Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Arbusto típico de los jardines de estilo francés, el boj forma setos bajos y compactos de crecimiento lento. El boj común enano o Buxus sempervirens ‘Suffruticosa’ es ideal para formar borduras en el jardín que separen los macizos, también en el huerto nos servirán para separar las distintas áreas de cultivo. El boj es un arbusto muy resistente capaz de crecer en cualquier clima desde el continental al mediterráneo y en cualquier tipo de suelo. La única necesidad es que el suelo tenga un buen drenaje. Es un arbusto que puede desarrollarse tanto a pleno sol como en sombra luminosa. Para plantar un seto de boj la mejor técnica es practicar una zanja puesto que la separación entre plantas ha de ser de sólo 25 cm. Cavaremos una zanja de unos 40 cm de profundidad y 40 cm de anchura y la longitud la que queramos que tenga el seto. Una vez cavada la zanja rellenaremos con una buena capa de cualquier abono orgánico y después volveremos a echar la tierra que habíamos extraído. Tenderemos una cuerda recta para ir plantando los plantones de boj en línea recta, como hemos dicho cada 25 cm. Remojaremos bien los plantones si están secos y los dejaremos escurrir durante unos minutos, es mejor plantar los cepellones con un cierto grado de humedad. Haremos un agujero en la tierra e iremos plantando los plantones de boj siguiendo la línea que nos marca la cuerda que hemos tendido, apretaremos bien la tierra alrededor del cepellón y regaremos con abundancia. La primera poda deberá realizarse al año siguiente de su plantación, así iremos dando forma al tronco desde el principio y lo más cerca posible del suelo.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
La arracacha o apio criollo, Arracacia xanthorrhiza, es una planta perenne de la familia de las apiáceas, como la zanahoria y el apio. Es un cultivo tradicional de los países andinos y la parte de la planta que se utiliza para el consumo humano son las raíces que pueden ser blancas, amarillas o moradas según las variedades. La parte aérea de la planta se usa como forraje para el ganado aunque también tiene uso medicinal. Es una planta de crecimiento lento, entre 14 y 18 meses pueden tardar a estar sus raíces en el punto adecuado para la recolección, aunque esto es un poco relativo pues hay variedades que se cosechan a los siete meses del cultivo. Se puede reproducir fácilmente por brotes de la corona y de una corona regular se pueden obtener una docena de brotes con facilidad. [图片]En la cocina tradicional de estos países de la cordillera andina la arracacha se usa del mismo modo que la patata. Su sabor es agradable, un poco dulce como entre nuez y castaña, se digiere con facilidad por lo que se ha usado ampliamente como alimento para niños y ancianos. Su almidón es muy fino y su contenido en calcio y vitamina A la hacen muy recomendable nutricionalmente. Generalmente se usa fresca aunque también se comercializa procesada en forma de harina, sopas instantáneas y alimentos infantiles. [图片]Sus necesidades de cultivo son un suelo franco arenoso bien drenado, un pH de entre 6.3 y 6.8. Es una planta que necesita mucho sol para su desarrollo normal aunque también puede tolerar algo de sombra. La producción de fécula está ligada a la cantidad de sol que recibe la planta. Se cosecha en otoño y si se pasa el periodo de cosecha la raíz se vuelve leñosa con lo que pierde calidad. Para su cultivo por semilla habrá que iniciarlo en semillero al principio de la primavera y deberán pasar el primer invierno a cubierto para sembrar en tierra a la siguiente primavera una vez pasadas las heladas. Es fácil de cultivar y además es una planta perenne con lo que nos dará cosecha durante varios años. Las raíces toleran mal el almacenamiento por lo que hay que consumirlas frescas.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Coreopsis are native American prairie and woodland plants. Their ruggedness and profuse blooms have made them popular with plant breeders and there are over 100 different species available, although not all are perennial plants.[图片]Low maintenance, drought tolerant and long blooming, Coreopsis are work horses in a sunny flower border. Their common name, “Tickseed”, is supposedly for the seeds resemblance to ticks. That doesn’t stop the birds from devouring them, if you leave the seed heads on during the winter. Most Coreopsis are clump forming, holding their daisy-like flowers on tall stems, above the foliage. There the similarity ends. There is a good amount of variety among Coreopsis species.[图片]Growing Conditions Light: Coreopsis will bloom best in full sun, but it can also be successfully grown in partial shade. The plants may get a bit lankier in partial shade, but they will adapt. In areas with intense dry, heat, plants may even prefer some afternoon shade. Water: They will need regular water when first planted, until they are established. Temperature: Most of the perennial Coreopsis are hardy in USDA Hardiness Zones: 4-9. Soil: They are very easy to grow and are not particular about soil quality or soil pH. Fertilizer: Fertilization of growing Coreopsis is not needed, and too much fertilizer may limit flower production.