リナリアの育て方・栽培方法 育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 水はけと風通しのよい日なたで育てます。耐寒性はありますが、秋に入手した一年草の苗を植えつけた場合は、不織布のべたがけなどで防寒しておくと葉が傷みません。酸性土壌を嫌うので、植えつけ前に苦土石灰をまいておきます。 水やり 鉢植えの場合は、用土が乾いたらたっぷりと水やりします。多湿を嫌うので、水のやりすぎには注意します。 肥料 元肥として緩効性化成肥料を土壌に混ぜておきます。チッ素過多にすると倒れやすくなったり、繊細さに欠ける草姿になったりします。一年草のリナリアには追肥の必要はありませんが、宿根性のリナリアには、春に芽出し肥を施します。 [图片]病気と害虫 病気:苗立枯病 小さい苗のときに急にしおれて枯れる苗立枯病が発生することがあります。土壌が過湿のときによく発生するので、乾かし気味に管理しましょう。また、清潔な用土で育てます。 害虫:アブラムシ、イモムシ 春に新芽や茎、葉、蕾にアブラムシがつくことがあります。風通しをよくし、見つけしだいつぶすか、薬剤で駆除します。また、春に葉をイモムシに食害されることがあります。早期発見に努めます。 [图片]用土(鉢植え) 水はけと通気性のよい土が適しています。市販の草花用培養土を利用するか、赤玉土6、腐葉土3、軽石(パーライト)1の割合で配合したものを用いるとよいでしょう。 植えつけ、 植え替え 秋に一年草のリナリアのポット苗を入手したら直ちに植えつけます。植えつけが遅くなると、根が張らず、寒さで傷みます。 宿根性のリナリアは、晩秋の休眠に入るころ、または春の生育を開始するころに植えつけます。 寒冷地では、いずれも春に植えつけます。 [图片]ふやし方 一年草、宿根性ともに、9月下旬にタネをまきます。タネは微細で光発芽種子なので、覆土は薄くし、底面給水とします。また、こぼれダネでもふえます。発芽しているのを見つけたら、早めにポットに移植します。 宿根性のリナリアは、春に株分けでふやすこともできます。 主な作業 花がら摘みと切り戻し:花が一段落したときに花茎のつけ根で切り戻せば、わき芽から花茎が出て、二番花が咲きます。 摘心:タネから育てる場合は、早めに摘心してわき芽を伸ばすと、株が倒れにくくなります。
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リナリアの基本情報 学名:Linaria 和名:ヒメキンギョソウ   科名 / 属名:オオバコ科 / ウンラン属(リナリア属) 特徴 リナリアとして園芸的に親しまれるのは、一年草のヒメキンギョソウと宿根性のリナリアで、パステルカラーの花色とすらりとした花穂の風に揺れる姿が優しい印象です。キンギョソウよりも頼りない草姿に見えますが、ワイルドフラワーのミックス種子をまくと、リナリアが一番よく出るくらい丈夫です。茎は倒れやすいですが、倒れても、その茎からわき芽が伸びて花がたくさん咲きます。数株を群植するとボリューム感があり、またほかの植物との相性がよく寄せ植えにも適します。 一年草の種類には矮性種と高性種があり、宿根性のものよりも花つきがよく華やかです。一年草の種類は秋にタネをまけば春に開花しますが、市販のポット苗は秋にも流通するので、それを植えつければ12月ごろに開花し、冬を越した春に最盛期を迎えます。 宿根性のリナリア・プルプレアは短命な多年草なので、3年くらいでタネをまいて更新していくとよいでしょう。こぼれダネでも自然によくふえ、2年目には立派に花を咲かせます。 ※科名:ゴマノハグサ科で分類される場合もあります。 種類(原種、園芸品種) リナリア「グッピー」シリーズ Linaria Guppy 草丈20cmほどの矮性品種。花数は少ないが、形よくまとまり、扱いやすい。 [图片]リナリア‘リップル・ストーン’ Linaria ‘Ripple Stone’ 草丈約15cm程度の矮性品種。 [图片]リナリア・プルプレア ‘キャノン・J・ウェント’ Linaria purpurea ‘Canon J. Went’ 宿根性のリナリア。草丈60〜70cmの高性種。 [图片]リナリア・マロッカナ Linaria maroccana モロッコ原産の一年草で、一年草の園芸品種の交配親として貢献した。鮮やかな花色が特徴。 [图片]
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リシマキアの育て方・栽培方法 育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 日当たりから明るい半日陰まであまり場所を選びませんが、湿り気のある腐植質に富んだ土壌を好みます。腐葉土や堆肥を多めに入れて育てます。あるいは乾燥防止のため、バーク堆肥や腐葉土でマルチングしておくのもよいでしょう。 水やり 土が乾き始めたらたっぷりと水を与えます。特に鉢植えの場合は、乾燥しすぎないように気をつけます。 肥料 元肥として緩効性化成肥料を土壌に混ぜておきます。3月の芽出し肥として、速効性の化成肥料を施します。ただし、腐植質の多い土壌で育てている場合、肥料が効きすぎると梅雨時期に倒れやすくなるので、その場合はほとんど施す必要はありません。むしろ、花後の秋に施し、地中の芽を太らせるとよいでしょう。 [图片]病気と害虫 ほとんど問題となりません。 用土(鉢植え) 水はけと水もちのよい土が適しています。市販の草花用培養土を利用するか、赤玉土6、腐葉土3、軽石1の割合で混ぜたものを用いるとよいでしょう。 植えつけ、 植え替え 3月上旬から5月中旬と、10月上旬から11月中旬が植えつけ、植え替えの適期です。植えっぱなしにすると、芽が混み合いすぎて、急に生育が衰えたり、中心部の生育が悪くなることがあるので、2年に1回を目安に、株分けを兼ねて植え替えます。ほふくするヌンムラリアは株元が透けて見苦しくなりやすいので、毎年植え替えると美しく保てます。根づくまでは乾かさないように十分に水やりします。 [图片]ふやし方 株分け:さし芽もできますが、3月上旬から4月下旬に株分けを行うのが最も簡単です。地下茎を伸ばしてふえる種は、芽数を制限して切り分けます。ヌンムラリアのようにほふくする種は、発根している茎を切って伏せておきます。 [图片]主な作業 特にありません。
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リシマキアの基本情報 学名:Lysimachia 科名 / 属名:サクラソウ科 / オカトラノオ(リシマキア)属 特徴 リシマキアは、北半球を中心に、アフリカ、南アメリカ、オーストラリアなどに約200種が分布します。日本には、オカトラノオ(Lysimachia clethroides)、クサレダマ(L. vulgaris var. davurica)など15種が自生し、茶花として親しまれてきました。茎が直立するものとほふくするものがあります。グラウンドカバーとして親しまれるリシマキア・ヌンムラリアは水草としても楽しむことができます。いずれの種も、丈夫で育てやすく、水辺など湿り気のある場所に植えるとよく繁茂します。ヌンムラリアには黄金葉の‘オーレア’という品種があり、またプンクタタには葉に白斑が入る品種がありますが、基本種に比べて花が咲きにくい傾向があります。 種類(原種、園芸品種) リシマキア・ヌンムラリア Lysimachia nummularia ヨーロッパ原産。ほふく性でグラウンドカバーやハンギングバスケットに向くが、夏に蒸れて葉や茎の一部が枯れやすいので、風通しのよいところで育てる。5月下旬から6月にかけて、黄色い花を葉が見えないほど一面に咲かせる。日当たりから半日陰を好み、やや湿り気の多い土壌を好む。水草としても利用される。黄金葉の‘オーレア’が人気だが、花は目立たない。 [图片]リシマキア・コンゲスティフロラ Lysimachia congestiflora 中国、東アジア原産。半ほふく性。4月から6月に、ヌンムラリアよりもやや大きめの濃い黄色の花を房状に咲かせる。鉢植えの場合は、花後に好みの長さで切り戻すとよい。 [图片]リシマキア・プンクタタ Lysimachia punctata ヨーロッパ、アジア西部原産。草丈50cmほどで、6月から8月に黄色の花を穂状に密につける。地下茎でふえて株立ちになり、1mくらいに広がる。2年に1回、株分けで更新する。斑入りの‘アレキサンダー’などがある。 [图片]リシマキア・アトロプルプレア‘ボジョレー’ Lysimachia atropurpurea ‘Beaujolais’ 原種はバルカン半島原産。細いシルバーリーフと濃い赤色の花穂が美しい。草丈50cmほど。 [图片]リシマキア・キリアタ Lysimachia ciliata 北アメリカ原産。草丈は70〜80cmほど。つやのない赤葉をもち、6月から8月に黄色い星形の花をうつむきかげんに咲かせる。写真は‘ファイヤークラッカー’(‘Firecracker’)で、葉の赤色が濃く、日なたで育てると色濃く発色して美しい。 [图片]オカトラノオ Lysimachia clethroides 日本、朝鮮半島、中国、インドシナ原産。直立する茎の先端に、先が下垂した白くて密な花穂をつける。茶花としても楽しまれる。草丈60〜90cm。 [图片]
