今天我们要来说说我们可能都吃过的一种野菜,有一个很好听的名字叫做#马齿苋 ,虽然街头经常可以见到马齿苋,但不要随意采摘这些生在路边的野菜回家吃,因为路边的野菜会吸收汽车尾气中的污染物,环境不好地区生长的野菜也会受到污染。所以我们要吃,就从市场或超市去购买,也可以去郊外那里的田野里去采摘,那里的野菜是没有受到污染的。 [图片]接下来小编就为您介绍下马齿苋的功效与作用,大家一起来瞧瞧吧。马齿苋俗称马蜂草、马蜂菜,也叫长命菜、长寿菜、五行草,是夏秋季节长在田间地头的野菜。马齿苋性寒,味甘酸;入心、肝、脾、大肠经。中医认为,马齿苋的功效为清热解毒,利水去湿,散血消肿,除尘杀菌,消炎止痛,止血凉血。主治痢疾,肠炎,肾炎,产后子宫出血,便血,乳腺炎等病症。马齿苋为治菌痢的要药,可单用本品煎服,也可配合辣蓼等药同用,以用新鲜者效果较佳。由于马齿苋可做蔬菜食用,即使大量应用也很安全,故是一味值得重视的药品。现代大多用于治疗肠炎、急性关节炎、膀胱炎、尿道炎、肛门炎、痔疮出血等症的治疗。 [图片]马齿苋含蛋白质、脂肪、多种维生素和氨基酸,还含有丰富铜元素。体内铜离子是酪氨酸酶的重要组成部分,缺铜导致黑色素生成减少。经常食用马齿觅能增加表皮中黑色素细胞的密度及黑色素细胞内酪氨酸酶的活性,可作为白癜风患者和因缺铜元素而造成白发的患者的辅助食疗菜肴。马齿苋含有大量去甲基肾上腺素和多量钾盐,含有不少二羟乙胺、苹果酸、箭荡糖、维生素B1、B2等营养成分,实验证实,它对痢疾杆菌、大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌等多种细菌都有强力抑制作用,有“天然抗生素”的美称。民间常用鲜马齿苋120克(干60克)、粳米60克煮粥,或用鲜马齿苋绞取汁和大剂量水煎液,来治疗湿热腹泻、急性肠炎、痢疾等症,是一味清热、解毒、消炎的天然良药。 各位朋友都知道吗其实马齿苋的生长习惯是斜卧在土地上,依赖着大地,而且紫红色的茎干上有肥厚的绿叶,伴随着淡黄色的小花,显着生机勃勃。 [图片]现在介绍三种吃法: 1)凉拌着趁鲜吃。将马生菜洗净后用开水焯一下,捞出后放入凉水中泡一下,然后挤干水分,放入盘中,放入蒜泥,少许盐,香油,味精,拌匀即可。 2)烙饼吃。马生菜洗净焯过水后,捞出晾凉,放入盆中,加入适量的面粉和盐,再放入鸡蛋一个,葱花适量,和成糊 状,备用。平锅内放入少许花生油,待油温热了,放入和好的糊糊,煎好一面定型后反过来再煎另一面,煎熟了为止。 3)做成干菜。夏秋之际马齿苋最多的时候,多摘一些回家,用开水炒后,晾晒起来。冬天或是春节的时候,把干的马齿苋泡发好,剁碎了,放入肉馅,少许的韭菜(提味儿),盐,香油,包成大蒸包。干菜的味道更为特别,也同样的唯美可口,春节的时候吃,还能取个好兆头,马生菜,马上,生财! [图片]马齿苋,为马齿苋科植物马齿苋的幼嫩茎叶。别名长命菜、长寿菜、五行草。性味归经性寒,味甘酸;入心、肝、脾、大肠经。功效主治:清热解毒,利水去湿,散血消肿,除尘杀菌,消炎止痛,止血凉血。主治痢疾,肠炎,肾炎,产后子宫出血,便血,乳腺炎等病症。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Orchids are exotic plants that create beautiful blooms. With the right care, most orchids bloom at least once per year. Every orchid species has slightly different needs in order to thrive and bloom, but the variables are all the same – light, temperature, water, potting material, and humidity. By adjusting the environment for your particular species of orchid and providing a few seasonal triggers, you can get your plants to bloom.[图片]1. Providing the Right Growth Environment Make sure the light intensity is correct for the species There are many species of orchids, but Moth Orchids (Phalaenopsis) are the most common and easiest species to grow. This is the kind that is sold in most florist shops and nurseries. Placing them on a sunny windowsill will usually make them happy. They like bright light, but not direct sun.[图片]Provide the right amount of water The Phalaenopsis orchid likes to be watered once per week during its resting period (when it experiences no growth or blooms) and twice per week during active growth. It prefers to be kept dry between waterings. This means you should only water it when the potting material (which is usually a free-draining blend of fir bark) appears dry, or else the orchid could die. If the bark looks damp, it’s too soon. Water your orchid early in the morning. Most indoor orchids should be watered every 5 to 12 days, depending on the species and season.[图片]Maintain a humid environment Most orchids are tropical plants, so they prefer a humidity level that they probably aren’t getting in the average living room. During the winter, a 30 percent humidity level is average for a home. The Phalaenopsis orchid likes 40 to 70 percent humidity. Most other orchids prefer 60 to 80 percent humidity. By adjusting the humidity for them, all orchid species will grow a little better. If you group your plants together in one growing area, this will create humidity. 2. Triggering Blooms Consider using full-spectrum lights When an orchid refuses to bloom, the reason is usually because it isn’t getting enough light. If you are unable to provide the right amount of natural light for your orchid, look into setting up full-spectrum lights indoors. You can purchase these lighting systems at nurseries or order them online.