#桂竹香 属多年生草本植物,它是春季庭院中栽培较为普遍的一种草花,也可作切花用,而桂竹香有哪些功效和作用呢?下面就跟大家介绍! [图片]桂竹香的功效 药物 桂竹香,始载于《种子植物名称》。 桂竹香味甘、性平。花朵可以入药,具有活血通经、泻下的作用,主治月经不调、闭经、便秘等病症。 桂竹香入大肠、肾、肝经,还能起到活血缓解筋骨疼痛的作用。 在春季开花的时候采摘下来,鲜用或者晒干后保存使用,一般是内服,取9至15克煎水后服用。但是孕妇不可以使用。 桂竹香还是中国植物图谱数据库收录的有毒植物,其毒性为种子有毒。 [图片]食物 桂竹香还可以做菜使用,在菜中加入桂竹香,可以改善食物的味道,是食物更加鲜香可口。 有一道名菜叫做鲜虾桂竹香,具体做法就是取适当的桂竹香和虾仁,以及姜丝、香油等作料。 把虾仁洗净,用刀背拍成虾泥,加入调味料,放入塑料袋中备用。 桂竹笋节内侧抹上玉米粉,把虾泥挤到笋节内,填满笋节。 放入锅中蒸熟,煮出调味汤,淋在笋节上,铺上姜丝、葱丝,淋上热油即可食用了。 [图片]桂竹香的作用 观赏 桂竹香的花色以黄色为主,是草本花卉中比较少见的,具有很高的观赏价值。 桂竹香同属种约有10种,常见栽培的有七里黄,2年生或多年生草本花卉,株高30—40厘米。叶互生,披针形。顶生总状花序,花鲜黄色。花期在5月。 桂竹香不同品种形态不同,各自有各自的特点,可以用来布置花坛、绿化带,又可以在开花期间剪切下来作切花的材料,也可以养殖在花盆内,放在家中以供观赏。
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金秋之际,即是收获季节也是赏#桂花 的最佳时期。桂花又被称为岩桂,是中国木犀属众多树木的习称。桂花是中国传统十大名花之一,集绿化、美化、香化于一体的观赏与实用兼备的优良园林树种,桂花清可绝尘,浓能远溢,堪称一绝。尤其是仲秋时节,丛桂怒放,夜静轮圆之际,把酒赏桂,陈香扑鼻,令人神清气爽。桂花不仅能观赏,还能泡茶。 [图片]中医上认为桂花中药材性温味辛,服用后对于脾经、肺经等都有很不错的保健效果,并且不含有毒性,所以可以放心的使用。那么,桂花泡茶的这几种功效你需要知道。 桂花泡茶功效: 第一:通气和胃 桂花泡水喝的功效有很多,最为常见的一种就是制作成桂花茶了,适合一些肠胃功能比较弱的人群使用,例如老年人以及做完肠胃方面手术的人群等。桂花具有通气和胃的作用,制作出来的桂花茶不仅没有失去茶原本的味道,同时还带有浓郁的桂花香气,除了促进肠胃健康以及消化能力之外,还能够令精神更好。 第二:减肥美容 这种桂花的功效应该是女性朋友最为关心的一种了吧,服用桂花具有美白的效果,除此之外也可以很好的清除身体中的毒素,并且通宿便的效果也不错。所以说,长期坚持科学的使用桂花,能够起到美容养颜以及减肥塑身的作用。 第三:促进胃肠道健康 桂花泡水喝最大的功效就是促进胃肠道健康了,并且对于这种部位所产生的多种疾病都有很不错的疗效。特别是醒胃、化痰、镇咳、顺气、健胃整肠的作用,生活中若是身体出现了胃下垂、胃胀气以及十二指肠溃疡等毛病,都可以服用桂花,桂花对于这些肠胃疾病有着很不错的疗效。 第四:愉悦心情 桂花中含有一种特殊的香味,其中富含芳香物质,例如α—紫罗兰酮以及Y—癸酸内酯和芳香樟等。所以说,闻着桂花的香味心情就会更好,除此之外也可以有效的改善自己的精神状况,令身体更加的健康。桂花除了本文所介绍的泡水喝之外,也可以将这种中药材制作成各种菜肴,是一种非常不错的烹饪配料。 第五:治疗口臭以及牙痛的情况 桂花中含有一定的芳香物质,这些物质进入身体后可以溶解脂肪,对于一些腥膻气味也可以起到消除功效,所以有治疗口臭的作用。桂花除了香味之外科学的使用还具有治疗口臭的作用,所以这种中药材对于一些牙痛、口臭甚至是眼睛视物不明的情况都有很好的疗效。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Etlingera elatior, aslo known as Torch Ginger, is a showy addition to the tropical landscape, as it is a large plant with a variety of unusual, colorful blooms. Torch Ginger plant information says the plant, an herbaceous perennial, grows in areas where temperatures fall no lower than 50°F (10°C) at night. This limits growth to USDA Hardiness Zone 10 and 11, and possibly zone 9.[图片]Torch Ginger may reach up to 20 feet (6 m) in height. Plant it where it is somewhat protected from the wind, which can snap the shoots of this tropical plant. Due to the large height, growing in containers may not be feasible. The unusual Torch Ginger flowers may be red, pink or orange — blooming from colorful bracts. White blooms have been reported in some plant information, but these are rare. Buds are edible, flavorful and used in Southeast Asian cooking.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Growing Torch Ginger is possible in a range of soil types. A major problem when growing Torch Ginger plants is potassium deficiency. Potassium is necessary for the correct uptake of water, which is necessary for the optimum growth of this large plant. Add potassium to the soil before growing Torch Gingers by working it into unplanted beds to about a foot (30 cm) deep. Organic means of adding potassium include the use of greensand, kelp or granite meal. Test the soil.[图片]When growing these plants in established beds, fertilize with a food that is high in potassium. This is the third number on the fertilizer ratio displayed on the packaging. Once the potassium is right in the soil, watering, an important part of learning how to grow torch ginger successfully, will be more beneficial.