Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Mimosa borealis A. Gray [图片]Common Names Fragrant Mimosa, Pink Mimosa, Catclaw Mimosa, Sensitive Mimosa Synonyms Mimosa fragrans Scientific Classification Family: Fabaceae Subfamily: Mimosoideae Tribe: Mimoseae Genus: Mimosa [图片]Flower Color: Pink Bloom Time: Spring through summer Description Mimosa borealis is a deciduous, small shrub, up to 3 feet (90 cm) tall and wide, with slightly zigzag, rigid branches with small, delicate pinnately compound leaves. The fragrant, showy, pink globe flowers with yellow anthers. Blooms in spring and then intermittently all through the summer. [图片]How to Grow and Care Mimosa is capable of growing in some really hardy zones and can survive in temperatures as low as -10 degrees Fahrenheit (-23 degrees Celsius). Although it grows exceptionally well in bright and full sunlight, it can grow in partially shaded areas as well. The plant can grow on a large variety of soil types like clay, loam, and sandy soil. The soil should ideally be acidic but a mild alkaline soil would suffice too. The plant is known to survive in droughts and hence requires little watering. The ideal time for planting a Mimosa is during the spring on a well drained soil. As these flowering plants prefer soil which is acidic in nature, it is advised that you add peat moss and composted leaves at regular intervals to maintain its acidic properties. Water the plant and soil enough, but not so much as to saturate it. Keep the area under the tree clean, by sweeping away the fallen flowers and seed pods. Pruning of the branches should ideally be done during fall. This tree often tends to get infested by pests like webworm caterpillars. If affected, the branches should be removed as soon as possible to prevent any collateral damage to the plant. If not taken care of, the need to spray insecticides might arise. Origin Native to Kansas and southeastern Colorado south to northern Mexico.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Mentha × piperita L. [图片]Common Names Peppermint, Black Peppermint, Curly Mint, Hairy Peppermint, White Peppermint Synonyms Mentha aquatica f. piperita, Mentha × piperoides Scientific Classification Family: Lamiaceae Subfamily: Nepetoideae Tribe: Mentheae Genus: Mentha [图片]Flower Color: Purple Bloom Time: Mid to late summer Description Mentha × piperita is a hybrid mint, a cross between Water Mint and Spearmint. It is a herbaceous rhizomatous perennial plant, up to 35 inches (90 cm) with smooth stems and dark green leaves with reddish veins and with an acute apex and coarsely toothed margins, up to 3.5 inches (9 cm) long and up to 1.57 inches (4 cm) wide. The purple flowers are up to 0.31 inch (8 mm) long and up to 0.2 inch (5 mm) in diameter. Flowering is from mid to late summer. [图片]How to Grow and Care Mint is one of the few culinary herbs that grows well in shady areas, although it can handle full sun if kept watered. Cuttings of Mint will root easily in soil or water and mature plants can be divided and transplanted. However you can start new plants from seed. Sow outdoors in late spring or start seed indoors about 8 to 10 weeks before the last frost. Keep soil moist until seed germinates. Mint prefers a rich, moist soil with a slightly acidic pH between 6.5 and 7.0. If the soil is somewhat lean, top dress yearly with organic matter and apply an organic fertilizer mid-season, after shearing. To contain the roots and limit spreading, you can grow Mint in containers, above or sunk into the ground. Be careful to keep container Mints from flopping over and touching the ground. Stems will root quickly, if given the chance. Origin Garden origin.
