Dummer. ゛☀
The nickname of Stellaria media
Chickweed, also called chickweed flower, jade fu.
The growth habit of chickweed
Love is chickweed warm and moist growing environment, would be more common in temperate regions, suitable growth temperature is between 13 degrees to 23 degrees Celsius, it can still be cold, winter can be mild frost resistance.
The medicinal value of Stellaria media
Stellaria non-toxic, medicinal value is very high, with Qingrejiedu and diuresis.
Don't look like a very inconspicuous chickweed appearance, but it is very useful.
Morphological character
Annual or biennial, 10-30 cm high. Stem pitch or ascending, base much branched, often with pale purple red, was 1 (-2) line of hairs. Leaf blade broadly ovate or ovate, 1.5-2.5 cm long, 1.1-1.5 cm wide, apex acuminate or acute, base attenuate or nearly cordate, entire; basal leaves long stalked, upper leaves often sessile or shortly stalked.
Sparse cymes terminal; pedicels thin, with 1 rows of bristles, elongate after anthesis, pendulous, 7-14 mm long; sepals 5, ovate lanceolate, ca. 4 mm, apex slightly obtuse or suborbicular, margin broadly membranous, outside short glandular hairs; petals white, oblong, shorter than sepals, deep 2 lobed to base, lobes nearly linear; stamens 3-5, shorter than petals; styles 3, linear.
Capsule ovoid, slightly longer than persistent calyx, top 6 lobed, with numerous seeds; seeds ovate to suborbicular, slightly flattened, reddish brown, 1-1.2 mm in diameter, surface hemispherical aneurysm bulges, ridge significantly. 2n=40-42 (44). Florescence is 6-7 months, fruit 7-8 months.
Chickweed, also called chickweed flower, jade fu.
The growth habit of chickweed
Love is chickweed warm and moist growing environment, would be more common in temperate regions, suitable growth temperature is between 13 degrees to 23 degrees Celsius, it can still be cold, winter can be mild frost resistance.
The medicinal value of Stellaria media
Stellaria non-toxic, medicinal value is very high, with Qingrejiedu and diuresis.
Don't look like a very inconspicuous chickweed appearance, but it is very useful.
Morphological character
Annual or biennial, 10-30 cm high. Stem pitch or ascending, base much branched, often with pale purple red, was 1 (-2) line of hairs. Leaf blade broadly ovate or ovate, 1.5-2.5 cm long, 1.1-1.5 cm wide, apex acuminate or acute, base attenuate or nearly cordate, entire; basal leaves long stalked, upper leaves often sessile or shortly stalked.
Sparse cymes terminal; pedicels thin, with 1 rows of bristles, elongate after anthesis, pendulous, 7-14 mm long; sepals 5, ovate lanceolate, ca. 4 mm, apex slightly obtuse or suborbicular, margin broadly membranous, outside short glandular hairs; petals white, oblong, shorter than sepals, deep 2 lobed to base, lobes nearly linear; stamens 3-5, shorter than petals; styles 3, linear.
Capsule ovoid, slightly longer than persistent calyx, top 6 lobed, with numerous seeds; seeds ovate to suborbicular, slightly flattened, reddish brown, 1-1.2 mm in diameter, surface hemispherical aneurysm bulges, ridge significantly. 2n=40-42 (44). Florescence is 6-7 months, fruit 7-8 months.