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Spring is a good time to begin growing and digging, although planning can take place before the snow melts. Gardeners spend most of the summer watering, weeding, and watching young plants grow. Fall is a good time to plant trees, shrubs, bulbs, and some perennials.[图片]1. Get an idea. Is this going to be a vegetable garden? An herb garden? A flower garden? If you choose to grow flowers, do you want annuals, which you must replant each year but which give color most of the summer? Or do you prefer perennials, which have a shorter bloom time but come back year after year? You can mix any of the above—after all, it’s your garden. 2. Pick a place. Almost all vegetables and most flowers need about six hours of full sun each day. Spend a day in your chosen spot and watch how the sun moves across the space. It might receive more sun than you think. But don’t despair if your lot is largely sunless; many plants tolerate shade. Check plant tags or ask the staff at your local garden center to find out how much sun a plant requires.[图片]3. Clear the ground. Get rid of the sod covering the area you plan to plant. If you want quick results, you can dig it out, but it’s easier to smother it with newspaper. A layer of five sheets is usually thick enough. Spread a 3-inch (7.5 cm) layer of compost (or combination of potting soil and topsoil) on the newspaper and wait. It’ll take about four months for the compost and paper to decompose. If you don’t want to wait or if the area is covered with weeds, you’re better off digging the sod out. 4. Improve the soil. Invariably, soil needs a boost. The solution is simple: organic matter. Add a 2- to 3-inch (5 to 7.5 cm) layer of compost, decayed leaves, dry grass clippings, or old manure. If you dig soil, till the organic matter into the soil. If you decide not to dig or are working with an established bed you can’t dig, leave the organic matter on the surface and it will work its way into the soil in a few months.[图片]5. Dig or don’t. Digging loosens the soil so roots can penetrate more easily. But digging when the soil is too wet or too dry can ruin its structure. Dig only when the soil is moist enough to form a loose ball in your fist, but dry enough to fall apart when you drop it. Use a spade or spading fork to gently turn the top 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm) of soil, mixing in the organic matter from Step 4. In vegetable gardens and beds of annual flowers, turn the soil only once a year in the spring before you plant.[图片]6. Pick your plants. Some people pore over catalogs for months; some people head to the garden center and buy what wows them. Either method works if you choose plants adapted to your climate, your soil, and the amount of sunlight in your garden. You can even surf the Internet for plants to purchase. Here are a few easy-to-grow plants for beginners: Annual: Cosmos, marigolds, Impatiens, Geraniums, Calendula, sunflowers, and Zinnias Perennials: Russian Sage, Lamb’s Ears, Black-eyed Susans, Purple Coneflowers, Phlox, pansies, and daylilies Vegetables: lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, and cucumbers 7. Put them in the ground. Some plants, such as pansies and kale, tolerate cold, so you can plant them in autumn or late winter. Tomatoes and most annual flowers, on the other hand, are touchy about cold, so don’t plant them until the danger of frost has passed in your area. Midspring and midautumn are good times to plant perennial flowers.