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#火焰木 在养殖过程中经常会碰到一些常见病虫害,它常见病害主要有立枯病,虫害主要有蚜虫、尺蛾、黄夜蛾、盗盼夜蛾等。下面小编就为花友们介绍下火焰木的常见病虫害以及防治方法。 [图片]火焰木的病害防治 立枯病 立枯病主要在春季雨水多时发生,幼苗和成株均受危害。受害处产生暗褐色病斑,严重时成片死亡。 [图片]防治方法 用无病新土移栽,使用的肥料一定要腐熟,绝不能用新鲜农家肥。及时清除病株。移栽前每平方米用40%甲醛50毫升对水6公斤进行土壤消毒,或用70%五氯硝基苯酚按1∶30的比例拌细土,撒于苗床土上。春栽小苗一星期后喷70%甲基托布津1000倍液或75%百菌清1000倍液,每10天喷施一次,交替使用。 火焰木的主要虫害 [图片]火焰木主要虫害有蚜虫、尺蛾、黄夜蛾、盗盼夜蛾、大小地老虎及金龟子等。蚜虫会影响植物生长,诱发煤污病;尺蛾、夜蛾以幼虫食叶危害,严重时2至3天可吃光全部嫩梢;地老虎和金龟子以幼虫蛀食根系,地老虎主要危害扦插苗和幼苗,金龟子大、中、小苗均危害。防治蚜虫可于萌芽前喷5%柴油乳剂或波美3至5度石硫合剂,杀死越冬成虫和虫卵。落花后喷第二次药,秋季10月间喷第三次药。防治尺蛾、夜蛾幼虫可用50%甲胺磷1500倍液喷施,要治早、治小。地老虎和金龟子的幼虫为地下害虫,防治方法是加强苗圃管理,不施未腐熟的有机肥。冬季翻耕,将越冬幼虫翻到地表冻死。用3%呋喃丹颗粒剂,按每亩2公斤用量,开沟施入10至20厘米深的土中。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Mentha spicata L. [图片]Common Names Spearmint, Spear Mint Synonyms Mentha aquatica var. crispa, Mentha cordifolia, Mentha crispa, Mentha viridis Scientific Classification Family: Lamiaceae Subfamily: Nepetoideae Tribe: Mentheae Genus: Mentha [图片]Flower Color: Pink or white Bloom Time: Summer Description Mentha spicata is a perennial plant, up to 40 inches (1 m) tall, with hairless to hairy stems and foliage, and a wide-spreading fleshy underground rhizome. The stem is square-shaped. The leaves are up to 3.5 inches (9 cm) long and up to 1.2 inches (3 cm) wide, with a serrated margin. It produces flowers in slender spikes, each flower is pink or white, up to 3 mm long, and wide. [图片]How to Grow and Care Mint is one of the few culinary herbs that grows well in shady areas, although it can handle full sun if kept watered. Cuttings of Mint will root easily in soil or water and mature plants can be divided and transplanted. However you can start new plants from seed. Sow outdoors in late spring or start seed indoors about 8 to 10 weeks before the last frost. Keep soil moist until seed germinates. Mint prefers a rich, moist soil with a slightly acidic pH between 6.5 and 7.0. If the soil is somewhat lean, top dress yearly with organic matter and apply an organic fertilizer mid-season, after shearing. To contain the roots and limit spreading, you can grow Mint in containers, above or sunk into the ground. Be careful to keep container Mints from flopping over and touching the ground. Stems will root quickly, if given the chance. Origin Native to Europe and southwest Asia.
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#火焰兰 喜充足阳光,耐寒,在长江中下游地区球茎露地能越冬。适宜生长于排水良好、疏松肥沃的沙壤土,生育期要求土壤有充足水分。火焰兰的常见病害就是花叶病,下面就由花匠网小编花痴为大家介绍下火焰兰病虫害的防治。 [图片]火焰兰的病害防治 火焰兰病害有花叶病。 分布与危害:该病在内蒙古地区较常见,但为害不严重。 症状 新生叶上出现小型不明显的长形褪绿区域。症状多局限于叶片中脉的某一侧,几天后斑点和条斑清晰,1~3周内病区扩大为灰白色,偶尔带有较深的细小条斑,浅绿色区与深绿色区反差明显。老病叶背面出现黑色斑点和条斑,嫩叶片坏死,严重时病叶可早落。 [图片]病原 病原为建兰花叶病毒(CymMV),是世界上发生最普遍的兰花病毒。病毒颗粒棒状。 发病规律 病株可作繁殖材料。汁液接触可传病。 防治方法 从无病建株选取繁殖材料。发现病株应及时拔除并集中烧毁。园艺操作时,避免汁液接触传染。此病毒的寄生范围广泛,应注意防止相互传染。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Mentha aquatica L. [图片]Common Names Water Mint Synonyms Mentha hirsuta, Mentha acuta, Mentha acutata Scientific Classification Family: Lamiaceae Subfamily: Nepetoideae Tribe: Mentheae Genus: Mentha [图片]Flower Color: Pinkish to lilac Bloom Time: Summer Description Mentha aquatica is a herbaceous perennial plant, up to 35 inches (90 cm) tall. The stems are hairy to almost hairless and green or purple in color. The rhizomes are wide-spreading, fleshy and bear fibrous roots. The green, sometimes purplish leaves are ovate, up to 2.4 inch (6 cm) long and up to 1.6 inches (4 cm) wide, opposite, toothed, hairy to nearly hairless. The flowers are