緑のカーテン(グリーンカーテン)の基本情報 特徴 緑のカーテンとは、ゴーヤーやアサガオ類などのつる性植物をネットに絡ませて、カーテンやシェード風に仕立てたもののこと。グリーンカーテンと呼ばれることもあります。見た目が涼しげなだけではなく、植物が間近にあることで、自宅にいながら森の中のような気分を味わえます。さらに、実際に周囲の気温や室温を下げる効果があり、暑い夏を乗り切るための、欠かせないガーデニングアイテムとなりました。 種類(原種、園芸品種) ゴーヤー 熱帯性の植物で、古くから沖縄などで栽培されてきました。さわやかな苦みをもつ実は、炒めものやあえものなどで食用にされます。 [图片]ノアサガオ(琉球アサガオ) 沖縄などの海岸に自生するノアサガオの選抜種です。暑さ、乾燥に強く、つるは10m以上伸びます。花は短日性で、秋が見ごろです。 [图片]アサガオ 古くから親しまれている育てやすい植物。日本アサガオが午前中でしぼんでしまうのに対し、西洋アサガオは夕方まで花が咲きます。 [图片]ヨルガオ アサガオが朝から夕方に咲くのに対し、ヨルガオは夕方から開花します。かんぴょうの材料であるユウガオの名前で、流通することもあります。 [图片]ツンベルギア 熱帯アフリカ原産で、暑さや乾燥に強い植物。主にアラタ種がカーテン用に出回ります。花色は白、黄、オレンジ色などがあります。 [图片]スネールフラワー スネールとは英語でカタツムリのこと。ねじれた蕾の形がカタツムリに似ることからついた名前です。開花期が長いのも利点です。 [图片]オキナワスズメウリ 熱帯原産で、沖縄地方では自生が見られます。小さな実は緑色から茶色、赤などに変わります。ただし、観賞用で食べられません。 [图片]オカワカメ 熱帯アメリカ原産。ゆでるとワカメに似た食感で、幅広い料理に使えます。カロテン、カルシウム、マグネシウムなどが豊富です。 [图片]ヘチマ インド原産。大きく育った実でタワシをつくったり、繊維をとったりするほか、沖縄では若い実を炒めものなどで食用にします。 [图片]ツルムラサキ 熱帯アジア原産。草丈20cmごろに摘心し、わき芽を伸ばします。緑茎種と赤茎種があり、カーテンには見ばえのよい後者がおすすめ。 [图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Uncarina is a genus of plant in family Pedaliaceae. Originating in Madagascar, the deciduous shrub may sometimes be considered a small tree as it grows to 25 feet (7.6 m) tall. Leaves are oval and green and flowers bell-shaped and tubular. Uncarina blooms easily, and when covered with flowers, it is a striking vision. The seed capsules feature small hooked harpoons.[图片]There are about 15 species and all species are in cultivation. There are three flower colours to be found: red, white and yellow. The latter is the most common. Only one species has a true caudex, Uncarina roeoesliana. It is also the easiest one to flower; it can already flowers when still small. The rarest is Uncarina leptocarpa, the only white-flowering species.[图片]Growing Conditions Light: This heat resistant plant does best when grown in part shade to full sun. Temperature: Uncarinas are tender, cannot endure temperatures below 35 2° F (2° C), if grown outdoors they will probably grow back from roots, if frozen. They are quite heat tolerant. Water: Water abundantly when actively growing and keep dry when dormant. Soil: Uncarina needs a rich, very well drained potting soil. Fertilizer: Use diluted fertilizer on young plants to speed up growth.[图片]Grower’s Tips One reason that Uncarinas are not common in cultivation is that the seed does not germinate easily. Why this is, we do not know. Propagation by cuttings is not a substitute because they do not root easily either. In short: a difficult sort to propagate. But, once you have managed to get yourself one, it is relatively easy to grow. It needs plenty of warmth and plenty of water in the growing season, but keep it dry in the winter. In the wild they can grow up to 13 feet (4 m), but do not expect that in your greenhouse or window sill.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Weird, peculiar, wonderful, strange, bizarre, fascinating, and of course, unique, are the kind of words that are used to describe the Welwitschia. It is one of the few things on Earth that can truly claim to be one of a kind. There really is nothing like it.[图片]Welwitschia mirabilis is the only member in the family Welwitschiaceae. It was named after Friedrich Welwitsch, an Austrian naturalist who explored Africa in the 1800’s. Welwitschia is the most incredible plant that he encountered. It is native to a strip of land about 50 miles wide and over 500 miles in length along the coast of the Namib Desert.