
#麒麟掌 叶黄之温度




第二步.入 盆

(1)绿果期(青果期)果实已充分长大,果实的体积停止膨大,细胞个数和体积不再增加,果实的生理活动全为物质转化,果色由绿变白,种子发育基本完成,具备发芽和生产能力。一般长途运销或贮藏的番茄应在此期采收。 (2)转色期(拉红线期)果实顶端逐渐着色,达到全果的1/4,采收后在适温下1-2天,即可全部着色。一般从产地运到市场的距离较近时应在此期采收。

#牡丹花 常见病害一:叶斑病









#发财树 又名马拉巴栗,是木棉科瓜栗属多年生常绿乔木,原产中美洲,在我国广东、海南、福建等地可露地栽培。发财树最适生长温度是15℃至30℃,喜温暖、湿润的环境,对光照要求不严,喜光但也有一定的耐阴性,室内散射光即可生长良好。栽培基质以富含腐殖质的偏酸性沙壤土为好,可用腐叶土、泥炭加适量河沙混合而成。

笼岛 みどり











#龙吐珠 为常绿马鞭草科灌木,喜温暖、湿润和阳光充足的半阴环境,不耐寒。越冬温度应在15℃以上,长期低于10℃,可引起落叶至死亡。龙吐珠的生长适温为18~24℃, 开花期的温度宜较低,约在17℃左右。花期5月至11月,要使龙吐珠早开花、多开花,应注意以下几个环节。
6、摘心:由于换土后水、肥适应,新梢长得快,通过一个多月生长后要进行摘心,以促进花芽早分化和提早长花蕾,如4月份摘心,“ 五一”开花。实践证明,要使龙吐珠早开花、多开花,必须及时摘心疏芽,去掉枯枝败叶。

New to growing plants and no idea what you should grow indoors? Learn about these 15 Best Houseplants for Beginners. They all are easy to grow!
Potted houseplants provide a lavish look and can be used to decorate the interior at low cost. Also, they create positive impact and many of them purify the air. But what you’ll do if you don’t have much knowledge about growing plants and the houseplants that are best to grow? Simple! Learn about these 15 Best Houseplants for Beginners! They are easy to grow and tolerate poor conditions.
1. Snake Plant

Snake plant is one of the best plants for the beginners. Easy to grow and hard to kill, it can be grown in low light and need to be watered occasionally. Snake plant also removes toxins from the air– All this makes it a perfect houseplant for beginners.
2. Heartleaf Philodendron
Philodendron scandens is extremely easy to grow and great for beginners. It needs a moderate amount of light and prefers the soil to dry out between watering spells.
3. Spider Plant

One of the most popular houseplants. Its popularity is due to its toughness and the ease of growing and maintenance. The plant can easily adapt to almost any condition. Keep the plant in a bright spot and maintain slight moisture in the soil and it will grow happily.
4. Peace Lily

The peace lily is among the easiest plants to grow indoors. It can tolerate a wide range of lighting conditions, and needs only moderate watering. With graceful curving leaves and white flower that rise up from the dark foliage, peace lily looks exotic and elegant.
5. English Ivy

English Ivy is very hardy and easy to grow. Keep the pot in a spot that receives bright indirect sun and plant it in a container that is wide and shallow rather than narrow and deep.
6. Succulents and Cactus

Succulents and cacti are ideal for those who forget to water and care for plants. They are very adaptable and can survive many adverse conditions.
They need to be placed on a bright spot and a well-drained soil with little water.
7. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo is not a bamboo, but a plant belongs to Dracaena genus. It is an easy-care houseplant. Just provide it abundant water and it’ll grow well even in indirect light. Protect the plant from cold drafts and provide iron fertilizer occasionally.
8. Jade Plant

Jade plant is a succulent and is probably one of the best houseplants for beginners. When grown indoors, a jade plant can grow up to a size of a small shrub. Keep the plant in a spot that receives partial or indirect sunlight from having a healthy specimen.
9. Cast Iron Plant

