白蝶兰喜欢微风吹动,稍微闷热即会患软腐和黑点病,因此本季要定期喷洒杀菌剂加以预防。喷洒时期以新叶开始生长时为最佳。是否长出新叶与肥料施放的时期有很大的关系。一般可用90%四环素3000倍液喷洒。喷后3天内不可浇水,7至10天后再喷一次。以后每2至4周喷一次杀菌剂,用药同小苗。药液不要在水草干透时喷施。因为喷后一般三天内不可浇水。 [图片]白蝶兰的病害防治 1.叶斑病 主要发生在叶片上,发病初期叶片上出现小斑点,以后发展成近圆形的病斑,病斑边缘有水渍状黄色圈,界限明显。 防治方法:加强通风,降低空气湿度,剪除病叶。发病期用75%的百菌清可湿性粉剂800倍液喷洒,每10天喷1次,连喷3次。 [图片]2.灰霉病 发生在春季低温高湿时,一般在白花花瓣上出现褐色的小斑点,严重时发生软腐现象。 防治方法:加强通风,降低湿度,立即剪除发病花朵。发病初期用75%甲基托布津可湿性粉剂1000倍液喷洒,每10天喷1次,连喷2次。 [图片]3.褐斑病 发生在夏秋高温多湿天气,主要发生在叶片上,发病初期叶片出现圆形小斑点,以后逐渐扩大成大斑,病斑黑褐色,严重时叶片变黑枯萎。 防治方法:注意通风、透光。发病初期用10%宝丽安(多抗霉素)80倍液每半月喷洒1次。 4.介壳虫 白蝶兰最常见的虫害,多发生在秋冬季,室内通风不畅,干燥导致介壳虫危害。 防治方法:注意通风,兰株摆放不宜过密,发现少量时可用软布擦洗介壳虫,反复几次可根除虫害。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Dendrobium bigibbum Lindl. [图片]Common Names Cooktown Orchid Synonyms Callista bigibba, Callista phalaenopsis, Callista sumneri, Dendrobium lithocola, Dendrobium phalaenopsis, Dendrobium sumneri, Vappodes bigibba, Vappodes lithocola, Vappodes phalaenopsis Scientific Classification Family: Orchidaceae Subfamily: Epidendroideae Tribe: Dendrobieae Genus: Dendrobium [图片]Flower Color: Pink or purple Bloom Time: March to July Description Dendrobium bigibbum is flowering plants, up to 32 inches (80 cm) tall. The flowers are pink or purple (sometimes almost white) on canes up to 16 inches (40 cm) long. Flowering time is usually between March and July. [图片]How to Grow and Care Although there is a huge variety from which to choose, when it comes to learning how to grow Dendrobium orchids, there are two important rules that they all follow. First, they like to live in little pots with their roots crowded into a tiny area. If you try to be nice and give them room to spread out, the roots are likely to stay too moist and begin to rot. If you don’t like the look of a large plant growing in a ridiculously small pot, camouflage it in a larger planter. The other way to care for Dendrobium orchids is to give them as much bright light as possible. This doesn’t mean sticking them in the desert sunlight, but a south-facing window in the house is the place where they will thrive. In almost all cases, when your Dendrobium orchid isn’t flowering, it’s a case of not enough sunlight. Origin Native to New Guinea and to the Cape York Peninsula of Queensland. It is also reportedly naturalized in Hawaii.
