核心提示:到了秋季天气渐凉,而且变得干燥,那么秋季最适合吃什么养生呢?下面就一起来看看吧! 1.#蜂蜜 [图片]具有清热补中,解毒止痛,润肺养肺的功效,对神经衰弱、高血压、冠状动脉硬化、肺病等均有疗效。老年人在秋季可以以蜜代糖,常常服用。但糖尿病者慎食蜂蜜。 2.百合 味甘、性微寒,归心、肺经,具有养阴润肺、清心安神、润肺解渴、止咳止血、开胃安神的功效。适用于阴虚久咳,惊悸、失眠、多梦,精神恍惚等症状。 3.梨 [图片]具有润燥消风、镇咳止喘、清心降火的作用,可以缓解“秋燥”。生梨性凉,老年人不宜一次吃得过多;脾胃较弱的人,可以做成冰糖炖梨水,亦是一种很好的食用方法。 4.大枣 [图片]具有宁心安神、益智健脑、增强食欲、除腥祛味、抗过敏、提高免疫力的作用,亦可防治高血压、骨质疏松和贫血,是老年人秋季的补养佳品。 5.花生 具有扶正补虚、和胃健脾、润肺化痰、调气利水、止血清咽,增强记忆、抗老化作用,还可以防治动脉硬化、高血压和冠心病。老年人适量吃些花生很有好处,但不可贪吃过多。 6.菊花 可疏风平肝、清心除烦、祛燥润喉、生津明目、解酒毒,对感冒、头痛都有一定的辅助治疗作用。老年人秋季可适当饮用菊花茶,达到祛火润肺的保养目的。 7.红薯 具有预防癌症、防止便秘、减肥的功效,常吃红薯可以延年益寿。 8.银耳 味甘、性平,入肺、胃经,自古就是滋阴润肺的头等食材,身价一度与燕窝等同。它还具有增强免疫力的功效,是老年人日常食疗养身的好选择。 9.核桃 是补脑的最佳食品,亦是补肾固精、温肺定喘的食疗品,对肾虚、尿频、咳嗽等症有很好疗效。老年人常吃核桃,能够头脑清晰、耳聪目明。 10.板栗 既可以补脾健胃,又能够补肾强筋,还具有活血止血作用。在深秋季节,每天吃几颗栗子,有利于补养元气,强壮肾精。
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#草莓 属多年生草本植物,在生活中大家也特别喜欢吃,那么大家知道草莓有哪些营养价值吗?下面就跟大家介绍! [图片]鲜草莓有助于醒酒 酒后头昏不适时,可一次食用鲜草莓100克,洗净后一次服完,有助于醒酒。 营养不良或病后体弱消瘦者,可将洗净的草莓榨汁,再加入等量米酒拌匀即成草莓酒,早晚各饮1杯。 鲜草莓有助于美白牙齿 因为草莓中含有的苹果酸作为一种收敛剂,与发酵粉混合时产生氧化作用,可以去除咖啡、红酒和可乐在牙齿表面留下的污渍。 [图片]饭前吃草莓可缓解胃口不佳 遇积食腹胀、胃口不佳时,可在饭前吃草莓60克,每日3次。 齿龈出血、口舌生疮、小便少、色黄时,可将鲜草莓60克捣烂,冷开水冲服,每日3次。 鲜草莓冰糖隔水炖服: 干咳无痰,日久不愈时,可用鲜草莓6克与冰糖30克一起隔水炖服,每日3次。 遇烦热干咳、咽喉肿痛、声音嘶哑时,可用草莓鲜果洗净榨汁,每天早晚各一杯。 [图片]草莓对胃肠道和贫血有调理作用 现代医学研究认为,草莓对胃肠道和贫血均有一定的滋补调理作用。草莓除了可以预防坏血病外,对防治动脉硬化、冠心病也有较好的功效。草莓中的维生素及果胶对改善便秘和治疗痔疮、高血压、高脂血症均有一定效果。草莓中含有一种胺类物质,对白血病、再生障碍性贫血等血液病亦有辅助治疗作用。 草莓草莓是鞣酸含量丰富的植物,在体内可吸附和阻止致癌化学物质的吸收。
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现在是个互联网时代,各种信息泛滥。单单养生这块的信息多如牛毛,各种养生秘方也是五花八门,看得人也是心累。那么,到底什么植物才养生又不复杂呢?小编认为以现在这个季节来说,能润肺清心降燥的植物才算是佳品,大家不妨来看看。 1、#陈皮 《本草纲目》中对陈皮的作用进行了详细地记载:“橘皮能泻能燥,辛能散,温能和,其治百病。其味苦辛温,入肺、脾二经。总是取其理气燥湿之功,同补药则补,同泻药则泻,同升药则升,同降药则降。”中医认为,陈皮有理气健脾、燥湿化痰的功效,常用于胸脘胀满、食少吐泻、咳嗽痰多等症。比如陈皮泡水能消除肠道积气的功效。陈皮对胃肠道平滑肌有温和的刺激作用,能促进消化液的分泌和消除肠道积气。家里煮粥时不妨加点陈皮在里面,而且陈皮用来泡水,效果都是非常好的。 [图片]2、#紫苏 紫苏又名白苏、赤苏,为唇形科一年生草本植物。紫苏叶是一种在中国南方湛江吴川地区广为使用的美味的调味品,人们常常用它的叶子来做菜。用紫苏泡水,中医方面认为,紫苏叶具有很好的行气和胃以及解表散寒的作用,常食紫苏叶,可温中暖胃,解表散寒,防止,胃肠型感冒,养护肠胃。紫苏加在粥里也是非常好的一种食疗方式哦。 [图片]
