Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Cucumbers add fresh, cool flavors to tossed green salads and stand on their own as a cold side dish. However, when cucumbers produce a particularly high-yielding harvest, gardeners seek solutions on what to do with excess cucumbers. Many possibilities exist with this versatile vegetable. [图片]Culinary Uses Although some cucumber types are specifically bred for pickling, you can use any variety to make sweet or dill pickles. If you use them within a month, there will be no need to go through the canning process; you can use the same canning pickling brine, and keep them in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Alternately, toss peeled cucumbers into the blender with savory smoothie ingredients, or add cucumber juice to citrus-based cocktails for a refreshing change. Instead of traditional gazpacho, base the cold soup on cucumbers, and use freshly chopped tomatoes and corn kernels for garnish. Highlight the flavors of fish tacos or traditional enchiladas with a cucumber salsa spiced with jalapenos, corn and tomatoes. Add sliced cucumbers to a conventional stir-fry for a creamy, crunchy difference. Beauty and Health Applications To get rid of puffy eyes or temporarily lessen the appearance of wrinkles or cellulite, place raw cucumber slices on the areas, and watch the phytochemicals firm the top layer of skin. In addition, freshen your breath without mints by placing a cucumber slice against the top of your mouth to kill odor-causing bacteria. Instead of drinking a sugary drink for a late-afternoon energy boost, eat a cucumber, and enjoy the natural energizing effects of the carbohydrates and B vitamins in the vegetable. [图片]Home and Garden Care Remove the fog from bathroom mirrors with a cucumber slice, and fill the room with a fresh fragrance. Remove ink and crayon stains from walls with cucumber peelings. In addition, make stainless steel sinks and faucets shine by rubbing a cucumber slice over them. Cure squeaky hinges with a swipe of a piece of cucumber. Placing pieces of cucumber in aluminum pans in garden beds deters grubs and slugs as the vegetable emits a repellent odor only detectable by the pests when it interacts with the metal. Homeopathic Treatments To prevent a hangover, eat some cucumber slices before retiring. The sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes may replace the nutrients lost during drinking and help you feel fine the next morning. Or, boil cucumbers to create an aromatic steam that helps to relieve stress and helps people relax.
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[图片]1.自然败落 当我们看到自己的白掌花败了之后,心里就会特别的紧张,想到会不会是死了。其实,如果在其它养殖条件一切正常的前提下,是不用太担心的,这就是一种很自然的现象,在它开花之后都会慢慢的变成绿色,最后就会跟茎叶的颜色一样,里面黄色的花序也会渐渐转变成黑色。这并不是代表着它在变异,而是花开花落的正常代谢罢了。 解决方法:如果非常不放心的话,那我们就可以用一些方法去处理一下。一般我们可以将它的整个花序从其基部剪除下来,防止它们去消耗植株过多的养分,从而对下次开花造成影响。 [图片]2.遭遇病虫害 不管在养任何植物的时候,病虫害一定要重视起来。就像如果白掌花败了,那就可能是病虫伤害造成的,因为当它遭到这种侵害的时候,植株就会严重的受到影响,也可能会让刚刚开始开出来的花直接掉落。由此看来,病虫害问题是不容小觑的。 解决方法:在没有出现病虫害的时候,我们就必须要时刻重视起来,提前去预防它们,只要是发现了,就需要去及时的把虫子给抓掉,或者用一些农药进行喷洒也是可以的。 [图片]3.施肥不合理 如果在生长的时候,尤其是在开花的时候,对它过量的施肥,或者施肥量不够的话,也会导致它的花败落,因为要么给的营养太充足,把花烧死了,要么就是营养不充足,导致开花受限。 解决方法:一般在开花之前要提前的施加一点肥料,最好是利于它开花的,但是不能过量了,如果是肥料过少的话,那就可以适当的添加一点,这样可以提供给它充足的养分,利于开花。 [图片]
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Watermelons are the dessert crop of the vegetable garden, and the sweet, refreshing fruit matures in the heat of summer, just when we need it most. A few conditions and diseases cause black spots and blotches that make the fruit inedible. Blossom end rot, which is caused by soil conditions, is easily corrected so that the gardener only loses the first ripening fruit, while bacterial and fungal diseases can destroy the entire crop. [图片]Black Rot Black rot, caused by the fungus Didymella bryoniae, affects members of the cucurbit family including squash and cucumbers, pumpkins and watermelons. The symptoms vary depending on the species. In watermelons, the spots begin as round, water-soaked areas, dark green to black in color. Over time they enlarge and may form a depression in the center with cracks radiating outward. White fungus grows over the lesion when humidity is high. Preventing Black Rot Good cultural practices help prevent black rot. Plant watermelons in well-drained soil and water the plants early in the day so that the vines have time to dry completely before nightfall. Plants weakened by powdery mildew and sucking insects such as cucumber beetles and aphids are highly susceptible to black rot, so control these pests as much as possible. Grow watermelons in a part of the garden where you haven't grown any member of the cucurbit family for the past two or three years. [图片]Blossom End Rot Watermelons with blossom end rot have dark brown or black areas at the blossom end of the fruit. This occurs when the soil is deficient in calcium or the calcium in the soil is in a form that the plant roots can't absorb. Add calcium to the soil in the form of lime or gypsum and spray the foliage with a solution of calcium nitrate or calcium chloride. Remove the affected fruit and avoid excess nitrogen fertilizer, which interferes with the plant's ability to absorb calcium. When the foliage is dark green the plants don't need additional nitrogen. Bacterial Fruit Blotch Bacterial fruit blotch is particularly disappointing because the fruit appears healthy until symptoms develop just two weeks or less before harvest time. Symptoms begin as dark spots on watermelons, eventually developing cracks and a scaly appearance. The disease is spread through infected seeds, so the best prevention is to purchase seeds from a reputable source.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
