
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Asteraceae
Stems - To 2m tall, erect, from fibrous roots and rhizomes, purplish, carinate, simple or branching near apex, herbaceous, fragrant, glabrous.
Leaves - Alternate, petiolate below to sessile above, to -30cm long, 15-16cm broad, deeply pinnatifid to pinnately divided. Lobes serrate, punctate, glabrous. Leaf tissue on rachis also lobed (toothed) and punctate. Leaves fragrant.
Inflorescence - Dense terminal corymbiform arrangement of flower heads. Peduncles glabrous.
Involucre - 1cm in diameter, 5-6mm tall, cupulate. Phyllaries imbricate, 4mm long, -2mm broad, glabrous, with scarious margins, blunt to obtuse at apex and often erose.
Ray flowers - Absent.
Disk flowers - Disk to +/-1cm broad. Corolla tube whitish-yellow, glabrous, +?-2.3mm long, 5-lobed. Lobes acute, .2mm long, yellow. Stamens 5, adnate at base of corolla tube. Anthers yellow, .8mm long, connate around style near apex of corolla tube, included. Style bifurcate, slightly exserted. Achene white in flower, 1mm long, glabrous, 5-angled. Pappus absent or a minute crown. Receptacle conic.
Flowering - July - September.
Habitat - Meadows, fence rows, prairie margins, fields, roadsides, railroads, cultivated.
Origin - Native to Eurasia.
Other info. - Tansy has been used in the past as a remedy for many ailments. The plant is quite toxic and causes abortions and even death in most mammals.
Grown as an ornamental, the plant is quite striking but has a tendency to get "leggy" and fall over at maturity. Hybrids and cultivars exist which have better growing habits.
Stems - To 2m tall, erect, from fibrous roots and rhizomes, purplish, carinate, simple or branching near apex, herbaceous, fragrant, glabrous.
Leaves - Alternate, petiolate below to sessile above, to -30cm long, 15-16cm broad, deeply pinnatifid to pinnately divided. Lobes serrate, punctate, glabrous. Leaf tissue on rachis also lobed (toothed) and punctate. Leaves fragrant.

Inflorescence - Dense terminal corymbiform arrangement of flower heads. Peduncles glabrous.
Involucre - 1cm in diameter, 5-6mm tall, cupulate. Phyllaries imbricate, 4mm long, -2mm broad, glabrous, with scarious margins, blunt to obtuse at apex and often erose.

Ray flowers - Absent.
Disk flowers - Disk to +/-1cm broad. Corolla tube whitish-yellow, glabrous, +?-2.3mm long, 5-lobed. Lobes acute, .2mm long, yellow. Stamens 5, adnate at base of corolla tube. Anthers yellow, .8mm long, connate around style near apex of corolla tube, included. Style bifurcate, slightly exserted. Achene white in flower, 1mm long, glabrous, 5-angled. Pappus absent or a minute crown. Receptacle conic.

Flowering - July - September.
Habitat - Meadows, fence rows, prairie margins, fields, roadsides, railroads, cultivated.
Origin - Native to Eurasia.
Other info. - Tansy has been used in the past as a remedy for many ailments. The plant is quite toxic and causes abortions and even death in most mammals.
Grown as an ornamental, the plant is quite striking but has a tendency to get "leggy" and fall over at maturity. Hybrids and cultivars exist which have better growing habits.

②#鹤望兰 喜光照。冬天需保暖,成苗在春、夏、秋三季中可放置在室外露天栽培。
Miss Chen

The blue agave (Agave tequilana) is a large plant, up to 6 feet high with broad and stiff leaves forming an erect rosette. The leaves have a bluish tinge, giving the plant its name. Blue agaves produce a flower spike up to 15 feet high after between five and eight years of growth. Its hearts are used to make tequila, and it makes an excellent landscape plant in USDA Zones 9b and above.

Potted Agaves

Blue agave flower spike
Step 1
Place a potted blue agave plant outdoors in the sunniest available spot. Blue agaves thrive in full sun and are vulnerable to rot in shady or cool conditions.

Blue agave
Step 2
Water your agave during the warmer months of the year only when its soil is almost completely dry. Reduce watering to a minimum during the winter. Do not keep potted agaves on a dish as any excess irrigation water must be allowed to drain away. Fertilize only infrequently using a slow release granular fertilizer.

Blue agave detail
Step 3
Replant your agave in a bigger pot when its roots completely fill its container or it becomes top-heavy. Use a potting compost formulated for succulents or a standard potting compost mixed in with 33 percent sharp sand. A heavy clay container will prevent agave plants from toppling over.
Garden Agaves

Blue agave growing wild
Step 4
Grow blue agaves in a sunny spot with well drained, preferably sandy soil. A minimum of six hours of sunshine a day is ideal, according to the University of Florida IFAS Extension. Plant on a raised mound in areas prone to flooding.

