Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Vachellia farnesiana (L.) Wight & Arn. [图片]Common Names Mimosa Bush, Needle Bush, Cassie, Cassie Flower, Ellington Curse, Fragrant Acacia, Farnese Wattle, Huisache, Ironwood, Mimosa Bush, Opopanax, Prickly, Prickly Moses, Prickly Mimosa, Scented Wattle, Sweet Acacia, Sweet Wattle, Thorny Acacia, Yellow Mimosa, Briar Bush, Dead Finish, Downs Mimosa, False Mesquite, Mimosa Wattle, Perfumed Wattle, Sponge Flower Synonyms Mimosa farnesiana (basionym), Acacia farnesiana, Acacia minuta, Acacia smallii, Pithecellobium minutum, Vachellia densiflora Scientific Classification Family: Fabaceae Subfamily: Mimosoideae Tribe: Acacieae Genus: Vachellia [图片]Flower Color: Yellow to orange Bloom Time: Autumn through to spring Description Vachellia farnesiana is a spreading shrub, up to 9.8 feet (3 m) tall. Branches grow in a zigzag shape and are usually grey-brown with prominent white spots. The yellowish-green to pure green leaves are ferny, with 1-6 pairs of leaf ‘branches’ each with 5-20 pairs of narrow, rounded leaflets, up to 0.3 inch (8 mm) long. Thorns are found in pairs at the base of each leaf and can grow up to 4 inches (10 cm). The golden yellow to orange flowers are ball-shaped, up to 0.4 inch (1 cm) wide and grow on stalks. Flowering occurs throughout the year, but is most abundant from autumn through to spring. [图片]How to Grow and Care Acacia requires full sunlight and grows in nearly any type of soil, including sand, clay, or soil that is highly alkaline or acidic. Although Acacia prefers well-drained soil, it tolerates muddy soil for short periods of time. Acacia is basically a plant-it-and-forget-it type of tree, although a young tree may need protection from wildlife while it develops its defense system. During the first year, the tree benefits from an orchid fertilizer every three to four weeks. After that time, you can feed the tree a general purpose fertilizer once every year, but it isn’t an absolute requirement. Acacia requires little or no water. Acacia may need occasional pruning during the dry months. Avoid pruning leafy, green areas and trim only dead growth. Although the tree is disease-resistant, it can sometimes be affected by a fungal disease known as anthracnose. Additionally, watch for pests such as aphids, thrips, mites and scale. Origin Native to southern United States, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Nymphaea lotus L. [图片]Common Names Tiger Lotus, White Lotus, Egyptian White Water-Lily, Egyptian Lotus, Egyptian Water-Lily, White Egyptian Lotus, White Water-Lily Synonyms Castalia lotus, Castalia mystica, Castalia thermalis, Leuconymphaea lotus, Nymphaea acutidens, Nymphaea aegyptiaca, Nymphaea ×boucheana, Nymphaea dentata, Nymphaea hypotricha, Nymphaea leucantha, Nymphaea ortgiesiana, Nymphaea reichardiana, Nymphaea thermalis, Nymphaea zenkeri Scientific Classification Family: Nymphaeaceae Genus: Nymphaea Subgenus: Lotos [图片]Flower Color: White Bloom Time: October to January Description Nymphaea lotus is an aquatic, perennial, flowering plant, up to 17.7 inches (45 cm) tall, with lily pads which float on the water, and blossoms which rise above the water. The flower is white and sometimes tinged with pink, up to 10 inches (25 cm) in diameter. [图片]How to Grow and Care Like any other perennial, each different Water Lily may have specific needs when it comes to their sunlight, soil, fertilization, water depth and pruning requirements. When shopping for Water Lilies, be sure to check the requirements of that specific plant, before you decide that you must have it! Generally, Water Lilies require a minimum of four to five hours of full sun each day to produce the most blooms. They should be planted in a large, wide pot, using a slightly acidic mixture of clay and loam with a pH of 6.1-7.0. Commercial potting mixes often contain amendments that float, so if you are using a commercial mix be sure that it is specifically for aquatic plants! Adding a few goldfish to your pond will take care of most insect pests that attack aquatic plants as well as devouring the mosquito larvae. Origin Native to Egypt, central and west Africa, and Madagascar.