
Notocactus Haselbergii:
- This suoer spikey cactus coverd, has bright red blooms during mid to late spring. A single cactus of its sort can produce up to 6-7 flowers a year, this plant is also very easy to cross-pollenate.
- This suoer spikey cactus coverd, has bright red blooms during mid to late spring. A single cactus of its sort can produce up to 6-7 flowers a year, this plant is also very easy to cross-pollenate.


Lithops Olivecea, know as the living stone has annual (white daisy) likd flowers - for up to 3 weeks. These slow growing succulents produce lovley patterns on the top. they need to be watered every 4-6 weeks. @GFinger #Lithops ##Pattern ##Livingstones #Daisy

Miss Chen

Description: This perennial wildflower consists of a rosette of basal leaves during the spring that spans about 6-12" across. The blades of the basal leaves are up to 8" long and 6" across; they are cordate to oval-cordate in shape and crenate-serrate along their margins. The upper surface of these blades is medium green and hairless to short-hairy, while the lower surface is pale green and hairy along the major veins. The petioles of the basal leaves are up to 6" long, light green, and usually hairy. During the summer, unbranched or sparingly branched stems with alternate leaves are produced, while the basal leaves wither away. These stems are light green to pale reddish green, terete, and variably hairy: usually the lower stems are hairless, while the upper stems are short-hairy. The blades of alternate leaves are up to 4" long and 3" across; they are mostly cordate with margins that are serrate or crenate-serrate. Some of the upper leaf blades may be ovate in shape. The upper surface of these blades is medium green and hairless to short-hairy, while the lower surface is pale green and hairy along the major veins. The petioles of the alternate leaves are up to 3" long and they are often winged, particularly where the petioles join the stem.
The upper central stem of each plant (and any upper lateral stems) terminates in a flat-headed panicle (corymb) of flowerheads spanning 3-8" across. Individual flowerheads are ½-1¼" across, consisting of 8-20 ray florets that surround numerous disk florets. The petal-like corollas of the ray florets are lavender or white. The tubular corollas of the disk florets are initially pale yellow or yellow, but they later become orange-red, dark red, or brown. The tubular corolla of each disk floret has 5 slightly spreading lobes at its apex. At the base of each flowerhead, there are numerous floral bracts (phyllaries) that are arranged in 4-6 series; they are appressed and overlapping. Individual floral bracts are more or less oblong in shape and mostly green, except for the narrow white margins along their sides; they are short-pubescent and occasionally ciliate along their margins. The tips of these bracts are usually blunt; less often, they are somewhat pointed. The peduncles and pedicels of the panicle are light green, relatively stout, and covered with short glandular hairs. At the base of each branch of the panicle, there is usually a single leafy bract up to 1½" long that is broadly oblong or broadly elliptic; these bracts are sessile.

The blooming period occurs from late summer to early fall and lasts about 1-1½ months. During the autumn, both ray and disk florets are replaced by small bullet-shaped achenes; each achene has a tuft of tawny hairs at its apex. The achenes are distributed by the wind. The root system is fibrous and long-rhizomatous; on older plants, a small caudex sometimes develops. This wildflower often forms clonal colonies by means of the spreading rhizomes.
Cultivation: The preference is partial sun to medium shade, moist to dry-mesic conditions, and soil consisting of rich loam or sandy loam.
Distribution MapRange & Habitat: The native Big-Leaved Aster is found only in the northeast section of Illinois, where it is rare. This species is more common in areas that lie to the north or east of the state. Habitats consist of beech-maple woodlands, sandy oak woodlands, sandy oak savannas, elevated areas (hummocks) in swamps, stabilized sand dunes where oak trees are dominant, and woodland borders. Usually, Big-Leaved Aster occupies high-quality natural areas that are more or less mesic (neither too dry nor too wet) and relatively little-disturbed by human activities.
Faunal Associations: The nectar and pollen of the flowers attract a large variety of insects, including long-tongued bees, short-tongued bees, wasps, flies, butterflies, beetles, and plant bugs. An oligolectic Andrenid bee, Andrena hirticincta, has been observed visiting the flowerheads of Big-Leaved Aster (see Graenicher). Other insects feed on the foliage and flowers, suck plant juices, or bore through the stems and roots of this aster and others. Examples of such insect feeders include caterpillars of the butterflies Chlosyne nycteis (Silvery Checkerspot) and Phyciodes tharos (Pearl Crescent); also the caterpillars of Carmenta corni (Aster Borer Moth), Cucullia asteroides (The Asteroid), Schinia arcigera (Arcigera Flower Moth), and other moths feed on asters (see Moth Table). Other insects feeders include the larvae of Calycomyza humeralis (Aster Leafminer Fly), several aphids (mostly Uroleucon spp.), Macrosteles quadrilineatus (Aster Leafhopper), the lace bugs Corythucha marmorata and Galeata spinifrons, the leaf beetles Exema canadensis and Ophraella pilosa, the plant bug Plagiognathus cuneatus, and others (see Insect Table for a more complete listing of species). Some vertebrate animals use asters as a food source. The Ruffed Grouse and Wild Turkey eat the seeds and foliage, while the White-Tailed Deer and Cottontail Rabbit sometimes browse on the foliage. The foliage is also edible to cattle, sheep, and other domesticated farm animals.
Photographic Location: The photograph of the basal leaves was taken at a deciduous woodland in NW Ohio, while the photographs of the flowerheads were taken at a woodland border and a sandy oak savanna in the Indiana Dunes State Park, NW Indiana.

Comments: Sometimes Big-Leaved Aster is referred to as Aster macrophyllus. The large basal leaves of this aster are very conspicuous during the spring. During the autumn, Big-Leaved Aster resembles many other woodland asters and it is more difficult to identify. However, it can be distinguished from similar species by the appearance of its floral bracts (phyllaries), the presence of short glandular hairs on its peduncles and pedicels (a 10x hand lens may be required), and the flat-headed characteristic of its panicles. Most asters have elongated panicles of flowerheads that are not flat-headed. A species that is not found in Illinois, Eurybia divaricata (White Wood Aster), shares this flat-headed characteristic with Big-Leaved Aster and its leaves have a similar shape. However, White Wood Aster has flowerheads with fewer ray florets (about 5-10), its peduncles and pedicels usually have non-glandular hairs, and its basal leaves are smaller in size.
The upper central stem of each plant (and any upper lateral stems) terminates in a flat-headed panicle (corymb) of flowerheads spanning 3-8" across. Individual flowerheads are ½-1¼" across, consisting of 8-20 ray florets that surround numerous disk florets. The petal-like corollas of the ray florets are lavender or white. The tubular corollas of the disk florets are initially pale yellow or yellow, but they later become orange-red, dark red, or brown. The tubular corolla of each disk floret has 5 slightly spreading lobes at its apex. At the base of each flowerhead, there are numerous floral bracts (phyllaries) that are arranged in 4-6 series; they are appressed and overlapping. Individual floral bracts are more or less oblong in shape and mostly green, except for the narrow white margins along their sides; they are short-pubescent and occasionally ciliate along their margins. The tips of these bracts are usually blunt; less often, they are somewhat pointed. The peduncles and pedicels of the panicle are light green, relatively stout, and covered with short glandular hairs. At the base of each branch of the panicle, there is usually a single leafy bract up to 1½" long that is broadly oblong or broadly elliptic; these bracts are sessile.

