
Hello! I am brand new to the succulent life. is anyone able to give me some pointers on these guys?

Zeketirtle:@Naisk thank you! I will implement this right away!
Naisk:@Zeketirtle That's too much, once a week is enough, the soil needs to be completely dry for 2-3 days before watering. Too much water will lead to root rot and the death of your plant, the rule of thumb for succulent is "less is better". When there's no more water in the soil, the plant will take the water in its leaves and make the roots tougher, then when you water them the leaves stock water back to normal level and wait for the next dry period. If you give too much water, the leaves take too much water leading to the yellowing and death of the leaf and the excess of water could rot the roots which like to be dry. I hope I made myself clear as english is not my mothertongue ;)
Zeketirtle:@Naisk I water them about 3-4 times a week. They get probably 6-7 hours of sun a day. Should I give the evecheveria a break for a day or two? Thanks for responding!
Naisk:Welcome! At which frequency do you water them? The evecheveria seems a bit overwatered that's why lower leaves turn yellow.
lrgarden:Welcome 😁

here's an old picture of my first succulent, Fred!! i picked him up from a hardware store back in early August, and he's been growing great ever since!! #Haworthiafasciata


Any idea what might be happening to this petal that's turning red? I've had this succulent for about a month, watered it only one time, and three other petals have turned red, shriveled, and then dropped off. (ID needed)

Tlhoward120:@meriunkat what do you think about the leaf turning red? It looks like it needs water, but the soil still feels damp
meriunkat:I think if the leaves are shriveling up and falling off, then there isn't enough water, if it turns purple then it's rotting from too much water.
Tlhoward120:@Estefania Pereira solid advice, thanks! The soil still feels a little wet to the touch, so I'm hesitant to water again.
Estefania Pereira:it seems wrinkly too, id say it could be underwatered if youve watered it only once for an entire month, but the caring of the plant may be different, id suggest looking for the signs of underwatering for your specific plant