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其实这就是现在很火的“营养黄金”——#藜麦 。 [图片]藜麦原产地主要分布在南美洲玻利维亚、厄瓜多尔和秘鲁这些地区。在印加文明兴盛时期,藜麦已经成为古印加民族的主要食物之一,有5000-7000多年的食用和种植历史了。 “藜麦是神的食物” 相传在很久以前藜麦就是神的食物。 有一天太阳神的三太子在安底斯山上围猎的时候,不小心掉下了山崖,当地一位老农发现了他,不顾自己生命安危,把三太子解救了上来。 三太子回宫之后,向太阳神讲述了自己被救的事,为了报答救子之恩,太阳神就把藜麦的种子送给了老农,从这以后藜麦就成了安底斯山人最重要的粮食。 [图片]“超级谷物营养黄金,夸起藜麦不谦虚!” 藜麦的营养价值极高。藜麦是一种全蛋白食品,蛋白质含量高达14%~22%,是稻米的2—3倍。 富含人体必需的9种氨基酸且比例平衡,尤其是其赖氨酸含量是普通谷物的2—3倍。 脂肪含量为4一8%且多为不饱和脂肪酸。 钙、铁、锌、锰、镁、钾等矿物质含量高,并富含多种B、E族维生素等。 [图片]可能这些话讲给你们听没有那么大的诱惑力(对啊,有营养的食物多了去了,我为啥偏偏要吃藜麦) 藜麦当然有绝招! 藜麦是一种低热量食物,GI升糖值只有35。(要知道低升糖食物标准GI值为55),这就意味着吃藜麦不容易变胖! 因此现在藜麦也多出现于轻食沙拉里面,既可以增强饱腹感,也不容易变胖,藜麦真的是圆了好多人“光吃不胖”的梦想。 “藜麦不是麦” 从植物分类的的角度来讲,藜麦和大麦,小麦,燕麦……这些XX麦完全不是一家的。 藜麦属于藜科,藜科植物是什么鬼?菠菜你吃过的吧,它就是藜科植物,菠菜藜麦才是一家。 而我们日常食用的谷物粮食,小麦、稻米、玉米、大麦、高粱等基本都属于禾本科。 所以藜麦之所以这么厉害,营养和食用价值超过多数谷物,或许和它是独特的藜科植物有关。 除此之外,藜麦还有一项特技,自带“防虫战衣”! 藜麦表面含有皂角苷,虫子是讨厌这种味道气味的,因此藜麦完全没有虫害之忧。我们自然也不用担心农药残留这种问题啦,都是超级天然健康无公害的! “藜麦是活的” 不管是藜麦粥,还是藜麦饭,你都会看到藜麦长出了小芽芽。可不要小看这些小胚芽,藜麦的胚芽中储藏了大量的营养物质。 [图片]如果泡水不发芽的藜麦则很有可能已经失去活性了,营养价值也大大损失。 看完了这篇有没有対藜麦的了解更深了呢? 藜麦的优点太多了,营养,低热量,饱腹感强,很天然……看起来已经是一个接近完美的食物了,没有缺点。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Gloriosa Lilies (the genus Gloriosa), also known as Flame Lilies and Glory Lilies, thrive in fertile, well-drained soil in full to partial sun. Hardy in USDA plant hardiness zones 10 and 11, they can be overwintered successfully in zone 9 with winter mulch. In cooler areas, Gloriosa Lilies can be grown successfully during the summer and lifted and stored for the winter.[图片]These exotic-looking lilies produce an abundance of yellow and red flowers with petals that curl backward to resemble a flash of brilliant flames. They can reach heights of 8 feet (2.4 m) and require a trellis or wall to climb. Although climbing lilies do not produce tendrils, the specialized leaves of the Gloriosa Lily cling to the trellis or other plant material, to pull the vine upward.[图片]Growing Conditions Select a location that receives six to eight hours of direct sunlight a day. In southern climates, a location that allows the vines to grow in full sun while the roots of the plant remain shaded is the best location for growing a Gloriosa Lily plant. Some protection from afternoon sun may be needed