[图片]Some plants, such as lettuce and sunflowers, are easy to grow from seed. You can sow them directly in the garden. Be sure to read the seed packet for information about when to plant, how deep to plant, and how far apart to plant the seeds. If you’re an adventurous beginner, you can get a head start on the growing season by sowing seeds indoors before the last frost date. You can buy containers or flats designed especially for seedlings, as well as seed-starting soil mixes (available at garden centers). Follow seed-packet instructions, and place the containers on a sunny windowsill or under artificial lights if you don’t have window space. Be sure to keep the seeds and seedlings moist but not wet (or they may rot). An easier method is to buy young plants, called set plants or transplants. Just dig a hole and plunk them in the ground.[图片]8. Water. Seedlings should never dry out, so water daily while they are small. Taper off as the plants get larger. New transplants also need frequent watering—every other day or so—until their roots become established. After that, how often you need to water depends on your soil, how humid your climate is, and how often it rains. Plants are begging for water when they wilt slightly in the heat of the day. Water slowly and deeply, so the water soaks in instead of running off into the street. To minimize evaporation, water in the early morning. 9. Mulch. To help keep weeds out and water in, cover the soil with a couple of inches of mulch. All sorts of mulch are available, from pine needles to cocoa hulls to bark chips. For a vegetable garden or bed of annuals, choose a mulch that decomposes in a few months. For perennials, use a longer-lasting mulch, such as bark chips.[图片]10. Keep it up. Your garden is on its way. Keep watering when needed, and pull weeds before they get big. Fertilize with a dry fertilizer about halfway through the season. If you use a liquid fertilizer, fertilize every month or so.
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核心提示:#桑葚 ,又称桑实、桑果、桑粒等。系桑科植物桑树的果实。成熟的桑葚颗粒饱满,色体紫黑,汁多味甜,而红赤果较次,青绿色未成熟的桑葚则不宜食用。 天然保健品——桑葚 桑葚,又称桑实、桑果、桑粒等。系桑科植物桑树的果实。成熟的桑葚颗粒饱满,色体紫黑,汁多味甜,而红赤果较次,青绿色未成熟的桑葚则不宜食用。桑葚入药始载于《唐本草》。其味酸甘,性微寒,能止渴生津,润肺通饮,有滋补肝肾的功效,可治肝肾阴亏、消渴便秘、目暗耳鸣、关节不利之症,简直就是天然的保健品。 [图片]便秘与睡眠障碍是老年人的常见病和多发病。据资料表明,60岁以上的老年人患有习惯性便秘者高达30%以上,而发生睡眠障碍者几乎高达百分之百。这两种症状如不纠正,将会严重影响老年人的健康长寿。而当前在临床上却没有一种可以较长时间使用安全有效的药物。各类促进排便、纠正睡眠障碍的药物一般都只能短期使用,否则将导致药源性疾病。但桑葚属天然药物,既可长期服用,又安全无副作用,更具有促进排便和安眠的双重作用,确实是老年人理想的保健良药。 据现代药理分析表明,桑葚内含有葡萄糖、果酸、柠檬酸、鞣酸、苹果酸、果胶和维生素A、B1、B2、C、D及钙、磷、铁等矿物质。它的味道似草莓,又有甜里带着清香。 在《随息居饮食谱》中载:桑葚有“滋肝肾、充血液、止消渴、利关节、解酒毒、去风湿、聪耳明目、安魂镇魄”的功能,用桑葚制成的桑葚蜜,对神经衰弱、用脑过度有特殊的功效。 用桑葚鲜果熬膏,中成药称为桑葚膏,每日服2次,早晚用开水调服2匙,可治久咳及瘰疠。对于少年白发或脱发,也可常服桑葚膏,或取桑葚,配以何首乌、旱莲草煎服,效果显著。如以桑葚子15g,水煎服或捣汁服,或与枸杞子、淮山药、生地同煎服,则可治疗糖尿病。 [图片]此外,桑葚还可以酿酒。用它酿出来的酒,色泽鲜艳,香殊味甜,既是颇受群众欢迎的饮料,又是良药,曾有“四月宜饮桑葚酒,能理百种风热”之说,桑葚酒治水肿腹满更具奇效,此系取其宁心利水之功。
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核心提示:#冬瓜 是一种药食兼用的蔬菜,具有多种保健功效。中医认为,冬瓜味甘、淡、性凉,入肺、大肠、小肠、膀胱经;具有润肺生津,化痰止渴,利尿消肿,清热祛暑...... 冬瓜是一种药食兼用的蔬菜,具有多种保健功效。中医认为,冬瓜味甘、淡、性凉,入肺、大肠、小肠、膀胱经;具有润肺生津,化痰止渴,利尿消肿,清热祛暑,解毒排脓的功效;可用于暑热口渴、痰热咳喘、水肿、脚气、胀满、消渴、痤疮、面斑、脱肛、痔疮等症的治疗,还能解鱼、酒毒。 [图片]冬瓜的营养价值: 1.利尿消肿:冬瓜含维生素C较多,且钾盐含量高,钠盐含量较低,高血压、肾脏病、浮肿病等患者食之,可达到消肿而不伤正气的作用。 2.减肥:冬瓜中所含的丙醇二酸,能有效地抑制糖类转化为脂肪,加之冬瓜本身不含脂肪,热量不高,对于防止人体发胖具有重要意义,还可以有助于体形健美。 3.清热解暑:冬瓜性寒味甘,清热生津,僻暑除烦,在夏日服食尤为适宜。 具体来讲,冬瓜汤有什么功效与作用: [图片]1、冬瓜汤可以降血压:由于冬瓜含Vc较多,且钾含量高,钠盐含量低,所以最适合需低钠食物的高血压、肾脏病、浮肿病等患者。 2、冬瓜汤可以保护肾脏:冬瓜汁及冬瓜提取物能增加动物排尿量,减轻由升汞引起的肾病病变程度,并具有显著减少血清肌酐含量的作用。病理组织学显示,冬瓜总氨酸(大剂量)、冬瓜葫芦素对升汞引起的肾损伤均有较明显的保护和阻断作用。 3、冬瓜汤可以减肥降脂:经研究发现,冬瓜中富含丙醇二酸。能有效控制 [图片]体内的糖类转化为脂肪,防止体内脂肪堆积,还能把肥胖多余的脂肪消耗掉,有良好的减肥效果。