As the name suggest, one of the toughest plants that make it ideal for beginners. Cast-iron plant can withstands neglect, low light, low humidity, and a wide range of temperatures. It prefers moist soil.
10. Peperomia

Credit: Houseplants Expert
Another good plant for beginners is Peperomia. Peperomia is small striking houseplant that is available in different colors and shapes. Peperomia likes slightly moist soil and humidity but watering should be reduced in winter.
11. ZZ Plant

This super-tough plant is high resistant to adverse conditions like drought and low light. The plant prefers bright to moderate indirect light and well-drained soil. ZZ plant can do fine without fertilizer, but if you would like, you can fertilize the plant with half strength general fertilizer one to two times a year in the summer months.
12. Pothos (Devil’s Ivy)

Plants of the pothos family are easy to grow and become great houseplants for beginners. This attractive and durable vine prefers bright indirect light and a draft free place. It can grow in low light and needs moist soil.
13. Dracaena

There are many varieties of Dracaena genus that are hardy houseplants, Dracaena marginata, Dracaena fragrans are among the most popular and easy to grow plants. This beautiful houseplant needs occasional pruning and regular watering. Keep the plant away from direct sun and avoid overwatering.
14. Bromeliads

Bromeliad is a perfect plant to grow indoors, most of the varieties of this plant thrive easily indoors. Although it is difficult to make it bloom, there are many varieties that have beautiful foliage that makes an attractive display.
15. Rubber Plant

Rubber plant is a large houseplant that can become a focal point to any room. Low maintenance and easy to grow. Keep it in a well-lit position in your home and allow the soil to dry out between watering spells. Besides the ornamental aspect, rubber plant is also an air purifying plant.
Potted houseplants provide a lavish look and can be used to decorate the interior at low cost. Also, they create positive impact and many of them purify the air. But what you’ll do if you don’t have much knowledge about growing plants and the houseplants that are best to grow? Simple! Learn about these 15 Best Houseplants for Beginners! They are easy to grow and tolerate poor conditions.
1. Snake Plant

Snake plant is one of the best plants for the beginners. Easy to grow and hard to kill, it can be grown in low light and need to be watered occasionally. Snake plant also removes toxins from the air– All this makes it a perfect houseplant for beginners.
2. Heartleaf Philodendron

Philodendron scandens is extremely easy to grow and great for beginners. It needs a moderate amount of light and prefers the soil to dry out between watering spells.
3. Spider Plant

One of the most popular houseplants. Its popularity is due to its toughness and the ease of growing and maintenance. The plant can easily adapt to almost any condition. Keep the plant in a bright spot and maintain slight moisture in the soil and it will grow happily.
4. Peace Lily

The peace lily is among the easiest plants to grow indoors. It can tolerate a wide range of lighting conditions, and needs only moderate watering. With graceful curving leaves and white flower that rise up from the dark foliage, peace lily looks exotic and elegant.
5. English Ivy

English Ivy is very hardy and easy to grow. Keep the pot in a spot that receives bright indirect sun and plant it in a container that is wide and shallow rather than narrow and deep.
6. Succulents and Cactus

Succulents and cacti are ideal for those who forget to water and care for plants. They are very adaptable and can survive many adverse conditions.
They need to be placed on a bright spot and a well-drained soil with little water.
7. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo is not a bamboo, but a plant belongs to Dracaena genus. It is an easy-care houseplant. Just provide it abundant water and it’ll grow well even in indirect light. Protect the plant from cold drafts and provide iron fertilizer occasionally.
8. Jade Plant

Jade plant is a succulent and is probably one of the best houseplants for beginners. When grown indoors, a jade plant can grow up to a size of a small shrub. Keep the plant in a spot that receives partial or indirect sunlight from having a healthy specimen.
9. Cast Iron Plant

As the name suggest, one of the toughest plants that make it ideal for beginners. Cast-iron plant can withstands neglect, low light, low humidity, and a wide range of temperatures. It prefers moist soil.
10. Peperomia

