Miss Chen
Miss Chen
熊童子多肉看起来就像迷你型号毛茸茸的小熊爪子一样,养的好的熊童子会有出锦的可能,出锦的熊童子的身价最起码长了10倍,那么熊童子出锦后怎么养呢?养殖的时候注意用浅盆,土壤也要换成松散一些的,不要挪动,少浇水,懒养即可。 [图片]一、熊童子出锦后养殖方法 1、换浅盆 其实熊童子出锦前后的养殖注意事项是没有变的,但是植株只是更好看一些了。换上一个稍微浅一点的花盆,这样是为了能够更加方便的观察到植株的根部的生长状态,让花友更加清楚养殖之中的问题。要是出现浇水过多,腐坏根部的时候也会很快可以看出。 2、土壤疏松 很多花友都不知道熊童子出锦后怎么养,其实最重要的就是要换土壤了。没有出锦的熊童子养殖非常简便,一般的土壤都可以,但是一旦出锦就要将植株的土壤换成更加疏松的。用河沙、泥炭土和煤渣混合,以4:4:2的比例来调配,千万不要用腐叶土,会让熊童子有感染细菌的可能的。 3、减少浇水 熊童子浇水本身就不多,但是除了锦的熊童子浇水则要更加的少,只有少量浇水,才会让“熊掌”上得斑纹越来越明显,越来越多,这样熊童子的身价就会越来越高了。基本上保持20天浇水一次,夏天喷洒一些水雾,冬天保持土壤稍稍的干燥。 4、少施肥 熊童子出锦之后虽然身价变高,但是养殖它却要简单很多,不仅是浇水少量,就连施肥也是能省则省。生长期的时候1~2个月只需要施肥一次即可。而且不能施加浓肥,淡肥就行了。除此之外,基本上不要移动盆栽,就会养的很好了。 [图片]二、熊童子出锦后的好处 1、更加漂亮 很多花友在养熊童子的时候都会想要让熊童子出锦,实际上出锦就像是得了黄化病一样,“熊爪”上面会生出一点不一样的斑纹,有的是黄色的,有的是白色的,但是这却并不是生病,只是变得更加漂亮了而已。出了锦的熊童子又被称为彩熊,是很多颜控小妹妹的心中最爱。 2、更好养 熊童子多肉养起来已将很方便了,但是出了锦的熊童子养殖起来就更加简单了,浇水也只要20天一次,干旱也没有关系,施肥更是1~2个月才加一次,光照也不忌讳,甩手养都可以养的很好。出了锦的熊童子简直是懒人养花最好的选择了。 3、价格变贵 熊童子出了锦之后就相当于是一种变种植物了,这是非常难得的。一般的熊童子想要出锦都是非常难得的,一般都是用机遇来形容这种概率,是可遇不可求的。但是一旦出锦成功之后,就会身价倍增。由一种普通多肉直接升级成为高档货。 一般来讲一小盆熊童子在花店里面的卖家只要15~30元左右,要是你买回家之后细心养护,熊童子出锦之后,一盆的价格甚至会达到十倍以上,品相好的卖上个300原都不是难事。要是用彩熊叶插繁殖出好几盆的花,分别卖出去也是很不错的生财之道了。 结语:通过上文的的介绍,相信大家已经明白熊童子出锦之后的养殖方法了。其实只要换了盆土之后,保持懒养,它还就会变得更加漂亮了哦。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
黑王子属于多肉植物,它的外观十分奇特,黑黑的具有很高的观赏价值,但很多花友都不知道黑王子怎么养爆头,其实将它养爆头的方法很简单,在于平时的养殖问题,只需要5个步骤就可以养出爆头黑王子,可以用播种法、扦插法来繁殖黑王子。 [图片]一、黑王子5个步骤养爆头 1、肥沃土壤 想让黑王子养爆头其实在于平时的养殖,首先需要给黑王子找一份适合它生长的土壤,它对土壤要求不过,透气性良好的沙质土壤即可,可以选择腐叶土、沙土、园土按照1:1:1的比例混合,这样的土壤养殖黑王子最佳。 2、适量浇水 黑王子不适合在潮湿的环境下生长,不然很容易使根部、叶片腐烂,造成黑王子死亡,春秋两季可以每隔10天浇一次水,夏季天气炎热,可以每隔2天浇一次,冬季可以每隔半个月浇一次水,每次浇水不要浇多,尽量避免浇到叶片上,不然会影响美观。 3、适当施肥 对于黑王子怎么养爆头这个问题,黑王子的养分是关键,所以需要经常施肥,春秋两季需要每隔一个月施一次氮肥、磷钾,也可以用腐叶土、鸡粪、蚯蚓粪、骨粉等混合在一起做有机肥,夏冬两季可以不要施肥。 4、充足阳光 黑王子在阳光下才能使叶片长的越黑亮,生长的更好,不然没有充足的阳光,叶片的颜色也好暗淡,也会造成徒长现象,导致黑王子的营养不良,而且还影响美观,不过它不能在强烈的阳光下照耀,不然会使它水分提供不足死亡。 5、修剪整形 修剪整形是黑王子养爆头的关键,如果没有这一步是不可能爆头的,它和其他植物的修剪方式不一样,当黑王子在养殖过程中出现徒长现象时,可以将黑王子的头部、茎秆、萌发出侧芽全部剪掉就可以了。 二、黑王子的繁殖方法 1、播种法 黑王子在每年都会开花,在开花时可以从花朵中取出黑王子的种子,然后可以开始播种了,最好每次在春季播种,这样成活率更高,不需要给种子做任何的处理,自己将种子撒在适合它生长的土壤上,然后保持土壤的速度,将它放置在阴凉处养殖,一个月就可以生根发芽。 2、扦插法 首先将一个健康的黑王子上摘取一个叶片下来,可以轻轻的将它摇晃下来,然后放置在阴凉处将伤口晾干,然后斜插在适合黑王子生长的土壤中,保持土壤的湿润度,放置在阴凉处养殖,等待叶片爆盆。 [图片]三、黑王子的病虫害防治 1、炭疽病 炭疽病会使黑王子的叶片出现椭圆形或半圆形的褐色斑,长时间不管会扩散到每一个叶片,虽然黑王子很黑,但还是很容易发现,影响黑王子的美观,一段时间之后黑王子叶片会逐渐衰退,最后死亡。 防治方法:首先将它搬移的通风良好的环境下,然后将它的烂根全部剪掉,重新换一份土壤种植,减少浇水量,多施有机肥,再喷洒炭疽福美防治,每隔一周喷洒一次,连续喷洒三次就可以了。 2、蚜虫 蚜虫是很多植物常见的虫害,黑王子也会遭受它的危害,蚜虫的繁殖能力较强,它会聚集在黑王子的叶片上,然后通过叶片吸收黑王子体内养分、水分,导致黑王子营养不良,而且分泌出来的排泄物也会招引蚁类入侵,也会引发其他的病害。 防治方法:如果发现少量的蚜虫,可以通过人工捕捉,发现大量的蚜虫可用80%敌敌畏乳油1500倍液喷洒防治,2天之后用清水将蚜虫分泌出来的排泄物清理干净,防止引发病害。 结语:通过上文的介绍,相信大家都知道黑王子5个步骤养爆头,以及黑王子的繁殖方法和病虫害防治,希望大家在生活中都能养殖出美丽的黑王子。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
