ヘリアンサスの育て方・栽培方法 育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 日当たりと水はけのよいところであれば、ほとんど手がかからず、放任でもよいくらいです。日陰や湿地は不向きで、肥料分が多いと大きく茂りすぎるので、どちらかというと乾燥気味のやせ地のほうがコンパクトにまとまります。 水やり 庭植えではほとんど必要ありません。 鉢植えは、用土が乾き始めたらたっぷりと水を与えます。 [图片]肥料 鉢植えでは、春の芽出しから蕾が出るころまで置き肥を月1回くらい施しておきます。鉢の大きさや肥料分の多い少ないで、株の大きさや花数がかなり異なります。小さく山野草のように仕立てることも、大きく豪華につくることもできます。 庭植えでは、ほとんど必要ありません。 病気と害虫 病気:うどんこ病 ほとんど見られませんが、風通しが悪いと、うどんこ病がつくことがあります。 害虫:ほとんど見られません。 用土(鉢植え) 市販の草花用培養土や、赤玉土7、腐葉土3の配合土など、用土はそれほど選びません。 [图片]植えつけ、 植え替え 植えつけ:3月から4月、10月から11月に株分けした苗を植えつけます。庭植えでは、日当たりと水はけのよい場所を選びます。大きく育つので株間は30cm以上あけます。ポット苗は、ほとんど一年中植えつけ可能です。 植え替え:庭植えでは、数年間植えたままにできます。株が混み合ってきたら、間引きや株分けをして芽数を制限しておきます。 鉢植えでは、根詰まりや芽数がふえて混み合うと花つきが悪くなるので、1~2年ごとに、株分けして植え直します。 ふやし方 株分け:株分けで容易にふえます。3月から4月ごろ、10月から11月ごろが適期です。 タネまき:株分けのほうが容易ですが、タネが実るものもあり、4月から5月にまきます。個体差や、元の親と異なるものが出ることがあります。‘レモン・クィーン’では、花色に濃淡の幅が出ます。 [图片]主な作業 根域の制限:地下茎を伸ばすものは、根域を制限したり、間引きを行ったりします。 摘心:草丈の高いものは、摘心をして低く抑えることもできます。 切り戻し:開花後は、地際近くで茎を切り取ります。
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ヘリアンサスの基本情報 学名:Helianthus 和名:キクイモ、ヤナギバヒマワリ、コヒマワリほか  その他の名前:宿根ヒマワリ 科名 / 属名:キク科 / ヘリアンサス属(ヒマワリ属) 特徴 ヘリアンサス属(Helianthus)はヒマワリの仲間で、南北アメリカに70~80種ほどがあります。一年草のヒマワリ(H. annuus)のほか、宿根性の種類も数多くあります。それぞれに持ち味があり、枝分かれして多数の花を咲かせるので、一年草のヒマワリとはずいぶんと印象が異なります。 日本各地でよく見られるのはキクイモ(H. tuberosus)で、空き地や道路わきの土手などに群生し、夏に黄色の一重の花を咲かせます。地下部の塊根は食用になり、畑で栽培されることもあります。 花壇などで観賞用によく栽培されるのは、夏咲きのコヒマワリ(H. × multiflorus)と、秋咲きのヤナギバヒマワリ(H. salicifolius)、そして淡い黄花の品種‘レモン・クィーン’(H.‘Lemon Queen’)です。コヒマワリは、一年草のヒマワリと宿根性のデカペタルス(H. decapetalus)の交配種で、いくつかの品種があります。 いずれの種類も丈夫で栽培しやすく、草丈があるので花壇後方の植栽にも向き、土壌のあまりよくないやせ地でも育てられます。 [图片]種類(原種、園芸品種) ‘レモン・クィーン’ Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’ 多花性で、花径6〜7cm、レモンイエローの一重咲き。草丈150cm〜200cm。7月から8月に咲く。 ‘ロドン・ゴールド’ Helianthus × multiflorus ‘Loddon Gold’ コヒマワリの代表的な品種。花径7〜8cm。八重咲きで花が丸く盛り上がる。 ‘ハッピー・デイズ’ Helianthus ‘Happy Days’ コヒマワリの品種。アネモネ咲き。7月から8月に咲く。 ‘ゴールデン・ピラミッド’ Helianthus ‘Golden Pyramid’ ヤナギバヒマワリの品種。草丈1m程度で比較的コンパクト。10月に咲く。 [图片]‘イエローサブマリン’ Helianthus ‘Yellow Submarine’ ヤナギバヒマワリの品種。草丈80cm程度。花は明るくやや淡い黄色。 [图片]
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ヘメロカリスの育て方・栽培方法 育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 日当たりと水はけのよい場所で育てます。半日陰でも育ちますが、たくさんの花を咲かせるためには日当たりを選びます。数年植えっぱなしにできるので、植えつけの際には、堆肥や腐葉土などの有機質を多めにすき込んでおきます。 [图片]水やり 土の表面がよく乾いたら、たっぷりと水やりします。秋以降は徐々に水やりを控えめにしていきますが、冬でも極度に乾く場合は水やりを行います。 肥料 元肥として有機質肥料を用土に混ぜ、庭植えの場合は早春と秋に緩効性化成肥料を、鉢植えの場合は月に1回緩効性化成肥料を施します。 [图片]病気と害虫 害虫:アブラムシ、カイガラムシ 花茎が伸びるころからアブラムシが発生します。白くて大きなアブラムシなので、よく目立ちます。早めに適用のある薬剤で防除します。そのほか、カイガラムシが発生しやすいので、よく観察しましょう。 用土(鉢植え) 水はけと通気性に富み、適度な保水性のある土が適しています。例えば赤玉土小粒6、腐葉土3、牛ふん堆肥1などの配合土とします。 植えつけ、 植え替え 春または秋にポット苗が出回るので、二回り大きな鉢に植えつけるか、庭植えにします。庭植えの場合は50cm程度の間隔で植えつけます。 [图片]ふやし方 株分けでふやします。株が年々大きくなり、混み合いすぎて花つきが悪くなったら、3月から4月または10月から11月に、4~5芽をつけて株分けします。 主な作業 花がら摘み:1つの花は1日で咲き終わるので、花首のところで花を折り取ります。すべての花が咲き終わったら、花茎のつけ根で切り取ります。
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ヘメロカリスの基本情報 学名:Hemerocallis その他の名前:デイリリー 科名 / 属名:ワスレグサ科 / ワスレグサ属(ヘメロカリス属) 特徴 ヘメロカリスは初夏から夏にかけて次々と花を咲かせる多年草で、日本にはニッコウキスゲやノカンゾウ、ヤブカンゾウが自生し、古くから親しまれています。暑さ寒さに強いうえ、土壌もあまり選ばず、植えっぱなしでよく育ちます。 [图片]「デイリリー」の英名どおり、花は一日花ですが、1本の花茎にたくさんの花を咲かせ、何本も立ち上がるので、長期間花が楽しめます。開花盛期は主に6月から7月ですが、5月から咲く早生品種から8月に咲く晩生品種まであります。園芸品種は2万以上あるといわれ、花色、花形、草姿などさまざまです。午前中の花が美しいです。 ※科名:ユリ科で分類される場合もあります。 [图片]種類(原種、園芸品種) ヒメカンゾウ Hemerocallis dumortieri 草丈30〜40cm。5月に咲く春咲き種。オレンジ色の花を咲かせる。 キスゲ Hemerocallis thunbergii 北海道、本州、四国、九州の山地や海岸の草原に分布。草丈150cm。夕方から芳香がある薄い黄色の花を咲かせ、ユウスゲの別名もある。 ‘ゴールデン・ゼブラ’ Hemerocallis ‘Golden Zebra’ 葉に白い斑が入る。草丈30〜60cmの矮性種。鮮やかな濃黄色の花がまぶしいほど美しい。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The genus Ariocarpus has been the subject of much affection and attention by growers and botanists, but also has been surrounded by many myths that persist to date which I would like to challenge from the very beginning.