tiny, densely crowded, tubular, pinkish to lilac in color and form a terminal hemispherical inflorescence. Flowering is from mid to late summer. [图片]How to Grow and Care Mint is one of the few culinary herbs that grows well in shady areas, although it can handle full sun if kept watered. Cuttings of Mint will root easily in soil or water and mature plants can be divided and transplanted. However you can start new plants from seed. Sow outdoors in late spring or start seed indoors about 8 to 10 weeks before the last frost. Keep soil moist until seed germinates. Mint prefers a rich, moist soil with a slightly acidic pH between 6.5 and 7.0. If the soil is somewhat lean, top dress yearly with organic matter and apply an organic fertilizer mid-season, after shearing. To contain the roots and limit spreading, you can grow Mint in containers, above or sunk into the ground. Be careful to keep container Mints from flopping over and touching the ground. Stems will root quickly, if given the chance. Origin Native to Europe, northwest Africa and southwest Asia.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Meconopsis horridula Hook. f. & Thomson [图片]Common Names Prickly Blue Poppy, Tibetan Poppy Scientific Classification Family: Papaveraceae Subfamily: Papaveroideae Tribe: Papavereae Genus: Meconopsis [图片]Flower Color: Blue or reddish blue Bloom Time: Late spring to early summer Description Meconopsis horridula is a flowering plant with basal leaves, up to 10 inches (25 cm) long, arranged in a rosette. The stem and pedicels have straw-colored spines on their surface. The leaves are elliptical or narrow-oblong shaped, tapering into the petiole. The leaf margin is entire or slightly lobed or toothed. The surface of the leaf is covered with yellowish or purplish spines that grow from purple wart-like structures. In some cases they are covered with bristles. The upper leaves are smaller and bract-like. The open-faced flowers are usually in shades of blue or reddish blue, but rarely white. The flowers are up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) in size. The stalk is up to 9 inches (22.5 cm) long. The stalk that bears the flower is bent, so the flower is not held upright and is droopy. [图片]How to Grow and Care Full sunlight (cool areas only); full or partial shade. Acidic soil. Add grit to heavy soils. Nutrient-rich soil, add manure, leaf matter or compost if necessary. Moist soil. Supply mulch of manure of bark chippings when planting to help maintain moisture; do not cover the crowns. Regular watering during dry periods in summer to keep the soil moist. No need to water in the winter as the plant prefers a dry soil whilst resting. Cut back to the ground in autumn. Replace regularly as Meconopsis do not live for long time. When growing Meconopsis plants in the garden it is very important to keep the soil moist in the summer. Once the growing period has finished, cut back Meconopsis plant to ground level (autumn). If you require more plants then they can be propagated by division at the start of spring. The seeds of the Meconopsis should be sown on the surface; this can wither be done just before the last frost of spring or towards the end of autumn. Blue Poppies prefer to grow in a shady or partially shady part of the gardens but can tolerate sunny areas in milder climates. They like a rich acidic soil, ideally the soil should be kept moist in the summer, but allowed to dry in the winter. Origin Native to China (Tibet).