Credit: Houseplants Expert
Another good plant for beginners is Peperomia. Peperomia is small striking houseplant that is available in different colors and shapes. Peperomia likes slightly moist soil and humidity but watering should be reduced in winter.
11. ZZ Plant

This super-tough plant is high resistant to adverse conditions like drought and low light. The plant prefers bright to moderate indirect light and well-drained soil. ZZ plant can do fine without fertilizer, but if you would like, you can fertilize the plant with half strength general fertilizer one to two times a year in the summer months.
12. Pothos (Devil’s Ivy)

Plants of the pothos family are easy to grow and become great houseplants for beginners. This attractive and durable vine prefers bright indirect light and a draft free place. It can grow in low light and needs moist soil.
13. Dracaena

There are many varieties of Dracaena genus that are hardy houseplants, Dracaena marginata, Dracaena fragrans are among the most popular and easy to grow plants. This beautiful houseplant needs occasional pruning and regular watering. Keep the plant away from direct sun and avoid overwatering.
14. Bromeliads

Bromeliad is a perfect plant to grow indoors, most of the varieties of this plant thrive easily indoors. Although it is difficult to make it bloom, there are many varieties that have beautiful foliage that makes an attractive display.
15. Rubber Plant

Rubber plant is a large houseplant that can become a focal point to any room. Low maintenance and easy to grow. Keep it in a well-lit position in your home and allow the soil to dry out between watering spells. Besides the ornamental aspect, rubber plant is also an air purifying plant.

Indoor gardening can be a challenge if you’re short of space. And, for your help here’re the 15 Brilliant Vertical Indoor Garden Ideas, by applying a few of these you’ll be able to create more space!1. Vertical Pallet Planter

Make a vertical pallet planter to create an adorable indoor garden easily and inexpensively. They’ll provide enough space for growing herbs and succulents without taking a much of floor space. Check out how to make one.
2. Dresser Planter

A bit quirky idea! Use an old dresser to create a stunning indoor garden. Plant some ferns and succulents in its drawers and also place some on top to create a beautiful indoor garden.
3. Indoor Ladder Planter

Previously we wrote a lot about the use of ladder planter in a balcony or rooftop garden. A practical idea! You can apply it to your indoor garden too! An old ladder is perfect to grow multiple house plants in limited space. To make this, simply add several wood planks on ladder steps to create shelves. Then plants your houseplants on it but be sure to place houseplants that have similar light requirements. Here is more on it.
4. DIY Pot Hanger

A unique (or say bizarre) way to display your favorite houseplants. This easy project only requires some scrap wood, rope, and a few basic woodworking tools. The best part is that the system makes watering a breeze. All the runoff from the previous pot drips into the plants below, so you only need to water the plant on top and be sure place a saucer under the bottom most pot. Here is the tutorial.
5. TV Stand Vertical Garden

Got an old TV Stand? Make a vertical indoor garden out of it. This is a great way to recycle your old TV stand and transform it to a living beauty. You can either paint it for a fresh new look or use it as it is for a rustic look.
6. Hanging Plastic Bottle Cactus Garden

Do you want to create a vertical soda bottle garden? Follow this idea. All that is required is bottles cut in half, cactus plants or succulents, and many colorful threads to get a really cool decorative look. Here you can see the complete tutorial.
7. Shoe Organizer Vertical Garden

A hanging shoe organizer is perfect for your vertical INDOOR garden. Its pockets are the ideal size for growing individual plants and herbs. Get the DIY instructions here.
8. Vertical Herb Garden

Want to grow herbs but you don’t have space (short of budget too)? Well, even a wooden plank is enough. All you need is some plastic bottles, hooks, nails and hammer and you’re all set to grow your own herbs.
9. Mason Jar Vertical Garden

Don’t throw away those old mason jars, use them creatively to make an indoor herb wall garden. Metal bands and screws hold the jars in place against a scrap piece of wood that is mounted on the wall. Fill in the soil and plant your favorite herbs to use them all year round. Read about more Mason Jar Uses here!
10. Hanging Coconut Planter

