Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Este método popularizado por Mel Bartolomew está muy extendido en Estados Unidos, Mel publicó su primer libro al respecto en 1981 y posteriormente se realizó una serie televisiva sobre dicho método. Es un método de cultivo intensivo sobre cama y usa los recursos del cultivo orgánico típico, sin abonos químicos. Hace gran hincapié en el compost y es ideal para zonas con tierra muy pobre, para jardineros neófitos y para personas con problemas de movilidad, ya que la cama se puede adaptar a la altura que queramos o precisemos. En principio se parte de una cama con una medida no superior a 120 x 120, para que se pueda llegar fácilmente a cualquier lugar de la misma. Y cumplir así una de las premisas básicas del método, no pisar la tierra de cultivo. La tierra consiste en una mezcla de 1/3 de compost, 1/3 de turba y 1/3 de vermiculita. [图片]La superficie de la cama se divide en retículas de 30 x 30 cm y en cada una de ellas cultivamos una única especie. Según los tamaños de las plantas hay una regla numérica, 4, 9, 16 plantas en cada cuadrado. Si es muy grande una sola en un cuadrado o incluso dejar dos cuadrados para una misma especie (pepinos, sandías, melones, tomates…). Se trata de crear una gran densidad de cultivo para no dejar espacio a las malas hierbas, además si cultivamos plantas asociadas que se benefician entre sí, al estar tan próximas, la efectividad de este recurso natural será más alta. [图片]La profundidad de la cama será de unos 15 cm, aunque para algunos cultivos como zanahorias, remolachas, patatas… puede y debe ser mayor. El decálogo de Mel dice: Plantar en cuadrados, no en filas. Cultivar en cama. Dejar espacio suficente entre camas para desplazarse y trabajar cómodamente (un metro aproximádamente). Usar la mezcla de Mel para el suelo (los tercios antes detallados) Hacer una cuadrícula permanente con cuerdas o maderas. Nunca pisar la tierra de cultivo. Cultivar una especie por cuadrado, según la regla 1, 4, 9 o 16. Plantar sólo dos o tres semillas por agujero. El agua se verterá con la mano, antes habremos dejado que se caliente al sol. Después de la cosecha añadiremos compost y cultivaremos una especie diferente. [图片]Al parecer este método es muy efectivo y tiene múltiples seguidores en los Estados Unidos, se consiguen buenas producciones y se evitan los trabajos que requiere plantar en tierra, que son lo más duros en horticultura y jardinería. Se puede cultivar cualquier cosa así desde hortalizas, tubérculos, verduras, hasta todo tipo de flores y hierbas aromáticas.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Pomegranate shrubs are one of the easiest fruits to keep since they are usually not affected by many pests or diseases. The fruits are full of antioxidants and thought to have many health benefits. The scientific name assigned to this shrub is Punica granatum. It used to have its own family, Punicaceae, but studies have shown that it is part of the Lythraceae family. The name used for this fruit shrub is Pomegranate. It is sometimes misspelled as Pomegranite.[图片]The Pomegranate can range from a dwarf shrub of 3 feet (90 cm) to a small tree of 20 to 30 feet (6 to 9 m). The average size of a standard Pomegranate shrub is 12 to 16 feet (3.6 to 4.8 m) tall with a round shape. If you want a short version, choose the ‘Nana’ variety. The leaves are glossy and have a narrow, lance shape. In most places they are deciduous, but in the warmer climates may be evergreen. The flowers are tube shaped and over 1 inch (2.5 cm) long. They are a brilliant scarlet red, and are very attractive to hummingbirds. The flowers are self-pollinating, though fertility is improved through cross pollination. The Pomegranate fruit is approximately 2.5 to 5 inches (6 to 13 cm) wide. It has a red, leathery rind. Each seed is encased in pulp and sectioned off by walls.[图片]Harvest when the color has developed and makes a metallic sound when tapped. Use a pair of pruning shears to cut the stem above the fruit instead of pulling it off. They can be stored for a long time if kept around 32 to 40 ºF (0 to 4.5 ºC).[图片]Growing Conditions Light: Pomegranate shrubs may be grown in part shade as necessary, but ideally should be placed somewhere with as much sun and warmth as possible. Water: The Pomegranate is drought tolerant, though irrigation is needed for proper fruit production, per the California Rare Fruit Growers. Water every 2 to 4 weeks during the dry season when you are establishing new shrubs. Hardiness Zones: The optimal areas for this fruit are USDA Hardiness Zones 7-10. It is thought to come from Iran initially. Soil: The Pomegranate does best in well-drained soil, though it is able to thrive in a wide variety of soils from acid loam to alkaline soil. Fertilizer: Fertilize in November and March for the first two years. Otherwise, not much fertilizer is usually needed in subsequent years.[图片]Design Tips The Pomegranate shrub is somewhat drought tolerant and also salt tolerant. It is perfect for the sunniest and warmest locations in the yard that might scorch other plants. Pomegranate flowers can be used along with other annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees that attract hummingbirds. The pomegranate is a popular choice for bonsai. The bark is a red-brown color, and branches may have spines.