The blooming period occurs from late summer to early fall and lasts about 1-1½ months. During the autumn, both ray and disk florets are replaced by small bullet-shaped achenes; each achene has a tuft of tawny hairs at its apex. The achenes are distributed by the wind. The root system is fibrous and long-rhizomatous; on older plants, a small caudex sometimes develops. This wildflower often forms clonal colonies by means of the spreading rhizomes.
Cultivation: The preference is partial sun to medium shade, moist to dry-mesic conditions, and soil consisting of rich loam or sandy loam.
Distribution MapRange & Habitat: The native Big-Leaved Aster is found only in the northeast section of Illinois, where it is rare. This species is more common in areas that lie to the north or east of the state. Habitats consist of beech-maple woodlands, sandy oak woodlands, sandy oak savannas, elevated areas (hummocks) in swamps, stabilized sand dunes where oak trees are dominant, and woodland borders. Usually, Big-Leaved Aster occupies high-quality natural areas that are more or less mesic (neither too dry nor too wet) and relatively little-disturbed by human activities.
Faunal Associations: The nectar and pollen of the flowers attract a large variety of insects, including long-tongued bees, short-tongued bees, wasps, flies, butterflies, beetles, and plant bugs. An oligolectic Andrenid bee, Andrena hirticincta, has been observed visiting the flowerheads of Big-Leaved Aster (see Graenicher). Other insects feed on the foliage and flowers, suck plant juices, or bore through the stems and roots of this aster and others. Examples of such insect feeders include caterpillars of the butterflies Chlosyne nycteis (Silvery Checkerspot) and Phyciodes tharos (Pearl Crescent); also the caterpillars of Carmenta corni (Aster Borer Moth), Cucullia asteroides (The Asteroid), Schinia arcigera (Arcigera Flower Moth), and other moths feed on asters (see Moth Table). Other insects feeders include the larvae of Calycomyza humeralis (Aster Leafminer Fly), several aphids (mostly Uroleucon spp.), Macrosteles quadrilineatus (Aster Leafhopper), the lace bugs Corythucha marmorata and Galeata spinifrons, the leaf beetles Exema canadensis and Ophraella pilosa, the plant bug Plagiognathus cuneatus, and others (see Insect Table for a more complete listing of species). Some vertebrate animals use asters as a food source. The Ruffed Grouse and Wild Turkey eat the seeds and foliage, while the White-Tailed Deer and Cottontail Rabbit sometimes browse on the foliage. The foliage is also edible to cattle, sheep, and other domesticated farm animals.
Photographic Location: The photograph of the basal leaves was taken at a deciduous woodland in NW Ohio, while the photographs of the flowerheads were taken at a woodland border and a sandy oak savanna in the Indiana Dunes State Park, NW Indiana.

Comments: Sometimes Big-Leaved Aster is referred to as Aster macrophyllus. The large basal leaves of this aster are very conspicuous during the spring. During the autumn, Big-Leaved Aster resembles many other woodland asters and it is more difficult to identify. However, it can be distinguished from similar species by the appearance of its floral bracts (phyllaries), the presence of short glandular hairs on its peduncles and pedicels (a 10x hand lens may be required), and the flat-headed characteristic of its panicles. Most asters have elongated panicles of flowerheads that are not flat-headed. A species that is not found in Illinois, Eurybia divaricata (White Wood Aster), shares this flat-headed characteristic with Big-Leaved Aster and its leaves have a similar shape. However, White Wood Aster has flowerheads with fewer ray florets (about 5-10), its peduncles and pedicels usually have non-glandular hairs, and its basal leaves are smaller in size.
Miss Chen

Description: This herbaceous perennial plant consists of 1 or 2 basal leaves and a single-flowered inflorescence up to 6" tall. The basal leaves are 2½-6" long and ½-2" across; they are ascending to erect, elliptic-lanceolate in shape, and smooth (entire) along their margins. The upper leaf surface is mottled pale green and brown or greenish brown, while the lower surface is solid medium green; both surfaces are glabrous and the lower surface is often glaucous. The petioles of these leaves are relatively long, but they are located mostly or entirely underneath the ground surface. Immature shoots are single-leaved and they produce no flowers, while mature shoots have two leaves and they are single-flowered. Immature shoots are more common than mature shoots.
The inflorescence has a long flowering stalk that is terete, glabrous, and light green to pale reddish brown. This stalk is mostly erect or ascending, but it nods downward at its tip where the flower occurs. The nodding flower is ¾-1¼" long, consisting of 6 yellow tepals, 6 stamens, and an ovary with 3 erect stigmata. Initially, the tepals are barely separated from each other, but as the flower matures they become strongly recurved, exposing the reproductive organs. These tepals are narrowly elliptic-lanceolate in shape, and they are often tinted red or reddish brown along their outer sides. The stamens are about ½" long and their anthers are yellow or yellow-brown. The blooming period occurs during mid-spring and lasts about 2 weeks. Afterwards, the flowers are replaced by obovoid seed capsules that are about ½" in length or a little longer. These capsules are glabrous and their apices are truncate to rounded. At maturity, these capsules divide into 3 parts to release their seeds.

The root system consists of a corm with fibrous roots underneath, and 0-3 stolons. The stolons extend below the leaf litter, creating clonal offshoots from the mother plant. As a result, colonies of plants are often formed, consisting largely of immature shoots.
Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight to medium shade, more or less mesic conditions, and loamy soil with leaf litter and decaying organic matter. Most growth and development occurs during the spring before the trees fully develop their vernal leaves. This wildflower adapts readily to the shade of various deciduous trees. It takes several years of development (typically about 8 years) before individual plants will flower in a typical woodland setting.

Range & Habitat: The native Yellow Trout Lily is occasional in southern Illinois, while in the rest of the state it is uncommon or absent (see Distribution Map). Outside of southern Illinois, it is largely restricted to the eastern half of the state. Illinois lies toward the western range limit of this plant; it is more common further to the east. Habitats include rich woodlands, wooded bluffs, rocky woodlands, and banks of streams. Yellow Trout Lily is found in deciduous woodlands, where Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum), American Beech (Fagus grandifolia), and other deciduous trees are present.

Faunal Associations: The nectar and pollen of the flowers attract largely bees, including bumblebees, Mason bees, and Andrenid bees. One bee species, Andrena erythronii, is a weak oligolege (specialist pollinator) of Erythronium spp. (Trout Lilies). Like several other woodland wildflowers, the seeds of Yellow Trout Lily are distributed in part by ants, which are attracted to their food appendages. Because the leaves of this plant are relatively small and inconspicuous, they are browsed by White-tailed Deer to only a limited extent. The mottled pattern of the leaves helps to disguise them from such mammalian herbivores as they lack color vision.
Photographic Location: A deciduous woodland at Jim Smith's farm in Vermilion County, Illinois.

Comments: This is the only yellow-flowered Trout Lily (Erythronium) in Illinois, making it easy to identify. The other two species of Trout Lily within the state, Erythronium albidum (White Trout Lily) and Erythronium mesochoreum (Prairie Trout Lily), have either white flowers or bluish white flowers. Both the flowers and foliage of Yellow Trout Lily are quite attractive, although the blooming period is rather short and most plants fail to flower during any given year. In Illinois, Yellow Trout Lily is much less common than White Trout Lily. However, in states further to the east, the reverse is true: Yellow Trout Lily is more common than White Trout Lily.
The inflorescence has a long flowering stalk that is terete, glabrous, and light green to pale reddish brown. This stalk is mostly erect or ascending, but it nods downward at its tip where the flower occurs. The nodding flower is ¾-1¼" long, consisting of 6 yellow tepals, 6 stamens, and an ovary with 3 erect stigmata. Initially, the tepals are barely separated from each other, but as the flower matures they become strongly recurved, exposing the reproductive organs. These tepals are narrowly elliptic-lanceolate in shape, and they are often tinted red or reddish brown along their outer sides. The stamens are about ½" long and their anthers are yellow or yellow-brown. The blooming period occurs during mid-spring and lasts about 2 weeks. Afterwards, the flowers are replaced by obovoid seed capsules that are about ½" in length or a little longer. These capsules are glabrous and their apices are truncate to rounded. At maturity, these capsules divide into 3 parts to release their seeds.

