随着生活、工作压力的增大,焦虑症已经成为很多年轻白领中常见的一种心理疾病。焦虑症的症状主要表现在偶有胸闷,气短,情绪不定,不知别人哪句话说错就能大发雷霆。有什么食疗方法可以缓解焦虑症呢?首先不要落单,尽量多抽时间和朋友在一起,不管是和朋友说话、散步、吃东西都可以。另外要保持好心态,少看一些芒果台的低速节目,多看一些积极向上的节目,尽量给自己找些爱好和事情来做。在这里小编再为大家介绍一些缓解焦虑症的食疗方法。 焦虑症患者宜吃 1、饮食宜清淡、食易消化的食物为主。 2、多补充营养素,如维生素B群、钙及镁、L-酪胺酸。 焦虑症患者忌吃 1、避免可乐、油炸食物、垃圾食物、糖、白麦粉制品、洋芋片等易刺激身体的食品。 2、忌烟酒。 焦虑症的食疗1、玫瑰花烤羊心 配制原料:鲜玫瑰花50克(或干品5克),羊心50克,精盐适量。 制作方法:将鲜玫瑰花放人小铝锅中,加精盐、水煎煮10分钟,待冷备用。将羊心洗净,切成块状,穿在烤签上边烤边蘸玫瑰花盐水,反复在明火上炙烤,烤熟即成。可边烤边食。 焦虑症的食疗2、枣麦粥 配制原料:枣仁30克,小麦30―60克,粳米100克,大枣6枚。 制作方法:将枣仁、小麦、大枣洗净,加水煮至10沸,取汁去渣,加入粳米同煮成粥。每日2―3次,温热食。
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#秋葵 ,又被称为羊角豆、黄秋葵等。它原产于非洲,自我国引进后,主要种植生产地以男方居多。因外形酷似小辣椒,且营养价值高而受到市场欢迎,被称为“植物黄金”,对于它的营养价值可能有些人不太了解。小编就为大家介绍一下秋葵的药用与食用价值吧。 秋天可谓是吃秋葵的好时机。被称为“植物黄金”的秋葵,能够辅助降糖、降脂,帮助防癌、抗癌,还能增强人体抵抗力。 [图片]秋季“黄金植物”秋葵都有哪些功效呢? 1、降血脂、血糖 秋葵的黏液含有丰富的可溶性膳食纤维,会阻止肠道碳水化合物的消化,进而降低葡萄糖的吸收,在一定程度上可以降低人体血糖。秋葵的膳食纤维与胆汁的结合率高于其他蔬菜,如芦笋、青豆、胡萝卜、菜花等,进而减少对饮食中胆固醇的吸收。 2、防癌抗癌 帮助防癌抗癌专家介绍,秋葵中富含的锌和硒等微量元素,对增强人体防癌抗癌能力很有帮助。 3、增强抵抗力、护关节、护肝肾 秋葵嫩果中有黏黏的液体物质,这种黏液含有果胶和黏多糖类等多糖。黏多糖具有增强机体抵抗力,维护人体关节腔里关节膜和浆膜的光滑效果,削减脂类物质在动脉管壁上的堆积,避免肝脏和肾脏中结缔组织萎缩等功效。 4、美容养颜 帮助减肥瘦身、美白皮肤秋葵含水量高,脂肪很少,每100克秋葵嫩果只含有0.1克脂肪,很适合想要减肥瘦身的女士,而且它富含的维生素C和膳食纤维,还能使皮肤美白、细嫩。 5抗氧化、抗炎、抗菌 秋葵还可提供给人体蛋白质、碳水化合物、矿物质和维生素,并含有丰富的植物甾醇、黄酮类、鞣质、酚类化合物等,具有抗氧化能力,可抗炎、抗菌,辅助治疗尿蛋白、口腔溃疡和烧伤等。 秋葵食疗:秋葵泡水 [图片]做法:取两个秋葵,切除头尾部分后,将其切成两段,放入一杯清水中,盖好并在室温下放置过夜,次日早餐前,取出秋葵,饮用此水即可。 专家介绍,秋葵具有多种营养价值,如抗疲劳、助消化、护肠胃、降血脂等,可作为一种营养保健蔬菜。在糖尿病患者的饮食治疗中,常吃可辅助降血糖。 营养价值这么高的秋葵在各大超市菜市场均有售,秋季大家一定要吃呀~
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Blooming orchids look so ethereal that it’s hard to believe you can grow them inside your home. For success, choose the right one for your conditions, then watch them flourish.[图片]Selecting Look beyond the pretty face when deciding which orchid to grow indoors. First, assess the growing conditions you can offer an orchid, and make your choice from there. Light, temperature, humidity, your watering tendencies, and fertilizing all play a role in growing orchids.[图片]Light Requirements The single most important variable when growing orchids indoors is light. Orchids that prefer high light — unobstructed sunlight, streaming through a clear, south-facing window or into a greenhouse for 6 to 8 hours — include Vandas and Angraecums. Medium-high light orchids, such as Phragmipediums, Oncidiums, and Dendrobiums, grow in locations that are bright but not directly sunny. Eastern and western exposures are often medium-high light locations, although a western exposure may be warmer. The light intensity is the same, but the air temperature has increased.[图片]Medium-low light is appropriate for Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchids) and Paphiopedilums. It may be an east- or west-facing window with no direct sun. It may also be an open northern exposure with no obstructions and some additional reflected light. Low light is usually a limited northern exposure or any exposure where the light is blocked by an overhang, trees, or neighboring buildings. Jewel Orchids grow in low light. Temperature Generally, orchids can be grouped into three temperature categories: cool, warm, and intermediate. Buy a high-low thermometer to measure the temperature range in your orchid location. After that, choosing a suitable orchid is simple. As with light, some orchids easily adapt to more than one temperature range.