Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Discocactus is a genus of cacti, highly prized by collectors around the globe. Exactly what it is that makes them so attractive is uncertain. Some of the factors are likely their relatively compact size, unique and showy white flowers, and their slow growth. The species within this genus are flattened to globose in shape with stems that hardly exceed 3 inches (7.5 cm) in height and are less than 10 inches (25 cm) in diameter. Stems are ribbed and sometimes tuberculate with fuzzy areoles or dense spines. Most plants remain single, but may form clumps. Flowering plants form a wooly terminal cephalium out of which rise the flowers on the end of a long, thin floral tube. The nocturnal flowers are highly fragrant and touted by many growers as the best smelling of all cactus flowers. Discocactus blooms in summer, on and off. The flowers are generally white and open in late afternoon until the following morning.[图片]Growing Conditions Light: Discocactus will take full sun, but prefers a little shade in the afternoon. Water: Water with extreme care after the compost has dried out. Temperature: During the rest period should be kept at above 59°F (15°C) if grown on its own roots (46°F/8°C if grafted). Soil: The balance of the potting medium should be sufficient to allow good drainage, 50% compost to 50% gravel, perlite or pumice.[图片]Grower’s Tips This is probably one of the most difficult cacti to keep growing on its own roots and is almost always seen as a grafted plant. If growing on its own roots is attempted the soil must be extremely free draining, and watering should only take place after the compost has dried out and then only on sunny and warm days. Discocactus are tropical species, and should be kept warm in winter. The grafted plants are less cold sensitive, but none has any frost tolerance. Mature Discocactus stop growing, and instead divert their energy into growing a cephalium. The cephalium is a specialized flowering head, generally covered with fibers.[图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Saguaro Cactus (Carnegiea gigantea) blossoms are the state flower of Arizona. The cactus is a very slow growing plant, which may add only 1 to 1,5 inches (2.5 to 3.8 cm) in the first eight years of life. The Saguaro grows arms or lateral stems but it may take up to 75 years to produce the first one. Saguaro are very long lived and many found in the desert are 175 years old. It is likely that rather than growing Saguaro cactus in the home garden, you may find yourself the becoming owner of a well established Saguaro when you buy a new home or build a home on land where Saguaro Cactus already grow.[图片]Saguaro have barrel-shaped bodies with peripheral stems called arms. The exterior of the trunk is pleated due to the way it grows. The pleats expand, allowing the cactus to gather extra water in the rainy season and storing it in its tissues. An adult cactus may weigh 6 tons or more when filled with water and requires a strong internal support skeleton of connected ribs. A young growing Saguaro cactus may only be a few inches tall as ten year old plants and take decades to resemble the adults.[图片]These cacti are native to and only grow in the Sonoran Desert. Saguaro are not found in the entire desert but only in areas that don’t freeze and at certain elevations. The freezing point is one of the most important considerations of where do Saguaro grow. The cactus plants are found from sea level up to 4,000 feet (1,220 m). If they are growing above 4,000 feet (1,220 m), the plants survive only on south slopes where there are fewer freezes of shorter duration. Saguaro Cactus plants are important parts of the desert ecology, both as habitat and as food. Growing Conditions and General Care[图片]It is not legal to procure a Saguaro Cactus for home cultivation by digging it out of the desert. Beyond that, mature Saguaro cactus plants almost always die when transplanted. Saguaro Cactus babies grow under the protection of nurse trees. The cactus will continue to grow and often its nurse tree will expire. It is thought the cactus may cause the nurse tree to die by competing for resources. The nurse trees provide Saguaro Cactus babies with shelter from the harsh rays of the sun and dispersing moisture from evaporation.