[图片]Use a fertilizer formulated for orchids Feeding an orchid the right fertilizers can stimulate it to grow faster and bloom sooner. Look for orchid food that contains nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). It should also include trace elements like iron. Always read and follow the instructions of your orchid food carefully. Orchids should be watered thoroughly before fertilizing them. Fertilize your orchid once per month during the active growing season The active growing season for orchids is approximately March through November. Don’t fertilize from mid-December until mid-February. If you fertilize it less than that, its growth may become stunted and blooms won’t appear. If you fertilize it more frequently than that, you risk burning the roots and leaves of the plant.[图片]Drop the temperature by 10 degrees at night Moth orchids (Phalaenopsis) are temperature sensitive. In nature, their blooms are triggered when fall arrives and the temperatures drop at night. If an orchid doesn’t experience a period of cooler nights, even an indoor orchid, it may refuse to make buds or bloom. If your orchid is sitting in a window, it’s probably experiencing natural temperature drops coming from outside to some extent. However, this may not be enough to trigger blooms. Before you go to bed each night, turn your thermostat down by 10 degrees.[图片]One to two weeks of nightly temperature drops will usually trigger an orchid to bloom, as long as it’s the right time of their growth cycle. For Phalaenopsis orchids, provide night temperatures of 60°F (15.5°C) and day temperatures of 80°F (25°C). Diagnosing Your Orchid Pay attention to the season Each species of orchid has a growth season – a time of the year when it will naturally bloom. If it currently isn’t the orchid’s growth season, it isn’t going to bloom. Most orchids, including the Phalaenopsis orchid, will experience the growth of new leaves during the summer months. Spikes and flower buds will appear in late fall and soon after it will bloom. It will continue to bloom until spring. The blooming season usually ends around mid-February.[图片]Check the leaf color If an orchid isn’t blooming, the reason is almost always because it’s not getting enough light. One of the best ways to figure out if your orchid is getting enough light is to check its leaf color. A healthy orchid getting the right amount of sun exposure will have bright green leaves. If the leaves are dark green, your orchid isn’t getting enough light. Move it to a brighter spot, like a south-facing window. If the leaves are reddish-green, the orchid is getting too much light. Move it to a less sunny spot, like an east or north-facing window.[图片]Check the stems and leaves for signs of dehydration If the stems and leaves appear wilted or shriveled, your orchid needs more water. You will always need to water more frequently when the orchid is actively blooming. During the resting period (when there are no blooms), water your orchid about once per week. During the active blooming phase, water it twice per week. Increase watering when you see new shoots and roots appear on your orchid. Too much water can kill an orchid quickly. Never allow your orchid to sit in a soggy, water-logged pot.[图片]Evaluate the potting material Most orchids, including Phalaenopsis, do not grow in regular soil. They need a growing medium that provides fast water drainage and good air circulation. A free-draining blend of fir bark (sometimes referred as fir bark nuggets) is the most popular potting material for moth orchids. If you can’t identify your plant’s current growing medium, re-pot it in fir bark.