葫芦巴碱主要存在于冬瓜瓤中,它能帮助人体新陈代谢,抑制糖类转化为脂肪也是冬瓜中的减肥降脂功能因子之一。 4、冬瓜汤可以美容养颜:唐代《圣济总录》书中介绍了古人用冬瓜制作面脂进行美容的方法。另外,据《本草纲目》载:冬瓜瓤白,绵软,用它洗脸,洗身,可除肤褐斑,令肤色柔软光洁、白皙;《神农本草经》记载:冬瓜子能令人“面容生辉”。冬瓜子是古代面脂中的常用药。 冬瓜籽中的油酸,具有抑制体内黑色素沉积的活性,是良好的润肤美容成分氨基酸。冬瓜中富含鸟氨酸和Y-氨基丁酸,天冬氨酸、谷氨酸、精氨酸的含量也较高,瓜籽和果皮中的含量又高于果肉,瓜籽中的上述3种氨基酸含量分别是果肉的15.09、18.32倍,它们是人体解除游离氨毒害的不可缺少的氨基酸,成为其利尿消肿功效的物质基础。此外,冬瓜籽所含的蛋白质和瓜氨酸更可润泽皮肤,还能抑制黑色素的形成。 [图片]5、冬瓜汤可以降血糖:冬瓜中的膳食纤维含量很高,每100g中含膳食纤维约0.9g。现代医学研究表明膳食纤维含量高的食物对改善血糖水平效果好,人的血糖指数与食物中食物纤维的含量成负相关。另外,膳食纤维还能降低体内胆固醇。 6、冬瓜汤可以排除致癌物质:降血脂冬瓜中的粗纤维,能刺激肠道蠕动,使肠道里积存的致癌物质尽快排泄出去。 冬瓜籽中的油酸,具有抑制体内黑色素沉积的活性,是良好的润肤美容成分氨基酸。冬瓜中富含鸟氨酸和Y-氨基丁酸,天冬氨酸、谷氨酸、精氨酸的含量也较高,瓜籽和果皮中的含量又高于果肉,瓜籽中的上述3种氨基酸含量分别是果肉的15.09、18.32倍,它们是人体解除游离氨毒害的不可缺少的氨基酸,成为其利尿消肿功效的物质基础。此外,冬瓜籽所含的蛋白质和瓜氨酸更可润泽皮肤,还能抑制黑色素的形成。 5、冬瓜汤可以降血糖:冬瓜中的膳食纤维含量很高,每100g中含膳食纤维约0.9g。现代医学研究表明膳食纤维含量高的食物对改善血糖水平效果好,人的血糖指数与食物中食物纤维的含量成负相关。另外,膳食纤维还能降低体内胆固醇。 6、冬瓜汤可以排除致癌物质:降血脂冬瓜中的粗纤维,能刺激肠道蠕动,使肠道里积存的致癌物质尽快排泄出去。 既然冬瓜汤有这么多功效,现在再说一下做法; 将排骨切段用清水浸泡一会。 冬瓜切成小块,备用。 3.姜切片,备用。 4.锅内倒入可以没过排骨的清水,将排骨倒入煮出血水后捞出,用清水洗干净,放置小罐中,将冬瓜,姜片,八角,一起放入摆好,倒入温水。根据个人口味不同加入适量的盐。 5.盖上盖子就可以上蒸锅隔水炖了,时间30分钟左右,当然时间越长越好。(我一般都是晚上准备好,放在电蒸锅里面小炖一夜,第二天早上起来就可以喝了。)炖好后还可以加入一点白胡椒,香葱味道更佳。香油可以根据个人喜好添加一点。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Aster is a large genus of 250 species of annuals, biennials, perennials, and subshrubs from many different kinds of habitats, mainly in North America. The flowers resemble small daisies, with yellow disk florets, and white, pink, blue, or purple ray florets. The leaves are generally alternate, simple, and lance-shaped. There is an Aster for most any type of garden, including borders, rock gardens, waterside plantings, dry areas, and wildflower gardens.[图片]Care for your Asters with some basic rules of thumb, and be rewarded with spectacular blossoms in a variety of colors. Planting these wonderful stars (aster is Greek for star) will uplift and brighten your fall garden. Ranging from 8 inches to almost 8 feet (20 cm to almost 2.4 m), these flowers make good border plants, but be careful of mildew diseases that attack them.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Divide mature plants in spring, just as the new shoots begin to grow. This should be done every few years to avoid crowding of plants. As with many other flowering plants, dead head (cut back spent flowers) to make room for newer blossoms. This will extend the health and flowering of your plants. Be sure to dead head early on in the blooming season. Blooming will be reduced if done too late. This will also restrain unwanted reseeding which will cause plant overcrowding. Remember, Asters are prone to mildew so be careful to plant them in areas with good circulation and good sun exposure. As with other flowering plants, do not allow water to saturate leaves. Be sure to water at the plant’s roots to prevent mildew and mold. Drip irrigation and utilization of a soaker hose work very well in watering these plants.[图片]Propagating Asters can be grown indoors or may be sown into the garden directly (providing danger of frost is well past). Plant them in early spring, preparing gardens with a tiller to loosen soil. Sow the seeds approximately 1 foot (30 cm) deep into a mixture of compost and garden soil. Germination usually occurs after approximately 1 month. Plant in well-drained, moist soil in either partial shade or morning sun. Some varieties can be planted in full sun, but this varies, so be sure to check planting instructions. Compost, peat moss or mulch will retain moisture, control weeds and ensure plants have sufficient nutrients. Your hole for transplanting asters should be twice as wide and deep as the plant’s container. Plant the crown of the aster even with the ground level. Plant and thin plants to at least 18 inches (45 cm) apart to avoid overcrowding.