as well. Prepare the soil by tilling to a depth of 8 inches (20 cm) and amending with generous amounts of organic matter such as peat moss, compost or well-rotted manure. Organic matter improves both drainage and aeration and provides a slow-release fertilizer to your Gloriosa Lilies. Erect a 6-to 8-foot (1.8 to 2.4 m) trellis for your Gloriosa Lilies prior to planting. Check that it is secure and will not topple under the weight of the growing Gloriosa Lilies.[图片]The ideal time for Gloriosa Lily planting is in the spring after the soil has warmed and all danger of frost has passed. Plant the Gloriosa Lily tubers approximately 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 cm) from the trellis. Dig a hole to the depth of 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 cm) and lay the tuber on its side in the hole. Space the tubers 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) apart to allow room for the mature plants to grow. Cover the tubers and gently firm the soil down to remove air pockets and secure the tubers.[图片]General Care Water the newly planted tuber to saturate the soil to a depth of 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm) to give your Gloriosa Lily a good start. Keep the soil evenly moist until shoots appear in two to three weeks. Reduce water to once or twice a week or whenever the soil feels dry an inch below the surface. Gloriosa Lilies typically require an inch of rain and week and need supplemental watering during dry periods. Train the vines to climb the trellis by tying them to the trellis with soft plant ties, if necessary. Although Gloriosa Lilies cling to the trellis once established, they may need some help from you to get them started.[图片]Fertilize Gloriosa Lilies every two weeks with water-soluble fertilizer designed for flowering plants. This provides the nutrients needed to promote healthy blooming. Cut the vines back in the fall after they are killed by the frost. Tubers can be lifted and stored in moist peat moss in a cool, dark place for the winter and replanted in the spring.