The root system consists of a corm with fibrous roots underneath, and 0-3 stolons. The stolons extend below the leaf litter, creating clonal offshoots from the mother plant. As a result, colonies of plants are often formed, consisting largely of immature shoots.
Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight to medium shade, more or less mesic conditions, and loamy soil with leaf litter and decaying organic matter. Most growth and development occurs during the spring before the trees fully develop their vernal leaves. This wildflower adapts readily to the shade of various deciduous trees. It takes several years of development (typically about 8 years) before individual plants will flower in a typical woodland setting.

Range & Habitat: The native Yellow Trout Lily is occasional in southern Illinois, while in the rest of the state it is uncommon or absent (see Distribution Map). Outside of southern Illinois, it is largely restricted to the eastern half of the state. Illinois lies toward the western range limit of this plant; it is more common further to the east. Habitats include rich woodlands, wooded bluffs, rocky woodlands, and banks of streams. Yellow Trout Lily is found in deciduous woodlands, where Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum), American Beech (Fagus grandifolia), and other deciduous trees are present.

Faunal Associations: The nectar and pollen of the flowers attract largely bees, including bumblebees, Mason bees, and Andrenid bees. One bee species, Andrena erythronii, is a weak oligolege (specialist pollinator) of Erythronium spp. (Trout Lilies). Like several other woodland wildflowers, the seeds of Yellow Trout Lily are distributed in part by ants, which are attracted to their food appendages. Because the leaves of this plant are relatively small and inconspicuous, they are browsed by White-tailed Deer to only a limited extent. The mottled pattern of the leaves helps to disguise them from such mammalian herbivores as they lack color vision.
Photographic Location: A deciduous woodland at Jim Smith's farm in Vermilion County, Illinois.

Comments: This is the only yellow-flowered Trout Lily (Erythronium) in Illinois, making it easy to identify. The other two species of Trout Lily within the state, Erythronium albidum (White Trout Lily) and Erythronium mesochoreum (Prairie Trout Lily), have either white flowers or bluish white flowers. Both the flowers and foliage of Yellow Trout Lily are quite attractive, although the blooming period is rather short and most plants fail to flower during any given year. In Illinois, Yellow Trout Lily is much less common than White Trout Lily. However, in states further to the east, the reverse is true: Yellow Trout Lily is more common than White Trout Lily.
Miss Chen

Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is about 4-6" tall, consisting of 1-2 basal leaves and a flowering stalk with a single flower. Immature plants produce a single leaf and fail to flower, while mature plants that bloom produce a pair of leaves. The basal leaves are up to 6" long and 2" across. They are elliptic, lanceolate, or narrowly ovate, and smooth (entire) along their margins. The upper leaf surface is mottled pale green and brownish or grayish green, while the lower leaf surface is pale to medium green. Both leaf surfaces are glabrous; the upper leaf surface is often waxy. The leaves often curve upward slightly from the midvein to the margins. A naked flowering stalk develops between the basal leaves of mature plants. This stalk is light green to reddish brown and glabrous; it nods downward at its apex, where the flower occurs.
Each nodding flower is about 1½" long and across; it consists of 6 white tepals, 6 stamens with long yellow anthers, and a slender style with a stigma that has 3 lobes that spread outward. The tepals are linear-lanceolate and strongly recurved, while the stamens and style are exerted. The blooming period occurs during mid-spring and lasts about 2 weeks. Each fertilized flower is replaced by a 3-chambered seed capsule that is ovoid and about ¾" long. Each chamber of the seed capsule contains 2 rows of flattened seeds. The root system consists of a corm that is several inches below the surface of the ground; this corm produces fibrous roots at its base and occasionally sends out underground stolons that can form new plants a few inches away from the mother plant. White Trout Lily can produce large colonies of plants if it is left undisturbed for several decades.

Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight during the spring, moist to mesic conditions, and a rich loamy soil with decaying leaf mould. Situations involving more shade are tolerated later in the year. The foliage withers away during the summer. It takes several years for a new plant to fully develop and bloom. Corms can be transplanted successfully during the fall, while the establishment of new plants from seeds is difficult and slow.
Range & Habitat: The native White Trout Lily is a common plant that occurs in every county of Illinois, except for Jo Davies county in the extreme NW corner of the state (see Distribution Map). Habitats include moist to mesic deciduous woodlands and gentle slopes in wooded areas. An abundance of this plant indicates that a woodlands has never been subjected to the plow or bulldozed over. White Trout Lily is one of the spring wildflowers that is threatened by the spread of Alliaria petiolata (Garlic Mustard) in wooded areas.

Faunal Associations: The flowers are primarily pollinated by both long-tongued and short-tongued bees, including honeybees, mason bees (Osmia spp.), cuckoo bees (Nomada spp.), digger bees (Synhalonia belfragii), Halictid bees (Halictus spp., Lasioglossum spp.), plasterer bees (Colletes inaequalis), and Andrenid bees (Andrena spp.). The bees suck nectar from the flowers; honeybees and short-tongued bees also collect pollen. An oligolectic bee of Erythronium spp. (Trout Lilies) is Andrena erythronii. Less typical insects visiting the flowers for nectar include the Giant Bee Fly (Bombylius major), butterflies, and skippers. Trout Lilies (Erythronium spp.) are occasionally eaten by White-tailed Deer, but the damage is usually minor because of the low stature and ephemeral nature of the foliage.
Photographic Location: A deciduous woodlands at Busey Woods in Urbana, Illinois.

Comments: White Trout Lily usually blooms a little earlier than other spring wildflowers in woodlands; this blooming period is short, and immature plants that don't bloom always outnumber mature plants. Both the flowers and foliage are attractive (especially if the latter is mottled). The other Trout Lilies in Illinois are less common; they include Erythronium americanum (Yellow Trout Lily) and Erythronium mesochoreum (Prairie Trout Lily). Yellow Trout Lily has yellow flowers and the lobes of its stigmas are united, rather than spreading. Prairie Trout Lily resembles a White Trout Lily with unmottled foliage. However, it produces a larger seed capsule (about 1" long) that nods downward from its stalk, sometimes touching the ground. White Trout Lily has a smaller seed capsule (about ¾" long) that remains more or less erect on its stalk. The flowers of Prairie Trout Lily are light blue-violet more often than those of White Trout Lily, and its basal leaves tend to be less broad and more strongly folded upward along their midveins.
Each nodding flower is about 1½" long and across; it consists of 6 white tepals, 6 stamens with long yellow anthers, and a slender style with a stigma that has 3 lobes that spread outward. The tepals are linear-lanceolate and strongly recurved, while the stamens and style are exerted. The blooming period occurs during mid-spring and lasts about 2 weeks. Each fertilized flower is replaced by a 3-chambered seed capsule that is ovoid and about ¾" long. Each chamber of the seed capsule contains 2 rows of flattened seeds. The root system consists of a corm that is several inches below the surface of the ground; this corm produces fibrous roots at its base and occasionally sends out underground stolons that can form new plants a few inches away from the mother plant. White Trout Lily can produce large colonies of plants if it is left undisturbed for several decades.

Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight during the spring, moist to mesic conditions, and a rich loamy soil with decaying leaf mould. Situations involving more shade are tolerated later in the year. The foliage withers away during the summer. It takes several years for a new plant to fully develop and bloom. Corms can be transplanted successfully during the fall, while the establishment of new plants from seeds is difficult and slow.
Range & Habitat: The native White Trout Lily is a common plant that occurs in every county of Illinois, except for Jo Davies county in the extreme NW corner of the state (see Distribution Map). Habitats include moist to mesic deciduous woodlands and gentle slopes in wooded areas. An abundance of this plant indicates that a woodlands has never been subjected to the plow or bulldozed over. White Trout Lily is one of the spring wildflowers that is threatened by the spread of Alliaria petiolata (Garlic Mustard) in wooded areas.