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リコリス(ヒガンバナの仲間)の育て方・栽培方法 育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 日当たりを好みますが、明るい半日陰でも育ちます。過湿を嫌うので、水はけの悪いところでは高畝にして植えるとよいでしょう。耐寒性が強く、また病害虫にも強いので、数年植えっぱなしにできます。植えつけの際には、堆肥や腐葉土の有機質を多めにすき込み、根が深く伸びるのでしっかり耕しておきます。 水やり 庭植えであれば不要です。鉢植えの場合は、夏に花茎が現れるころから初夏に休眠するまでの間、鉢土がよく乾いたら、たっぷりと水やりします。 [图片]肥料 リン酸分とカリ分が重要で、元肥として1㎡当たりチッ素10g、リン酸25g、カリ25gくらいを植えつける場所に施します。鉢植えも同程度の割合で配合します。植えつけた年の追肥は不要ですが、植えっぱなしにしている場合は、冬に牛ふん堆肥と根菜用(カリ分が多め)の化成肥料を施します(寒肥)。 病気と害虫 特に問題となる病害虫はありません。 [图片]用土(鉢植え) 水はけと通気性に富み、適度な保水性のある土が適しています。例えば、赤玉土小粒7、腐葉土2、牛ふん堆肥1などの配合とします。 植えつけ、 植え替え 6月から7月に、球根を入手したらすぐに植えつけます。それぞれの花後にも植えつけることができますが、その場合の開花は翌々年となるでしょう。球根の底部が深さ10cmくらいになるように植えます。庭植えであれば約10cm間隔、鉢植えの場合は6号鉢に4~5球植えとします。 [图片]ふやし方 分球:分球でふやします。6月から8月に、葉が黄変したら掘り上げ、自然に分球した球根を離して植えつけます。 主な作業 花がら摘み:花が咲き終わったら、花首のところで花を折り取ります。
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リコリス(ヒガンバナの仲間)の基本情報 学名:Lycoris その他の名前:ヒガンバナ(彼岸花)、マンジュシャゲ(曼珠沙華)など 科名 / 属名:ヒガンバナ科 / ヒガンバナ属(リコリス属) 特徴 リコリス属の仲間には、秋の彼岸のころになると、あぜ道などに群生して咲くヒガンバナ(マンジュシャゲ Lycoris radiata)がありますが、リコリス属は種類が多く、早い種類は7月から、遅い種類では10月から開花します。多くは日本や中国に広く分布していて、日本には帰化した種も含めて、シロバナマンジュシャゲ(L. albiflora)、キツネノカミソリ(L. sanguinea)、ナツズイセン(L. squamigera)、ショウキラン(L. aurea)などが自生または栽培されています。いずれも開花期間は1週間ほどと短いです。出葉時期は種によって異なり、早春に出葉するもの(キツネノカミソリ、ナツズイセン、インカルナータなど)と秋に出葉するもの(ヒガンバナ、シロバナマンジュシャゲ、ショウキランなど)がありますが、いずれも初夏になると葉はすべて枯れます。 [图片]従来、ヒガンバナは日本ではあまりよいイメージがなかったため、生産は多くありませんでした。しかし、欧米でのリコリスに対する人気の高まりとともに、その価値が見直されてきました。花色は赤、白、黄、オレンジ、ピンク、紫と豊富で、光沢のある花弁が美しく、園芸品種も多くつくられています。 種類(原種、園芸品種) シロバナマンジュシャゲ Lycoris albiflora 白花で、性質はヒガンバナによく似ている。9月上旬に開花し、花後に出葉する。ヒガンバナとショウキランとの交雑種と考えられており、変異が多く、花色(白、クリーム色、薄いピンクなど)や花形、葉色の異なるタイプがある。 [图片]キツネノカミソリ Lycoris sanguinea 日本原産。7月中・下旬に開花し、春に出葉する。花弁があまり反らず、斜め上を向いて咲く。 ナツズイセン Lycoris squamigera 中国雲南省原産。青みのある花弁が珍しく、美しい。9月上旬に開花し、春に出葉する。 [图片]ショウキラン Lycoris aurea 日本南部から中国原産。鮮やかな黄色の花を1茎に5〜10輪つけ、10月上・中旬に開花する。花および茎、葉ともに大きく、豪華な印象。耐寒性は弱い。 ヒガンバナ Lycoris radiata 最もなじみのあるリコリス。日本、中国原産。9月中旬に40cmほどの茎に赤い花を咲かせる。 [图片]リコリス・インカルナータ Lycoris incarnata 中国原産。薄いピンク色の花弁に桃紫色の筋が入り、8月上・中旬に開花する。首の長い球根を有し、鉢植えのときは球根の頂部を地表面からやや出して植えつけるとよい。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
If you’re lucky, you could receive a Christmas Cactus as a gift this holiday season. This common house plant blooms during the Christmas season, but its long green arms are attractive throughout the year. With cultivars in a rainbow of colors, it is a plant worthy of appreciation. These 10 facts about Christmas Cacti will help you to care for your plant if you happen to receive one this holiday season. [图片]1. It’s called a “cactus”, but it thrives in cooler temperatures. Christmas Cacti need to be kept away from heat sources. According to the Purdue University Extension Service, a Christmas Cactus will blossom longer when exposed to only cooler temperatures. For best results, keep your Christmas Cactus in a cool place (away from heaters and fireplaces) where there are not frequent drafts (right next to a frequently used door would not be a good place). Big changes in temperature can cause the blooms to drop off the plant before they open. The optimal temperature for Christmas Cacti is 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius). 