#香菜 籽最佳的种植时间为9~10月,当然春季也可以,南方全年都可播种哦!不过当温度过高时,需要将种子浸泡24小时后在20~25℃的环境下催芽,不然很难出苗的!
浸种:将种子放到40度温水中浸泡6小时 (在温水中,沉睡的种子会被唤醒。)
ボトルツリーの基本情報科・属アオギリ科ブラキキトン属英名Queensland bottle tree(クイーンズランド・ボトルツリー)学名Brachychiton rupestris(ブラキキトン・ルベストリス)原産地オーストラリア出回り時期4月~8月育てやすさ
・用土は観葉植物用用土でも使用可能です。配合する場合は赤玉小土と腐葉土を7:3 の割合で作りましょう。
#褐斑病 :叶片染病后,初现淡黄色小点,扩大下陷,最后形成近圆形中央灰白色,边缘暗褐色白病斑,具轮纹,直径1-5毫米,表面产生淡黑色霉状物。病菌在病叶残体中过冬,6-8月发病重,可用1%波尔多液或75%百菌清600倍防治。
#病毒病 :表现花叶、褪绿、矮化等症状。毒原为小丽花花叶病毒,黄瓜花叶病毒,番茄斑萎病毒,烟草线条病毒等,叶蝉与蚜虫传毒,防治上可选用无毒繁殖材料,防治传毒昆虫。
#螟蛾 :幼虫淡黄色或淡红色,年发生2-3代,幼虫为害期6-8月,可喷50%杀螟松1000倍,如虫蛀人茎中,可注射氧化乐果100-200倍。
ドラゴンフルーツの育て方 まとめ
熱帯地域に生息する森林性サボテンの一種で茎の太さは4~7センチほどになりよく分枝します。気根を出して近くの木などに絡まりながら最大で10メートル以上にまで生長します。 夜に大きさ30センチほどの月下美人に似た花を咲かせ、強い芳香があります。午後8時~9時ごろに開花し翌朝にはしぼむ一日花です。丈夫でそれほど手間がかからないので家庭でも結実させることができ、沖縄以外の温暖な地域でも徐々に栽培されてきています。果皮が龍のうろこのように見えるので「ドラゴンフルーツ」と呼ばれ別名を「ピタヤ」といいます。果肉の中にはごまのような種子が散らばっていて、味はさっぱりとして酸味はほとんどありません。
ドラゴンフルーツの基本情報科・属サボテン科ヒロケレウス属英名Dragon fruit・Pitaya学名Hylicereus undatus原産地中米出回り時期4月~6月育てやすさ★★☆☆☆
・結実率をあげるには夜に開花した時に筆などで人工授粉してやるとよいでしょう 。
ペペロミアの育て方 まとめ
葉にちりめん状のしわがある「ペペロミア・カペラタ」、すいか葉ペペロミアやシマアオイソウの別名がある「ペペロミア・アルギレア」、光沢のある緑葉で最もポピュラーな「ペペロミア・オブツシフォリア」、 金属光沢のある灰緑色の葉をもつ「ペペロミア・グリセオアルゲンテア」、その中でも「ホワイトエメラルド」は白色の覆輪が入ります。 豆の莢のような細長い多肉質の葉をもつ「ペペロミア・フェレイラエ」、直立タイプの小型種でよく枝分かれする「ペペロミア・オルバ」など葉色や形状の幅が広いのが特徴です。
ペペロミアの育て方 まとめ
科・属 ユリ科(アロエ科)ハオルシア属英名 Haworthia obtusa学名 Haworthia obtusa原産地 南アフリカ育てやすさ★★★
10月15日の誕生花は、「#クレオメ 」です。
クレオメについて科・属 フウチョウソウ科フウチョウソウ属英名 Spider flower学名 Cleome spinosa原産地 南アメリカ開花時期 7月~10月花名の由来
クレオメの咲いている花姿がチョウが飛んでいるように見えることから和名では「西洋風蝶草」とよばれます。英語では蜘蛛の花を意味する「Spider flower」と呼ばれ、これはチョウではなく細く長い蜘蛛の足に例えています。
Having plants in your house is like a baby to care. There are many things (if you’re new) you do not know when you plan to keep a plant in the house or the garden. If you are wondering WHY YOUR INDOOR PLANTS ARE DYING even after taking so much care and extra pampering, then there are some mistakes that you are doing. Here are the nine little (or the BIGGEST) mistakes which can kill your plant. So avoid doing them!
