#白掌 种植在家里很容易叶片发黄,造成白掌发黄的原因有很多,其中最主要的原因就是积水引起的。具体白掌叶片发黄的原因有哪些呢?希望下面提供的相关资料能够帮到大家。 [图片]白掌叶子发黄的原因分析和处理方法: 1、环境突变导致白掌叶子发黄:环境突变的原因,土壤、温度、湿度和光照突然变化太大,或者是换盆伤根了需要缓苗,而造成的叶子发黄。 解决办法: 减少环境的变化程度,等其适应过来即可。 2、浇水过多导致白掌叶子发黄(水黄):白掌虽可水培但并不代表土培需要大量频繁浇水,尤其是浇水量少且次数多的情况下,水分容易停留在根茎连接处,引起生长点腐烂致死。表现出嫩叶暗黄无光,新梢萎缩。 解决办法: 在种情况,应减少浇水次数,每次等基质中的水分稍干后再浇一次透水。 3、土壤变碱导致白掌叶子发黄:白掌喜酸性土壤,如果在北方种植, 由于水质和土质均偏碱性,长期施用则出现叶子渐退色变黄甚至脱落。 解决办法: 最简单的办法就是浇经过发酵的洗米水或雨水。 4、暴晒导致白掌叶子发黄(灼黄):强烈阳光直射,易引起叶梢、叶缘发枯,叶片朝阳部分出现黄斑。 解决办法:移到阴处通风处即可。 6、阳光不足导致白掌叶子发黄(缺光黄):白掌在冬季及早春需要较好的光照,不要荫蔽。 解决办法: 光照渐强时要逐渐遮阳,如果在荫蔽处欣赏的,不可直接放于阳光下曝晒。否则会因环境的急剧变化而出现不适,表现为萎蔫、黄叶,甚至枯死。 7、温度不适导致白掌叶子发黄:白掌生长要求半阴地方,温度低于5℃或高于35℃时易出现叶子发黄。叶色暗淡,失去光泽。长期低温液会引起地上部位枯黄。 解决办法: 调节好温度即可,特殊情况可移至空调房内! 8、施肥过多导致白掌叶子发黄(肥黄):施肥过多,表现为老叶尖变黄枯落,新叶肥厚有光泽但凹凸不舒展。 解决办法: 可在表面撒上一层小白菜或萝卜种子,出苗后几天再拔掉,以消耗养分。 9、病虫害导致白掌叶子发黄:如有害螨害危害,则叶片表现萎蔫、光泽淡化、黄枯等不良症状。 解决办法: 可喷施螨类专杀药剂进行防治,如三氯杀螨醇、尼索朗、哒螨灵等。 [图片]
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Two pests that many gardeners encounter at one time or another are the stinkbug and the ant (Lasius alienus). Ants can also be an indicator of a potential aphid problem because they like to feed off the honeydew produced by aphids. Stinkbugs can contribute to a challenging garden experience, especially if you are growing cabbage (Brassica oleracea). The harlequin bug (Murgantia histrionic) is one such stinkbug that can devastate a cabbage patch. [图片]Natural Pesticides for Stinkbugs For those who prefer to battle pests naturally, there are options. Organic gardening expert Andrew Lopez suggests natural pesticides such as citrus oil, coconut oil, peppermint oil, sabadilla and rotenone. These may also work against ants. The oils can be mixed with natural biodegradable liquid soap for spraying. Avoid using detergents since they tend to be chemical. Adding an organic or natural hot pepper sauce to the soap mixture can enhance its effectiveness. The Environmental Protection Agency approved the organic pesticides azadirachtin and pyrethrins for use on stinkbugs in 2011. Chemical Pesticides for Stinkbugs Deltamethrin, cypermethrin, bifenthrin and beta-cyfluthrin — these are active ingredients in some of the leading brands of pesticides effective against stinkbugs. Deltamethrin is effective against many different insects besides stinkbugs, including ants, spiders, roaches and wasps. It can kill stinkbugs for up to three months and can be used indoors or outdoors. Cypermethrin is a powerful insecticide used by professionals but available to nonprofessionals. Bifenthrin kills more than 75 insect pests and can be used in the yard or inside. It can also be used in food handling areas and won't break down in rainfall. Beta-cyfluthrin is another broad-spectrum insecticide effective against the stinkbug. In the summer of 2011, the EPA made an emergency exemption and allowed the insecticide dinotefuran to be used against an infestation of brown marmorated stinkbugs (Halyomorpha halys) in the eastern United States. The exemption allowed growers of stone and pome fruits two applications per season. [图片]Natural Pesticides for Ants Natural pesticides are also available for ants. Lopez writes, "Any organic biodegradable soap, or scented mixtures such as mint extract, garlic oil extracts, or Tobasco sauce can be used to spray on ants." For the outdoors, he recommends a recipe of ½ tablespoon of pyrethrum, ½ tablespoon of diatomaceous earth, 5 drops of any natural liquid soap, 5 drops of sesame oil and a tablespoon of Tobasco sauce. Add water slowly until the mixture becomes slurry. Stir mixture until you get a paste, and then slowly add the paste to a quart of water, stirring until ingredients are dissolved. Once ingredients have settled, pour them through a strainer into a quart sprayer and spray the ants directly. If the ants are inside your house, he recommends adding 1 capful of biodegradable soap per quart of water. For increased effectiveness, citronella oil may be added at a few drops per gallon. Citronella interferes with the ant's ability to make markings and signal to others. Using pine oil is another option. When mixed half and half with water, pure pine oil will kill ants. Just