Faunal Associations: The flowers are primarily pollinated by both long-tongued and short-tongued bees, including honeybees, mason bees (Osmia spp.), cuckoo bees (Nomada spp.), digger bees (Synhalonia belfragii), Halictid bees (Halictus spp., Lasioglossum spp.), plasterer bees (Colletes inaequalis), and Andrenid bees (Andrena spp.). The bees suck nectar from the flowers; honeybees and short-tongued bees also collect pollen. An oligolectic bee of Erythronium spp. (Trout Lilies) is Andrena erythronii. Less typical insects visiting the flowers for nectar include the Giant Bee Fly (Bombylius major), butterflies, and skippers. Trout Lilies (Erythronium spp.) are occasionally eaten by White-tailed Deer, but the damage is usually minor because of the low stature and ephemeral nature of the foliage.
Photographic Location: A deciduous woodlands at Busey Woods in Urbana, Illinois.

Comments: White Trout Lily usually blooms a little earlier than other spring wildflowers in woodlands; this blooming period is short, and immature plants that don't bloom always outnumber mature plants. Both the flowers and foliage are attractive (especially if the latter is mottled). The other Trout Lilies in Illinois are less common; they include Erythronium americanum (Yellow Trout Lily) and Erythronium mesochoreum (Prairie Trout Lily). Yellow Trout Lily has yellow flowers and the lobes of its stigmas are united, rather than spreading. Prairie Trout Lily resembles a White Trout Lily with unmottled foliage. However, it produces a larger seed capsule (about 1" long) that nods downward from its stalk, sometimes touching the ground. White Trout Lily has a smaller seed capsule (about ¾" long) that remains more or less erect on its stalk. The flowers of Prairie Trout Lily are light blue-violet more often than those of White Trout Lily, and its basal leaves tend to be less broad and more strongly folded upward along their midveins.
Miss Chen

Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is about 4-8" tall. It consists of a rosette of basal leaves spanning about 6" across. These basal leaves are greyish green to green and glabrous. Each of these leaves is ternately compound and divided into 3 primary leaflets, while each primary leaflet is divided into 3 secondary leaflets. These secondary leaflets are pinnately cleft into linear or oblanceolate lobes. The long petioles of the compound leaves are slender and glabrous; they are pale red, tan, or brown. From the center of the rosette, there develops a semi-erect raceme of 2-6 pairs of white flowers on a long peduncle (flowering stalk). This raceme tends to bend to one side, while the flowers droop upside-down from their pedicels. Both the peduncle and pedicels are pale red or yellowish brown, terete, glabrous, and sometimes glaucous. The pedicels are about ¼" in length; in the middle of each pedicel, there is a pair of tiny linear bracts.
Each flower is about ¾" long and assumes the form of an upside-down Dutchman's Breeches, hence the common name of the plant. It consists of 2 outer petals that are white and 2 inner petals that are pale yellow. The two outer petals form two nectar spurs that are long and spreading; they are joined together at the base. The two inner petals are much smaller and form the base of the flower; they have small wings that curl upward. The 2 sepals of each flower are white and more or less ovate in shape; they are much shorter than the petals. The blooming period occurs from early to mid-spring and lasts about 2-3 weeks. There is no noticeable floral scent. The flowers are replaced by oblongoid-ovoid seed capsules that taper into points at both ends. These capsules eventually split apart into 2 segments to release their seeds. The root system consists of a bulbous base with fleshy scales and secondary roots.

Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight of woodlands, mesic conditions, and a fertile loamy soil with abundant organic matter. This plant develops early and can resist moderate frost without damage.
Range & Habitat: Dutchman's Breeches is a common plant that occurs in nearly every county of Illinois (see Distribution Map), where it is native. Habitats include deciduous mesic woodlands, especially along gentle slopes, ravines, or ledges along streams. This species occurs in original woodland that has never been plowed under or bulldozed over. It's abundance in such woodlands can be highly variable – from uncommon to common.

Faunal Associations: The nectar of the flowers attracts long-tongued bees primarily, including honeybees, bumblebees, mason bees (Osmia spp.), and Anthophorid bees (Anthophora ursina, Synhalonia spp., Habropoda laboriosus). Less common visitors include short-tongued Andrenid bees (Andrena spp.), Bombylius major (Giant Bee Fly), various butterflies, and skippers. The butterflies and skippers are not effective cross-pollinators of the flowers. Because the seeds have elaisomes (fleshy or oily appendages), they are distributed by ants. Ants carry the seeds to their nests, eat the elaisomes, and discard the seeds some distance from the mother plant. The foliage is toxic to mammalian herbivores and it is not often eaten by them.
Photographic Location: A mesic area of Busey Woods in Urbana, Illinois, and an upland woodlands in McLean County, Illinois.

Comments: This is a delightful spring wildflower of woodlands – both the flowers and foliage are attractive. Dutchman's Breeches is one of the earlier woodland wildflowers to bloom. The only other species with a similar appearance is Dicentra canadensis (Squirrel Corn). Squirrel Corn also occurs in mesic deciduous woodlands and blooms only a little later than Dutchman's Breeches. The nectar spurs of Squirrel Corn are shorter and more rounded than those of Dutchman's Breeches, and its white flowers are fragrant. It also has a root system that produces small edible tubers. Within the Fumitory family, Dicentra spp. differ from Corydalis spp. by the structure of their flowers – the former have flowers with 2 nectar spurs, while the latter have flowers with a single nectar spur.
Each flower is about ¾" long and assumes the form of an upside-down Dutchman's Breeches, hence the common name of the plant. It consists of 2 outer petals that are white and 2 inner petals that are pale yellow. The two outer petals form two nectar spurs that are long and spreading; they are joined together at the base. The two inner petals are much smaller and form the base of the flower; they have small wings that curl upward. The 2 sepals of each flower are white and more or less ovate in shape; they are much shorter than the petals. The blooming period occurs from early to mid-spring and lasts about 2-3 weeks. There is no noticeable floral scent. The flowers are replaced by oblongoid-ovoid seed capsules that taper into points at both ends. These capsules eventually split apart into 2 segments to release their seeds. The root system consists of a bulbous base with fleshy scales and secondary roots.

Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight of woodlands, mesic conditions, and a fertile loamy soil with abundant organic matter. This plant develops early and can resist moderate frost without damage.
Range & Habitat: Dutchman's Breeches is a common plant that occurs in nearly every county of Illinois (see Distribution Map), where it is native. Habitats include deciduous mesic woodlands, especially along gentle slopes, ravines, or ledges along streams. This species occurs in original woodland that has never been plowed under or bulldozed over. It's abundance in such woodlands can be highly variable – from uncommon to common.

Faunal Associations: The nectar of the flowers attracts long-tongued bees primarily, including honeybees, bumblebees, mason bees (Osmia spp.), and Anthophorid bees (Anthophora ursina, Synhalonia spp., Habropoda laboriosus). Less common visitors include short-tongued Andrenid bees (Andrena spp.), Bombylius major (Giant Bee Fly), various butterflies, and skippers. The butterflies and skippers are not effective cross-pollinators of the flowers. Because the seeds have elaisomes (fleshy or oily appendages), they are distributed by ants. Ants carry the seeds to their nests, eat the elaisomes, and discard the seeds some distance from the mother plant. The foliage is toxic to mammalian herbivores and it is not often eaten by them.
Photographic Location: A mesic area of Busey Woods in Urbana, Illinois, and an upland woodlands in McLean County, Illinois.

