动态 (18)
Love growing plants indoors? Some of the best indoor vines and climbers that are easy to grow are listed here. Must check out!A house with indoor plants looks more lavish and expensive. That’s a fact!1. Heartleaf Philodendron
Heartleaf Philodendron is extremely easy to grow and great for beginners. It needs a moderate amount of light and prefers the soil to dry out between watering spells. Also Read: Easiest Indoor Plants 2. Ivy
Ivy is one of the best indoor vines. It can easily adapt to many light conditions. This fast-growing vine has evergreen foliage that remains green even in winters. Plant it in a container that is wide and shallow rather than narrow and deep. Keep the pot in a spot that receives bright indirect sun. Also Read: Best Indoor Plants According to Different Light Conditions 3. Pothos
Plants of the pothos family are easiest to grow and most of them can even grow without direct sunlight. They become great houseplants for beginners. Attractive and hardy vine prefers bright indirect light and a draft free place. It can grow in low light and needs moist soil. Also Read: Plants You can Grow Without Sunlight 4. Betel Leaf Plant
Betel leaf plant is very popular in South and East Asia, especially in the Indian subcontinent, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand. This vine from pepper family has many culinary and medicinal uses. It can be tried indoors if space where you want to keep it receives part sun and remains slightly humid. All the other information is available here. 5. Jasmine
Many jasmine varieties can be grown indoors. If you keep this most fragrant vine in a bright spot where it receives some hours of direct sunlight daily, it’ll grow. The selection of jasmine varieties you want to plant indoors depends on the climate you live in. For colder regions, Jasminum polyanthum is the one you can try, whereas in tropics most of the plants from this species will grow. 6. Creeping Fig
It’s a slow growing creeper with small, leathery dark green foliage. Vigorous-growing, clinging, dense branches adhere to any surface and look enchanting. Be careful not to overwater creeping fig. Let the soil dry out before watering. 7. Arrowhead Plant
This elegant vine like houseplant prefers to be in a spot that is bright, needs moderate watering. Allow the soil to dry out between watering spells and make sure not to overwater it, as it may lead to root rot. Also Read: Houseplants that are Harmful to Dogs 8. Hoya (Hoya spp.)
Beautiful waxy foliage and fragrant flowers, hoya looks stunning when grown indoors. The plant has low watering needs and doesn’t mind if you forget to water it occasionally. The trailing stems of this plant is approximately a foot in length along with clusters of aromatic waxy flowers. Also Read: 99 Great Ideas to Display Houseplants 9. String Of Pearls
Growing string of pearls is easy, it is a low-maintenance creeper. This succulent tolerates prolonged drought and does well in a bright light position. You can also combine it with other houseplants to create a great appearance or it can be grown in a hanging basket. 10. Black Eyed Susan Vine
Black-eyed Susan vine can be grown indoors. Depending on your climate, this annual or perennial flowering plant can add a dramatic appeal to your rooms. Keep it near a window, where it receives a lot of sun. 11. Inch Plant
Also called “Wandering Jew” or “Purple heart”, this wonderful houseplant has beautiful trailing stems with attractive zebra patterned foliage that look stunning. Grow it in a pot or hanging basket, it’ll thrive. You can also keep this plant in dim light, but the markings on the foliage will fade.
Plants grown indoors bring nature into the home but do you know there are plants that can help you sleep better? 14 Best Houseplants for a Restful Sleep. Take a look! Plants are known to improve the overall appearance of your home, but do you know they also contributes to your overall health? There are plants that are actually known to have soothing properties and help if you have trouble sleeping from time to time, you can benefit from such plants– not only they detoxify your bedroom’s air, but help you get a warm good night sleep as well. To start, here are 14 of the best plants you can grow. They add warmth, relaxing fragrance and effectively increase oxygen levels in your room, thus giving you a restful sleep. Try adding one of them in your bedroom to get a little dose of zen.1. Jasmine
The jasmine plant features lovely little white flowers and a warm intense scent known to induce relaxing qualities ever since the ancient times. Studies have found that Jasmine has sedative properties and can significantly reduce anxiety levels, thus giving a positive impact on sleep quality. How to grow: Use soilless potting mix and plant your jasmine in a medium to large size pot. It’s best to place it in a warm spot with full sun exposure (at least 4-5 hours a day). 2. Gardenia
Like the jasmine, gardenia features big white flowers and an intoxicating fragrance that is incomparable– not to mention it also comes with a sedative effect. A study conducted in 2010 has shown that the sweet smell of gardenia flowers has the same effectiveness as that of valium in relaxing the body and brain. So instead of relying on sleeping pills, keeping a gardenia in your bedroom or outside your bedroom window could help you sleep more effectively. Also Read: Most Fragrant Flowers How to grow: Gardenia is a fussy plant and requires some care, you can read this growing guide in detail to learn how to grow gardenia in a container. 3. Bamboo Palm