[图片]1. Contrary to popular belief Ariocarpus do not present any special problems in cultivation. Granted, these plants require a little more attention (or rather neglect) than your average cactus but there are many others far more difficult to grow. An Ariocarpus, if cared for properly, will grow steadily and flower reliably.[图片]2. Cultural advice like “grow in full sun” and “give at least two hefty waterings in the growing season” (Needham, 1983) may very well explain the descriptive term “living fossils” often applied to Ariocarpus plants. In my Mediterranean climate Ariocarpus certainly appreciate some shading and require as much water as all other cacti, especially if grown in clay pots.[图片]3. “Ariocarpus are the slowest growing cacti”. Well, they are particularly slow in childhood, but a 4 inches (10 cm) A. retusus can be grown in about five years, which beats many other cacti. If you want to experience “slow” try some Aztekium from seed.[图片]4. “The minimum time to grow from seed to flowering size is probably ten years, and may well be twice that” (Weightman, 1991). Actually, A. agavoides will eagerly flower at three years from seed and most species will flower by the age of five or six years. 5. “Ariocarpus seedlings are exceptionally prone to rot.” In my experience this is not true, in fact, I have come to realize that Ariocarpus seedlings benefit, more so than other cacti seedlings, from a humid closed environment during their first year of growth. This was actually the cornerstone in developing a reliable method for raising it from seed.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
If you see a Rose Cactus (Pereskia) while it is dormant in the winter, you’ll have no trouble believing it’s in the cactus family. Leaves drop off in cold weather, revealing the bare green stem armed with the same kind of spines you’ll see in Rose Cactus’ succulent desert relatives. In summer, when bright green 8-inch-(20 cm)-long leaves and pink, white, yellow or coral flowers cover the stems, it looks like a broadleaf shrub. The genus Pereskia is native to South and Central America and has about 24 species.[图片]Plant Description Most Pereskias have woody, upright growth, but some scramble in a vine-like manner, using hooked spines to support themselves. Spines emerge from wooly hairs where the leaf joins the stem. Flowers are followed by fleshy yellow or orange fruits that attract birds. Species of Rose Cactus vary in how tall they are and how vigorously they grow. The Wax Rose Cactus (Pereskia grandifolia), native to Brazil, has pink flowers and grows 10 to 20 feet (3 to 6 m) tall. Another commonly grown species with fragrant white, pink or yellow flowers is sometimes called Lemon Vine (Pereskia aculeata). It has a clambering growth habit. Rose Cacti grow outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and 11, where you can trellis them or keep them pruned back as a shorter shrubby plant. In USDA zones below 10, grow Rose Cactus as a container plant that you can move indoors in winter.[图片]Relationship to Other Cacti Rose Cactus is regarded as a primitive cactus that gives some idea of what the ancestors of succulent leafless cacti might look like. The stems and leaves store water to some degree, and spine patterns are similar. They possess most of the water-use adaptations that allow succulent leafless cacti to succeed. Rose Cactus has shallow root systems to allow quick water uptake, they slow water loss by closing their breathing holes called stomata and are capable of using crassulacean acid metabolism during hot, dry conditions. These adaptations allow their use in drought-tolerant and xeriscape gardens, giving the lush appearance of large green leaves even under tough conditions.