2. Christmas Cacti need light to bloom. According to Purdue University Extension Service, keeping your Christmas Cactus plants in a sunny location indoors is the key to prolonged blooms. However, if you move them outside during the summer, you’ll have the most success in a partially shaded location, as too much direct light can burn the leaves. 3. The Christmas Cactus is native to Brazil. These epiphytes (a plant that grows on top of another plant non-parasitically) grow in the Brazilian rain forest, among tree branches, according to Clemson University Cooperative Extension. Since they are tropical plants, they thrive in humid conditions. 4. Christmas Cacti need their beauty sleep. The horticulture experts at the Cheyenne Botanic Gardens recommend setting your Christmas Cactus in a room where you never turn the lights on at night. In order for the flower buds to set, Christmas Cacti need 14 hours or more of continuous darkness per day. However, after the flower buds have set, Christmas Cacti can withstand lights on at night. 5. Unlike the other Christmas favorite, Poinsettia, Christmas Cactus is not toxic to dogs and cats. Poinsettia is famously poisonous to dogs and cats. However, according to the ASPCA, if Fido or Fluffy nibbles on a Christmas Cactus, she should not experience irritation or vomiting like she would from the sap of the Poinsettia. [图片]6. Christmas Cactus can live for 20 to 30 years. Can you imagine passing a living, flowering plant on to your children or grandchildren? According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, when properly cared for, Christmas Cacti can live for 20 to 30 years. If you provide long nights starting around October 1st, you can force the Christmas Cactus to bloom year after year. Cool night temperatures can also encourage it to bloom. 7. Overwatering will kill Christmas Cacti, but they like to be misted on a daily basis. A horticulturist at the Oregon State University Extension Service recommend only adding water to the soil that a Christmas Cactus is planted in when the soil is dry to the touch. Instead, gardening expert and radio host Walter Reeves, the Georgia Gardener, suggests misting the leaves of the Christmas Cactus to maintain the desired level of humidity around the plant. 8. 5 diseases commonly infect Christmas Cactus. Penn State University Extension experts provide a handy fact sheet that outlines the plant diseases that most often affect Christmas Cacti. Their list includes: Basal stem rot, botrytis blight, impatiens necrotic spot virus, phytophthora root rot, and pythium root rot. 9. Fungus gnats, flower thrips, and root mealybugs are the pests that most often infest Christmas Cacti. The University of Massachusetts-Amherst Extension Service recommends preventative measures. The biggest culprit in attracting pests to Christmas Cacti seems to be overwatering. Preventative care, such as discarding infested plants, is another recommended tactic. Pesticides are available for commercial growers, although home-growers may not be able to get their hands on those pesticides. [图片]10. By the way, that Christmas Cactus you are buying is probably not actually a Christmas cactus. Surprise! According to the U-Mass Extension Service, “Holiday Cactus is sometimes marketed as Christmas Cactus, Thanksgiving Cactus, or Zygocactus. The “true” Christmas Cactus is an interspecific hybrid of Schlumbergera truncata and Schlumbergera russelliana that originated about 150 years ago in England. It is a common houseplant but is not often grown commercially. Plants have segments with rounded margins, ribbed ovaries, and purplish-brown anthers. The correct latin name for Christmas Cactus is Schlumbergera x buckleyi; the “x” indicates that it is an interspecific hybrid. Most commercial cultivars of Holiday Cactus are actually Schlumbergera truncata, commonly known as Thanksgiving Cactus or Zygocactus.”