Use coconut shells after eating to create this super cute hanging indoor garden. This project is unique, still simple and doesn’t require much. Check out the tutorial here.
11. Pallet Container Holder

Arrange a pallet board and hang several pots on it. It’s easy! And the best part is it will create plenty of vertical space.
12. Vertical Picture Frame Planter

A cool idea for your room if it receives some sun to make it greener, you can hang a wall planter like this in your room. See the step by step tutorial on our website.
13. Vertical Pot Holder From Pallet Planks

Dismantle a pallet board and separate the pallet planks; nail them on to the wall and fix the pots. Simple!
14. Hanging Terracotta Planters

Vertical gardening is a boon for those who’re short of space. A tutorial is available here.
15. Iron Grid Pot Holder

You can make a grid like this by welding the iron rods or weave them by any other method so that you’ll be able to hang the pots. You can paint that too in your favorite color. *The grid can also be made of wood.

Make a vertical pallet planter to create an adorable indoor garden easily and inexpensively. They’ll provide enough space for growing herbs and succulents without taking a much of floor space. Check out how to make one.
2. Dresser Planter

A bit quirky idea! Use an old dresser to create a stunning indoor garden. Plant some ferns and succulents in its drawers and also place some on top to create a beautiful indoor garden.
3. Indoor Ladder Planter

Previously we wrote a lot about the use of ladder planter in a balcony or rooftop garden. A practical idea! You can apply it to your indoor garden too! An old ladder is perfect to grow multiple house plants in limited space. To make this, simply add several wood planks on ladder steps to create shelves. Then plants your houseplants on it but be sure to place houseplants that have similar light requirements. Here is more on it.
4. DIY Pot Hanger

A unique (or say bizarre) way to display your favorite houseplants. This easy project only requires some scrap wood, rope, and a few basic woodworking tools. The best part is that the system makes watering a breeze. All the runoff from the previous pot drips into the plants below, so you only need to water the plant on top and be sure place a saucer under the bottom most pot. Here is the tutorial.
5. TV Stand Vertical Garden

Got an old TV Stand? Make a vertical indoor garden out of it. This is a great way to recycle your old TV stand and transform it to a living beauty. You can either paint it for a fresh new look or use it as it is for a rustic look.
6. Hanging Plastic Bottle Cactus Garden

Do you want to create a vertical soda bottle garden? Follow this idea. All that is required is bottles cut in half, cactus plants or succulents, and many colorful threads to get a really cool decorative look. Here you can see the complete tutorial.
7. Shoe Organizer Vertical Garden

A hanging shoe organizer is perfect for your vertical INDOOR garden. Its pockets are the ideal size for growing individual plants and herbs. Get the DIY instructions here.
8. Vertical Herb Garden

Want to grow herbs but you don’t have space (short of budget too)? Well, even a wooden plank is enough. All you need is some plastic bottles, hooks, nails and hammer and you’re all set to grow your own herbs.
9. Mason Jar Vertical Garden

Don’t throw away those old mason jars, use them creatively to make an indoor herb wall garden. Metal bands and screws hold the jars in place against a scrap piece of wood that is mounted on the wall. Fill in the soil and plant your favorite herbs to use them all year round. Read about more Mason Jar Uses here!
10. Hanging Coconut Planter

Use coconut shells after eating to create this super cute hanging indoor garden. This project is unique, still simple and doesn’t require much. Check out the tutorial here.
11. Pallet Container Holder

Arrange a pallet board and hang several pots on it. It’s easy! And the best part is it will create plenty of vertical space.
12. Vertical Picture Frame Planter

A cool idea for your room if it receives some sun to make it greener, you can hang a wall planter like this in your room. See the step by step tutorial on our website.
13. Vertical Pot Holder From Pallet Planks

Dismantle a pallet board and separate the pallet planks; nail them on to the wall and fix the pots. Simple!
14. Hanging Terracotta Planters

Vertical gardening is a boon for those who’re short of space. A tutorial is available here.
15. Iron Grid Pot Holder

You can make a grid like this by welding the iron rods or weave them by any other method so that you’ll be able to hang the pots. You can paint that too in your favorite color. *The grid can also be made of wood.