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核心提示:水果是日常的食物,而橘子也是非常不错的水果之一。不知道大家听没听过一句话:“一个橘子等于5味药”,也就是说橘子的作用非常多,橘皮、橘络、橘核、橘肉,橘子的任何部位都是有用的,学会正确利用橘子,能对身体有很多好处。而橘子身上最有用的部位是哪里呢?无疑是橘子皮了。 [图片]水果是日常的食物,而橘子也是非常不错的水果之一。不知道大家听没听过一句话:“一个橘子等于5味药”,也就是说橘子的作用非常多,橘皮、橘络、橘核、橘肉,橘子的任何部位都是有用的,学会正确利用橘子,能对身体有很多好处。而橘子身上最有用的部位是哪里呢?无疑是橘子皮了。 橘子皮又叫陈皮,这陈皮之名,最先可见于孟诜《食疗本草》中有记载。后来由于陈皮的作用大而得到中医界的认可,在《汤液本草》中开始有详细的记载,并成为了独立的一种药材。《汤液本草》如此记载:橘皮以色红日久者为佳,故曰红皮、陈皮。”陈皮,顾名思义,橘皮之陈久者也。 陈皮是非常好的养生保健之药材,而且非常普遍,因为它的价格非常便宜。不少人喜欢陈皮,可以自己买橘子来制作,能有自己喜欢的独特的风味。也有很多人喜欢用陈皮泡水喝,其养生作用十分明显,对于女性或者老人来说都是非常好的养生中药材,简单方便还便宜,非常适合大众。 陈皮是柑橘皮干燥之后的产物,因此可以长时间储存,家中可常备陈皮,不管是泡水还是烹饪,都可以用上陈皮。陈皮性温、味苦,味道中带有一股橘子的清香,可以增加食物的味道。而日常生活中,总有些是与不良或者是恶心想吐,身体不舒服等情况,服用陈皮水说不定有奇效,不仅能恢复精神,还能促进身体的健康。还可以加上一些白术、茯苓或者是人参,这样就可以理气、健脾胃,增强身体免疫力。 中国现存最早的医药经典著作《神农本草经》记有:“橘柚味辛温,主胸中瘕热逆气,利水谷。久服,去臭、下气、通神。一名橘皮。橘实形圆色黄,味香肉甘,脾之果也。其皮气味苦辛,性主温散,筋膜似络脉,皮形若肌肉,宗眼如毛孔,橘皮花开于夏,成实于秋,得火气少金气多,故味辛苦。味薄气厚,降多升少阳中之阴也。入手足太阴,足阳明经。 [图片]陈皮的具体功效 1、镇咳祛痰 陈皮有很好的镇咳祛痰效果,陈皮中含有一种促痰的物质,就是挥发油,它所具有的刺激性可以使痰液容易咳出。而且,对于支气管也有一定的扩张作用,因此有平息哮喘的作用。用干橘皮5克,加水2杯煎汤后,放少量姜末、红糖趁热服用。也可取鲜橘皮适量,切碎后用开水冲泡,加入白糖代茶饮,有化痰止咳之功效。 2、开胃生津 陈皮配合乌梅泡茶会有不错的开胃生津的作用。乌梅,其主要作用就是养胃生津,泡水喝特别解渴。而陈皮性温、化食,带着橘子的清香,两者结合有非常不错的生津止渴功效,同时还能有解酒功能。喜欢喝酒而酒量不好的人不妨试试。 3、治疗胃痛 现在的人忙于工作,饮食不太注意的话很容易产生胃病,而胃痛就非常折磨人。陈皮有非常不错的理气健脾、调中开胃的功效,治疗慢性胃炎可以用这配方:陈皮30克,白糖少许,把陈皮研成细末,随后加入少量的白糖,空腹用温开水冲服。也可以跟生姜、红糖结合,先用清水煎煮生姜和陈皮,水开后再加入红糖调味即可。还可以在粥中加入陈皮,也有开胃的功效。 4、健脾 中国自古就有“陈皮宜五脏,统治百病”的说法。中医认为,陈皮性味辛、苦、温,入脾、肺经;有行气健脾、降逆止呕、调中祛湿之功,适用于脘腹胀满、嗳气、恶心、呕吐、纳呆倦怠、大便溏薄以及咳嗽痰多等症状。平时在饮食上适当加入陈皮对脾胃不和、水肿和便秘都有很好的功效, 5、治疗感冒 陈皮也是我们常用的治疗感冒的食疗良药。若感冒初起,鼻塞、流涕、头痛,咽痛、咳嗽等症状,可以食用陈皮菊花茶,即能达到治疗感冒的效果。 6、对心血管系统的作用 陈皮煎剂及其醇提物等能兴奋心肌,但需要注意剂量不宜过大,否则反而容易出现抑制效果。另外,陈皮还可以使血管产生轻微的收缩,使血压迅速升高。陈皮中的果胶,也能预防高血脂症引起的动脉硬化。 这4类人不可以吃陈皮 1、胃酸过多不能够服用陈皮水 对于胃酸过多人群最好不要服用陈皮,因为陈皮具有一定燥湿作用,对于一些人身体出现胃火、气虚、燥咳等症状,服用陈皮会令其病情加重。陈皮的健胃作用是建立在胃寒(常表现为胃痛喜按、爱吃热食、舌苔薄白等)的基础上的。但是假如是热性的胃肠不适(常表现为胃痛拒按、爱吃冷食、舌苔黄腻等),此类人不宜服食陈皮。 2、服药期间禁止服用陈皮水 对于正在服药的人群,也最好不要食用陈皮。因为陈皮对药酶有一定的影响,正好处于服药期间的患者,要服用陈皮水,定要事先咨询医生,避免影响药效,甚至对身体造成副作用。 3、孕妇吃陈皮水要注意 孕妇一定要注意饮食,千万不能由于自己的喜好,吃一些不好的食物,影响了肚子里的孩子。如果孕妇的体质是属于气虚体燥或者是阴虚燥咳的情况,同时身体还伴随有实热、吐血的情况,那么建议孕妇一定要做好忌口的工作,避免对自己还有胎儿造成不好的影响。对于腹中胎儿的生长发育也会造成影响。 最后,如果大家喜欢陈皮,并自制陈皮的话,这里说一下陈皮保存方面,有这三点要注意 陈化年份低于五年(特别是前三年)需每年翻晒不少于一次。 陈皮的保存要绝对的干燥,而刚采摘的陈皮或者是陈化不足三年的陈皮,其中还是含有较多的水分的。就算经过暴晒或者干燥处理,也有可能有水分残留,所以要避免受潮,要每年至少一次放在烈阳下暴晒,并翻晒均匀。果皮每次需要晒至干透,触及干硬方可。 一旦发现陈皮变软,需尽快晒干。 陈皮变软就是开始受潮的表现,陈皮由于吸收了水分才会变软,此时要尽快放置于阳光下,或者干燥灯下,直至陈皮干硬,变回干燥。 刚晒干的陈皮不能马上密封保存。 刚在太阳底下晒过的陈皮,温度还是较高,需要通风散热后才能使用容器进行贮存。至于通风的时间可以根据当天的湿度以及陈皮散热情况而定。 最后再说一点,其实陈皮是越久越好。据南北朝著名医学家陶弘景提出:“橘皮用陈久者良”。研究证明,陈皮水煎剂中有肾上腺素样的成分存在,但较肾上腺素稳定,煮沸时不被破坏。陈皮隔年后挥发油含量大为减少,而黄酮类化合物的含量相对增加,这时陈皮的药用价值才能充分发挥出来。 陈皮是非常好的中药兼食物,其价格便宜,非常适合作为家庭常备之品。平常购买一些陈皮放置家中,就算不喜欢吃,也可备不时之需。对于上班、学生一族,陈皮也是非常好的养生保健之品,可在每日常喝之水中加入陈皮,便能促进身体健康,何乐而不为呢。