[图片]Propagation Propagation is through cuttings taken in winter and air layering. Seeds may be used, but varieties may not stay true. Pruning Pomegranates are prone to producing suckers, so remove them as they appear. Pruning procedures: Cut the pomegranate back once it is 2 feet (60 cm) high. Allow 4 to 5 shoots to develop about 1 feet (30 cm) above ground. For the first three years keep shortening the branches to encourage shoot development. Fruit only develops where there is new growth. After 3 years, just prune away dead, damaged or diseased branches.[图片]Pests and Diseases Pomegranate shrubs are one of the easier fruits to work with since they are not usually affected by many pests or diseases. Possible pests may include pomegranate butterfly, thrips, scale, mealy bugs and white flies. Deer will sometimes eat the leaves, and occasionally gophers will chew on the roots. Diseases include leaf spot, fruit spot, twig dieback, dry rot and soft rot. Additional Facts Some believe that the fruit in the Garden of Eden was really a pomegranate.[图片]In Greek mythology, Persephone was kidnapped and taken to the Underworld to be Hades’ (God of Underworld) bride. She was rescued and allowed to leave on condition that she had not eaten anything down there. However, she had eaten part of a pomegranate while she was down there, so she spent eternity living among the mortal for half of the year and the Underworld for the other half.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Recientemente publicamos un artículo sobre el método de cultivo del pie cuadrado, entre los muchos blogs de seguidores norteamericanos de dicho método, encontré uno en el que la autora usaba una curiosa herramienta para sembrar. Se trata de una simple plantilla perforada con agujeros, distribuidos según las normas de este sistema de cultivo. Como se puede apreciar en la fotografía, no es más que un cuadrado de madera de contrachapado de un pie cuadrado de superficie, la superficie base sobre la que cultivar un mismo tipo de plantas según las enseñanzas de Mel Bartholomew. En sistema métrico decimal vendría a ser un cuadrado de 30×30 cm más o menos. [图片]Me ha parecido un utensilio realmente práctico, seamos o no seguidores del famoso método de cultivo. La verdad es que cuando siembras semillas, en cama como en la foto o en el suelo, es interesante tener una guía para seguir un cierto orden y que las hileras no se te vayan descontrolando. Además si haces los agujeros suficientemente grandes también te sirve para transplantar plántulas. [图片]La elaboración es muy sencilla, cortamos un cuadrado de contrachapado o cualquier madera que tengamos a mano de 30×30 cm, le perforamos los agujeros con un taladro y una sierra de calar o con una broca de corona. Podemos, ya puestos en tarea, hacer dos plantillas, una con 9 agujeros de 7 cm de diámetro y la otra con 16 agujeros de 9 cm de diámetro. Tras realizar las perforaciones es conveniente matar los cantos de los agujeros practicándoles un ligero rebaje y lijando bien para que luego al usarlos no nos dañemos las manos. [图片]Finalmente podemos darles unas cuantas manos de pintura y así soportarán mejor el duro trabajo que les espera. Estas plantillas son sencillas de hacer y muy prácticas para las faenas de siembra. Si practicas el método del pie cuadrado, esta herramienta te resultará indispensable y si no lo sigues, también te será práctica, pues tus siembras resultarán más alineadas sin necesidad de tender hilos para guiarte.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Blue Puya, or Turquoise Puya, is a bromeliad and closely related to the pineapple. The plant is a rare specimen that hails from Chile in the Andes Mountains. It is part of several cactus and succulent plant collections but is not found wild in North America. Seeds are available to order or you may be able to get a hold of a division if you are lucky. These are the two main ways of propagating Puya plants and enjoying for yourself the majestic flower spires and classic rosettes of this succulent.[图片]Read on to learn how to grow Blue Puya and astound your friends and make fellow gardeners envious with the daring and bold form. Puya berteroniana is an arid climate terrestrial bromeliad. The plant is sold under the name Aqua Sapphire Tower which is an appropriate description for the infrequent colossal flower clusters it produces when mature. The Blue Puya plant is found in the upper elevations of arid Chile. It is a hardy plant that grows 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 m) in height from a basal rosette form of silvery gray leaves with toothed edges. The flower stalks may be up to 6 to 7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 m) in height and are decorated with magnificent turquoise flowers with deeply orange anthers. The effect is quite impressive and unique in the plant world but it may take 6 to 8 years for flowers to appear. Over time the plant will form offsets or pups. These are easily divided up as an easy way of propagating Puya plants.