[图片]Humidity Most orchids we grow indoors come from the tropics, and most parts of the tropics are much more humid than the average living room. Orchids grow better if you can boost the humidity in their immediate growing area by grouping your plants together, or placing them on a dry well. Create a dry well by placing plastic lattice or pebbles on a tray, then adding water to just below the lattice or top of the pebbles. Place your potted plants on top of the lattice or pebbles. Watering Anyone who has ever watered an orchid knows that most of what you pour in runs out almost immediately through the bottom of the pot. Because orchids are potted in bark mix rather than potting soil, they need to be watered differently.[图片]The goal is to get each mix particle to absorb as much water as possible. To give the potting mix enough time to absorb water, place the entire pot in a bowl of water for 10 to 15 minutes, then lift it out and let the excess water drain before putting the pot back in place. This technique works well for orchids potted in clay. Since clay is porous, water penetrates the walls of the pot and is absorbed by the bark. If your orchid is potted in plastic, place it in an empty bowl, then add water. If you place the plastic pot in an already full bowl of water, the water will push the bark up and out, floating it away from the orchid roots. In this case, add water to just below the lip of the pot and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then drain and return the orchid pot to its place.[图片]If an orchid is potted in long-grain sphagnum moss or soilless mix, you can water until water runs out into the saucer below. However, sphagnum moss may feel dry on its surface while the interior may still be moist. Stick your finger an inch or two down into the moss to feel whether it’s truly dry.[图片]How frequently you water your orchid depends on: The kind of orchid: Is it drought-resistant or not? The kind of pot: Porous pots dry out faster than nonporous pots. The kind of potting mix: Sphagnum moss needs water less frequently than bark mix. The air temperature: Plants dry out faster in warmer temperatures. The humidity: Plants dry out faster in drier air. The light: Plants growing in higher light need more water. In general, water drought-tolerant orchids, such as Cattleyas, Oncidiums, and Dendrobiums once a week.[图片]Water most others, such as Miltonias, Paphiopedilums, and Phragmipediums every 4 to 5 days. Start there, and adjust up or down according to the conditions in your home. Water orchids thoroughly each time, then let them dry out before watering again. Fertilizing Most orchids are not heavy feeders. Many orchids bloom year after year with no fertilizer at all. During active growth, when new leaves are being produced, you may fertilize every other time you water at half the strength recommended on the fertilizer package. However, it’s important to deliver water without fertilizer at least once a month to flush excess fertilizer salts from the bark mix and avoid fertilizer burn to the roots.
