#红蜘蛛 、蚜虫的非药物环保杀灭方法,红蜘蛛专门危害花卉叶片、花朵,红蜘蛛的虫体似针尖大小,深红色或紫红色,肉眼只看到红色小点,在放大镜下才能看到橘红色透明球状的虫卵。它的若虫常群集于一些花卉的叶背及花蕾上,以刺吸式口器汁液。初期叶片失绿、叶缘上向卷翻,以致焦枯、脱落,造成花蕾早期萎缩,严重时植株死亡。 红蜘蛛一年发生7—8代,每年3—4月开始危害,6—7月危害严重。应在4月底以后,对植株经常进行观察检查。在气温高、湿度大、通风不良的情况下,红蜘蛛繁殖极快,是造成植株死亡的重要原因之一。 [图片](1)用柑桔皮加水10倍左右浸泡一昼夜,过滤后喷洒植株,也可防治蚜虫,如浇花可防治土内的线虫。 (2)点燃蚊香一盘,置于病株盆中,再用塑料袋连盆扎紧,经过1小时左右的烟熏后,不论卵或成虫均可杀死。蚜虫一年四季均有发生,一般在气温29℃左右繁殖最快。蚜虫的种类很多,通常有绿、黄、黑、茶色之别,危害月季、石榴、菊花、栀子等花卉:它们多聚集在植株的芽、嫩叶或嫩枝上,无休止吸食汁液,被害的植株枝叶发黄变形,花蕾败坏,花期缩短,花容减色,严重时植株萎蔫死亡。(1)用鲜辣椒或干红辣椒50克,加水30-50克,煮半小时左右,用其滤液洒受害植物有特效。 (3)用“风油精”加水600—800倍溶液,用喷雾器喷洒,使虫体上沽上药水。杀灭蚜虫及介壳虫等害虫的效果都在95%以上,而对植株不产生药害。 (4)将洗衣粉、尿素、水按1∶4∶l00的比例,搅拌成混合液后,用以喷洒植株,可以收到灭虫、施肥一举两得之效。 (5)很多花友使用淡淡的肥皂水喷也效果很好。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. [图片]Common Names Chinese Snake Gourd, Chinese Cucumber Synonyms Anguina kirilowii, Eopepon aurantiacus, Eopepon vitifolius, Trichosanthes obtusiloba, Trichosanthes palmata, aTrichosanthes vitifolia Scientific Classification Family: Cucurbitaceae Tribe: Sicyoeae Genus: Trichosanthes [图片]Flower Color: White Bloom Time: June to September Description Trichosanthes kirilowii is a perennial herbaceous vine growing up to 20 feet (6 m). Stems are with ridges and 2 to 3 tendrils. Leaves are alternate. Blades are wide ovate-cordate, up to 5.6 inches (14 cm) long, and with 3 to 5 shallow to deep lobes and equal length and width. Male flowers grow at the 1/3 of upper end and 3 to 8 flowers form racemes. Female flowers are solitary and with up to 2.4 inches (6 cm) peduncle. Fruit is oval to spherical, up to 4 inches (10 cm) long, with orange fruit flesh. Seeds are flat oval, up to 0.6 inch (1.5 cm) long and up to 0.5 inch (1.2 cm) wide. It flowers from June to September, and fruits from September to October. Hardiness USDA hardiness zone 8a to 11b: from 10 °F (−12.2 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C). [图片]How to Grow and Care First of all, Snake Gourds need a trellis or something that they can grow up — arbor, chain link fence, etc. Make sure the structure is sturdy due to the weight of the large gourds. Start the seeds indoors early after soaking overnight to increase germination time. Transplant outside much as you would bean plants in well mixed organic matter and topsoil. Seeds can be saved for the following season but toss out any light colored or white seeds. Keep and plant many more seeds than you think you may need, as the germination rate is only about 60 percent. Snake Gourd care is similar to that of most other gourds. Prune the plant’s lateral branches to increase fruit set and production. Some people tie a pebble or other weight to the flower end of the gourd to foster a straighter fruit, but this is just for aesthetics. There is no need to do so. Harvest Snake Gourds when young, around 40-50 days from planting. The long varietals may then be ready when only 16-18 inches, while the shorter cultivars will be around 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) in length. Origin Native to China (found particularly in Henan, Shandong, Hebei, Shanxi, and Shaanxi).