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Opuntia is a large genus of cacti distributed throughout the Americas. The genus is best known for the prickly pears, though some naming controversy exists over whether or not chollas—a separate variety of barbed cacti—are considered Opuntia as well. Prickly pears are cacti known for their spines: many have large, rounded spines while others have tiny, hairlike barbs that detach upon contact from the plant. Prickly pears are prized for their edibility, as they grow cactus fruit commonly eaten in Mexico and the American Southwest—however, be sure that any cactus fruit has been carefully cleaned if you plan on eating it, as the tiny glochids on the fruit can lodge in skin and are very painful to remove. The distinctive red-purple juice of the cactus fruit can also be used in drinks, candy, and jellies. Prickly pears bloom in mid-summer and can be grown ornamentally; however, they really only can grow in desert climates. Lovers of cacti in a hot, dry area can consider growing plants of this genus. [图片]Growing Conditions Light: As desert cacti, prickly pears require maximum sunlight to thrive and should be kept in direct sunlight whenever possible. Water: Very little water is required. These drought-resistant plants grow best in hot, dry areas and excessive water could cause them to rot. Temperature: Hot temperatures are best, but these cacti will tolerate a very wide range of temperatures. Soil: The most important soil requirement for Opuntia is that it drains well. Other than that, a basic potting soil is fine – these cacti will grow in rock gardens, as well. [图片]Propagation Prickly pears can propagate either by cuttings or by seed. To propagate by cuttings, sever pads from a plant and let them dry so that the wounds heal. Then place the plants in a dry soil and refrain from watering them until they begin to grow to avoid rotting them. To propagate by seed, rinse away pulp from the seeds, make sure they’re thoroughly dry, and plant – ideally in the spring. Again, the crucial factor in keeping the seeds alive and growing is keeping their soil well-drained and dry. [图片]Repotting Though Opuntia will grow just fine in a garden, they can be grown in pots as well. To repot, ensure the soil is dry, then remove the pot and knock away the old soil. After treating any cuts with fungicide, place the prickly pear in a new pot and backfill it with potting soil. As with a new cutting, make sure not to water a newly repotting prickly pear for a brief period to avoid rotting its roots. [图片]Grower’s Tips Though the large variety of species within the Opuntia genus means different types of prickly pears may need slightly different care, all are desert cacti that need lots of sun, lots of light, and very little water. If you live in a hot, arid area – particularly the American Southwest – these plants can generally be planted outside, left alone, and enjoyed.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
A group of plants called succulents that have either fleshy stems and/or leaves are often chosen as house plants for direct light conditions. Their ability to endure drought is reflected in the succulent stem/leaf condition where water is stored. These plants come from many plant families; most notably the cactus family. Others in this group, however, come from sub-tropical areas where light conditions are less extreme and moisture is more abundant. In this second group we find the Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter and Orchid