Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Magnolia liliiflora Desr. [图片]Common Names Lily Magnolia, Purple Lily Magnolia, Mulan Мagnolia, Purple Magnolia, Red Magnolia, Tulip Magnolia, Jane Magnolia, Woody Orchid Synonyms Lassonia quinquepeta, Magnolia atropurpurea, Magnolia discolor, Magnolia gracilis, Magnolia obovata var. liliiflora, Magnolia plena, Magnolia polytepala, Magnolia purpurea var. liliiflora, Magnolia quinquepeta, Talauma sieboldii, Yulania japonica var. purpurea, Yulania liliiflora Scientific Classification Family: Magnoliaceae Subfamily: Magnolioideae Genus: Magnolia Subgenus: Magnolia Section: Magnolia [图片]Flower Color: Pink to purplish Bloom Time: Spring Description Magnolia liliiflora is a bushy, rounded deciduous shrub which gets up to 13 feet (4 m) high with a spread about the same. The leaves are large, up to 8 inches (20 cm) long and 4 inches (10 cm) wide. The goblet shaped fragrant flowers are pink to purplish, up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) across and produced in spring and sporadically through the summer. [图片]How to Grow and Care Although different species of Magnolia can tolerate slightly different conditions. In general they will do best with slightly acidic, moist, loose, well-draining soil. To mimic Magnolia’s natural conditions, amend heavy soil with peat moss and compost. Grow best in Zones 7-10, depending on variety, with a few cultivars hardy to zone 5. Full sun to partial shade. Moist, peaty soil can help Magnolias tolerate full sun. If you’re pushing the limits of cold tolerance, avoid planting Magnolias in southern exposure since the leaves can be damaged by winter sun and flowers may open prematurely. Magnolias benefit from irrigation the first few years, then they are tolerant of moderate drought. They need room to grow to their full mature size and width. While looking small when first planted, over time they’ll grow to fill up the space. Some varieties of Magnolia don’t bloom until 15 years old, so be sure to choose one that’s fits your needs and expectations. Grafted plants (rather than seed-grown) bloom sooner. Origin Native to southwest China (in Sichuan and Yunnan), but cultivated for centuries elsewhere in China and also Japan.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Magnolia grandiflora L. [图片]Common Names Southern Magnolia, Bull Bay Synonyms Magnolia angustifolia, Magnolia elliptica, Magnolia exoniensis, Magnolia ferruginea, Magnolia ferruginea, Magnolia foetida, Magnolia galissoniensis, Magnolia glabra, Magnolia gloriosa, Magnolia lacunosa, Magnolia lanceolata, Magnolia longifolia, Magnolia maxima, Magnolia praecox, Magnolia pravertiana, Magnolia rotundifolia Scientific Classification Family: Magnoliaceae Subfamily: Magnolioideae Genus: Magnolia Subgenus: Magnolia Section: Magnolia [图片]Flower Color: White Bloom Time: Late spring Description Magnolia grandiflora is a medium to large evergreen tree, usually up to 50 feet (15 m) tall, rarely growing up to 100 feet (36.5 m), with (typically) single stem and a pyramidal shape. The leaves are simple and broadly ovate, dark green in color, up to 8 inches (20 cm) long and up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) wide, with smooth margins. Flowers are large, showy, lemon citronella-scented, white, up to 12 inches (30 cm) in diameter, with 6–12 petals with a waxy texture, emerging from the tips of twigs on mature trees in late spring. Flowering is followed by ovoid, rose-coloured fruit, up to 4 inches (10 cm) long and up to 2 inches (5 cm) wide. [图片]How to Grow and Care Although different species of Magnolia can tolerate slightly different conditions. In general they will do best with slightly acidic, moist, loose, well-draining soil. To mimic Magnolia’s natural conditions, amend heavy soil with peat moss and compost. Grow best in Zones 7-10, depending on variety, with a few cultivars hardy to zone 5. Full sun to partial shade. Moist, peaty soil can help Magnolias tolerate full sun. If you’re pushing the limits of cold tolerance, avoid planting Magnolias in southern exposure since the leaves can be damaged by winter sun and flowers may open prematurely. Magnolias benefit from irrigation the first few years, then they are tolerant of moderate drought. They need room to grow to their full mature size and width. While looking small when first planted, over time they’ll grow to fill up the space. Some varieties of Magnolia don’t bloom until 15 years old, so be sure to choose one that’s fits your needs and expectations. Grafted plants (rather than seed-grown) bloom sooner. Origin Native to the southeastern United States.