Agave in a garden setting
Step 5
Water garden agaves only during summer during periods of drought or just after planting. Garden-grown agaves rarely need fertilizing but do benefit from mulching with organic matter such as bark chips.

Agave flower spike
Step 6
Propagate agaves from offsets or pups which appear around the base of the parent plant. Separate the pups once they have developed their own root systems. You can also propagate blue agaves from seeds collected from the flower spikes.

Potted Agaves

Blue agave flower spike
Step 1
Place a potted blue agave plant outdoors in the sunniest available spot. Blue agaves thrive in full sun and are vulnerable to rot in shady or cool conditions.

Blue agave
Step 2
Water your agave during the warmer months of the year only when its soil is almost completely dry. Reduce watering to a minimum during the winter. Do not keep potted agaves on a dish as any excess irrigation water must be allowed to drain away. Fertilize only infrequently using a slow release granular fertilizer.

Blue agave detail
Step 3
Replant your agave in a bigger pot when its roots completely fill its container or it becomes top-heavy. Use a potting compost formulated for succulents or a standard potting compost mixed in with 33 percent sharp sand. A heavy clay container will prevent agave plants from toppling over.
Garden Agaves

Blue agave growing wild
Step 4
Grow blue agaves in a sunny spot with well drained, preferably sandy soil. A minimum of six hours of sunshine a day is ideal, according to the University of Florida IFAS Extension. Plant on a raised mound in areas prone to flooding.

Agave in a garden setting
Step 5
Water garden agaves only during summer during periods of drought or just after planting. Garden-grown agaves rarely need fertilizing but do benefit from mulching with organic matter such as bark chips.

Agave flower spike
Step 6
Propagate agaves from offsets or pups which appear around the base of the parent plant. Separate the pups once they have developed their own root systems. You can also propagate blue agaves from seeds collected from the flower spikes.

#报春花 为多年生宿根草本,常作一、二年生栽培,为我国原产名花。




#君子兰 在冬季生长速度最快,需要的营养物质最多,因此,施好冬肥很重要。花盆入室前用骨粉、炒芝麻、熟大豆等或复合肥。每隔15~20天浇施1次,也可用动、植物残体浸泡液浇根。做到肥料腐熟淡施,防止浓肥伤害。

#君子兰 在冬季生长速度最快,需要的营养物质最多,因此,施好冬肥很重要。花盆入室前用骨粉、炒芝麻、熟大豆等或复合肥。每隔15~20天浇施1次,也可用动、植物残体浸泡液浇根。做到肥料腐熟淡施,防止浓肥伤害。
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Brassicaceae
Stems - To +80cm tall, bluish-green, glabrous, glaucous, herbaceous, erect, branching above, typically single from base, from taproot.

Leaves - Alternate, sessile, glabrous, glaucous. Basal leaves lyrate-pinnatifid, dentate, to +15cm long. Auricles rounded. Cauline leaves sessile, clasping, auriculate, reduced above, to 9cm long, 3cm broad. Auricles rounded and broad.

Inflorescence - Terminal racemes, compact in flower and elongating in fruit to +30cm. Pedicels 6-10cm long in flower, elongating in fruit to +3cm and eventually at or near perpendicular to the axis of the inflorescence, glabrous, glaucous.
Flowers - Petals 4, yellow, clawed, glabrous. Claw to 5mm long, pale yellow to whitish. Limb to 5mm long, 4mm broad, rounded to blunt at apex. Stamens 6, 4 larger and 2 smaller (the two smaller stamens opposite and outside of the larger stamens). Filaments to 7mm long, glabrous, yellow-green. Anthers yellow, 2mm long. Ovary glabrous, green, terete, 4-5mm long. Style 1.7mm long, persistent in fruit. Stigma capitate. Sepals 4, 6-7mm long, to 2mm broad, linear, glabrous, yellow-green, erect to spreading, often with revolute margins. Siliques to +6cm long, terete, ascending and almost parallel with the axis of inflorescence, beaked, glabrous. Beak to 9mm long.

Flowering - April - September.
Habitat - Roadsides, railroads.
Origin - Native to Eurasia.
Other info. - This is the species plant which gives rise to the Rutabaga. Chromosome numbers show that, originally, the plant was a hybrid between B. campestris L. (Turnip) and B. oleracea L. (Cabbage, Broccoli, etc.).
B. napusis not commonly found wild in Missouri but is beginning to spread throughout the state.
Stems - To +80cm tall, bluish-green, glabrous, glaucous, herbaceous, erect, branching above, typically single from base, from taproot.

Leaves - Alternate, sessile, glabrous, glaucous. Basal leaves lyrate-pinnatifid, dentate, to +15cm long. Auricles rounded. Cauline leaves sessile, clasping, auriculate, reduced above, to 9cm long, 3cm broad. Auricles rounded and broad.