The bamboo palm is great for removing trichloroethylene and benzene, two chemicals which are known to induce respiratory problems, thus a great AIR PURIFYING PLANT. With the plant’s excellent filtering property, you can expect a restful sleep when keeping it in your bedroom. It has been awarded a high purifying score of 8.4 in a study conducted by NASA. How to grow: Bamboo palm grows perfectly well in shade or in indirect sunlight. It needs a slightly moist soil to thrive but at any case overwatering must be avoided. Also Read: Best Tall Indoor Plants 4. Valerian
The valerian is a perennial flowering herb which features white, red or pink flowers during summer. It is popular among herbalists in treating anxiety, insomnia, and over-excitability, with its roots being commonly used as an ingredient in mild sedatives. When flowering, the valerian produces a calming vanilla fragrance which induces sleep. How to grow: The plant will need a minimum sunlight exposure of six hours a day. It’s a good choice if your bedroom has a bright window ledge. It will require rich soil and a lot of water. Also Read: How to Grow Valerian 5. Honeysuckle
The warm mild fragrance of honeysuckle flowers gets more intense in the dark of the dusk. No wonder, it has the most intoxicating aroma. Growing honeysuckle indoors isn’t practical you may think as it’s a big vine. It is! But you can grow dwarf bush honeysuckle, it’s unique and grow only 4 feet tall. Plant it near a window where it will receive partial sun, it can tolerate shade too. If you have space try growing a honeysuckle vine outside your bedroom window. Either in a large pot or on the ground. How to grow: You can grow dwarf honeysuckle indoors near a south or west facing window that receives at least 5-6 hours of sun. Also, the honeysuckle prefers slightly moist soil so keep care of it. Also Read: Best Vines for Containers 6. Rubber Tree Plant
Besides the ornamental aspect, rubber tree is considered as an air purifying plant. It’s proved that growing rubber tree indoors is beneficial as it cleanses the formaldehyde. How to Grow: Avoid direct sunlight, especially afternoon sun. Otherwise, the leaves will eventually fall off. Place the plant on a bright and well-lit spot that receives indirect or morning sunlight. To read more on how to grow a rubber tree plant, click here! 7. Peace Lily
The peace lily plant has an ability to filter harmful toxins from the air. Apart from it looking exceptional, it also helps in getting rid of any impurities and airborne microbes that could disturb your sleep. How to grow: Peace lilies are low maintenance plants, only requiring watering on a weekly basis, usually when top 2 inches soil seems dry. They often grow best in a shady spot. 8. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is widely known for its healing property, but it is also considered the most effective plant in terms of filtering out hazardous chemicals and toxins in the air. It lets out oxygen during nighttime, something which is not typical for plants, hence leaving you with a fresher and cleaner air for a more restful sleep. It also produces volatile which provides a positive effect on your immune system. By having an aloe vera inside your bedroom, you can expect a good night sleep. How to grow: Aloe vera is very easy to care for since it doesn’t require frequent watering. It grows best on spots that receive some sun. 9. Spider Plant
Spider plants are one of the most common house plants which made it to NASA’s list of the most excellent air filtering plants. Spider plants are capable of removing up to 90% of harmful formaldehyde in the air that surrounds them. Other than formaldehyde, they are also capable of filtering benzene, xylene, and carbon monoxide. How to grow: Spider plants are very easy to grow. As long as they’re provided with a well-drained soil, enough water, and a bright light, they will thrive well. Also Read: Easiest Houseplant 10. English Ivy plant
The English ivy plant is a leader when it comes to purifying air, it is also a very hardy plant and thrive in shade. All this makes it an excellent choice for bedrooms. Also, it is discovered to help those who suffer from allergy by purifying the air in its surroundings. With the air effectively purified, you are guaranteed to have a more restful sleep. How to grow: An English ivy plant is toxic if ingested, which is why you should choose another plant to place in your bedroom if there are small children or pets with you. They grow well in moderate temperatures with moderate sunlight. 11. Lavender
The scent of lavender induces calmness. A study conducted in 2008 has found that the plant’s scent help soothe fussy babies and help them fall into a deep sleep stage. Other than that, research has shown that the lavender is effective for lowering heart rate and blood pressure. As an alternative for the plant, you can use lavender essential oil to get a better sleep. How to grow: The plant grows best when placed in a bright window with full exposure to the sun. It only requires moderate watering. To learn more click here! 12. Snake plant
According to NASA, the snake plant is among the 10 best houseplants that help filter the air. It absorbs carbon dioxide while at the same time releases oxygen during nighttime, hence allowing you to achieve deep sleep. Through this process, you can expect a naturally clean and fresh air inside your bedroom. How to grow: A snake plant is a succulent and doesn’t need that much of water or light, hence you can simply place it even in the darkest of corners of your room. It’s actually a low maintenance plant that is ideal for beginners. Also Read: Plants that Grow without Sunlight 13. Pothos
All plants belong to the pothos family are very easy to grow and low maintenance. This beautiful can be grown in dim corners. How to Grow: This attractive and hardy vine prefers bright indirect light and a draft free place. It can even grow in really low light and needs slightly moist soil. 14. Hoya