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#红鸡蛋花 原种的“红鸡蛋花”(P.rubralinn),花为鲜红色,较为少见,多数是栽培变种,长5-6厘米的花朵,外面白色略带淡红,内面基部黄色,通常称为“冠白,心黄”,形似鸡蛋白色着蛋黄,故名。在养殖红鸡蛋花的时候经常会碰到病虫害,很多花友对此感到很头疼,那么接下来小编就为大家介绍下红鸡蛋花的常见病虫害防治,希望可以给花友们带来帮助。 [图片]红鸡蛋花的病害防治 1、鸡蛋花角斑病 (1)主要症状:发生在叶片上。病斑初期为褐色小斑点;扩展后病斑呈多角形至不规则状,边缘暗黑色,内黑褐色;后期病斑干枯,湿润环境下病斑上呈现黑色粒状物。 (2)发病原因:为真菌性病害。病原菌存活在栽培基质内及植物病残体上。以春季发病为多,室内可重复侵染危害,7-8月发病较重。 (3)防治方法:⑴加强养护,及时换盆更新基质,增施磷钾肥,提高植株生长势。⑵早春季节每隔7-10天喷洒1次0.5%波尔多液,或70%代森锰锌可湿性粉剂400倍液,或多菌灵600倍液。 [图片]2、红蜘蛛 用喷施敌死虫机油乳油100-200倍液防治 3、白粉病 一种真菌病害,高温通风不良而又湿度较高的环境中危害鸡蛋花。嫩叶上呈现白粉似的现象,防治:可用50%甲基硫菌灵·硫磺悬浮剂800倍液,或20%三唑酮乳油2500倍液喷洒,每10天一次,连续2次至3次。 [图片]4、介壳虫 可用25%扑虱灵可湿性粉剂2000倍液进行喷杀。 5、锈病 叶反面发生橘黄色脓包,叶外表相应有小的浅黄色病斑。防治:可选用25%粉锈宁1500至2000倍液。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Delosperma nubigenum (Schltr.) L. Bolus [图片]Common Names Ice Plant, Hardy Ice Plant, Hardy Yellow Ice Plant, Yellow Ice Plant Synonyms Mesembryanthemum nubigenum (basionym) Scientific Classification Family: Aizoaceae Subfamily: Ruschioideae Tribe: Ruschieae Genus: Delosperma [图片]Flower Color: Yellow Bloom Time: Late spring Description Delosperma nubigenum forms a low mat of succulent leaves, bearing loads of small starry yellow flowers in late spring. The evergreen leaves are thick, oblong or linear, and fleshy. Each leaf is 1.2 inches (3 cm) long and one 0.25 inch (6 mm) wide. They are fat and succulent thus making them drought tolerant. This groundcover only grows to 2 inches (5 cm) tall but can spread as wide as 36 inches (90 cm). [图片]How to Grow and Care Delosperma flowers grow in USDA plant hardiness zones 5-9 and will bloom for most of the summer and fall. Their foliage is mostly evergreen and, because of this, they make a great year-round ground cover. While the plant is evergreen, it will often have some dieback of foliage in the winter. Delospermas prefer full sun but can tolerate some light shade in the garden. Because Delosperma are succulents, they do not tolerate wet soil, though they do well in poor soils. In fact, wet soil, especially during the winter months, is likely to kill the plants. In areas where the soil stays consistently dry, this plant can become invasive, so it is best to take this into consideration when planting it. The Ice Plant can be propagated by division, cuttings or seeds. Origin Native to South Africa.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Delosperma cooperi (Hook.f.) L.Bolus [图片]Common Names Hardy Ice Plant, Trailing Ice Plant, Pink Carpet, Purple Ice Plant, Hardy Purple Ice Plant, Cooper’s Ice Plant, Cooper’s Hardy Ice Plant Synonyms Mesembryanthemum cooperi Scientific Classification Family: Aizoaceae Subfamily: Ruschioideae Tribe: Ruschieae Genus: Delosperma [图片]Flower Color: Magenta or pink Bloom Time: June to September Description Delosperma cooperi is a perennial evergreen succulent, with needle-like leaves studded with fluorescent pink, up to 2.15 inches (5.5 cm) long, up to 0.25 inch (6 mm) wide and up to 0.2 inch (5 mm) thick, nearly cylindrical, but flattened on the top. The daisy-like flowers are magenta or pink in color, up to 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter. [图片]How to Grow and Care Delosperma flowers grow in USDA plant hardiness zones 5-9 and will bloom for most of the summer and fall. Their foliage is mostly evergreen and, because of this, they make a great year-round ground cover. While the plant is evergreen, it will often have some dieback of foliage in the winter. Delospermas prefer full sun but can tolerate some light shade in the garden. Because Delosperma are succulents, they do not tolerate wet soil, though they do well in poor soils. In fact, wet soil, especially during the winter months, is likely to kill the plants. In areas where the soil stays consistently dry, this plant can become invasive, so it is best to take this into consideration when planting it. The Ice Plant can be propagated by division, cuttings or seeds. If propagating by division, it is best to divide the plants in the spring. Origin Native to Lesotho and South Africa.
