Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Life may not be a bed of roses, but growing a bed of roses (Rosa spp.) captures life's hopes and disappointments more than most gardening experiences. Not many plants trigger such anticipation with their burgeoning buds or bring such heartbreak when their buds fade to brown, taking the hope of headily fragrant blooms with them. In order to spare yourself from this fate, keep your roses' buds warm, dry and bug-free, and your rose bed clean. Depending on their variety, roses are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 through 10. [图片]Frost Damage Where mild winters keep rose buds coming, a few hours of frost can shrivel and brown them. Even worse, frost-injured rose stems, or canes, may develop a canker fungus infection. Avert disaster by watering your roses as soon as the forecast calls for frost. Moist soil retains heat during the day and releases it to the plants after dark. Cocooning the plants in bedsheets before the temperature dips below 40 degrees Fahrenheit minimizes their frost injury. Uncover them in the morning before they overheat. Gray Mold Infection Rose buds deteriorating into brownish-gray mush have Botrytis blight, better known as gray mold. Moist, mild weather with temperatures are 62 to 72 F encourages the fungal disease. The drooping buds may not open; if they do, the blooms may resemble brown pulp. As the infection moves down the canes, cankers mark its progress. Cultural Gray Mold Control Mail-order, bare-root roses often arrive with stowaway gray mold spores. Remove such roses from their packaging sleeves immediately, and plant them far enough apart so they have good air circulation. Keeping their leaves dry when you water the plants helps because gray mold spores need moisture to germinate. Remove old or damaged blooms promptly, along with the diseased plant parts and soil debris. Disinfect your pruning tools in a solution that is one part household bleach and nine parts water between cuts and after you finish pruning. The infected plant material should be disposed of in sealed plastic bags. [图片]Fungicide Option Chronic gray mold in roses can be treated by spraying the plants with a premixed, ready-to-use chlorothalonil fungicide as soon as their buds break in spring. On a cool, overcast day with calm rather than breezy conditions, put on clothing that covers all of your skin, closed-toe shoes, a face mask, gloves and goggles, and spray the fungicide until it drips from the rose bushes. Repeat the application weekly while cool, damp conditions persist. Each time you use the spray, keep the area around your roses off-limits to people and pets during spraying and until the spray dries. Sap-Thieving Thrips Thrips insects invade rose buds with ease; placed end-to end, 25 of the yellowish-brown or black bugs stretch less than 1 inch. After overwintering as pupae in grass and soil debris, they ride spring breezes to plants, tunnel deep into developing buds and feed on sap or pollen. Brown-scarred bud sepals -- the narrow, green outer petals -- indicate the presence of thrips. The buds either remain closed or open with brown-streaked petals. In mild-winter locations, thrips may breed all year. Thrips Control Treating developing rose buds with ready-to-use insecticidal soap prevents damage from thrips. Unless the insecticidal soap's label indicates otherwise, spray the product every other day, coating only the buds until they drip. After drying, the soap won't harm lacewing larvae and other thrips predators. Flooding the soil around your plants periodically in late spring and summer drowns thrips pupae and interrupts the insects' breeding cycle.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Lesco, originally known as Lakeshore Equipment and Supply Co., is a division of John Deere Landscapes. Started in 1962, the founders started by offering turf maintenance equipment and eventually fertilizer and seeds. Now Lesco is known throughout the United States for its quality lawn care products and services for both homeowners and lawn care professionals. [图片]Tall Fescue A good grass for home lawns, this grass will stay green all year round in a climate with a mild winter. It is also a sturdy grass for playing fields. It has a coarse texture and clumps as it grows. Lesco offers Biltmore, Bravo, Hunter, Kentucky, Magellan, Padre and Stetson Tall Fescue types. Bluegrass Bluegrass is the most commonly known type of grass for both home and professional lawns. It is a good cool-season grass and does not need a lot of maintenance. It will go dormant in hot weather but is not recommended for places where the climate is very hot for extended periods of time. Bluegrass is generally not suited to shady areas. Lesco offers a variety of bluegrasses including Kentucky, Blue Velvet, Midnight, Nuglade Kentucky, Supina Supranova and Shamrock. Annual Ryegrass Annual ryegrass does not overwinter in cold climates, according to American Lawns. This type of grass grows quickly and is well suited