1. Keeping the plant in a location that is not suitable
Every plant has its specific needs, do’s and don’t do’s. If you don’t know what they are, acquire the knowledge from a florist, books or from the best place, the internet (consider our website)! Some plants are very specific with their placement indoor or outdoor. Placing them in an unsuitable location is certainly kill them sooner or later, quickly or gradually.
Mostly the plants growing indoors die due to this reason. You must read what a plant needs before you seek a place for it. Some plants require shade, indirect light or direct sunlight, while some need moisture. If a plant needs more level of moisture, then keep it in a shaded area. If not done so, all the moisture in the soil will dry up, and this will certainly kill the plant.
2. Changing the location to and fro
Plants adjust to the spot where they kept for a while, either at home or outdoors. When they moved often, it becomes difficult for them to adapt quickly to the different conditions of the new environment. Also, moving the plants frequently can hurt the growth of your houseplant.
3. Wrong soil
We say– Soil is the key! And when it comes to growing plants indoors, you can’t compromise with soil. A soilless potting mix is what we suggest. You can also make your own or choose high quality, organic soil mix.
Make sure that the soil you mix or buy is according to your plant’s needs. Some plants do better in moisture retaining, dense soil, while other plants, such as cacti, need light, fast-draining soil with high sand and peat content, to prevent root rot.
4. Overwatering
Even the experienced gardener make this mistake, this is the problem with container gardening. People who are new to gardening or growing plants do this– they think that giving more water to the plant will keep it healthy and let it grow faster. However, especially indoors, where the sun is scarce, the situation is different. Keeping plants on a little bit drier side is a good idea but if the plant you’re growing is a moisture loving plant then keep the soil slightly moist.
It is recommended that you do the research about the watering needs of your plant. Also, the most important factor that decides the watering requirements of a plant is the climate in which you’re growing it. Usually indoors, watering the plants only once a week should be enough though some of the low maintenance plants require even less water. It’s a good idea to feel the soil in every three days and when you water, water the plants thoroughly.
5. Keeping plants in too much or too little light
It is true that plants need light, but indoor plants are tender, low sunlight plants and exceeding their light requirement can kill them. It is always better to know about your plant before placing it anywhere. Some plants require little light for healthy growth. If they are supplied with more light, then this can kill or debilitate them.
6. Exposing to extreme temperatures
Indoor plants are indoor plants because they like indoor conditions and unvarying temperature, there are only a few that like high or low temperature than normal average room temperature. The safest daytime temperature for indoor plants is 65-75 F (18-24 C) or somewhere around it, whereas, during night time, fall in 5-10 F in temperature is optimum. Moderate temperature works well for houseplants and having a constant temperature leads to healthy growth.
7. Keeping the plant rootbound
If you have a houseplant for a long time and you do not re-pot it then it, becomes bound to the pot you have planted it in. In optimum conditions, (if the plant is not slow-growing) plants outgrow the pot within a year or two. When leaves start to turn yellow or if you see the roots popping out, it is the signal to re-pot the plant. This indication is due to less space and freshness to grow healthy. When sending Plants for housewarming, you tend to gift it is small pot, but later it can be repotted in larger spaces.
Leaves turning yellow are the indication of insufficient space, water, nutrients and air. So when you see these signs, take the right step and re-pot the plant in a larger space.8. Neglecting the plants
Many of us, plant the plants and forget about them. Underwatering is one of the consequences of it. Neglecting plants is the reason why most people kill the indoor plants. Not looking at plants suffering from pests or diseases, missing to prune, no regular fertilization. All this must be avoided.
9. Not cleaning the leaves
Is it important to clean the leaves of the houseplants? Well, yes! For two reasons you should clean the leaves of your houseplants. First, it makes them look attractive. Second, it makes them HEALTHY! Already, the sun is scarce indoors, and the layer of dust accumulated on the foliage of houseplants contributes to blocking the direct or indirect sunlight and reduce the plant’s ability to photosynthesize. And a result you get a weak and stressful plant. Gardening Know How has an important article on this. Check out!
Why should you avoid this?
When the view is blocked and you can’t see everything in one go it creates an illusion of more space and interest.
What you should do!
If your garden is open and you have not divided it into different sections, it is going to look less interesting and small. Draw your plan in advance and divide the space of your garden within it in different sections. You do not need to create solid divisions in your garden like a wall or fence, you can do this with large trees, shrubs that can block a certain part, grasses or potted plants densely arranged.