Love the color purple? Then grow these 15 GORGEOUS purple houseplants known for their colorful foliage and warm texture!1. Purple Oxalis

Native to Brazil, Oxalis plants display unique, pinwheel foliage and a wealth of starry blossoms. Some varieties produce purple leaves or foliage with deeper accent markings. Its delicate foliage and dainty flowers make it an ideal choice for containers and indoors alike. The tiny, triangular leaflets close at night, which make it a fun plant to have around the house.
2. Coleus

Coleus is a beautiful, showy plant that is available in various colors and styles. Mostly used as an annual for outdoor gardens, it is super easy to grow as an indoor plant as well. The vibrancy of its colors comes from receiving an adequate amount of sunlight. The more the light, the more vivid the colors. However, shade does allow the colors to form as well, though they will be a tad subdued. Coleus is remarkably easy to propagate. The eye-catchy, fancy leaves can liven up a dull drawing room, while the compact structure does justice to space-constrained corners well.
3. Prayer Plant

The prayer plant, with its unusual, purplish brown leaf markings is a fun little plant to have around the house. Also known as rabbit tracks, it has two different varieties, the green, and the red one. The latter has bold red leaf veins alongside the markings. Leaves close at night, thereby creating the appearance of praying hands. Prayer plant thrives well on moderately high humidity and uniformly watered soil. However, it appreciates remaining on a drier side in winter.
4. Sweet Caroline ‘Purple’ Potato Vine

We love this! One of the most gorgeous and versatile plants around for CONTAINER GARDENERS, sweet potato vine, performs well in both partial sun and shade and looks pretty in container gardens, borders, garden beds and landscapes. The plant is mainly loved for its brilliant foliage that is available in different colors of lime, purple, bronze, black or copper. And since its beauty comes from its leaf, the plant can be enjoyed all year long without having to wait for the blooms to show up. Sweet potato vine grows best in the moist and well-drained soil. It is remarkably flexible regarding light requirements.
5. Wandering Jew

A unique, easy to grow houseplant, the Wandering Jew is a popular houseplant that is both easy to grow and looks amazing in a hanging basket as well as in a topiary form. The most widely available variety of this vine has leaves marked with characteristic olive and silver markings on the top and a dark purplish maroon color on the undersides. Some varieties flaunt a purplish color on both surfaces of the leaves. Wandering Jew thrives well on medium to bright low light and uniformly-watered soil. You can grow this plant from stem cuttings stuck in water or a moist potting soil. It’s recommended to allow the soil to dry in between watering spells.
6. Ti Plant

Ti plant is an astonishing red-purple colored houseplant featuring flamboyantly colored foliage and an elegant appeal; the ti plant is a perfect choice for adding a pop of color, style, and drama to a well-lit corner of your room. Most varieties have strap-like leaves variegated with bright streaks of different colors of hot pink, white, cream, or deeper shades of purple. Ti plant is picky about sunlight and likes to be in a spot that receives a partial sun.
7. Rex Begonia

Rex begonia plants are cherished for their dramatically colored and textured foliage. The leaves come in a broad spectrum of colors, shapes, and stripes. While the flowers are insignificant, the unique leaf shapes and attractive color combinations of silver, red, purple, white and pink pretty much makes up for it. Rex begonia mostly enjoys shade gardens, which makes it apt for indoor gardening. Soggy soil and excessive use of fertilizers lead to instant rotting, while prolonged wet leaves make them susceptible to infection. If you keep these in mind, caring for your Rex begonia plant will be a breeze.
8. Purple Passion (Gynura Aurantiaca)