只要给多肉植物适合的环境,一般都会生长的良好,但如果你想知道多肉怎么养才能更旺盛,更容易爆盆,就需要一些掌握一些要点了。其中最重要的是合适的盆土,大小合适的花盆以及肥沃疏松的土壤,才能让多肉茁壮的生长。除此之外还需要适当的繁殖,以及防治病虫害,这样很快就能够爆盆的。 [图片]一、让多肉生长更旺的6个养护技巧 1、盆土合适 首先选择一个比较大的花盆,花盆的至今最好是多肉直径的两倍左右,太小的话多肉长得会比较慢,如果太大的话,又不好养护。土壤的话常用的是用颗粒土,既有良好的排水性,也比较肥沃,想要多肉长得更好,可以加一些椰糠类的纤维质介质。 2、适量浇水 给多肉植物浇水,一定要注意水量,如果土壤基质明显就是湿的,那就没必要浇水了。一般来岁春秋两季一周浇一次水;夏季1~2天浇一次水;冬季的时候,可以半个月浇一次水。但要根据实际情况来浇水,如果盆土是湿的,就不用浇,避免积水烂根。 3、光照适宜 光照越多,多肉植物就会长的也好,形态颜色也会越加的好看。但要排除夏季的烈日,如果受到强光的直射,多肉的叶片可能会被灼伤,如果夏日温度过高,还是要适当的荫蔽一下。 4、把控温度 多肉植物适宜的温度在18~28℃左右,如果保持在这个温度的话,多肉植物会一直处在生长期。合适的温度,才是多肉植物生长的最主要的动力,温度太过或者太低都会让多肉陷入休眠期并停止生长。 5、合理施肥 多肉其实并不是太需要肥料的,但是想知道多肉怎么养才能更旺盛,就不能忘了这一点。肥料的话,可以腐熟的鸡粪肥,但这种肥料最好还是去直接买,毕竟自己制作的话,都是真的粑粑,里面的一些病菌以及虫卵可能还处理不好。一般来说,一个月施加一次薄肥即可,不要太多了。 6、换盆修根 一般情况下,如果多肉比较年轻,在换盆的时候可以直接换一个大一些的盆,对于土壤的话,可以留一半换一半。而如果多肉已经比较大了,就可以适当的修剪一下根系,把一些枯根病根给修剪掉,这样会促进植株的生长。 二、多肉的繁殖方法 1、扦插繁殖 家养多肉最常见的就是扦插繁殖了,一般是采用叶插法,取一片健康饱满的叶片,放在阴凉通风的地方晾干后,直接放在盆土上就行,等一段时间后,叶片就会生根长叶了。 2、分株繁殖 如果将多肉植物养的好,就会群生出一些比较小的植株,这些植株是自带根系的,可以将其挖出来进行移植。因为有根系,基本上移植后一个星期左右,就能很好的适应生长了,是效率最高的繁殖方法。 [图片]三、常见病虫害方防治 1、蚧壳虫 蚧壳虫是多肉植物最常见的虫害之一,在早春时容易大量的繁殖,会吸食多肉植物的汁液,导致植株生长不良,叶片萎缩,如果太过严重会导致植株枯萎死亡。在发现后,数量少可以人工捕捉灭杀,如果数量太多,可以喷洒速扑杀容药剂进行防治。 2、炭疽病 炭疽病是一种真菌性的病害,常在高温高湿或施肥过多的情况下感染,发病后叶片会出现褐色的小斑块,斑块会逐渐的扩张并侵害整株植物。发现后及时的摘除病叶,并喷洒多菌灵溶液进行防治。 结语:看完上面的内容,相信大家应该知道让多肉植物长的更旺盛的养护技巧了,再加上适当的繁殖以及病虫害的防治,很容易就会爆盆的。
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Succulents are cute, versatile plants that can thrive both indoors and out! They make perfect indoor houseplants for small spaces, provided that you have a sunny windowsill. Get your set-up ready first by choosing a type of succulent, a well-drained container, and a well-draining soil. Then carefully pot your succulent in its new home as soon as possible to help it thrive. Care for your succulent by providing it with plenty of sunlight and a bit of water whenever the soil feels dry. 1. Choose a Zebra Plant or Gollum Jade succulent if you’re a beginner. While succulents are relatively easy to grow indoors, some varieties are easier than others! Stick to the Haworthia, Jade, or Gasteria varieties if you are unsure about what types to start with. All of these types are relatively drought-resistant and tend to grow well in indoor environments. -If you’re in doubt about what sort of succulent to choose, pick one with green leaves such as agave or aloe. Succulents with green leaves tend to be the most forgiving and grow best indoors, compared to the purple, grey, or orange-leaved varieties. -Zebra Plants have glossy green leaves with silver veins, creating a zebra-like appearance. They also have bright yellow flowers when they bloom. -Gollum Jade succulents have green, tube-shaped leaves with red tips. Small white flowers form in winter. 