Mistake 2: Not making a plan
Why should you avoid this?
If you’re going to start designing a garden without a plan, you’ll not be going to get what you’ve thought or imagined in your mind.
What you should do!
Plan every aspect of your garden on the paper, take help of landscaping software and make a list of plants you would like to grow. Do proper research and make a budget. If necessary, take help of professionals.
Mistake 3: Forgetting the furniture
Why should you avoid this?
Many gardeners tend to forget about furniture. They choose furniture of different styles that are too colorful and fancy this makes the garden look busy and without the symphony.
What you should do!
Not only the plants but also the furniture and materials you choose automatically give an atmosphere to your garden. Take great care to the type of plants and materials you will use. Buy all your furniture together of the same style to create harmony. Do not mix!
Mistake 4: Avoiding the Foliage
Why should you avoid this?
Most of us buy plants for flowers and fruits, avoiding the foliage plants. But to get a year round interest buy more foliage plants.
What you should do!
Buy plants for their foliage–texture, color, shape– their leaves are what you are going to see most of the year.
Mistake 5: Excessive ornamentation and so many garden accessories
Why should you avoid this?
This is one of the most common garden design mistakes. Using too many decorative items in the garden creates a distraction and makes your garden look cluttered and busy.
What you should do!
Do not overdo anything. Add a whim to your garden but avoid adding so many decorative items. Before adding anything see how it fits with the style of your garden and outdoor space.
Mistake 6: Forgetting the view from inside
Why should you avoid this?
Getting a good view of the garden from the windows is important. When designing a garden don’t forget its view you’ll get from the inside.
What you should do!
Before planting or placing your containers at the exact spot, go inside and look from every window to see how it’ll look to get a good view.
Mistake 7: So many colors
Why should you avoid this?
So many colors that are not in harmony can cause a distraction.
What you should do!
Decide a color palette for every section of your garden and add plants according to it. So many colors together can create a chaos.
Mistake 8: Ignoring the seasons
Why should you avoid this?
Every garden looks beautiful in spring and summer (in winter in tropics) but you should not forget about fall and winter.
What you should do!
Plan to grow plants with regard to the seasons for a year round interest. When you go to a nursery don’t just buy plants for the following season.
Mistake 9: Growing wrong plants in wrong positions
Why should you avoid this?
This one of the most common gardening mistakes that must be avoided. Not growing right plants in a right position will make all of your plants to die eventually.
What you should do!
Grow plants that are most suitable for your climate and weather and conditions you have in your garden is important. For example, plants that require full should be grown in a sunny position, plants that require dry soil must not be grown in moist soggy soil and so on. Also, at the time of planting, give them recommended space. Don’t forget that they’ll become tall and spread once you plant them.
If you are suddenly feeling anxious, tired or sad and that you’re lacking energy, well join the club and don’t worry; winter is coming. Days are way too short, temperatures are low, sun is absent of the picture and summer gave way to a colder and heavier season. Yes, it’s tough, but winter also has advantages: snowfalls, holidays, skiing. If winter activities are not enough to kick the blues, we have lots of suggestions for ways to lift your spirits up and get rid of the winter melancholies.
You miss the light, the greenery and the colors of summer? So let’s bring them home! A lot of studies have shown that indoor plants can have positive effects on wellbeing. Besides providing a soothing environment, reducing stress or making you relax, indoor plants also stimulate us. This is exactly what we need to beat the winter blues, isn’t it?
And to make the solution even more effective, you should include flowers in the mix. Indeed, colors have healing powers that can cheer anyone up! Garden design trends are also incorporating color therapy. Meaning, that the arrangements include colorful flowers which trigger happy emotions, heightens feelings of life satisfaction and affects social behavior in a positive manner, as analyzed by behavioral studies led at Rutgers University. Let’s explore colors, shall we?
1. Red
Even if red is not a recommended when it comes to the wall of your new bedroom, this color triggers a sense of vitality and boosts energy. This warm color is good for passive people and for those who always feel tired. Red also multiplies by ten the senses such as hearing, vision and touch. So what do you think about a Ranunculus bouquet in your bedroom or poisettias, Christmas cactus, geraniums, you have plenty of options.
2. Orange
Don’t forget to add some orange in your indoor landscape design. Like red, it is a warm color but it’s less exciting. It still cheers people up but in a softer way. By seeing orange flowers such as begonias, people feel their body and mind relieved from pressures. Plus, orange fosters creative thinking, by helping people at rock bottom get out of it and imagine new possibilities in life.