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叫“#救心菜 ”,有凉血止血,安神宁心的功效,老人要多吃! [图片]生活中很多看着毫不起眼,小小的一颗青菜,有时候也会是一味救命良药!今天给大家介绍一种青菜——救心菜,别看它长得不怎么样,功效却是不小。 养心菜,也称救心菜。属蔷薇目,景天科,原产东亚,中国东北、华北、华东各地区有分布,生于山坡林缘、山谷林下、灌丛、河岸阴湿地方。 作为药用具有镇静,降压,扩张冠状动脉,解毒等功能,可用于防治心脏病,癔病、失眠、高血压、高血脂、动脉硬化、中风、血小板减少性紫癜、牙龈出血、消化系统出血,跌打损伤病毒性感冒及肝炎等10余种病症有显著疗效,且无毒、副作用。 它作为蔬菜食用,堪称是21世纪家庭餐桌上的一道美味佳肴,常食可增强人体免疫力;抗疲劳;抗衰老;提高工作效率.养心菜嫩茎叶制成养心茶叶,具有养心菜鲜菜的功能,开水冲泡饮用,口感清爽。 清炒养心菜 [图片]养心菜,香葱,蒜瓣,花生油,盐,麻油(可无) 做法:养心菜洗净沥干,切两端,香葱切末,蒜切片; 热锅下油,先爆香葱;放入养心菜翻炒; 加蒜片,一小勺盐翻炒几下马上出锅;装盘可淋点麻油。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The Rafflesia, a parasitic plant, lives only on the tetrastigma vine in the jungles of Sumatra and Borneo. It produces the world’s largest flower, which measures up to 3 feet (90 cm) across and weighs 15 pounds (6.8 kg), according to the Library of Congress. Approximately 17 species of Rafflesia exist. It produces no roots, stems or leaves.[图片]Nutrients and Water The Rafflesia grows within its host plant by sending out tiny threadlike filaments that twine into the very cells of the host. From the threadlike filaments the Rafflesia gains all the nutrients and water it requires for survival. Even though the Rafflesia is considered a plant it does not produce chlorophyll, which renders it incapable of receiving nutrients through photosynthesis as other plants do.[图片]Damage and Life The plant spends the majority of its life embedded within its host with no visible parts to the naked eye on the outer part of the plant until the Rafflesia buds and blooms. It does very little damage to the host plant despite the fact that it constantly sucks nutrients and water.[图片]Flowering and Pollination The Rafflesia produces a tiny bud on the host tetrastigma vine. The bud erupts near the plants roots or twining tendrils. The bud takes 12 months to swell before it blossoms. It blooms around midnight on a rainy night, according to the Oracle Education Foundation. The blossom lasts only 5 to 7 days. Flowers are either male or female and produce a pungent unpleasant aroma that many say smells similar to rotting flesh. The unpleasant smell attracts flies to help ensure pollination. The flowers appear with 5 large petals and a reddish-orange coloration. White speckling adorns each petal. Pollination is rare because most locations contain only male flowers or female flowers. In order for pollination to occur, the fly must land on the male flower and then take the pollen to the female flower. If pollination occurs, the flower produces a globular, smooth-skinned fruit measuring up to 5 inches (13 cm) in diameter. It contains thousands of seeds. Birds and squirrels enjoy eating the fruit and help to spread the Rafflesia seeds through their eliminations.[图片]Endanger The Rafflesia is in serious danger of extinction as the rain forest is burned and cleared for crop production and urban growth. The buds are also harvested and sold because locals believe they have medicinal properties if consumed. The plant has never been cultivated in captivity and it only grows on the tetrastigma vine, so its survival is seriously threatened.