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#龙眼 又叫桂圆、益智。许多人分不清楚龙眼和桂圆,其实这是一种水果,只不过龙眼是鲜果,桂圆是干货。龙眼口感滑香,味道清甜,是很多人都喜欢吃的食物。但正因为味道香甜,许多人就一下没控制住吃食用过量了,一般食用过多很容易引起现口腔溃疡、牙龈肿痛出血等上火症状。那么,龙眼怎么吃不上火呢? [图片]【龙眼怎么吃健康不上火】 1、适当控制龙眼的使用量,通常吃5、6个龙眼是不会上火的。 2、在食用干龙眼时,可以将龙眼与菊花、西洋参等养阴清热的药物一起煮食,既可补气血,又可改善或避免上述上火症状的出现。 3、桂圆干和枸杞一起吃也可以避免上火,枸杞性温可以中和桂圆干的热性,大家可以把桂圆干和枸杞一起加清水煮制,煮制好以后喝汤,最后把桂圆肉和枸杞子一起吃掉就可以,经常食用可以起到养肝明目的补肾生精的重要功效。 3、夏季食用龙眼时,可将龙眼与大米等食材一起煮粥,既可以让人们吸收大量营养,又能减少人们上火症状的发生。因为大米是一种凉性食材,它与桂圆的热性正好可以相互中和。 4、将桂圆干、决明子同熬煮服食,可治高血压、动脉粥样硬化、大便秘结、头昏耳鸣、食欲不振等。大便溏泄者不宜再用。 5、桂圆干、杏仁、银耳、冰糖熬煮,清凉、降暑,多食用于夏季。 [图片]龙眼干不上火的吃法 1、将桂圆干10-30g水煎后与大米煮粥服食,或待粥熟后调入桂圆干,再煮一二沸服食,可以降低火气,养心增智。 4、桂圆肉200克,加高粱白酒500毫升,泡1个月。每晚临睡时饮15毫升。可消除疲劳、安神定志。 3、每晨用桂圆10枚(取肉),煮荷包蛋2个,加适量白糖,空腹吃。补脾养心,生血益气。 4、桂圆肉30克,放进500毫升水中煮沸约10分钟,加鸡蛋2个,稍煮片刻即可食用。经常食用可护肤养颜、抗衰老、增强人体免疫力。 另外,如果上火症状特别明显可以吃写三黄片、牛黄解毒丸等降火药,具体吃什么药要根据自己上火的症状选择,例如:牛黄解毒丸用于清热解毒,大多针对口鼻生疮、咽喉肿痛、口舌生疮、目赤肿痛等。 这些健康有不上火的吃法你都记住了吗?小编还是温馨提醒一下各位亲们,不管什么食物都不可过量食用,物极必反。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
There are over 400 species of tropical Passion Flowers (the genus Passiflora) with sizes ranging from 0.5 inch to 6 inches (1.3 to 15 cm) across. They are found naturally from South America through Mexico. Early missionaries to these regions used the distinctly colored patterns of the flowers parts to teach about the passion’of Christ; hence the name.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Their vibrant colors and heady fragrance make the Passion Flower a welcome addition to any garden. Unfortunately, because of its origins, most species of Passion Flower plant can’t overwinter in many gardens in the United States, although there are a few that will survive up to USDA plant hardiness zone 5. Most varieties will grow in Zones 7-10.[图片]Because they are vines, the best place for growing Passion Flower is along a trellis or fence. The tops will be killed off during winter, but if you mulch deeply, your Passion Flower plant will return with new shoots in the spring. Since growing Passion Flowers can reach 20 feet (6 m) in a single season, this die back will help keep the vine under control. Tropical Passion Flowers need full sun and well drained soil. Two applications of a well-balanced fertilizer per year, once in early spring and one in midsummer is all the Passion Flower care you’ll need.[图片]If you live in an area where winters are too harsh for tender Passion Flower care, don’t despair. Growing Passion Flowers indoors is as easy as finding a big pot and a window with bright light. Plant your vine in a rich commercial indoor potting soil and keep it uniformly moist, not wet.[图片]Move your plant outdoors after all danger of frost is past and let your vine run wild. Come fall, cut back the growth to a reasonable height and bring it back indoors. Knowing how to grow Passion Flower is all it takes to bring a little of the tropics to your patio or porch.
