Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Asteraceae
Stems - Herbaceous, erect, to +60cm tall, from a thick caudex, simple below but branching in the apical 1/2 (inflorescence), terete, 2-4mm n diameter, typically multiple from the base, glabrescent at the base, scabrous and pubescent in the apical 1/2, with many small antrorse multicellular (use a lens to see) trichomes, light green and often with darker green vertical striations.
Leaves - Alternate, petiolate. Lowest leaves long petiolate. Petioles narrowly winged by decurrent leaf tissue, mostly glabrous. Blades linear-elliptic, with a few coarse but shallow teeth or entire, somewhat scabrous from the thickened bases of the hairs, antrorse strigillose on the margins. Leaf and petiole combined to +15cm long, 1cm broad. Cauline leaves reduced upward, becoming scale-like in the inflorescence. All leaves with a cartilaginous margin approximately .1mm broad. Light from underneath to see this.
Inflorescence - Corymbose arrangement of flower heads. Peduncles bracteate with reduced leaves, often with some arachnoid pubescence.
Involucre -To +/-6mm long and broad, cupulate to cylindric. Phyllaries imbricate, appressed, oblong, acute at the apex, to 5mm long, 1.4mm broad, glabrous externally, with a few appressed hairs or glabrous internally. Margins entire or minutely ciliolate, mostly scarious in the middle portion, with darker green apices, pale at the base.
Ray flowers - +/-12 per flower head, pistillate, fertile. Ligules glabrous, white, 5-7mm long, 2-3mm broad. Corolla tube white, +/-2mm long, glabrous. Pistil glabrous, becoming purple towards the apex, to 2.7mm long, bifurcate at the apex for +/-.4mm. Achene to +1mm long in flower, white, glabrous. Pappus of numerous capillary bristles. Bristles white, barbellate, -5mm long.
Disk flowers - Disk 6mm broad, with many flowers. Corolla 4mm long, pale yellow in the apical 1/2, greenish basally, glabrous externally and internally, 5-lobed. Lobes acute, .5mm long, erect to slightly spreading. Stamens 5, adnate at the base of the corolla tube. Filaments translucent, 2-2.2mm long, glabrous, compressed. Anthers connate around the style, 1.5-1.9mm long, yellow, drying to brown. Style to 4mm long, greenish-translucent, glabrous, bifurcate in the apical 1mm. The stigmas erect. Achenes glabrous, ribbed, 1-1.3mm long in flower, greenish-white. Pappus of capillary bristles. Bristles barbellate, to 4mm long, white. Receptacle flat, naked, -2mm broad.
Flowering - July - September.
Habitat - Rocky prairies, glades, bluffs, rocky open woods.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This small species of Solidago can be found in the Ozark region of Missouri. The plant is unusual for a Goldenrod as the flowers are white instead of the typical yellow, and the flower heads are quite large for a Solidago. Because of these characteristics, the plant used to belong to the genus Aster. The old name was Aster ptarmicoides (Nees) T. & G.
Stems - Herbaceous, erect, to +60cm tall, from a thick caudex, simple below but branching in the apical 1/2 (inflorescence), terete, 2-4mm n diameter, typically multiple from the base, glabrescent at the base, scabrous and pubescent in the apical 1/2, with many small antrorse multicellular (use a lens to see) trichomes, light green and often with darker green vertical striations.
Leaves - Alternate, petiolate. Lowest leaves long petiolate. Petioles narrowly winged by decurrent leaf tissue, mostly glabrous. Blades linear-elliptic, with a few coarse but shallow teeth or entire, somewhat scabrous from the thickened bases of the hairs, antrorse strigillose on the margins. Leaf and petiole combined to +15cm long, 1cm broad. Cauline leaves reduced upward, becoming scale-like in the inflorescence. All leaves with a cartilaginous margin approximately .1mm broad. Light from underneath to see this.
Inflorescence - Corymbose arrangement of flower heads. Peduncles bracteate with reduced leaves, often with some arachnoid pubescence.