[图片]Saguaro Cactus needs to grow in well-drained grit and receive low levels of water, with the soil drying out completely between irrigation. Annually fertilizing with cactus food in spring will help the plant complete its growth cycle. There are common cactus pests, such as scale and mealybugs, that will require manual or chemical controls.[图片]Saguaro Cactus Blossoms Saguaro Cactus are slow to develop and may be 35 years of age or more before they produce the first flower. The flowers bloom in May until June and are a creamy white color and about 3 inches (7.5 cm) across. The Saguaro blossoms only open at night and close in the day, which means they are pollinated by moths, bats and other nocturnal creatures.. The flowers are generally located at the end of the arms but may occasionally decorate the sides of the cactus.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Ortegocactus is a cactus genus that consists of only one species that was discovered relatively recently in the second half of the 20th century. It grows in a very small area on limestone in Oaxaca, Mexico. Ortegocactus macdougallii is the only species, and an exceedingly rare greenish grey clumper. Though its now showing up in cultivation. The 1 to 1.5 inches (2.5 to 3.8 cm) heads offset profusely and these offsets can be used for propagation along with seeds. The plant is self fertile and only one is needed to produce fruits and seeds. The flowers come in spring or summer and are yellow.[图片]An interesting characteristic of this plant is the beautiful gray-green dermis, which is notably porous and has a skin-like appearance. Like so many of the small species of Mexican cacti, Ortegocactus is highly prized by collectors. However, as these plants age, they tend to develop rust-colored spots on them even in the care of the most accomplished growers.[图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Ortegocactus macdougallii likes light shade to full sun. It is often grafted since it is tricky to grow when on its own roots. Water moderately in summer and very carefully if at all in winter. It show a distinct intolerance to over watering either by rotting off, or by bursting of the epidermis. Grow Ortegocactus in a fast draining mineral mix. To prevent growing a monster totally out of proportion to their attractive and natural form, you should limit the fertilizer.[图片]Propagation Very slow from seed. Many authors recommend grafting, first on Pereskiopsis and soon on Myrtillocactus geometrizans. If it does not reject the stock, it is possible to be cultivated without problems. If we prefer to cultivate it on its own roots, we can maintain intact its characteristics without deformities, grafted plants clump readily and the offsets can be used for make cuttings.
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マリーゴールドの育て方・栽培方法 育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 日当たりと水はけのよいところが適します。土質はあまり選びません。生育の適温は15~20℃ぐらいですが、夏の暑さにも耐え、軽い霜程度ならほとんど傷まず咲き続けます。フレンチ種は短日のほうが花つきがよく、30℃以上になると咲きにくくなります。アフリカン種は、長日のほうが花つきがよく、高温でも咲き続けます。ただし、いずれも品種によって差が見られます。 水やり 庭植えでは、よほど乾燥しないかぎり必要ありません。鉢植えは、水切れで下葉が枯れ上がりやすいので、用土が乾き始めたら、たっぷり与えます。 [图片]肥料 庭植えは、植えつけ時に堆肥や腐葉土などを混ぜておけば、やせ地でないかぎり、特に肥料を施す必要はありません。肥料(特にチッ素分)が多いと、葉が茂るばかりで花つきが悪くなります。鉢植えでは、肥料切れしないよう、定期的にリン酸分の多い肥料を施すとよいでしょう。 病気と害虫 病気:灰色かび病 長雨や多湿にすると、花や枯れ葉にカビの生える灰色かび病が出やすいので、風通しをよくしておきます。 害虫:ヨトウムシ、アブラムシ、ハダニなど 生育期(特に夏)にヨトウムシ、アブラムシ、ハダニの被害を受けることがあります。 [图片]植えつけ、 植え替え 春にタネをまいて育てます。市販のポット苗を利用する場合は、霜の心配がなくなってから植えつけます。 ふやし方 タネまき:タネの発芽適温は20~25℃ぐらいで、発芽まで1週間ほどかかります。発芽して本葉が2枚開いたときにポットなどに仮植えし、大きくしてから花壇に植えつけます。 自分で採取したタネからは、元の株と異なる花が咲くことも多く、特にF1品種では毎年タネを購入する必要があります。品種によっては、こぼれダネで毎年自然に育って咲くものもあります。 さし木:生育中はさし木も容易にできます。 [图片]主な作業 花がら摘み:放任しても咲き続けますが、花がらを摘むと見栄えもよく病気の予防になります。 切り戻し:夏の高温期に花が咲かなくなったもの、伸びすぎたり草姿が乱れてきたものは、半分くらいに刈り込んでおくと、秋には再びこんもりと咲くようになります。 支柱立て:アフリカン種の高性種では必要に応じて支柱を立てたり、土寄せをして株が倒れるのを防ぎます。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Deuterocohnia is a genus of the botanical family Bromeliaceae, subfamily Tillandsioideae, endemic to South America. The genus is named for Ferdinand Julius Cohn, German botanist and bacteriologist.[图片]Plants once described as belonging to the genus Abromeitiella have been reevaluated and reclassified within Deuterocohnia following modern DNA analysis. The genus is comprised of a few generally mat-forming succulents from Argentina and Bolivia. They are rosette-forming terrestrial Bromeliads with heavily spined leaf margins. The flowers, on a short inflorescence, are green and inconspicuous. They do not die after flowering and often rebloom on the same flower spike. The sizes range from the tiny Deuterocohnia brevifolia only a few inches across to huge plants with broad leaves and the size of large Dyckia or Hechtia.