Miss Chen

06Growing Jade Plants
There are several species that are sold under the generic name jade plant. They are all Crassula species. Also called money plants or dollar plants, these are thought to bring good luck.

07Growing Kalanchoe
Although there are many kinds of kalanchoe, the K. blossfeldiana is the most popular. Its sprays of bright flowers make it one of the most desired houseplants around the world.

08Growing Pencil Cactus (Euphorbia tirucalli)
The pencil cactus is actually another Euphorbia species. These plants are grown for their strange, even slightly bizarre foliage.

09Growing Sempervivum
Sometimes called hen and chick plants, Sempervivum succulents are some of the hardiest: hot or cold, light or shade, they can thrive. With good care, these are magnificent accent plants.

10Creating a Succulent Dish Garden
Follow these simple, step-by-step instructions to creating a beautiful dish garden using succulents.