百万小铃喜光,太阳越足,它开花越多;配土可以按照蚯蚓土: 土壤(3:1)作为基肥;浇水要等到盆土发白了之后再浇。
百万小铃喜光,太阳越足,它开花越多;配土可以按照蚯蚓土: 土壤(3:1)作为基肥;浇水要等到盆土发白了之后再浇。
#巴西美人 养护温度和光照条件
#盆栽花卉 黄叶的13种原因及补救措施如下:
#月季黑斑病 又名褐斑病,为世界性月季病害。
月季叶片、嫩枝和花梗均可受害。叶上病斑初为紫褐色至褐色小点,后扩展成直径 1. 5~13毫米的圆斑,黑色或深褐色,边缘纤毛状,但个别品种上边缘也可整齐光滑。病斑周围常有黄色晕圈包围。在扩大镜下,病部可见黑色疱状的小粒体。病斑往往几个相连,病部周围叶大面积发黄,使得病斑成为带有绿色边缘的“小岛”。病叶容易脱落,但有些月季品种却不脱落。幼嫩枝条和花梗上产生紫色到黑色条状斑点,微下陷。病害严重发生时,整个植株下部及中部片全部脱落,仅留顶部几张新叶。
为放线孢属的真菌〔Actinonema rose(Lib.)Fr.〕。分生孢子盘着生于寄主角质层下,以后突出表皮。大小为108~198微米,分生抱子梗短,不明显。分生炮子长椭圆形或鱼鳔状,大小为 18~25 X 5~6微米,双细胞,上小下大,分隔处略有缢束。顶端如喙状,常偏向一侧。
萌发侵入的适宜温度为2 0~2 5℃,PH值为7~8,潜育期10~11天,老叶潜育期略长,为13天。病菌可多次重复侵染,整个生长季节均可发病。一般梅雨季节和台风季节发病重,炎夏高温干旱季节病害扩展缓慢。植株衰弱时容易感病。品种间抗病性存在差异,但无免疫品种。
月季叶片、嫩枝和花梗均可受害。叶上病斑初为紫褐色至褐色小点,后扩展成直径 1. 5~13毫米的圆斑,黑色或深褐色,边缘纤毛状,但个别品种上边缘也可整齐光滑。病斑周围常有黄色晕圈包围。在扩大镜下,病部可见黑色疱状的小粒体。病斑往往几个相连,病部周围叶大面积发黄,使得病斑成为带有绿色边缘的“小岛”。病叶容易脱落,但有些月季品种却不脱落。幼嫩枝条和花梗上产生紫色到黑色条状斑点,微下陷。病害严重发生时,整个植株下部及中部片全部脱落,仅留顶部几张新叶。
为放线孢属的真菌〔Actinonema rose(Lib.)Fr.〕。分生孢子盘着生于寄主角质层下,以后突出表皮。大小为108~198微米,分生抱子梗短,不明显。分生炮子长椭圆形或鱼鳔状,大小为 18~25 X 5~6微米,双细胞,上小下大,分隔处略有缢束。顶端如喙状,常偏向一侧。
萌发侵入的适宜温度为2 0~2 5℃,PH值为7~8,潜育期10~11天,老叶潜育期略长,为13天。病菌可多次重复侵染,整个生长季节均可发病。一般梅雨季节和台风季节发病重,炎夏高温干旱季节病害扩展缓慢。植株衰弱时容易感病。品种间抗病性存在差异,但无免疫品种。
Eyin Thor
Do you kill your plants often? Well here’re 13 things you must avoid to make your container plants keep growing.
1. Overwatering
Many new gardener believes that the more they water the better. All plants (including non-potted plants) have the different watering needs and *those needs may also vary depending upon the time of the year or season, the amount of light and ambient temperature. The easiest solution to avoid this problem is knowing the moisture level required by each plant.
The majority of plants (except moisture loving plants) loves when the top surface of the substrate dries out between the watering spells, others require the soil to be kept slightly moist. A good method is to usually poke your finger into the soil about an inch deep and feel if it is wet or rather dry.
2. Underwatering
It is equally harmful to the plants. Back to the same point, it is essential to know the moisture requirements of each plant to keep them healthy. Also, it is obvious, in summer all the plants require more water and you should double the amount of water. When you water your plants, do it thoroughly, so that the entire substrate moisten well and the slight amount of water seeps out from the bottom holes of the pots and then wait for it to dry (with the method of poking your finger) and then water again.
3. You do not know everything about the plant
No two plants are identical. The number one thing you should do is read the instructions that come with the plant you have acquired. Always, when you purchase plants in the nursery ask them about the growing requirements. Whenever you get a new plant search about it thoroughly on the web. There are many gardening websites (ours too) and blogs of enthusiastic gardeners who have excellent information about plants.