Thick green leathery leaves and long slender stems– the hoya (wax plant) looks beautiful even without its cluster of uniform star-shaped flowers. Sweetly scented hoya flowers can be a wonderful addition to your bedroom and help in providing a RESTFUL SLEEP. How to grow: Keep the plant in a spot that receives bright indirect sun all day long, a couple of hours of morning sun would be better. Must remember hoya plant requires moderate watering and warm room temperature. Tips to consider when introducing plants in your room If you plan on putting houseplants inside your house, make sure you consider the following tips: Check if they are toxic to the kids and pets inside of your house.Wipe the leaves once a week to make sure the plants can perform their best.Mix your plants with the ones that purify air and the ones that induce deep sleep through their scents.NASA recommends keeping between 15 to 18 air purifying plants in an 1800 sq. ft house, with only a few of them in each bedroom.
Growing garlic indoors is not difficult and you’ll be able to get the supply of fresh green stalks, flowers, and even the garlic bulbs. Learn more! If you have ever wondered about how to grow garlic indoors then the good news is that it is going to be considerably easier than you were perhaps aware. This is something that you will be able to achieve even with next to no previous gardening experience. What You Need and Getting Started
When to Plant Garlic Indoors Usually, the fall is the right planting season, outdoors in our gardens it’s the time when we plant garlic. However, when growing indoors, you can try to plant garlic anytime in the year. Choosing a Container and Spacing Look for a pot around 8-10 inches deep, minimum and if you are planning on growing more than one bulb at a time then the pot has to be big enough to maintain a four-inch gap between each clove. Also, make sure that the pot has drainage holes in the bottom. If you’re growing garlic for its GREENS– you can grow them more closely. You can try growing garlic indoors from the grocery store garlic but they are treated with chemicals so for the best result buy from local farmers, order them online or check out your local gardening store for the organic garlic bulbs. Also, remember that you don’t need to remove the paper like husk from cloves.Planting and Getting them Growing
The next step is to fill the pot with the organic soil mixture. You then need to remove the individual cloves from the garlic bulbs and make sure that the flat end is going to be pointing down in the soil as that is where the roots come from. At the time of filling the soil, you can also mix time-based granular fertilizer such as 10-10-10. When planting them, you need to push the cloves down at least 2-3 inches deep into the soil. There should also be roughly 1 inch of soil between the top of the clove and the top layer of the soil. Placement and Caring for the Bulbs
Soil It is important that you use the right soil that is well-draining, and permeable. Soil-less potting medium is best, you can also make one for yourself instead of buying– Mix peat or cocopeat (coconut fiber), compost or manure, and either perlite or vermiculite (if you don’t have both, use sand) in equal parts. Location Once you have planted the bulbs decide where you should place the pot. If there is a room in your home with a South or West facing window where it can receive at least six hours of direct sunlight per day, consider that. You can also purchase indoor grow lights to make life easier and they can certainly be rather effective. Watering Outdoors, garlic prefers evenly moist soil, however, since you’re growing garlic indoors you may need to careful. Watering must be done according to the indoor growing conditions. Like, how much sunlight and warmth your potted garlic plants are receiving. Regular watering to keep the soil slightly moist is preferable. Fertilizer Garlic needs a good amount of fertilizer to grow well, indoors is no different. Fertilize the garlic plant twice a month with organic general purpose fertilizer during the warm growing season. You can also use kelp meal or fish fertilizer to ensure your garlic plant has enough nutrients for optimum growth. HarvestingPicking Garlic Greens With the right soil, sunlight and proper watering, in a week or so you’ll be able to see the fresh new garlic shoots coming out. You can start picking the greens once they are at least 4-6 inches tall, which will happen in a few more weeks (depending on the weather). Leave an inch of growth on each clove to let your garlic plants regrow again. Harvesting Bulbs If you’re growing garlic indoors for garlic bulbs, note that it’ll be ready in around eight to ten months and you will know this when you see the leaves starting to turn brown. At this point, you need to remove them from the soil and allow them to dry for a week. By this time, they will be ready to include in your cooking or, of course, you could use some of them to then grow your next batch of garlic.
#百合种植 土壤,一般是培养土(腐叶土,泥炭土,椰糠,草炭等)混合适当的园土(绿化带,公园,郊外,农田地土)1:1混合种植;适量的农家肥混合园土也可以,光用培养土或者园土种植都不是很好,最好是混合。肥沃一点好。 其次浇水一般3-4天浇水一次(主要是观察土壤湿度,不能干了才浇水),每次浇水透彻,花盆下边流出很多。不要过勤浇水,水多了容易烂根。同时水太少呢会落叶,根系干烧,浇水后也会烂根;空气湿度最好达到60-80%,湿度相对稳定一点好,花盆种植:一般是球球埋到土下离土表5-8厘米左右最好,球到花盆底部土有5-10厘米以上为佳,种植后浇透水,放阴凉处生根。一段时间后,适当有太阳的地方放置。 光照:阳光不能太少,太少花苞难生长。阳光太多呢植株会矮化,花苞少。一般春末,夏季,初秋要60%遮阴。别的时段可以全日照(海南广东,广西福建除外) 注意:水分湿度差别太大的话,容易得叶烧病,尤其在刚有花苞到开花期间。不要干了才浇水 施肥:一般种植后苗子20公分后适当的施肥,一般复合肥就是20粒左右,之后20天左右一次,量同样。 以上供参考。
 #百合种植   土壤,一般是培养土(腐叶土,泥炭土,椰糠,草炭等)混合适当的园土(绿化带,公园,郊外,农田地土)1:1混合种植;适量的农家肥混合园土也可以,光用培养土或者园土种植都不是很好,最好是混合。肥沃一点好。