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care You can get Puya seed and start the plants yourself in a greenhouse. Puya are slow to germinate and require temperatures of at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). Use a well-drained potting soil in a seed flat. Keep the seeds moderately moist until they sprout. Once you see seedlings, move the flat to a brightly lit area with protection from the harsh light of midday. Transplant the seedlings when they have formed a rosette. Plants can tolerate a crowded pot. In USDA zones 8 to 11, you can transplant rosettes to the garden but in other zones they will have to be moved indoors in winter. Up until the cold temperatures appear, Blue Puya makes a great patio specimen.[图片]Water Puya plants in the ground once per week in summer. Potted plants should be watered when the top couple of inches of soil have dried out. Water the plant only once per month in winter when the plant is dormant. Fertilize with a diluted succulent food or indoor plant food in spring. Remove spent foliage from the rosettes for best appearance. The pups can be cut away with a sharp, sterile knife and potted up for a new supply of the plants. Blue Puya care is easy as long as you have well-drained soil, a fairly sunny location and warm temperatures. The plants are even drought tolerant for short periods once established.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Some of the most popular orchid plants among home growers are Dendrobium orchids These showy flowers are relatively easy to grow, with a central long stem and an attractive spray of flowers that can last up to four weeks.[图片]There are many Dendrobium varieties, and each one has slightly different growing conditions. Luckily, with all the types of Dendrobium orchids to choose from, there is likely to be one that fits your home environment perfectly.[图片]Dendrobium is sort of the catch-all of orchid species. When you look for Dendrobium orchid info, you can find whole books devoted to each of the different types of Dendrobium orchids that can fall into this category. In general, though, you can separate them in a few different groups. Sheer beginners will love Nobile orchids. These hybrids go dormant for a couple of months in the winter, losing some of their leaves in the process. These plants can have up to 50 blooms on one stem, making for a stunning floral display. Growers have perfected the Nobile hybrids so closely that they can even cause them to bloom for any requested holiday. If you’re looking for an orchid with lots of helpful information available about it, this is the one to choose.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Although there is a huge variety from which to choose, when it comes to learning how to grow Dendrobium orchids, there are two important rules that they all follow. First, they like to live in little pots with their roots crowded into a tiny area. If you try to be nice and give them room to spread out, the roots are likely to stay too moist and begin to rot. If you don’t like the look of a large plant growing in a ridiculously small pot, camouflage it in a larger planter.[图片]The other way to care for Dendrobium orchids is to give them as much bright light as possible. This doesn’t mean sticking them in the desert sunlight, but a south-facing window in the house is the place where they will thrive. In almost all cases, when your Dendrobium orchid isn’t flowering, it’s a case of not enough sunlight.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Violas are an early blooming plant. These perennials are often grown as an annual. Most people believe they are annuals. They are early bloomers in late spring to early summer. Then, shrivel in the mid summer heat.[图片]They are native to the southern hemisphere. Easy to grow, you will often find Violas growing in the wild, in their native regions. Small plants produce a wealth of dainty, clear-faced, fragrant blooms in jewel-like shades; yellow, apricot, blue, scarlet, white and violet. Viola is generally more winter-hardy than the larger-flowered pansy. Viola are popular, easy, and fun to grow. Fill an area or entire bed with Viola for a striking spring effect! They also are great in windowsills and containers.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Viola plants prefer cool to warm climates, and wilt a bit in mid-summer heat. In warmer areas, we recommend partial shade. They tolerate a variety of soils. Add a general purpose fertilizer when planting them, then once a month after that. Once your Viola plants are established, they should grow well, even if left unattended. Soil should be moist, but not wet. Water them during dry periods, once or twice per week. Keep them well weeded. Remove spent blooms to promote additional blooms, and extend the blooming period. This will also keep the appearance neat and beautiful.[图片]Propagation Violas are grown from seeds. They like full to partial sun. Viola can be directly seeded into your flower garden or seeded indoors for transplanting later. For spring blooms, you need to start your Viola in pots and containers indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost. Sow Viola seeds early in the season and cover lightly with 0.8 inch (2 cm) soil. Water thoroughly once. They germinate slowly.[图片]Transplant Viola seedlings into your garden after the last frost date for your area. Space them 6 inches (15 cm) apart. They will tolerate a little crowding. If you are creating a flower bed, you may want to create a pattern or color scheme prior to planting. Or, use mixed varieties. Pests and Disease Viola seldom have problems with pests and disease. If pests or disease problems occur, treat early with organic or chemical insect repellents and fungicide.