[图片]Growing Conditions Light: The plants need full sun to light shade. Water: They are very drought tolerant but do best with average water during spring and summer. Limit water during winter. Soil: Grow your Deuterocohnia in well-drained humus rich soil.[图片]Grower’s Tips Grow your Deuterocohnia in well-drained humus rich soil with added pebbles, perlite, hardwood bark or other material to facilitate drainage. Keep in bright light or part sun and water moderately in spring and summer letting it dry between waterings in the winter. It is probably one of the cold hardiest of the Bromeliads, but detesting winter wet on its foliage, proves difficult to keep outside.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Rhipsalis is a cacti genus with approximately 35 distinct species. One of the most popular varieties is Rhipsalis baccifera, also known as Mistletoe Cactus. This should not be confused with the plant commonly called Christmas Cactus; although they are cousins, they are very different plants and are not classified in the same genus.[图片]While many people think of the prickly plants that are native to the American deserts when they hear the name “cactus“, most Rhipsalis have no needles, and they would not survive the dry soil and bright sun of a desert. Virtually all species are native to the rainforests of South America, the Caribbean, and Central America, leading to their classification as jungle cacti. The difference between the native environments of jungle and desert cacti means that caring for Rhipsalis requires overcoming any pre-conceived notions you might have about what cacti prefer.[图片]Lighting Requirements Rhipsalis does not thrive in direct sunlight. Exposure to afternoon sun can burn the leaves, turn them yellow, or lead to spotting. However, without sufficient sunlight, They will not bloom, and its growth can be stunted. Rhipsalis does best with morning sun and full shade in the afternoon. As Rhipsalis is commonly grown indoors, care must be given to the placement of the plants. They should be kept at least 20 inches (50 cm) away from windows that receive midday or afternoon sun. The glass in the windows can multiply the heat from the sun’s rays, causing sunburned leaves. Keep in mind that in its native environment, Rhipsalis is accustomed to receiving light that has been filtered through dense, overhanging tree branches. Picturing this environment can help you adjust your lighting accordingly.[图片]Watering Rhipsalis is not a drought-resistant plant, so regular watering is essential. Over-watering, however, can cause weak stems and rotted roots. Using a watering can may help you measure the amount of water you are providing. The size of the pot compared to the size of the plant, the humidity levels in the home, and the type of potting soil used can all affect the watering frequency. Rhipsalis seldom needs to be watered more than once a week. Check before watering by pressing your finger into the soil to a depth of half an inch. Postpone watering if the soil is moist. You can also use a moisture meter to help you determine whether it is time to water.[图片]Selecting Pots Rhipsalis does best when planted in clay pots. The advantage of clay pots is that they allow the soil to “breathe” better than other types, helping to dissipate moisture that could rot the plant’s roots. Most varieties of They produce long, hanging leaves that make them ideal hanging plants, so when selecting pots, many people choose styles that can be placed in a metal or macramé plant hanger.[图片]Soil Novices to the world of jungle cacti might prefer purchasing a potting soil made specifically for cacti. Gardeners with experience growing succulents can make their own by combining regular potting soil with sphagnum, coir, orchid bark, or gravel to ensure proper drainage. Most types of Rhipsalis will need to be transplanted every two or three years using fresh potting soil. When repotting, take care not to damage the roots.[图片]Fertilizing Do not feed newly repotted or just-purchased Rhipsalis for 12 months. Rhipsalis does not need feeding until the soil begins to become depleted of nutrients. If feeding is desired, use a diluted, half-strength fertilizer formulated for cacti. Feed monthly only during spring and summer months. Follow the directions provided with the fertilizer to determine the correct quantity, which will be based on plant size, pot size, and other factors.