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Trichosanthes cucumerina L. [图片]Common Names Snake Gourd, Annual Gourd, Serpent Gourd, Chichinga, Padwal, Snake Tomato, Chinese Cucumber, Club Gourd, Gudda Bean, Serpent Cucumber, Viper’s Gourd Synonyms Anguina cucumerina, Cucumis anguinus, Involucraria anguina, Trichosanthes ambrozii, Trichosanthes anguina, Trichosanthes brevibracteata, Trichosanthes pachyrrhachis, Trichosanthes pedatifolia Scientific Classification Family: Cucurbitaceae Tribe: Sicyoeae Genus: Trichosanthes [图片]Flower Color: White Bloom Time: Summer Description Trichosanthes cucumerina is an annual climber raised for its strikingly long fruit, used as a vegetable and for medicine. The leaves are kidney-shaped, rich green in color and up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) long. White flowers (male and female) bloom in summer followed by yellowish-green fruit with red seeds. The narrow, soft-skinned fruit can reach up to 6 feet (2 m) long. [图片]How to Grow and Care First of all, Snake Gourds need a trellis or something that they can grow up — arbor, chain link fence, etc. Make sure the structure is sturdy due to the weight of the large gourds. Start the seeds indoors early after soaking overnight to increase germination time. Transplant outside much as you would bean plants in well mixed organic matter and topsoil. Seeds can be saved for the following season but toss out any light colored or white seeds. Keep and plant many more seeds than you think you may need, as the germination rate is only about 60 percent. Snake Gourd care is similar to that of most other gourds. Prune the plant’s lateral branches to increase fruit set and production. Some people tie a pebble or other weight to the flower end of the gourd to foster a straighter fruit, but this is just for aesthetics. There is no need to do so. Harvest Snake Gourds when young, around 40-50 days from planting. The long varietals may then be ready when only 16-18 inches, while the shorter cultivars will be around 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) in length. Origin Native to India.
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养殖#仙人球 常因浇水不慎,罹患炭疽病等病害造成球体腐烂,观赏价值高的金琥等腐烂后很可惜。那么如何防治呢? [图片]一般来说,若仅星点腐烂,可用利刃将腐烂部连带少许健康组织一并切除,涂抹草木灰后放干燥阴凉处晾干即可(每切一刀将刀刃消毒一次),对腐烂呈窝状者,则应清除烂肉,按以下方法处理: 方法一,用70%甲基托布津可湿性粉剂等药剂直接均匀撒布于腐烂部位至不湿,同时将95%敌可松可溶性粉剂2克至3克,拌于盆内球体根部0.5厘米至1厘米厚的表土中,然后撒细土面或沙面覆盖。若盆内表土过干可浇少许水至药粉湿润。然后放阴凉干燥处,待结干皮且通体无病害后恢复正常管理。 方法二,将腐烂组织清除后,撒生石灰灼烧烂部,边撒边清除,反复两三次,然后放阴凉通风干燥处晾至干皮。 仙人球腐烂解决方法 若是夏季也可于炎热晴天正午取晒热的土面或沙面撒于烂部至见健康组织,撒后清除,反复两三次,最后撒施不予清除,然后放阴凉通风干燥处至结干皮且通体无病害时恢复正常管理。 [图片]方法三,若球体多处腐烂甚至空心,只要中间髓健康,脱盆后尽量清除烂肉,然后用1%硫酸铜或0.5%高锰酸钾液等反复冲洗病部消毒,必要时浸泡在消毒液中冲洗。或用50%复方甲基硫菌灵可湿性粉剂500倍液浸泡球体2小时,放阴凉通风干燥处至结干皮且不再腐烂后,重新定植。 注意: 1.一旦发现球体腐烂,除严重腐烂者外,均应按照方法一施敌克松粉剂对盆土消毒。 2.保持环境温度15℃以上,25℃至30℃最适合。 3.新植盆土均应拌入杀菌剂如95%敌可松可溶性粉剂进行消毒,且种植后不浇水,放置于相对湿度在60%以上的室内即可。 4.对健康仙人球冬季温度不能低于10℃,夏季喷水宜在中午进行,防止渍水难干使球体腐烂,可每半月喷施70%甲基托布津可湿性粉剂1000倍液,根施敌克松可溶性粉剂500倍液一次,但冬季根部施药只需一两次。平时保持盆土微湿即可。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Tillandsia stricta Sol. ex Ker Gawl. [图片]Common Names Upright Air Plant, Air Plant, Strict Tillandsia, Erect Tillandsia Synonyms Tillandsia stricta var. stricta, Anoplophytum bicolor, Anoplophytum krameri, Anoplophytum strictum, Tillandsia conspersa, Tillandsia krameri, Tillandsia langsdorffii, Tillandsia pulchella var. rosea, Tillandsia rosea Scientific Classification Family: Bromeliaceae Subfamily: Tillandsioideae Genus: Tillandsia [图片]Flower Color: Bright red or bright rose Bloom Time: Early summer Description Tillandsia stricta is an evergreen, clump-forming, short-stemmed, perennial with leaves arranged into thick rosettes that grows epiphytically. It is a medium size species up to 4 inches (10 cm) across and up to 8 inches (20 cm) high. The leaves are recurved and covered with a kind of frost like scales, lanceolate, pointed, longer than the scape and grows a bright red or bright rose spike with bright blue flowers. The spike is first held upright but then droops as it lengthens. [图片]How to Grow and Care Like with most plants, the first step in learning how to grow an Air Plant is learning about their natural habitats. These plants are native to forests and mountains in Central and South America, and the southern United States. From late-summer to mid-spring, water your Air Plants by misting them daily. Unlike potted houseplants, you can’t really over-water an Air Plant. Keep in mind that these plants primarily come from warm and humid environments. If you live in a dry climate or have forced air, you will need to provided adequate humidity by regularly misting your Air Plants. A bright, sunny window, alcove or porch where the Air Plant gets some protection from full sun is ideal for these plants. Remember, they grow in tree canopies and mountains where they get dabbled light and some shade. Too much direct sunlight will lead to your plant drying out or the leaves burning. Yes, plants can get sunburns just like we do. Origin Native to South America and Trinidad.