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Flowers of Hellebores (genus Helleborus) are a welcome sight when they bloom in late winter to early spring, sometimes while the ground is still covered with snow. Different varieties of the Hellebore plant offer a range of flower colors, from white to black. One of the earliest blooms spotted in many areas, nodding hellebore flowers are often fragrant and long-lasting.[图片]Growing Hellebores is a worthwhile task for the gardener. Aside from lovely and unusual flowers, the Hellebore plant has attractive green foliage that is aesthetically pleasing in the landscape. Once established, Hellebore care is minimal. This herbaceous or evergreen perennial is disliked by deer and other animal pests prone to munching on plants. All parts of the Hellebore plant are poisonous, so take care to keep children and pets away.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care When planting from seed or division, place the Hellebore into well-draining, organic soil in a filtered sun or shady location. The Hellebore plant will return for many years; make sure the space will accommodate growth and has proper sunlight. Hellebores need no more than a few hours of dappled light and grow successfully in shady areas. Plant the Hellebore under deciduous trees or scattered through a woodland garden or shaded natural area.[图片]Soaking the soil in which the Hellebore is growing helps the Hellebore plant to look its best. Hellebore care includes removal of older leaves when they appear damaged. Care for Hellebores should also include careful fertilization. Too much nitrogen may result in lush foliage and a shortage of blooms.[图片]Plant Hellebore seeds in the fall. A 60-day moist chilling period is needed when planting seeds of the Hellebore plant. Planting seed in fall allows this to happen naturally in areas with cold winters. Wait three to four years for blooms on young plants grown from seed. Divide overgrown clumps in spring, after flowering or in autumn.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Greater Celandine (Chelidonium majus) is alovely shade loving perennial plant that is ideal for woodland settings. Will naturalize in woodlands and bring them to life in late spring with a mass of bright yellow flowers floating in blue-green foliage.[图片]Once established these plants take little or no maintenance. It is a short lived perennial hardy to zone 6 but it will self seed in suitable surroundings and may take over an area if not watched. It likes a good moist soil, which is most often found in woodlands, but it will also grow on semi shaded walls and rock gardens. Ideal for rocky wooded locations. Due to the alkaloid content this plant is not eaten by deer or rabbits. All parts of the plant will exude a yellow/orange sap when broken. This can cause skin problems in some people. The plant is considered to be mildly poisonous.[图片]It is reported that the leaves can be eaten if boiled well and water changed several times. Greater Celandine has a long history of use in herbal medicine. The leaves and the sap are used most often as a mild sedative detoxifying and antispasmodic especially for relaxing the bronchial tubes, intestines and muscles as well as whooping cough, asthma, jaundice, gallstones and gallbladder pains. Caution should be taken when using this herb internally since it contains the many alkaloids that are considered toxic. The orange sap is used externally to treat warts, ringworm and corns as well as films from the cornea of the eye. The roots are also used and research has shown them to have possible anticancer properties.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Greater Celandine will grow in almost any soil except waterlogged but it does like a reasonable amount of water. Ideal plant for part or full shade but it will grow in full sun in lower zones (6 and 7) provided it has moisture. Prefers a rich woodland soil in semi shade with decent moisture. It is an excellent choice for growing on partially shaded walls or in rock gardens provided there is a pocket of soil to establish its roots. It is a short lived perennial but it will self seed in suitable locations, sometimes aggressively and will take over thin woodland areas if left alone.[图片]Growing from Seed Germination can be slow and erratic with some seeds taking up to twelve months to sprout. Can be sown in place in early spring or late fall. If choosing this approach keep weeds in the area to a minimum to allow seeds time to germinate and plants to establish. Once the first ones are established they often self seed and proliferate, but this can take several years to achieve. Seeds and also be started in pots. Individual pots with several seeds per pot or cell flats are recommended so seedlings can be removed as they grow without disturbing other seeds. Some will often germinate rapidly but others may not so patience is needed. Start indoors in later winter and remove plants as they become large enough to transplant. Place rest of growing medium outside in a semi shaded area and continue to water throughout the year picking out seedlings as they appear. It is best if they pots/flat are placed on a bench or shelf to reduce weed seed introduction to the growing medium. Trays can be left out over winter if all the seeds have still not germinated.