floriferous and is considered robust and cold hardy. It grows in USDA Zones 7 to 11. As a container plant, it grows up to only about 1 m tall, forms orange to garnet red flowers that produce small fruits with viable seeds.‘Provence’ – When most of the pomegranate varieties are not much cold hardy, Provence is one you can look at. It can tolerate temperature down to 5 F (-15 C) and can be grown in cold climate.‘State fair’ – State fair is manageable variety for containers. It can get up to 1.5 m tall and grown in USDA Zones 7 to 11.Ornamental Varieties‘Flore Pleno’ – It’s a fruitless variety of pomegranate, the name translates as “double flower.” In summer, it produces countless beautiful orange-red flowers.Punica granatum ‘Madame Legrelle’ – A well-known ornamental variety. The special thing about this variety of pomegranate is its extraordinary, dense double flowers that come in shiny orange to salmon colors with a white border. Note: Pomegranate is a manageable plant. You can also try large varieties. Propagation and Growing Pomegranates in Containers Pomegranate plants can be propagated by cuttings or by seeds in spring to summer when the temperature remains in the range of 68 F (20 C), but it is better to buy a 2-3 years old plant from nursery or online. This way you don’t have to wait long for fruits. Propagation by Seeds Buy as ripe pomegranate as possible. Separate and clean seeds from the pulp by rubbing them from paper towel, let them dry up for a few days before sowing. Plant the seeds no more than ¼ inches deep in light seed-starting mix. Place the pots in a bright location, optionally inside a plastic bag or greenhouse that maintains a temperature around 68 F (20 C). Always keep the soil moist. Seeds will germinate within 1 – 6 weeks depending more on the variety and climate. Propagation by Cuttings Take several 8 to 10 inch-long cuttings. Plant the cutting in a well-drained potting mix. It roots easily and quickly at the ambient temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and high humidity. *If you’re living in tropics, growing pomegranates is extremely easy for you. You can grow pomegranate in any season except peak summer. All other growing requirements given below are similar. Choosing a pot Pot should be appropriate to the size of the plant, increase the pot size by repotting as your plant grow. Also, care about to have sufficient holes in the base of pot you’re using for proper drainage. Requirements for Growing Pomegranates in Pots[图片][图片]If you’ve grown citrus in a pot, growing pomegranates in a pot cannot be difficult for you. Moreover, pomegranate is more cold hardy and easy to grow. It requires a lot of water and fertilizer. It is also frost sensitive, but after all of this care, it rewards you with iron-rich, fresh juicy fruits. Location Choose the sunniest location to keep your pomegranate plant happy and healthy. The more sun it will receive, the more it will fruit. However, it also thrives in partial shade, but it makes the plant to bloom and fruit lesser. It is also possible to cultivate pomegranate tree near a windowsill if it receives full sun. Soil Soil should be loamy, rich in organic content, loose and permeable. Watering In the growing period, its water requirement is medium to high. Therefore, it should be watered regularly and deeply. Soil must be kept moist but not wet or waterlogged. In the winter watering should be reduced.Pomegranate Tree CareFertilizer During the growing season, the pomegranate tree is fertilized regularly. Fertilize after every two-three weeks using liquid 8-8-8 fertilizer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Pomegranate tree in pot often becomes zinc deficient, which is indicated by yellowing leaves. To overcome this, you can spray diluted zinc solution on foliage. Application of compost or manure is also beneficial. Take care not to overfertilize it with nitrogen-rich fertilizer as it can cause the tree to produce lots of foliage and comparatively fewer flowers. Overwintering Pomegranate Overwintering pomegranate is similar to citrus. It is a deciduous tree that worships the sun. Most of its species are sensitive to frost. But for too low temperatures, the plant has developed a protective mechanism. It sheds its leaves and become dormant below freezing temperature. There are only a few pomegranate tree varieties that survive really freezing temperatures with more than -10 C without damage. If the pomegranate is cultivated in a pot in a cold climate below USDA Zone 9, it is important to prune it in the fall. The best place to keep pomegranate plant in winter is the garage or basement that remains warm. Temperature while keeping it indoors should not fall below 37 F (3 C). However, the optimum low temperature for most of the pomegranate varieties is 7 C (45 F). If you’re able to keep your pomegranate tree in temperature around 55 F  (15 C) indoors and allow it to take at least 4 hours of sunlight, it will not shed its leaves and go dormant. During the period of dormancy, the pomegranate hardly needs fertilizer or water. However, the plant in winter should not dry out completely. In spring, bring back the plant to a warm and bright place so that it’ll gradually acclimate the climate. A window that is oriented to South is good. Just when the plant shows the first sign of growth and forms a few fully developed leaves, you can again start to fertilize it and give more water. Once the temperature comes in a range of 7 C (45 F) place it outside. Pruning Pruning is necessary to give and maintain the desired shape of your pomegranate tree and encourage flowering and fruiting. It is best done after all danger of frost has passed when the tree is about to start growing. Between early to mid spring. Prune off weak, dead and undesirable branches to direct shrub’s energy to right parts and shorten long branches to encourage flowering. Caveat: Some of the varieties have thorns, wear gloves before pruning for your safety. Repotting Repot your pomegranate tree when it becomes slightly root bound. The right time to repot is when there are no flowers or fruits on the plant, especially when it starts its growth at the beginning of growing season. Diseases, Pests, and other Problems[图片][图片]The pomegranate tree is not very vulnerable when it comes to pests and diseases. It is mostly attacked by fruit flies, whiteflies and pomegranate butterflies. Fruit crack is one problem that is common in all pomegranate varieties. It occurs due to fluctuation or lack of moisture in a substrate at the time of fruiting. Harvesting If pomegranate is grown from seeds fruits will begin to form in the third year. Generally, the fruit will ripen in three to six months after the appearance of flowers. Harvest pomegranate when the crust of the fruit is intense red. Simply cut the fruit’s stem using sharp pruning shear or knife.
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Facebook Pinterest Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUponCreate an Indoor Garden Under Stairs. This can be a unique place to introduce some greenery to your home. The empty space under the stairs can be useful. You can store things there, this is the most common use. However, there are many other under stair ideas you can opt for, depending upon the type of space you’ve there. A mini library with bookshelves or a reading nook or a home office, if it’s big enough. A dog house or playhouse for your kids can be an interesting idea too. And, if your kitchen doesn’t offer a lot of cabinet space and it’s near to that under the stair place, make a kitchen pantry. The Kitchn.com has a remarkable post on it, check it out here. You can make a wine cellar as well by taking inspiration from this post. If the idea of making a wet bar to entertain your guest interest you–must try that. Besides all these under stair ideas, you can make a closet to store your clothes. A small bathroom, a mudroom can also fit well there. There are plenty of projects with tutorials available on the web to teach you how to do this. The unique and nowadays popular use is indoor garden under stairs. If your space receives some bright indirect light there, or by using artificial lights you can do this. If both are not possible, you can create greenery by fake plants. Below are the 14 Garden Under the Stairs Ideas you can consider: 1. [图片][图片]2. [图片][图片]3. [图片][图片]4. [图片][图片]5.[图片][图片]6. [图片][图片]Also Read: Most Important Indoor Gardening Tips 7. [图片][图片]8. [图片][图片]9. [图片][图片]10. [图片][图片]11. [图片][图片]12. [图片][图片]13. [图片][图片]14. [图片][图片]15. [图片][图片] 
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