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Whether displaying bright orange or sunny yellow flowers, Calendula (also called Pot Marigold) is one of the most essential parts of your garden medicine chest. The aromatic heads of these spring flowers can be collected and made into oils and salves to help heal skin injuries of all kinds. Make sure you grow only Calendula officinalis and not just any of the many marigolds or ornamental varieties that are available. Read on to learn the specifics for growing and caring for these delicate and beneficial flowers.[图片]Growing Calendula can grow to almost 2 feet (60 cm) tall, and the flowers tend to open with sunny, dry weather and close in cold or moist conditions. They enjoy full sun (or even partial shade in hot summer regions) and average soil, and have moderate water needs. If flower production dwindles, you can cut back the plants to increase new flower production. Calendula will self-sow yearly in many gardens and don’t mind crowding. Direct-sow the seeds in early spring or late fall, as they can withstand some frost.[图片]Harvesting Collect the flower heads on hot, sunny days for the highest resin content, and pick them regularly to prevent the plants from putting their energy into seed production. Once that happens, the rest of the flowers will be smaller. Choose flowers that are just opening in the morning before noon, and dry Calendula quickly after you harvest it. Check the center of the flower for dryness because molding in storage is a problem. Watch for reabsorption of moisture and keep it in complete darkness.[图片]Healing Properties Use the entire flower head, not just the petals, in preparations for healing cuts, scrapes, burns, diaper rash, sores, ulcers, varicose veins, chapped skin and lips, and insect bites. Salves, oils, creams, and other preparations can be found in drugstores and natural food stores alike. Science shows that extracts of the flower heads have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. And herbalists have long recommended tea infusions of Calendula to help heal ulcers in the digestive tract, soothe gallbladder inflammation, and treat enlarged, sore lymph glands.[图片]Preparations Use the freshly dried flower heads to make creams, salves, liniments, teas, tinctures, and oils, or add the flower heads directly to your bath to soothe irritated skin. For internal conditions, take 1 to 3 dropperfuls of tincture in a little water several times daily (though be sure to check with your healthcare professional first).[图片]Safety As with other members of the Daisy family, some people are sensitive to Calendula because of the sesquiterpene compounds that the plants contain. If you tend to have allergic skin reactions or are sensitive to certain foods, start with a low dose of this herb and work up to a full dose if you don’t experience any reaction.