[图片]In habitat, these plants get less than 1 inch (2.5 cm) of rainfall per year. But because of a cold, coastal ocean current, this area also gets a regular fog, adding almost another 2 inches (5 cm) of precipitation. As a result, these plants in nature are slow growing and can live to be 2000 years old! They are coning plants with male and female cones on separate plants. They produce only two true leaves in their lifetime and those leaves continually grow from the base, all the while, dying back and drying off at the tips. Welwitschia is not a true succulent, yet it is the succulent growers and enthusiasts that are most interested in it. It is caudiciform, yet is not often included in accounts of these plants as it belongs in the “wrong” family![图片]Growing Conditions When growing Welwitschia there are a few important factors to take into consideration: the long taproot, its dependence on extra moisture and the soil used. Plants from arid regions are often lost to fungal infection caused by soil with a high organic content. It is safer to use a sandy mixture, water more frequently and give supplementary feedings. It is also recommended to use sterilized soil. Older plants tend to accumulate organic debris around themselves which enriches the soil and acts as a mulch, helping to retain water in the upper layers of the sand for longer.[图片]Propagation Seed should be sown during the warmer months, spring or summer. In habitat the seeds are dispersed in spring, but have to wait for rain to fall before they germinate. It is best to sow seed into a large, deep (at least 12 inches (30 cm), preferably more) container or into an open bed where the plant is intended to remain, because the taproot grows quite fast in the initial stages. If using a container, remember to place a layer of gravel or rocks at the bottom to ensure good drainage. The soil must be sandy and well-drained, e.g. 2 parts sand : 1 part loam : 1 part compost (leaf mould) with ample bonemeal, well mixed and sterilized. Moisten the soil thoroughly before sowing. If using a container, sow two or three seeds per container, near the centre. If more than one germinates, it can be transplanted in its first month, or left to form interesting graft complexes with its sibling. If you have an open bed, scatter them evenly over the surface. Place the seed on top of the soil and just cover it with a layer of sand. Water well and keep in a warm sunny situation. It is important to add a mild fungicide, like Captan, to the water during the first year as it will prevent fungal attack. Keep the soil moist until the seeds have germinated.[图片]The placement of the ungerminated and germinating seedlings is also important. Choose a well-aerated, warm atmosphere, preferably in filtered sunlight. The plants are very sensitive to sudden changes in light intensity. Never move a plant from a shady situation to full sun, the leaves will burn and the plant may never recover and die. So when moving your plant, make sure that you gradually harden it off to brighter light.[图片]Grower’s Tips At first glance it would appear that Welwitschia would be almost impossible to grow, but this is only partly true. Welwitschias can be grown easily, even as pot plants and even on window sills and verandas in cooler climates. Once established, the plant will grow steadily and is relatively disease free. The most crucial stage is during its first eight months after germination when it is prone to fungal attack. Also, as it is not a true succulent, it should not be treated as one. It is dependent on additional water from its roots and if grown in a pot, care should be taken that the soil does not dry out completely.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Xerosicyos is a flowering plant genus of the family Cucurbitaceae. Its name comes from Greek “xeros”, (meaning “dry”) and “sicyos” (meaning “cucumber”). There are three species, all endemic to Madagascar.