4. Too little or too much sunlight
Yo might be wrong if you think all plants love the sun, there are some that require shade or part shade. According to experts, the plants themselves can tell us if they are getting the right amount of light or not. For example, the leaves may change color or become scorched or brownish if they are getting too much sunlight. On the other hand, if you notice that your plant is “stretching its neck” toward the light or the leaves are excessively bigger then they definitely need more light. One thing to be noted is that when the warm climate plants are grown in colder zones (whether they are grown there in full or part sun) they require full sun. Similarly, the temperate plants in warm tropics grow best in part sun or shade.
5. Moving or changing position of plants
Plants get used to the place they are placed on and do not like being moved constanly. If one of your plants is thriving correctly under certain temperatures and conditions, avoid moving it to another place as it could make difficult for the plant to adapt to its new place.
6. Incorrect soil
Each plant species has different planting needs and soil requirements. It is recommended that you do proper research about the soil type before planting any plant. However, in containers, well-draining soil is used to avoid root rot. You can make your own light and crumbly soilless mix or buy an organic potting mix of good quality.
7. No transplanting
Potted plants may feel “subjected” to their containers. The majority of them outgrow their pots over a period of about one to two years (depending on how quickly they grow), so it is important that you transplant them into a larger container with fresh and well-nourished potting soil. You can prune the roots of your plants if you don’t want to change their existing pot.
One of the signs to know when to transplant is when the leaves turn yellow, the plant stops growing or seems thirsty and requires water again and again. Even in some cases, you can see that the roots are coming out from the drainage holes.
8. Ignoring the pests
Some of the most common pests that can affect your potted plants are aphids, spider mites, scales, whiteflies and mealybugs. You can prevent pests from attacking your container garden with some techniques. Whenever you buy a new plant scrutinize it to see any sign of pests or diseases. Keep an eye on diseased or weak plants or the ones that are in stress; pests prefer to attack such plants. Look at the inside of leaves and tips of the plants, these are the parts that pests infest most. If pests are already damaging your plants, first identify what type of pests they are and then treat them appropriately, prefer organic pesticides.
9. Carelessness
Are you going on a vacation? It is good for you but not for your potted plants. Be sure to make arrangements for them. Ask someone to come and water the plants when you are away. Another option is to use self-watering containers, they are great especially if you’re a busy person and often forget about watering your plants.
10. Less or no fertilizer
Potted plants depend on soil nutrients and can often require supplements to grow better and healthy besides improving the production of flowers and fruits. Using a balanced fertilizer (easily available) regularly and according to the package instructions, you can ensure that your plants are getting all the nutrients they need. While most of your plants do well with balanced fertilizer, there may be some that require specific combination of nutrients.
11. Overfertilization
Overfertilization can also harm your plants. It can even kill them. Fertilizers when used in excess can damage the roots. If you see the symptoms like yellowing and wilting of lower leaves, browning leaf tips and its margins, defoliation, slow or no growth then it is possible that your plant is suffering from overfertilization.
12. No pinching, deadheading, and pruning
If you want bushier growth, pinch the tips of young plants. Also, many flowering plants require “deadheading”, which means picking and removing the old flowers to promote new ones. You will know when to remove them once the flowers start to fade or wilt or turn brownish.
Potted plants require pruning too and on time, some of the fruits and flowering plants produce only on new branches, so if you must not ignore pruning.
13. Exposing to extreme temperatures
If you research carefully about the plants you’ll find how much temperature (maximum or minimum) they tolerate best. In winters, if require, it is good if you protect such plants by keeping them indoors or in a greenhouse.
If you’re living in a warm climate where summers are hot, protect your plants from the intense sun in summer.
1. Overwatering
Many new gardener believes that the more they water the better. All plants (including non-potted plants) have the different watering needs and *those needs may also vary depending upon the time of the year or season, the amount of light and ambient temperature. The easiest solution to avoid this problem is knowing the moisture level required by each plant.