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常见品种甘蓝型则是20世纪30~40年代从日本和欧洲流入我国,主要集中于黄淮和长江流域各地。#油菜 在我国分布极广,其中长江流域冬油菜占我国油菜种植面积的82.2%,总产占83.5%,既是中国油菜的主产区,也是世界上最大的油菜生产带,其菜籽总产占世界菜籽总量的25%。下面小编为大家讲讲油菜花的病虫害防治。 [图片]油菜花的病害防治 春季油菜主要害虫有蚜虫、菜茎象甲等,对蚜虫的防治最好用10%吡虫啉乳油1500倍液或3%啶虫脒可湿性粉剂3000倍液+新高脂膜。防治菜茎象甲用1.5%乐果粉或1%的甲基对硫磷粉,每亩1.5-2公斤防治两次,间隔5-7天防治效果最好。也可用上述粉剂防治一次,间隔5-7天,再用40%氧化乐果1000倍液或50%辛硫磷乳油1000倍液喷雾+新高脂膜防治。 [图片]油菜的主要病害,有菌核病和病毒病。菌核病多发生在油菜开花期和子实期,可用托布津或多菌灵水溶液进行喷雾防治。病毒病可通过防治蚜虫来减轻病害。防治蚜虫每亩可用40%乐果乳剂500克,加水配成1000~1500倍液喷雾,或用50%抗蚜威可湿性粉剂3000~5000倍液喷雾防治。或50%速克灵可湿性粉剂50克,或40%灭病威胶悬剂200克,加水75公斤配匀后,均匀喷布于植株中下部茎、枝、叶和上部花序上。 每到入冬天前第二期水稻收割后,10-11月的稻田便就进入休耕期间,播撒油菜花种,经过40几天后,稻田里就开满油菜花。最主要是把油菜当成绿肥植物、有机肥料来使用。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Disocactus phyllanthoides (DC.) Barthlott [图片]Common Names German Empress, Giant Empress, Pond Lily Cactus Synonyms Cactus phyllanthoides (basionym), Cereus phyllanthoides, Epiphyllum phyllanthoides, Nopalxochia phyllanthoides, Phyllocactus phyllanthoides Scientific Classification Family: Cactaceae Subfamily: Cactoideae Tribe: Hylocereeae Genus: Disocactus [图片]Flower Color: Pink Bloom Time: Mid spring Description Disocactus phyllanthoides is an easy to grow jungle cactus with green or reddish stems, up to 3.3 feet (1 m) long or more, branching, primary stems up to 16 inches (40 cm) long, 0.2 inch (6 mm) thick, woody at base, flattened at apex. The secondary stems are flat, lanceolate, acute with coarsely scalloped margins, toothed, up to 12 inches (30 cm) long and up to 2 inches (5 cm) wide. The flowers are funnel-shaped, pink in color, up to 4 inches (10 cm) long and up to 3.5 inches (9 cm) wide. The fruits are ellipsoid, up to 1.6 inches (4 cm) long with low ribs, green at first, later red. [图片]How to Grow and Care Disocactus should be grown in a rich but still well draining soil. They should be watered regularly and fertilized as well. This is essential for good growth and flowering. Keep relatively dry in winter or when night temperatures remain below 10° C. Disocactus dislike extreme heat and cold, so they are best green-housed during the depth of winter and heat of summer in hot dry climates such as mine. They also prefer shade to sun, and like a little extra humidity in the air. Flowering in spring and summer the flower color varies from white, yellow red or purple depending on species. Disocactus can be reproduced both by seeds and cuttings. Origin Native to Mexico (Hidalgo, Oaxaca).
