マトリカリアの基本情報 学名:Tanacetum parthenium 和名:ナツシロギク、イヌカミツレ  その他の名前:タナセツム(タナセタム)、フィーバーヒュー 科名 / 属名:キク科 / ヨモギギク属(タナセツム属) 特徴 園芸上マトリカリアと呼ばれる植物はタナセツム属のナツシロギク(Tanacetum parthenium)です。秋まきにし、強く凍らない程度の防寒をして冬越しさせると、春に開花するので二年草として扱われますが、高温多湿を避ければ夏越しできるので、本来は多年草の植物です。タネまきのほか、さし芽でふやすこともできます。 [图片]一方、マトリカリアの名を冠する植物には、学名のマトリカリア属の植物があります。有名なものに、一年草のジャーマン・カモミール(Matricaria recutita)があります。一般的に「カモミール」と呼ばれているのはこの種類です。ちなみに、カモミールと呼ばれる植物には、別属で多年草のローマンカモミール(Chamaemelum nobile)もあります。 なお、ナツシロギクも、以前このマトリカリア属に分類されていたことがあった名残で、今も「マトリカリア」と呼ばれています。 [图片]種類(原種、園芸品種) マトリカリア ‘サンタナ・イエロー’ Tanacetum parthenium ‘Santana Yellow’ 白い舌状花と、大きく発達したクリーム色の筒状花からなるので、花全体が淡い黄色に見える。草丈15cm程度の矮性品種。 マトリカリア ‘シングル・ベグモ’ Tanacetum parthenium ‘Single Vegmo’ 白い舌状花に黄色い筒状花をつける。草丈100cm程度に伸びる切り花用品種。 マトリカリア ‘ベグモ・スノーボール・エキストラ’ Tanacetum parthenium ‘Vegmo Snowball Extra’ ポンポン咲きの切り花用品種。近年ポンポン咲き品種を人工的にピンクなどに染色した切り花も流通している。 [图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
These tropical cacti, often referred to as leaf cacti, are quite unusual and in fact bear many characteristics unlike any other plants in their family. Instead, Pereskia plants often look more like plants from other genera; for instance, they often have large, bright green leaves and long stems, two characteristics uncommon among cacti. There’s also lots of diversity among leaf cacti, in growth habit and preferred treatment.[图片]Nonetheless, Pereskias qualify as cacti because of their spines which develop from aureoles, a distinctive characteristic of the cactus family. They can be divided into Leuenbergerias and Pereskias, and Pereskias are usually found in tropical areas while Leuenbergerias are found farther north. Many of these plants have lovely foliage; for instance, Pereskia grandifolia, which is used by native Brazilians for its medicinal properties, has large pinkish flowers that develop from the end of dense inflorescences. They’re often used as flowering hedges, and those varieties that carry edible fruits, like Pereskia aculeata, are also grown to be eaten. Many plants in the Pereskia genus are rare, and there’s so much diversity within the genus that it’s difficult to generalize these plant’s characteristics, but Pereskia is without a doubt one of the most interesting and unusual genera of cacti.[图片]Growing Conditions Light: Lots of direct sunlight every day; like all cacti, Pereskias will benefit from tons of light exposure. Water: Err on the side of underwatering rather than overwatering. They can be watered fairly infrequently and survive. Temperature: There’s some variance depending on the species’ place of origin, but these are generally tropical plants that require warm temperatures. Soil: Use a typical cactus potting soil that contains some organic material, and make sure their drainage is good to avoid damaging the roots. Fertilizer: Feed regularly with a balanced, water-soluble cactus fertilizer to increase their propensity to bloom.[图片]Propagation These cacti can be propagated fairly easily by taking cuttings. Snip off a piece of about a few inches long, treat with a good rooting hormone, and plant in cactus potting mix. It can take a little while for cacti to root, but they aren’t picky about propagation and should grow easily in a new environment. Remember to keep them in a warm, moist area.[图片]Repotting They like dry conditions and don’t need to be repotted often, but still it’s a good idea to refresh their soil by repotting occasionally. Be careful when repotting any cactus to not get hurt by their sharp spines, and lift the plant from its mix and replace in a new container before backfilling with soil. Do not water for a few weeks after repotting; the plant is still acclimating to its new container.[图片]Grower’s Tips As with many cacti, Pereskias can be almost ignored and still flourish. One of the major advantages that succulents pose as houseplants is their ease, and overwatering or overfeeding them is a bigger danger than neglecting them because it can damage their roots. If you repot them, remember to leave them alone for a brief period so as to avoid overstressing them, and make sure to keep an eye out for common houseplant pests. Many of these cacti can’t really be grown as houseplants anyway due to their shrubby growth habit, and others are very rare, but when you do find out Pereskias can be good in cultivation.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Bowiea volubilis also known as Climbing Onion Plant, is not related to onions or other alliums but is more closely aligned with lilies. It is not an edible plant and can be described as an interesting, but not as pretty, specimen of flora. Bowiea Sea Onion is another name for the plant, which is a succulent plant without any leaves. The plant grows from a bulb which is often outside of the soil. Growing climbing onion as a houseplant will amaze visitors and give all who see it something to ponder.