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#菠菜 是一种一年四季都会有的蔬菜,营养非常丰富,具体菠菜有哪些功效呢?下面就跟大家介绍! [图片]菠菜的营养真的很高吗? 菠菜当中含有丰富的维生素C,胡萝卜素、蛋白质、铁、改、磷等矿物质,菠菜当中还含有大量的植物粗纤维,可以促进肠道的蠕动,利于排便,而且还能促进胰腺的分泌,帮助消化,对于痔疮、慢性胰腺炎、便秘、肛裂等病症都有很好的治疗作用。 菠菜当中所含有的胡萝卜素,在人体内转变成为维生素A,能维护正常视力和上皮细胞的健康,增加预防传染病的能力,还能促进儿童的生长发育。 菠菜真的能增长力气吗? 根据美国专家的研究发现,菠菜确实是可以促进肌肉生长的,还能提高肌肉能力。菠菜当中含有的3脂肪酸和叶酸,能与我们的肌肉合成提供一定的能量,叶酸还能加快身体的血液循环。 [图片]叶酸对于我们来说,是增强健身效果的一个需要补充的元素,菠菜含有丰富的叶酸,叶酸不但能帮助力量的肱二头肌收缩有力,而且还能与菠菜当中的3脂肪酸一起提供肌肉生长所需要的力量,还可以让肌肉对胰岛素更加敏感,有利于增大肌肉当中的饿碳水化合物转化成为可利用的力量,从而增加肌肉的力量。 吃菠菜能给身体带来什么影响? 除此之外,吃菠菜还能治疗贫血,因为菠菜当中含有丰富的铁,铁是人体的造血原料之一,也是女性经期适合吃的好食品,经常吃菠菜的人面色红润有光泽,所以说平时可以多吃菠菜。 生活中多吃菠菜,不仅体质会变强,而且皮肤也会变好,能帮身体补充维生素K,简直是一种再好不过的食物。 总结:因菠菜中的营养可以增强肌肉力量,对身体还是有帮助的,想增强的宝宝们,可以常吃哦。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
One of the first blooms to appear is the Crocus, sometimes peeking up through a layer of snow with the promise of spring. The Crocus plant grows from bulbs and is native to central and eastern Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and parts of Asia and China. They are adaptable flowers that have become part of the North American landscape, providing much needed late winter or early spring cheer. Growing Crocus in the home garden is easy if you know when to plant it.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care You should purchase your Crocus bulbs in September or October but wait to plant them until soil temperatures are below 60°F (16°C). As a general rule, bulbs are planted in November. Crocus is hardy to USDA zones 3 to 8 but planting times will vary slightly depending when you receive your first freeze. The bulbs should be in the ground before the first frost. Crocus need a chilling period of 12 to 16 weeks before blooming, so plan accordingly when growing it in your garden.[图片]Crocus bulbs need well drained soil in a sunny to partially sunny location. They thrive in a soil pH of 6 to 7 and are tolerant of a wide range of soils. You may even grow Crocus in the lawn but be careful as they will naturalize and spread to become a potential nuisance. Plant the bulbs in groups in the garden bed for impact or even under trees, as they need little root space. Bulbs are planted 3 inches (7.5 cm) deep and 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 cm) apart. Provide mulch over the planting area in very cold zones but rake it away in early spring so the flowers can emerge. Gardeners in zones where the winters are too harsh or too warm to plant in fall can force the Crocus bulbs indoors in time for a spring planting.[图片]Animals can be a big problem with Crocus bulbs. Squirrels and other rodents will dig up the bulbs and eat them, and deer will graze on the early foliage. You can cover the spring bulb bed with wire mesh to prevent squirrel damage, and there are deer repellents you can try to prevent their feeding on your flowers. When the flowers are spent, leave the foliage until it dies back to collect solar energy to feed the bulbs for the next bloom. Every two to three years, clumps should be divided in fall when they are dormant. Dig up the clump and cut it into pieces with several bulbs attached and at least four healthy stems.[图片]Fertilize Crocus beds with a slow release fertilizer in fall according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