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Disocactus flagelliformis (L.) Barthlott [图片]Common Names Rat Tail Cactus, Rat-Tail Cactus, Rattail Cactus, Flor de Látigo (Spanish), Floricuerno (Spanish), Junco (Spanish), Junquillo (Spanish), Nopalillo (Spanish), Ormkaktus (Swedish) Synonyms Cereus flagriformis, Aporocactus flagelliformis var. leptophis, Aporocactus leptophis, Aporocactus flagriformis, Aporocactus flagelliformis, Cereus flagelliformis, Cactus flagelliformis, Cereus leptophis Scientific Classification Family: Cactaceae Subfamily: Cactoideae Tribe: Hylocereeae Genus: Disocactus [图片]Flower Color: Pink Bloom Time: Spring and summer Description Disocactus flagelliformis is a cactus with a thick hanging stems, each with 8 – 13 ribs, up to 3.3 feet (1 m) long and up to 0.75 inches (1.9 cm) in diameter. The needle groups are tiny, almost fuzzy-looking and have 15 – 20 fine reddish-yellow spines each. Flowers are beautiful, curved, bright pink in color, up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) long and up to 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) in diameter, produced along the stems in spring and summer. The fruit is red, globose, bristly and up to 0.5 inch (12 mm) long. [图片]How to Grow and Care Disocactus flagelliformis is easy to cultivate and relatively fast growing cactus. Their trailing stems make these cacti ideal plants for a hanging basket. Line the basket with sphagnum moss before filling it with potting mixture and make sure it is hung where the prickly stems will not pose a treat to the unwary. If Disocactus flagelliformis is grown in a pot, hang the pot up or attache it to a high shelf. If it is left free-standing, it can soon be overbalanced by the lengthening stems. To propagate, use either 6 inches (15 cm) tip or 6 inches (15 cm) segment of any part of the stem. Allow each cutting or segment to dry for three days; then insert it about 0.8 inch (2 cm) deep in a small pan or pot of the recommended potting mixture for mature plants; be sure that any stem segment is planted with the bottom end down. – See more at: How to Grow and Care for Disocactus flagelliformis Origin Native to Mexico (Hidalgo, Oaxaca).
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Dianthus caryophyllus L. [图片]Common Names Carnation, Clove Pink, Border Carnation, Divine-Flower, Gilly-Flower Synonyms Dianthus arbuscula, Dianthus deltoides, Dianthus morrisii, Tunica morrisii Scientific Classification Family: Caryophyllaceae Subfamily: Caryophylloideae Tribe: Caryophylleae Genus: Dianthus [图片]Flower Color: Purplish-pink Bloom Time: Mid to late summer Description Dianthus caryophyllus is a herbaceous perennial plant, up to 40 inches (1 m) tall. The leaves are glaucous, slender, greyish green to blue-green in color and up to 15 cm long. The flowers are up to 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter, sweetly scented and produced singly or up to five together in a cyme. The original natural flower colour is bright pinkish-purple. [图片]How to Grow and Care Plant pinks in full sun, partial shade or anywhere they will receive at least 6 hours of sun. The plants need fertile, well-drained soil that is alkaline. Wait until the danger of frost has passed when planting Dianthus and place them at the same level they were growing in the pots, with 12 to 18 inches (30 to 45) between the plants. Do not mulch around them. Water them only at the base of the plant to keep the foliage dry and prevent mildew spotting. Instructions on how to care for Dianthus are very straightforward. Water the plants when dry and apply fertilizer every six to eight weeks. You may also work a slow-release fertilizer into the soil at planting, which will release you from the need to feed the plants. Some varieties of Dianthus are self-sowing, so deadheading is extremely important to reduce volunteer plants and to encourage additional blooming. Perennial varieties are short lived and should be propagated by division, tip cuttings or even layering. Origin It is probably native to the Mediterranean region but its exact range is unknown due to extensive cultivation for the last 2,000 years.
