

3).倒盆:盆栽桂花每2--3年要倒盆换土一次。剪去一部分老根和枯根,用竹签剔去一部分旧土。上盆前在盆底垫上一层河沙或蛭石,以利通气排水,并在盆底放置腐熟饼肥为基肥,填土一定要压实,这样可促进桂花花繁叶茂。盆栽挂花的用土配比不很严格,通常可用园土、堆厩肥和河砂各占l/3配制而成。如酸性过高,可添加一些石灰粉或草木灰;碱性过重,则可加入一些硫酸铝或硫酸亚铁等。春季,盆栽桂花种好后,要浇足透水,然后移至庇荫处约10天,使 其"服盆"。服盆期间,不能施肥。在恢复生长并长出新叶后,方可浇水和施肥。花盆的质地以紫砂陶盆或釉陶盆为佳,色泽以紫色或赭色较好,可与花、叶色彩有鲜明对比,增加其观赏效果。
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Fabaceae
Stems - Woody, single. A tree to +15m tall. Bark tan to light grayish. Paired spines present on younger branches. New seasons growth angled, sparsely pubescent.
Leaves - Alternate, odd-pinnate, typically with 7-19 leaflets. Leaflets oval to elliptic, opposite, glabrous when mature, entire, to +2cm long, +1.5cm broad.
Inflorescence - Drooping Axillary racemes to +15cm long. Typically 20-30 flowers per raceme. Peduncle and pedicles pubescent.
Flowers - Corolla papilionaceous, 2cm long and tall. Standard to 1.8cm broad and long, with yellowish spot in center. Stamens diadelphous, tube to 1.4cm long. Anthers orange, -1mm long. Ovary green, flattened, 1.5cm long, 1.1mm broad. Style 6.5mm long, pubescent at apex, upcurving near apex. Calyx tubular, bilabiate, sparsely to moderately pubescent, green mottled with red. Upper lip 3-4mm long, notched at apex. Lower lip 3-lobed. Lobes 2.5mm long. Fruits compressed, +1cm wide, +/- 7cm long.
Flowering - May - June.
Habitat - Slopes, pastures, open woods, streambanks, roadsides.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This tree is very common and is easily noticed when flowering. The flowers have a pleasant fragrance but each cluster only last a few days. My dad, who is the master of all things green and growing, recognized it from his days in Europe, where the tree also grows.
Stems - Woody, single. A tree to +15m tall. Bark tan to light grayish. Paired spines present on younger branches. New seasons growth angled, sparsely pubescent.

Leaves - Alternate, odd-pinnate, typically with 7-19 leaflets. Leaflets oval to elliptic, opposite, glabrous when mature, entire, to +2cm long, +1.5cm broad.
Inflorescence - Drooping Axillary racemes to +15cm long. Typically 20-30 flowers per raceme. Peduncle and pedicles pubescent.
Flowers - Corolla papilionaceous, 2cm long and tall. Standard to 1.8cm broad and long, with yellowish spot in center. Stamens diadelphous, tube to 1.4cm long. Anthers orange, -1mm long. Ovary green, flattened, 1.5cm long, 1.1mm broad. Style 6.5mm long, pubescent at apex, upcurving near apex. Calyx tubular, bilabiate, sparsely to moderately pubescent, green mottled with red. Upper lip 3-4mm long, notched at apex. Lower lip 3-lobed. Lobes 2.5mm long. Fruits compressed, +1cm wide, +/- 7cm long.

Flowering - May - June.
Habitat - Slopes, pastures, open woods, streambanks, roadsides.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This tree is very common and is easily noticed when flowering. The flowers have a pleasant fragrance but each cluster only last a few days. My dad, who is the master of all things green and growing, recognized it from his days in Europe, where the tree also grows.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Menispermaceae
Stems - Thin, twining, woody below, dark maroon in color, young portions with some hair but becoming glabrous (glabrescent). No tendrils.

Leaves - Alternate, petiolate, peltate (look from below to see), with 3-7 broad, shallow lobes, margins entire, upper surface glabrous, lower surface silvery-green with some pubescence.
Inflorescence - Pendant clusters of 40 or so flowers from leaf axils. Staminate and pistillate clusters separate on same plant.
Flowers - Petals 4-8, 2-3mm long, whitish, ovate, glabrous. Stamens numerous(+15).Filaments white, glabrous, -4mm long. Anthers yellow, -1mm long.
Fruits - Drupes, indigo-black in color, somewhat glaucous, 6-7mm in diameter.