[图片]Cultivation Use a rich, well-drained soil for Rose Cactus. The University of Oklahoma recommends a mix of 2 parts peat moss, 1 part loam and 2 parts sand or perlite. During warm months when plants are actively growing, keep the soil moist. Plants tolerate drier conditions but won’t be as leafy. During winter dormancy, give enough water to keep the stem from wrinkling. Rose Cactus seems to need winter dormancy for flowering the next season. Plants grow in full sun or filtered shade. For overwintering indoors, provide plants with bright light. Prune plants to keep them to the desired size.[图片]Propagation Grow Rose Cactus from seeds or from cuttings. Sow seeds in spring in a mix of half peat, half perlite, and keep the growing medium moist. Seeds germinate in 21 to 30 days. Take cuttings from young stems that have begun to harden. Don’t let the cuttings dry, but put them immediately into sand or the mix used for seeds. Put the cuttings in bright light rather than direct sunlight to root. Rose Cactus is often used as rootstock for grafting slower-growing succulent cactus because of its vigorous growth.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Native to South Africa, these clump forming succulent plants have similarities with the Aloe plants and they’re related with the same subfamily. There are also subspecies grown.[图片]In their natural habitat (subtropical) Zebra Plants receive plenty of sun and periods without rainfall. Their succulent nature enables them to store water within the thick leaves when there’s no frequent rainfall. The main difference between the two species (Haworthia fasciata and Haworthia attenuata) is the Haworthia fasciata has smoother inner leaves unlike the Haworthia attenuata that displays tubercles (warty growths). The Fasciata is supposedly more rarer than the Attenuata and seems to have fatter leaves.[图片]Primarily they are grown in gardens. However, they are also grown in greenhouses, conservatories and within homes. Flowering: If the Zebra Plant blooms appear (may not indoors) they are small tubular white or pink flowers growing from an inflorescence (thin kind of stem). Foliage: The Zebra Plant forms a rosette of leaves. These leaves are very thick and patterned with Zebra like white stripes or tubercles that look like warts. They’re a clump forming plant in the wild so they can be grown with several or as many as you like in one container.[图片]Growing Conditions Temperature: 65°F – 80°F (8°C – 26°C) temperatures are very good and not much below 50°F (10°C). Light: Display Zebra Plant anywhere it can receive plenty of sun or bright light. South facing windows will provide the most sun, however, east or west provide direct sun part of the day that I find more suitable.[图片]Water: During the growing season from April to September water the Zebra Plant thoroughly and then water when the soil becomes dry to the touch (not bone dry though). Winter is a tricky time for these plants although they are a tough species. Many growers will overwater then alongside cold temperatures or drafts the plant can become very sick, or even die. The leaves are storage organs so during the winter water much less and allow the top soil to dry out. Soil: Use a cactus potting mix that drains wells and provides plenty of air to the small roots. If making you own mix or buying another type, use part potting soil, part perlite and part sand.[图片]Air Humidity: Normal room humidity will suffice. Fertilizer: From April to September you can feed Zebra Plants with a diluted liquid fertilizer once every month. Do not feed during winter. Repotting Once the Zebra Plant outgrows the pot you can repot, during spring. Only move to a slightly bigger pot. Every two years I would renew the soil even if repotting is not required.