[图片]Xerosicyos danguyi is a large liana with thick stems and round, gray succulent leaves. It is common in cultivation and often called the “Silver Dollar” vine. Xerosicyos perrieri is also a liana with thinner stems and smaller, ovate green succulent leaves. Xerosicyos pubescens is entirely different from the previous species. It forms a large caudex from which deciduous vines emerge. The leaves are lobed and semi-succulent and die back in the dry season and during prolonged periods of drought.[图片]Growing Conditions Light: A location with full sun is best, although Xerosicyos can grow in partial shade. Temperature: During the winter months, Xerosicyos are kept at a temperature of around 41-48°F (5-9°C) and are watered only enough to keep the leaves from shriveling. USDA hardiness zone 9-11.[图片]Water: They are extremely drought tolerant. A deep soaking once a month in the summer will keep the plant looking good. For pot culture in summer, during the vegetative period, it must be regularly watered, but allowing the soil to completely dry up before watering again (but do not overwater). In winter, it’s to be kept dry. Preferable not to water on overcast days, humid days or cold winter days. Soil: Xerosicyos adapts to most soil types, but not too heavy in texture; good drainage is desirable. If grown in a pot as an indoor plant use a succulent plants soil.[图片]Fertilizer: Low food needs. They should be fertilized only once during the active growing period. Propagation It is easily propagated by cuttings or by seed in spring. Cuttings grow easily once left to callous for several days and then planted in succulent soil. Seeds germinate in 14-21 days at 21°C.
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マロウの育て方・栽培方法 育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 日当たりと風通し、水はけのよい場所が適しています。植えつけ場所や用土に、堆肥や腐葉土などの有機物を十分に加えて植えつけます。 水やり 庭植えの場合は、根が張ったあとはほとんど必要ありません。鉢植えの場合は、鉢土の表面がよく乾いたらたっぷり水やりします。 肥料 元肥として緩効性化成肥料を施します。多肥にすると倒れやすくなるので注意しましょう。成長の始まる春と秋に、追肥として緩効性肥料を置き肥するか、液体肥料を施します。 [图片]病気と害虫 害虫:ハマキムシ、アブラムシ、ワタノメイガなど ハマキムシはハマキガ類の幼虫のことで、葉を巻いたり、つづり合わせたりして、その中にいます。巻いた葉の上から押しつぶすか、葉を開いて幼虫を捕殺します。 アブラムシは、春の成長期に葉や新芽によく発生します。見つけしだい駆除しましょう。数が少ないうちならつぶして退治します。 ワタノメイガは、幼虫が葉や枝を糸でつづって巣をつくり、葉を食害します。葉の上にふんが落ちているのを見つけたら、幼虫を探して捕殺します。幼虫は比較的機敏に動くので、取り逃がさないようにします。 [图片]用土(鉢植え) 水はけと通気性に富み、適度な保水性のある土が適しています。赤玉土小粒5、腐葉土3、軽石2などの割合で配合したものがよいでしょう。 植えつけ、 植え替え 3月上旬から5月上旬と9月下旬から11月上旬ごろに行います。苗を鉢植えにする場合は、太い根を切らないように注意し、9~10号鉢に植えつけます。庭植えでは株間を50~100cmくらいとります。 植え替えは、鉢植えでは株がいっぱいになったときだけ、株分けを兼ねて行います。庭植えでは植えっぱなしにするのがよいでしょう。 [图片]ふやし方 株分けやタネをまいてふやします。 株分け:株分けは、大株になったら行います。地上部が枯れた10月から11月に株を掘り上げ、1株に3~5芽つくように、ハサミを入れて株を割ります。 タネまき:4月から6月か、9月に行います。直根性で移植を嫌うので、直まきかポットまきとし、本葉が3~4枚になったら定植します。こぼれダネでもよくふえるので、周囲に発芽した苗を鉢上げしてもよいでしょう。 主な作業 花がら摘み:咲き終わった花は随時摘み取り、花茎の花全体がほぼ咲き終わったら、花茎の根元で切り戻します。花をハーブとして利用する際は、咲いた日に1輪ずつ摘み取ります。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Yucca are desert plants native to the Southwestern United States, Mexico and Central America. They’ve also bee naturalized throughout the Southern United States. As far as houseplants go, they are probably eclipsed by the similar-looking Dracaena genus (which is often mistaken for Yucca). They are, however, interesting and slow-growing houseplants that have the added benefit of being extremely drought tolerant.[图片]If you kill a Yucca, it’s probably due to overwatering. Over time, most species will grow into room-devouring monsters, but this takes long enough that they provide years of durable service as a houseplant. One word of caution, however: one of the popular species, Yucca aloifolia has very sharp spines on its leaf-tips that could potentially cause injury.