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Tillandsia harrisii Ehlers [图片]Common Names Air Plant Scientific Classification Family: Bromeliaceae Subfamily: Tillandsioideae Genus: Tillandsia [图片]Flower Color: Orange to red floral bracts and blue-violet petals Bloom Time: Indeterminate Description Tillandsia harrisii is a very unique looking air plant up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall. It has a relatively long stem, with the leaves usually directed to one side, and curled in a dense rosette. The inflorescence is comprised of five to nine spirally arranged flowers, with orange to red floral bracts and blue-violet petals. Hardiness USDA hardiness zone 9b to 11b: from 25 °F (−3.9 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C). [图片]How to Grow and Care Like with most plants, the first step in learning how to grow an Air Plant is learning about their natural habitats. These plants are native to forests and mountains in Central and South America, and the southern United States. From late-summer to mid-spring, water your Air Plants by misting them daily. Unlike potted houseplants, you can’t really over-water an Air Plant. Keep in mind that these plants primarily come from warm and humid environments. If you live in a dry climate or have forced air, you will need to provided adequate humidity by regularly misting your Air Plants. A bright, sunny window, alcove or porch where the Air Plant gets some protection from full sun is ideal for these plants. Remember, they grow in tree canopies and mountains where they get dabbled light and some shade. Too much direct sunlight will lead to your plant drying out or the leaves burning. Yes, plants can get sunburns just like we do. Origin It is endemic to Guatemala.
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盆栽#茉莉 ,最容易产生叶子发黄的问题,轻者叶子萎黄而生长不良,开花也不好;重者则逐渐衰弱死去。造成叶子发黄的原因不外有以下三种情况: [图片](1)浇水不当,盆土处于长期持续的潮湿,而导致了烂根; (2)浇灌用水与盆栽土壤偏碱; (3)长期没有换土换盆及施肥,养分不足。茱莉叶子发黄的原因有时是一种原因造成,有时是两种或多种原因综合影响造成,这就要具体分析,以作判断。如果植株长期生长不良,叶子渐渐发黄,这大都是浇灌用水及盆栽土壤偏碱所致;如果是正常生长的植株,叶子突然变黄,则往往是由于浇水过量根部腐烂所致。查明原因后,我们可采联下到措施来挽救; [图片](1)对浇水不当引起烂根而叶子发黄的植株,可将盆移到荫凉处,停止用肥,严格节制浇水,盆土不是太干,就一定不要浇水,并经常疏松盆土,改善盆土通气状況,这样过―段时间植株就可逐渐长出新根; (2)如果是浇灌用水及盆土偏减所致,则可在生长期间施用稀薄矾肥水,不久植株的萎黄老叶就可回黄转绿; (3)如果是长期未换盆未施肥而造成的黄叶,则只要将植株换盆,换以肥沃、疏松的沙壤土,并定期施用液肥就可。因此,爱好者必须注意,盆栽的茉莉,每年春季都应该换盆,以补充养分。 栽培中,有时还会出现枝繁叶茂、生长很好,但就是不开花或开花很少的情况。这往往是由于阳光不足、过度荫蔽或者施用氮肥太多所致,只要多见阳光,适当节制水肥,就可孕蕾开花。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Thelymitra pulcherrima Jeanes [图片]Common Names Northern Queen of Sheba, Queen of Sheba, Queen of the Orchids Scientific Classification Family: Orchidaceae Subfamily: Orchidoideae Tribe: Diurideae Subtribe: Thelymitrinae Genus: Thelymitra [图片]Flower Color: Pink and red-yellow Bloom Time: Winter Description Thelymitra pulcherrima is a small, up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall, cold terrestrial orchid with a single upright leaf, broad, lobed, purplish and twisted into a spiral. It blooms in winter with a erect flower spike, up to 13.8 inches (35 cm) long with 1-7 flowers, up to 1.4 inches (3.5 cm) in diamater. The flowers usually have three pink petals and three red-yellow sepals. [图片]How to Grow and Care Sun Orchids can be very tricky in cultivation. However, most are fairly amenable and some are very easy. All plants are summer dormant and rest as tuberoids. Plants emerge in late summer and flower in late winter, spring and early summer. Culture as sunny as possible. In milder climates garden culture is possible. Frost hardy up to 23°F (-5°C). Regular watering during the growing period is essential. Fertilize monthly until flowering. Reduce watering with the onset of flowers and stop as the leaves die back. Completely dry during dormancy. Occasionally a light spray of water for small plants and seedlings to prevent dehydration. If grown inside, move plants temporary outside in late summer as cool nights and some rain will stimulate plants into the new growing season. Origin Native to western Australia.