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マリーゴールドの基本情報 学名:Tagetes 和名:クジャクソウ(孔雀草)、万寿菊、千寿菊   科名 / 属名:キク科 / マンジュギク属(タゲテス属) 特徴 マリーゴールドは鮮やかな黄色や橙色の花を長期間次々と咲かせます。栽培も容易で、花壇の定番品目ともいえるポピュラーな花です。ボリューム感があり、マッス植えや花壇の縁取り、コンテナ植えなど、広い場所から小さなスペースまで、華やかさを出すには好都合な草花です。品種も多いので、組み合わせによりさまざまなバリエーションを演出できます。草丈が低く枝分かれの多いフレンチ・マリーゴールドと、高性で大輪のアフリカン・マリーゴールドが主に栽培され、両種の交配種もあります。また、メキシカン・マリードールドは、細い葉がマット状にこんもり茂り、たくさんの花を咲かせます。マリーゴールドには独特のにおいがあり、コンパニオンプランツとして、ネグサレセンチュウなどほかの植物の害虫の防除に役立つものがあります。マリーゴールドの仲間タゲテス属には50種ほどがあり、日本ではシオザキソウが帰化植物となっています。宿根性の種類では、柑橘系の強い香りのあるT・レモニー(レモン・マリーゴールド)、甘い香りで切り花にも利用されるT・ルシダ(ミント・マリーゴールド)があり、秋の花壇をにぎわしてくれます。これらは-5℃ぐらいまでなら冬越しできます。 種類(原種、園芸品種) 「デュランゴ」シリーズ フレンチ・マリーゴールド。花径6〜7cmの大輪種。 [图片]「ボーイ」シリーズ フレンチ・マリーゴールド。花径は5cmくらいの中輪種。 [图片]「タイザン」シリーズ アフリカン・マリーゴールド。矮性種。 [图片]‘F1バニラ’ アフリカン・マリーゴールド。白花の優雅な花。 [图片]‘レモンジェム’ メキシカン・マリーゴールド。細葉孔雀草と呼ばれ一重咲き小輪多花性。ハンギングにも向く。 [图片]
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マトリカリアの育て方・栽培方法 育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 庭植えでは、水はけのよい日なたに植えつけましょう。冬は北風を避けられる場所が最適で、ビニールトンネルなどで防寒し、強く凍らせないようにしましょう。 鉢植えは、風通しのよい日なたに置き、高温期の長雨には当てないようにしましょう。冬は強く凍らない場所に移動させます。 水やり 庭植えには、特に水やりは必要ありません。 鉢植えでは、栽培期間を通じて土の表面が乾いたら、たっぷり水を与えましょう。乾燥には強いですが、過湿になると株が蒸れて立ち枯れたり、根腐れするので、水の与えすぎに気をつけましょう。 [图片]肥料 庭植えには、10月から11月と、3月から5月に、緩効性化成肥料(チッ素N-リン酸P-カリK=10-10-10など)を定期的に施します。 鉢植えには、10月から11月に緩効性化成肥料(N-P-K=10-10-10など)を、2月から5月に液体肥料(N-P-K=6-10-5など)を定期的に施します。 病気と害虫 病気:特にありません。 害虫:アブラムシ、ハダニ アブラムシが3月から11月に発生するので、見つけしだい、防除しましょう。なお、風通しをよくすると発生を軽減できます。 4月から10月、雨が少なく乾燥が続くとハダニが多発します。葉裏に水をかけると発生が少なくなりますが、過湿になると蒸れて株が傷むので、晴天が続くときに行いましょう。雨が続くときは、水を葉にかけないように注意しましょう。 [图片]用土(鉢植え) 赤玉土中粒5、腐葉土3、酸度調整済みピートモス2の配合土に、適量のリン酸分の多い緩効性化成肥料を適量混ぜた用土など、水はけがよく肥沃な土を好みます。さらに、酸性土を嫌うので、用土1リットル当たり2gの苦土石灰を混合しておくとよいでしょう。 植えつけ、 植え替え 3月から4月、10月から11月に、本葉が4~5枚になった株を植えつけます。 [图片]ふやし方 タネまき:適期は9月から10月です。バーミキュライトの細粒を用い、タネが少し見える程度にごく薄く覆土します。 さし芽:適期は6月から7月と、9月から10月です。株元に発生する太く充実した新芽の先端を3cm程度の長さに切ってさし、ふやすことができます。 主な作業 支柱立て:品種によって草丈が1m程度の高さになるまで、3月から5月の間に支柱を立てておきましょう。矮性品種には必要ありません。 花茎切り:5月から7月、花が終わった花茎は、株元まで切り戻しましょう。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Soil: Unlike most other cacti Pereskiopsis will put up with a lot of organic material in their soil. Although you should not use a rain forest mix you can and should have a soil mix that is a little more than 75% organic soil. We do this because unlike most other cacti, Pereskiopsis are heavy feeders. They grow far more quickly thanks to their leaves, and their roots are far more reaching. The other 25% should consist of an even mix of perlite, pumice, rock and sand. All of these four provide excellent drainage oxygen flow in the soil. Root rot is common in Pereskiopsis but is easily avoided by adding these.[图片]Light: As with just about every cactus a lack of light will really harm them if you expect growth and continue to water them. You will wait for a long time if you do not have an artificial light source and humidity. Pereskiopsis live in very tropical, wet and humid regions of Central and South America. This is easy to recreate with your grow light and indoor greenhouse set up. But you must be careful to allow air circulation. This is one of the number one killers of cactus and Pereskiopsis in general behind over watering. If you have an indoor greenhouse you can easily do this by opening up the tent for several hours a day and choosing one day a week in which it is open all day. You should have two angles for air circulation to navigate. No artificial fans are need but can be helpful.