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Meconopsis betonicifolia Franch. [图片]Common Names Himalayan Poppy, Himalayan Blue Poppy, Bailey’s Blue Poppy, Blue Poppy, Tibetan Poppy, Tibetan Blue Poppy Synonyms Meconopsis baileyi Scientific Classification Family: Papaveraceae Subfamily: Papaveroideae Tribe: Papavereae Genus: Meconopsis [图片]Flower Color: Blue Bloom Time: Late spring to early summer Description Meconopsis betonicifolia is a short-lived, often monocarpic perennial, up to 4 feet (1.2 m) tall, with rosette of hairy, oblong, blue-green leaves. The large flowers are deep blue in color, with contrasting yellow stamens, and up to 4 inches (10 cm) in width. [图片]How to Grow and Care Full sunlight (cool areas only); full or partial shade. Acidic soil. Add grit to heavy soils. Nutrient-rich soil, add manure, leaf matter or compost if necessary. Moist soil. Supply mulch of manure of bark chippings when planting to help maintain moisture; do not cover the crowns. Regular watering during dry periods in summer to keep the soil moist. No need to water in the winter as the plant prefers a dry soil whilst resting. Cut back to the ground in autumn. Replace regularly as Meconopsis do not live for long time. When growing Meconopsis plants in the garden it is very important to keep the soil moist in the summer. Once the growing period has finished, cut back Meconopsis plant to ground level (autumn). If you require more plants then they can be propagated by division at the start of spring. The seeds of the Meconopsis should be sown on the surface; this can wither be done just before the last frost of spring or towards the end of autumn. Blue Poppies prefer to grow in a shady or partially shady part of the gardens but can tolerate sunny areas in milder climates. They like a rich acidic soil, ideally the soil should be kept moist in the summer, but allowed to dry in the winter. Origin Native to China.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Matricaria discoidea DC. [图片]Common Names Pineapple Weed, Pineapple Chamomile, Wild Chamomile, Disc Mayweed, False Chamomile, Rayless Chamomile, Rounded Chamomile Synonyms Matricaria discoidea subsp. discoidea, Akylopsis suaveolens, Anthemis inconspicua, Cenocline pauciflora, Chamomilla discoidea, Chamomilla suaveolens, Chrysanthemum discodes, Matricaria graveolens Scientific Classification Family: Asteraceae Subfamily: Asteroideae Tribe: Anthemideae Subtribe: Matricariinae Genus: Matricaria [图片]Flower Color: Yellowish-green Bloom Time: March to September Description Matricaria discoidea is an annual plant with cone-shaped flower head, composed of dense-packed yellowish-green corollas, and lacking ray-florets. The leaves are pinnately dissected and sweet-scented when crushed. The plant grows up to 16 inches (40 cm) high. Flowerheads are produced from March to September. [图片]How to Grow and Care You can grow Chamomile herb in USDA plant hardiness zones 3 to 9. Chamomile grows best in cool conditions and should be planted in part shade, but will also grow full sun. The soil should be dry. Once your Chamomile is established, it needs very little care. Like most herbs, it grows best when it is not fussed over. Too much fertilizer will result in lots of weakly flavored foliage and few flowers. Chamomile is drought tolerant and only needs to be watered in times of prolonged drought. Plant Chamomile in the spring from either seeds or plants. It’s easier to establish Chamomile herb in your garden from plants or divisions than from seeds, but growing Chamomile from seed is also relatively easy. For the most part, Chamomile is not affected by many pests. It is often recommended as a companion plant to plant in the vegetable garden as its strong scent often keeps pests away. Origin Native to North America and Northeast Asia but which has become a cosmopolitan weed.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Matricaria chamomilla L. [图片]Common Names Chamomile, Common Chamomile, German Chamomile, Hungarian Chamomile, Matricaria, Scented Chamomile, Scented Mayweed, Sweet False Chamomile, True Chamomile, Wild Chamomile, Mu Ju (Transcribed Chinese), Camomille Allemande (French), Camomille Vraie (French), Matricaire (French), Echte Kamille (German), Kamille (German), kamille (Transcribed Korean), Camomila (Portuguese), Camomila (Spanish), Manzanilla (Spanish), Kamomill (Swedish) Synonyms Chamomilla recutita, Matricaria courrantiana, Matricaria recutita Scientific Classification Family: Asteraceae Subfamily: Asteroideae Tribe: Anthemideae Subtribe: Matricariinae Genus: Matricaria [图片]Flower Color: White and yellow Bloom Time: Early to mid summer Description Matricaria chamomilla – German Chamomile is an low-growing, annual plant with branched, erect, smooth and hairy stems, up to 24 inches (60 cm) tall. Leaves are long and narrow, bipinnate or tripinnate. The flowers are borne on long, erect stalks. They have white ray florets and hollow, conical center, yellow in color.The flowers bloom in early to mid summer, and have a strong, aromatic smell. The fruit is small and dry. [图片]How to Grow and Care You can grow Chamomile herb in USDA plant hardiness zones 3 to 9. Chamomile grows best in cool conditions and should be planted in part shade, but will also grow full sun. The soil should be dry. Once your Chamomile is established, it needs very little care. Like most herbs, it grows best when it is not fussed over. Too much fertilizer will result in lots of weakly flavored foliage and few flowers. Chamomile is drought tolerant and only needs to be watered in times of prolonged drought. Plant Chamomile in the spring from either seeds or plants. It’s easier to establish Chamomile herb in your garden from plants or divisions than from seeds, but growing Chamomile from seed is also relatively easy. Origin Native to Europe.
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