 #百合种植   土壤,一般是培养土(腐叶土,泥炭土,椰糠,草炭等)混合适当的园土(绿化带,公园,郊外,农田地土)1:1混合种植;适量的农家肥混合园土也可以,光用培养土或者园土种植都不是很好,最好是混合。肥沃一点好。



 #百合种植   土壤,一般是培养土(腐叶土,泥炭土,椰糠,草炭等)混合适当的园土(绿化带,公园,郊外,农田地土)1:1混合种植;适量的农家肥混合园土也可以,光用培养土或者园土种植都不是很好,最好是混合。肥沃一点好。



 #百合种植   土壤,一般是培养土(腐叶土,泥炭土,椰糠,草炭等)混合适当的园土(绿化带,公园,郊外,农田地土)1:1混合种植;适量的农家肥混合园土也可以,光用培养土或者园土种植都不是很好,最好是混合。肥沃一点好。



 #百合种植   土壤,一般是培养土(腐叶土,泥炭土,椰糠,草炭等)混合适当的园土(绿化带,公园,郊外,农田地土)1:1混合种植;适量的农家肥混合园土也可以,光用培养土或者园土种植都不是很好,最好是混合。肥沃一点好。



 #百合种植   土壤,一般是培养土(腐叶土,泥炭土,椰糠,草炭等)混合适当的园土(绿化带,公园,郊外,农田地土)1:1混合种植;适量的农家肥混合园土也可以,光用培养土或者园土种植都不是很好,最好是混合。肥沃一点好。



 #百合种植   土壤,一般是培养土(腐叶土,泥炭土,椰糠,草炭等)混合适当的园土(绿化带,公园,郊外,农田地土)1:1混合种植;适量的农家肥混合园土也可以,光用培养土或者园土种植都不是很好,最好是混合。肥沃一点好。