The majority of plants (except moisture loving plants) loves when the top surface of the substrate dries out between the watering spells, others require the soil to be kept slightly moist. A good method is to usually poke your finger into the soil about an inch deep and feel if it is wet or rather dry.
2. Underwatering
It is equally harmful to the plants. Back to the same point, it is essential to know the moisture requirements of each plant to keep them healthy. Also, it is obvious, in summer all the plants require more water and you should double the amount of water. When you water your plants, do it thoroughly, so that the entire substrate moisten well and the slight amount of water seeps out from the bottom holes of the pots and then wait for it to dry (with the method of poking your finger) and then water again.
3. You do not know everything about the plant
No two plants are identical. The number one thing you should do is read the instructions that come with the plant you have acquired. Always, when you purchase plants in the nursery ask them about the growing requirements. Whenever you get a new plant search about it thoroughly on the web. There are many gardening websites (ours too) and blogs of enthusiastic gardeners who have excellent information about plants.
4. Too little or too much sunlight
Yo might be wrong if you think all plants love the sun, there are some that require shade or part shade. According to experts, the plants themselves can tell us if they are getting the right amount of light or not. For example, the leaves may change color or become scorched or brownish if they are getting too much sunlight. On the other hand, if you notice that your plant is “stretching its neck” toward the light or the leaves are excessively bigger then they definitely need more light. One thing to be noted is that when the warm climate plants are grown in colder zones (whether they are grown there in full or part sun) they require full sun. Similarly, the temperate plants in warm tropics grow best in part sun or shade.
5. Moving or changing position of plants
Plants get used to the place they are placed on and do not like being moved constanly. If one of your plants is thriving correctly under certain temperatures and conditions, avoid moving it to another place as it could make difficult for the plant to adapt to its new place.
6. Incorrect soil
Each plant species has different planting needs and soil requirements. It is recommended that you do proper research about the soil type before planting any plant. However, in containers, well-draining soil is used to avoid root rot. You can make your own light and crumbly soilless mix or buy an organic potting mix of good quality.
7. No transplanting
Potted plants may feel “subjected” to their containers. The majority of them outgrow their pots over a period of about one to two years (depending on how quickly they grow), so it is important that you transplant them into a larger container with fresh and well-nourished potting soil. You can prune the roots of your plants if you don’t want to change their existing pot.
One of the signs to know when to transplant is when the leaves turn yellow, the plant stops growing or seems thirsty and requires water again and again. Even in some cases, you can see that the roots are coming out from the drainage holes.
8. Ignoring the pests
Some of the most common pests that can affect your potted plants are aphids, spider mites, scales, whiteflies and mealybugs. You can prevent pests from attacking your container garden with some techniques. Whenever you buy a new plant scrutinize it to see any sign of pests or diseases. Keep an eye on diseased or weak plants or the ones that are in stress; pests prefer to attack such plants. Look at the inside of leaves and tips of the plants, these are the parts that pests infest most. If pests are already damaging your plants, first identify what type of pests they are and then treat them appropriately, prefer organic pesticides.
9. Carelessness
Are you going on a vacation? It is good for you but not for your potted plants. Be sure to make arrangements for them. Ask someone to come and water the plants when you are away. Another option is to use self-watering containers, they are great especially if you’re a busy person and often forget about watering your plants.
10. Less or no fertilizer
Potted plants depend on soil nutrients and can often require supplements to grow better and healthy besides improving the production of flowers and fruits. Using a balanced fertilizer (easily available) regularly and according to the package instructions, you can ensure that your plants are getting all the nutrients they need. While most of your plants do well with balanced fertilizer, there may be some that require specific combination of nutrients.
11. Overfertilization
Overfertilization can also harm your plants. It can even kill them. Fertilizers when used in excess can damage the roots. If you see the symptoms like yellowing and wilting of lower leaves, browning leaf tips and its margins, defoliation, slow or no growth then it is possible that your plant is suffering from overfertilization.
12. No pinching, deadheading, and pruning
If you want bushier growth, pinch the tips of young plants. Also, many flowering plants require “deadheading”, which means picking and removing the old flowers to promote new ones. You will know when to remove them once the flowers start to fade or wilt or turn brownish.