This lovely houseplant has fuzzy green foliage with a dab of purple hairs and edges. Grow it in any neutral colored houseplant, and you’ll see how it’ll stand out from the other houseplants. Its characteristic purple sheen comes when it is touched by a fleck of sunlight. Purple passion has an upright habit when young and becomes more vine-like and spreading as it matures. This makes it a perfect choice for adorning hanging baskets and small trellises alike. The plant enjoys the bright light and evenly moist soil.
9. Caladium

Caladiums are beautiful tropical plants with big, wafer-thin leaves having varying patterns in reds, pink, purple and cream. The brilliant foliage of this plant is its USP, as it is available in unusual shapes like hearts, lances or arrows, as well as eye-catchy color combinations of red, pink, rose and white. Being a shade plant, it doesn’t mind growing indoors, though it requires a minimum of 3-4 hours of filtered light each day.
10. Waffle Plant

The waffle plant is a beautiful tiny houseplant with colorful foliage having a metallic tone in purple color, the striking appearance, which makes it an excellent addition to your home or office. Its small stature makes it ideal for decorating crammed-up desks or countertops, while its low growing nature makes it suitable for use as a groundcover underneath larger indoor plants like ficus trees. Waffle plant benefits from medium to bright light indoors. Remember, if it doesn’t get adequate sunlight, it may lose its vibrant purple coloring. However, direct light is a hazard as the leaves may bleach and undergo sunburn. Accent the waffle plant’s brilliant foliage with a terracotta container for a classic appeal.
11. Red Aglaonema

Red aglaonema is a spectacular Chinese evergreen plant with stunning, purple or red-tinted leaves. One of the easiest houseplants to grow, red aglaonema, is a new and stylish entree to the world of houseplants. This beauty flaunts dark green leaves marked elegantly with bright red, purple or pink stripes. Its colorful foliage makes it apt for decorating desks, tabletops, coffee tables as well as side tables in bedrooms. You can also consider using it as a substitute for poinsettia this season. The long-lived houseplant retains its color all through the year and demands little care in the process.
12. Calathea

The calathea is one of the most beautiful houseplants that has the potential to light up any room with colorful accents. With a special marking of stark white veins against red, purple, green and cream leaves, the calathea lends an exciting and fashionable touch to your home. Most varieties have reddish purple color on the undersides of leaves, which makes them attractive when viewed from both above or below.
13. Iron-Cross Begonia

This beautiful New Guinea species is a must for you if you love growing unique indoor plants. Its leaves sport wide, chocolate-brown markings which stand out well against the dark green backdrop and radiate all the way to the leaf margins, thereby resembling the German iron cross. The beautiful coloration set against solid green with a coarse, pebbled texture makes for a very royal presence that is sure to liven up your home like none other. The plant prefers humid conditions, though you are best off cutting back on the water amount if you notice yellowing or browning of the leaves.
14. Rubber Tree (Ficus elastica)

The mention of rubber tree immediately conjures up images of latex oozing out from barks. True that but it is one of the most popular houseplants today and why not it looks impressive indoors and cleanse the air too. Its leaves appear dark purple when mature, and bright red when young and opening. Learn how to grow a rubber tree houseplant here!
Also Read: Plants for Restful Sleep
15. Silver Squill

Contrary to its name, silver squill is a tough little plant. Hailing from the Cape Province of South Africa, it grows in dry habitats and stores moisture in its succulent, bulb-like stems as an adaptation tactic against the moisture-deprived soil. With its unique structure and colorful foliage, it becomes an unusual houseplant, which is sure to attract plenty of eyeballs. The plant derives its name from the lovely, silver-colored polka dots on leaves and the rich purple undersides of the stems. It’s easy to care as well, provided you grow them in the shade.