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对于很多老年病,西药治标不治本,治果不治因,面对如此严峻的形式,很多西方国家将目光瞄准了中医中药,不仅大力研究中医,每年还从我国进口大量中药材。比如今天小编带大家一起去认识的神草花。 [图片]大家都知道,人参是名贵中药材,它自古以来就被誉为百草之王,曾经被当做大补元气,甚至起死回生的滋补上药!不过,据美国《明报》报道,被东方人认为百草之王的人参,它的身上有一个部位,功效不仅是人参根的数倍,而且更为稀有珍贵。但是国人知道它的却并不多,用它来防病养生的就更少了。 [图片]它就是:人参花。人参花又名“神草花”,人参花长至四年方始开花,每棵人参花每年仅开一朵小花,每60斤人参仅能采得一两参花,真可谓是弥足珍贵,素有“绿色黄金”之称。它含有二十种皂甙活性物质、十七种氨基酸、十一种微量元素、三种抗癌活性硒及粗蛋白等。具有益气活血,调节内分泌,促进新陈代谢。 [图片]人参花就是人参的花蕾,集人参的精华于一身。近些年来,人参花的功效不断得到国内外各项权威的证实,国外特别是欧美国家对人参花很是亲睐,人参花已开始大量出口到西方。为什么人参花在国外如此受欢迎?中西方一些研究证明,它的某些功效胜过人参! [图片]近些年来,西方生物医学界一直把中国人视为百草之王的人参当做研究重点,并且有了重大发现:人参最有药用价值的部分并非根部,而是作为人参传宗接代用的人参花蕾,它拥有人参所有的功效甚至功效高出数倍,并且不会像人参那样,出现上火的情况,适合各种体质人群四季进补。 人参花用开水冲泡而饮,苦中带甜、清爽可口、解渴、解毒、善于生津又不耗气。它在提神、降压、降糖、降血脂、抗癌、调理胃肠功能、缓解更年期综合症等诸多方面的突出保健效果目前已得到世界许多权威机构的认定,被称为“免疫保健的万能养生品”。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
America’s most popular flower is also one of the very oldest flowers in cultivation. There are over 2,000 different rose varieties to lure us with their history and fragrance. This is because the rose, like the orchid, cross-breeds readily—a trait exploited first by nature, and then by horticulturalists. Today, we can choose from old-fashioned favorites, as well as modern varieties that are the result of intensive breeding programs throughout the world. The rose is a flower with a rich past, and an exciting future.[图片]Finding your way through the rose’s large extended family can be both confusing and intimidating. Damasks, musks, gallicas, centifolias, hybrid perpetuals, Bourbons, hybrid teas, ramblers and climbers—even the most distinguished rosarians have a difficult time determining which rose is which. Tracing the history of a particular rose can be a fascinating adventure, but it is hardly an exact science. The old roses have cross-bred so many times, and so many varieties have been lost to time, that it is often impossible to uncover the exact parentage. If you are one of the many who become possessed by roses, you may eventually find it important to know the difference between a gallica and a Bourbon. But until that point, our advice is not to worry about it. The important thing is to select a rose that you find beautiful, and that suits your garden.[图片]Roses are usually grouped into one of two broad categories: old roses and modern roses. Old roses are those varieties discovered or developed prior to the introduction of the hybrid tea rose in 1867. But like everything else in the world of roses, when it comes to determining how a particular rose should be classified, it’s not always crystal clear. It is generally agreed that “old roses” include species or wild roses; albas; Bourbons; moss roses; China roses; Noisettes; Portland roses; rugosa roses; Scotch roses; centifolias; hybrid pimpinellifolias; damasks; gallicas; hybrid perpetuals; tea roses; and musk roses. Those classified as modern varieties are hybrid teas; floribundas; polyanthas; grandifloras; miniatures and dwarfs; modern shrub and landscape roses; climbers and ramblers; and rugosa hybrids.[图片]Why choose an old-fashioned rose over a modern hybrid? Many of the old varieties offer more fragrance, more complex and interesting blooms, greater disease resistance, easier care and more interesting forms. But modern roses can offer all-season blooms, and a much broader range of colors and flower forms. Some are also far more cold- hardy and disease-resistant than any of the old-fashioned varieties. How to Select a Rose There are thousands of beautiful roses, far more than any of us will ever have the opportunity to see, much less grow. When choosing a rose for your garden, there are five considerations that should make the selection process easier.[图片]Growth Habit Though roses are usually planted for their flowers, it is important to know what the plant as well as the flowers will look like, in order to determine where it will fit in your garden. Hybrid teas and floribundas usually grow no more than 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 cm) high. Their form is coarse, and hardly very appealing, but they do have the ability to produce an abundance of flowers throughout the growing season. The hybrid tea has large, single blooms on long, stiff stems, whereas the floribunda has slightly smaller clusters of blooms on stems that are not as stiff.[图片]Miniature roses have tiny flowers, and may be only 10 to 36 inches (25 to 90 cm) tall. Dwarf roses grow up to 2 feet (60 cm) high, and their flowers are produced in clusters. Shrub roses, including both the old-fashioned and the modern types, and ground-cover or landscape roses, are generally large and leafy. Climbers and ramblers grow from 7 feet to 30 feet (2.1 to 9 m) in length, and most of them benefit from some support. Standards are roses that are trained into a tree-like form with a single stem and a rounded bush or weeping display of flowers on top.