Comments: This is a delightful spring wildflower of woodlands – both the flowers and foliage are attractive. Dutchman's Breeches is one of the earlier woodland wildflowers to bloom. The only other species with a similar appearance is Dicentra canadensis (Squirrel Corn). Squirrel Corn also occurs in mesic deciduous woodlands and blooms only a little later than Dutchman's Breeches. The nectar spurs of Squirrel Corn are shorter and more rounded than those of Dutchman's Breeches, and its white flowers are fragrant. It also has a root system that produces small edible tubers. Within the Fumitory family, Dicentra spp. differ from Corydalis spp. by the structure of their flowers – the former have flowers with 2 nectar spurs, while the latter have flowers with a single nectar spur.
Miss Chen

Description: This perennial wildflower is up to 3½' tall (including the inflorescence). It has a single erect stem about 1-2' tall that terminates in a pseudo-whorl of 5-6 spreading trifoliate leaves. The stem is light green and either hairless or sparsely hairy. Each trifoliate leaf has a slender petiole about 1½-5" long and 3 leaflets that are 2-5" long and 1½-3" across; the terminal leaflet is larger in size than the lateral leaflets. The leaflets are ovate to broadly ovate in shape with long narrow tips; their margins are smooth and sometimes slightly ciliate. The upper leaflet surface is medium to dark green and hairless, while the lower leaflet surface is pale green and sparsely hairy along the veins. The petiolules (basal stalklets) of the lateral leaflets are less than ¼" long, while the petiolule of each terminal leaflet is 1-3" long.
From the central stem, a narrow raceme or raceme-like panicle of flowers develops that is 1-2' long; this raceme can be erect, ascending, or lean over to one side. The central stalk of the raceme is light to medium green, terete or somewhat angular, and covered with stiff short hairs. The flowers are sparsely to moderately distributed along the central stalk on short pedicels about ¼" long. The slender pedicels are light green to reddish green and covered with short stiff hairs. Individual flowers are up to 1/3" (8 mm.) long with a typical pea-like floral structure consisting of a banner, 2 lateral wings, and 2 petals that form an inner keel. These petals are light pink to rosy pink. Each flower has a light green to whitish green calyx that is short-tubular with shallow lobes; it is often ciliate or slightly hairy.

The blooming period occurs during the summer for about 1-2 months. Usually, relatively few flowers are in bloom at the same time. There is no noticeable floral scent. The flowers are later replaced by flattened loments (seedpods) about ½-1½" long; these loments are initially green, they later turn brown at maturity. The sides of each loment are covered with short hooked hairs. Each loment is divided into 1-4 segments (each one about 1/3" or 8 mm. long); the segments have upper sides that are slightly concave and lower sides that are convex or angular-convex. At the front of each loment, there is a narrow stipe about ¼" long. Each loment can break apart along each pair of its segments; each segment contains a single reniform seed that is somewhat flattened. The root system consists of a taproot.
Cultivation: The preference is partial sun to medium shade, moist to dry-mesic conditions, and loamy soil with decaying organic matter. However, clay-loam and rocky soil are also tolerated.
Distribution Map
Range & Habitat: The native Pointed-Leaved Tick Trefoil is occasional throughout Illinois, except for some areas of southern Illinois, where it is uncommon or absent. Habitats consist of upland woodlands that are often rocky, moist to mesic woodlands, woodland borders along roads and railroads, and areas along woodland paths. This wildflower can be found in both disturbed and higher quality woodlands that are dominated by various deciduous trees.
Faunal Associations: Robertson (1929) observed the Halictid bee, Lasioglossum versatus, collecting pollen from the flowers. Other insects that may visit the flowers include bumblebees and other long-tongued bees. While the caterpillars of several butterflies and skippers feed on the foliage of Desmodium spp. (Tick Trefoils), they are usually found in savannas and prairies, rather than the shady woodlands that Pointed-Leaved Tick Trefoil prefers. Other insects that feed on this group of plants include the aphid Microparsus variabilis, the thrips Echinothrips americanus and Neohydatothrips desmodianus, the leaf-mining larvae of the Buprestid beetles Pachyschelus confusus and Pachyschelus laevigatus, the larvae of the seed weevil Apion decoloratum, and several leaf beetles: Anomoea laticlavia, Bassareus lituratus, Cerotoma trifurcata, Colapsis brunnea, Cryptocephalus insertus, Odontata dorsalis, Pachybrachis nigricornis, Pachybrachis othonus, Phyllecthris dorsalis, and Saxinis omogera. Some vertebrate animals also use Tick Trefoils as a food source: the Wild Turkey and Bobwhite eat the seeds, while the White-Tailed Deer, Cottontail Rabbit, and various domesticated animals (cattle, horses, sheep, etc.) browse on the foliage. The seed-bearing loments have the capacity to cling to the feathers of birds, fur of mammals, and clothing of humans: in this manner, the seeds are spread to new areas.
Photographic Location: Along a woodland path of a state park in east-central Illinois.

Comments: Pointed-Leaved Tick Trefoil is relatively easy to identify because it is one of two species of its genus within Illinois that produces a single pseudo-whorl of leaves. The other species that has this characteristic, Desmodium nudiflorum (Naked-Flowered Tick Trefoil), differs by producing its inflorescence on a naked stalk that is entirely separate from the central stem of its leaves. The inflorescence of Pointed-Leaved Tick Trefoil is produced above its pseudo-whorl of leaves; they both derive from the same central stem. Other Desmodium spp. (Tick Trefoils) produce their leaves alternately along their stems, instead of being bunched together in a pseudo-whorl.
From the central stem, a narrow raceme or raceme-like panicle of flowers develops that is 1-2' long; this raceme can be erect, ascending, or lean over to one side. The central stalk of the raceme is light to medium green, terete or somewhat angular, and covered with stiff short hairs. The flowers are sparsely to moderately distributed along the central stalk on short pedicels about ¼" long. The slender pedicels are light green to reddish green and covered with short stiff hairs. Individual flowers are up to 1/3" (8 mm.) long with a typical pea-like floral structure consisting of a banner, 2 lateral wings, and 2 petals that form an inner keel. These petals are light pink to rosy pink. Each flower has a light green to whitish green calyx that is short-tubular with shallow lobes; it is often ciliate or slightly hairy.

The blooming period occurs during the summer for about 1-2 months. Usually, relatively few flowers are in bloom at the same time. There is no noticeable floral scent. The flowers are later replaced by flattened loments (seedpods) about ½-1½" long; these loments are initially green, they later turn brown at maturity. The sides of each loment are covered with short hooked hairs. Each loment is divided into 1-4 segments (each one about 1/3" or 8 mm. long); the segments have upper sides that are slightly concave and lower sides that are convex or angular-convex. At the front of each loment, there is a narrow stipe about ¼" long. Each loment can break apart along each pair of its segments; each segment contains a single reniform seed that is somewhat flattened. The root system consists of a taproot.
Cultivation: The preference is partial sun to medium shade, moist to dry-mesic conditions, and loamy soil with decaying organic matter. However, clay-loam and rocky soil are also tolerated.
Distribution Map
Range & Habitat: The native Pointed-Leaved Tick Trefoil is occasional throughout Illinois, except for some areas of southern Illinois, where it is uncommon or absent. Habitats consist of upland woodlands that are often rocky, moist to mesic woodlands, woodland borders along roads and railroads, and areas along woodland paths. This wildflower can be found in both disturbed and higher quality woodlands that are dominated by various deciduous trees.
Faunal Associations: Robertson (1929) observed the Halictid bee, Lasioglossum versatus, collecting pollen from the flowers. Other insects that may visit the flowers include bumblebees and other long-tongued bees. While the caterpillars of several butterflies and skippers feed on the foliage of Desmodium spp. (Tick Trefoils), they are usually found in savannas and prairies, rather than the shady woodlands that Pointed-Leaved Tick Trefoil prefers. Other insects that feed on this group of plants include the aphid Microparsus variabilis, the thrips Echinothrips americanus and Neohydatothrips desmodianus, the leaf-mining larvae of the Buprestid beetles Pachyschelus confusus and Pachyschelus laevigatus, the larvae of the seed weevil Apion decoloratum, and several leaf beetles: Anomoea laticlavia, Bassareus lituratus, Cerotoma trifurcata, Colapsis brunnea, Cryptocephalus insertus, Odontata dorsalis, Pachybrachis nigricornis, Pachybrachis othonus, Phyllecthris dorsalis, and Saxinis omogera. Some vertebrate animals also use Tick Trefoils as a food source: the Wild Turkey and Bobwhite eat the seeds, while the White-Tailed Deer, Cottontail Rabbit, and various domesticated animals (cattle, horses, sheep, etc.) browse on the foliage. The seed-bearing loments have the capacity to cling to the feathers of birds, fur of mammals, and clothing of humans: in this manner, the seeds are spread to new areas.
Photographic Location: Along a woodland path of a state park in east-central Illinois.