2. Choose a pot slightly larger than your succulent, and make sure it has draining holes. You’ll find a wide variety of different terra-cotta pots available at your local gardening center! Pick a container that is just a bit bigger than the succulent to start with. Terra-cotta pots are ideal because they’re breathable, dry well, and draw water away from the soil. You can also choose a ceramic, metal, or plastic pot if you prefer, provided that it has good drainage. -Holes for water drainage are essential, as succulents need to dry out their roots in order to survive. The roots will begin to rot otherwise. -Succulents tend to grow as big as the pot they’re in. -Glass pots don’t tend to work well for succulents, as there usually aren’t drainage holes. [图片]3. Pick a soil with 1⁄4 in (0.64 cm) particles to provide the best drainage. Succulents thrive in soils that drain well, so you need to pick a loosely compacted soil that will draw the water away. You can either choose a specialty succulent soil such as a cactus mix or make your own succulent-friendly soil. Simply mix 4 parts of regular gardening soil with 1 part of pumice, perlite, or turface to create a gritty, chunky mix. -Crushed lava is also a good option. 4. Remove the succulent from the nursery pot within 24 hours of getting it. Succulents are often sold in small, plastic pots with very poorly drained soil. In order for your succulent to thrive, it needs to get out of that soil as soon as possible! Squeeze the plastic pot and gently pull the succulent upwards to remove it. If the succulent feels stuck, use scissors to cut the plastic pot away from the roots. 5. Suspend the succulent in the new pot as you fill it with soil. Succulent roots tend to be quite shallow and brittle, so do your best to protect these as you go about planting. Gently fill the sides of the pot with the soil, being careful not to damage the roots. Continue supporting the succulent until the pot is full and the succulent feels secure. - If you're having trouble getting the soil around the roots, use your fingers to push and arrange the soil. 6. Space the succulents apart if you're planting more than 1 in a pot. Succulents don’t mind sharing a pot as long as each plant has breathing space. Leave a gap that's approximately 3–4 in (7.6–10.2 cm) between each succulent to ensure that the air can flow well and that each plant gets plenty of light. -Outdoor succulents are fine being clumped close together because there is greater light and air flow in outdoor environments. -Succulents naturally grow in warm, arid climates, which is why they require good air circulation to survive. 