3. Yellow
If creative people love yellow, it is because it allows them to be even more creative. This cheerful color, associated to the brightness of the sun, helps stimulate intelligence. Just be careful not to overuse it because it can lead to insomnia for example. So, just avoid putting those wonderful sunflowers in your bedroom. However, you have many other planting options like sweet potato vine, kalenchoe, black eyed susan etc.
4. Green
Because green is the color of nature and that represents the Earth, it symbolizes growth and renewal. So green bring balance and comforts you. A Spider Plant is perfect to bring harmony into a home.
5. Blue
Blue is probably the most famous color in terms of soothing. As the color symbolizing the sky and the sea, it is linked with serenity. Blue calms strong emotions such as anger or hysteria. Grow Iris or hydrangea inside your home and you will definitely get rid of any rage signs. If you feel distressed, the blue color will lower blood pressure as well as your heart rate. Tranquility boost guaranteed.
6. Violet
Along with purple and lavender, the violet color is linked with the cerebral and nervous systems, and for that reason, it relaxes the mind by releasing any kind of emotional stress. Violet heals different states of mind like melancholy or hysteria by bringing spiritual insights. For that matter, violet gives way to renewal and motivates the transformation. Simply grow Pansies in your bedroom, it will help you sleep, and dreams will positively affect the day coming next.
7. White
White is a sign of pureness, and that is why it helps to get rid of all the negative moods and reach the truth. If winter makes you feel insecure, simply add Paperwhites into your indoor landscape design and you’ll immediately feel the harmony getting the upper hand in every aspects of your life. There are many other beautiful houseplants that provide white color like peace lily, jasmine, gardenia.
8. Magenta
Like violet, magenta is also a spiritual color. It helps strengthen the link with your life purpose. And because it is a little bit flashier than purple, it boosts adrenaline. At home, Tulips do the job perfectly well or you can grow the orchids.
9. Pink
You see pink and you automatically see candies and tender images from your childhood. Pink definitely brings some youth back, and heals your grief and sadness, because it means affection and protection. For that matter, this bouquet of roses is going to please all the family. You can also look at other plants like pink hibiscus, geraniums, polka-dot plant, and begonia.
Now that you know how to set up your indoor garden to battle the winter blues, you don’t need to be afraid! Simply use flowers and plants from all different colors to boost your mood, and you will be the happiest person in the world!
1. Create a brush pile for birds and wildlife
Use your dead Christmas tree to create a brush pile, you can find twigs, leaves, and logs in your garden, the Christmas tree can be used as its base. It’ll help and redirect the small animals and birds towards during the wintry months. The dead tree will not only offer the much-needed protection from chill to the animals but also act as a source of food.
2. Create a DIY bird sanctuary
It’s a nice idea if you keep the tree at a strategic point in the garden and place some birdhouses and feeders on or in it. This way, the birds can appreciate your tree, too. You can also go a step further and decorate it, and fill bird feeders with edible seeds and hang them from the branches/boughs to attract the birds to their new home.
3. Replant it for the next Christmas
If you’ve bought a living Christmas tree with the root ball intact, it’s a good idea to replant it for the next Christmas, it might be more than 11 months from now but that only gives us all the more reasons to start early. The Gardening Know How has a good article on it, take a look!
4. Edge flowerbeds and walkways
Instead of using it for bonfire, slice up the trunk of your Christmas tree into thin discs and use them to edge walkways and flowerbeds. This is a not only a good way to use your Christmas tree but also beautiful and functional.
5. Keep your perennials warm
You can cut off the boughs from the Christmas tree and lay them around the root of the perennial plants, this mulching will protect them from cold temperature and also reduce the chances of frost heaving.
6. As pot risers
If you have a decent size Christmas tree, you can cut the trunk into pieces of different lengths and use them as pot risers or you can get creative with it and make a rolling plant stand out of it. If you’re not satisfied with the natural looks and want to protect the wood from deterioration, varnish or paint the tree stump pieces.
7. Suppressing the weeds
Instead of sawing and splitting it, you can rent a chipper and mash up the trunk into chips. During the next season, you can spread these wood chips as a mulch under your plants, this will suppress the growth of weeds. Also, remember that when decomposed, this wood chip mulch will enrich your soil.
8. Use it to stake plants
A majority of dead Christmas trees varieties are typically sturdy in nature. And you can use this to your advantage. Strip away the branches and use them to support your plants.