[图片]Spineless species are much more suited for indoor cultivation. Growing Conditions Light: Bright, unfiltered sunlight. Yucca thrive in full sunlight, so they’re perfect for that west-facing window where everything else burns up. Water: They are highly sensitive to water-logging. Water regularly in the spring and summer growing season, but make sure the plant has excellent drainage and dries between waterings. Water sporadically in the winter. Never let a plant sit in a tray of water. Temperature: Widely variable. Yucca are adapted to the desert, where temperatures can soar into the 90°F (32°C) or higher and down into the 30°F (-1°C) at night. Soil: A loose, well-drained potting mix. Fertilizer: Fertilize during the growing season with liquid fertilizer or controlled-release fertilizer according to label instructions.[图片]Propagation The easiest way to propagate Yucca is with offsets of older plants. Divide the plant during repotting or carefully slice away the offset and pot up into a separate container. They can also be propagated by stem cuttings, using pieces of stem of at least 4 inches (20 cm) and rooting hormone. Yucca grown indoors will likely not flower or bear seeds.[图片]Repotting Yucca are relatively slow-growing plants that should only need to be repotted every other year. They do well slightly pot-bound, as long as they don’t become heavy enough to tip over their containers. Repotting larger plants can be difficult, so larger plants can be refreshed with new potting soil by digging out the top 2 inches (5 cm) of the container and adding new soil. During typical repotting, remove the Yucca plant from its container and go up one container size. Always use fresh potting soil.[图片]Grower’s Tips Under the right conditions, Yucca are not difficult plants to grow. They tend to thrive on a little neglect, rather than too much attention. They are especially easy to overwater, and soggy stems are a sign of too much water. The best conditions for Yucca include a sunny corner with relatively low humidity. They are not prone to many pests, although scale can be an issue. Over time, plants will typically lose their lower leaves (in nature, they droop, forming a skirt around the trunk), giving the plant a pleasant “tree-like” appearance.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
A small genus of two species, Neowerdermannia is a genus of spiny globose cacti which are very similar to the genus Gymnocalycium. Flowers are bourne near the apex and have naked floral tubes with scales – eiter white or pink. The fruits are globose and dehiscent.[图片]The body features ribs which are not clearly defined and broken into rather pronounced tubercles. Areoles are small at the top of the tubercles (not the ends) and give rise to as many as 20 stout spines which may be curved or even hooked. The plants in this genus are found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru, though apparently not in great numbers. It is even more scarce in cultivation and grown by enthusiasts, but not commercially.[图片]Growing Conditions Light: Suited for sunny-brightly exposure; can tolerate light shade. Water: Watering in the summer months, while Neowerdermannias are growing well can be frequent (weekly for small plants in small pots), but always allowing the compost nearly to dry out before rewatering. Watering in the winter months at all is unwise, and certainly not necessary. The difficult times are spring and autumn.