Involucre -To +/-6mm long and broad, cupulate to cylindric. Phyllaries imbricate, appressed, oblong, acute at the apex, to 5mm long, 1.4mm broad, glabrous externally, with a few appressed hairs or glabrous internally. Margins entire or minutely ciliolate, mostly scarious in the middle portion, with darker green apices, pale at the base.
Ray flowers - +/-12 per flower head, pistillate, fertile. Ligules glabrous, white, 5-7mm long, 2-3mm broad. Corolla tube white, +/-2mm long, glabrous. Pistil glabrous, becoming purple towards the apex, to 2.7mm long, bifurcate at the apex for +/-.4mm. Achene to +1mm long in flower, white, glabrous. Pappus of numerous capillary bristles. Bristles white, barbellate, -5mm long.
Disk flowers - Disk 6mm broad, with many flowers. Corolla 4mm long, pale yellow in the apical 1/2, greenish basally, glabrous externally and internally, 5-lobed. Lobes acute, .5mm long, erect to slightly spreading. Stamens 5, adnate at the base of the corolla tube. Filaments translucent, 2-2.2mm long, glabrous, compressed. Anthers connate around the style, 1.5-1.9mm long, yellow, drying to brown. Style to 4mm long, greenish-translucent, glabrous, bifurcate in the apical 1mm. The stigmas erect. Achenes glabrous, ribbed, 1-1.3mm long in flower, greenish-white. Pappus of capillary bristles. Bristles barbellate, to 4mm long, white. Receptacle flat, naked, -2mm broad.
Flowering - July - September.
Habitat - Rocky prairies, glades, bluffs, rocky open woods.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This small species of Solidago can be found in the Ozark region of Missouri. The plant is unusual for a Goldenrod as the flowers are white instead of the typical yellow, and the flower heads are quite large for a Solidago. Because of these characteristics, the plant used to belong to the genus Aster. The old name was Aster ptarmicoides (Nees) T. & G.
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Saxifragaceae
Stems - From a bulbous fleshy whitish cormlike base with fibrous roots, clumping. Scape to +/-7cm tall, sparse to densely pilose,(some of the hairs with reddish glandular apices), herbaceous, erect.
Leaves - Basal, petiolate, +/-2cm long, +/-1.2cm broad, firm and crisp, often with reddish margins, glabrous and entire but with strigillose margins, ovate, rounded at apex, with slightly undulate margins. Petiole short, flattened, +/-5mm long.
Inflorescence - Terminal compact capitate cluster of cymules.(Say that five times fast). Each cymule subtended by a thin linear bract. Bracts often reddish near apex. Branches of inflorescence pilose.
Flowers - Petals 5, white, distinct, glabrous, subrotund, to 3mm in diameter. Stamens 10, arising from base of petals and sepals. Filaments to 1.5mm long, glabrous, greenish-white. Anthers orange, 1mm long. Ovary inferior. 3-carpellate. Placentation axile. Ovules many. Styles 3, green, 1.3mm long. Calyx tube turbinate, 2mm long, 5-lobed, glabrous. Lobes +/-3mm long, 2mm broad, glabrous, rounded to subacute at apex, often with a minute reddish tip.
Flowering - April - May.
Habitat - Sandstone glades and rocky prairies.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - Although the woodland plants are typically the harbingers of spring, this little glade plant blooms with or before all of them. The small clusters of white flowers stand out on their rocky substrata and typically the plant occurs in large colonies. This plant can be distinguished from the related S. virginiesis Michx. in that it stays small and compact even after flowering. The latter plant gets quite a bit taller and also occurs in more western counties of the state. S. texana occurs in the southeastern corner of Missouri.
Stems - From a bulbous fleshy whitish cormlike base with fibrous roots, clumping. Scape to +/-7cm tall, sparse to densely pilose,(some of the hairs with reddish glandular apices), herbaceous, erect.