9. Create habitat for the fishes
If you or your neighbor has a pond or if you live near a lake, give your Christmas tree a proper send off by tossing its branches in the water. But before you do this— Remove all the needles and tie something into the middle, like a cinder block, a stone or something as heavy. During the harsh winter months, the fish can find warm refuge beneath the branches. Nonetheless, make sure that the dead tree is chemical free before throwing it overboard.
USDA Zones— 9 – 11
Difficulty— Easy
Other Names— Banane de Prairie, Caricae Papayae Folium, Carica papaya, Carica peltata, Carica posoposa, Chirbhita, Erandachirbhita, Erand Karkati, Green Papaya, Mamaerie, Melonenbaumblaetter, Melon Tree, Papaw, Pawpaw, Papaya Fruit, Papayas, Papaye, Papaye Verte, Papayer, Papita.
Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is native to the tropics of Mexico and Central America. This fruit for high nutritional value, great taste and medicinal properties.
Papaya is mainly consumed as a fruit, but it is also used for making soft drinks, juices, pickles, jams, and curries. It produces latex that is extracted from the green fruit and stem, which contains an enzyme called papain that helps in digestion of proteins.
Plant Characteristics
Papaya is a herbaceous plant of relatively rapid growth and short life (not profitable to cultivate mature plants for longer than 3 years because the fruit yield gets low). It has a hollow, segmented and erect single stem and no branches. It presents a many large, lobed leaves. The plant height can reach up to several meters.
The fruit has a wide variety of forms, its shape and size vary depending on the variety and type of flower.
If you’re growing papaya you must know that papayas come in three sexes: Male, female and hermaphrodite (bisexual). Male papaya trees must be eliminated as they don’t produce fruits. Female papaya trees require male tree for pollination. In orchards and papaya plantations, generally, 1 male tree per 10 female trees is grown. Bisexual papaya trees are self-pollinating and don’t require male trees for pollination. Commercial growers plant them. You will need to plant either female or bisexual papaya tree.
To learn how to identify male or female papaya, tree read this informative discussion on helpful gardener
Our recommendation for you is to buy seeds from quality source so that you know what you’re buying and to get a self-fertile bisexual tree. Most of the hybrid varieties that are coming are either bisexual or female, it is better to buy them. If you’re sowing seeds obtained from the fruits, choose seeds from elongated fruits instead of rounded fruits. Elongated fruits have 66% probability of hermaphrodite (bisexual) seeds and 33% female seeds.
Cross pollination from hand is required for pollination of female papaya trees.
How to Grow Papaya in Pots
Growing papaya in pots is not difficult, considering it is short living small tree. You can grow any papaya variety in pots but it is better to choose a dwarf variety.
Choosing a container
Choose a large 15-20 gallon size container for growing papaya in pots, also, ensure there are enough drainage holes in the bottom before planting. A pot that is around 18-22 inches in diameter and 12-15 inches deep would be sufficient.
Sow the seeds directly in the pot you wish to use for growing papaya tree as papayas don’t transplant well. All the other growing requirements are given below in the article.
Growing Papaya from Seeds
Seeds must be given treatment before sowing for germination. The first method is to simply wash the seeds to remove gelatinous coating before sowing. Another method is to immerse them in a container full of neutral water for the period of 4 days. Change the water twice in a day. After 2 days of soaking, separate the seeds that are floating on the surface from those that have settled down.
Leave the seeds that are settled down for another day. After this time, the seeds that float up again must be removed. This way only the viable papaya seeds are left. On the last day when changing the water, add fungicides in it.
After this process, keep the seeds on cotton cloth for 2 to 3 days, keeping up the seeds wet. Once the white dot in them can be observed they are ready for sowing.
Proceed to sow the seeds directly on the ground or in the pot or seed tray but remember that papaya trees don’t transplant well and you’ll have a low success rate. Seeds will germinate in 2-3 weeks. Optimum germination temperature is around 70 F (20 C).
Planting Papaya Tree
Once the seedlings germinate sow them directly in a spot as papayas have less success rate when transplanted.
Prepare the ground well before planting. Make a hole in soil that is of the same depth as of rootball of the plant but twice wide. Apply slow release 16-48-0, 18-46-0 or balanced 15-15-15 fertilizer according to the product instruction at the base of the hole, fill it with a thin layer of soil to prevent the plant roots from coming in direct contact with the fertilizer.
The base of each plant should be 1 cm above ground level, to prevent rot at the stem base. After transplanting, a fungicide can be applied to ensure greater protection especially if planting during the rainy season.