Comments: Pointed-Leaved Tick Trefoil is relatively easy to identify because it is one of two species of its genus within Illinois that produces a single pseudo-whorl of leaves. The other species that has this characteristic, Desmodium nudiflorum (Naked-Flowered Tick Trefoil), differs by producing its inflorescence on a naked stalk that is entirely separate from the central stem of its leaves. The inflorescence of Pointed-Leaved Tick Trefoil is produced above its pseudo-whorl of leaves; they both derive from the same central stem. Other Desmodium spp. (Tick Trefoils) produce their leaves alternately along their stems, instead of being bunched together in a pseudo-whorl.
Miss Chen

Description: This perennial orchid is 1–2½' tall and usually unbranched. The central stem is round in circumference, rather stout, and densely covered with hair. Three or more leaves alternate along this stem. These leaves are up to 6" long and 4" across; they are oval-ovate to ovate, smooth along their margins, and pubescent. Parallel veins are readily observable along the upper surface of each leaf. The base of each leaf clasps the stem. The color of the foliage can vary from dark green to yellowish green, depending on growing conditions and the maturity of the plant. The central stem terminates in 1 or 2 flowers. Each flower is held above the foliage on a long stalk that has a single leafy bract behind the flower. This bract resembles the leaves, but it is smaller in size and lanceolate in shape. Like other orchids, each flower has 3 petals and 3 sepals. However, because two of these sepals are fused together, there appears to be only 2 sepals.
The lower petal is in the shape of a slipper or a pouch with an opening on top; it is bright yellow, shiny, and 1½–2" in length. Within the interior of this petal, there are frequently reddish brown dots. The 2 lateral petals are very narrow, more or less twisted, and 2–3½" in length. These 2 petals vary in color from greenish yellow to brownish purple and they have fine veins running from their bases to their tips. The sepals form an upper hood and a lower hood. They are broader and shorter than the lateral petals, otherwise their appearance is similar. Both the lateral petals and sepals are more or less pubescent. The reproductive organs are located toward the posterior of the slipper-like lower petal. The blooming period occurs from late spring to early summer and lasts about 3 weeks. There is usually no noticeable floral scent. If a flower is successfully pollinated by insects (often this doesn't occur), it will form a seedpod. When this seedpod splits open, the fine seeds are easily carried aloft by the wind. The root system consists of a tuft of fleshy fibrous roots. When several plants occur together, they are often clonal offsets of the mother plant.

Cultivation: The preference is partial sun to light shade, moist to slightly dry conditions, and a soil that consists of loam or sandy loam. Young plants require the presence of appropriate endomycorrhizal fungi in the soil in order to flourish. Starting plants from seed is the job of an expert, although it is possible to successfully transplant large plants that have been grown in a greenhouse. This is one of the easier orchids to maintain in a flower garden.
Range & Habitat: The native Yellow Lady's Slipper is an uncommon plant that is widely scattered across Illinois (see Distribution Map). It is less common than formerly, but still persists in colonies of variable size at several sites. Habitats include moist to dry deciduous woodlands, sandy woodlands and savannas, thinly wooded bluffs along rivers, wooded slopes, and forested bogs. The size of local populations can increase in response to fallen trees from windstorms, or occasional wildfires, as this reduces excessive shade from woody vegetation. Some authorities regard this orchid as a native variety of Cypripedium calceolus, which occurs in Eurasia. Under this system of classification, its scientific name is Cypripedium calceolus pubescens.

Faunal Associations: The showy flowers attract mostly small bees and various flies. In North America, Robertson (1929) and Stoutamire (1967) observed honeybees, little carpenter bees (Ceratina spp.), mason bees (Osmia spp.), Halictid bees (Agapostemon sp., Lasioglossum spp.), and Andrenid bees (Andrena spp.) visiting the flowers. Some of these bees were regarded as effective at cross-pollination of the flowers, while other bees became trapped in the flowers and died. Miscellaneous flies and beetles were also observed to visit the flowers, but they were regarded as ineffective pollinators. The showy flowers are deceptive because they induce insects to explore the flowers in the expectation of a reward, but they contain no nectar and their pollen is unavailable to them. Two insects have been observed to feed on the Yellow Lady's Slipper Orchid: adults and larvae of a weevil (Stethobaris ovata) and larvae of a Scathophagid fly (Parallelomma vittatum). Adults of this weevil feed on the shoots, buds, and flowers, while its larvae feed within the seedpods of this orchid. Larvae of the preceding fly are leaf-miners. White-tailed Deer readily consume the foliage of this and other orchids, and local populations may require a deer-resistant fence for protection where these animals are abundant.
Photographic Location: The slope of a wooded bluff in Vermilion County, Illinois.

Comments: This is one of the largest and most attractive orchids in Illinois. It is more abundant than most species of orchid, although by no means common. While the flowers are in bloom, it is easy to identify this plant as a Cypripedium sp. (Lady's Slipper Orchid) because of the slipper-like lower petals. The only other species that it can be confused with, Cypripedium parviflorum (Small Yellow Lady's Slipper), has similar flowers that are smaller in size. The lateral petals of its flowers are less than 2" long, while the slipper-like lower petal is about ¾–1¼" in length. The flowers of this species are more likely to be fragrant. The Small Yellow Lady's Slipper usually has a pair of leaves toward the base of the central stem, while Yellow Lady's Slipper usually has 3-5 leaves along the central stem. Some authorities classify the Yellow Lady's Slipper as a variety of the Small Yellow Lady's Slipper, or Cypripedium parviflorum pubescens, rather than a distinct species. Regardless of its classification, when this orchid is not in bloom, it can superficially resemble Polygonatum commutatum (Solomon's Seal) and similar species in the Lily family. However, the central stem of this orchid and the upper surfaces of its leaves are pubescent, while the latter plants have stems and upper leaf surfaces that are waxy and glabrous.
The lower petal is in the shape of a slipper or a pouch with an opening on top; it is bright yellow, shiny, and 1½–2" in length. Within the interior of this petal, there are frequently reddish brown dots. The 2 lateral petals are very narrow, more or less twisted, and 2–3½" in length. These 2 petals vary in color from greenish yellow to brownish purple and they have fine veins running from their bases to their tips. The sepals form an upper hood and a lower hood. They are broader and shorter than the lateral petals, otherwise their appearance is similar. Both the lateral petals and sepals are more or less pubescent. The reproductive organs are located toward the posterior of the slipper-like lower petal. The blooming period occurs from late spring to early summer and lasts about 3 weeks. There is usually no noticeable floral scent. If a flower is successfully pollinated by insects (often this doesn't occur), it will form a seedpod. When this seedpod splits open, the fine seeds are easily carried aloft by the wind. The root system consists of a tuft of fleshy fibrous roots. When several plants occur together, they are often clonal offsets of the mother plant.