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Nymphaea alba L. [图片]Common Names European White Water Lily, White Water Rose, White Nenuphar Synonyms Nymphaea alba var. alba, Castalia alba, Castalia minoriflora, Castalia speciosa, Leuconymphaea alba, Nymphaea minoriflora, Nymphaea occidentalis Scientific Classification Family: Nymphaeaceae Genus: Nymphaea [图片]Flower Color: White Bloom Time: June to September Description Nymphaea alba is an aquatic flowering plant. It grows in water that is up to 5 feet (1.5 m) deep and likes large ponds and lakes. The leaves can be up to 12 inches (30 cm) in diameter and take up a spread of 5 feet (1.5 m) per plant. The flowers are white and they have many small stamens inside. They are produced between June and September. Hardiness USDA hardiness zone 4a to 11a: from −30 °F (−34.4 °C) to 45 °F (+7.2 °C). [图片]How to Grow and Care Like any other perennial, each different Water Lily may have specific needs when it comes to their sunlight, soil, fertilization, water depth and pruning requirements. When shopping for Water Lilies, be sure to check the requirements of that specific plant, before you decide that you must have it! Generally, Water Lilies require a minimum of four to five hours of full sun each day to produce the most blooms. They should be planted in a large, wide pot, using a slightly acidic mixture of clay and loam with a pH of 6.1-7.0. Commercial potting mixes often contain amendments that float, so if you are using a commercial mix be sure that it is specifically for aquatic plants! Adding a few goldfish to your pond will take care of most insect pests that attack aquatic plants as well as devouring the mosquito larvae. Origin Native to Europe.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Nigella sativa L. [图片]Common Names Fennel Flower, Nutmeg Flower, Black Caraway, Roman Coriander, Black Cumin, Nigella Synonyms Nigella cretica Scientific Classification Family: Ranunculaceae Subfamily: Ranunculoideae Tribe: Nigelleae Genus: Nigella [图片]Flower Color: Pale blue and white Bloom Time: July Description Nigella sativa is an annual flowering plant, up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall, with finely divided, linear leaves. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs), and usually coloured pale blue and white. It is in flower in July, and the seeds ripen in September. The fruit is a large and inflated capsule composed of three to seven united follicles, each containing numerous seeds. [图片]How to Grow and Care Plant Nigella sativa seeds when no risk of frost exists. Sprouts appear in one to two weeks and flowers in about two to three months later. Test the soil pH with a home kit two to three months before the desired planting date to verify the pH is slightly acidic with a value of 6.0 to 7.0. Work ground rock sulfur into the soil to lower the pH if needed. Follow the package application rate based on the current pH. Let the soil rest for two to three months to give the amendment time to change the pH. Work 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm) of organic compost into the planting area to a depth of 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 cm). Compost increases the nutrient value of the soil and is a natural fertilizer. Sprinkle the Nigella sativa seeds lightly over the planting area. Sprinkle about 1/4 to 1/2 inch (8 to 13 mm) of soil over the seeds. Pat the soil gently to hold the seeds in place. Origin Native to Iraq and Turkey.