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家中摆放一些绿色的植物不仅可以美化室内的环境还有助于净化室内的空气。但是,我们一定对于室内净化空气的植物有所选择,千万别去盲目摆放,不然效果会相反的。…… 家中摆放一些绿色的植物不仅可以美化室内的环境还有助于净化室内的空气。但是,我们一定对于室内净化空气的植物有所选择,千万别去盲目摆放,不然效果会相反的。 [图片]#芦荟 居家养生宜摆放的植物之一,就是数芦荟适宜室内摆放,解决室内污染手段多种多样,更新室内环境有没有最简单,且成本最低的解决方案?有,那就是选择在生活空间内摆放具有净化功能的室内植物。芦荟原产于地中海、非洲地区,由于中国南方地区气候炎热的特征,芦荟在成为了南方居家阳台常见的植物。 芦荟适合生长在炎热的气候,喜好充足的阳光,因此,养殖在室内的芦荟应不定期摆置于日晒出。选用稀松排水的沙质土,一周浇水不超过两次。 [图片]#常春藤 居家养生宜摆放的植物之二,常春藤也是一种常见的庭园中作为攀缘墙体的点缀植物,近年来也逐渐流行成为室内盆栽养殖植物。植物忌阳光直射,但生长需一定的光线,属于半日照生长植物。常春藤较耐寒,抗性强,对土壤和水分的要求不严。常春藤原产于欧亚或北非地区,植物具有喜暖,喜荫蔽环境生长的特性。 常春藤的叶片气孔可吸收室内的甲醛、苯以及吸烟产生的尼古丁。除此之外,把常春藤放置房间6个小时,可消灭空气中60%的霉菌,甚至可以吸纳连吸尘器都难以吸到的灰尘。对于有过敏体质的网友,可谓是一剂天然的空气净化剂。 [图片]#绿萝 居家养生宜摆放的的植物之三,绿萝也是属于一种常绿藤本植物,植物原产于中南美热带雨林中,植物喜攀爬在巨树或岩石上。同样,绿萝也是南方较常见的室内种植植物之一。绿萝具有耐阴的特性,在室内向阳处即可四季摆放,在光线较暗的室内,应每半月移至光线强的环境中恢复一段时间,否则易使节间增长,叶片变小。 绿萝具有强大的空气净化特性。一盆绿萝在8~10平方米的房间内,能有效吸收空气中甲醛、苯和三氯乙烯等有害气体,其净化空气的能力不亚于常春藤和吊兰,适合摆放于刚装修完的室内环境。其次,绿萝还具有易于养殖于室内的特性。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Ten-foot giant Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) really can be grown in plant containers (even in small 3-gallon nursery pots). These beautiful native American flowers must be planted in full sun, or they can topple over while trying to reach sun. But growing these beauties in your balcony container garden will attract attention from the people in your neighborhood, as well as a lot of wildlife. The Sunflower’s floret patterns (what eventually turn into seeds) are displayed on the circular flower head in an amazing spiral pattern. This, in addition to making a beautiful flower display, ensures that the most seeds are crammed into the Sunflower’s flower head as possible.[图片]Sunflowers bloom from mid-summer to early fall, and their flower heads are heliotropic, meaning they follow the sun across the sky. But once the Sunflower plant’s stem stiffens and becomes woody (around the time of its bloom), the flower stops following the sun. Although most Sunflowers grow to about 10 feet (3 m), the tallest Sunflower grew to 40 feet (12 m). After planting seeds, expect Sunflowers to be full-grown and blooming within about 3 months. Sunflowers attract wild birds, butterflies and beneficial insects to the balcony garden.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Light: Sunflowers need full sun for 6 to 8 hours each day. Water: When it comes to watering the Sunflower plant, add one inch of water per week. Compensate if the potting soil dries out from heat or sun. Fertilizer: Fertilize your Sunflowers regularly with a high-nitrogen liquid plant fertilizer. When a flower head begins to form, switch to a liquid fertilizer with more phosphorous to promote a more spectacular Sunflower bloom.[图片]Temperature: The Sunflower is an annual plant, so you do not need to worry about overwintering this plant indoors. The most important thing to remember with Sunflowers and temperature is to not plant them outdoors until the last frost has passed. If you experience a very hot, dry day, make sure to give extra water to your Sunflower so it does not dry out too much and die. Pests and Diseases While Sunflower plants are generally very healthy and immune to common garden pests and diseases, you will find wild birds and squirrels snacking on Sunflower seeds. When you harvest the giant Sunflower heads, make sure to keep them in an area where animals cannot eat the seeds. You may want to leave the heads on the stalk to attract birds to your garden.[图片]Propagation Collect seeds after allowing the Sunflower to completely dry out (but beware, the flowers won’t look very appealing at this point). Then cut the Sunflower head off and hang it upside down until the seeds dry out. Eat the Sunflower seeds yourself, feed them to wild birds or save them for the next gardening season. Plant Sunflower seeds 1 inch (2.5 cm) deep into the potting soil, and they should germinate within 5 to 10 days.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Sea Poison Tree (Barringtonia asiatica) is a salt-tolerant landscape tree, commonly associated with coastal areas, with a natural range extending from tropical Africa, through India to Southeast Asia, Australia and the Pacific.[图片]It is typically 30 to 50 feet (10 to 15 m) tall and develops a short trunk with a low-branching structure and a densely branched, wide-spreading rounded crown. The leaves are large, oval or nearly so, glossy green, leathery and showy in whorled clusters at the tips of the branches. It blooms on and off throughout the year, with large, showy, white, tulip-like flower buds that open at night to reveal their long, hair-like filaments, which are white with pink tips and collectively resemble a powder-puff when extended.[图片]The flowers are followed by four-sided, woody fruit about the size of a juvenile coconut. Green when young they mature to a dull grey-brown and like a coconut, will float and drift on the ocean until they land on new shores. Growing Conditions and General Care Grows naturally in moderately humid to humid tropical coastal climates, generally in areas with annual lows of 68 to 77 °F (20 to 25 °C), annual highs of 81 to 93 °F (27 to 34 °C), annual rainfall of 1000 to 4000 mm and a dry season of 6 months or less.