Flowering - May - July.
Habitat - Moist woods, thickets, fence rows.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - Although the plant and fruits may loosely resemble grapes, they should not be eaten as they are mildly toxic. The plant can climb to around 7m or so.
Stems - Thin, twining, woody below, dark maroon in color, young portions with some hair but becoming glabrous (glabrescent). No tendrils.

Leaves - Alternate, petiolate, peltate (look from below to see), with 3-7 broad, shallow lobes, margins entire, upper surface glabrous, lower surface silvery-green with some pubescence.
Inflorescence - Pendant clusters of 40 or so flowers from leaf axils. Staminate and pistillate clusters separate on same plant.
Flowers - Petals 4-8, 2-3mm long, whitish, ovate, glabrous. Stamens numerous(+15).Filaments white, glabrous, -4mm long. Anthers yellow, -1mm long.
Fruits - Drupes, indigo-black in color, somewhat glaucous, 6-7mm in diameter.

Flowering - May - July.
Habitat - Moist woods, thickets, fence rows.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - Although the plant and fruits may loosely resemble grapes, they should not be eaten as they are mildly toxic. The plant can climb to around 7m or so.



Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Rhamnaceae
Stems - Woody, multiple from base, to 1m tall, branching, ferruginous, sparse pubescent, rugose. New growth sericeous, green.
Leaves - Alternate, petiolate, stipulate. Stipules 4.5mm long, 1mm broad, pubescent, attenuate. Petioles to 7mm long, pubescent. Blades to 6cm long, -3cm broad, oblong-elliptic to lance-oblong, crenate-serrate, blunt to acute, densely pubescent(villous) and dull below, deep green and pubescent above, rounded to cuneate at base.
Inflorescence - Terminal panicles from new growth. Peduncles shorter then subtending leaf, to 2cm long, lanate. Pedicels white, to 1.4cm long, .6mm in diameter, expanding just below hypanthium.
Flowers - Petals 5, white, long clawed, spreading, glabrous, to 2.5mm long. Limb to 1.2mm broad, cupped. Stamens 5, opposite petals, erect. Filaments to 2mm long, white, glabrous. Anthers .2mm long, yellow. Style 3-lobed, 2mm long, glabrous, white. Ovary 3-locular, green, surrounded by peringynous disk. Calyx lobes 5, in-curved, white, glabrous, to 1.6mm long. Hypanthium white, 1mm long, persistent.
Flowering - April - June.
Habitat - Upland and rocky prairies, loess hills, glades, rocky woods.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - Steyermark lists two varieties for this species in the state. The plant described above is var. pubescens T.&G. ex Wats. A synonym for this variety is C. herbaceous var. pubescens (T.&G.) Shinners. This is the most common variation found in the state. The other variety, var. ovatus, has leaves which are glabrous to only sparse pubescent below.
This species is scattered throughout portions of the state but is most frequent in the western half of the state. Another species, C. americanus L., resembles this species but the former has more ovate leaves, more cylindric inflorescences, and longer peduncles. C. americanus is listed in this same section of this website. Both species are brewed as tea for medicinal uses.
Stems - Woody, multiple from base, to 1m tall, branching, ferruginous, sparse pubescent, rugose. New growth sericeous, green.

Leaves - Alternate, petiolate, stipulate. Stipules 4.5mm long, 1mm broad, pubescent, attenuate. Petioles to 7mm long, pubescent. Blades to 6cm long, -3cm broad, oblong-elliptic to lance-oblong, crenate-serrate, blunt to acute, densely pubescent(villous) and dull below, deep green and pubescent above, rounded to cuneate at base.
Inflorescence - Terminal panicles from new growth. Peduncles shorter then subtending leaf, to 2cm long, lanate. Pedicels white, to 1.4cm long, .6mm in diameter, expanding just below hypanthium.

Flowers - Petals 5, white, long clawed, spreading, glabrous, to 2.5mm long. Limb to 1.2mm broad, cupped. Stamens 5, opposite petals, erect. Filaments to 2mm long, white, glabrous. Anthers .2mm long, yellow. Style 3-lobed, 2mm long, glabrous, white. Ovary 3-locular, green, surrounded by peringynous disk. Calyx lobes 5, in-curved, white, glabrous, to 1.6mm long. Hypanthium white, 1mm long, persistent.
Flowering - April - June.