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#火祭 什么时候会红? 火祭在生长期时多是呈为红绿色,只有在断水或者休眠期时颜色红或者粉红,也就是在秋末至早春日夜温差大,干冷,全日照时叶子才容易红。 需要注意的是,在光照少的时候,火祭叶片与叶片的间距就会拉长,植株徒长,叶片也会变的翠绿拉长。 下面三张图片,分别是火祭三个时期的状态,第一张是生长期是的状态,第二张是开始变红,第三张是红的很厉害了。 [图片][图片][图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Dahlia imperialis Roezl ex Ortgies [图片]Common Names Bell Tree Dahlia, Tree Dahlia, Giant Dahlia, Imperial Dahlia, Species Tree Dahlia Synonyms Dahlia dumicola, Dahlia lehmannii, Dahlia maximiliana, Dahlia maximiliana, Dahlia maxonii Scientific Classification Family: Asteraceae Genus: Dahlia [图片]Flower Color: Lavender or mauvish-pink Bloom Time: Late fall Description Dahlia imperialis is a fast-growing, tuberous, herbaceous perennial up to 33 feet (10 m) tall, rapidly growing from the base after a dormant winter period, developing brittle, cane-like, 4-angled stems with swollen nodes and large tripinnate leaves, those near the ground soon being shed. The pendant or nodding flowerheads are up to 6 inches (15 cm) across with ray florets lavender or mauvish-pink in color. [图片]How to Grow and Care Feed Dahlias about once a month with an organic fertilizer lower in nitrogen and higher in phosphorus and potassium, such as a 1-2-2 ratio. With enough compost, your Dahlias will do fine without fertilizer. Make sure your Dahlias get an inch of water per week. Keep track of rainfall so that the water is consistent. Clip off spent blossoms to encourage more blooming. While optional, some gardeners remove many of the flower buds to focus the plant’s energy on fewer, larger and showier blooms with long stems. The flower buds come in clusters of three. If desired, remove the two side buds and allow the middle one to grow, and keep pinching off any more side buds that form along the end of the stem. For a more natural look, pinch back Dahlia plants when small to encourage branching. Dahlias can be divided in fall or spring. Dig up the tubers and use a sharp knife to cut into sections, making sure each section has at least one eye. Allow tubers to dry overnight before replanting. If Dahlias are hardy in your zone, simply cut them back after the first heavy frost and apply an extra layer of mulch to protect them from the cold. Remove the extra mulch in spring. In colder climates, dig up and store the tubers in a basement or garage, then divide and replant them in the spring. Origin Native to Mexico, Central America and Colombia.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Dahlia coccinea Cav. [图片]Common Names Red Dahlia, Scarlet-Flowered Dahlia Synonyms Bidens coccinea, Dahlia bidentifolia, Dahlia cervantesii, Dahlia chisholmi, Dahlia coccinea var. coccinea, Dahlia coronata, Dahlia crocata, Dahlia crocea, Dahlia gentryi, Dahlia gracilis, Dahlia jaurezii, Dahlia lutea, Georgina coccinea, Georgina crocata, Georgina frustranea, Dahlia popenovii Scientific Classification Family: Asteraceae Genus: Dahlia [图片]Flower Color: Red, orange or yellow Bloom Time: August to September Description Dahlia coccinea is a flowering plant with dark leaves, up to 1 m tall. The simple flowers are red, orange or occasionally yellow, up to 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter. Blooms from August to September. [图片]How to Grow and Care Feed Dahlias about once a month with an organic fertilizer lower in nitrogen and higher in phosphorus and potassium, such as a 1-2-2 ratio. With enough compost, your Dahlias will do fine without fertilizer. Make sure your Dahlias get an inch of water per week. Keep track of rainfall so that the water is consistent. Clip off spent blossoms to encourage more blooming. While optional, some gardeners remove many of the flower buds to focus the plant’s energy on fewer, larger and showier blooms with long stems. The flower buds come in clusters of three. If desired, remove the two side buds and allow the middle one to grow, and keep pinching off any more side buds that form along the end of the stem. For a more natural look, pinch back Dahlia plants when small to encourage branching. Dahlias can be divided in fall or spring. Dig up the tubers and use a sharp knife to cut into sections, making sure each section has at least one eye. Allow tubers to dry overnight before replanting. If Dahlias are hardy in your zone, simply cut them back after the first heavy frost and apply an extra layer of mulch to protect them from the cold. Remove the extra mulch in spring. In colder climates, dig up and store the tubers in a basement or garage, then divide and replant them in the spring. Origin Native to Mexico.