[图片]Sea Poison Tree grows best in a fertile, humid, well-drained soil. Prefers a position in full sun or light shade. Established plants are fairly drought tolerant and very tolerant of saline conditions and salt laden winds. They thrive in the wild where their roots dabbling in the brackish waters of lagoons, inlets, estuaries and seasonally flooded coastal regions. New plants are usually grown from seed. It performs best on free draining sand and loam soils of a slightly acid to alkaline nature, generally with a pH of 6.0 to 8.5 and on sites with full sun exposure. It has good tolerance to salt, wind, tidal flooding and coral derived limestone soils.[图片]The flowers are short-lived, opening for one night only then lose their petals which fall to the ground creating litter along with the fallen leaves. The fruit are highly poisonous. It is commonly cultivated in seaside gardens and landscapes for its showy foliage, flowers and the welcome shade that it offers against the hot midday sun. Its high tolerance to salt, tidal flooding and strong winds make it especially suited to sites on or near the shoreline, where it also serves as a natural windbreak against strong sea breezes.[图片]Use Because all parts of the tree contain saponin, which is a poison, the seeds and other parts of the plant are pounded and used to stun fish in freshwater streams. Seeds are used to get rid of intestinal worms and the heated leaves are used to treat stomachache and rheumatism. Juice from the seeds are used to seal paper umbrellas and to kill lice and other external parasites.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Flower gardens can turn an ordinary area into a colorful showcase or create a border that pops. Whether you choose an easy to manage perennial or a particularly touchy annual, growing flowers is a rewarding addition to any yard or landscape.[图片]Choosing Flowers Selecting the right plants for your flower garden is often a matter of preference, but with so many species and varieties available it can be mind-boggling. Consider the following when designing a garden: hardiness, color, fragrance, height, time of bloom and size of plant. Do you want to attract hummingbirds, butterflies or song birds? Or are you trying to create a work of beauty just for you? It is also imperative to think about your growing space. Is it in full sun? Partial shade? Is your soil well-drained and loamy? Or will your plant roots have to fight through clay soil?[图片]Once you have determined what you want in a flower and what kind of environment you can provide, planting and caring for flowers in your garden becomes fun. There’s no problem finding plants that love full sun, but if you are looking for flowering plants that can handle partial or total shade consider these plants — Primroses, Hosta, Astilbe and Trollius (perennials) and Impatiens, Viola, Pansies, Begonias, Coleus and Fuchsia (annuals). For plants that have pretty flowers and also double as herbs, consider Catnip, Thyme, Chamomile, Mint, Rosemary, Parsley, Dill, and Fennel for partially shaded areas and Sweet Woodruff, Angelica, Chervil, and Sweet Cicely for areas in full shade.[图片]Perennial Plants Perennials come back year after year, growing in stature and size until they reach maturity. Some perennials lose their vigor after 3-4 years and may need to be replaced. One advantage to perennial flowers — beyond the fact that they do not require replanting every year — is that they can be divided and planted throughout the garden. Perennial flowering plants can be started from seed or purchased as starts in a variety of sizes. Soil preparation is very important when growing perennials, because they will not be relocated. Perennials will likely require pruning and feeding. Also, consider how big the plant will be after a couple years and leave enough room for it to fill out.[图片]Annual Plants An annual completes its life-cycle in one year, and must be replanted. However, if left to go to seed, many annual flowers will reseed themselves — you just don’t get to decide exactly where they’re planted. Some annuals are technically perennials (such as Snapdragons) in areas with a year round growing season, but are treated as annuals in places that frost and freeze. Unless you live in an area with a very long growing season, or you want to start seeds indoors, annuals are best purchased as starts that can be transplanted right into the garden. As long as the soil is reasonably rich in nutrients, most annuals are not too picky about where they are planted.[图片]Preparing the Soil Whether planting perennials or annuals, preparing the soil in advance will help your plants flourish. Annuals will probably be less choosey about where they live since they will only be around for about a year. However, the better the growing conditions, the better the plant will fare. If you are starting with a bare or weedy spot of land, you’ll need to start at the beginning. Determine the area for your flower bed and start digging. Remove all surface weeds along with rocks and roots.