[图片]Temperature: Neowerdermannias are very cold resistant as low as to 14° C (-10° C) or less for short periods of time. Soil: The balance of the potting medium should be sufficient to allow good drainage, so that the plants do not sit in soggy soil for more than a day or two after watering. Propagation Seeds, also can be grown from cutting or graft. Seeds can be sown in the spring or summer. The seedlings should not be disturbed until they are well rooted, after which they can be planted separately in small pots.[图片]Pests and Problems Neowerdermannias are especially prone to root rot, therefore, underpot in a smaller container filled with very porous compost. Grower’s Tips Neowerdermannias come from mountainous areas, so like bright light, cool and dry conditions in the winter; this is important for the flowers as well as for their health. Without this cool winter period 32-50° F (0-10° C) they normally won’t get many buds. They have a thick taproot and are of difficult cultivation and rot prone because of a great sensitivity to the excess of watering, not easy to get to any large size on their own roots really a challenge to grow into a large clump. Needs deep pot and good drainage to accommodate its tap root. They are commonly grafted to avoid root problems and to make easier to grow. On a graft Neowerdermannias are easier to grow, but the body splits if over-watered (especially in spring).[图片]
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マロウの基本情報 学名:Malva その他の名前:ゼニアオイ、ウスベニアオイ(コモンマロウ)、ジャコウアオイ(ムスクマロウ) 科名 / 属名:アオイ科 / ゼニアオイ属 特徴 マロウの仲間は、ゼニアオイ(Malva sylvestris subsp. mauritiana)やウスベニアオイ(M. sylvestris、別名コモンマロウ)、ジャコウアオイ(M. moschata、別名ムスクマロウ)がよく栽培されています。丈夫で植えっぱなしにできる宿根草ですが、一株の寿命はあまり長くなく、4~5年に1回、さし芽やタネで更新するとよいでしょう。ゼニアオイはこぼれダネでもよくふえます。ある程度充実した株が冬の寒さに反応して開花するので、タネでふやすときは春にまき、冬までに苗を大きく育てます。 種類(原種、園芸品種) ゼニアオイ Malva sylvestris subsp. mauritiana 赤紫色の花弁に濃紫色のストライプが入る。ハーブティーにも利用される。 [图片]ウスベニアオイ Malva sylvestris 別名コモンマロウ。径6cmほどの薄紫色、または白色の花を咲かせ、ハーブティーに利用される。薄ピンク色の花弁に濃紫色のストライプが入る‘ゼブリナ’や、淡い薄紫色の花の‘プライマリー・ブルー’、より青色に近い‘ブルー・フォンテン’などがある。 [图片]ジャコウアオイ Malva moschata 別名ムスクマロウ。草丈70cmほど。葉はかすかに麝香の香りがある。花の中央が白色で縁がピンク色の複色花‘ホワイト・パーフェクション’や、花弁の幅がやや広く淡いピンク花の‘アップルブロッサム’、そのほか白花など、いくつかの変種や品種がある。 [图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
If you are planting winter-hardy varieties, such as Sedum sp., Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum sp.), Ice Plant (Delosperma sp.), Yucca (Yucca sp.), you shouldn’t have to worry about any extra winter care. You may see them begin to wither, shrink, or change color as cold weather approaches, but this is part of their normal winter routine. These plants withstand freezing temperatures, with some varieties hardy down to zone 3. [图片]For less hardy varieties, the problem during the winter is the deadly combination of cold temperatures and waterlogged, soggy soil from rains and snow melt. Many varieties will withstand colder temperatures if the soil can be kept dry enough. Some tips for caring for tender succulents during freezing weather include: Keep the soil as dry as possible. Stop supplemental watering and feeding around late fall. Be sure there is adequate air circulation, to keep the winter dampness at bay. [图片]Plant succulents in sheltered areas if your winters are rainy – a good spot might be a sunny location underneath the eaves or porch. Make sure your soil has good drainage – if you notice soggy soil around your succulents during wet weather, you need to improve the conditions to help your plant survive. Add sand, well-draining organic matter, or a product such as Perma-Till to increase water drainage. [图片]Cover tender plants when freezing temperatures are forecasted. You can use fabric covers, bushel baskets, or purchased frost covers. Just make sure the covers do not touch the leaves, and don’t keep them covered any longer than necessary – they need air circulation and sunlight. Don’t remove snow cover – it’s a good insulator.