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Nigella damascena L. [图片]Common Names Love-in-a-Mist, Ragged Lady, Devil-in-the-Bush, Jack-in-the-Green Synonyms Erobathos damascenum, Melanthium damascenum Scientific Classification Family: Ranunculaceae Subfamily: Ranunculoideae Tribe: Nigelleae Genus: Nigella [图片]Flower Color: Different shades of Blue, but can be white, pink, or pale purple Bloom Time: Early summer Description Nigella damascena is an annual, garden flowering plant up to 20 inches (50 cm) tall, with pinnately divided, thread-like, alternate leaves. The flowers, blooming in early summer, are most commonly different shades of blue, but can be white, pink, or pale purple, with 5 to 25 sepals. The actual petals are located at the base of the stamens and are minute and clawed. The sepals are the only colored part of the perianth. The 4 to 5 carpels of the compound pistil have each an erect style. The fruit is a large and inflated capsule, growing from a compound ovary, and is composed of several united follicles, each containing numerous seeds. The capsule becomes brown in late summer. Hardiness USDA hardiness zone 2a to 11b: from −50 °F (−45.6 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C). [图片]How to Grow and Care Plant Nigella sativa seeds when no risk of frost exists. Sprouts appear in one to two weeks and flowers in about two to three months later. Test the soil pH with a home kit two to three months before the desired planting date to verify the pH is slightly acidic with a value of 6.0 to 7.0. Work ground rock sulfur into the soil to lower the pH if needed. Follow the package application rate based on the current pH. Let the soil rest for two to three months to give the amendment time to change the pH. Work 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm) of organic compost into the planting area to a depth of 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 cm). Compost increases the nutrient value of the soil and is a natural fertilizer. Sprinkle the Nigella sativa seeds lightly over the planting area. Sprinkle about 1/4 to 1/2 inch (8 to 13 mm) of soil over the seeds. Pat the soil gently to hold the seeds in place. Origin Native to southern Europe (but adventive in more northern countries of Europe), north Africa and southwest Asia, where it is found on neglected, damp patches of land.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Nematanthus wettsteinii (Fritsch) H. E. Moore [图片]Common Names Goldfish Plant, Candy Corn Plant Synonyms Hypocyrta wettsteinii (basionym), Hypocyrta dusenii Scientific Classification Family: Gesneriaceae Genus: Nematanthus [图片]Flower Color: Bright red-orange Bloom Time: Late spring to early fall Description Nematanthus wettsteinii is a flowering plant, up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall, with small, glossy green, succulent and hard-surfaced leaves. It has a trailing, branching, and spreading habit. Generally is an epiphyte in nature and a hanging-basket plant in cultivation. The bright red-orange flower has petals fused into a pouch-like shape, with a small opening. [图片]How to Grow and Care If you have a high light area that calls for a hanging or table plant that flowers, Nematanthus are a perfect choice. Plants are easy to care for, drought resistant, and, with proper care, can bloom all year. Place the Nematanthus in bright light, but protect it from direct sunlight. Put the plant a few feet away from a bright window, or place it next to a window covered with a sheer curtain. Curled leaves are an indication that the plant needs a bit more light. Water the Nematanthus regularly, and don’t allow the soil to dry out. Water to the point that the soil is moist, but never allow the soil to become soggy. Pour water out of the drainage saucer immediately, and do not allow the bottom of the container to sit in water. Keep the plants in a warm room and don’t allow temperatures to drop below 60ºF (15ºC). Don’t place the plant near heating vents or air conditioners, and protect the plant from cold drafts. It like a rich potting soil that holds water but still drains quickly. Origin Endemic to Brazil. Links
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I’m new to owning this plant and to owning plants in general. Should this be potted in my cactus soil with pumice or indoor potting soil?