[图片]Next, dig some more — double dig that is. To double dig a garden bed, dig a trench the width of the garden to 2 shovel depths. Set the soil off to the side. Then, dig another trench next to the first one, dumping the soil into the first trench. Continue this process until the new garden space is completed. (Use the soil from the first trench to fill in the last trench.) For an added kick mix organic compost into the trenches as you refill them.[图片]Planting When starting plants from seed, be sure that your soil has been adequately prepared. Dig a small hole in the ground according to the directions on the seed packet (usually about twice the depth of the seed) and drop in a couple of seeds. Cover with soil and water gently, but thoroughly. Be sure to keep the soil moist as the seed sprouts. Many flowers are started in a greenhouse before moving to the garden. Whether you grow your own seedlings or purchase them from a garden store, be sure to harden them off first. Next, dig a hole as deep as your seedling (including it’s root mass) and twice as wide. If your garden soil is mediocre, this is a great time to throw some compost or organic fertilizer into the hole. Loosen the root ball and place the seedling gently into the hole. Add enough soil or planting medium to fill in. Tamp the soil down gently and water thoroughly.[图片]Garden Maintenance Perennials The first year, add about 2 inches (5 cm) of mulch right up to the plant crown to help retain moisture, keep weeds at bay and moderate soil temperatures. Each year add additional mulch without exceeding a depth of 2 inches (5 cm). Water on average an inch (2.5 cm) per week the first year. Check the requirements for specific plants, as watering needs will vary depending on species and location. Deep, but less frequent watering encourages the plant to develop deeper roots, which will aid it in surviving drought conditions (or lackadaisical watering). An easy way to water perennials is to bury a soaker hose beneath the mulch. In the following years, perennials will require less water.[图片]Perennials planted in good soil will not require much fertilization. Adding a good organic bloom fertilizer and some compost at the beginning of each growing season should be sufficient. Perennials grown in poor soil will benefit from occasional foliar applications of fertilizer — as always, read the instructions on the label for recommended application rates. Dividing plants is a great way to get new (free!) flowers for the garden, share plants with friends, or create more space. Dividing perennials is good for the health of the plant as well. The best time to divide flowers is early fall or early spring when the plant is dormant. Before dividing a plant, prepare the garden soil by adding compost or an organic fertilizer.[图片]Lift the plant you plan to divide, being careful not to damage the roots. Shake off loose soil gently and remove any dead material. Using your hands, a fork, a knife or a garden spade, separate the plants. Throw the center of the clump into the compost pile if it is weak, woody or dead. Then divide the vigorous parts of the plant into 3-5 shoots each. Dig a hole in the prepared soil and place the divided plant in the hole. Fill with soil and firmly tamp it down. Water thoroughly and continue watering deeply throughout the first growing season. If dividing in the fall, add mulch after several frosts have past and the temperature of the soil drops.[图片]Annuals Annual flowers require a bit more after plant care than established perennials. Water annuals about 0.5 to 1 inch (1.3 to 2.5 cm) per week, depending on rainfall. A rain gauge can help determine how much water your flowers are getting. To prevent fungal diseases, water in the early morning hours to give plants time to dry out during the day. Use an organic plant food according to the directions on the label — too much fertilizer can burn flowers, while too little may lead to yellowing leaves and weak plants. Annuals will likely only need one or two fertilizer applications during the growing season, unless they are planted in containers where they will benefit from additional fertilization.[图片]Apply 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm) of organic mulch around the plants after they are planted. This will help conserve water, inhibit weeds and keep the soil cool. Mulch also looks nice! Shredded leaves, bark chips, compost, dry grass clippings, hulls, or pine needles can all be used as mulch. In the fall, mix the mulch into the soil to improve it.[图片]Deadhead (pick, snip, prune, pinch, cut, etc. dying flowers) as needed. If the plant produces seeds it will “think” it’s job is done and stop producing flowers. Deadheading tricks the plant into growing more blooms. The only drawback of deadheading is that you are also removing the seeds. Some people prefer to leave spent flowers on the plant at the end of the growing season to encourage natural reseeding, others may collect and store seeds for the following year.