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マルバストラムの基本情報 学名:Malvastrum lateritium 科名 / 属名:アオイ科 / エノキアオイ属(マルバストラム属) 特徴 マルバストラムは、淡いサーモンピンクの花が各葉腋に1輪ずつ、茎を伸ばしながら次々と長期間咲き続けます。花径は4cmくらい、パステル調のやさしい花色で、中心部のカップ状のところは黄色、そのまわりにローズ色の蛇の目模様がくっきりと入ります。夜間は花が閉じます。茎はほふくして1m以上に伸び、各節から根を出して周囲に広がります。 よく茂るのでグラウンドカバーとして利用されます。鉢植えでは、刈り込んでコンパクトに咲かせたり、あんどん仕立てにしたりできます。また、さし芽でふやした苗を利用して、小鉢で小さく咲かせることもできます。 マルバストラム属(Malvastrum)は14種ほどがありますが、主に本種(M. lateritium)が「マルバストラム」の名前で流通しています。名前は、マルバ属(Malva、ゼニアオイ属)に似たものということからつけられました。同属にはほかに、エノキアオイ(アオイモドキ M. coromandelianum)が、帰化植物として日本でも野生化しています。 [图片]種類(原種、園芸品種) マルバストラム・ラテリティウム Malvastrum lateritium 「マルバストラム」の名前で流通するものは、ほとんどが本種。 エノキアオイ Malvastrum coromandelianum 帰化植物。薬用や繊維作物として利用される。 [图片]育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 日当たりと水はけのよい場所で育てます。半日陰でも育ちますが、節間が間のびしやすくなり、花つきは悪くなります。暑さ寒さに強く、幅広い環境に適応し、用土もそれほど選ばず、やせ地でも育ち、根がしっかり張れば、かなりの乾燥にも耐えます。 つるが周囲に広がるので、必要に応じて生育域を制限しておきます。冬に-5℃以下になる寒冷地では防寒が必要です。 水やり 庭植えではほとんど必要ありません。 鉢植えは、用土が乾き始めたらたっぷりと水を与えます。多湿の状態が長く続くと根腐れを起こしやすくなります。 肥料 生育が旺盛で、肥料切れしやすいので、鉢植えでは生育期間中は肥料分が途切れないよう施します。特に春の伸長期から開花までは、肥料の多い少ないで花つきがかなり違ってきます。 庭植えでは、肥料はほとんど必要ありません。 [图片]病気と害虫 病気:ほとんど見られません。 害虫:アブラムシ、ハマキムシ ほとんど見られませんが、アブラムシやハマキムシがつくことがあります。 用土(鉢植え) 水はけのよいものであれば、それほど用土は選びません。市販の草花用培養土も利用できます。 植えつけ、 植え替え 植えつけ:適期は3月から5月、9月から10月ですが、真冬を除いてほとんど一年中植えつけができます。4月から6月に鉢物が出回ることが多く、これを庭に植えたり、一回り大きな鉢に植えたりします。庭植えの場合は、日当たりと水はけのよい場所に腐葉土を混ぜて植えつけ、根づくまでは乾燥に注意します。 植え替え:生育が旺盛で、根詰まりしやすいので、毎年秋か早春に植え直したほうが花がよく咲きます。大鉢の場合は1年おきでも大丈夫です。 根をほぐし、古い茎や老化した部分は取り除いて勢いのよい芽を集め、鉢の大きさや仕立て方の好みに応じて芽数を調節して植えつけます。 ふやし方 株分け:春か秋に、伸びたつるを切り分けて植えます。 さし芽:適期は5月から7月です。 タネまき:適期は4月から5月です。ポットにまいて苗を育て、鉢や花壇に植えつけます。 主な作業 刈り込み、仕立て直し:鉢植えでは開花後に刈り込み、仕立て直します。あんどん仕立てにするときは、つるの誘引を行います。
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