[图片]Bowiea is the genus for the Climbing Onion Plant. These plants are native to Africa and indigenous where soil is poor, moisture is minimal and heat is severe. They grow well in most home interiors provided there is not excessive humidity. The plant itself is a curiosity, with its surface growing bulb and green starry flowers. Climbing Onions grow out of a bulb. The plant has no obvious leaves because the onion-like bulb is comprised of compressed leaf structures. As with any bulb, the onion houses the embryo and holds carbohydrates for continued plant growth.[图片]Climbing Onion plants may grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) across in their native habitat but usually only achieve 4 inches (10 cm) in captivity. They produce offsets or smaller bulbs as the plant matures, which can be divided away from the parent to produce new plants. Slender stems sprout from the bulbs and branch out into feathery flower stalks. Numerous tiny 6 pointed starry white to green blooms appear along the stems.[图片]Growing Conditions The best medium for growing Climbing Onion is a gritty, well-draining soil mixture. If you wish to make your own mixture, combine half potting soil and half sand. Choose a pot with drainage holes, as excess moisture can make the bulb rot. Climbing Onions like to be in a crowded pot, so select one that is just barely larger than the bulb. Place the container in full, but sheltered, sun or partial shade. Excess heat will cause the bulb to callus over and become dormant, while consistent even warmth and moderate moisture will allow the plant to grow all year.[图片]Grower’s Tips Overwatering is a major concern with this plant. Best growth is achieved with moderate and consistent moisture, but never let the plant sit in water and allow the soil to dry out between watering. Stop watering completely when the stalks dry out after blooming in late summer. At this point, you can cut off the spent stems when they begin to dry out and brown. Resume watering when the bulb re-sprouts, generally in fall.[图片]You can move the plant to a sheltered area outside in summer as long as the plant is kept above 50° F (10° C). Supplemental feeding is not a necessary part of climbing onion care. Provide the airy green stems with a support structure or simply allow them to tangle around themselves.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Mesembryanthemums or Mesembs as they are often known, belong to the Aizoaceae family and come mainly from South Africa and Namibia. They occur in both summer and winter rainfall areas and this affects their cultivation needs.[图片]Although the Aizoaceae family has roughly the same number of species as the Cactus family, and although the majority of them are found in a single country (and almost all of them in two countries), it manages a huge diversity of growth habits and climatic conditions. There are alpine summer growers, dead-stick summer dormant species, large shrubs, and single leaf pairs no bigger than your thumbnail. So knowing how to grow them can be something of a challenge.[图片]Mesembs share a few common traits that will be found throughout the family. One is that all are leaf succulents with the frequent habit of recycling resources from older leaves to new growth. They are mostly adapted to relatively predictable rainfall patterns rather than extreme drought and irregular rainfall. Total rainfall may be extremely low, but water is available at least seasonally or through fog and condensation. This leads to or allows plants which are not especially large and sometimes very small, and affects the way they need to be treated in cultivation. Growing Condition[图片]Mesembs require a loam-based compost with the addition of extra drainage material such as horticultural grit or perlite. They all like good light conditions and plenty of ventilation. Some are relatively cold-hardy and can even survive mild winters outside. Most will survive temperatures down to freezing point. There are some Mesembs which begin to grow in the autumn as the temperature drops and the days get shorter. Examples are Conophytum, Manilaria and Mitrophyllum. Because different genera within the Mesemb family have different growing conditions, care mast be taken with watering. Some genera will benefit from a light spray water to prevent shrivelling during their dormant period.[图片]Grower’s Tips The basics of Mesemb care are very simple, with free-draining soil, plenty of sun and ventilation, and regular light watering in the right season. Yet the difficulties are endless, trying to adapt to the Mesembs’ own adaptability and to follow their growth habits in your particular conditions.