 #百合种植   土壤,一般是培养土(腐叶土,泥炭土,椰糠,草炭等)混合适当的园土(绿化带,公园,郊外,农田地土)1:1混合种植;适量的农家肥混合园土也可以,光用培养土或者园土种植都不是很好,最好是混合。肥沃一点好。



 #百合种植   土壤,一般是培养土(腐叶土,泥炭土,椰糠,草炭等)混合适当的园土(绿化带,公园,郊外,农田地土)1:1混合种植;适量的农家肥混合园土也可以,光用培养土或者园土种植都不是很好,最好是混合。肥沃一点好。



#毛地黄 (Digitalis purpurea L)为二年生或多年生草本植物。除花冠外,全体被灰白色短柔毛和腺毛,有时茎上几无毛,高60-120厘米。茎单生或数条成丛。叶片卵圆形或卵状披针形,叶粗糙、皱缩、基生叶具长柄,卵形至卵状披针形,叶缘有圆锯齿,叶柄具狭翅,叶形由下至上渐小。顶生总状花序长50~80cm,花冠钟状长约7.5cm,花冠蜡紫红色,内面有浅白斑点。萌果卵形,花期5~6月,果熟期8~10月,种子极小。 生长习性 植株强健,较耐寒、较耐干旱、忌炎热、耐瘠薄土壤。喜阳且耐荫,适宜在湿润而排水良好的土壤。
 #毛地黄   (Digitalis purpurea L)为二年生或多年生草本植物。除花冠外,全体被灰白色短柔毛和腺毛,有时茎上几无毛,高60-120厘米。茎单生或数条成丛。叶片卵圆形或卵状披针形,叶粗糙、皱缩、基生叶具长柄,卵形至卵状披针形,叶缘有圆锯齿,叶柄具狭翅,叶形由下至上渐小。顶生总状花序长50~80cm,花冠钟状长约7.5cm,花冠蜡紫红色,内面有浅白斑点。萌果卵形,花期5~6月,果熟期8~10月,种子极小。

 #毛地黄   (Digitalis purpurea L)为二年生或多年生草本植物。除花冠外,全体被灰白色短柔毛和腺毛,有时茎上几无毛,高60-120厘米。茎单生或数条成丛。叶片卵圆形或卵状披针形,叶粗糙、皱缩、基生叶具长柄,卵形至卵状披针形,叶缘有圆锯齿,叶柄具狭翅,叶形由下至上渐小。顶生总状花序长50~80cm,花冠钟状长约7.5cm,花冠蜡紫红色,内面有浅白斑点。萌果卵形,花期5~6月,果熟期8~10月,种子极小。

 #毛地黄   (Digitalis purpurea L)为二年生或多年生草本植物。除花冠外,全体被灰白色短柔毛和腺毛,有时茎上几无毛,高60-120厘米。茎单生或数条成丛。叶片卵圆形或卵状披针形,叶粗糙、皱缩、基生叶具长柄,卵形至卵状披针形,叶缘有圆锯齿,叶柄具狭翅,叶形由下至上渐小。顶生总状花序长50~80cm,花冠钟状长约7.5cm,花冠蜡紫红色,内面有浅白斑点。萌果卵形,花期5~6月,果熟期8~10月,种子极小。

 #毛地黄   (Digitalis purpurea L)为二年生或多年生草本植物。除花冠外,全体被灰白色短柔毛和腺毛,有时茎上几无毛,高60-120厘米。茎单生或数条成丛。叶片卵圆形或卵状披针形,叶粗糙、皱缩、基生叶具长柄,卵形至卵状披针形,叶缘有圆锯齿,叶柄具狭翅,叶形由下至上渐小。顶生总状花序长50~80cm,花冠钟状长约7.5cm,花冠蜡紫红色,内面有浅白斑点。萌果卵形,花期5~6月,果熟期8~10月,种子极小。

 #毛地黄   (Digitalis purpurea L)为二年生或多年生草本植物。除花冠外,全体被灰白色短柔毛和腺毛,有时茎上几无毛,高60-120厘米。茎单生或数条成丛。叶片卵圆形或卵状披针形,叶粗糙、皱缩、基生叶具长柄,卵形至卵状披针形,叶缘有圆锯齿,叶柄具狭翅,叶形由下至上渐小。顶生总状花序长50~80cm,花冠钟状长约7.5cm,花冠蜡紫红色,内面有浅白斑点。萌果卵形,花期5~6月,果熟期8~10月,种子极小。

