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Miss Chen
The United States Department of Agriculture has created a map of numbered plant hardiness zones, and these zones represent areas of the United States having similar average low temperatures in winter. The lower the zone number, the harsher the winter. Roses typically grow in warm climates, and flower in the summer months, but some roses can grow in the hot tropical climate found in Florida, while others can grow in hardiness zones as low as 2, which have winter temperatures that drop as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit. [图片]Tropical Climate The south of Florida has a tropical climate, enjoying long, hot humid summers. A number of rose species grow well in this climate, and are able to tolerate periods of drought that other other roses do not tolerate. Most of the roses that grow well in this climate originated in China, and came to the United States via Europe. The most common China rose grown in the hot dry conditions prevailing in south and central Florida is Old Blush, otherwise known as Parson's Pink China. Another variety of roses that flourish in hot dry climates are Noisettes, named after the Charleston nursery owner Philip Noisette who first cultivated these roses from seeds, and Bermuda roses, which come from the Atlantic island of Bermuda. Wind And Low Humidity The climate of Colorado is dry, particularly in the west of the state. Winters are dry and freezing, with much of Colorado rated as hardiness zones 4 or 5. This means that winter temperatures can get as low as -30 degrees Fahrenheit. Springtime can be windy. Some climbing roses grow well in this climate, and although you should plant them where they will not be fully exposed to the wind, whenever possible, many climbing roses will still grow and flower. The roses that grow best in the Colorado climate are Old Garden Roses and Canadian Explorer roses. [图片]Harsh Winter While roses do not bloom in winter, they are perennial shrubs that must survive the winter months so that they can bloom again the following year. Harsh winter frosts will kill most rose varieties, but some can withstand winters in hardiness zones as low as zone 2, where winter temperatures can get as low as -45 degrees Fahrenheit. Roses that are able to survive zone 2 include Blanc Double de Courbert, which produce white double-flowers, Assinboine, which produces medium-sized red blooms and Dart's Dash, a rose producing purple and red double-flowering blooms. Temperate Climate Temperate climates, such as those found in England, and much of the northern Mediterranean, and those found in the maritime parts of northern California and southern Oregon, are good for growing most rose species. Most of the modern roses found around the world originate from breeding done in continental Europe, England and the northern Mediterranean, using specimens imported from Asia, and especially from China. Most English and European garden roses, cultivated for temperate climate growth, do not do well in climates where the winters are harsh.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Boston ferns (Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Bostoniensis’) are old-fashioned ferns with beautiful arching fronds. They require adequate sunlight, water and nutrients to thrive, and good cultural practices help keep your fern healthy. If your fern doesn’t get the best care – or even if it does – it may be attacked by Boston fern diseases. Read on to learn more about diseases of Boston fern plants.[图片]Common Boston Fern Problems If you fail to water your potted fern appropriately, over or under irrigation can lead to unhealthy Boston ferns. Most fern instructions advise you to keep the soil constantly moist. But this is not the same as allowing the soil to be wet or the plant to become water-logged. To avoid issues with Boston ferns, water the plant thoroughly when the top of the soil is dry. Keep watering until it leaks from the drain holes in the bottom of the pot. Do not water again until the soil surface is dry. Failure to water sufficiently can lead to graying, one of the most common Boston fern problems. Graying is often the result of drought conditions. You’ll know if your plant has this condition when the leaves turn gray and the plant may seem to stop growing. Increasing irrigation should resolve this.[图片]Although many gardeners consider tropical ferns low-life plants, Boston ferns need adequate light. If they do not get a medium amount of light – at least two hours of indirect light all year round – their fronds become long and pendulous. This is termed weak frond and is resolved by increasing light. Boston Fern Diseases If the fronds of your Boston fern turn gray and you’ve been watering properly, the next disease to consider is Pythium root rot. The fronds can also wilt or grow stunted. To confirm root rot, look at the roots of your unhealthy Boston ferns. If they are brown and stunted, it is likely root rot. The best way to prevent a Boston fern from getting root rot is to buy disease-free plants and pathogen free potting soil. You can also check in your garden store for chemicals that control this disease in Boston ferns.[图片]These tips are also appropriate for preventing and treating other Boston fern diseases such as Rhizoctonia aerial blight. In blight, dark lesions develop rapidly on the foliage and roots. Unchecked, the entire plant is eventually covered with the pathogen’s brown web-like mycelium. If you opt to use chemicals to treat this disease, treat the soil as well.