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Hatiora is a species of cultivated ornamental cactus with commonly known varieties such as Easter Cactus, Whitsun Cactus or Christmas Cactus, depending on its flowering season. These plants are among the most popular varieties of cultivated cactus. Some varieties, such as Drunken Dream, have arched stems and are sold for hanging baskets. It is an epiphytic plant, one that grows mostly on tree trunks in wet and humid regions.[图片]The stems of Hatiora may be leaf-shaped or flat. Depending on the species, it can grow to maximum lengths ranging between 20 inches (50 cm) and 6 feet (1.8 m). The stems are green all year round and are smooth, rather than toothed or scalloped. Funnel-shaped, small flowers that resemble tiny daisies grow at the end of stem segments. These range in colour from yellow, orange, red and pink. In some conditions, Hatiora can flower twice a year. Hatiora grows in the wild in tropical rain forests of south Eastern Brazil, as far south as the state of Parana, along the border with Paraguay. Although it grows mostly on tree trunks, it is sometimes found growing on rocky ground. In the wild, Hatiora bloom in spring and will sometimes flower twice in one year.[图片]Growing Conditions Light: This tropical cacti likes bright partial light only. It should never be exposed to full sunlight or midday sunlight. Water: Soil should be kept constantly moist, but never soggy. Do not allow water to sit in the dish underneath. Temperature: Hatioras prefers spring, summer, and fall temperatures around 75-80 °F (24-27 °C). Winter temperatures should be between 45-65 °F (7-18 °C) only.[图片]Soil: Due to its natural growing environment being on rocks or trees, this cacti requires rough soil to grow well. A 1:1 mixture of potting soil to pumice, tree bark, or perlite is required. Pumice is preferred. Fertilizer: Hatioras prefers fertilization every 14 days. Use a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer, and dilute to half strength. Do not fertilize during resting period.[图片]Grower’s Tips Hatiora thrives best in indirect light with exposure to morning and evening sun. It prefers a well drained soil. Cactus or epiphytic compost works well. It can be propagated easily through cuttings that can root immediately in soil. Hatiora likes long nights of about 14 hours. Cover the plant with a paper bag to shut out sunlight. Try not to reposition the plant once flower buds appear, as these could fall off during any movement. It needs a month’s rest after flowering, so water sparingly during this period.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The Hoya plant is known for its thick leaves and a characteristic shape. They are climbing and clambering so they make a very interesting sight in any home. Hoyas are also known as The Hindu Rope or Wax Plant. They are wax-stemmed and produce beautiful flowers. Many people like to grow them in their home, balcony or garden.[图片]These plants have been enjoyed for decades and they are very popular among many home gardeners. Hoyas plant has wheel-like clusters of porcelain or waxy flowers. The flowers typically have stars in their crowns. The flowers often produce unique, enjoyable fragrance. This plant was named in honor of Thomas Hoym, who was a gardener for the Duke of Northumberland. Hoym was the first one who recognized the beauty and uniqueness of this plant and he brought it into prominence.[图片]Hoyas are native to southern India. There, the Hoya plant is highly prized and it’s even a subject of legend. These plants are also commonly found throughout eastern Asia and Australia. There are many species, but it’s not clear how many of them are there exactly. According to the Bailey’s Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, there are around 100 species of these plant.[图片]Growing Conditions Light: A north window is a good location. Although the plants do not require direct light, they would not do well away from a window, unless you prefer to grow them under fluorescent grow lights. Supply all but the hottest sun. Water: Keep the soil moist in spring and summer, dry but not to the point of shriveled foliage in winter. In dry climates more frequent watering may be necessary. Some like to mist the leaves frequently, to clean them and increase humidity…but NOT when the plant is budding or in flower. Temperature: Give them medium (50 degrees F/10 degrees C) to warm temperatures during the growing season—spring and summer. The plants go semi-dormant in winter.