don't spray it on plants directly. Phenethyl propionate is another natural, botanical insecticide that is also available. Chemical Pesticides for Ants The list of chemical pesticides for use on ants can be lengthy, but some of the more common active ingredients in the ones on the market include deltamethrin, pyrethins, piperonyl butoxide, amorphous silica gel, cyfluthrin, and fipronil. Deltamethrin, which is used for stinkbugs too, is described as the world's first 100 percent waterproof insecticide when used as a dust. Applied properly, it will kill ants for up to eight months. Pyrethins, piperonyl butoxide and amorphous silica gel are used together to form a nonstaining, odorless insecticide dust that kills ants and other pests for up to six months. Cyfluthrin is another insecticide dust that kills not only ants but a number of other pests including, but not limited to, bed bugs, roaches, crickets, beetles, ticks and fleas. Fipronil, an insecticide spray, is effective against termites as well as ants. These chemicals should always be used with care.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Since 1974, when it was first introduced by the Monsanto Company, Roundup has been a leading weedkiller, and its active ingredient, glyphosate, has become the world's number one herbicide. Glyphosate inhibits the formation of certain enzymes in growing plants, thus causing the plants to wilt and die within a few hours to a week of application. If glyphosate freezes, it goes back into solution upon thawing, according to the University of Maine Extension. Description of Glyphosate Glyphosate is a post-emergent, nonselective herbicide, which means it is effective only against plants that have broken ground, and it kills any plant with which it comes in contact. The only plants that are safe from it are those that have been genetically modified to resist it. Roundup typically is applied by spraying. The active ingredient migrates through the leaves and into the phloem, which carries it to areas of new growth, where it reacts with the plant enzymes and kills the plant. Roundup also typically contains surfactants to facilitate absorption of the active ingredient by the plant. Storing Roundup The University of Florida Extension cautions that many herbicides can coagulate in cold weather, and when they thaw, they may no longer be effective. This isn't the case with glyphosate, according to the University of Maine and Cornell University. Glyphosate freezes at minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit, and when it thaws, it goes back into solution and, although neither source specifies this, should remain as effective as it was before it froze. This suggests that you can store glyphosate outside in the winter, as long as the container holding it won't suffer damage by freezing. For its part, Monsanto offers no information about storage temperatures on the Roundup label. Applying Roundup in Cold Weather Plants absorb Roundup most readily in moderate to warm temperatures, ideally above 60 degrees Fahrenheit, when they are experiencing peak growth. Freezing temperatures shouldn't have any effect on the efficacy of the herbicide simply because glyphosate doesn't freeze until the temperature falls below minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit. That's low enough to kill the weeds whether or not you spray them. Even if they manage to survive the cold, they still will absorb the herbicide when temperatures rise, and it will circulate, albeit sluggishly, to do its job. Precautions Roundup may not be effective in cold weather, even if the weather isn't cold enough to freeze. Plant metabolism may be too slow to allow the plant to absorb the active ingredient before it evaporates from the leaves. Moreover, cold weather often is rainy weather, and while Monsanto claims that 30 minutes is a safe interval between spraying and a moderately heavy rain, that interval may increase in cold weather. Consequently, you may need to spray more than once. Store Roundup in plastic, fiberglass or stainless steel containers only. It is caustic and corrodes iron or galvanized steel.