[图片]Grower’s Tips Most varieties are very easy to grow and are not particular about soil quality or soil pH. Many can be grown from seed, either started indoors, 4-6 weeks before your last expected frost, or direct seeded outdoors. Many will seed themselves, however the hybrid varieties do not grow true to seed. Coreopsis will need regular water when first planted, until they are established. After that, they are quite drought tolerant. Deadheading will keep the plants blooming throughout the summer. Some of the smaller flowered varieties are difficult to deadhead and you may prefer to shear the plants, once the first flush of flowers fade. They will fill in quickly.[图片]Most Coreopsis plants will form tidy clumps, but some of the taller species may require staking to look attractive, especially if grown in partial shade. Although they are rugged plants, they don’t tend to live more than 3 to 5 years. A decrease in flowering is a signal it is time to divide the plants or plant some new ones from seed.[图片]Pests and Diseases For the most part, Coreopsis grow problem free. In damp seasons they many fall prey to snails and slugs and fungal diseases can affect them. To avoid these problems as much as possible, give them plenty of air circulation and plant them in full sun.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
¿No consigues que tus suculentas sobrevivan más allá de unas pocas semanas en tu casa? No te sientas mal por ello, no pienses que jamás conseguirás criar ningún tipo de planta, es más frecuente de lo que piensas que las suculentas mueran en interior, sobre todo en zonas frías. Ten en cuenta que las suculentas son plantas originarias de lugares cálidos y luminosos, típicas de zonas desérticas. Ellas están acostumbradas al sol pleno y a temperaturas más bien elevadas. Está claro que esto último se lo puedes dar normalmente cuando las cultivas dentro de casa pero ¿les das suficiente luz? [图片]Instala tus macetas de suculentas junto a la ventana más luminosa de la casa y si les da el sol directo algunas horas al día mucho mejor. Elige las especies de color verde ya que necesitan menos sol que las especies de otros colores. Y cuanto más verdes sean mejor soportarán vivir con menor cantidad de luz solar. [图片]Las Crassula ovata o planta de jade es una buena opción para interiores en todas sus variedades, como la Crassula ovata “gollum” que podemos ver en la fotografía superior. [图片]Y como hay una gran variedad de suculentas verdes de distintas formas y texturas podemos concentrarnos en esas características para que nuestra pequeña colección tenga variedad y contraste sin tener que recurrir al color. Las suculentas también tienen otro punto flaco, el riego, hemos de controlar el aporte de agua pues si las regamos en exceso también se morirán pronto. Sólo regaremos estas plantas cuando el sustrato esté bien seco. Y por supuesto éste debe tener un buen drenaje.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Tener éxito en el cultivo de la albahaca está al alcance de cualquier jardinero, sólo hay que seguir una serie de pasos ineludibles y tu albahaca crecerá sin parar. Y no te preocupes, seguro que conseguirás dar uso a la fuerte producción de hojas de albahaca que tendrás. Es una planta aromática que se puede usar para condimentar innumerables platos, si te gusta la cocina italiana no puedes pasar ni un momento más sin tener una gran planta de albahaca en casa. La siembra La albahaca puede sembrarse a partir de semillas o por plántulas. Las semillas las sembraremos en interior unas semanas antes de que acabe el periodo de heladas. Si recurrimos a las plántulas nos resultará más cómoda la siembra y el éxito estará asegurado, en nuestro centro de jardinería habitual encontraremos siempre plántulas de albahaca. El suelo El terreno ideal para el cultivo de la albahaca es el ligero, fresco y bien drenado. Si la cultivamos en maceta procuraremos crear una buena capa de drenaje y asegurarnos de que la maceta tiene buenos orificios de drenaje en el fondo. Temperatura y luz Mantendremos nuestra o nuestras plantas de albahaca en un lugar donde la temperatura no pueda descender de 10ºC. Es una planta que gusta de temperaturas cálidas y agradables. En cultivo de exterior una buena capa de mantillo en la base no le irá nada mal. Ante previsión de heladas las resguardaremos en casa si las tenemos en maceta o las cubriremos con sacos o mantas si están cultivadas en el suelo. Necesita un mínimo de seis horas de luz solar al día. Fertilización Si cultivamos nuestras albahacas en interior tendremos que aportarles fertilizante una vez al mes. Mejor optar por los de origen orgánico y de liberación lenta. Con una temperatura ambiente inferior a 16ºC no debemos abonarlas. Riego Cuando las temperaturas sean altas deberemos regar con frecuencia, una vez al día es lo habitual. En condiciones normales regaremos cada dos días o menos. Poda En cuanto la planta alcance los 15 cm de altura comenzaremos a recortar las hojas superiores, más cuanto más se espese la planta. Quitaremos las flores para evitar que forme semillas, ello hace que la planta pierda vigor. Insectos Cuanto más lejos mantengamos a estos bichitos de nuestra planta mucho mejor. Los fertilizantes a base de algas ayudan a mantener a los insectos bien lejos de nuestra albahaca.