[图片]Soil: A moist, well-drained, light soil – African Violet soil with some added perlite – is a good growing medium. Fertilizer: In spring Hoyas react favorably to feeding. A liquid food, about every four weeks, three or four times during the growing season will produce a vigorous growth. Withhold food during the winter. Propagation Propagate Hoyas by cuttings of top growth, or by leaf cuttings in the same manner as African Violets and Gloxinias. The average cutting or leaf start will produce a blooming plant in two years or less. The easiest method of propagation is by layering. Layers mature faster and do not need as much patience. Pin down a stem, at the joint, in a moist rooting medium. Sever and pot the new plant when roots have formed.[图片]Grower’s Tips Hoya plants don’t ask for much, beyond the well-draining soil and the warm humid conditions that many tropical flowers crave. They don’t like wet feet or heavy soil, and as many grow as epiphytes in nature (similar to bromeliads and orchids). Give them at least a half day of sunshine, and bring them indoors when temperatures drop below 50 degrees F (10 degrees C). When your Hoyas finishes blooming, leave the flower stalk, as it may produce new flowers. Removing the stalk forces the plant to produce a new stalk, which delays blooming and wastes the plant’s energy. They are light feeders, and a monthly drink of compost tea or dilute fish emulsion provides all the nutrition these tropicals need. Hoyas like the security of a snug pot, and plants that are a bit root bound will flower more prolifically than those that are swimming around in a giant pot.[图片]Design Tips Place your Hoya plant in a hanging basket where you can admire it from your favorite seat on the deck or porch. Hoyas will cling to a small trellis, providing a vertical accent in your tropical container garden. A Hoya plant would appreciate the humid conditions alongside any pond, fountain, or other water feature in your landscape.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Salicornia europaea, known as Common Glasswort or just Glasswort, is a halophytic annual dicot flowering in August to October. It flowers in groups of three. Glasswort is found in Africa, Europe and North America. Within the saltmarsh it can be found in low marsh and in depressions, salt pans and open creek sides. It is edible, either cooked or raw.[图片]The plant is at its best for eating in late summer. The stems are very succulent, but have a thin woody core that is easily removed. Its leaves stick out as small protrusions from the main stem. They are best harvested when about 6 inches (15 cm) long, the top 4 inches (10 cm) being used leaving the bottom 2 inches (5 cm) to produce new shoots. The edible leaves are occasionally sold in local markets.[图片]Growing Conditions Light: Prefers sunny position. Grow it in a container on you window sill or in the open ground. Water: Best watered with a saline solution (1 teaspoon of proper sea salt in a pint of water). Temperature: Give them medium (50 degrees F/10 degrees C) to warm temperatures during the growing season—spring and summer. The plants go semi-dormant in winter.[图片]Soil: Light sandy soil (or well drained). Grower’s Tips Glasswort prefers a rich organic soil with ample nitrogen and regular watering. This species is little, if at all, cultivated and its exact requirements are not clearly understood. It is not known if the plant will require periodic inundation by salty water to grow well. Glasswort is difficult to grow in cultivation, it can succeed in gardens if sown as soon as the seed is ripe in the autumn in a well-drained soil. A very variable plant both in size and the number of branches produced – a number of subspecies are recognised. The best forms for food production are bushy plants up to 16 inches (40 cm) tall with an upright habit that keeps the branches out of the mud.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Obregonia, the Artichoke Cactus, is a genus of cacti with a single species, Obregonia denegrii. It is found only within the Valley of Jaumave in the state of Tamaulipas in eastern Mexico. The Artichoke Cactus is found in semi-desert and shrubland at elevations of around 1970 – 2300 feet (600 – 700 m) above sea level. It is often found on rocky, gentle slopes in limestone gravel.[图片]This small cactus is just visible above the surface of the ground, as the heads emerge only slightly from the larger underground root system. The distinctive appearance of the head, which has given rise to the common name of “Artichoke Cactus”, is formed by the spirally arranged, erect tubercles. At the tip of each, there are 3 – 4 flexible spines. White flowers emerge from the centre of the whorl of tubercles, and these develop into whitish-brown fruits if cross-pollination is successful.