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#粉蝶花 常见的病毒性病害有叶斑病和根腐病炭疽病等,平时可用农药百菌清(此药预防效果好病菌抗药性低,但对已患病植株无治疗效果。适当的卫生处理与每周去除染病的植株则可防止大部分的病害传播。细菌的感染主要是由于水滴飞溅在植物体上,或是运送过程受到影响。这种病害无法使用化学药剂加以控制。有些品种的生长性状不受病毒感染所影响。病毒的病征在低温催花阶段更为明显。病毒对鸾尾花最大的影响在于生长速度。下面跟小编一起来看看粉蝶花的病虫害防治。 [图片]蝶花的病虫害防治 一、病菌 1、细菌性病害 细菌性褐班病是粉蝶花最严重的病害。病征在于叶片出现棕色斑点。有油状或心脏形状,而有黄色形状物围绕。处理方式包括调整施肥液的氮量,去除病株与维持稳定的相对湿度。化学药剂对于此种病害并无作用。采用生长状况良好,健康的植株才能避免此种细菌性问题。 2、霉菌 介质中水分变化太大或是不适合的EC值都引起根部受损,因此促使霉菌攻击组织。对付方法是降低灌溉水EC值,并且暂时减少介质含水率。 3、灰霉病菌 [图片]另一种霉菌引起的病害是花瓣上的灰霉病,在花朵上形成许多小斑点。发生的原因在于植物处于潮湿状态太久或是相对湿度太高。 4、镰刀菌 镰刀菌引起黑色三角形的斑点,在基部叶片形成黄色、暗红色。叶片将迅速掉落。根部处于积水中容易发生此病害。 二、病毒 受到病毒感染的粉蝶花其病征是花朵变小,生长速度变缓慢。然而有些品种的生长性状不受病毒感染所影响。病毒的病征在低温催花阶段更为明显。病毒对鸾尾花最大的影响在于生长速度。 在开花完成阶段,如果光线过强、温度太高,容易引起花苞自花梗上脱落。根系的品质不良也会造成此现象。花卉在输送之前如果未经适应阶段也会有落苞现象。 三、昆虫与小动物 1、蛞蝓与蜗牛 蛞蝓与蜗牛会在幼株上咬出小洞,而也在短短几天内就可以危害许多植株。同时也将根尖咬损。使用药剂能够有效地控制此种小动物。2、蹒类 红蜘蛛蹒类在叶部引起轻微变形与严重的颜色变化。因为分布为集中状态,可以以杀虫剂控制。 3、蓟马:棕色蓟马通常在每一部位可发现,而且成群出现。化学药剂难以根除。去除病株是最好的解决方法。 4、Sciaridae,fungusgnats:此种昆虫攻击根尖。施用补食天敌(Hypoaspispredatorymite,100-150/2)与悬挂黄色黏虫板可预防感染。 四、环境引起的生理异常 1、花苞掉落 粉蝶花在开花完成阶段,如果光线过强、温度太高,容易引起花苞自花梗上脱落。根系的品质不良也会造成此现象。花卉在输送之前如果未经适应阶段也会有落苞现象。 2、输送过程的冷害: 植株自生长区运送到销售区,叶面可能产生的橘红斑点,通常由于冷害造成细胞的死亡。其它的环境应力或过强光线也会造成。 五、药害 由于使用不适合的化学药剂。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Dianthus barbatus L. [图片]Common Names Sweet William, Bearded Pink Synonyms Caryophyllus barbatus, Cylichnanthus barbatus, Dianthus aggregatus, Dianthus barbatus var. barbatus, Dianthus barbatus subsp. barbatus, Dianthus corymbosus, Dianthus girardinii, Dianthus hispanicus, Dianthus latifolius, Dianthus pulcherrimus, Dianthus splendidissimus, Silene barbata, Tunica barbata Scientific Classification Family: Caryophyllaceae Subfamily: Caryophylloideae Tribe: Caryophylleae Genus: Dianthus [图片]Flower Color: Red Bloom Time: Early spring Description Dianthus barbatus is a herbaceous biennial or short-lived perennial plant growing up to 3 feet (90 cm) tall. The leaves are green to glaucous blue-green, tapered, up to 4 inches (10 cm) long and up to 0.8 inch (2 cm) wide. The flowers are produced in a dense cluster of up to 30 at the top of the stems and have a spicy, clove-like scent. Each flower is 1.2 inches (3 cm) in diameter with five petals with serrated edges. Wild plants produce red flowers with a white base, but colors in cultivars range from white, pink, red, and purple to variegated patterns. The gorgeous flowers bloom in early spring and last a long time. [图片]How to Grow and Care Plant pinks in full sun, partial shade or anywhere they will receive at least 6 hours of sun. The plants need fertile, well-drained soil that is alkaline. Wait until the danger of frost has passed when planting Dianthus and place them at the same level they were growing in the pots, with 12 to 18 inches (30 to 45) between the plants. Do not mulch around them. Water them only at the base of the plant to keep the foliage dry and prevent mildew spotting. Instructions on how to care for Dianthus are very straightforward. Water the plants when dry and apply fertilizer every six to eight weeks. You may also work a slow-release fertilizer into the soil at planting, which will release you from the need to feed the plants. Some varieties of Dianthus are self-sowing, so deadheading is extremely important to reduce volunteer plants and to encourage additional blooming. Perennial varieties are short lived and should be propagated by division, tip cuttings or even layering. Origin Native to the mountains of southern Europe from the Pyrenees east to the Carpathians and the Balkans.