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Miss Chen
For many rose gardeners, the ultimate goal is to fill the garden with beautiful blooming bushes and the home with cut roses. Keep cut-rose bouquets looking fresh longer by storing cut roses at low temperatures, including in the fridge. [图片]Temperature Cooler temperatures help cut roses absorb nutrients from the water in the vases, and keep the roses looking fresh and new. Store roses in the refrigerator at temperatures between 32 and 38 degrees Fahrenheit. Initial Arrangement Keeping rose bouquets looking fresh begins with preparation: Fill a bucket with lukewarm water, recommends the Santa Clarita Valley Rose Society. Cut rose stems under the water to eliminate air bubbles. Allow roses to soak up the water overnight, then store in the refrigerator for about two hours. This helps prepare roses for display, preventing wilting and keeping blooms open. [图片]Overnight Storage After arranging roses for display, keep an area in the refrigerator free. Place the rose bouquets in the refrigerator before going to bed at night, and take them out in the morning. This will keep roses looking fresh longer than bouquets left at room temperature around the clock.
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Miss Chen
Roses (Rosa spp.) must be pruned regularly to be at their best. Some only need a light pruning, but others need to be cut back significantly once a year along with occasional tidying up throughout the year. The best time to cut them back in Texas and how hard they need to be cut back depends, to a certain extent, on the rose -- but the greater determining factor is where the roses are in Texas. [图片]Roses for Texas Roses are generally hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 to 11, depending on the species and cultivar. 'Fragrant Cloud' (Rosa 'Tanellis' or Rosa 'Fragrant Cloud') is a hybrid tea rose that has good resistance to rust and powdery mildew. It blooms repeatedly in spring and summer, producing 5-inch diameter orange-red flowers. 'Queen Elizabeth' (Rosa 'Queen Elizabeth') is a grandiflora rose that blooms from spring to first frost, producing pink, 2- to 4-inch wide flowers. Both of these roses do well in Texas and are hardy in USDA zones 5 to 9. 'Flower Carpet® Scarlet' (Rosa 'Flower Carpet® Scarlet,' USDA zones 4 to 11) is a groundcover-type rose that blooms in red from spring through fall. This rose is tolerant of high humidity and heat and has good disease resistance. When to Prune The best time to prune most roses is one month before the last expected hard frost in the spring. In Amarillo the last hard frost is usually around April 18. In Dallas it commonly occurs around March 3. Houston's last frost is usually February 8, while San Antonio gets the last frost around February 28. When roses are pruned earlier, they grow new stems and leaves at their bases and a cold snap is likely to cause serious damage or even kill the bush. Climbers are the only roses that should be pruned right after they finish blooming. Tidy up all types of roses at any time throughout the year by removing spent blossoms and dead and diseased stems as soon as they are noticed. Pruning in Hot Climates Roses should be cut back more drastically in USDA zones 8 to 10 in central and south Texas because the growing season is much longer there. [图片]Large roses like hybrid teas, floribundas and grandifloras can be cut down to a height of 1 to 2 feet. This drastic pruning will result in larger flowers. If height is not a problem and such drastic pruning is not desired, they should be cut back by one-third their height. Smaller roses like shrub roses, which includes 'Knock Out®' roses (Rosa 'Knock Out®,' USDA zones 5b to 9), should be cut back to 2 feet shorter than their desired height, but not by more than half their height. Groundcover roses like 'Flower Carpet® Scarlet' can be cut back by about one-third their height. If the roses did not shed their leaves in the winter, strip them all off. This makes way for new, fresh foliage for the coming year. Pruning in Cooler Climates Roses in the colder USDA zones 6 and 7 of north Texas will not need to have as much stem removed. Larger roses can be cut down to a height of 1 to 2 feet, or one-third their height, whichever is preferred. They usually produce larger flowers when they are cut back to 1 to 2 feet tall. Shrub roses and groundcover roses are cut back in cooler zones just like they are in the warmer climates of central and south Texas. The leaves usually do not need to be removed in these colder areas. They are generally long gone by pruning time. Pruning Basics Always use sharp bypass pruners and make pruning cuts about ¼ inch above a growth bud. Disinfect the pruners with household disinfectant, rinse them and dry them off before using them. Also, when pruning diseased branches, the pruners should be disinfected between cuts to prevent the spread of disease. Wear heavy gardening gloves with reinforced palms and long sleeves for protection against thorns. Seal stems larger than a pencil with white household glue. Clean up all of the leaves, pieces of stem and other debris and put them in the trash. When left around the base of the roses, they will provide a growing environment for bacterial and fungal diseases.