[图片]Hardiness Northern gardeners need to know exactly what zone a rose is hardy to. Southern gardeners must also watch to see what zones are recommended for each particular variety, as some roses perform very poorly in hot and/or humid weather. Read the catalogs carefully and, if possible, purchase your roses from a local or regional grower. They will be able to advise you from experience about how a particular variety will perform in your area. Bloom Time Many roses, especially the old-fashioned varieties, have just one flush of blooms per year. Will you be satisfied with a cloud of heavenly pink blossoms for three weeks in June, or do you need your rose to bloom all summer long? This consideration may narrow your choices very quickly.[图片]Disease-resistance Selecting a disease-resistant rose is the single most effective way to avoid problems and the need for chemicals. You might start by considering some of the old rose varieties, many of which have natural disease resistance. You can also look to many of the modern roses, which are now being bred for improved disease resistance. Hybrid teas are notoriously disease-prone, and seem to lure every insect pest from miles around. They can be difficult to grow without an arsenal of chemical dusts and sprays. Stem Length This may seem like an odd consideration, but it’s important if you are growing roses for cutting. The traditional florist rose is a hybrid tea, and it is the only type that flowers on a long, stiff stem. All other roses have shorter, weaker stems, which gives them a more casual—some believe more beautiful—presence in a vase.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Roses are rather particular, and you should be aware of the growing conditions and care necessary to keep them happy. Site: For most abundant blooms and greatest vigor, they need to receive 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight each day. In hot climates, they will appreciate receiving protection from the most intense afternoon sun. In cool climates, a fence or a warm south- or west-facing wall can add enough extra warmth to boost flower production and reduce winter damage.[图片]Soils: Roses need good drainage and a rich, moisture-retentive soil, with a pH between 6.5 and 7. If your soil is heavy and wet, you may want to consider planting your roses in raised beds. Compost should be added to create a loose texture with a high organic content. For help correcting a pH imbalance, read Building Healthy Soil. Water: Roses require more water than most other landscape plantings, especially during the first year as the plant is getting its roots established. The best way to water your roses is with drip irrigation. It concentrates the water at the root zone where it is needed, and keeps the foliage dry to minimize disease problems. A good, thick layer of organic mulch will help conserve moisture, reduce weeds, and encourage healthy root growth. As the mulch breaks down, it will also add organic matter to the soil.[图片]Fertilizer: Roses are heavy feeders, and will benefit from a steady supply of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You can provide these nutrients with either liquid or granular fertilizers, at a ratio of approximately 5-8-5. In most cases, regular applications of compost, rotted manure, fish emulsion and seaweed extracts will provide roses with all the nutrients they need. These organic amendments also help to moderate pH imbalances and stimulate beneficial soil life. Other organic amendments favored by rose growers include greensand, black rock phosphate and alfalfa meal. Pruning: Dead, weak and sickly stems can lead to disease problems. Pruning these away will increase air circulation to the center of the plant and minimize fungus problems. Pruning also stimulates new growth, and allows you to shape the plant in a pleasing manner. Spent flowers should be removed during the growing season to encourage reblooming. Use a scissor-action pruner for the cleanest cuts.[图片]Winter protection: If possible, select rose varieties that are hardy for your growing zone; ones that can survive the winter with no special protection. In cold climates, hybrid teas and floribundas, as well as some of the smaller shrub roses, will benefit from a little extra insulation. Once you have had several weeks of below-freezing temperatures, cover the base of the rose with 12 inches (30 cm) of soil or mulch, and then cover the canes with straw, leaves, pine boughs or even foam insulation. Climbing varieties can be wrapped right on their supports, or you can lay them on the ground and cover the canes with straw or brush. In severely cold climates, hybrid teas are sometimes partially dug up, laid down onto the soil, and the entire plant is then covered with more soil or mulch.[图片]Pests and diseases: Prevention is the best way to avoid pest and disease problems. Start with disease-resistant varieties, keep plants in healthy condition (well fertilized and well watered), maintain good air circulation, keep foliage dry, and remove any diseased foliage or spent flowers. For persistent pest problems, you can use botanical insecticides such as sabadilla, neem, rotenone, and pyrethrins. These are broad-spectrum controls, meaning they kill many types of insects, both good and bad. Though they are organic, these controls are potent and should be used sparingly.