[图片]Propagation Zebra Plants are propagated in the same way as Aloe plants. Propagate with a couple of inches of leaves, letting the wound heal for a couple of days before planting (let them dry out). They also produce pups (offsets) that can be removed from the mother plant and replanted. Either method you should water the soil once and then wait to see a small sign of new growth to prevent killing them with overwatering.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Cacti and succulents can safely be sent through the mail but if you are mailing plants from one country to another, you should contact the Plant Protection Division of the Department of Agriculture for their country to find out what the guidelines are about what plants you are allowed to mail and where you can mail them. The purpose of this article is only to tell you how to mail them.[图片]People who have been growers of non succulent plants may not be aware that succulent plants including cacti can be successfully mailed from one person to another and an entire collection can be packed and moved along with household belongings if you are moving your home from one place to another. The unique thing about cacti and succulents is their ability to survive without any moisture for reasonable periods of time. They are therefore ideally suited to mailing or transporting either with their roots or without their roots.[图片]Here’s how to proceed. 1. Shake all soil off the roots of the plants being careful to break as few roots as possible. Don’t worry if a few roots are broken. That won’t kill the plants. It is much easier to remove the soil if it is dried out. Don’t try to remove the soil after you water the plants! 2. Any plants that are in full growth and seem rather too juicy or turgid are safer allowed to dry out for a few days without water which will harden the growth and then they will be less likely to bruise or rot.[图片]3. You can trim back excessive roots if you like, again with no damage to the plant. 4. Make sure the plant and roots are very dry. Succulents travel more safely if the roots are dry. And most important, there will be less weight to pay postage on! And these days heaven knows anything saved on postage is a bonus. 5. Prepare a label for each plant with the name of the plant on it. 6. Wrap each plant in soft paper – with the label with the name of the plant on it. If it is a delicate plant use soft kitchen towelling. If a stronger plant you can use newspaper. If lots of spines, use two or three layers of newspaper. I like to put a note on such plants to be careful when opening so people don’t stab themselves when opening the parcel.[图片]7. A little different procedure is needed for a few plants such as Epiphytes, Orchid Cacti or Christmas Cactus. If they have roots, they do not do as well if left dry for too long. Use a small plastic bag containing a pinch of damp peat moss and wrap it around the roots only and secure with a rubber band. Actually it is better to send dry cuttings of these than to send cuttings with roots. If there are no roots you don’t need to worry about moisture-just wrap them dry. 8. An important safeguard for succulents sent through the mail is a strong, light weight box. The best type of box is one made of corrugated cardboard. Try your hardware store, garage, drugstore or the grocery store where you will often find these and they are usually free. If the box is too big, it is not difficult to make a smaller box out of a larger corrugated one. Just crease the folds with the back of a knife or ruler, cutting off excess where necessary.[图片]DO NOT use cereal boxes, shoe boxes and the like and expect your package and plants to arrive uncrushed!! Remember your parcel can go hurtling along conveyor belts and down long chutes landing in huge piles with heavier packages on top of yours. Parcels have to withstand much battering as it goes through the post office. If you don’t wrap it right, it will fall apart. You could, however, use those flimsy types of boxes inside the box you are mailing to contain and separate some plants from others if you are packing quite a few. I find them handy for plants with really vicious spines which insist on piercing all sorts of paper but which are quite protected in a box within the box.