7. Keep the succulent in a bright spot with at least 6 hours of sun per day. Generally, indoor succulents love bright light and will thrive. Place the succulent on a sunny south or west-facing windowsill to ensure that it gets plenty of sun. It's okay if the succulent doesn't get full sun all day long, provided that it gets a minimum of 6 hours. -If you notice the leaves are getting scorched, try using a sheer curtain to provide the succulent with a bit of protection. 8. Get a pitcher, watering can, or pipette to water the succulent. Succulents do best when the water is delivered directly to the soil rather than drenched over the whole plant. Find a tool that works for the size of your succulent. For example, pitchers or watering cans are good for larger succulents, while pipettes are best for very young or small plants. [图片]9. Give the succulent water every 1-3 weeks, whenever the soil feels dry. The easiest way to kill an indoor succulent is by overwatering! Feel the soil every 3-4 days to check the moisture level. Only water the succulent when the water feels completely dry and never when it’s damp or wet. -How often you need to water your succulent depends on the variety, the climate, and the size of the plant. When you first get the plant, check the moisture level regularly until you work out what frequency is best. 10. Water the succulent until you see water exiting the drainage holes. Hold the pot over a sink while you water it and keep an eye on the water flow. Use the pitcher, watering can, or pipette to add water directly into the soil and stop the flow immediately when you see the water leaving the container.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
雅乐之舞的外表十分光鲜亮丽,尤其是饱满的枝叶,形态颜色都十分受人们喜爱,很多花友们也在家里养殖着雅乐之舞,但是却不清楚雅乐之舞怎么施肥,所以养殖过程中也出现了各种问题,只要在春秋两季生长旺盛期施肥即可,其余季节不需要施肥。 [图片]一、雅乐之舞的施肥方法 虽然说多肉植物基本上不需要施肥就可以生长得很好,但是可以适量的施加一些肥料,说不定就能让多肉爆盆呢!雅乐之舞就是这样的植物,我们在养护的过程中只要稍微的施加一些肥料,就可以生长得很好。 关于雅乐之舞怎么施肥很多花友们都不了解,首先要注意的就是施肥的时间,春秋季节是雅乐之舞生长的旺盛期,所以只需要在春秋两季需要给雅乐之舞施加大量的肥料,要注意掌握薄肥勤施,而不是施加浓肥,每隔半个月一次即可。 给雅乐之舞施肥的时候,最好就是选用腐熟的稀薄肥液,或者是复合肥,一定要注意肥水中的氮肥含量不宜过多,否则会导致雅乐之舞的叶片中大部分都是呈现绿色,会影响色泽。 【注意事项】:我们在施肥的时候要注意,不能把肥料施加到雅乐之舞的叶片上,如果不小心洒到叶面上的话,要及时的用清水清洗,并且擦干叶片,以免导致雅乐之舞的叶片被肥料腐蚀。 【配制基肥】:除了正常的给雅乐之舞进行施肥工作之外,我们还可以在配制土壤的时候,适量的加一些基肥进去,掺入少量的草木灰或骨粉在土壤里面,这样土壤也会带有一定的肥性,可促进雅乐之舞的生长。 [图片]二、雅乐之舞养护要点 1、夏季遮阴 雅乐之舞喜阳,可以一年四季都摆放在阳台上接受光照,但是在炎热的夏季温度过高的时候,要注重适当的遮阴,保证雅乐之舞可以接受到光照但是又不被晒伤,最好的办法就夏季将其放在散光处养护。 2、保持盆土干燥 对于雅乐之舞这种多肉来说,浇水要掌握宁干勿湿,就是说可以过于干燥,但是不要过于湿润,因为雅乐之舞本身就喜欢在干燥的环境下生长,所以不需要过多的浇水,平常看见盆土表面发干的时候,可以滴少量的水在其中。 3、经常修剪 由于雅乐之舞本身就生长得比较快,所以在养护的过程中要经常给雅乐之舞进行整形修剪,去掉其多余的枝条,枯枝杂枝都是没有必要留下的,修剪之后的雅乐之舞会生长得更加茂盛。 结语:通过上文的介绍,相信大家都知道了雅乐之舞的施肥方法,以及雅乐之舞养护要点,希望花友们都可以养殖出美丽的雅乐之舞!