cacti. Some refer to this group as the jungle cacti because they are found as understory plants in tropical forests. Some succulents make good house plants because they generally do not require much care and can grow under the average conditions of the home in which we find higher temperatures and low humidity. Some varieties are slow growers and therefore, present fewer demands for care than most other house plants. If you have a southern window in your home that receives direct light and becomes fairly hot, then you might consider choosing a succulent for that spot. [图片]Light The cacti and succulents generally require at least 4 hours of bright, direct light each day. However, some including the jungle cacti prefer medium light intensities and should never be placed in direct light except during the winter. Overall, if you wish to move a plant which has been grown in indirect light to direct light, then this should be done gradually. The same is true if you move a plant outdoors. Even though it has been in a direct light location in the house, it will be damaged if moved directly to full sun. Moving plants to a position with filtered light such as under a tree or shade screen will prevent sunscald. This appears as a bleaching of the foliage resulting in a yellow-white color. In addition, plants receiving direct light benefit from turning periodically so that all sides are exposed. This is especially true of plants with heavy growth. [图片]Temperature and Humidity Most cacti and succulents tolerate the low humidities and warmth of the home. During the winter, it becomes difficult to regulate humidity because of heating. The only succulents which can be temperamental are the jungle cacti. These plants, including the Christmas and Thanksgiving cacti, require higher humidities and should be placed on a tray of moistened rocks. This condition will promote flowering and flower retention. Temperature in the home is generally adequate to maintain cacti and succulents all year round and this makes them particularly suitable as house plants. Some, however, do much better if presented with cool conditions during the winter. This is known as a rest period. Window sills and cool basements are good sites for these plants. The light should be as bright as possible. [图片]Watering Overall, cacti and succulents should be watered more frequently during the period of greatest growth and this occurs between the months of March and October in the Midwest. The most frequent cause of problems with the cacti is due to overwatering. The moisture condition should be checked ever 2 to 3 weeks. This is simply done by sticking the index finger into the soil. Soil particles should not cling if conditions are dry. Also, you should become familiar with the weight of the pot at dryness and this can served as a gauge for watering. It is best to allow the pot to dry out thoroughly between waterings. Plants in full sun will naturally dry out more quickly than those in filtered light. In winter, water no more than once per month. This is a slow growth period. Overwatering at this time will result is root rot by fungal organisms. Jungle cacti should be kept evenly moist all year round, especially during the flowering period of late fall or early spring. When flowering has stopped, water should be withheld to allow the soil to dry before rewatering. [图片]Soil The soil mix should match the moisture requirements of the plant. This is better than trying to match the frequency of watering the soil mix. It also dictates the drainage and regulates the nutrient supply. All cacti and succulents require good drainage and the type of soil should be