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#秋葵 ,在我国江西省的萍乡以及南方地区有种植,是锦葵科秋葵属植物,脆嫩多汁,滑润不腻,香味独特,被誉为人类最佳的保健蔬菜之一,主要有利咽、通淋、下乳、调经等功效,主治咽喉肿痛,小便淋涩,产后乳汁稀少,月经不调等症。 [图片]黄秋葵简称秋葵,日本人称之为“绿色人参”。秋葵含有丰富的营养物质,其中可溶性膳食纤维可以促进消化和胃肠道蠕动,改善便秘;锌、硒等微量元素,有抗氧化抗衰老的功效,也有益于抗肿瘤。 秋葵嫩果中含有一种黏性液质及阿拉伯聚糖、半乳聚糖、鼠李聚糖、蛋白质等,经常食用帮助消化、增强体力、保护肝脏、健胃整肠。 秋葵的某些果胶、多糖有护肝功效。 秋葵含有铁、钙及糖类等多种营养成分,有预防贫血的效果。 秋葵含丰富的维生素C和可溶性纤维,对皮肤有保健作用,且能使皮肤美白、细嫩。 秋葵的钙含量很丰富,而它的草酸含量低,所以钙的吸收利用率较高,比牛奶来得好,对素食者和发育中的小朋友,是很好的钙质来源。 [图片]秋葵还含有特殊的具有药效的成分,能强肾补虚,对男性器质性疾病有辅助治疗作用,享有“植物伟哥”之美誉。 秋葵含有维生素A和β—胡萝卜素等,有益于视网膜健康、维护视力。 秋葵中富含的锌和硒等微量元素,对增强人体免疫力有一定帮助。主要有利咽、通淋、下乳、调经等功效。还可治疗咽喉肿痛、小便淋涩、预防糖尿病、保护胃黏膜。 哪些人不宜吃黄秋葵 秋葵又名羊角豆、咖啡黄葵、毛茄,是高档营养保健蔬菜,不用忌什么的。适合胃炎、癌症、胃溃疡、贫血、消化不良食用,特别是青壮年、运动员、护肤女士、男士更应该多吃;胃肠虚寒、功能不佳、经常腹泻的人不可多食。
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核心提示:姜性辛微温,辛能散,温能祛寒,是百姓日常生活中必不可少的调味品,同时也是一种药食两用的植物,在我国已有悠久的使用历史。国医大师路志正已经90多岁,仍然坚持在临床一线,谈及他的养生法则,吃醋泡姜40多年不可忽略,体检表明路志正“90岁的年纪,40岁的心脏”。路老开方经常用姜作为药引。 #姜 性辛微温,辛能散,温能祛寒,是百姓日常生活中必不可少的调味品,同时也是一种药食两用的植物,在我国已有悠久的使用历史。国医大师路志正已经90多岁,仍然坚持在临床一线,谈及他的养生法则,吃醋泡姜40多年不可忽略,体检表明路志正“90岁的年纪,40岁的心脏”。路老开方经常用姜作为药引。 [图片]生姜 中医认为生姜味辛性温,长于发散风寒、化痰止咳,又能温中止呕、解毒,临床上常用于治疗外感风寒及胃寒呕逆等证,临床常使用的干姜,炮姜,生姜本源于一物,制法不同,其性也异,所以古人有“生姜走而不守,干姜能走能守,炮姜守而不走。”之说。 [图片]外感风寒者,可予紫苏生姜汤(《本草汇言》):紫苏叶30g,生姜9g。煎汤饮。方中紫苏叶发汗、解表散寒,用生姜以增强其作用。不仅便于服用,且有益胃气、助发汗的作用。 在临床中,使用生姜出处可见。 1.呃逆上气者,可予生姜半夏汤,半夏12g,煎汤取汁,加生姜汁同煎。用于胃气不和,呕哕不安。 2.寒痰咳嗽者,可予生姜饴糖汤,生姜30g,饴糖30g。加水煎成浓汤,趁温热徐徐饮。用于温肺化痰、止咳。 姜汁 姜汁是炮制其他中药的常用辅料,如姜竹茹、姜半夏,姜厚朴等,可增加疗效,降低毒性。竹茹生用长于清热化痰,姜炙后可增强其降逆止呕的功效;厚朴其味辛辣。 干姜。 干姜是生姜晒干后的产物,其性味辛热,能温里散寒,温肺化痰。用于脘腹冷痛,呕吐腹泻;肺寒久咳气喘,痰多清稀。 [图片]治胃寒呕吐,脘腹冷痛,每配高良姜用,如二姜丸。治脾胃虚寒,脘腹冷痛,呕吐泄泻,如理中丸。用于寒饮咳喘,形寒背冷,如小青龙汤。 炮姜 为增加温中止泻的作用,也常使用炮姜,用沙烫至鼓起,表面成棕褐色。其性苦温,辛散作用大减,兼能止血。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Are you really good at killing your houseplants? It’s a talent that, unfortunately, many possess. Plants can be temperamental—it’s true. But there are a few things you might be doing to contribute to their demise. Have you tried everything you can to keep them alive? You may think you have…but here is a list of 12 ways you could be killing your houseplants.[图片]1. Not reading care instructions Just like people, no two plants are the same. The number-one most critical rule we can stress when you receive your plant is: read the care instructions included. Even plants that you buy at a nursery should come with instructions that, when followed precisely, can prevent you from becoming a plant killer.[图片]2. Over watering People often think that more water is better. But all plants have different needs when it comes to watering—which can vary based on the time of year, amount of light and temperature. The easiest solution is to understand the moisture level of your plant. Some plants like to dry out completely between waterings, others need to be kept moist—so the safest bet is to check the care instructions. Stick your finger into the dirt about an inch (2.5 cm) deep to feel whether it’s dry or moist. When excess water collects at the bottom of the plant’s container, it causes root rot, which can kill your indoor plant. The best way to avoid this is to remove the plastic grower pot from inside the decorative pot, water it in the sink and then let it drain completely before replacing it back in its decorative outer pot.