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#白掌 又称白鹤芋,不仅可以赏花观叶,而且还具有养护简便、格调高雅等独特优点。那么白掌在日常养护中,有什么好的养殖方法呢?白掌在养殖中又需要注意哪些事项呢?下面让我们一起往下阅读吧! 白掌的养殖方法: 最佳繁殖时间:白掌可在春季3~5月份,结合换盆时或秋后进行。 最佳生长土壤:白掌盆栽要求土壤疏松、排水和通气性好,不可用粘重土壤,一般可用腐叶土、泥炭土拌和少量珍珠岩配制成基质。种植时加少量有机肥作基肥。 生长湿度要求:白掌在生长期间应经常保持盆土湿润,但是不能过多的浇水,浇水过多盆土会长期潮湿,容易引起烂根和植株枯黄。 最佳生长温度:白掌是喜高温种类,应该在高温温室栽培。冬季夜间最低温度应在14~16℃,白天应在25℃左右。 最佳生长光照:白掌光照对植物生长来说是非常重要的,白掌在冬季和早春的时候都需要较好的光照,但是光照渐强时要逐渐遮阳,如果在荫蔽处欣赏的,不可以直接放在阳光下曝晒,这样对白掌的生长很不好。 [图片]养殖白掌的注意事项: 施撒肥料:白掌在施肥时不要施用浓肥或生肥,并在施用了固态的肥料后浇一次清水,最好以稀薄的肥水代替清水浇灌,这样一般不会产生肥害,而且白掌会生长的很茂盛。 浇水要点:白掌喜湿润环境。基质始终要保持湿润,不能等到基质完全干透再浇水。“见干见湿”的水分管理对白掌并不适用,同时也增加了其根部感染疾病的机会,不利于生长。浇水的方式以顶部喷淋为佳,但是苗床的排水性要好。喷淋水的EC值最大不要超过0.8mS/cm,否则对作物生长不利。 繁殖要点:白掌在繁殖时需选取生长健壮的植株两年生的进行分株繁殖,将白掌整株从盆内托出,从植株丛的基部将根茎切开,每丛至少有3~4枚叶片。 盆土更换:白掌分株后将植株重新插进盆中,栽后放半阴处恢复。等它生根,在这里需要注意的是在切的时候要带有茎部,然后用木炭灰涂在伤口处,防止腐烂。待其根系恢复正常后进入正常管理就行。 花盆更换:白掌需每隔1~2年换盆一次,结合换盆,修剪根系,除去部分老根及过长根系,剔去旧土,换以新培养土,以利于白掌开花。 病虫防治:白掌在生长期间是最受虫害欢迎的,应定期喷施螨类专杀药剂进行防治,如三氯杀螨醇、尼索朗、哒螨灵等。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
The lush growth of your flower and vegetable gardens attract wildlife to your yard. Your carefully cultivated plants are an exotic delicatessen, free for animals' eating enjoyment. Although you can take precautions to discourage the animals from eating your flowers and vegetables, you may still end up sharing some of your harvest when food is scarce for the wildlife. [图片]Fence Them Out A fence discourages marauding critters from decimating a garden patch. Even though a deer can leap over an 8- to 10-foot obstacle, a 6-foot-tall fence often discourages its incursions into a garden. Cyclone welded wire and black propylene deer fencing are effective barriers when used in combination with other animal-discouraging techniques. Solid fencing, such as a board or reed fence, hides a garden from view. Also add a row of rabbit wire fencing to the bottom of your fence to prevent rabbits from squeezing through its holes. Peg the bottom of the rabbit fence to the ground or bury it several inches of it underground. Fill all low spots with large rocks or boards. Rabbits naturally dig under fences, but deer also can crawl under a fence to reach a garden's gourmet delights. If gophers are a problem, consider lining planting holes with wire mesh baskets. The mesh prevents gophers from burrowing under flower and vegetable plants and eating the tender roots. Scare Them Away Deer, rabbits and other animals that eat plants are nervous creatures, always watching for potential predators. Take advantage of their skittish natures by adding items such as motion-activated sprinklers to your gardens. Also, metallic, shiny ribbons or small wind socks tied to the top of fencing randomly flutter in wind, making deer nervous enough to discourage them from leaping into the garden. Although predator urine and other smelly solutions discourage deer and rabbits, a yapping dog is also an effective deterrent -- if it doesn't dig holes in the gardens or disturb neighbors. Cats are also efficient predators, catching gophers and other rodents that snack on plants. [图片]Hide the Goodies Use row covers to protect tender seedlings from both cool weather and wildlife. When the weather warms, trade the row covers for tulle or other lightweight fabrics that hide plants without blocking air circulation to them. Avoid attracting wildlife to your gardens by