How to Grow Papaya Tree in Cold Climate
Papaya is a tropical fruit tree but if you are thinking to plant it in a temperate climate plant it in a large pot and try to overwinter it in a well-protected area, like a greenhouse. Another way is to start the seeds in fall, or in early spring indoors. Once the temperature soars up to plant the seedlings outside. The tree will grow until the frost comes and get killed but there is a possibility that you’ll get some juicy papayas.
Requirements for Growing Papaya TreeTemperature
It is also an important factor that determines if the plant will grow or not. Papaya is one of the easiest fruit trees you can grow the optimum temperature for growing papaya ranges between 68 – 86 F (20 to 30 C).
Low temperatures lead to a slow growth of the plant and higher temperatures cause low production. However, papaya tree can bear cold temperature down to 32 F (0 C) for a short period of time. In extremely high tropical temperatures and in heat waves and droughts, flower buds fall and the plant suspends its growth.
The papaya needs plenty of sun due to its high photosynthetic activity. It is impossible to grow it in the lack of sunlight. One more thing you need to keep in mind when choosing a location for growing papaya trees that they are not strongest and must not be planted in a too windy spot.
Papaya trees must be spaced 8-10 feet apart from each other.
The main characteristics of soil for growing a papaya tree are following:
Loose and moist.With good drainage.High organic matter content.A pH level around 5.5 to 7 (Neutral).Fertile and deep.
The ideal growing medium must be loamy and have adequate content of organic matter with good moisture retention and efficient drainage. Soil depth is also an important factor for root development. The soil that is more than a meter deep is suitable. Compact soil must be avoided, also, clean the rocks or other debris that is limiting the development of roots till the following depth.
Drainage is crucial in papaya cultivation. The proportion of sand, silt and clay determines the texture and soil structure.
Sandy soils have better drainage than clay. But too sandy soils that are low in organic matter have reduced water retention capacity, which must be avoided.
In clay-rich soils, water movement is slow and this can lead to root rot, slow development of plant and inhibit nutrition uptake. In very alkaline soils (above pH level 8.0) Zinc, iron, and other micro-element deficiency can occur.
Excess water causes yellowing of young leaves, premature fall of flowers and contribute to root rot. Low moisture in the soil can lead to slow growth, accelerated aging and premature leaf and fruit drop.
Good soil preparation practices are key to growing papaya, such as deep plowing and mixing organic matter.
Water is the main contributor of the plant (the plant is composed about 85% of water). In the process of germination, and first few months after planting, papaya needs a lot of water, so at this stage water regularly.
In the dry season, to get the good results in production, watering must be increased again. Keep the soil slightly moist but not wet. As a rule of thumb, water papaya plant deeply when top 1 inch of soil dries out.
Papaya Tree Care
Papaya tree care is easy if you grow it in the warm conditions in full sun.
Mulching papaya tree with organic matter helps in retaining moisture, which is essential.
Papayas are heavy feeders. Apply plenty of manure or compost regularly near the base of your plant.
You can also apply complete fertilizer 15-15-15, 0.1 kg or a similar mixture at intervals of two weeks during the first six months and 0.2 kg thereafter.
No pruning is required.
Pests and Diseases
Pests that can attack it are fruit flies, mites, black vine weevil, aphids, leafhoppers, and whitefly. In diseases, it suffers from soil fungi, powdery mildew, fruit rot, papaya ringspot virus, and nematodes.
Harvesting Papayas
Papaya fruit set occurs 10-12 months after planting. The fruit is sensitive to sunburn and it must be separated from the tree carefully using plastic gloves or something similar, pick it lightly with a twist or use a short knife, leaving 0.5 cm stalk.
Harvesting should be done according to the following maturity indices:
1. 0% Ripe: Completely green, but well developed.
2. 10-15% Ripe: Color change, one or two yellow stripes with 10-15% yellow surface shell surrounded by a bright green color.
3. 25% Ripe: 25% of the surface of the shell is yellow surrounded by the clear green color.
4. 75% Ripe: 75% of the surface is yellow.
5. 76-100% Ripe: The surface of the shell have yellow to orange color.
Papaya is a fruit that after being cut continues its maturation without stopping. Papayas that are harvested for selling in the market are harvested green with two or three yellow stripes as fruits that reach 75 to 100% maturity are difficult to transport. Fruits must be harvested in the early hours of the day and must not be exposed to the sun.