coarser. An appropriate soil mix for most cacti would consist of two parts sand and one part soil mix. For tropical cacti like Christmas and Easter cacti, mix one part sand with one part soil mix and one part peat. The peat will hold more moisture than is required for these plants. Sand will create the proper drainage for all cacti and succulents and by varying its content, greater or lesser moisture will be held by the mix. [图片]Fertilization Generally, succulents and cacti do not demand a great deal of fertilizer to grow. Amounts recommended for typical house plants should be cut back to one-quarter to one-half concentration typically recommended on the label. The time to fertilize is during the active growth phase which begins in March and ends in October. In winter, no fertilizer is necessary as this represents the dormant state where little obvious growth occurs. [图片]Repotting and Propagation Most cacti and succulent prefer to be pot-bound. This condition leads to more frequent flowering in the case of jungle cacti. If plants become too pot-bound and the top growth is unbalanced, they should be repotted. The size of the pot should only be about 1 inch larger in diameter than the previous one. Tall plants should be repotted in a container which is at least one-half the size in diameter as the plant is tall. The time to repot is when growth begins in the spring. Potting during the dormant stage will set the plant back because a part of the root system may be lost during the process and it will be very slow to recover. Cacti and succulents are among the easiest to propagate because they have such a large storage system of water and nutrients and are thus, very well adapted to adverse growing conditions. Some cacti actually loose parts of their stems as an active way to self-propagate. These parts may lay dormant for over a year and become quite desiccated before new roots emerge as a response to wetter conditions. There are three forms of vegetative propagation where some part of the mother plant is removed and used to grow the new plant. This is by offset division, stem cuttings and leaf cuttings. Although more time consuming, some cacti and succulents can be started from seed. Generally, this is not worth the trouble because it may take between 2 to 5 years to establish the new plant with such slow growth rates as characterized by these plants. The most popular way to propagate cacti and succulents is by division. Certain cacti will produce offsets which are small bulb-like protrusions that stick out from the mother plant. These can simply be pinched off and potted after a couple days of drying at room temperature to callus over the wound. The soil should be kept damp for about 4 weeks. Check for roots by tugging at the plant. If the pot lifts with the plant, then you can be assured that it has rooted. The other way many cacti and succulents can be propagated is by taking cuttings of stems and leaves. Plants can be cut just above a node with a sharp, clean knife. The excised part should be air dried for 2 days then potted by burying a slight portion of the plant part in a sandy/peat potting mix. In a similar way, leaf portions from some plants like Sansevieria can be cut and potted. Leaf segments for this plants should be about 2 inches long. A segment should be potted in such a way that the basal portion that was closest to the root system of the mother plant is buried in the soil mix. Roots will not form from segments that are upside-down. [图片]Cacti and Succulents that Flower Although it may take a number of years, most small cacti and succulents will eventually flower. Larger cacti are not frequent