[图片]3. Underwatering What’s just as harmful to your plant as overwatering? You guessed it: underwatering. When in doubt, check the care instructions to learn how often to water your particular plant species. Again, stick your finger in the soil to see if it feels dry. Some plants, like the Peace Lily, are very expressive—the leaves will droop when it is in need of a good watering, and will perk right back up again once its thirst is quenched. Water the soil thoroughly each time, making sure it drains from the holes at the bottom of your pot. 4. Too much/too little light All plants need light at varying degrees. Plants will tell you if they’re not getting the right amount of light. The leaves could change color or turn brown if they are getting too much light and essentially become sunburned. On the flip side, if you notice your plant “craning its neck” toward the light, or producing very small, pale leaves, it wants more. Most plants do well with bright, filtered light—but always follow the care instructions.[图片]5. Extreme temperatures Most plants like the same temperature we like. The safest temperature is a mild 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 21 degrees Celsius)—not too hot, not too cold. If you place your houseplant near a window, be cognizant of the weather outside—with seasonal changes it could go from very hot in the summer to freezing cold in the winter, effecting your plant’s life. Additionally, if you start cranking on the heater or air conditioner, it could dry out your plant. Use a mister or make a humidity tray to increase the humidity in a dry environment. Keep in mind, “If you’re comfortable, they are probably ok. But don’t forget to check the care card for temperature specifics! 6. Not “pinching” Certain flowering plants require you to “pinch off” old blooms to encourage new growth. You’ll know when to pinch because the blooms will have turned brown, indicating that they are dying. Pinch the bloom, by holding the stem with one hand and using your other hand or gardening sheers to pluck off the entire bloom.[图片]7. Not repotting Houseplants can become bound by the containers they are in. Most plants outgrow their pot within one to two years, so it’s important to swap it out for a larger one with fresh soil, or replant it in the ground outside, giving it more space to grow. You’ll know when to repot because the leaves may turn yellow, indicating it isn’t getting enough nutrients from the soil anymore or water may pour quickly out the bottom holes as you water it. In some cases, you may see roots growing out of the drain holes in the plastic grower pot. To inspect the roots, water the plant thoroughly, and then carefully tap the side of the grower pot onto a hard surface. Gently remove the plant from the plastic grower pot and if the roots have grown into a mass or matt around the soil, or the plant will not easily lift from the plastic pot, your plant is root bound and needs to be repotted. Also keep in mind that you should never repot when the plant is blooming. It is also important to make sure you select the right size pot for your plant from the beginning.[图片]8. Ignoring insects Some of the most common damaging insects for plants include gnats, spider mites and white flies. Prevent pests from attacking your garden with such techniques as waiting 30 days to introduce new plants to the area you keep other plants, removing weak plants, using seaweed mulch or spray and keeping leaves clean by wiping them down with soap and water. If bugs are damaging your plants, first identify which kind it is, then use a natural remedy to eliminate them. Keep in mind that some insects are actually beneficial to your plants, like ladybugs or praying mantises. 