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Sweet Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium purpureum), also known as Gravel Root, is a large clumping perennial that injects architectural interest into the late summer landscape. This robust wildflower has multiples of sturdy stems with whorls of attractive foliage. In mid-summer, plants are topped with a frothy crown of rounded rosy pink flower clusters. The vanilla scented blooms are frequented by butterflies.[图片]It is native to northwest, eastern and central North America. Many people think of Sweet Joe Pye Weed as a weed found in the ditches along the side of the road. But is a stunning perennial in the back of a border or cottage garden, and particularly in meadows or native plant gardens. It just needs space to grow as the stand can reach heights of up to 10 feet (3 m) and widths of up to 5 feet (1.5 m). It also works great in rain gardens, or even at the edge of ponds or streams.[图片]In the Language of Flowers, Sweet Joe Pye Weed is said to mean Delay. It is sometimes cultivated and has escaped from cultivation in parts of New Zealand. Growing Conditions and General Care Sweet Joe Pye Weed is happiest with full sun to part shade in moist to wet soils. It prefers that the soil does not dry out which is why clay works well for Joe Pye. It has no serious insect or disease problems. Sweet Joe Pye Weed just isn’t a fussy or difficult plant to grow. If you do not want Sweet Joe Pye Weed to spread hither and yon, then cut the seed heads off.[图片]If you are propagating by seed in the fall, then plant thickly as germination is usually low. Propagation is best from softwood cuttings taken in late spring or by division in fall as they go dormant, or in the spring just as shoots first appear. Medicinal Uses Sweet Joe Pye Weed has such a rich history for healing. This plant is said to get its name from Joe Pye, who was an Indian healer from New England during the time of the Pilgrims. He is said to have used Eupatorium purpureum to treat a variety of ailments including deadly typhus outbreaks.[图片]The entire plant is still used as an alternative medicine. The roots are the strongest part of the plant for healing. If you crush the leaves, they have an apple scent. Once dried they are burned to repel flies. Tea made from this plant is used as alternative medicine for fever, urinary tract problems, fever, rheumatism, gallstones, and fluid retention. The common name Gravel Root comes from the plant being used as a diuretic used to treat urinary infections and stones. The tops of the plant were steeped and then inhaled to treat colds. Fresh leaves were made into a poultice to treat burns.[图片]The flower tops were even used as a good luck charm. Some Native American tribes still consider Joe Pye Weed to be an aphrodisiac.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Dianthus also known as Pinks are flowering plants that belong to a family of plants which includes Carnations and are characterized by the spicy fragrance the blooms emit. They may be found as a hardy annual, biennial or perennial and most often used in borders or potted displays.[图片]The Dianthus plant is also called Sweet William (D. barbatus) and has a fragrance with Cinnamon or Clove notes. The plants are small and usually between 6 and 18 inches (15 to 45 cm) tall. Dianthus flowers are most often in pink, salmon, red and white hues. The foliage is slender and sparsely spread on thick stems. Dianthus had a short blooming season until 1971, when a breeder learned how to grow forms that did not set seed and, therefore, had a prolonged their bloom period. Modern varieties will typically bloom from May to October.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Plant Pinks in full sun, partial shade or anywhere they will receive at least 6 hours of sun. The plants need fertile, well-drained soil that is alkaline. Wait until the danger of frost has passed when planting Dianthus and place them at the same level they were growing in the pots, with 12 to 18 inches (30 to 45) between the plants. Do not mulch around them. Water them only at the base of the plant to keep the foliage dry and prevent mildew spotting. Instructions on how to care for Dianthus are very straightforward. Water the plants when dry and apply fertilizer every six to eight weeks. You may also work a slow-release fertilizer into the soil at planting, which will release you from the need to feed the plants.