flower producers. Some produce a tremendous number of blossoms over a short period and some only produce one or two. Additionally, some plants only produce flowers at night which last a single 24-hour period. Others bloom in full sun. The most prized flowering plants in this class are the jungle cacti. These plants are native to shaded tropical forest floors and, therefore, do not fair well under intense light. Flowers are initiated when the day length becomes short as would occur in early winter and spring. The famous Thanksgiving and Christmas cacti are two such plants which respond to short days. These plants should be placed in a window which receives indirect light. They do best when they become pot-bound and the soil moisture is evenly maintained. Changing conditions in the middle of the flower response will surely result in bud drop, a condition which plagues many indoor gardeners.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The genus Echinocactus (Barrel Cactus) includes about six species of barrel cacti that are native to Mexico and the southeastern United States. These are true desert plants that cannot handle any humidity or standing water to grow. The most common among these plants are almost perfectly round when juvenile, so therefore make excellent display plants. They are also highly attractive with their rows of spines of their deeply ribbed lobes. As they grow, it’s not uncommon for them to stretch out so they look more like ovals than circles. As with most cacti, the secret to their successful growth indoors is nearly perfect drainage, as opposed to letting them dry out. [图片]Growing Conditions Light: Full sun. Barrel Cactus do best in a very sunny window, perhaps a southern exposure. Plants that do not get enough sunlight will grow more slowly and fail to thrive. Water: Water infrequently and ensure that the soil drains completely. Do not leave any water sitting in the tray or allow them to sit in water. They are very prone to root rot. Soil: A cactus soil mix is ideal. If you use a reagular peat-based mix, be sure to add sand or extra perlite to enhance drainage and repot the plant when the soil begins to break down.. Fertilizer: Feed with a weak liquid cactus fertilizer throughout the growing season. [图片]Propagation Barrel Cactus are typically propagated by seed. Mature cactus will bloom in the summer with flowers that grow in whorls around the top of the plant. To seed a cactus, plant the seeds shallowly in a cactus mix and keep them warm and very slightly moist. [图片]Repotting It’s best to repot in the beginning of the growing season, or summer. To repot a cacti, make sure the soil is dry before repotting, then gently remove the pot. Knock away the old soil from the roots, making sure to remove any rotted or dead roots in the process. Treat any cuts with a fungicide. Place the plant in its new pot and backfill with potting soil, spreading the roots out as you repot. Leave the plant dry for a week or so, then begin to water lightly to reduce the risk of root rot. [图片]Grower’s Tips Overall, these are very attractive cacti for dish gardens or indoor display. A collection of them is especially attractive, as they look like a collection of balls tossed upon the ground. It’s critical, however, to never let these cactus be exposed to prolonged periods in water, or even very high humidity. They will suffer from rot in the presence of humidity. Echinocactus are vulnerable to pests including aphids, mealy bugs, scale, and white fly. If possible, identify the infestation as early as possible and treat with the leave toxic option.
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