Potted plants require pruning too and on time, some of the fruits and flowering plants produce only on new branches, so if you must not ignore pruning.
13. Exposing to extreme temperatures
If you research carefully about the plants you’ll find how much temperature (maximum or minimum) they tolerate best. In winters, if require, it is good if you protect such plants by keeping them indoors or in a greenhouse.
If you’re living in a warm climate where summers are hot, protect your plants from the intense sun in summer.
#彩色马蹄莲 与#白色马蹄莲 在栽培管理上没有太大的区别。生长适温均为15℃至25℃,开花期间,日间温度为16℃至19℃,白色品种夜间温度不低于13℃,而有色品种应不低于16℃。若温度高于25℃或低于5℃,则植株被迫进入休眠。它性喜温暖湿润和阳光充足的环境,不耐寒冷和干旱。
家庭盆栽彩色马蹄莲,可施用多元缓释复合肥颗粒,也可用0.2%的尿素加0.1%的磷酸二氢钾混合液。栽培用土,可用园土、腐叶土、泥炭土按2∶2∶1 混合,再加入少量的多元复合肥颗粒。
家庭盆栽彩色马蹄莲,可施用多元缓释复合肥颗粒,也可用0.2%的尿素加0.1%的磷酸二氢钾混合液。栽培用土,可用园土、腐叶土、泥炭土按2∶2∶1 混合,再加入少量的多元复合肥颗粒。
These 13 great edible flowers not only look great but also taste good and rich in nutrients. Start using them to add color and flavor to your food and improve your health.
1. Violet (Pansy)
Violets are as satisfying to the eye as they are to the palate, which is the reason they are on our list of great edible flowers. You may have even observed them blended into cocktails and cold drinks. You can also dress up your salad or use it in stuffings or to flavor the desserts.
Learn about the interesting pansy flower recipes here!
They can help with a cough or a headache and are even known to calm pain, especially the esophageal assortment. Violet flowers also purify the blood. Click here to learn more!
2. Chamomile
If you’ve ever sipped a cup of chamomile tea to relax or quiet a resentful stomach, you’re as of now mindful of exactly how relieving chamomile can be. Like dandelion, it’s an individual from the daisy family, and the flower has a flavor that may help you to remember apples. You can chomp on a couple of raw flowers or dry them and utilize them to brew a calming tea.
Learn about the plants you can grow for beauty therapies
Some of its medical advantages incorporate ADHD, relief from bloating, stomach infirmities and insomnia. In any case, the individuals who are allergic to ragweed are encouraged to dodge chamomile.
3. Rose
Among the majority of the edible flowers out there, the rose is a standout amongst the most well-known and it also has great culinary uses. You may also have tasted different foods flavored with rose, for example, rose tea, rose water, rose jelly, rose milk and even rose ice cream.
Take a look at this Indian Rose Milk recipe, it’s too delicious!
Not just culinary uses, roses can also help your body in various ways. Rose hips, which are the base of the flowers, can be utilized to oversee indigestion, arthritis, fevers, urinary issues and constipation. Rose petals are rich in various vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, E, C, D, and B.
4. Clover flowers
If you consider clover as a weed, you should not! This useful flowering plant has many medicinal and edible uses. The sweet, anise-like taste makes it unique. Serve raw petals in a salad or utilize to make a tea. Brightest and healthiest flowers must be picked; it can taste intense once it begins turning chestnut.
Learn how to grow clover!
Local Americans utilize the flower for cough and cold, and it also helps in a condition like varicose veins known as venous inadequacy. This natural blood purifier is supportive with hot flashes and uterine fibroids. If you want to know more about the clover health benefits, click here.
5. Saffron
Saffron gives a great taste and color to dishes. Also, the saffron is rich in minerals, for example, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium and manganese. It has various vitamins, for example, folic acid, niacin, and vitamins A and C.
It has generally been utilized as an antioxidant, antidepressant, and antiseptic.