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Miss Chen
Pruning, fertilizing and winterizing are basic rose gardening chores that need to be followed to keep rose bushes healthy and thriving year after year. Shorter days and colder autumn temperatures are signs that rosarians look to when beginning to prepare their rose bushes for the freezing winter days ahead. With proper protection, however, roses can withstand extremely low subfreezing temperatures and still bloom hardily only a few months later. [图片]Cold Hardiness A rose bush's inherent hardiness contributes to its ability to withstand subfreezing temperatures. For example, old garden rose varieties can tolerate extremely cold winters, whereas more modern hybrid tea roses need considerable winter protection to survive the cold undamaged. Examples of hardy rose varieties include alba maxima, Maiden's Blush and Koenigen von Daenemark. Acclimation, midwinter hardiness and deacclimation also contribute to a rose's ability to survive freezing cold. Shorter days and decreasing temperatures trigger physiological and biochemical cues in rose bushes that prepare them for winter dormancy. Certain rose cultivars have maximum hardiness levels that allow them to withstand USDA zone 4a and 4b low temperatures of minus 20 to minus 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Early Preparation To begin to prepare roses for their winter dormancy, discontinue fertilizing in late summer or early fall, or more specifically, a minimum of one month before your local first-frost date. Continuing to fertilize rose bushes in autumn promotes new growth at a time when the objective is the opposite. Also refrain from deheading or cutting blooms, and allow the development of rose hips, which encourages the plant to harden for winter. Lastly, to reduce risk of disease the following year, remove all leaf debris from around the base of the bush. Complete Winterization Despite the fact that roses can freeze at temperatures below 32 F, only basic winter protection is needed in areas where subfreezing temperatures stay above 20 F. The reason for this is that proper rose winterization keeps the plants cold and frozen throughout winter. The severe damaging effects come not specifically from the cold but rather alternating freezing and thawing. Therefore, do not cover rose bushes until at least one hard frost occurs. Then remove all dropped leaves and cover the plant with a soil and compost mix approximately 10 to 12 inches deep. After this mound freezes, add further insulation, such as evergreen boughs or straw. [图片]Other Considerations In areas with severe winters, like Minnesota and Vermont, additional protection is needed for roses to survive. One popular winterization method uses plastic foam rose cones that fit over bushes. Add a couple ventilation holes, however, to keep air from heating up inside. Another winterization method to consider in Northern regions is the "Minnesota Tip," in which the bush is partially uprooted, pushed over into a trench and covered with soil. Healthy roses that are properly tended year-round have greater chance of surviving extremely low subfreezing temperatures than those suffering from pests or disease.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Boston ferns are fabulously popular houseplants. Hardy in USDA zones 9-11, they are kept indoors in pots in most regions. Capable of growing 3 feet (0.9 m) high and 4 feet (1.2 m) wide, Boston ferns can brighten any room with their lush green foliage. That’s why it can be so disheartening to see your vibrant green fern fronds turning black or brown. Keep reading to learn what causes a Boston fern with black fronds, and what to do about it.