 #毛地黄   (Digitalis purpurea L)为二年生或多年生草本植物。除花冠外,全体被灰白色短柔毛和腺毛,有时茎上几无毛,高60-120厘米。茎单生或数条成丛。叶片卵圆形或卵状披针形,叶粗糙、皱缩、基生叶具长柄,卵形至卵状披针形,叶缘有圆锯齿,叶柄具狭翅,叶形由下至上渐小。顶生总状花序长50~80cm,花冠钟状长约7.5cm,花冠蜡紫红色,内面有浅白斑点。萌果卵形,花期5~6月,果熟期8~10月,种子极小。

 #毛地黄   (Digitalis purpurea L)为二年生或多年生草本植物。除花冠外,全体被灰白色短柔毛和腺毛,有时茎上几无毛,高60-120厘米。茎单生或数条成丛。叶片卵圆形或卵状披针形,叶粗糙、皱缩、基生叶具长柄,卵形至卵状披针形,叶缘有圆锯齿,叶柄具狭翅,叶形由下至上渐小。顶生总状花序长50~80cm,花冠钟状长约7.5cm,花冠蜡紫红色,内面有浅白斑点。萌果卵形,花期5~6月,果熟期8~10月,种子极小。

 #毛地黄   (Digitalis purpurea L)为二年生或多年生草本植物。除花冠外,全体被灰白色短柔毛和腺毛,有时茎上几无毛,高60-120厘米。茎单生或数条成丛。叶片卵圆形或卵状披针形,叶粗糙、皱缩、基生叶具长柄,卵形至卵状披针形,叶缘有圆锯齿,叶柄具狭翅,叶形由下至上渐小。顶生总状花序长50~80cm,花冠钟状长约7.5cm,花冠蜡紫红色,内面有浅白斑点。萌果卵形,花期5~6月,果熟期8~10月,种子极小。

 #毛地黄   (Digitalis purpurea L)为二年生或多年生草本植物。除花冠外,全体被灰白色短柔毛和腺毛,有时茎上几无毛,高60-120厘米。茎单生或数条成丛。叶片卵圆形或卵状披针形,叶粗糙、皱缩、基生叶具长柄,卵形至卵状披针形,叶缘有圆锯齿,叶柄具狭翅,叶形由下至上渐小。顶生总状花序长50~80cm,花冠钟状长约7.5cm,花冠蜡紫红色,内面有浅白斑点。萌果卵形,花期5~6月,果熟期8~10月,种子极小。