6. Tree Peony
Peonies, which is local to China, is more than only a delightful flower to look at. It really conveys with it a large group of healing properties. Peonies can be added into salads or you can boil the petals and make a tea.
It holds a large group of advantages, particularly for those with diabetes or high cholesterol, it also prevents blood clotting. This bloom has one of the highest convergences of phenolic mixes, which are anti-inflammatory and may lessen the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Click here to learn more!
7. Japanese Honeysuckle
The Japanese honeysuckle grows wild in the U.S. or in many other parts of the world, it’s essential to remember that there are various species of honeysuckle with fluctuating levels of safety and advantages. The yellowish blossom petals of the honeysuckle have sweet nectar-like flavor. Remember that only the blossoms are eatable; the bloom’s dark berries are very noxious so continue with care.
Learn about the 5 recipes that use Honeysuckle flowers as an ingredient!
The blossom has been reported to help with issues, for example, flu, depression, blood impurities, tick bites, infections and even gout. Their cancer prevention properties are well-known too.
8. Marigold (Calendula)
Its (all marigold flowers are edible) merry orange color looks beautiful when it crowns a dish of rice or pasta, and its peppery taste is satisfying in soups and eggs. It can be used in place of saffron.
Calendula is known to heal skin and lessen inflammation, helping wounds, cuts, ulcers and eczema.
9. Nasturtium
The beautiful, bright, and mildly fragrant nasturtium flowers not only makes your hanging basket charming, you can also pick them fresh to use in salads or garnish your recipes with them to add color. Their mild peppery, sweet, and mustard-like flavor gives a unique taste to the dishes they add into.
Adding nasturtiums to your food not only add color, but they are a good source of Vitamin C and other nutrients. Thus, boosting the immune system and helps in fighting against flu, cough, and cold.
10. Bee Balm
Bee balm is a great medicinal plant. Growing this plant in your garden has many benefits, not only its flowers attract bees and hummingbirds but the entire plant above the ground is edible. Bee Balm leaves and flowers and stems are used in alternative medicine as an antiseptic, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic and stimulant.
Learn how to grow bee balm here!
The flower petals are a great addition to a fruit salad, you can also steep the flower heads in liquid, strain to make a delicious sorbet or even jam.
11. Lavender
Lavender Cupcakes
Lavender is a great culinary and medicinal herb. Also, it is one of the most used ingredients in cosmetic industries. In all the lavender cultivars, English lavender is most used for culinary purposes due to its sweet fragrance.
Learn how to grow lavender here
Renee’s Garden has a good article on edible and culinary uses of lavender. Click here to read!
12. Jasmine
Jasmine Spritzers
We don’t need to inform you that jasmine is the most fragrant flower in the world. Its intense heady scent is just too good to smell and apart from having many cosmetic uses, jasmine flowers have many edible uses too. Read this informative article to learn about Jasmine flower’s medicinal uses.
Learn about the plants you can grow in your kitchen
In foods, jasmine is used to flavor beverages, frozen dairy desserts, candy, baked goods, gelatins, and puddings. Puddings and dairy desserts with the use of jasmine flowers taste so delicious.
13. Hibiscus
The showy hibiscus blooms are so attractive to look at. If you’re growing this beauty in your garden you already know that. It’s said that all Hibiscus cultivars’ flowers are edible but many hybrid varieties are available so there could be a risk. However, Hibiscus-rosa-Sinensis, Hibiscus sabdiriffa, and other tropical cultivars are edible.
Hibiscus tea is something you can make from hibiscus flowers. It has great effects on health too.
1. Violet (Pansy)
Violets are as satisfying to the eye as they are to the palate, which is the reason they are on our list of great edible flowers. You may have even observed them blended into cocktails and cold drinks. You can also dress up your salad or use it in stuffings or to flavor the desserts.
Learn about the interesting pansy flower recipes here!
They can help with a cough or a headache and are even known to calm pain, especially the esophageal assortment. Violet flowers also purify the blood. Click here to learn more!