Native to Brazil, Oxalis plants display unique, pinwheel foliage and a wealth of starry blossoms. Some varieties produce purple leaves or foliage with deeper accent markings. Its delicate foliage and dainty flowers make it an ideal choice for containers and indoors alike. The tiny, triangular leaflets close at night, which make it a fun plant to have around the house.
2. Coleus

Coleus is a beautiful, showy plant that is available in various colors and styles. Mostly used as an annual for outdoor gardens, it is super easy to grow as an indoor plant as well. The vibrancy of its colors comes from receiving an adequate amount of sunlight. The more the light, the more vivid the colors. However, shade does allow the colors to form as well, though they will be a tad subdued. Coleus is remarkably easy to propagate. The eye-catchy, fancy leaves can liven up a dull drawing room, while the compact structure does justice to space-constrained corners well.
3. Prayer Plant

The prayer plant, with its unusual, purplish brown leaf markings is a fun little plant to have around the house. Also known as rabbit tracks, it has two different varieties, the green, and the red one. The latter has bold red leaf veins alongside the markings. Leaves close at night, thereby creating the appearance of praying hands. Prayer plant thrives well on moderately high humidity and uniformly watered soil. However, it appreciates remaining on a drier side in winter.
4. Sweet Caroline ‘Purple’ Potato Vine

We love this! One of the most gorgeous and versatile plants around for CONTAINER GARDENERS, sweet potato vine, performs well in both partial sun and shade and looks pretty in container gardens, borders, garden beds and landscapes. The plant is mainly loved for its brilliant foliage that is available in different colors of lime, purple, bronze, black or copper. And since its beauty comes from its leaf, the plant can be enjoyed all year long without having to wait for the blooms to show up. Sweet potato vine grows best in the moist and well-drained soil. It is remarkably flexible regarding light requirements.
5. Wandering Jew

A unique, easy to grow houseplant, the Wandering Jew is a popular houseplant that is both easy to grow and looks amazing in a hanging basket as well as in a topiary form. The most widely available variety of this vine has leaves marked with characteristic olive and silver markings on the top and a dark purplish maroon color on the undersides. Some varieties flaunt a purplish color on both surfaces of the leaves. Wandering Jew thrives well on medium to bright low light and uniformly-watered soil. You can grow this plant from stem cuttings stuck in water or a moist potting soil. It’s recommended to allow the soil to dry in between watering spells.
6. Ti Plant

Ti plant is an astonishing red-purple colored houseplant featuring flamboyantly colored foliage and an elegant appeal; the ti plant is a perfect choice for adding a pop of color, style, and drama to a well-lit corner of your room. Most varieties have strap-like leaves variegated with bright streaks of different colors of hot pink, white, cream, or deeper shades of purple. Ti plant is picky about sunlight and likes to be in a spot that receives a partial sun.
7. Rex Begonia

Rex begonia plants are cherished for their dramatically colored and textured foliage. The leaves come in a broad spectrum of colors, shapes, and stripes. While the flowers are insignificant, the unique leaf shapes and attractive color combinations of silver, red, purple, white and pink pretty much makes up for it. Rex begonia mostly enjoys shade gardens, which makes it apt for indoor gardening. Soggy soil and excessive use of fertilizers lead to instant rotting, while prolonged wet leaves make them susceptible to infection. If you keep these in mind, caring for your Rex begonia plant will be a breeze.
8. Purple Passion (Gynura Aurantiaca)

This lovely houseplant has fuzzy green foliage with a dab of purple hairs and edges. Grow it in any neutral colored houseplant, and you’ll see how it’ll stand out from the other houseplants. Its characteristic purple sheen comes when it is touched by a fleck of sunlight. Purple passion has an upright habit when young and becomes more vine-like and spreading as it matures. This makes it a perfect choice for adorning hanging baskets and small trellises alike. The plant enjoys the bright light and evenly moist soil.
9. Caladium

Caladiums are beautiful tropical plants with big, wafer-thin leaves having varying patterns in reds, pink, purple and cream. The brilliant foliage of this plant is its USP, as it is available in unusual shapes like hearts, lances or arrows, as well as eye-catchy color combinations of red, pink, rose and white. Being a shade plant, it doesn’t mind growing indoors, though it requires a minimum of 3-4 hours of filtered light each day.
10. Waffle Plant