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#大扁竹兰 在我国各地均有栽培,分布于华北、西北及长江以南。主要分布于云南、西藏等地。产广西、四川、云南。分布于中国大陆的云南、广西、四川等地,分布云南等地。大扁竹兰国外分布于日本、朝鲜、俄罗斯和印度等国有分布。大扁竹兰的主要病害有根腐病、锈病等,主要虫害有黄斑草毒蛾、大灰象甲等,下面小编就为大家详细介绍下大扁竹兰的常见病虫害以及防治方法。 [图片]大扁竹兰病害 大扁竹兰生长期的病害有根腐病、锈病、叶斑病、花叶病等。 根腐病的防治措施:拔除病株,病穴和病区用石灰粉进行土壤消毒,同时用波尔多液喷洒植株。 锈病的防治方法:发病初期用粉锈宁、代森锌等药液防治。 叶斑病的防治方法:发病前用波尔多液预防,发病时用多菌灵喷洒植株。 花叶病的防治措施:注意防治蚜虫,对手、刀具等进行消毒。 [图片]大扁竹兰虫害 大扁竹兰生长期的虫害有黄斑草毒蛾、大灰象甲、大青叶蝉、柑桔并盾蚧、地老虎、蛴螬、蝼蛄、钻心虫等。 黄斑草毒蛾的防治措施:人工采茧,消灭虫卵。 大灰象甲的防治措施:当春季成虫大发生时,对被害地块进行灌水;在地四边挖深50厘米的防虫沟。 大青叶蝉的防治措施:在成虫期利用灯光诱杀,或早晨成虫不活跃时进行网捕。 柑桔并盾蚧的防治措施:销毁虫株;用3%啶虫脒2000~2500倍液或48%乐斯本乳油1000倍液每隔7~10天喷1次,连喷3次。 地老虎的防治措施:中耕除草;人工捕捉;用90%晶体敌百虫800~1000倍液浇灌,用毒饵、灯光、粪土等诱杀。蛴螬的防治措施:可用毒饵、灯光、粪土等诱杀;用25%对硫磷微胶囊500~800倍液浇灌。 蝼蛄的防治方法:合理灌溉,用毒谷防治。钻心虫的防治方法:6月幼虫危害叶鞘前用4.5%氯氰菊酯3000倍液喷洒。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Dendrobium nobile Lindl. [图片]Common Names Noble Dendrobium Synonyms Callista nobilis, Dendrobium coerulescens, Dendrobium formosanum, Dendrobium lindleyanum Scientific Classification Family: Orchidaceae Subfamily: Epidendroideae Tribe: Dendrobieae Genus: Dendrobium [图片]Flower Color: White, pink and purple Bloom Time: Winter and spring Description Dendrobium nobile is a sympodial orchid with yellows green pseudobulbs up to 4 feet (1.2 m) tall. The leaves are narrow, up to 4 inches (10 cm) long and up to 0.8 inch (2 cm) wide, produced in early autumn. In late spring, a pseudobulb that is about to flower lose its leaves and replace them with a branching flower stalks. Each stalk carries two to four flowers, up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) across. Color varies from from white through pink and purple, but the lip always has a deep maroon blotch in the center. [图片]How to Grow and Care Although there is a huge variety from which to choose, when it comes to learning how to grow Dendrobium orchids, there are two important rules that they all follow. First, they like to live in little pots with their roots crowded into a tiny area. If you try to be nice and give them room to spread out, the roots are likely to stay too moist and begin to rot. If you don’t like the look of a large plant growing in a ridiculously small pot, camouflage it in a larger planter. The other way to care for Dendrobium orchids is to give them as much bright light as possible. This doesn’t mean sticking them in the desert sunlight, but a south-facing window in the house is the place where they will thrive. In almost all cases, when your Dendrobium orchid isn’t flowering, it’s a case of not enough sunlight. Origin Native to southern China, the Himalayas and Indochina.
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