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核心提示:#田七 主要含六种皂甙和谷甾醇、胡萝卜甙、黄酮类化合物。皂甙是人参的主要成分,对增强体力,改善心肌氧代谢,提高动物缺氧的耐受力很有作用。古药书说田七“功同人参”确非虚妄之词。谷甾醇和胡萝卜甙能降血脂,而黄酮类化合物是扩张冠状动脉、改善心肌供血、增加血管弹性的有效成分,因而常食田七,不仅对冠心病、心绞痛有显着疗效,而且对冠心病、心绞痛有预防功能。下面就由小编向大家介绍一下田七的功效与作用吧! 田七主要含六种皂甙和谷甾醇、胡萝卜甙、黄酮类化合物。皂甙是人参的主要成分,对增强体力,改善心肌氧代谢,提高动物缺氧的耐受力很有作用。古药书说田七“功同人参”确非虚妄之词。谷甾醇和胡萝卜甙能降血脂,而黄酮类化合物是扩张冠状动脉、改善心肌供血、增加血管弹性的有效成分,因而常食田七,不仅对冠心病、心绞痛有显着疗效,而且对冠心病、心绞痛有预防功能。下面就由小编向大家介绍一下田七的功效与作用吧! [图片]无病的人服用后可起预防冠心病和滋补强壮作用。田七要根据使用目的来决定用法。服法不同,功效迥异。一般说,生田七能使血管收缩,是治跌打刀伤的特效药,确可达到药到血止的效果。把田七粉,用酒调成糊状,敷于疮疽上,可起到散血消肿作用。 田七的功效与作用 内服田七要根据病情作不同的服法:散血、止血、止痛应服生田七;补血、补身则服熟田七。熟田七的制法是把生田七切成片,用盐水浸透,晒干后研成细粉即成。也有将生田七置小碗中,碗内置清水,水量以田七能吸干为度,再蒸软、切片,用油炸成黄色,酥而不焦,然后研成粉末,便成熟田七。两种方法均可。熟田七有补气、活血、补血、去瘀、生新作用,用熟田七炖鸡,是妇女产后服食的上佳补品。在广西的名菜谱上,这叫“田七炖鸡”。 [图片]用熟田七配以北芪、党参、杞子、杜仲等药材浸酒,就是“田七大补酒”,早晚适量饮用能补血补气,舒筋活络,促进人体新陈代谢,增进健康,是药酒中之上品。近年,用田七配制成的“田七牙膏”对防治牙疾有良好作用。田七的去瘀作用是非常强的,传说有一屠工杀猪得一大盆猪血,因手被割伤,急取田七粉敷伤口,匆忙中把一些田七粉撒落于正在凝结的猪血里。不久,猪血尽化为血水。因此,届间鉴别田七真伪的方法,常用凝血块用试验,能化为血水的是真田七,否则是假田七。
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