
All sides, I cut them about a week ago and new growth is already appearing... tiny, but hes it’s there💕


Looks like it’s feeling good. In winter 2019 I tried to accelerate its growth by putting the plant into the dark hallway (it has no windows and is illuminated with artificial light only when someone is there) and organizing the lighting of the plant with phyto-lamp (red and blue LEDs with special wavelengths of light for different light colours). The lamp was switched on irregularly, watering was irregular as well, and, though lots of new leaves grew fast, lots of leaves faded, too. So the plant moved to the window, where it receives enough attention.


I am so sorry, my dear friend! You were given me as a present for New Year 2018 in December 2017. Your roots were too dry, and I was unable to save you. Tried a lot, but neither root growth stimulant Kornevin nor Internet advice of regularly spraying with water & making a special enclised space helped. In summer I finally accepted it was too late to save you even at the day we first met. Still feeling guilty for that, though.


Just an update.. dor now the new growth seems te be the same as the old growth... but really roo early to tell!


This is a new cutting! It has been rooting in water where it developed the new growth and just potted a week ago.


Facebook Pinterest Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUponLearn about the companion plants for carrots. Carrot companion planting plays a helpful role in the growth of carrots.
If planted together, carrot companion plants help in improving taste, attracting beneficial insects (pollinators) or repelling pests away. In addition, the use of such plants in combination allows a rational use of space in the garden and decrease the use of pesticides.

Carrot Companion Planting
Here are some plants that are advantageous to grow together (on adjacent rows or alternately in the same) with carrots to stimulate its growth: You can grow beans, peas and other legumes with carrots. Salad greens, bokchoi, lettuce or the plants that belong to cabbage family are good companion plants for carrots.
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Sowing radish seeds together with carrot seeds is good for carrot’s growth. Radishes germinate quickly and help in germination of carrots. Also, they are harvested earlier than carrots and when rooted out, they make room for carrots to grow.
Tomatoes can be planted with carrots. Chives, onion, leek and garlic are good companion plants too, they also keep the pests like carrot flies away.
In herbs, you can grow sage, parsley and rosemary with carrots.
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Plants like dill, cilantro and parsnip should be avoided in carrot companion planting.
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If planted together, carrot companion plants help in improving taste, attracting beneficial insects (pollinators) or repelling pests away. In addition, the use of such plants in combination allows a rational use of space in the garden and decrease the use of pesticides.

Carrot Companion Planting
Here are some plants that are advantageous to grow together (on adjacent rows or alternately in the same) with carrots to stimulate its growth: You can grow beans, peas and other legumes with carrots. Salad greens, bokchoi, lettuce or the plants that belong to cabbage family are good companion plants for carrots.
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Sowing radish seeds together with carrot seeds is good for carrot’s growth. Radishes germinate quickly and help in germination of carrots. Also, they are harvested earlier than carrots and when rooted out, they make room for carrots to grow.
Tomatoes can be planted with carrots. Chives, onion, leek and garlic are good companion plants too, they also keep the pests like carrot flies away.
In herbs, you can grow sage, parsley and rosemary with carrots.
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Plants like dill, cilantro and parsnip should be avoided in carrot companion planting.
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