[图片]Lighting requirements for Pereskiopsis plants are about 10-14 hours of light a day. Find a balance that fits your lifestyle and that of the plants. If they react negatively toward your specifications, make the appropriate changes. If you are just growing them during the summer, most northern states and even portions of Canada can maintain Pereskiopsis outside. The months of June, July and August will be perfect for Pereskiopsis in clay pots. Do not bother watering them and just let the rain take care of them. If you are in the western states which are much drier, just water them when the soil becomes dry. Believe it or not these cacti will be tolerant of regular potting soil in a sunny and warm location with good air circulation.[图片]Water: Unlike most other cacti, Pereskiopsis have the unique property of wanting more water. Don’t make the common mistake though, most cacti would prefer if you watered them more. However the soil, heat and light that you have are probably not enough to accommodate them. Even in their natural habitat, cacti would prefer more water than they receive.[图片]Grower’s Tips Growing Pereskiopsis is not difficult at all. In fact the plant is quite tolerant of many mistakes you might throw at it, but there are some considerations you must take before planting your new grafting stock. Depending on the number you have and how you will want to display them will dictate how they are planted. Another consideration is whether you received them as cuttings or as fully rooted plants. A tray that does not separate the different plants is perfectly acceptable. However to make grafting easier as well as future cuts, it’s best to use a cell that separates the plants, one per cell. This will also make it easy to separate them when you are ready because the roots are very aggressive and will branch out.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Pereskiopsis is the genus name of the family Cactaceae that have characteristics unlike many other cacti. Their name comes from there likeness to the genus Pereskia, also untypical looking cacti with leaves. The species Pereskiopsis spathulata is the most commonly encountered and used by cacti horticulturalists. Pereskiopsis cacti contain glochids and areoles similar to the Opuntia genus.[图片]They often have tropical features unlike many other cacti with their affection towards regular watering and humidity. They are often found throughout South America in a variety of ecosystems, not exclusive to deserts. However, several species are noted to be in Central America including Mexico. Yet their presence is quite rare in these instances. Research suggests that they are a highly primitive form of cacti and may give horticulturalists and botanists clues as to what cacti originally looked like before subsequent evolution.[图片]Pereskiopsis are often grown by cuttings. Seeds are very rare in the wild and are unheard of in cultivation. Getting Pereskiopsis to flower is also quite rare with no clear cut techniques in pollination. Cuttings are taken from plants that are mature but not too woody. Woody plants become far too tough and dangerous to work with. The glochids can also become a real pain if not handled properly. These little cacti spines will lodge into your skin and become a real irritant all day! Keep a pair of long tweezers to hold the Pereskiopsis cuttings and plants, but also a small precision pair for removing the glochids.[图片]
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