9. Neglect Going on vacation? Nice for you, but not for your houseplants. Make sure that you arrange for someone to come and water your plants while you are away. Another option is to use a Plant Nanny device—a terracotta-watering stake that you attach a bottle of water to on one end, and then insert the other end into the soil. When the soil dries, it automatically draws water from the bottle.[图片]10. Not fertilizing Houseplants are dependent on their soil for nutrients, and may need supplements for optimal health, growth and bloom production. Using a balanced houseplant food (which can be purchased at any nursery or big box store) on a regular basis, as instructed by the manufacturer, will ensure your plant is getting the nutrients it needs. Check to see if your plant variety is listed on the back label when picking out a fertilizer. Some plants, such as orchids, require fertilizers specifically formulated for their needs. Be sure to follow the instructions on the label for your plant, as over-fertilizing can kill your plants.[图片]11. Wrong soil Each plant species has different needs when it comes to the type of soil it requires based on its natural environment. You can mix your own soil at home, or choose a high-quality, organic soil with medium weight to give it the longest lifespan. Make sure that the soil you mix or buy is designed for your plant’s needs. Some plants do best in thick, dense soil, while other plants, such as cacti, need fast-draining soil with high sand and peat content, to prevent root rot. 12. Moving too much Plants become accustomed to their place in your home, and don’t like to be moved around too much. If a plant is thriving under certain temperatures and light conditions, moving it could make it difficult to adjust to its new environment. Typically you’ll want to find a good place for your houseplant and keep it there.[图片]Plants are beautiful additions to your home, bringing a lively, fresh outdoor feel inside. Don’t be afraid to own an indoor houseplant because you are a notorious plant killer—start off with easy plants to care for, like succulents, money trees or evergreen lilies. Once you get into your groove with your houseplants, it becomes fun to maintain them—and well worth the little extra work.
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知不觉到了秋季,这时的秋葵是应季食物,那么在秋季吃#秋葵 有什么好处呢?下面就跟大家介绍! [图片]吃秋葵的好处 1、增强体质 在秋葵中含有丰富的钙质,并且这种钙质还很容易被人体所吸收利用,其利用率是牛奶的1倍之多,可谓是极好的补钙佳品,而钙质对于人体的健康生长发育更是十分重要的。 另外,在秋葵中还含有丰富的植物黄铜类物质,且还含有丰富的锌、硒、铁等多种营养素,所以常吃点秋葵能很好的起到增强人体体质的作用,这也是防病养生的有利措施。 其中所含的铁元素还很容易被人体所消化和吸收,这对于患有轻微贫血的人群是极好的补血养气的食疗选择。 此外,对于一些消耗大量体力,急需补充能量的人来说,选择食用秋葵也是迅速缓解疲劳、恢复体力的法宝,是一种不可多得的美食之选。 不仅如此,秋葵还属于一种低热量的食物,其中含有丰富的水分,同时脂肪的含量也很少,大约在100克的秋葵中只含有10毫克的脂肪,另外还含有丰富的蛋白质、钙质等营养素,所以对于想要健康减肥的人来说,是不二之选。 [图片]2、健脾养胃 脾胃是人体重要的器官,对人们的健康起着重要的作用,其中胃部更是进行食物摄取并进行消化的重要部位,只有胃部健康,才能更好的促进胃部中食物的消化,使得养分被人体所吸收利用。 而在秋葵中含有丰富的黏性物质,这种成分被人体摄取之后进入肠道中能在胃部形成一层保护膜,从而更好的有助胃部健康,使之免受外部不良食物的刺激。 同时,在秋葵中还含有丰富的果胶物质,这种成分能起到助消化的作用,因此常吃点秋葵能有效治疗胃炎,也是保护胃黏膜的重要成分。 3、固肾益精 肾脏是先天之本,且肾主藏精,肾脏中的精气是维持人体各项机能正常运行的重要保障,所以只有拥有一个健康的肾脏才能更好的促进人体各项机能的运行的有利保证。 而如果肾脏机能出现损伤,便会对人体的神经造成不利损伤,所以做好补肾的事项是至关重要的。 在秋葵中含有一定的黄铜类成分,这种物质比大豆中的含量还要高很多,具有不错的调节内分泌以及抗衰的作用,同时还能对肾脏起到一定的滋养效果,所以说多吃点秋葵也是固肾益精的重要食疗方法。 但是,在秋葵中含有一定的草酸钙,这种物质被人体摄取后进入肾脏中会形成一种不易消化的结石物,增加肾脏的负担,所以对于患有肾病的人则不宜多吃。
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