[图片]Boston Fern Fronds Turning Black Isn’t Always Bad There is one case in which a Boston fern with black fronds is perfectly natural, and it’s good to be able to spot it. You may see small black spots on the undersides of your fern’s leaves, lined up in regular rows. These spots are spores, and they’re the fern’s way of reproducing. Eventually, the spores will drop to the soil below and grow into reproductive structures. If you see these spots, don’t take any action! It’s a sign that your fern is healthy. Your fern will also experience some natural browning as it ages. As new growth emerges, the oldest leaves at the bottom of the fern will wither and turn brown to black to make way for new growth. This is totally normal. Cut away the discolored leaves to keep the plant looking fresh.[图片]When Boston Fern Fronds Turning Black is Not Good Boston fern fronds turning brown or black may also signal trouble, however. If your fern’s leaves are suffering from brown or black spots or strips, there may be nematodes in the soil. Add lots of compost to the soil – this will encourage the growth of beneficial fungi that should destroy the nematodes. If the infestation is bad, remove any infected plants. Small, but spreading, soft brown to black spots with an unpleasant odor are most likely a sign of bacterial soft rot. Destroy any infected plants.[图片]Small, but spreading, soft brown to black spots with an unpleasant odor are most likely a sign of bacterial soft rot. Destroy any infected plants. Leaf tip burn manifests as browning and withering tips on fronds and leaves. Destroy any infected plants. Rhizoctonia Blight appears as irregular brownish-black spots that start near the crown of the fern but spread very rapidly. Spray with fungicide.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Boston ferns (Nephrolepis exaltata) are popular houseplants and proper Boston fern care is essential to keeping this plant healthy. Learning how to take care of a Boston fern isn’t difficult, but it is specific. Below, we have listed a few care tips for a Boston fern so that you can provide everything your fern needs to be happy and beautiful.[图片]How to Take Care of a Boston Fern The first thing you need to do for proper Boston fern care is to make sure that it’s in the right kind of environment. Boston ferns need a cool place with high humidity and indirect light. When you care for Boston fern plants indoors, it’s a good idea to provide additional humidity for them, especially in the winter. Most homes are rather dry, even more when heaters are running. For extra humidity care for Boston fern, try setting your fern’s pot on a tray of pebbles filled with water. You can also try lightly misting your fern once or twice a week to help it get the humidity it needs. Another step in how to take care of a Boston fern is to make sure that the fern’s soil remains damp. Dry soil is one of the number one reasons that Boston ferns die. Check the soil daily and make sure to give it some water if the soil feels at all dry. Because Boston ferns tend to be planted in potting mixtures that are high in peat moss, it is a good idea to soak the pot of the Boston fern once a month or so to make sure the peat moss is fully hydrated. Be sure to let it drain thoroughly after this.[图片]Boston fern leaves will turn yellow if the humidity is not high enough. If your Boston fern’s fronds are turning yellow, make sure to increase the humidity around the plant One of the lesser known care tips for a Boston fern is that they do not need much fertilizer. Fertilizer should only be given to the plant a few times a year. Boston ferns are susceptible to some pests, especially spider mites and mealybugs. If your plant becomes infested, make sure to treat the plant as quickly as possible to keep it healthy.[图片]Boston fern care is as simple as making sure the plant is in the right environment. If you make sure that your fern is getting the right care for Boston fern plant, your plant will live for many years to come.