Inflorescence - Terminal racemes, compact in flower and elongating in fruit to +30cm. Pedicels 6-10cm long in flower, elongating in fruit to +3cm and eventually at or near perpendicular to the axis of the inflorescence, glabrous, glaucous.
Flowers - Petals 4, yellow, clawed, glabrous. Claw to 5mm long, pale yellow to whitish. Limb to 5mm long, 4mm broad, rounded to blunt at apex. Stamens 6, 4 larger and 2 smaller (the two smaller stamens opposite and outside of the larger stamens). Filaments to 7mm long, glabrous, yellow-green. Anthers yellow, 2mm long. Ovary glabrous, green, terete, 4-5mm long. Style 1.7mm long, persistent in fruit. Stigma capitate. Sepals 4, 6-7mm long, to 2mm broad, linear, glabrous, yellow-green, erect to spreading, often with revolute margins. Siliques to +6cm long, terete, ascending and almost parallel with the axis of inflorescence, beaked, glabrous. Beak to 9mm long.

Flowering - April - September.
Habitat - Roadsides, railroads.
Origin - Native to Eurasia.
Other info. - This is the species plant which gives rise to the Rutabaga. Chromosome numbers show that, originally, the plant was a hybrid between B. campestris L. (Turnip) and B. oleracea L. (Cabbage, Broccoli, etc.).
B. napusis not commonly found wild in Missouri but is beginning to spread throughout the state.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Polemoniaceae
Stems - To -1m tall, erect, herbaceous, perennial, from a small woody caudex and slightly thickened roots, terete, glabrescent basally, densely glandular pubescent apically, simple, one or two from base, with 6-15 nodes per stem. Some of the hairs along the length of the stem stellate also.
Leaves - Opposite, decussate, sessile or short petiolate (the petioles obscured by decurrent leaf tissue), to +/-10cm long, +/-5cm broad, ovate to lanceolate, entire, acute to acuminate, pubescent and slightly scabrous adaxially, villosuous abaxially, dark green adaxially, light green abaxially. Veins of the leaf impressed adaxially, expressed abaxially, anastomosing.
Inflorescence - Terminal and lateral cymes from the upper leaf axils, to +/-10cm long (tall). Each division of cyme subtended by a pair of linear bracts. Bracts reduced upward. Branches of inflorescence and bracts densely glandular pubescent. Pedicels to 5mm long.
Flowers - Corolla lilac to pinkish, 5-lobed, glabrous. Tube to +3cm long. Lobes spreading, obovate, blunt at the apex, to 1cm long and broad. Stamens 5, included. Anthers yellow-orange, 3mm long, 1mm broad. Ovary superior, green, ovoid, 1.5-2mm long in flower, 1mm in diameter. Calyx densely glandular pubescent externally, glabrous internally. Calyx tube to 4-5mm long in flower, 5-lobed. Lobes attenuate, 3-4mm long, connected at the base by scarious tissue and helping to form the calyx tube.
Flowering - May - August.
Habitat - Rich, rocky, or alluvial woods, slopes along streams.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This striking species is fairly uncommon in Missouri. It is found in just a handful of counties in the Ozarks.
P. amplifolia can be identified by its long corolla tubes, its broad, pubescent leaves, and its pubescent stems. This species is a perennial and would make a good garden subject if the right conditions were provided.
Stems - To -1m tall, erect, herbaceous, perennial, from a small woody caudex and slightly thickened roots, terete, glabrescent basally, densely glandular pubescent apically, simple, one or two from base, with 6-15 nodes per stem. Some of the hairs along the length of the stem stellate also.

Leaves - Opposite, decussate, sessile or short petiolate (the petioles obscured by decurrent leaf tissue), to +/-10cm long, +/-5cm broad, ovate to lanceolate, entire, acute to acuminate, pubescent and slightly scabrous adaxially, villosuous abaxially, dark green adaxially, light green abaxially. Veins of the leaf impressed adaxially, expressed abaxially, anastomosing.

Inflorescence - Terminal and lateral cymes from the upper leaf axils, to +/-10cm long (tall). Each division of cyme subtended by a pair of linear bracts. Bracts reduced upward. Branches of inflorescence and bracts densely glandular pubescent. Pedicels to 5mm long.
Flowers - Corolla lilac to pinkish, 5-lobed, glabrous. Tube to +3cm long. Lobes spreading, obovate, blunt at the apex, to 1cm long and broad. Stamens 5, included. Anthers yellow-orange, 3mm long, 1mm broad. Ovary superior, green, ovoid, 1.5-2mm long in flower, 1mm in diameter. Calyx densely glandular pubescent externally, glabrous internally. Calyx tube to 4-5mm long in flower, 5-lobed. Lobes attenuate, 3-4mm long, connected at the base by scarious tissue and helping to form the calyx tube.

Flowering - May - August.
Habitat - Rich, rocky, or alluvial woods, slopes along streams.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This striking species is fairly uncommon in Missouri. It is found in just a handful of counties in the Ozarks.
P. amplifolia can be identified by its long corolla tubes, its broad, pubescent leaves, and its pubescent stems. This species is a perennial and would make a good garden subject if the right conditions were provided.