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秋季一到,秋膘少不了。何为秋膘?这时民间的一种俗语,就是将夏天掉的肉肉通过吃炖肉的方法再补回来。好不容易掉的脂肪,这还要补回来,气不气?气不气!但现在,由于大多数人健康饮食的观念,吃肉已经不常见了。现在最容易添秋膘的是久坐不动,吃的又多。若要防止秋膘现,你需要了解一些能够减肥瘦身的水果代替那些高热量的食物,还能增加饱腹感。那么,都有哪些减肥瘦身水果呢?它们是时候“露脸”了。 [图片]1、柠檬 柠檬是绝对的瘦脸水果,尤其是柠檬所含的物质和维生素C,都是促进新陈代谢的物质,不但瘦脸美白还能瘦身。另外,还能防止牙龈出血,减少脸上斑点出现的几率,含有丰富钙质的柠檬皮能补充营养,不过一定要记住柠檬不可以空腹食用。 2、木瓜 木瓜中的蛋白分解酵素和南瓜素都是可以分解脂肪的,让你在瘦脸的同时也达到了丰胸瘦身的效果哦。 3、葡萄柚 葡萄柚又叫西柚,在传统市场上比较少见。欧美人都爱吃葡萄柚等酸性水果来塑身,葡萄柚属于酸性水果,可以促进肠道消化功能,葡萄柚含有丰富的维他命C,可以消除疲劳。加上葡萄柚的热量和含糖量少,是最佳的明星减肥水果。 4、菠萝 菠萝也是减肥水果之一。不知道你有没有听说过菠萝很“利”,切记不可空腹食用。因此大家在食用菠萝的时候一定要在饭后吃才不会伤胃。这说法可是有凭据的。因为菠萝的蛋白分解酵素相当强力,虽然可以帮助肉类的蛋白质消化,但是如果是在饭前吃的话,很容易造成胃壁受伤。因此利用吃菠萝来瘦身的MM一定要注意食用菠萝的时间问题。 5、圣女果 圣女果含有茄红素、食物纤维和果胶成分,几乎全部由水构成,可以饱肚子,而且热量就是很低的,每两百克仅仅含有30卡路里而已,非常适合减肥。同时,促进肠胃蠕动,除了有瘦身的功效,瘦脸的功效也不可小看。 6、柳橙 柳橙维生素C多,纤维度多,热量低,甚至可以替代蛋糕和曲奇。喜欢吃甜食的女生可以吃柳橙来满足对甜食的欲望。柳橙高纤维素可有助于排便,排出身体的废物和有害物质,清理肠胃。 7、奇异果 维他命C超多的猕猴桃,一直是爱美MM们的最爱。至于它位居水果之冠的食物纤维和丰富的钾,的确可以让它列入瘦身水果的风云榜中来。带点酸甜味儿的猕猴桃,具有防止便秘、帮助消化、美化肌肤的奇异效果,而且一年四季都有,美眉们可以常吃。 8、苹果 在好几年前,就有人为苹果量身定做出一套瘦身餐来,曾经还引起了一阵苹果减肥法的热潮。事实上苹果确实是瘦身的风云水果之一。苹果中含有丰富的果胶,可以帮助肠子与毒素相结合,从而加速排毒功效并降低热量的吸收。 [图片]秋季想减肥,就吃这些既美味又能减肥瘦身的水果,饿时或是嘴馋时可以吃哦,主要热量还低。
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