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Dummer. ゛☀
When most people think of ferns, they think of feathery, airy fronds, but not all ferns actually look like this. The bird’s nest fern is an example of a fern that defies our preconceived ideas of what a fern should look like. Even better is the fact that a bird’s nest fern plant makes an excellent low light houseplant.[图片]About the Bird’s Nest Fern Plant The bird’s nest fern plant gets its name from the fact that the center of the plant resembles a bird’s nest. It is also occasionally called a crow’s nest fern. Bird’s nest ferns (Asplenium nidus) are identified by their flat, wavy or crinkly fronds. Their appearance can bring to mind a seaweed plant growing on dry land. Bird’s nest fern is an epiphytic fern, which means in the wild it typically grows on other things, like tree trunks or buildings. When you buy it as a houseplant, it will be planted in a container, but it can be affixed to planks and hung on a wall much like staghorn ferns.[图片]How to Grow Bird’s Nest Fern Bird’s nest ferns grow best in medium to low indirect light. These ferns are often grown for their crinkly leaves and the light they receive will affect how crinkled the leaves are. A bird’s nest fern that receives more light, for example, will have more crinkled leaves, while one that receives less light will have flatter leaves. Keep in mind that too much light or direct light will cause the fronds on bird’s nest fern to yellow and die. Care for a Bird’s Nest Fern In addition to light, another important aspect of bird’s nest fern care is its watering. Under ideal circumstances, all ferns would like to have consistently moist, but not wet, soil. However, part of the reason that bird’s nest fern makes an ideal houseplant is that it will tolerate soil that dries out from time to time.[图片]Furthermore, this plant does not require the same level of humidity that many other kinds of ferns need, making the care for a bird’s nest fern far more forgiving to the occasionally forgetful houseplant owner than other ferns. Fertilizer should only be given to the plant two to three times a year. Even then, the fertilizer should only be applied at half strength and should only be given during the spring and summer months. Too much fertilizer will cause deformed leaves with brown or yellow spots or edges. Now that you know more about how to grow bird’s nest fern and how easy these plants are to grow, try giving them a place in your home. They make a wonderful and green addition to the less brightly lit rooms in your home.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The bird’s nest fern is a popular, attractive fern that defies the usual fern preconceptions. Instead of the feathery, segmented foliage usually associated with ferns, this plant has long, solid fronds that have a crinkly appearance around their edges. It gets its name from the crown, or center of the plant, that resembles a bird’s nest. It’s an epiphyte, which means it grows clinging to other objects, like trees, rather than in the ground. So how do you go about propagating one of these ferns? Keep reading to learn more about how to collect spores from ferns and bird’s nest fern spore propagation.[图片]Collecting Spores from Bird’s Nest Ferns Bird’s nest ferns reproduce through spores, which appear as little brown spots on the undersides of the fronds. When the spores on a frond are fat and a little fuzzy looking, remove a frond and place it in a paper bag. Over the course of the next few days, the spores should fall from the frond and collect in the bottom of the bag.[图片]Bird’s Nest Fern Spore Propagation Bird’s nest spore propagation works best in sphagnum moss, or peat moss that has been supplemented with dolomite. Place the spores on top of the growing medium, leaving them uncovered. Water the pot by placing it in a dish of water and let the water soak up from the bottom.[图片]It’s important to keep your bird’s nest fern spores moist. You can cover your pot with plastic wrap or a plastic bag, or leave it uncovered and mist it daily. If you do cover the pot, remove the cover after 4 to 6 weeks. Keep the pot in a shady spot. If kept at a temperature between 70 and 80 F. (21-27 C.), the spores should germinate in about two weeks. The ferns grow best in low light and high humidity at a temperature of 70 to 90 F. (21-32 C.).
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Miss Chen
Roses are some of the most popular flowers for home gardeners. Rose bushes grow and adapt to many types of soils. In fertile soils, rose bushes grow quickly and vigorously. Different varieties of rose bushes grow to different heights. [图片]Bushes Bush type roses include hybrid tea roses, floribundas and grandifloras. These varieties grow between 2 and 6 feet tall. Miniature roses are bush type roses as well, but they only reach 6 to 24 inches in height. Shrubs Shrub roses reach 3 to 10 feet in height. These varieties of roses include wild roses, hybrid rugosa roses and hybrid musk roses. Shrub roses are commonly used for hedges, ground covers and screens. [图片]Climbing Climbing roses produce canes that are 15 to 20 feet long and need support to stay upright. Climbing roses include ramblers, climbing hybrid tea roses and trailing roses. These roses are commonly trained to grow on fences and arbors. Do not prune climbing roses back until after the flowering is done for the season.
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