[图片]Strategies In addition to accenting rock gardens, grow your Asters in succession, so that have an ongoing blooming season. Planting Asters will also deter some insects in your garden. Plant them throughout your garden to limit pesticide use. Asters attract butterflies, which will enhance the beauty of your garden.[图片]Unlike marigolds and similar plants, Aster seedlings are unlike the parent plant and may not be desirable to allow to reproduce. Remove the flower stems before they set seed to prevent this cycle from occurring. Water Asters as directed, but remember that they are considered a “drought tolerant” plant and do not like standing water.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Spathiphyllum (commonly known as Peace Lilies) is a genus of about 40 species of flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to tropical regions of the Americas and southeastern Asia. They are a popular choice for offices and homes. Peace Lilies are vibrant and lovely, with verdant leaves that grace any indoor space with a touch of life. They’re also on NASA’s list of top air-cleaning plants. The really great news, though, is that peace lilies are easy to care for. With these tips, you can enjoy them for both their aesthetic and function for years to come. [图片]Light Peace Lilies like indirect light and shade, making them ideal for indoor environments. They’re even known to do well in offices with fluorescent lights and no windows! South- or west-facing windows tend to be the best locations for Peace Lilies, providing the right mix of light. Your Peace Lily will tell you if it’s getting too much light. Yellow leaves indicate too much light, while brown streaks are a sign of scorching from direct sunlight. Move your Peace Lily if its leaves exhibit these signs. [图片]Watering Peace Lilies are more tolerant of under-watering than over-watering. Keep plants evenly moist by watering when soil feels dry to the touch. Take care not to over-water. If your tap water has a lot of chlorine, leave it out overnight to allow the chlorine to evaporate. Peace Lily leaves also enjoy a good misting, which you can do when you water throughout the summer. Watering is another area in which your Peace Lily will communicate with you. If leaves begin to droop, it’s time to water and your plant won’t be any worse for the little bit of wear. Make sure your Peace Lily’s pot has good drainage. If wilting occurs, check for soggy roots, which indicates root rot. [图片]Fertilizing While Peace Lilies can do fine with fertilization only once or twice a year, regular fertilization in spring and summer will encourage blooms. Peace Lilies are sensitive to chemical fertilizers, so use an organic general houseplant fertilizer at one-quarter to one-half the recommended strength. Repotting and Propagating Once roots begin to show above the soil, it’s time to repot your Peace Lily. This usually occurs about every year or two. Repot into a container that is about 2 inches (5 cm) bigger in diameter than the current pot. [图片]Repotting is a good time to divide your plant. Crowns, areas where clusters of about two new leaves are growing, are a good place to divide your plant, but some people just separate roots anywhere to multiply their plant. Use soil from the old pot for the new plant so that it isn’t shocked. For smaller transplants, don’t use a pot that’s too big. Cozy roots encourage blooms.