
Welcome leaf No 15!!! 可惜一条气根黑腐了,另一条粗壮的气根断了(整盆倒了,碰断了,水苔住太高了头重脚轻),正在补救中……不知道新叶会不会因此缩叶,目前目测已经有点了😭


How could we not love Squash? It grows in many different flavors and textures, and just keeps producing and producing.
Winter squash need tons of room to stretch because their vines sprawl 10 to 15 feet in every direction; train the plants up a trellis or fence to conserve space. Harvest winter squash when the rind can’t be pierced with your thumbnail, around the time when the vines wither or even right after the first light frost.

1.Acorn Squash
Shaped like its namesake, these popular winter squash are reliable performers. They’re best baked or stuffed.
Types of Acorn Squash: Honey Bear, Jester

2.Buttercup Squash
These easy-to-grow, turban-shaped squash store well into late winter and are buttery-sweet and satiny when baked and mashed. Bake, puree, and add olive oil and romano cheese for an out-of-this-world sauce to toss with pasta.
Types of Buttercup Squash: Burgess, Bonbon

3.Butternut Squash
Butternuts are typically cylindrical with a bulb-shaped end and a classic, tan rind. You’ll need a few weeks of storage for the flavor to develop, but they last for months and months. They are prolific producers! Bake, sauté, or add to stews.
Types of Butternut Squash: Honeybaby, Waltham

4.Delicata Squash
This heirloom variety has cream and green-striped oblong fruits about three inches wide and six inches long. They’re extremely tender, with a flavor reminiscent of sweet potatoes. And unlike many winter squash, the rind is edible. Heads up: They don't store quite as long as some of the other winter squashes.
Types of Delicata Squash: Bush Delicata

5.Dumpling Squash
These multi-colored squashes with a squat little shape are both pretty and edible. They’re prolific producers, and they can be baked, grilled, steamed, or stuffed.
Types of Dumpling Squash: Sweet Dumpling, Carnival

6.Hubbard Squash
These squash, popular in New England, have a tough, bumpy rind and range in color from bright orange to a gorgeous aqua-blue color. Some varieties weigh in at 12 to 15 pounds each! Roast the medium-sweet flesh, or chunk it for stews.
Types of Hubbard Squash: Red Kuri, Blue Ballet

7.Kabocha Squash
These Japanese squash are similar in appearance to a buttercup, with a flavor that’s reminiscent of sweet potatoes. Bake, steam, or purée in soups.
Types of Kabocha Squash: Sunshine, Hokkori

8.Pumpkin Squash
Pumpkins actually are a type of winter squash. While some varieties are not particularly tasty, and are grown for carving, others are quite sweet! Bake, steam, put in stews, and roast the seeds, or of course make a pumpkin pie. They're easy to grow!
Types of Pumpkin Squash: Pepitas, Super Moon, Hijinks

9.Spaghetti Squash
These oblong-shaped squash have stringy flesh you can scrape out after cooking to create spaghetti-like strands. Use as a pasta substitute or in soups.
Types of Spaghetti Squash: Sugaretti, Tivoli

Winter squash need tons of room to stretch because their vines sprawl 10 to 15 feet in every direction; train the plants up a trellis or fence to conserve space. Harvest winter squash when the rind can’t be pierced with your thumbnail, around the time when the vines wither or even right after the first light frost.

1.Acorn Squash
Shaped like its namesake, these popular winter squash are reliable performers. They’re best baked or stuffed.
Types of Acorn Squash: Honey Bear, Jester

2.Buttercup Squash
These easy-to-grow, turban-shaped squash store well into late winter and are buttery-sweet and satiny when baked and mashed. Bake, puree, and add olive oil and romano cheese for an out-of-this-world sauce to toss with pasta.
Types of Buttercup Squash: Burgess, Bonbon

3.Butternut Squash
Butternuts are typically cylindrical with a bulb-shaped end and a classic, tan rind. You’ll need a few weeks of storage for the flavor to develop, but they last for months and months. They are prolific producers! Bake, sauté, or add to stews.
Types of Butternut Squash: Honeybaby, Waltham

4.Delicata Squash
This heirloom variety has cream and green-striped oblong fruits about three inches wide and six inches long. They’re extremely tender, with a flavor reminiscent of sweet potatoes. And unlike many winter squash, the rind is edible. Heads up: They don't store quite as long as some of the other winter squashes.
Types of Delicata Squash: Bush Delicata

5.Dumpling Squash
These multi-colored squashes with a squat little shape are both pretty and edible. They’re prolific producers, and they can be baked, grilled, steamed, or stuffed.
Types of Dumpling Squash: Sweet Dumpling, Carnival

6.Hubbard Squash
These squash, popular in New England, have a tough, bumpy rind and range in color from bright orange to a gorgeous aqua-blue color. Some varieties weigh in at 12 to 15 pounds each! Roast the medium-sweet flesh, or chunk it for stews.
Types of Hubbard Squash: Red Kuri, Blue Ballet

7.Kabocha Squash
These Japanese squash are similar in appearance to a buttercup, with a flavor that’s reminiscent of sweet potatoes. Bake, steam, or purée in soups.
Types of Kabocha Squash: Sunshine, Hokkori

8.Pumpkin Squash
Pumpkins actually are a type of winter squash. While some varieties are not particularly tasty, and are grown for carving, others are quite sweet! Bake, steam, put in stews, and roast the seeds, or of course make a pumpkin pie. They're easy to grow!
Types of Pumpkin Squash: Pepitas, Super Moon, Hijinks

9.Spaghetti Squash
These oblong-shaped squash have stringy flesh you can scrape out after cooking to create spaghetti-like strands. Use as a pasta substitute or in soups.
Types of Spaghetti Squash: Sugaretti, Tivoli