#八仙花--绣球 Golden Crane (直译“黄金鹤”)属于Hydrangea Angustipetala 伞型绣球/ 狭瓣八仙花。花色:白色/奶油色/浅黄绿,花型:lacecap(花边绣球或平顶绣球,直译过来是“蕾丝帽”,好形象)在晚春会有非常浓郁的香气。像茉莉花似的香味会蔓延到整个花园里。并且它是绣球花里开花开得最早的。
 #八仙花--绣球   Golden Crane (直译“黄金鹤”)属于Hydrangea Angustipetala 伞型绣球/ 狭瓣八仙花。花色:白色/奶油色/浅黄绿,花型:lacecap(花边绣球或平顶绣球,直译过来是“蕾丝帽”,好形象)在晚春会有非常浓郁的香气。像茉莉花似的香味会蔓延到整个花园里。并且它是绣球花里开花开得最早的。
 #八仙花--绣球   Golden Crane (直译“黄金鹤”)属于Hydrangea Angustipetala 伞型绣球/ 狭瓣八仙花。花色:白色/奶油色/浅黄绿,花型:lacecap(花边绣球或平顶绣球,直译过来是“蕾丝帽”,好形象)在晚春会有非常浓郁的香气。像茉莉花似的香味会蔓延到整个花园里。并且它是绣球花里开花开得最早的。
 #八仙花--绣球   Golden Crane (直译“黄金鹤”)属于Hydrangea Angustipetala 伞型绣球/ 狭瓣八仙花。花色:白色/奶油色/浅黄绿,花型:lacecap(花边绣球或平顶绣球,直译过来是“蕾丝帽”,好形象)在晚春会有非常浓郁的香气。像茉莉花似的香味会蔓延到整个花园里。并且它是绣球花里开花开得最早的。
#八仙花--无尽夏绣球 无尽夏,实际上是绣球中的一个变种,早在20世纪80年代中期,美国贝利苗圃的业务员在明尼苏达州圣保罗郊区科塔日罗格韦的一个花园中,发现了一种能够在嫩枝上分化形成花芽的绣球花,但当时并未引起人们的关注。直到2003年,贝利苗圃引进了这种比较独特的绣球,命名为“无尽夏”,并申请了新品种保护。从此才有了这个“无尽夏”。 无尽夏来自译名Forever Summer 、Endless Summer,之所以起这个名字是因为她从晚春到夏秋绵延不断的花期。花球直径至少18cm,在酸性土壤中开蓝色花球,在中性土壤中,花球可以同时见蓝色和粉色花,因整个夏季都能绽放美丽的花朵,由此得名。“无尽夏”与其它八仙花属品种最大的区别在于花期的长短。佛罗里达大学的学者研究发现“无尽夏”的花期比普通的八仙花平均要长10-12周,并且忍受低温的能力比普通花仙花要强,在较冷的环境中也能开花。还有一种花色是纯白色至淡粉色的,被叫为:无尽夏“新娘”。
 #八仙花--无尽夏绣球   无尽夏,实际上是绣球中的一个变种,早在20世纪80年代中期,美国贝利苗圃的业务员在明尼苏达州圣保罗郊区科塔日罗格韦的一个花园中,发现了一种能够在嫩枝上分化形成花芽的绣球花,但当时并未引起人们的关注。直到2003年,贝利苗圃引进了这种比较独特的绣球,命名为“无尽夏”,并申请了新品种保护。从此才有了这个“无尽夏”。
无尽夏来自译名Forever Summer 、Endless Summer,之所以起这个名字是因为她从晚春到夏秋绵延不断的花期。花球直径至少18cm,在酸性土壤中开蓝色花球,在中性土壤中,花球可以同时见蓝色和粉色花,因整个夏季都能绽放美丽的花朵,由此得名。“无尽夏”与其它八仙花属品种最大的区别在于花期的长短。佛罗里达大学的学者研究发现“无尽夏”的花期比普通的八仙花平均要长10-12周,并且忍受低温的能力比普通花仙花要强,在较冷的环境中也能开花。还有一种花色是纯白色至淡粉色的,被叫为:无尽夏“新娘”。
 #八仙花--无尽夏绣球   无尽夏,实际上是绣球中的一个变种,早在20世纪80年代中期,美国贝利苗圃的业务员在明尼苏达州圣保罗郊区科塔日罗格韦的一个花园中,发现了一种能够在嫩枝上分化形成花芽的绣球花,但当时并未引起人们的关注。直到2003年,贝利苗圃引进了这种比较独特的绣球,命名为“无尽夏”,并申请了新品种保护。从此才有了这个“无尽夏”。
无尽夏来自译名Forever Summer 、Endless Summer,之所以起这个名字是因为她从晚春到夏秋绵延不断的花期。花球直径至少18cm,在酸性土壤中开蓝色花球,在中性土壤中,花球可以同时见蓝色和粉色花,因整个夏季都能绽放美丽的花朵,由此得名。“无尽夏”与其它八仙花属品种最大的区别在于花期的长短。佛罗里达大学的学者研究发现“无尽夏”的花期比普通的八仙花平均要长10-12周,并且忍受低温的能力比普通花仙花要强,在较冷的环境中也能开花。还有一种花色是纯白色至淡粉色的,被叫为:无尽夏“新娘”。