[图片]This striking cactus produces flowers during the summer months. Fruits develop if the flowers are successfully fertilised through cross-pollination. The fruits dry and then split open, allowing the seeds to be washed away (and therefore dispersed) by rain. The Nahuatl Indians call the plant Peyotl, and it is said to have hallucinogenic alkaloids. It is one of the closest living relatives of the genus Lophophora. Growing Conditions Light: Requires ful sun to develop good compact growth. Water: Use water sparingly from March till October and keep perfectly dry in winter. Temperature: It is hardy to 25 °F (-4° C) for a short period. Soil: Very well drained soil with little organic material (peat, humus).[图片]Propagation Almost exclusively by seeds. But the seedlings are tiny and very slow growing and at first they take one or two years to reach the diameter of 0.1 – 0.2 inch (3 – 5 mm).[图片]Grower’s Tips This slow growing cactus isn’t always the easiest species to cultivate, but can enlarge relatively fast when well grown. It is often seen as a grafted plant but grows very well on its own roots too. Needs a very well drained soil with little organic material (peat, humus). Requires full sun to develop good compact growth and watering should be rather infrequent, to keep the plant flat shaped and not become excessively elongated and unnatural in appearance. Use water sparingly from March till October and keep perfectly dry in winter, or when night temperatures remain below 50° F (10° C). It is hardy to 25 °F (-4° C) for a short period. In the rest period no high atmospheric humidity. Ensure a good ventilation.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Turbinicarpus is a genus of very small to medium-sized cacti, which inhabit the north-eastern regions of Mexico and are extremely popular among collectors. Certainly their small size and readiness to flower attribute to their popularity. As is typical of any group of plants that receives a lot of attention from hobbyists and researchers, many names are described for plants with even the slightest difference. This can be either at the level of subspecies or species.[图片]The plants in this genus have small stems, often growing hidden in the soil in habitat. In cultivation, the plants are often solitary globose stems with distinct tubercles. Spines vary considerably from species to species. Flowers arise from the stem tips and range from white to dark pink. Growing Conditions Light: Turbinicarpus prefer to be in a well ventilated position in full sun to maintain a good body color and spinal development.[图片]Water: The golden rule when it comes to watering Turbinicarpus species is “never water when the compost is still damp”. This is the one error that will certainly kill any plant! Watering should commence in the spring late March to early April depending upon the weather conditions at the time. The plants should initially be given a light spray to gently encourage them into growth. A number of species those with papery spines e.g. (Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus) have the ability to absorb water through their spines. Never introduce water too quickly as the plants may take up too much and split. However, should this happen dust the wound with ‘Flowers of Sulphur’, and allow to form a callous. The plant should survive but it may take many years before the wound disappears below ground level. Once the plants have swollen after their winters rest amounts of water can be increased. Water thoroughly at each watering, this should be about every two weeks. Water sufficiently to ensure it runs from the bottom of the pot but try not to water over the plant, especially if it is a hot sunny day as this can scorch the plant. Always choose a bright sunny day to water and do so in the early morning to allow excess moisture to dry up as soon as possible. As I mentioned earlier, but well worth repeating, don’t water again until to compost has completely dried out. If you are in doubt don’t water. During a hot mid-summer period, the plants may go into dormancy for a short time, during this period reduce the water levels. Reduce watering early September and stop watering completely by the end of September – early October depending on the weather. The plants should then remain completely dry for the autumn and winter period.[图片]Temperature: Turbinicarpus species are all able to withstand high summer temperatures and indeed benefit, providing accompanied by good ventilation. Do not be tempted to overcrowd the plants, they will be far happier with a little space to allow the air to circulate. Winter temperatures can be set as low at 44-46 °F (7-8 °C) and providing the plants are kept dry and the humidity levels are also kept low, by good ventilation on bright days. Indeed the plants need these low temperatures to ensure a sustained dormant period resulting in good growth and flowering the following growing season. Fertilizer: Do not overfeed! Overfeeding and indeed over watering will produce bloated unnatural looking plants looking nothing like the species in habitat. Remember these are miniature plants and should therefore remain so. I endeavour to grow my plant to closely mimic their appearance in habitat and not to get the biggest plants. One liquid feed per year using a general cactus fertiliser applied during the spring is probably all that is needed.