[图片]Harvesting Greater Celandine plants are harvested during the spring when they begin to bloom. Herb can be used fresh or dried for later use. Roots are harvested in the fall when they are at their peak. These can also be dried for later use. It is highly recommended that gloves be worn when harvesting any of this plant from leaves, roots or seeds. The latex is mildly toxic and many people have a allergic reaction that can cause rashes and skin.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Laburnums are more commonly known as Golden Chain Trees. In the spring, the tree blooms with large clusters of bright yellow flowers. The panicles, or clusters, can be up to 10 inches (25 cm) in length.[图片]Desirable for their showy spring appearance, the trees can grow on a single trunk or as a shrub. Although attractive and relatively free of pests, they can be moderately difficult to grow, as the plants have rather specific environmental needs. Laburnums thrive best in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 6 through 8.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Choose a growing site that is exposed to full sunlight. The more sunlight, the better the Laburnum will bloom. An exception to this rule is home gardeners who live in USDA zone 8. Laburnums do not tolerate heat well, so gardeners who live in hotter climates should choose a location that gets morning sun but is shaded from direct exposure to hot afternoon sunlight. Plant your Laburnum in rich, well-drained soil. These trees are small — they average about 20 feet (50 cm) in height — so they can also be grown in containers. If you use a container, make sure it has drainage holes.[图片]Water frequently. These trees thrive in cool, moist soils and grow best in climates that have mild, wet summers. Water at least once each week — more often when the weather is hotter than usual. Fertilize in early spring, before bud break. Use a fertilizer formulated for flowering trees and shrubs, and one that has a high acid content. Laburnum thrive in high pH soils. Follow the directions on the package according to the size and age of your Laburnum. Wrap the trunk of the tree with tree wrap — available at any local garden center — to protect the bark from being damaged by the sun in the winter. This damage is called “sunscald,” and it happens when a warm winter day is followed by freezing temperatures. Wrap the tree in the fall, before colder weather arrives.[图片]Tip Home gardeners who live in USDA zone 8 might be wise to grow their plants in containers. This way, they will get the full effect of the sun during most of the spring, and blooming will be optimized. When midsummer arrives, the tree can be moved to the shade.[图片]Warning The flowers and seed pods of this tree are poisonous, so keep them out of reach of children and pets.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The Meconopsis genus contains short lived hardy perennials that reach a height of 1 to 5 feet (30 cm to 1.5 m). They carry poppy like flowers that can bloom in spring, summer or the start of autumn (species dependent). Many Meconopsis species are known for their blue poppy like flowers but they can also carry flowers of many other colors including white, orange, pink and yellow. Some of the common names for Meconopsis include Welsh Poppy, Asiatic Poppy, Blue Poppy and Harebell Poppy.[图片]The Blue Poppy is the national flower of Bhutan. Welsh poppies can be invasive. Growing Conditions and General Care Full sunlight (cool areas only); full or partial shade. Acidic soil. Add grit to heavy soils. Nutrient-rich soil, add manure, leaf matter or compost if necessary. Moist soil. Supply mulch of manure of bark chippings when planting to help maintain moisture; do not cover the crowns. Regular watering during dry periods in summer to keep the soil moist. No need to water in the winter as the plant prefers a dry soil whilst resting. Cut back to the ground in autumn. Replace regularly as Meconopsis do not live for long time. [图片]How to Grow from Seeds The seeds of the Meconopsis should be sown on the surface; this can wither be done just before the last frost of spring or towards the end of autumn. Blue Poppies prefer to grow in a shady or partially shady part of the gardens but can tolerate sunny areas in milder climates. They like a rich acidic soil, ideally the soil should be kept moist in the summer, but allowed to dry in the winter. When starting Blue Poppy off indoors do so about two months in advance. The Meconopsis seeds should be sown in vermiculite. It should take about two to four weeks for blue poppy to germinate at 54 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit (12 to 18 degrees Celsius). Once growing the seedlings should be watered from beneath. Once ready transplant the young Meconopsis plants at a spacing of 12 inches/30 cm (small) to 2.5-3 feet/75-90 cm (large) apart. This should be done following the last frost of spring. [图片]Grower’s Tips When growing Meconopsis plants in the garden it is very important to keep the soil moist in the summer. Once the growing period has finished, cut back Meconopsis plant to ground level (autumn). If you require more plants then they can be propagated by division at the start of spring.
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