 #八仙花--无尽夏绣球   无尽夏,实际上是绣球中的一个变种,早在20世纪80年代中期,美国贝利苗圃的业务员在明尼苏达州圣保罗郊区科塔日罗格韦的一个花园中,发现了一种能够在嫩枝上分化形成花芽的绣球花,但当时并未引起人们的关注。直到2003年,贝利苗圃引进了这种比较独特的绣球,命名为“无尽夏”,并申请了新品种保护。从此才有了这个“无尽夏”。
无尽夏来自译名Forever Summer 、Endless Summer,之所以起这个名字是因为她从晚春到夏秋绵延不断的花期。花球直径至少18cm,在酸性土壤中开蓝色花球,在中性土壤中,花球可以同时见蓝色和粉色花,因整个夏季都能绽放美丽的花朵,由此得名。“无尽夏”与其它八仙花属品种最大的区别在于花期的长短。佛罗里达大学的学者研究发现“无尽夏”的花期比普通的八仙花平均要长10-12周,并且忍受低温的能力比普通花仙花要强,在较冷的环境中也能开花。还有一种花色是纯白色至淡粉色的,被叫为:无尽夏“新娘”。
 #八仙花--无尽夏绣球   无尽夏,实际上是绣球中的一个变种,早在20世纪80年代中期,美国贝利苗圃的业务员在明尼苏达州圣保罗郊区科塔日罗格韦的一个花园中,发现了一种能够在嫩枝上分化形成花芽的绣球花,但当时并未引起人们的关注。直到2003年,贝利苗圃引进了这种比较独特的绣球,命名为“无尽夏”,并申请了新品种保护。从此才有了这个“无尽夏”。
无尽夏来自译名Forever Summer 、Endless Summer,之所以起这个名字是因为她从晚春到夏秋绵延不断的花期。花球直径至少18cm,在酸性土壤中开蓝色花球,在中性土壤中,花球可以同时见蓝色和粉色花,因整个夏季都能绽放美丽的花朵,由此得名。“无尽夏”与其它八仙花属品种最大的区别在于花期的长短。佛罗里达大学的学者研究发现“无尽夏”的花期比普通的八仙花平均要长10-12周,并且忍受低温的能力比普通花仙花要强,在较冷的环境中也能开花。还有一种花色是纯白色至淡粉色的,被叫为:无尽夏“新娘”。
 #八仙花--无尽夏绣球   无尽夏,实际上是绣球中的一个变种,早在20世纪80年代中期,美国贝利苗圃的业务员在明尼苏达州圣保罗郊区科塔日罗格韦的一个花园中,发现了一种能够在嫩枝上分化形成花芽的绣球花,但当时并未引起人们的关注。直到2003年,贝利苗圃引进了这种比较独特的绣球,命名为“无尽夏”,并申请了新品种保护。从此才有了这个“无尽夏”。
无尽夏来自译名Forever Summer 、Endless Summer,之所以起这个名字是因为她从晚春到夏秋绵延不断的花期。花球直径至少18cm,在酸性土壤中开蓝色花球,在中性土壤中,花球可以同时见蓝色和粉色花,因整个夏季都能绽放美丽的花朵,由此得名。“无尽夏”与其它八仙花属品种最大的区别在于花期的长短。佛罗里达大学的学者研究发现“无尽夏”的花期比普通的八仙花平均要长10-12周,并且忍受低温的能力比普通花仙花要强,在较冷的环境中也能开花。还有一种花色是纯白色至淡粉色的,被叫为:无尽夏“新娘”。
#八仙花 八仙花(学名:Hydrangea macrophylla)又名绣球、紫阳花,为虎耳草科八仙花属植物。八仙花为落叶灌木,小枝粗壮,皮孔明显。叶大而稍厚,对生,倒卵形,边缘有粗锯齿,叶面鲜绿色,叶背黄绿色,叶柄粗壮。八仙花原产中国和日本。喜温暖、湿润和半阴环境。八仙花的生长适温为18~28℃,特别雨季要注意排水,防止受涝引起烂根。八仙花为短日照植物,平时栽培要避开烈日照射,以60%~70%遮荫最为理想。土壤以疏松、肥沃和排水良好的砂质壤土为好。但土壤pH的变化,使八仙花的花色变化较大。为了加深蓝色,可在花蕾形成期施用硫酸铝。为保持粉红色,可在土壤中施用石灰。
 #八仙花   八仙花(学名:Hydrangea macrophylla)又名绣球、紫阳花,为虎耳草科八仙花属植物。八仙花为落叶灌木,小枝粗壮,皮孔明显。叶大而稍厚,对生,倒卵形,边缘有粗锯齿,叶面鲜绿色,叶背黄绿色,叶柄粗壮。八仙花原产中国和日本。喜温暖、湿润和半阴环境。八仙花的生长适温为18~28℃,特别雨季要注意排水,防止受涝引起烂根。八仙花为短日照植物,平时栽培要避开烈日照射,以60%~70%遮荫最为理想。土壤以疏松、肥沃和排水良好的砂质壤土为好。但土壤pH的变化,使八仙花的花色变化较大。为了加深蓝色,可在花蕾形成期施用硫酸铝。为保持粉红色,可在土壤中施用石灰。
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