Leaves - Basal, petiolate, +/-2cm long, +/-1.2cm broad, firm and crisp, often with reddish margins, glabrous and entire but with strigillose margins, ovate, rounded at apex, with slightly undulate margins. Petiole short, flattened, +/-5mm long.
Inflorescence - Terminal compact capitate cluster of cymules.(Say that five times fast). Each cymule subtended by a thin linear bract. Bracts often reddish near apex. Branches of inflorescence pilose.
Flowers - Petals 5, white, distinct, glabrous, subrotund, to 3mm in diameter. Stamens 10, arising from base of petals and sepals. Filaments to 1.5mm long, glabrous, greenish-white. Anthers orange, 1mm long. Ovary inferior. 3-carpellate. Placentation axile. Ovules many. Styles 3, green, 1.3mm long. Calyx tube turbinate, 2mm long, 5-lobed, glabrous. Lobes +/-3mm long, 2mm broad, glabrous, rounded to subacute at apex, often with a minute reddish tip.
Flowering - April - May.
Habitat - Sandstone glades and rocky prairies.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - Although the woodland plants are typically the harbingers of spring, this little glade plant blooms with or before all of them. The small clusters of white flowers stand out on their rocky substrata and typically the plant occurs in large colonies. This plant can be distinguished from the related S. virginiesis Michx. in that it stays small and compact even after flowering. The latter plant gets quite a bit taller and also occurs in more western counties of the state. S. texana occurs in the southeastern corner of Missouri.
Miss Chen
Nombre científico o latino: Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea'
Nombre común o vulgar: Agracejo rojo, Agracejo púrpura, Berberis.
Familia: Berberidaceae.
Origen: nativo de Japón.
Arbusto de hoja caduca.
Crece hasta 2 metros, siendo habitual de 0,5 a 1 m.
Forma redondeada. Muy espinoso.
Tiene una vegetación muy densa con hojas pequeñas color rojo púrpura.
Hojas: pequeñas, ovaladas de color púrpura, lo que le da un gran valor ornamental.
Las flores amarillas del berberis, pálidas y teñidas de rojo, aparecen en primavera y dan lugar a frutos rojos en otoño.
Floración: primavera.
Se utiliza para grupos, borduras, setos bajos con formas especificas o libres.
Su cultivo es muy sencillo por ser un arbusto de gran resistencia a cualquier tipo de suelo y situación climatológica.
Exposición a pleno sol o semisombra.
Admite todo tipo de suelos preferentemente los calizos, y ambientes frescos y poco calurosos en verano.
Necesidades de agua moderadas.
Este arbusto necesita una buena poda de formación, que dará una planta maravillosa la primavera próxima.
La poda se realiza en otoño.
Multiplicación del Agracejo (Berberis)
Siembras en otoño o en primavera de semillas que se hayan estratificado durante 2 a 6 semanas a unos 4ºC.
Es importante remover de las semillas toda la pulpa.
Las estacas con hojas tomadas de la primavera al otoño se pueden hacer que enraicen bajo niebla (nebulización).
La aplicación en la base del esqueje de ácido indolbutírico a razón de 500 ppm ayuda al enraice.
También se practica en invernadero el injerto de algunos tipos selectos y algunas veces se recurre al acodado.
Plagas y enfermedades del Agracejo (Berberis)
En las hojas se aprecian numerosos bultitos (pústulas) de color naranja. En casos de gran invasión pueden producir caída de hojas. En general, la enfermedad no es grave.
Manchas pardas o negruzcas en hojas. Es una enfermedad poco importante, que en caso necesario puede combatirse con caldos cúpricos o Zineb, Maneb, Mancozeb, Tiran, etc.
Hojas con manchas acuosas de color verde oscuro al principio y luego rojo purpúreo. La causa es la bacteria Psedomonas berberidis. Podar y quemar las partes afectadas.
Marchitez parasítica.