removing nearby vegetation, dead grass and brush piles, which provide hiding and nesting places. Enclose and cover your compost pile. Burying scraps in it is not effective; deer dig up a compost pile to reach peelings and other vegetable scraps. Manage the insect population in lawns near your gardens by using beneficial nematodes and Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae. Insect larvae, including beetle grubs, attract moles and skunks. Plant Items Less Attractive to Them Select that brighten a garden but are the last choices on deer's, rabbits' or other wildlife's menu. The less tasty or deer-resistant flowering plants that are perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 9, depending on the variety, include: Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), perennial in USDA zones 3 through 9. Daffodil (Narcissus spp.), USDA zones 4 through 8. Russian oregano (Origanum vulgare subsp. gracile), USDA zones 4 through 8. Red-hot poker (Kniphofia uvaria), USDA zones 5 through 9. 'Winnifred Gilman' Cleveland sage (Salvia clevelandii 'Winnifred Gilman'), USDA zones 8 through 9. Vegetable choices less attractive to animals vary with the wildlife's taste buds. Among the vegetables that deer and rabbits generally avoid are corn (Zea mays), garlic (Allium sativum), potato (Solanum tuberosum) and squash (Cucurbita spp.). While most garden vegetables are grown as annuals, garlic is a bulb plant that is hardy in USDA zones 4 through 9.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Even though gnats and ants are not harmful to humans or pets, they can quickly turn your once peaceful environment into a stressful situation. If not controlled, gnats and ants can make their way indoors, feasting on your food and infesting your houseplants. Thankfully, you can use several techniques to get rid of gnats and ants before they invade your home. [图片]Gnats Step 1 Mix of 1 to 8 teaspoons of Bacillus thuringiensis for every 1 gallon of water. Bacillus thuringiensis is a safe insecticide that targets species of pest including fungus gnat larva. Use this mixture as a soil drench in your lawn to control gnats. Step 2 Avoid overwatering outside plants and lawns. Gnats thrive in damp organic matter such as soggy mulch, fertilizers and overly saturated soils. By eliminating these moist conditions, you will greatly reduce the gnat population in your lawn. Step 3 Drain gutters, containers, jars and other outdoor receptacles regularly to discourage annoying insects -- such as gnats, flies and mosquitoes -- from laying their eggs in the standing water. Ants [图片]Step 4 Remove grass, organic mulch and plants about 1 foot away from your home's foundation. This reduces the chance of ants nesting and foraging. Step 5 Sprinkle a thin layer of a dust insecticide containing carbaryl over a slightly dampened lawn. Repeat the process no more than once every 14 days. Step 6 Create homemade ant bait stations by mixing 4 teaspoons of table sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of boric acid and 4 ounces of hot water in a small glass jar. Place two or three cotton balls inside the jar and secure it with the lid. Poke several holes in the lid to allow ants to enter the station. Place the bait station out of direct sunlight but in the path of the ants' trail. The ants will take the bait back to the nest killing the rest of the colony.