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Thelymitra antennifera (Lindl.) Hook.f. [图片]Common Names Rabbit Eared Sun Orchid, Rabbit Ears, Rabbit’s Ears, Lemon Orchid, Lemon Scented Sun Orchid, Vanilla Orchid, Antenna Thelymitra Synonyms Macdonaldia antennifera Scientific Classification Family: Orchidaceae Subfamily: Orchidoideae Tribe: Diurideae Subtribe: Thelymitrinae Genus: Thelymitra [图片]Flower Color: Yellow Bloom Time: July to October Description Thelymitra antennifera is a tuberous, perennial herb, up to 10 inches (25 cm) tall, with yellow flowers from July to October. Its leaf is circular in cross–section, up to 5 inches (12 cm) long, The inflorescence consists of 1 to 4 yellow flowers on a wiry, zig-zagged often pinkish stem. Each flower is up to 1.6 inches (4 cm) across, with a lemon or vanilla scent. The sepals and petals are up to 0.8 inch (2 cm) long and up to 0.25 inch (6 mm) wide, the sepals having a broad, reddish–brown band on their outer surface. The column is up to 0.25 inch (6 mm), with dark brown arms that are ear-like and held high above the column. Hardiness USDA hardiness zone 9b to 11b: from 25 °F (−3.9 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C). [图片]How to Grow and Care Sun Orchids can be very tricky in cultivation. However, most are fairly amenable and some are very easy. All plants are summer dormant and rest as tuberoids. Plants emerge in late summer and flower in late winter, spring and early summer. Culture as sunny as possible. In milder climates garden culture is possible. Frost hardy up to 23°F (-5°C). Regular watering during the growing period is essential. Fertilize monthly until flowering. Reduce watering with the onset of flowers and stop as the leaves die back. Completely dry during dormancy. Occasionally a light spray of water for small plants and seedlings to prevent dehydration. If grown inside, move plants temporary outside in late summer as cool nights and some rain will stimulate plants into the new growing season. Origin Native to western Australia, south Australia and Victoria and northern parts of Tasmania.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Taraxacum officinale F. H. Wigg. [图片]Common Names Dandelion, Common Dandelion, Lion’s-Tooth Synonyms Leontodon taraxacum, Taraxacum dens-leonis, Taraxacum vulgare Scientific Classification Family: Asteraceae Subfamily: Cichorioideae Tribe: Cichorieae Subtribe: Crepidinae Genus: Taraxacum [图片]Flower Color: Yellow Bloom Time: Spring to summer Description Taraxacum officinale is a flowering herbaceous perennial plant, up to 15.7 inches (40 cm) tall. The steams produce flower head, can be tinted purplish and are upright or lax. The leaves are shiny, without hairs, up to 17.7 inches (45 cm) long and up to 4 inches (10 cm) wide. All the leaves are basal. The flowers are hermaphrodite, yellow in colour, up to 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter, and appear to be solitary. Each flowering stem has one single flower head. [图片]How to Grow and Care At a very basic level, you don’t need to do much to grow Dandelions. Chances are there is a whole yard full of them near where you live, perhaps even right outside your door, but it’s likely that the Dandelion plants growing in your lawn are Common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale subsp. vulgare). This is the most common variety of Dandelion, but there are thousands of varieties and cultivars to be found around the world. Common Dandelion has all the health benefits mentioned above, but they tend to be a bit more bitter than some of the other varieties of Dandelion you can buy. Dandelions are by nature a very bitter green, but there are steps you can take to reduce how bitter it is. First, grow a less bitter variety. The right variety can make Dandelion greens taste much better than the wild variety growing in your yard. Second, try growing Dandelions in the shade. This will blanch the leaves some and will result in a less bitter leaf. Alternately, you can manually blanch the Dandelion leaves by covering the plants a few days before you are ready to harvest. Origin It can be found growing in temperate regions of the world, in lawns, on roadsides, on disturbed banks and shores of water ways, and other areas with moist soils.
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