El síntomas son hojas marrones o rojizas que luego se marchitan y se secan. La causa de la enfermedad es el hongo Verticillium alboatrum, que se desarrolla en los conductos de la savia. Arrancar y quemar las plantas afectadas. No replantar la misma especie.
Virus de mosaico. Se debe a un Virus. No hay tratamiento, sólo destruir la planta enferma.
Falsas orugas. Hojas comidas por larvas del Himenóptero Ardis berberidis.
Miss Chen
Nombre científico o latino: Bauhinia galpinii
Sinónimo: Bauhinia punctata
Nombre común o vulgar: Bauhinia roja.
Familia: Caesalpiniaceae (Leguminosae).
Origen: Sudáfrica.
Arbusto grande de 2 a 4 m de altura.
Porte: abierto, arbustivo o semitrepadora.
Crecimiento: rápido.
Hoja perenne.
Flores color rojo-naranja en verano.
Luz: sol o semisombra.
Es planta bastante resistente, soportando suelos pobres y secos.
Sustrato: cualquiera bien drenado, más bien fresco (aunque soporta cortos periodos de sequía), contenido en nutrientes medio-alto; ácido, neutro o alcalino.
Poda muy ligera de limpieza a final de invierno.
Puede sufrir clorosis por carencia de hierro en suelos calizos.
Multiplicación: por semillas en primavera (fácil, germinan bien) y por esqueje en verano (difícil).
Miss Chen
Nombre científico o latino: Atriplex halimus
Nombre común o vulgar: Orgaza, Osagra, Salado blanco, Marismo.
Familia: Chenopodiaceae.
Origen: Sudáfrica y Mediterráneo.
Arbusto de 0,5 a 2 m.
Forma redondeada.
Hojas perennes con un característico color gris-plateado.
Aunque se han empleado las sumidades florales para combatir la acidez gástrica, es planta tóxica por el contenido en sales alcalinas.
Se emplea en jardinería para setos y borduras principalmente y también grupos.
Aguanta heladas de hasta -10ºC.
Se desarrolla en lugares secos rápidamente.
Muy resistente a la sal. Ideal para jardines costeros.
Hay que podarlo en primavera o verano.
Germina fácilmente.
Miss Chen
Nombre científico o latino: Amelanchier canadensis
Nombre común o vulgar: Guillomo del Canadá, Cornillo, Carrasquilla
Familia: Rosaceae.
Origen: Norteamérica (región Este).
Altura: 2-5 m.
Hoja caduca. Ornamental por el color rojo otoñal fuego.
Florece al principio de primavera.
Interesante por su abundante floración primaveral.
Las bayas son comestibles.
Se utiliza generalmente formando grupos o aislado. Bueno para setos libres.
Sol o semisombra.
Suelo rico y bien drenajo, aunque no demasiado secos. Contenido en nutrientes medio.
Resistente a plagas, algún pulgón.
Multiplicación: semilla, esquejes y acodos.
Miss Chen
Nombre científico o latino: Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium'
Nombre común o vulgar: Arce japonés.
Familia: Aceraceae.
Altura: 2-6 m. Crecimiento lento.
Arbol de hojas caducas, profundamente lobuladas y de u n verde intermedio que, en otoño, se convierte en un rojo brillante.
Florece libremente y, a mediados de primavera, salen unos racimos de llamativas flores púrpura rojizo que, más tarde, se convierten en unos frutos alados de color marrón.
Situación: en semisombra, sobre todo si el clima es caluroso. No le va el pleno sol en la mayoría de climas.
Al abrigo del viento.
Si se quieren conseguir unos hermosos arbolitos, es imprescindible proporcionarles la sombra de otros grandes árboles que proteja su follaje.
En las zonas de invierno severo, acólchelo alrededor de la base a la llegada del otoño.
Suelo bien drenado.
Crece en suelos húmedos pero bien drenados y fértiles.
Suelo con pH ácido o neutro. No admite la cal, amarillean las hojas.
Elimine los brotes mal situados sólo en invierno.
Multiplicación: injerto.