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Tulipa orphanidea Boiss. ex Heldr. [图片]Synonyms Tulipa orphanidea subsp. orphanidea, Tulipa atheniensis, Tulipa bithynica, Tulipa crocata, Tulipa goulimyi, Tulipa hayatii, Tulipa hellespontica, Tulipa minervae, Tulipa splendens, Tulipa sylvestris var. orphanidea, Tulipa theophrasti, Tulipa thracica, Tulipa turcica, Tulipa whittallii Scientific Classification Family: Liliaceae Subfamily: Lilioideae Tribe: Tulipeae Genus: Tulipa [图片]Flower Color: Copper-red, rarely yellow and red Bloom Time: Spring season Description Tulipa orphanidea is a bulbous perennial up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall. The stem is glabrous or hairy, and the leaves (which vary from 2 to 7) are up to 8 inches (20 cm) long, up to 0.8 inch (2 cm) wide), green, often with a tinge of red along their edges. The stem bears 1 to 4 globular to star-shaped flowers with copper-red, rarely yellow and red tepals, arranged in two whorls of three. The tepals bear a black, sometimes yellow, basal blotch interiorly. The 6 stamens are a dark olive and up to 0.5 inch (1.2 cm) long. Hardiness USDA hardiness zone 4a to 9b: from −30 °F (−34.4 °C) to 30 °F (−1.1 °C). [图片]How to Grow and Care Tulips need a chilling period and are planted in the fall. Planting depth should be about 3 times the bulb’s diameter; small bulbs will be about 5 to 6 inches (12.5 to 15 cm)deep, larger bulbs 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 cm). Add a handful of bulb food or bone meal at planting time and water well. Keep watering weekly, if it doesn’t rain, until the ground freezes. Feed again, when the leaves emerge in the spring. The foliage needs to be allowed to continue growing, after the petals drop, to feed the bulb. However, the flower stalks can be removed to prevent them from setting seed and stealing energy from the bulb. Once the leaves die back, they will pull easily from the soil. The bulbs prefer to be on the dry side, during summer dormancy. Feed each spring, when the leaves first appear. If you have trouble getting your tulips to come back each year, it could be because the winter is not cold enough, the summer is too wet or something has eaten the bulbs. Whatever the reason, you may prefer to grow your tulips as annuals, replanting each fall. It’s a bit more work, but you won’t need holes as deep as perennialized planting. Origin Native to the southeast Balkans, Bulgaria, Greece, Aegean Islands, Crete and western Turkey.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Tulipa clusiana Redouté [图片]Common Names Lady Tulip Synonyms Tulipa aitchisonii, Tulipa fernandezii, Tulipa porphyreochrysantha, Tulipa stellata, Tulipa clusiana var. stellata Scientific Classification Family: Liliaceae Subfamily: Lilioideae Tribe: Tulipeae Genus: Tulipa Subgenus: Clusianae [图片]Flower Color: Pink and white Bloom Time: Spring season Description Tulipa clusiana is a species of tulip with 2 to 5 linear, glaucous, gray-green leaves, up to 6 inches (15 cm) long and deep pink and white striped flower. The plant grows up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall. Its star-shaped flowers are 4 inches (10 cm) across with rounded bases, produced singularly or in pairs and up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall. It flowers during the spring season. [图片]How to Grow and Care Tulips need a chilling period and are planted in the fall. Planting depth should be about 3 times the bulb’s diameter; small bulbs will be about 5 to 6 inches (12.5 to 15 cm)deep, larger bulbs 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 cm). Add a handful of bulb food or bone meal at planting time and water well. Keep watering weekly, if it doesn’t rain, until the ground freezes. Feed again, when the leaves emerge in the spring. The foliage needs to be allowed to continue growing, after the petals drop, to feed the bulb. However, the flower stalks can be removed to prevent them from setting seed and stealing energy from the bulb. Once the leaves die back, they will pull easily from the soil. The bulbs prefer to be on the dry side, during summer dormancy. Feed each spring, when the leaves first appear. If you have trouble getting your tulips to come back each year, it could be because the winter is not cold enough, the summer is too wet or something has eaten the bulbs. Whatever the reason, you may prefer to grow your tulips as annuals, replanting each fall. It’s a bit more work, but you won’t need holes as deep as perennialized planting. Origin Native to Afghanistan, Iran, India and Pakistan.
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