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Canine, or dog, urine can cause evergreen trees' and shrubs' low foliage to turn yellow and then dark brown or black. In most situations, dog urine doesn't kill evergreens. If, however, the plants are subjected to dog urine frequently, then eventually the urine can affect their health. Certain measures, though, can prevent or reduce dog urine's damage to evergreens. [图片]Dog Urine's Effects Dog urine contains urea, which is produced as a waste product when protein is metabolized in the body, and it is excreted along with other salts in the dog's urine. Urea is a nitrogen compound that is used in fertilizers because in soil it is converted to nitrates, which are the primary form of nitrogen used by plants. The urea in dog urine isn't beneficial to plants because its concentration is too high, which creates an environment in which water is drawn out of plant cells. Prevention Other than installing a fence, not much can be done to prevent a neighbor's dog from urinating on your plants. If your dog is the source of the urine, then modifying its diet may prevent the urine from damaging your evergreens and other plants. Feed the dog low- to moderate-protein foods instead of those labeled as high in protein; less protein reduces the amount of urea in the urine. Also, high-quality proteins are easier to digest, which means less urea is excreted in the urine. Typically, dog foods labeled as premium and super premium and that are available at pet stores and veterinarian offices have higher quality proteins than most brands available at grocery stores, but consult your dog's veterinarian before making changes in the dog's diet. [图片]If you can't change your dog's food, dilute the dog's urine by adding water to the canine's food, using canned dog food or increasing its daily water intake. Your dog may need to go outside to urinate more often than previously, but its urine will be less likely to burn your evergreens and other plants. Repair Urine-damaged evergreens are not a lost cause, although their discolored foliage may not regain its green color. If you see the dog urinating on the plants, immediately rinse the plants with water to dilute the urine, which can prevent damage. If damage has occurred, water the ground around the plants, which leaches the salts from the soil. You may have to repeat watering as the soil dries to leach heavy salt buildups caused by frequent or long-term urination on the plants. Salt-Tolerant Evergreens Plants that have a high salt tolerance may be able to withstand dog urine's salts better than other plants. Salt-tolerant evergreen trees include Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis), which is hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant hardiness zones 2 through 8, blue spruce (Picea pungens), which is hardy to USDA zones 2 through 7, and mugo pine (Pinus mugo), hardy in zones 2 through 7. Evergreen shrubs that have a high salt tolerance include serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), which is hardy in USDA zones 3 through 7, Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii), hardy in zones 4 through 8, cottoneaster (cotoneaster spp.), hardy in zones 4 through 8, and Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia), which is hardy in zones 5 through 8.