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
万象是多肉植物中非常名贵的一种,所以在入手可能不马虎,要细心的养护才行,多肉万象怎么养呢?最重要的是肥沃疏松适宜的土壤,再加上适量的浇水光照,以及合适的温度和肥料,如果多肉万象长得好,就可以适当的进行繁殖,扦插分株都是比较容易存活的。 [图片]一、多肉万象的五大养护技巧 1、盆土适宜 万象需要肥沃疏松的土壤,可以用粗沙加上腐叶土、草炭土以及少量的骨粉混合配制,既有充足的营养也拥有良好的排水透气性。如果想要更好的盆土,可以用赤玉土以及兰石等栽种,昂贵的多肉配上比较贵的基质自然是更好啦。 2、适量浇水 给万象浇水要保持“不干不浇,浇则浇透”的原则,四季浇水的频率不固定,要按照实际的情况来定。一般来说等到盆土发干的时候,再浇上透水,但也不能长期的不浇水,这样会导致植株失水停止生长,甚至会枯萎的。不管什么季节,平时多观察一下万象的盆土,如果干了就适量浇水。 3、光照充足 万象的生长需要充足的阳光,除了夏季的强光之外,其他光照都是能够接受的。所以夏季高温高晒的时候,需要将万象移到阴凉通风的地方养护度夏。而冬天的时候,为了补充阳光,最好将万象放在室内向阳的地方过冬。 4、把控温度 适合万象生长的温度在10~30℃之间,冬天的时候温度不能低于5℃,否则会导致生长缓慢,如果再低一点就会造成冻害了。而夏天温度不可超过30℃,一定要及时的荫蔽降温,平时还可以往盆栽周围喷水雾保湿降温。 5、合理施肥 一般来说万象是不怎么需要肥料的,如果想要促进它的生长,可以施加一些含钙量多的肥料,还有适当的磷钾肥就够了,一般是一个月施加一次稀薄的肥水,宁愿薄一点也不要施加浓肥,否则会导致植株烧根坏死,适得其反。 二、多肉万象的繁殖方法 1、扦插繁殖 多肉万象怎么养想必大家应该知道了,而家养万象的盆栽一般采用的是扦插繁殖的方法。常见的有叶插以及根插法。叶插时,选取健康的叶片,取下晾干伤口,然后平放在沙土或蛙石等合适的培养基质中,一般一个月左右就会生根。 根插时,需要取下植株的一段根系,先放在阴凉通风的地方晾干伤口,然后埋入土中,顶端露出土面1厘米的距离,一段时间后,就会长出顶芽,然后发育成新的万象植株。 2、分株繁殖 分株繁殖最好结合换盆一起进行,将万象母株旁边的小植株取下,然后移植到新的盆栽中,浇上适量的水,因为根系的存在,一个星期左右就能适应环境,开始生长了。 [图片]三、常见病虫害防治 1、叶腐病 如果将万象长期放在闷热潮湿以及湿冷的地方,是很容易患上叶腐病的,叶片因为无法环境而腐烂。特别是在植株身上有伤口还未晾干的时候。在发现病症后不要心疼,要及时的将腐烂的叶片切除,然后喷洒多菌灵溶液进行防治。在之后的养殖中,要增加通风,避免闷湿的环境。 2、蚧壳虫 蚧壳虫是多肉常见的一种虫害,会吸食万象叶片的汁液,使得植株逐渐萎缩甚至死亡,在发现后要及时的灭虫,如果虫害太多,可以喷洒氧化乐果溶液灭杀防治。 结语:看完上面的内容,相信大家应该知道多肉万象的养殖技巧了,除了合理的养护和繁殖外,还需要及时的防治虫害,让植株茁壮成长。
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A mango is a juicy stone fruit (drupe) produced from numerous species of tropical trees belonging to the flowering plant genus Mangifera, cultivated mostly for their edible fruit. Most of these species are found in nature as wild mangoes. The genus belongs to the cashew family Anacardiaceae. Mangoes are native to South Asia, from where the "common mango" or "Indian mango", Mangifera indica, has been distributed worldwide to become one of the most widely cultivated fruits in the tropics. Other Mangifera species (e.g. horse mango, Mangifera foetida) are grown on a more localized basis. Worldwide, there are several hundred cultivars of mango. Depending on the cultivar, mango fruit varies in size, shape, sweetness, skin color, and flesh color which may be pale yellow, gold, or orange. Mango is the national fruit of India, Haiti, and the Philippines, and the national tree of Bangladesh. It is the summer national fruit of Pakistan. The English word "mango" (plural "mangoes" or "mangos") originated from the Tamil word manga (or mangga) during the spice trade period with South India in the 15th and 16th centuries. Mango trees grow to 35–40 m (115–131 ft) tall, with a crown radius of 10 m (33 ft). The trees are long-lived, as some specimens still fruit after 300 years. In deep soil, the taproot descends to a depth of 6 m (20 ft), with profuse, wide-spreading feeder roots and anchor roots penetrating deeply into the soil. The leaves are evergreen, alternate, simple, 15–35 cm (5.9–13.8 in) long, and 6–16 cm (2.4–6.3 in) broad; when the leaves are young they are orange-pink, rapidly changing to a dark, glossy red, then dark green as they mature. The flowers are produced in terminal panicles 10–40 cm (3.9–15.7 in) long; each flower is small and white with five petals 5–10 mm (0.20–0.39 in) long, with a mild, sweet fragrance. Over 500 varieties of mangoes are known, many of which ripen in summer, while some give a double crop. The fruit takes four to five months from flowering to ripen. The ripe fruit varies according to cultivar in