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Nematanthus ‘Tropicana’ [图片]Common Names Goldfish Plant Scientific Classification Family: Gesneriaceae Genus: Nematanthus [图片]Flower Color: Bright orange Bloom Time: Summer Description Nematanthus ‘Tropicana’ is an evergreen, tropical perennial up to 1 feet (30 cm) tall and up to 1.6 feet (50 cm) wide, with small, attractive, glossy, succulent foliage and clusters of unusual, bright orange, pouch-shaped flowers that are striped with red. Hardiness USDA hardiness zone 10b to 11b: from 35 °F (+1.7 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C). [图片]How to Grow and Care If you have a high light area that calls for a hanging or table plant that flowers, Nematanthus are a perfect choice. Plants are easy to care for, drought resistant, and, with proper care, can bloom all year. Place the Nematanthus in bright light, but protect it from direct sunlight. Put the plant a few feet away from a bright window, or place it next to a window covered with a sheer curtain. Curled leaves are an indication that the plant needs a bit more light. Water the Nematanthus regularly, and don’t allow the soil to dry out. Water to the point that the soil is moist, but never allow the soil to become soggy. Pour water out of the drainage saucer immediately, and do not allow the bottom of the container to sit in water. Keep the plants in a warm room and don’t allow temperatures to drop below 60ºF (15ºC). Don’t place the plant near heating vents or air conditioners, and protect the plant from cold drafts. It like a rich potting soil that holds water but still drains quickly. Origin Garden origin.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Narcissus poeticus L. [图片]Common Names Narcissus, Pheasant’s Eye, Pheasant’s Eye Daffodil, Poet’s Narcissus, Poet’s Daffodil, Nargis, Findern Flower, Pinkster Lily Synonyms Autogenes angustifolius, Autogenes poeticus, Helena croceorincta, Helena purpureorincta, Narcissus obliquus, Narcissus ornatus, Narcissus patellaris, Narcissus tripodalis, Stephanophorum purpuraceum Scientific Classification Family: Amaryllidaceae Subfamily: Amaryllidoideae Tribe: Narcisseae Genus: Narcissus [图片]Flower Color: White and yellow Bloom Time: April to June Description Narcissus poeticus is a bulb growing up to 15.7 inches (40 cm) tall, with a ring of petals in pure white and a short corona of light yellow with a distinct reddish edge. It is in flower from April to June. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by bees. [图片]How to Grow and Care For established plants, place them in bright light as on a east or south windowsill. Bulbs that have not sprouted should be kept away from direct sunlight until new growth emerges and the plants are established. Many people start Narcissus from bulbs. If you’re doing this, plant the bulbs in moist potting media with the pointed end facing up. Keep the soil continuously moist, but not soaking. They can also be grown directly in stones or gravel by suspending or anchoring the bulbs in the substrate and adding just enough water to reach the base of the bulb. In all cases, it’s crucial to avoid letting the body of the bulb become saturated or sit in water–it will quickly rot. New growth should emerge within a few days to a few weeks after planting, depending on the temperature. The bloom should follow in 4-6 weeks. Bulbs can be planted in regular potting soil or in pebbles or clay. The key is to keep the balance of moisture right: they should have constant moisture, but never be soaked. Origin Native to central Europe.
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[图片]一、浇水: 因为#青丽 的耐旱性比较好,所以浇水千万不要太勤快哦。每天摸一摸土壤,在土壤快要彻底变干的时候再浇水即可。浇水的时候也有讲究,尽量不要淋到植株上,不然可能会导致植株受冻腐烂。尤其是北方的气温常见零下,为了防止冻伤,更要控制浇水的频率。 [图片]二、光照: 对于夏季,除了阳光热辣的盛夏正午需要给青丽遮阳之外,其他时间完全可以让它处于光照的状态。充足的光照还可以使青丽看起来“青里透红”,格外撩人。而对于日光不那么充足的冬季,特别是低于5摄氏度的时候,就要将它搬进干燥、通风好的室内,同时应保证它最大程度的向阳。如果在冬季看到青丽的叶片有些发白,那就说明光照不够充足,记得搬到有阳光的窗前哦。 [图片]三、缓苗期和通风: 通风良好的环境可以有效预防肉肉滋生细菌。缓苗期可以在相对较潮湿、且排水通畅的土壤里种下青丽,然后将它放在光照充足、通风良好的环境中持续两周左右。在这期间,除非土壤变得非常干燥结块,否则千万不要浇水。
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