Habitat - Upland and rocky prairies, loess hills, glades, rocky woods.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - Steyermark lists two varieties for this species in the state. The plant described above is var. pubescens T.&G. ex Wats. A synonym for this variety is C. herbaceous var. pubescens (T.&G.) Shinners. This is the most common variation found in the state. The other variety, var. ovatus, has leaves which are glabrous to only sparse pubescent below.
This species is scattered throughout portions of the state but is most frequent in the western half of the state. Another species, C. americanus L., resembles this species but the former has more ovate leaves, more cylindric inflorescences, and longer peduncles. C. americanus is listed in this same section of this website. Both species are brewed as tea for medicinal uses.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Scrophulariaceae
Stems - To 1.75m tall, branching above or not, erect, herbaceous, glabrous to pubescent or villous.
Leaves - Whorled, up to 7 at a node but typically four or five, sessile to very short petiolate. Blade lanceolate to linear oblong, serrate, to +12cm long, +2cm broad, glabrous above, dense pubescent below.
Inflorescence - Terminal spikiform racemes to 20cm long(tall), densely flowered, indeterminate. Pedicels to .5mm long. Each flower subtended by a small attenuate bract to 1.1mm long.
Flowers - Corolla subbilabiate, white (sometimes pinkish), glabrous. Corolla tube to 6mm long. Upper lip single lobed. Lobe to 1.5mm long, rounded. Lower lip 3-lobed. Lobes rounded, to 1.5mm long. Stamens 2, exserted, adnate near base of corolla tube. Filaments pubescent at base, white, to 1.3cm long. Anthers orange, to 1.3mm long. Style glabrous, brown, included, to 7mm long. Ovary green, glabrous, superior, 1mm long, with deep green nectariferous ring at base. Locules 2. Placentation axile. Fruit a terete capsule to -5mm long, many seeded. Calyx subbilabiate, the sepals appearing almost distinct. Lobes lanceolate, to 1.5mm long, acute, glabrous, green. Lower lobes typically a bit longer than the upper lobes.
Flowering - June - August.
Habitat - Moist to wet open ground, rich open woods.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This plant is easily identified as nothing else in the state's flora resembles it. The plant is being cultivated more frequently and adds a brilliant white splash of color to any landscape. It also re-seeds easily. A common name for the plant is "Veronica" which is bad because the genus Veronica is in the same family but the plants are totally different. Just another reason to learn the scientific names.
Stems - To 1.75m tall, branching above or not, erect, herbaceous, glabrous to pubescent or villous.

Leaves - Whorled, up to 7 at a node but typically four or five, sessile to very short petiolate. Blade lanceolate to linear oblong, serrate, to +12cm long, +2cm broad, glabrous above, dense pubescent below.

Inflorescence - Terminal spikiform racemes to 20cm long(tall), densely flowered, indeterminate. Pedicels to .5mm long. Each flower subtended by a small attenuate bract to 1.1mm long.
Flowers - Corolla subbilabiate, white (sometimes pinkish), glabrous. Corolla tube to 6mm long. Upper lip single lobed. Lobe to 1.5mm long, rounded. Lower lip 3-lobed. Lobes rounded, to 1.5mm long. Stamens 2, exserted, adnate near base of corolla tube. Filaments pubescent at base, white, to 1.3cm long. Anthers orange, to 1.3mm long. Style glabrous, brown, included, to 7mm long. Ovary green, glabrous, superior, 1mm long, with deep green nectariferous ring at base. Locules 2. Placentation axile. Fruit a terete capsule to -5mm long, many seeded. Calyx subbilabiate, the sepals appearing almost distinct. Lobes lanceolate, to 1.5mm long, acute, glabrous, green. Lower lobes typically a bit longer than the upper lobes.
Flowering - June - August.
Habitat - Moist to wet open ground, rich open woods.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This plant is easily identified as nothing else in the state's flora resembles it. The plant is being cultivated more frequently and adds a brilliant white splash of color to any landscape. It also re-seeds easily. A common name for the plant is "Veronica" which is bad because the genus Veronica is in the same family but the plants are totally different. Just another reason to learn the scientific names.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Hydrangeaceae
Stems - To 2.5m tall, multiple from base, branching, woody.
Leaves - Opposite, 5-7 lobed, petiolate, margins serrate, tomentose below, sparsely hairy to glabrous above, to +12cm broad, +15cm long.
Inflorescence - Dense, terminal panicle to +30cm long. Peduncle and axis puberulent to tomentose.
Flowers - Outer flowers of inflorescence with 4 white, petaloid sepals (petals absent), sterile, to +2.5cm broad. Inner flowers small, with greenish sepals, fertile. Stamens 8-10, spreading. Filaments greenish-white, to 8mm long, glabrous. Anthers biglobose, whitish, 1.2mm broad.
Flowering - June - August.
Habitat - Cultivated.
Origin - Native to southeastern U.S. (Florida, Georgia, Mississippi).
Other info. - This species is unmistakable while flowering because of the large panicles it produces. There are around 7-8 cultivars on the market. It prefers well drained yet cool soil.
The species name means "Oak-leaved" and the leaves do slightly resemble those of the Red Oak group.
Stems - To 2.5m tall, multiple from base, branching, woody.
Leaves - Opposite, 5-7 lobed, petiolate, margins serrate, tomentose below, sparsely hairy to glabrous above, to +12cm broad, +15cm long.