size, shape, color, sweetness, and eating quality. Depending on cultivar, fruits are variously yellow, orange, red, or green. The fruit has a single flat, oblong pit that can be fibrous or hairy on the surface, and does not separate easily from the pulp. The fruits may be somewhat round, oval, or kidney-shaped, ranging from 5–25 centimetres (2–10 in) in length and from 140 grams (5 oz) to 2 kilograms (5 lb) in weight per individual fruit. The skin is leather-like, waxy, smooth, and fragrant, with color ranging from green to yellow, yellow-orange, yellow-red, or blushed with various shades of red, purple, pink or yellow when fully ripe. Ripe intact mangoes give off a distinctive resinous, sweet smell. Inside the pit 1–2 mm (0.039–0.079 in) thick is a thin lining covering a single seed, 4–7 cm (1.6–2.8 in) long. Mangoes have recalcitrant seeds which do not survive freezing and drying. Mango trees grow readily from seeds, with germination success highest when seeds are obtained from mature fruits. Mangoes are generally sweet, although the taste and texture of the flesh varies across cultivars; some, such as Alphonso, have a soft, pulpy, juicy texture similar to an overripe plum, while others, such as Tommy Atkins, are firmer, like a cantaloupe or avocado, with a fibrous texture. The skin of unripe, pickled, or cooked mango can be eaten, but it has the potential to cause contact dermatitis of the lips, gingiva, or tongue in susceptible people. [图片]Mangoes are widely used in cuisine. Sour, unripe mangoes are used in chutneys, pickles, dhals and other side dishes in Bengali cuisine, or may be eaten raw with salt, chili, or soy sauce. A summer drink called aam panna comes from mangoes. Mango pulp made into jelly or cooked with red gram dhal and green chillies may be served with cooked rice. Mango lassi is popular throughout South Asia, prepared by mixing ripe mangoes or mango pulp with buttermilk and sugar. Ripe mangoes are also used to make curries. Aamras is a popular thick juice made of mangoes with sugar or milk, and is consumed with chapatis or pooris. The pulp from ripe mangoes is also used to make jam called mangada. Andhra aavakaaya is a pickle made from raw, unripe, pulpy, and sour mango, mixed with chili powder, fenugreek seeds, mustard powder, salt, and groundnut oil. Mango is also used in Andhra Pradesh to make dahl preparations. Gujaratis use mango to make chunda (a spicy, grated mango delicacy). Mangoes are used to make murabba (fruit preserves), muramba (a sweet, grated mango delicacy), amchur (dried and powdered unripe mango), and pickles, including a spicy mustard-oil pickle and alcohol. Ripe mangoes are often cut into thin layers, desiccated, folded, and then cut. These bars are similar to dried guava fruit bars available in some countries. The fruit is also added to cereal products such as muesli and oat granola. Mangoes are often prepared charred in Hawaii. Unripe mango may be eaten with bagoong (especially in the Philippines), fish sauce, vinegar, soy sauce, or with dash of salt (plain or spicy). Dried strips of sweet, ripe mango (sometimes combined with seedless tamarind to form mangorind) are also popular. Mangoes may be used to make juices, mango nectar, and as a flavoring and major ingredient in ice cream and sorbetes. Mango is used to make juices, smoothies, ice cream, fruit bars, raspados, aguas frescas, pies, and sweet chili sauce, or mixed with chamoy, a