2. Chamomile
If you’ve ever sipped a cup of chamomile tea to relax or quiet a resentful stomach, you’re as of now mindful of exactly how relieving chamomile can be. Like dandelion, it’s an individual from the daisy family, and the flower has a flavor that may help you to remember apples. You can chomp on a couple of raw flowers or dry them and utilize them to brew a calming tea.
Learn about the plants you can grow for beauty therapies
Some of its medical advantages incorporate ADHD, relief from bloating, stomach infirmities and insomnia. In any case, the individuals who are allergic to ragweed are encouraged to dodge chamomile.
3. Rose
Among the majority of the edible flowers out there, the rose is a standout amongst the most well-known and it also has great culinary uses. You may also have tasted different foods flavored with rose, for example, rose tea, rose water, rose jelly, rose milk and even rose ice cream.
Take a look at this Indian Rose Milk recipe, it’s too delicious!
Not just culinary uses, roses can also help your body in various ways. Rose hips, which are the base of the flowers, can be utilized to oversee indigestion, arthritis, fevers, urinary issues and constipation. Rose petals are rich in various vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, E, C, D, and B.
4. Clover flowers
If you consider clover as a weed, you should not! This useful flowering plant has many medicinal and edible uses. The sweet, anise-like taste makes it unique. Serve raw petals in a salad or utilize to make a tea. Brightest and healthiest flowers must be picked; it can taste intense once it begins turning chestnut.
Learn how to grow clover!
Local Americans utilize the flower for cough and cold, and it also helps in a condition like varicose veins known as venous inadequacy. This natural blood purifier is supportive with hot flashes and uterine fibroids. If you want to know more about the clover health benefits, click here.
5. Saffron
Saffron gives a great taste and color to dishes. Also, the saffron is rich in minerals, for example, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium and manganese. It has various vitamins, for example, folic acid, niacin, and vitamins A and C.
It has generally been utilized as an antioxidant, antidepressant, and antiseptic.
6. Tree Peony
Peonies, which is local to China, is more than only a delightful flower to look at. It really conveys with it a large group of healing properties. Peonies can be added into salads or you can boil the petals and make a tea.
It holds a large group of advantages, particularly for those with diabetes or high cholesterol, it also prevents blood clotting. This bloom has one of the highest convergences of phenolic mixes, which are anti-inflammatory and may lessen the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Click here to learn more!
7. Japanese Honeysuckle
The Japanese honeysuckle grows wild in the U.S. or in many other parts of the world, it’s essential to remember that there are various species of honeysuckle with fluctuating levels of safety and advantages. The yellowish blossom petals of the honeysuckle have sweet nectar-like flavor. Remember that only the blossoms are eatable; the bloom’s dark berries are very noxious so continue with care.
Learn about the 5 recipes that use Honeysuckle flowers as an ingredient!
The blossom has been reported to help with issues, for example, flu, depression, blood impurities, tick bites, infections and even gout. Their cancer prevention properties are well-known too.
8. Marigold (Calendula)
Its (all marigold flowers are edible) merry orange color looks beautiful when it crowns a dish of rice or pasta, and its peppery taste is satisfying in soups and eggs. It can be used in place of saffron.
Calendula is known to heal skin and lessen inflammation, helping wounds, cuts, ulcers and eczema.
9. Nasturtium
The beautiful, bright, and mildly fragrant nasturtium flowers not only makes your hanging basket charming, you can also pick them fresh to use in salads or garnish your recipes with them to add color. Their mild peppery, sweet, and mustard-like flavor gives a unique taste to the dishes they add into.
Adding nasturtiums to your food not only add color, but they are a good source of Vitamin C and other nutrients. Thus, boosting the immune system and helps in fighting against flu, cough, and cold.
10. Bee Balm
Bee balm is a great medicinal plant. Growing this plant in your garden has many benefits, not only its flowers attract bees and hummingbirds but the entire plant above the ground is edible. Bee Balm leaves and flowers and stems are used in alternative medicine as an antiseptic, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic and stimulant.
Learn how to grow bee balm here!