Inflorescence - Dense, terminal panicle to +30cm long. Peduncle and axis puberulent to tomentose.
Flowers - Outer flowers of inflorescence with 4 white, petaloid sepals (petals absent), sterile, to +2.5cm broad. Inner flowers small, with greenish sepals, fertile. Stamens 8-10, spreading. Filaments greenish-white, to 8mm long, glabrous. Anthers biglobose, whitish, 1.2mm broad.

Flowering - June - August.
Habitat - Cultivated.
Origin - Native to southeastern U.S. (Florida, Georgia, Mississippi).
Other info. - This species is unmistakable while flowering because of the large panicles it produces. There are around 7-8 cultivars on the market. It prefers well drained yet cool soil.
The species name means "Oak-leaved" and the leaves do slightly resemble those of the Red Oak group.
Miss Chen

#观赏向日葵 为菊科向日葵属一年生花卉,株高90至300厘米,花期7至9月,花色有金黄色、红色及复色等,一般成片种植,开花时金黄耀眼,既有野趣,又极为壮观,广泛用于切花、盆花、染色花、庭院美化及花境营造等领域,下面我们就一起来看一看观赏向日葵怎么种吧!




Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Ranunculaceae
Stems - Twining to trailing or climbing, somewhat woody near base, herbaceous above, glabrous, carinate, much branched.
Leaves - Opposite, petiolate, twining, odd pinnately compound with typically 5-7 leaflets. Petiole to 4cm long, with an adaxial groove, sparse pubescent to glabrous. Leaflets ovate to ovate lanceolate or orbicular, some cordate at base, with petiolules to 3cm long and twining, entire, mucronate, deep green and glabrous above, dull green and sparse pubescent below, to +7cm long, +4cm broad.
Inflorescence - Axillary panicles. Peduncles and pedicels carinate, glabrous to sparse pubescent.
Flowers - Petals absent. Petaloid sepals 4, white to cream, to -2cm long, glabrous above, pubescent to sparse pilose below. Stamens +30. Filaments white, glabrous, to +/-8mm long. Anthers whitish to pale yellow, to 2mm long. Pistils 5, distinct, 8mm long, sericeous. Flowers fragrant. Achenes to 8mm long when mature, with persistent plumose style.
Flowering - July - October.
Habitat - Cultivated. Also escaped to waste ground, empty lots, roadsides.
Origin - Native to Japan.
Other info. - This is a showy and fragrant plant when in flower. The flowers are about 4-5cm broad and attract many good flying insects. The seeds are distributed by the wind and the plant escapes cultivation easily. It probably will become a pest in the future.
Stems - Twining to trailing or climbing, somewhat woody near base, herbaceous above, glabrous, carinate, much branched.
Leaves - Opposite, petiolate, twining, odd pinnately compound with typically 5-7 leaflets. Petiole to 4cm long, with an adaxial groove, sparse pubescent to glabrous. Leaflets ovate to ovate lanceolate or orbicular, some cordate at base, with petiolules to 3cm long and twining, entire, mucronate, deep green and glabrous above, dull green and sparse pubescent below, to +7cm long, +4cm broad.

Inflorescence - Axillary panicles. Peduncles and pedicels carinate, glabrous to sparse pubescent.
Flowers - Petals absent. Petaloid sepals 4, white to cream, to -2cm long, glabrous above, pubescent to sparse pilose below. Stamens +30. Filaments white, glabrous, to +/-8mm long. Anthers whitish to pale yellow, to 2mm long. Pistils 5, distinct, 8mm long, sericeous. Flowers fragrant. Achenes to 8mm long when mature, with persistent plumose style.

Flowering - July - October.
Habitat - Cultivated. Also escaped to waste ground, empty lots, roadsides.
Origin - Native to Japan.
Other info. - This is a showy and fragrant plant when in flower. The flowers are about 4-5cm broad and attract many good flying insects. The seeds are distributed by the wind and the plant escapes cultivation easily. It probably will become a pest in the future.