sweet and spicy chili paste. It is popular on a stick dipped in hot chili powder and salt or as a main ingredient in fresh fruit combinations. In Central America, mango is either eaten green mixed with salt, vinegar, black pepper, and hot sauce, or ripe in various forms. Pieces of mango can be mashed and used as a topping on ice cream or blended with milk and ice as milkshakes. Sweet glutinous rice is flavored with coconut, then served with sliced mango as a dessert. In other parts of Southeast Asia, mangoes are pickled with fish sauce and rice vinegar. Green mangoes can be used in mango salad with fish sauce and dried shrimp. Mango with condensed milk may be used as a topping for shaved ice. The energy value per 100 g (3.5 oz) serving of the common mango is 250 kJ (60 kcal), and that of the apple mango is slightly higher (330 kJ (79 kcal) per 100 g). Fresh mango contains a variety of nutrients (right table), but only vitamin C and folate are in significant amounts of the Daily Value as 44% and 11%, respectively. The mango is the national fruit of India, Pakistan, and the Philippines. It is also the national tree of Bangladesh. In India, harvest and sale of mangoes is during March–May and this is annually covered by news agencies. The mango has a traditional context in the culture of South Asia. In his edicts, the Mauryan emperor Ashoka references the planting of fruit- and shade-bearing trees along imperial roads: "On the roads banyan-trees were caused to be planted by me, (in order that) they might afford shade to cattle and men, (and) mango-groves were caused to be planted." In medieval India, the Indo-Persian poet Amir Khusrow termed the mango "Naghza Tarin Mewa Hindustan" – "the fairest fruit of Hindustan". Mangoes were enjoyed at the court of the Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khijli, and the Mughal Empire was especially fond of the fruits: Babur praises the mango in his Babarnameh, while Sher Shah Suri inaugurated the creation of the Chaunsa variety after his victory over the Mughal emperor Humayun. Mughal patronage to horticulture led to the grafting of thousands of mangoes varieties, including the famous Totapuri, which was the first variety to be exported to Iran and Central Asia. Akbar (1556–1605) is said to have planted a mango orchard of 100,000 trees at Lakhi Bagh in Darbhanga, Bihar,while Jahangir and Shah Jahan ordered the planting of mango-orchards in Lahore and Delhi and the creation of mango-based desserts. [图片]The Jain goddess Ambika is traditionally represented as sitting under a mango tree. Mango blossoms are also used in the worship of the goddess Saraswati. Mango leaves are used to decorate archways and doors in Indian houses and during weddings and celebrations such as Ganesh Chaturthi. Mango motifs and paisleys are widely used in different Indian embroidery styles, and are found in Kashmiri shawls, Kanchipuram and silk sarees. In Tamil Nadu, the mango is referred to as one of the three royal fruits, along with banana and jackfruit, for their sweetness and flavor.This triad of fruits is referred to as ma-pala-vazhai. The classical Sanskrit poet Kālidāsa sang the praises of mangoes. Mangoes were popularized in China during the Cultural Revolution as symbols of Chairman Mao Zedong's love for the people.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