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Ludwigia sedoides, commonly known as Mosaic Plant, Mosaic Flower and False Loosestrife, is a herbaceous perennial plant of the family Onagraceae. It has yellow flowers that bloom from June to August.[图片]This floating Ludwigia is native to Central and South America, where it can be found growing in stagnant waters as well as in sections of riverine environments that are free of current. It is a very common pond plant in warm climates or ponds in conservatories. Cultivation in an aquarium is a bit more complicated.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Above all else, this floating stem plant requires light. Even values in the higher range of what is possible over a planted aquarium are often not enough. Outdoor culture in a well-lit pond or tub is sometimes the only way to achieve satisfactory growth with this species. Heavy fertilization with macro- and micronutrients is essential (if enough light is available) to produce attractive growth. Yellow flowers form on the floating rosettes if the plant is achieving good growth.[图片]Winter hardy to USDA Zone 10. In St. Louis, grow as an annual in containers covered with 6 to 18 inches (15 to 45 cm) of water in full sun to part shade. Plants can be difficult to overwinter indoors. Although the usefulness of this species in the aquascape is markedly limited, its beautiful circles of reddish foliage can lend a unique texture to outdoor ponds.[图片]Propagation Propagation can be carried out by snipping off a rosette, with a section of stem attached, from the main stem. The main part of the stem is left in the tank. A new rosette will develop on it after a short while.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Grammatophyllum is a genus of 13 currently known orchid species. The name is derived from the Greek words “gramma” (a line or streak or mark) and “phyllon” (leaf), referring to the parallel leaf veins or the markings of the perianth. This epiphytic genus occurs in dense rainforest from Indo-China, to Indonesia, the Philippines, New Guinea, and the Southwest Pacific islands.[图片]There are two distinct growth forms in this genus. The first has very long pseudobulbs, resembling sugar cane, bearing many leaves, arranged distichous (alternating in two opposite ranks). The second has rather short thick psuedobulbs which are not covered leaf bases and bear a few leaves around the top of the psuedobulbs. The psuedobulbs are sympodial in growth, with each new growth arising from the previous growth. The flowers of most Grammatophyllum species, are generally yellow and brown.[图片]Light Grammatophyllums grow well in moderate light intensity. Morning sun is best, until about noon. Observation of the leaf structure can be your best guide to the correct light conditions for which a type is particularly suited. Lime green colored foliage is an indication of proper light. Dark green foliage, while very attractive, is not conducive to the plant reaching it’s full blooming potential. Yellow colored foliage indicates too much light. In very mild climates, most members of this can be grown out of doors, with protection from the hot summer sun, and the colder nights of winter. Temperature The ideal annual temperature range for most members of the genus Grammatophyllum are 75 to 85 °F (24 to 30 °C) during the day and 55 to 60 °F (13 to 16 °C) at night. Plants will tolerate temperatures to 45 °F (10 °C) and up to 100 °F (38 °C) for short periods. At higher temperatures, air circulation and humidity must be increased or damage can occur.