The small onions used for pickling or stews are called pearl onions (Allium ampeloprasum). Most reach no larger than an inch in diameter. They have thin skins and a mild, sweet flavor. These small onions require much the same care as standard onion bulbs, but they mature earlier and take up less space in the garden bed. [图片]Step 1 Fill a seed starting flat with moistened potting mix. Sow the pearl onion seeds on the soil surface, spacing the seeds 1 inch apart in all directions. Cover the seeds with 1/4 inch of soil. Step 2 Cover the flat with a clear plastic bag. Set the flat in a 70 to 75 degree Fahrenheit location to germinate. Most onions sprout within 2 weeks of sowing. Step 3 Remove the plastic and relocate the flat to an area that receives bright sunlight. Water the potting soil when the surface begins to dry. Step 4 Transplant the pearl onions to a well-drained, full sun garden bed once the soil thins enough to work in late spring. In areas that don't experience frozen weather or extreme freezes, transplant outdoors in late January or early February. [图片]Step 5 Spread 1 cup of 8-8-8 fertilizer over every 50 square feet of garden bed 3 days before transplanting. Till the fertilizer into the top 6 inches of soil. Step 6 Scoop the pearl onion seedlings from the flat with a spoon, scooping out the root and the soil attached to the roots. Plant the seedling in the garden bed at the same depth it was at in the flat. Space pearl onions 1 1/2 inches apart in rows spaced 2 inches apart. Step 7 Supply the onion plants with approximately 1 inch of water a week from irrigation or rain. Pearl onions require soil that remains evenly moist without drying or becoming soggy. Step 8 Fertilize the pearl onions with 1/2 cup of 21-0-0 fertilizer per 50 square feet 4 weeks after transplanting. Sprinkle the fertilizer around the plants but not directly on top of them. Water the bed after application. Step 9 Harvest the onions after the foliage yellows and begins to fall over in midsummer. Loosen the soil between the onions rows then lift the pearl onions from the soil. Avoid digging directly in the row, as that may damage the pearl onion bulbs.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Gardeners have been cultivating rhubarb for thousands of years. Rhubarb, Rheum rhabarbarum, grows best in cool weather, but cool weather isn't the same as freezing weather. Cold, below freezing temperatures may damage rhubarb and make it unfit to eat. It may be necessary to protect rhubarb plants if temperatures dip too low. [图片]Growing Temperatures Rhubarb plants must have winter temperatures that fall below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Warm temperatures of 75 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal while the plant is producing leafy, new growth. Even when cold, freezing temperatures kill the leaves of the plant, hardy rhubarb roots will survive and create new leaves in the spring. With enough protection and care, rhubarb may be grown up to U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone 3, where temperatures fall as low as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit. New rhubarb plants are created from seed, crowns or division. Seeds may be planted and started indoors up to six weeks before the last spring frost date and transplanted outside after the soil has warmed. Freezing Temperatures Rhubarb is a cool-season vegetable and hardy to cold temperatures. Light and moderate freezing temperatures in the low thirties and upper twenties are not likely to cause much damage to rhubarb, but once temperatures dip below 24 degrees Fahrenheit, serious problems could result. Rhubarb stalks that have been damaged by severe frost may be inedible, but new stalks that emerge after the frost will be perfectly safe to eat. [图片]Freeze Protection An unexpected late or early freeze may ruin rhubarb, but gardeners can protect their plants from sudden temperature changes. Anything that will provide the plants with insulation may be used to protect rhubarb. Plastic, straw, even sheets and blankets may be placed directly over plants to trap heat and guard against freezing temperatures. A large bucket or jug, turned upside-down and placed over the plants, may even be used as a makeshift greenhouse against cold weather. Remove the protection after temperatures rise. Freezing Damage Rhubarb leaves are filled with oxalic acid that makes them unfit for consumption. In freezing temperatures that create severe frost, that acid will move from the leaves down into the stalk. Within two or three days, frost-damaged stalks will turn black and limp. When ingested, rhubarb stalks containing oxalic acid will create food poisoning. Harvest and discard any stalks and leaves that have been frost-damaged.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Rhubarb stalks contain oxalic acid, which is toxic when eaten in large amounts. Most animals avoid rhubarb, but hungry animals will eat almost anything. Use a process of elimination to identify the animal eating your rhubarb and then take action to protect young, tender stalks. [图片]Insect Pests Rhubarb doesn't have a lot of insect pests, but the two most common ones are rhubarb curculio, or rusty snout beetle, and slugs. Black spots on the stems of the plants indicate rhubarb curcolio; jagged holes indicate slug or snail activity. Control the beetles with rotenone or pick them off by hand. Set out slug traps if slugs are destroying the rhubarb. Furry Friends Deer are the most likely grazers and will eat rhubarb down to the ground. They generally only bother the rhubarb in the early spring, when other food sources are scarce. Raccoons may also occasionally eat rhubarb. Cows and sheep will graze on wild rhubarb in fields, but in a home landscape, this shouldn't be a problem. [图片]Control The simplest way to keep marauding deer and raccoons out of the rhubarb is to build a wooden frame that fits over the rhubarb plant. Cover the frame with 1/2 inch chicken wire. Secure the frame at the base with landscaping pins so the deer can't knock it over. Other options include commercial deer repellents or scare tactics, like motion-sensing lights. A protective family dog can also deter pests. Toxicity Symptoms of rhubarb poisoning in grazing animals include diarrhea, depression, trembling, and drinking and urinating more frequently. Animals are rarely poisoned by consuming small amounts of leaves, but in large amounts, rhubarb leaves can cause kidney failure and even death. Ensure that young children and household pets don't consume the leaves.
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