Cultivation: The preference is partial sun to light shade, moist to slightly dry conditions, and a soil that consists of loam or sandy loam. Young plants require the presence of appropriate endomycorrhizal fungi in the soil in order to flourish. Starting plants from seed is the job of an expert, although it is possible to successfully transplant large plants that have been grown in a greenhouse. This is one of the easier orchids to maintain in a flower garden.
Range & Habitat: The native Yellow Lady's Slipper is an uncommon plant that is widely scattered across Illinois (see Distribution Map). It is less common than formerly, but still persists in colonies of variable size at several sites. Habitats include moist to dry deciduous woodlands, sandy woodlands and savannas, thinly wooded bluffs along rivers, wooded slopes, and forested bogs. The size of local populations can increase in response to fallen trees from windstorms, or occasional wildfires, as this reduces excessive shade from woody vegetation. Some authorities regard this orchid as a native variety of Cypripedium calceolus, which occurs in Eurasia. Under this system of classification, its scientific name is Cypripedium calceolus pubescens.

Faunal Associations: The showy flowers attract mostly small bees and various flies. In North America, Robertson (1929) and Stoutamire (1967) observed honeybees, little carpenter bees (Ceratina spp.), mason bees (Osmia spp.), Halictid bees (Agapostemon sp., Lasioglossum spp.), and Andrenid bees (Andrena spp.) visiting the flowers. Some of these bees were regarded as effective at cross-pollination of the flowers, while other bees became trapped in the flowers and died. Miscellaneous flies and beetles were also observed to visit the flowers, but they were regarded as ineffective pollinators. The showy flowers are deceptive because they induce insects to explore the flowers in the expectation of a reward, but they contain no nectar and their pollen is unavailable to them. Two insects have been observed to feed on the Yellow Lady's Slipper Orchid: adults and larvae of a weevil (Stethobaris ovata) and larvae of a Scathophagid fly (Parallelomma vittatum). Adults of this weevil feed on the shoots, buds, and flowers, while its larvae feed within the seedpods of this orchid. Larvae of the preceding fly are leaf-miners. White-tailed Deer readily consume the foliage of this and other orchids, and local populations may require a deer-resistant fence for protection where these animals are abundant.
Photographic Location: The slope of a wooded bluff in Vermilion County, Illinois.

Comments: This is one of the largest and most attractive orchids in Illinois. It is more abundant than most species of orchid, although by no means common. While the flowers are in bloom, it is easy to identify this plant as a Cypripedium sp. (Lady's Slipper Orchid) because of the slipper-like lower petals. The only other species that it can be confused with, Cypripedium parviflorum (Small Yellow Lady's Slipper), has similar flowers that are smaller in size. The lateral petals of its flowers are less than 2" long, while the slipper-like lower petal is about ¾–1¼" in length. The flowers of this species are more likely to be fragrant. The Small Yellow Lady's Slipper usually has a pair of leaves toward the base of the central stem, while Yellow Lady's Slipper usually has 3-5 leaves along the central stem. Some authorities classify the Yellow Lady's Slipper as a variety of the Small Yellow Lady's Slipper, or Cypripedium parviflorum pubescens, rather than a distinct species. Regardless of its classification, when this orchid is not in bloom, it can superficially resemble Polygonatum commutatum (Solomon's Seal) and similar species in the Lily family. However, the central stem of this orchid and the upper surfaces of its leaves are pubescent, while the latter plants have stems and upper leaf surfaces that are waxy and glabrous.
Miss Chen

Description: This biennial plant is about 1–2½' tall, branching occasionally. The stems have a tendency to zigzag between leaves; they are light green, terete, and both short-pubescent and hairy. The alternate leaves are up to 6" long and 6" across. The lower leaves are pinnately cleft into 5 lobes; they are longer than wide, dentate along their margins, and slightly hairy. The earliest of these lower leaves have patches of greyish white or light green toward the middle of their upper surfaces, providing them with a water-stained appearance. The middle to upper leaves are orbicular and cleft into 5 lobes, resembling maple leaves; they are dentate along their margins and slightly hairy. The petioles of these leaves are rather long and stout; they are both short-pubescent and sparsely hairy.
The upper stems terminate in floppy cymes of flowers. These flowers are about ¾" across when they are fully open, becoming more erect while in bloom. Each flower has a lavender or pale purplish pink corolla that consists of 5 spreading petals. At the base of this corolla, there is a hairy green calyx with 5 narrowly triangular teeth. Between each pair of teeth on the calyx, there is a short appendage that is strongly recurved. Toward the center of the corolla, there are 5 stamens with light to medium brown anthers and a slender white style that is divided toward its apex. The peduncles and pedicels of the cymes are light green, terete, and both short-pubescent and hairy; the peduncles are up to 6" long, while the pedicels are up to 1" long. The blooming period occurs from late spring to early summer, lasting about 3 weeks. Each flower is replaced by a 2-chambered capsule containing several seeds. The root system consists of a taproot. This plant spreads by reseeding itself.

Cultivation: The preference is light dappled shade, moist to mesic conditions, and a rich loamy soil containing abundant organic matter. Sometimes this plant succumbs to fusarium wilt and other wilt-causing fungi. In spite of its biennial habit, it is possible to maintain this plant in a woodland flower garden as it reseeds itself readily.
Range & Habitat: The native Great Waterleaf occurs occasionally in central and northern Illinois; it is less common or absent in the southern and extreme NW areas of the state (see Distribution Map). Habitats include moist to mesic deciduous woodlands, woodland borders, areas adjacent to woodland paths, shaded or partially shaded seeps, and shaded or partially shaded areas along rivers. This woodland wildflower begins to bloom after the leaves of the trees have partially developed.

Faunal Associations: The nectar and pollen of the flowers attract various kinds of bees, including honeybees, bumblebees, mason bees (Hoplitis spp., Osmia spp.), digger bees (Synhalonia spp.), Andrenid bees (Andrena spp.), and Halictid bees (Lasioglossum spp., etc.). An Andrenid bee, Andrena geranii, is a specialist pollinator (oligolege) of Hydrophyllum spp. Other insects that visit the flowers include Syrphid flies, dance flies (Empis spp.), butterflies, and skippers. Except for these flower visitors, surprisingly little appears to be known about floral-fauna relationships for this species. White-Tailed Deer probably browse on the foliage.
Photographic Location: A woodland flower garden on the campus of the University of Illinois in Urbana, Illinois, and a deciduous woodland at Pine Hills State Nature Preserve in west-central Indiana.

Comments: Great Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum appendiculatum) is one of the more common Hydrophyllum spp. within the state and its flowers are the most attractive. This species has hairy stems and calyxes, and some of its leaves resemble maple leaves. A distinctive characteristic consists of the small recurved appendages between the teeth of its calyx, hence the "appendiculatum" in the scientific name. Other Hydrophyllum spp. lack these strongly recurved appendages and they have less showy flowers. Virginia Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum virginiana) and Canada Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum canadense) have less hairy stems, while Large-Leaved Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum macrophyllum) lacks cleft orbicular leaves that resemble maple leaves. The leaves of this latter species are always longer than broad, and they are pinnately divided to an even greater extent than the lower leaves of Great Waterleaf.
The upper stems terminate in floppy cymes of flowers. These flowers are about ¾" across when they are fully open, becoming more erect while in bloom. Each flower has a lavender or pale purplish pink corolla that consists of 5 spreading petals. At the base of this corolla, there is a hairy green calyx with 5 narrowly triangular teeth. Between each pair of teeth on the calyx, there is a short appendage that is strongly recurved. Toward the center of the corolla, there are 5 stamens with light to medium brown anthers and a slender white style that is divided toward its apex. The peduncles and pedicels of the cymes are light green, terete, and both short-pubescent and hairy; the peduncles are up to 6" long, while the pedicels are up to 1" long. The blooming period occurs from late spring to early summer, lasting about 3 weeks. Each flower is replaced by a 2-chambered capsule containing several seeds. The root system consists of a taproot. This plant spreads by reseeding itself.