多肉植物是近几年比较流行的一种,室内养植的观赏类植物。一般养殖多肉都要从土壤、光照、水分、施肥以及病虫害防护几个方面入手。多肉植物子宝怎么养?子宝的养殖也要从这五个方面着手,一下是详细的说明,花友们可以参考。 [图片]一、子宝的养殖方法 1、土壤 多肉植物一般需要的土壤要求透气排水,多肉植物子宝也是一样,最好用腐殖土或腐叶土加少量的珍珠岩或细沙,这样有利于透气和排水,子宝根部不宜积水腐烂。 2、水量 多肉子宝很耐旱,养殖子宝的土壤要偏干,生长期每周浇一次水就可以,休眠期半个月浇水一次就好,或是盆土干时再浇水也成。春、夏、秋季相对需水量大些,冬季到初春休眠期少浇水。 3、光照 多肉植物子宝喜温暖,适宜的温度在16℃~26℃之前,春季、初夏和秋季比较接近这个温度,子宝生长比较快,这个时间也要保持光照,不能长期置于隐蔽的位置,见不到光照,夏季光照太强,要注意遮荫。 4、施肥 多肉植物一般都是使用稀薄的液肥,子宝也喜欢这样的肥料。生长期10天左右可施肥一次,因为子宝的植株比较小,种植的花盆也不会大。所以,施肥一定要稀释、少量,以免烧根。 5、防虫害 子宝一般会生叶斑病和锈病,在养殖时,要注意通风换气,保证光照,平时可用抹布清洁叶面,防止病虫害的发生。万一生了虫害,要及时清除。 二、多肉子宝的繁殖方法 上文的多肉植物子宝怎么养学会后,下一步就是要进行繁殖了,子宝的繁殖方法有三种:播种、叶插和分株,下面我们来看看具体的操作方法。 1、播种繁殖 多肉植物都可以用播种来进行繁殖,但是实际操作中用这种繁殖方式的很少。因为,多肉的授粉一般都人工进行的。采集到子宝的种子,在春季可进行播种繁殖,播种后温度保持在19℃~24℃,土壤不要湿润偏干为好,10天左右可发芽,半年后幼株长大即可移植。 2、叶插繁殖 子宝的叶插繁殖先对简单方便操作。选取健壮的叶片,在生在旺盛季节切下,晾干切口,插入沙床。浇少许水。半月左右的时间可生根,一周以后可以移植新株。 3、分株繁殖 子宝一般1~2年需要换次盆,大型子宝3年必须要换盆。换盆一般在春季进行,换盆的同时可进行分株繁殖,即切下母株旁边的小苗,将其种植到另外的花盆中,喷少量的水,就会生根长成新的植株。 [图片]三、多肉子宝的价值 1、观赏价值 子宝叶厚,犹如舌头,很有质感;叶面带有斑点,暴晒后会呈现红色,出现带锦叶片,非常漂亮。冬季子宝会开红绿色小花。具有一定的观赏价值和经济价值。 2、净化空气 子宝体形较小,适合种植在漂亮的小花盆内,占地面积不大,可摆在办公桌、电脑旁、窗台或书桌一角,可吸收甲醛,净化空气,是白领一族不错的选择。 结语:多肉植物子宝相比其他一些多肉植物,较好养殖,叶插繁殖即简单又快,适合摆放的位置也灵活,喜欢的朋友可以来学习下。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
红宝石不是一种娇贵的多肉植物,只要用心就能够养好,至于多肉植物红宝石怎么养,需要掌握的技巧有五个,首先是疏松透气的土壤,再者就是适量浇水与光照,最后把控好温度和肥料即可。繁殖的话比较推荐扦插和分株法,在养护的时候还需要注意蚧壳虫和叶斑病。 [图片]一、多肉植物红宝石的养护技巧 1、土壤合适 红宝石对土壤的要求不高,只需要疏松透气,有着良好的排水性就好。在配制土壤的时候,可以用煤渣、泥炭土以及少量的珍珠岩混合成为培养基质。 2、适量浇水 红宝石喜欢在稍微湿润的环境下生长,浇水的时候保持盆土微湿即可。春秋两季一周浇水2~3次;夏季的时候,可以早晚浇两次岁,但注意不能积水,还可以向叶面喷洒水雾保持湿度;冬季的时候,需要慢慢的开始断水,整个冬季只需要浇2~3次水就够了。 3、光照适宜 红宝石的生长离不开阳光,最好能够全日照,除了夏季高温的时候需要遮挡一下阳光之外,其他时期都可见光。如果光照过强,红宝石的叶片会红的发黑,如果光照不足叶子则会变绿。可以根据叶片的颜色来适当的改变见光程度。 4、养护过冬 红宝石算是比较耐低温的,能够忍耐冬天零下4℃的低温。在南方,冬天放在户外都能够存活,而北方的话就需要放在室内养护了。如果红宝石被冻伤的话,叶片的顶端生长点会出现冻伤现象,直至干枯死亡。 5、合理施肥 红宝石的生长不需要太多的肥料,想要它长得更快,在生长旺季可以每隔半个月施加一次稀薄的饼肥水。冬夏两季的时候,红宝石可能会进入休眠,此时就不要再施肥了,春秋施肥即可。知道了多肉植物红宝石怎么养,养好之后还可以进行适当的繁殖。 二、红宝石的繁殖方法 1、扦插繁殖 常见的扦插方法为叶插法,可以将叶片平铺在配制好的土壤上,让叶片背面朝下不用覆盖土壤,然后将其放在阴凉通风的地方就行,一般在10天后会长出新的植株幼苗。 2、分株繁殖 红宝石如果养得好,会群生出一些小植株,可以将这些小株从盆土中挖出,不要伤及根系,然后将其移到新的盆土中养护即可,因为有根系存在,一般在一周左右就会适应新的环境。 [图片]三、常见病虫害防治 1、蚧壳虫 如果让红宝石多肉长期处于高温、通风不良的地方,很容易就会遭到蚧壳虫的侵害,这种虫子会导致植株逐渐衰弱,最终走向死亡。如果虫害数量少,可以人工捕捉灭杀;如果数量太多,就需要及时的喷洒杀扑磷溶液进行防治。 2、叶斑病 叶斑病是红宝石常患的一种病害,在红宝石的叶子上面会长出许多病斑,导致叶片枯萎掉落。在发现后要及时摘除病叶,还需要喷洒多菌灵容易进行防治,避免病害扩散到整个植株。 结语:看完上面的内容,相信大家应该知道红宝石多肉的养殖方法了,掌握五个技巧和繁殖方法后,疯长群生爆盆都是有可能的。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
一般来说,多肉植物是并不需要修剪的,但想要修剪造型或者株形更加好看,就需要适当的进行修剪了。多肉植物怎么修剪造型呢?常用的修剪方法有摘心、疏剪、短截、修剪残花以及摘蕾修根。把握好这六个修剪的技巧,能够让多肉植物生长的更好,群生更多更容易爆盆。 [图片]一、多肉植物修剪造型的方法 1、摘心打顶 如果你想要控制多肉植物的高度,就需要在合适的时候将它的顶端叶片给剪除,这样能够促进多肉分枝更多,有利于形成更多的花蕾和花朵,让植株的叶片更加的紧凑。当然这并不实用所有的多肉,常见的如吊金钱以及白雪姬会比较合适。 2、疏剪分枝 如果多肉植物长出了过密的重叠枝、交叉枝以及各种徒长枝条,枯枝病枝都需要及时的修剪掉。主要目的是能够保持多肉植物的造型美观好看。 3、短截砍头 如果你的多肉植物长的太高了,可以适当的进行“砍头”,这样能够促使新枝条的萌发,也可以控制植株的长势以及高度。短截一般在土壤基质离主干10~20厘米的地方进行修剪。 4、花后修剪 有些多肉在生长到一定地步的时候,是会开花的。要注意的是有些品种开花后会全株死亡,需要在长出花苞的时候就将花剑剪去,避免植株的死亡。如果开花后不会死亡,可以在花朵残败后剪掉,以节约养分。 5、摘蕾除芽 如果多肉植物上长了过多的侧芽,可以将这些无用的侧芽去掉,以节约养分。在植株长出花蕾的时候,可能会出现主蕾与侧蕾,此时要及时的摘除侧蕾,促进主蕾的生长。 6、修根整理 多肉植物,每年都可以换一次盆,在换盆的时候可以对其根系进行合理的修剪,将一些枯根病根以及过密的根系进行适当的修剪,保持根系的健康生长。 [图片]二、多肉植物修剪后可扦插繁殖 在知道多肉植物怎么修剪造型后,还可以利用剪下来的枝叶进行扦插繁殖,这样既能够修剪造型,还能够适当的繁殖,一举两得非常不错。常见的扦插法有叶插、枝插以及根插法。 1、叶插法 将修剪下来的叶片放在阴凉通风的地方2~3天,等到伤口充分愈合之后,再将其平放在土壤基质的表面,可以稍微的倾斜,将叶柄稍微的扦插在土壤中,保持湿度与温度,一段时间后就能够生根的。 2、枝插法 将修剪下来的多肉枝条,放在阴凉通风的地方晾干尚酷,然后在伤口的地方抹上杀菌的粉剂,此时再进行扦插即可。如果急于扦插只会使得枝条叶片全部感染腐烂。 3、根插法 在修剪多肉植物的根系时,可以修剪一两根健康饱满的根系,然后在晾干伤口进行扦插栽种,由于是根系,所以移栽之后是非常好活下来的,一段时间后就会长出新的幼苗了。 结语:看完上面的内容,相信大家应该知道多肉植物修剪的方法了,由于多肉植物极容易扦插存活,所以在修剪的时候可以搭配扦插繁殖。
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