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白掌变“绿掌”怎么办:自然现象或光线问题 白掌形态轻盈多姿,美观大方。尤其是它洁白的佛焰状花苞,非常漂亮。但在开花过程中,花先是洁白如雪,然后慢慢的变绿,最后成为和茎叶一样的绿色。不得不让人疑惑,难道白掌变异了? [图片]白掌变“绿掌”怎么办 1、白掌变绿掌是自然现象 大家都知道,白掌在开花过程中,花先是洁白如雪,然后慢慢的变绿,最后成为和茎叶一样的绿色,黄色的肉穗花序也变成了黑色。这并不是变异,是花开代谢的正常现象。白掌花瓣中含有少量的叶绿素,当花开到后期快凋谢的时候,微量元素留入植株体内,胡萝卜素大量被分解,只有叶绿素最后被分解,于是花瓣的颜色会变绿了,再过几天花就凋谢了。这个时候,你可考虑把整个花序从基部剪除,以免过多地消耗养分而不利于下次开花。 所以,白掌开花一段时间后,由白转绿变成“绿掌”是自然现象,不必过于惊奇,“绿掌”的颜色翠绿欲滴,像一件完美的工艺品,也很具有观赏性。 [图片]2、白掌变绿掌是光线原因 此外,若是佛焰花苞刚开没几天便转成绿色就并非是自然现象了。这主要是光线过弱引起的,任何白系的花色,在光线弱的条件下都会表现出泛绿的现象,这时候,只要稍微增加些光照度即可变为白色。再施点专用肥,这样才能保证白掌的品质,使它开花更持久了。 所以大家不要担心,白掌变绿时尽量多补充光照,等积累了足够的养分,它就会自己变回白色的! [图片][图片]
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[图片]#白掌 ,是泽泻目、天南星科多年生常绿草本观叶植物。 株高45~60厘米,具短根茎,多为丛生状。它洁白无瑕,带给人宁静、和谐之感。常用于室内美化、绿化装饰,多以盆栽栽培。有花友跟小编说,她看见网络上说白掌有毒,这是真的吗?那白掌能在家里养殖吗?亲,不用着急,跟着小编一起往下阅读寻找答案吧! 白掌有毒吗 白掌花还真的是有毒性,切记不要误食、误摸汁液和花蕊就行了。白掌的花会有轻微的毒性,不误食就不会有事,每次修剪枝叶的时候要洗手,它的毒主要来自于汁液,多注意点就没事了。但只要不和它过于亲密地接触,就没有问题。 白掌能在家里养殖吗 白掌是可以养在家里的,有轻微的毒性,但是最好放在室外。如果误食,嘴里会感觉又烧又痛,随后会肿胀起泡,嗓音变得嘶哑紧张,并且吞咽困难。多数症状会随着时间过去而减轻直至消失,如果想减轻痛苦,可以选择清凉液体、止痛药丸或者甘草类和亚麻仁的食物。 白掌花是天南星科花属,天南星科花卉大部份有毒。白掌表面无毒,毒素只存在于汁液中,皮肤接触后有烧灼感,红肿,不过慢慢会好的,日常护理中只要不接触它的汁液就没事。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
A greenhouse is not only the perfect environment for many plants, it can also act as a safe haven for pests such as mice. With the warmth and coziness of the greenhouse -- along with potting soil, growing fruits, seeds and plant debris -- mice who discover it find easy food and lodging. Incorporate several control measures so your greenhouse does not become the next bed and breakfast for the local mouse population. [图片]Step 1 Remove wood, debris and junk piles that are stored near the greenhouse. If you must keep these in place, elevate the piles 12 inches off the ground. Clean up the garden growing next to the greenhouse, removing all plant debris that can act as safe hiding places for mice. Prune shrubs growing next to the greenhouse so the branches are at least 12 inches off the ground. Seal trashcans and take in pet food after your pets finish eating. Don't scatter bird seed and breadcrumbs for wildlife. Step 2 Clean up plant debris inside the greenhouse. Remove decaying matter, including fruit droppings, from potted plants. Prune any seed pods that can be a food source. Store bone meal, bulbs and seeds in rodent-proof containers. Step 3 Examine the greenhouse for openings that allow mice entrance. Seal cracks and holes in the foundation and replace any missing or broken windowpanes or doors. For a quick fix, crumple up aluminum foil and stuff it in the cracks and holes, or cover them with a fine wire mesh. Step 4 Open the door and turn on a high-frequency sound device -- which is sold for this purpose -- to scare the mice from the greenhouse. Open windows and vents without screens so they find an easy exit. Keep it on for several hours, and check the next day for signs of mice. Repeat as necessary. Step 5 Set up snap-style mousetraps, if you don't mind killing the mice, using a bait such as peanut butter. Set the traps along the floor of the greenhouse where you see mouse droppings and other signs of mice. Set the traps near their favorite potted plants. Check the traps each day. Discard the dead mice and reset until the last nuisance mouse is caught.
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