Cultivation: The preference is light dappled shade, moist to mesic conditions, and a rich loamy soil containing abundant organic matter. Sometimes this plant succumbs to fusarium wilt and other wilt-causing fungi. In spite of its biennial habit, it is possible to maintain this plant in a woodland flower garden as it reseeds itself readily.
Range & Habitat: The native Great Waterleaf occurs occasionally in central and northern Illinois; it is less common or absent in the southern and extreme NW areas of the state (see Distribution Map). Habitats include moist to mesic deciduous woodlands, woodland borders, areas adjacent to woodland paths, shaded or partially shaded seeps, and shaded or partially shaded areas along rivers. This woodland wildflower begins to bloom after the leaves of the trees have partially developed.

Faunal Associations: The nectar and pollen of the flowers attract various kinds of bees, including honeybees, bumblebees, mason bees (Hoplitis spp., Osmia spp.), digger bees (Synhalonia spp.), Andrenid bees (Andrena spp.), and Halictid bees (Lasioglossum spp., etc.). An Andrenid bee, Andrena geranii, is a specialist pollinator (oligolege) of Hydrophyllum spp. Other insects that visit the flowers include Syrphid flies, dance flies (Empis spp.), butterflies, and skippers. Except for these flower visitors, surprisingly little appears to be known about floral-fauna relationships for this species. White-Tailed Deer probably browse on the foliage.
Photographic Location: A woodland flower garden on the campus of the University of Illinois in Urbana, Illinois, and a deciduous woodland at Pine Hills State Nature Preserve in west-central Indiana.

Comments: Great Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum appendiculatum) is one of the more common Hydrophyllum spp. within the state and its flowers are the most attractive. This species has hairy stems and calyxes, and some of its leaves resemble maple leaves. A distinctive characteristic consists of the small recurved appendages between the teeth of its calyx, hence the "appendiculatum" in the scientific name. Other Hydrophyllum spp. lack these strongly recurved appendages and they have less showy flowers. Virginia Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum virginiana) and Canada Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum canadense) have less hairy stems, while Large-Leaved Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum macrophyllum) lacks cleft orbicular leaves that resemble maple leaves. The leaves of this latter species are always longer than broad, and they are pinnately divided to an even greater extent than the lower leaves of Great Waterleaf.
Miss Chen

Description: This perennial wildflower is 1½–3' tall and usually unbranched. The central stem is hairy. The alternate leaves are up to 6" long and 1½" across; they are medium to dark green and elliptic in shape. The leaf margins are smooth and ciliate; on rare occasions, a few teeth may occur along the outer margins. Each leaf tapers gradually to a wedge-shaped base and a short petiole. The upper and lower surfaces of each leaf are hairless to somewhat hairy. At the upper axil of each leaf, there are 1-3 small nodding flowers that are light green. Each flower is about ¼" long, consisting of 5 linear sepals, 5 oblong petals, 5 stamens, and a pistil. The pedicel of each flower is about ½" long and hairy. Near the base of each pedicel, there is a pair of linear stipules (leafy bracts) up to ¼" long. Terminal flowers are not produced.
The blooming period occurs from mid-spring to early summer and lasts about 1–1½ months. There is no noticeable floral scent. Each fertile flower is replaced by a seed capsule about ½–¾" long. The seed capsules are light green, ovoid-oblongoid in shape, and hairless. At maturity, each capsule splits into 3 sections to release the seeds. The root system is is fibrous and rhizomatous. Clonal colonies of plants are occasionally formed from the rhizomes.
Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight to medium shade, moist to mesic conditions, and a rich loamy soil with abundant organic matter (e.g., fallen leaves). Some rocky material (e.g., limestone) is also tolerated. The pH of the soil should be mildly acid, neutral, or basic.

Range & Habitat: The native Green Violet is occasional in most areas of Illinois, except in the NW section, where it is absent (see Distribution Map). Overall, it is more common in hilly areas of southern Illinois than in the glaciated areas of northern Illinois. Habitats include moist to mesic deciduous woodlands, wooded slopes, shaded terraces along streams, and damp ravines, particularly where calcareous rocky material is close to the surface of the ground. This species is fairly conservative and normally found in high quality woodlands where the original ground flora is still intact.
Faunal Associations: Very little is known about floral-faunal relationships for this species. Robertson observed a green metallic bee, Augochlorella striata, sucking nectar from the flowers; however, insect visitors to the non-showy flowers are uncommon. The polyphagous insect, Acrosternum hilaris (Green Stink Bug; a.k.a. Chinavia hilare) sucks juices from the foliage. White-Tailed Deer often chomp off the tops of this plant. It is possible that upland gamebirds and the White-Footed Mouse feed on the seeds, which are rather large in size.

Photographic Location: A shaded ravine in Vermilion County, Illinois.
Comments: This atypical member of the Violet family is primarily a foliage plant; the small flowers are largely hidden by the leaves and non-showy. The seed capsules of Green Violet are very similar in appearance to those of other violets (Viola spp.), although they are somewhat larger in size; the seed capsules of both the Green Violet and other violets divide into 3 longitudinal sections to release their seeds. There is also some similarity in the structure of their respective flowers. Looking at this plant, most people would never guess that it is a violet.
The blooming period occurs from mid-spring to early summer and lasts about 1–1½ months. There is no noticeable floral scent. Each fertile flower is replaced by a seed capsule about ½–¾" long. The seed capsules are light green, ovoid-oblongoid in shape, and hairless. At maturity, each capsule splits into 3 sections to release the seeds. The root system is is fibrous and rhizomatous. Clonal colonies of plants are occasionally formed from the rhizomes.
Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight to medium shade, moist to mesic conditions, and a rich loamy soil with abundant organic matter (e.g., fallen leaves). Some rocky material (e.g., limestone) is also tolerated. The pH of the soil should be mildly acid, neutral, or basic.

Range & Habitat: The native Green Violet is occasional in most areas of Illinois, except in the NW section, where it is absent (see Distribution Map). Overall, it is more common in hilly areas of southern Illinois than in the glaciated areas of northern Illinois. Habitats include moist to mesic deciduous woodlands, wooded slopes, shaded terraces along streams, and damp ravines, particularly where calcareous rocky material is close to the surface of the ground. This species is fairly conservative and normally found in high quality woodlands where the original ground flora is still intact.
Faunal Associations: Very little is known about floral-faunal relationships for this species. Robertson observed a green metallic bee, Augochlorella striata, sucking nectar from the flowers; however, insect visitors to the non-showy flowers are uncommon. The polyphagous insect, Acrosternum hilaris (Green Stink Bug; a.k.a. Chinavia hilare) sucks juices from the foliage. White-Tailed Deer often chomp off the tops of this plant. It is possible that upland gamebirds and the White-Footed Mouse feed on the seeds, which are rather large in size.

Photographic Location: A shaded ravine in Vermilion County, Illinois.
Comments: This atypical member of the Violet family is primarily a foliage plant; the small flowers are largely hidden by the leaves and non-showy. The seed capsules of Green Violet are very similar in appearance to those of other violets (Viola spp.), although they are somewhat larger in size; the seed capsules of both the Green Violet and other violets divide into 3 longitudinal sections to release their seeds. There is also some similarity in the structure of their respective flowers. Looking at this plant, most people would never guess that it is a violet.