[图片]Water Grammatophyllums enjoy frequent watering, during their growing period, but will not tolerate wet feet for extended periods. However, when growth is completed, a 2 or 3 week rest period should follow to allow the growths to mature. Generally speaking, the growing season extends from March to October. The frequency of watering is relative to the container, the temperature, air circulation, and the amount of water retained in medium in the container. Watering should be done, so the roots are approaching dryness, before rewatering. In the warmer periods, several waterings a week can be done, without worry, if the roots can dry quickly. The roots are sensitive to fertilizer salt build up, so clear water flushes are necessary for good growth.[图片]Fertilizer Grammatophyllum plants should be fed consistently, when in full growth. During the spring through early fall, fertilizing every 7 days, with several clear waterings in between, will make your Grammatophyllum plants happy. In the late fall through winter, a light feeding once a month will suffice. The fertilizer formula should match the potting medium. Use 20-10-20 with tree fern, charcoal, or various inorganic aggregates, but use 30-10-10 with fir bark. We recommend non-urea based fertilizers at half strength. Non urea fertilizers provide 100% immediately available nitrogen, which urea based fertilizers do not. Whichever formula is selected, we recommend half strength at each application. As with most Orchids, Grammatophyllum roots are sensitive to fertilizer salt build up. Grammatophyllums are particularly fond of organic fertilizers, such as fish emulsion and manure teas. The organic fertilizers eliminate concern of salt build up in the medium.[图片]Potting Grammatophyllum do not resent being disturbed, so repotting should be undertaken whenever necessary. The best time is after all flowering has ceased and new growth is just beginning. To minimize root damage, a warm water soak for 10 minutes, will make most roots very pliable and easier to remove from the container. While most Grammatophyllums will do well in clay or plastic pots. Some large-growing types such as Grammatophyllum speciosum are best grown in a wire or wooden basket. The strong rapid growing root system often breaks ordinary pots. The baskets allow free air flow over the roots, and eliminate over watering problems.[图片]The potting medium must be well-drained, i.e. coarse fir bark, lava rock, pieces of broken pottery, chunks of tree fern, hardwood charcoal, etc. so that the roots can be wet, but then dry quickly. When dividing Grammatophyllum plants, always divide into parts with at least four psuedobulbs. Remove any dead roots from the divisions, then lay the divisions aside until new root growth begins. At that time, usually a week or so, repot the divisions in their new pots. Now the plants can be watered and fertilized as usual, without worrying about rotting them, because they retained no roots in the division. Newly repotted plants should be placed in slightly lower light for several weeks.
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