[图片]Propagation Some varieties of Dianthus are self-sowing, so deadheading is extremely important to reduce volunteer plants and to encourage additional blooming. Perennial varieties are short lived and should be propagated by division, tip cuttings or even layering. Dianthus seed is also readily available at garden centers and may be started indoors six to eight weeks before the danger of frost has passed.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Hypericum is a pretty little shrub with cheery yellow flowers that have a burst of long, showy stamen in the center. All members of the genus may be referred to as St. John’s Wort. The blossoms last from midsummer until fall, and they are followed by colorful berries. St. John’s Wort plant care is a snap, so let’s find out how easy it is to grow these delightful shrubs.[图片]Common St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) has been used as an herbal remedy for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties since the Middle Ages. Many ancient herbalists, including Hippocrates and Pliny, recorded the medicinal properties of St. John’s wort.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care If you live in USDA plant hardiness zones 5 or 6 to 10 and have a partially shaded site, you can probably grow St. John’s Wort. The plant isn’t particular about the soil type. It grows well in sand, clay, rocky soil or loam, and tolerates acidic to slightly alkaline pH. St. John’s Wort adapts to both moist and dry soil, and even tolerates occasional flooding. It also withstands drought but grows best with irrigation during prolonged dry spells. You won’t find a plant that will thrive in more situations. Growing St. John’s Wort herb in a location with too much sun can lead to leaf scorch, while too much shade reduces the number of flowers. The best location is one with bright morning sunlight and a little shade in the hottest part of the afternoon.[图片]If your soil isn’t particularly fertile, prepare the bed before transplanting. Spread about 2 inches (5 cm) of compost or rotted manure over the area and dig it in to a depth of at least 8 inches (20 cm). Transplant the shrubs into the garden, setting them at the height at which they grew in their containers. They grow only 1 to 3 feet (30 to 90 cm) tall with a spread of 1.5 to 2 feet (45 to 60 cm), so space them 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 cm) apart. Water slowly and deeply after planting and keep the soil moist until the transplants are well-established.[图片]St. John’s Wort makes an attractive ground cover and soil stabilizer. Once established, the plants need no care, and this makes them ideal for out-of-the-way locations. You can also use it as an edging or to mark boundaries and pathways where you don’t want to obstruct the view. Other uses include containers, rock gardens and foundation plantings. The species plants self-seed and can become weedy, particularly common St. John’s Wort. Ornamental cultivars are well-behaved plants that aren’t likely to grow out of control.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Polygonatum also known as King Solomon’s Seal or Solomon’s Seal is a close relative of the Lily of the Valley, with several similar species that are native to North America, northern Europe and Siberia, and cultivated as popular garden ornamentals. The hardy perennial has stems of 3 feet (90 cm) in height that finally curve gracefully and bear pale green, oval leaves and drooping clusters of creamy white flowers, followed by blue-black berries.[图片]Solomon’s Seal plants are an excellent choice for woodland or shade gardens and for using as background plantings with hardy ferns. They look great when planted in large containers. Solomon’s Seal plants are usually grown from rhizomes which should be planted 2 inches (5 cm) deep in the spring or fall.[图片]Solomon’s Seal has a rich history that goes back many thousands of years. Herbalists and healers, both in Europe and North America and the Far East, have written about its diverse effects on numerous conditions. It can be used as a herbal tincture, salve, tea or supplement. As an alternative remedy, it may offer relief, healing or mending to sports injuries and other conditions related to tendons, joints, ligaments, bones, bruises, connecting tissues, cartilage, etc. It also soothes and repairs gastrointestinal inflammation and injuries. It is effective for feminine issues, such as menstrual cramps, PMS, bleeding, and the like. Additionally, it is known to lower blood pressure and relieve dry coughs.