[图片]9. Pack sufficient extra paper (shredded paper or crumpled newspaper is good) around the individually wrapped plants in your box so they won’t shake around. Fill in also any empty spaces when all plants are put in the box. It is very important that the plants or cuttings do not move around in the box or they will damage each other. 10. Seal the box tightly with proper tape made for wrapping parcels. Ordinary scotch tape won’t hold! Do not use string or twine or cord. They are not allowed by the post office (at least in Canada). There is no need to wrap the box again in paper. If the box has been in the mail before and there are addresses or other notations on it, strike these out boldly with a marking pen.[图片]11. Prepare three labels. Two for the outside of the box – top and bottom and one to go inside, just in case anything happens to badly damage the outside of the box. Either print out a label on your printer or print by hand – your address in the upper left hand corner. The address of the person you are sending it to in the middle further down. And make sure postal codes are shown for both addresses. 12. Write on all three labels in large letters at the bottom P E R I S H A B L E.[图片]13. One final tip. If you send your plant parcels by regular parcel post which is the cheapest parcel rate available .. and spend and extra 50 cents or a dollar to insure the parcel with the post office, you will find that it goes through the post office very fast. They do not want insured mail to get lost so priority is given to getting it there. There is no point paying for what is now very expensive first class mail if you do it the insurance way and save many dollars in the process. And please note parcels sent by parcel services will often take much longer to arrive than those sent through the post office, especially if they are going outside your country.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Myrtillocactus is a genus of cacti found from Mexico to Guatemala. The genus is best known with Myrtillocactus geometrizans. The largest plants in this genus can grow up to 16.5 feet (5 m) tall. Myrtillocactus tends to flower in the summer. After the greenish white flowers, this cactus will produce blue berries, hence the nickname Blueberry Cactus, which are eaten as a snack in Mexico.[图片]Growing Conditions Temperature: They are semi hardy, make sure that your Myrtillocactus are not exposed to temperatures below 25°F (-4°C) or they may die, nevertheless it is a good advice never let the nighttime’s temperatures fall below 50°F (10°C). Light: In the summer place Myrtillocactus in the sunshine (indoors or outdoors). In the winter find a cooler, light spot. That will allow it to go into next spring well-rested, which will make it more likely to flower.[图片]Water: This easy-care plant doesn’t want a lot of water. Allow the soil to dry out before you give it another drink. Keep the soil completely dry in winter. Soil: Very free draining open compost. Fertilizer: Treat it to special cactus food once a month in the spring and summer. Repotting If the plant needs repotting, use a fairly impoverished soil specially designed for cacti.[图片]Propagation By seed or cutting (allow the cut surface to dry out for 2-3 weeks before placing in an open rooting media). The cuttings, which will grow quickly, from this cactus must be taken when the temperature is high enough or the cuttings won’t root.
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