[图片]Repotting Repotting is best carried out once every two years in early spring although this can actually be at any time of the year with caution. Either clay or plastic pots can be used remembering clay pots will dry out quicker. The majority of Turbinicarpus species will require a deep pot to accommodate the taproot once the plant has matured, up to this time shallow pots can be used. Always use a dry compost mix especially if choosing to re-pot during the dormant period. Always ensure the plant is dry in the pot before attempting to re-pot.[图片]Propagation Unfortunately as the majority of the species are solitary they do not produce offsets there cuttings are not an option. Fortunately the majority of the species are easily propagated from seed and success levels are generally quite good. Seedlings tend to grow away quite quickly and can produce flowering sized plants within just a few years.[图片]Pests and Problems From my experience Turbinicarpus species do not seem to be that susceptible to pests although I have experienced red spider mite and mealy bug over the years. The one disease that all Turbinicarpus species are susceptible to is rot, which can easily kill any plant within just a few days.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Ariocarpus is one of the succulent plants in the group commonly referred to as a Living Rock. It can survive without water for up to a year. Even though a plant like that seems foolproof, there are many things you can do to improve its health.[图片]Growing Conditions Soil: You should plant your Ariocarpus in soil specifically formulated for cacti. You can buy cactus mix at your local nursery. Do not use generic soil mixes, because they will not provide enough aeration and drainage. Additionally, using a container without a hole, whether it is a pot or a terrarium, is a bad idea for the same reason. Light: Ariocarpus need a lot of sun. However, in hot, dry areas, they can be damaged by excessive sunlight, so you should either use a shadecloth to limit their sun, or move them out of the sun during the hottest hours of the day. In more temperate areas, direct sunlight is fine. Temperature: Ariocarpus plants prefer to be kept at room temperature or slightly lower, and in low humidity.[图片]Water: Water your Ariocarpus when it is dry, but then wait until the soil dries out completely to water it again. The amount of time this takes will vary depending on your climate, and the size of your pot if you use one. Remember, when dealing with any kind of cactus, watering too often is much worse than not watering enough. Do not water during winter. Repotting As your Ariocarpus outgrows its containers, you will need to transplant it. If you are raising your plant from a seed or cutting, you should wait at least two years before moving it to a larger pot; moving it sooner could be unhealthy. Overall, it is best to wait until your Ariocarpus grows as wide as your pot. Wait for the soil to dry out, then remove your plant as gently as possible and remove all of the soil that you can. Next, cut off the tip of the main root – this will encourage the growth of new, smaller roots that actually take in more nutrients. Putting an open, wet cut into the dirt can attract fungus, so allow it to dry out before planting your Ariocarpus again.[图片]Now it’s time to get your Ariocarpus back into its pot. The easiest way to plant it, rather than struggling to put in the soil while balancing your plant in the center, is to roll up a newspaper into a cylinder and make a temporary pot. You can wrap it around your plant, and fill it with soil, then once you are finished, put the whole thing into your real pot.[图片]Propagation Ariocarpus can be grown from seeds, transplanted from cuttings, or transplanted with bare roots. Either way, plant your Ariocarpus in the spring. For a cutting, allow the end to dry out before planting it in moist cactus mix. Keep the soil slightly moist and mist the cutting regularly. For a seed, plant it and cover with a layer of sand. Either way, you will want to avoid using too much water on your Ariocarpus. Additionally, you should keep it out of direct sunlight completely until it grows.
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