[图片]Growing Conditions Plants are usually started by transplants or rhizomes. Seeds of Polygonatum can take up to 2 years to sprout, so you will get some seeding in established plantings. Solomon’s Seal like a rich organic soil with a pH in the acidic to neutral zone. They need some shade to truly thrive. Damp shade is even better, although once established, they are quite drought tolerant. Plants can be started in the spring or fall. Plant only 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) deep and about 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm) apart.[图片]General Care Solomon’s Seal seldom needs division. It takes several years before a clump is large enough to divide for propagation purposes. When ready, divide in early spring or fall and leave several buds on each division, for the best success. The rhizomes can be divided even further, but it will take longer for them to become established. Another option is to remove and plant just the offsets at the out edges of a clump. Solomon’s Seal does not require deadheading. The flowers are small and will drop off naturally. The foliage remains attractive all season, so the plant is virtually maintenance free. The stems even disconnect from the rhizomes on their own, after frost. But before that, the foliage turns a nice golden yellow.[图片]Pests and Diseases Healthy Solomon’s Seal growing in good conditions seem to have few problems. If the weather is extremely damp, you may see signs of powdery mildew or another fugal disease. These should ameliorate as things dry out. Better air circulation will also help. Slugs and snails can also become a problem in damper areas.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Proteas are native to southern Africa and belong to the same family of plants (the family Proteaceae) as the Australian-grown Banksias, Grevilleas and Waratahs.[图片]They are often seen as temperamental and difficult plants to grow, but the truth is that Proteas are relatively easy as long as you follow a few simple rules. Selecting Seek advice from your local nursery on which type of Protea grows best in your area. Soil Requirements Most Proteas prefer soils that are well-drained and acidic and we suggest to avoid heavy clay soils, as they need good drainage for healthy root growth. If you have a garden with heavy or clay soil, consider improving the drainage by using a free draining garden mix and either creating a raised garden bed (minimum height 12 to 18 inches / 30 to 45 cm) or installing underground drainage pipes.[图片]Planting We recommended planting in autumn or spring, allowing the Proteas to absorb as much sun as possible. For best results, allow plenty of space between plants for air to circulate and avoid planting any Proteas deeper than the surface level in the pot. Fertilizing We suggest avoided any use of fertilizer when planting out Proteas, as they have a specially adapted system of fine roots (called ‘proteoid’ roots) which will develop naturally to seek out available nutrients in the soil. For necessary fertilization during early stages of growth, use a local plant fertilizer – either a very mild solution of a soluble fertilizer or coated slow release pellets, with low or zero phosphorus. Maturing Proteas may also need fertilizing, especially if the type of soil in your garden is free draining.[图片]Watering Protea root systems must be kept lightly moist until the plants are well established (this can be up to 18 months or more). The frequency of watering will depend on soil type and climatic conditions, however mature Proteas only require deep watering once a week during dry spells, or once a fortnight during a dry winter.[图片]Mulching and Weed Control We suggest using natural mulches of around 4 inches (10 cm) thickness, such as leaves, wood chips or general shredded garden waste, as they help to retain moisture and look great in the garden. Avoid fresh young mulching materials which tend to draw nitrogen out of the soil as they rot, causing harmful fungi. Be sure to keep mulching materials away from Protea stems as this may cause them to rot. Pruning Proteas can be lightly pruned during the first 12 months to give a good shape and to help them establish resistance to strong winds. Mature Proteas should not be severely pruned as this may permanently damage them.[图片]Cut Flowers We recommend cutting the flower stems as long as possible, ensuring that there is foliage remaining on the stem below the cut. Fresh cut flowers can be maintained by regularly cutting 0.4 to 0.8 inch (1 to 2 cm) off the bottom of the stems and frequently changing the water. For best results, add a quarter teaspoon of household bleach to every liter of fresh water. For dried arrangements, flowers can be hung upside down in a dark place with some air circulation. This will help to retain more color and prevent the growth of mold.[图片]Proteas as Pot Plants It is possible to grow the smaller varieties of Proteas in containers using a coarse well-drained native potting mix and keeping the plants in a sunny position with plenty of air circulation. Avoid over-fertilizing or letting the container dry out.
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