The waffle plant is a beautiful tiny houseplant with colorful foliage having a metallic tone in purple color, the striking appearance, which makes it an excellent addition to your home or office. Its small stature makes it ideal for decorating crammed-up desks or countertops, while its low growing nature makes it suitable for use as a groundcover underneath larger indoor plants like ficus trees. Waffle plant benefits from medium to bright light indoors. Remember, if it doesn’t get adequate sunlight, it may lose its vibrant purple coloring. However, direct light is a hazard as the leaves may bleach and undergo sunburn. Accent the waffle plant’s brilliant foliage with a terracotta container for a classic appeal.
11. Red Aglaonema

Red aglaonema is a spectacular Chinese evergreen plant with stunning, purple or red-tinted leaves. One of the easiest houseplants to grow, red aglaonema, is a new and stylish entree to the world of houseplants. This beauty flaunts dark green leaves marked elegantly with bright red, purple or pink stripes. Its colorful foliage makes it apt for decorating desks, tabletops, coffee tables as well as side tables in bedrooms. You can also consider using it as a substitute for poinsettia this season. The long-lived houseplant retains its color all through the year and demands little care in the process.
12. Calathea

The calathea is one of the most beautiful houseplants that has the potential to light up any room with colorful accents. With a special marking of stark white veins against red, purple, green and cream leaves, the calathea lends an exciting and fashionable touch to your home. Most varieties have reddish purple color on the undersides of leaves, which makes them attractive when viewed from both above or below.
13. Iron-Cross Begonia

This beautiful New Guinea species is a must for you if you love growing unique indoor plants. Its leaves sport wide, chocolate-brown markings which stand out well against the dark green backdrop and radiate all the way to the leaf margins, thereby resembling the German iron cross. The beautiful coloration set against solid green with a coarse, pebbled texture makes for a very royal presence that is sure to liven up your home like none other. The plant prefers humid conditions, though you are best off cutting back on the water amount if you notice yellowing or browning of the leaves.
14. Rubber Tree (Ficus elastica)

The mention of rubber tree immediately conjures up images of latex oozing out from barks. True that but it is one of the most popular houseplants today and why not it looks impressive indoors and cleanse the air too. Its leaves appear dark purple when mature, and bright red when young and opening. Learn how to grow a rubber tree houseplant here!
Also Read: Plants for Restful Sleep
15. Silver Squill

Contrary to its name, silver squill is a tough little plant. Hailing from the Cape Province of South Africa, it grows in dry habitats and stores moisture in its succulent, bulb-like stems as an adaptation tactic against the moisture-deprived soil. With its unique structure and colorful foliage, it becomes an unusual houseplant, which is sure to attract plenty of eyeballs. The plant derives its name from the lovely, silver-colored polka dots on leaves and the rich purple undersides of the stems. It’s easy to care as well, provided you grow them in the shade.

#彩色马蹄莲 与#白色马蹄莲 在栽培管理上没有太大的区别。生长适温均为15℃至25℃,开花期间,日间温度为16℃至19℃,白色品种夜间温度不低于13℃,而有色品种应不低于16℃。若温度高于25℃或低于5℃,则植株被迫进入休眠。它性喜温暖湿润和阳光充足的环境,不耐寒冷和干旱。
家庭盆栽彩色马蹄莲,可施用多元缓释复合肥颗粒,也可用0.2%的尿素加0.1%的磷酸二氢钾混合液。栽培用土,可用园土、腐叶土、泥炭土按2∶2∶1 混合,再加入少量的多元复合肥颗粒。

家庭盆栽彩色马蹄莲,可施用多元缓释复合肥颗粒,也可用0.2%的尿素加0.1%的磷酸二氢钾混合液。栽培用土,可用园土、腐叶土、泥炭土按2∶2∶1 混合,再加入少量的多元复合肥颗粒。