The flower petals are a great addition to a fruit salad, you can also steep the flower heads in liquid, strain to make a delicious sorbet or even jam.
11. Lavender
Lavender Cupcakes
Lavender is a great culinary and medicinal herb. Also, it is one of the most used ingredients in cosmetic industries. In all the lavender cultivars, English lavender is most used for culinary purposes due to its sweet fragrance.
Learn how to grow lavender here
Renee’s Garden has a good article on edible and culinary uses of lavender. Click here to read!
12. Jasmine
Jasmine Spritzers
We don’t need to inform you that jasmine is the most fragrant flower in the world. Its intense heady scent is just too good to smell and apart from having many cosmetic uses, jasmine flowers have many edible uses too. Read this informative article to learn about Jasmine flower’s medicinal uses.
Learn about the plants you can grow in your kitchen
In foods, jasmine is used to flavor beverages, frozen dairy desserts, candy, baked goods, gelatins, and puddings. Puddings and dairy desserts with the use of jasmine flowers taste so delicious.
13. Hibiscus
The showy hibiscus blooms are so attractive to look at. If you’re growing this beauty in your garden you already know that. It’s said that all Hibiscus cultivars’ flowers are edible but many hybrid varieties are available so there could be a risk. However, Hibiscus-rosa-Sinensis, Hibiscus sabdiriffa, and other tropical cultivars are edible.
Hibiscus tea is something you can make from hibiscus flowers. It has great effects on health too.
Our backyards are used for BBQ’s and family gatherings, playgrounds and football games. Don’t forget to use your yard for some good ‘ol wind down time! These 13 projects for backyard relaxation will help turn your garden space into a zen place. Catchy, right? :) Our feature project above, is a hanging bed from ‘The Devoted Wife‘.
From ‘Pottery Barn‘, we love this backyard bed space too! Want to make one of your own? Then jump on over to our post on DIY garden hanging beds and find a bunch of great tutorials!
If you love those hanging beds, then try something a little different with this deck makeover by Sarah Dorsey for ‘Home Depot’. In this one post, there is a tutorial for her DIY hanging bench, cable railing, privacy curtains and deck makeover. What a cool space to have a glass of wine or tea in!
Need a more comfy spot, perhaps under a tree? For a whole afternoon? We feel ya. Try this DIY hammock from ‘Martha’ made from a simple drop cloth.
Or learn how to make a rope hammock from ‘Kinfolk’. This is just inexpensive nylon rope and overhand knots! Or for more ideas, check out our post on DIY hammocks.
Amy of ‘Her Tool Belt’ did this DIY chaise tutorial from 2×4’s for ‘Bob Vila’. Just in case you were getting tired of laying down… ;)
These DIY chaise lounges look perfect for a warm afternoon! Made by ‘Being Brooke’ at ‘Ana White’, she did these for $35!
Ok, now you have a place to relax your body, now it’s time to relax the soul! Start with water… this DIY fountain from ‘Oregon Live’ ought to do it!
‘Diane and Dean’ have another take for you…. They did this garden fountain on the edge of an existing pool to add to the ambience, and it looks kinda “tropical wonderland” to us!
If water hasn’t gotten you there, how about wind? Make your own wind chimes with this tutorial by ‘HGTV’. This is a simple project using a craft round, pipe and twine.
Or make these DIY wind chimes in an hour with things from the shop, including simple washers! From ‘Bob Vila’.
Ok, so now you’ve had a relaxing afternoon, but the evening is creeping in… No need to start the stress parade again.! Just fire up your DIY propane fire pit! This one from ‘WC Welding’ was done in just 5 steps from a garden patio table.
Finally, if you want to get a bit serious, jump on over to one of our fav sites, ‘Homemade Modern’ and learn how to make their concrete fire pit.
Ok, are we officially in kick back mode yet?
#蜈蚣草 常地生和附生于溪边林下的石缝中和树干上。喜温暖潮润和半阴环境。生长适温3~9月为16~24℃,9月至翌年3月为13~16℃。冬季温度不低干8℃,但短时间能耐0℃低温。也能耐30℃以上高温。
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