to be a temporary ground cover. It is used most often as a forage plant for animals. Lesco offers one type of annual rye seed. Perennial Ryegrass Perennial ryegrass also makes a suitable temporary ground cover. It is often used in warm climates as an overseed to keep a lawn green when summer grasses go dormant. It is a cool season grass not suited to hot climates as more than an annual. It is not drought tolerant and requires a lot of mowing. Lesco offers Greenville, Harbour, Manhattan, Midway, Allsport and Prosport varieties of perennial ryegrass. [图片]Fine Fescue A fine fescue is, according to Purdue University, a fine-leafed grass used for both sunny and shady areas. It germinates quickly, is easy to establish, but can lose its color quickly in a drought. Creeping Bentgrass Creeping bentgrass is used throughout cooler climates for a golf course style lawn. It has a fine texture, is soft and carpet-like, according to the Purdue University Extension. It is also a high-maintenance grass needing constant attention; otherwise, it loses its luster. Creeping bentgrass needs to be mowed and watered frequently and also needs a lot of fertilizer.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
An unforgettable sight when exiting the airplane terminal at Cabo San Lucas are the huge brightly colored croton plants that line the edges of the buildings. These popular tropical plants are hardy to United States Department of Agriculture zones 9 to 11. For many of us, that leaves our experience with the plant simply as a houseplant. However, croton in the garden can be enjoyed during the summer and sometimes into the early fall. You just need to learn some rules about how to grow a croton outdoors.[图片]Croton in the Garden Crotons are thought to be native to Malaysia, India and some of the South Pacific Islands. There are many species and cultivars, but the plants are most known for their easy maintenance and colorful foliage, often with interesting variegation or speckling. Can you grow a croton outdoors? It depends where your zone is located and what your average low temperatures are per year. Croton is very frost tender and will not survive freezing temperatures. Southern gardeners in frost free zones should have no problem growing croton plants outside. Anyone who lives where there are temperatures that near freezing or 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 Celsius), even temperatures that hover in the 40’s (4 C.) can be damaging. That is why some gardeners choose to grow croton in containers on casters. That way, even the slightest threat of cold temps and the plant can be moved to a sheltered location. Care of outdoor croton may also include covering the plant if it is in the ground. The thing to remember is that these are tropical plants and are not suited for freezing temperatures which can kill the foliage and even the roots. Since croton hardiness is limited to freezing and even slightly above, northern gardeners should not attempt to grow the plant outdoors except in the warmest days of summer. Position the plant so it receives plenty of bright but indirect light to keep the foliage colors bright. Also, place the plant where it will not experience cold northern winds. Use well-draining potting soil and a container large enough to encompass the root ball with a little bit of growing room. Croton does not like to be transplanted, which should only be done every 3 to 5 years or as needed.[图片]Care of Outdoor Croton Plants Plants grown outdoors in appropriate zones will need slightly more water than those inside. This is because sunlight evaporates moisture and wind has a tendency to dry out soil quickly. Watch for pests and disease and handle immediately. When larger plants in the ground are in danger of a cold snap, cover them with a burlap sack or old blanket. To prevent breaking limbs, push in some stakes around the plant to handle the weight of the covering.[图片]Mulch around plants with at least two inches (5 cm.) of organic material. This will help protect roots from cold, prevent competitive weeds and slowly feed the plant as the material breaks down. Where freezes are early and severe, grow plants in containers and move them in as soon as fall starts to arrive. This should save the plant and you can care for it indoors until the first warm rays of spring when it can go back outside after all danger of frost has passed.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Losing its leaves in winter, the confederate rose is no rose but instead a member of the hibiscus family. Hibiscus mutabilis matures at up to 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide if never pruned or killed back by hard winter freezes. Appropriate to grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture Hardiness Zones 7 through 10, the winter cold in zones 7 and 8 often causes this tree to become a much smaller multi-stemmed shrub. The large green, maple-like leaves make an attractive foil to the white-to-pink to deep-lavender changing flowers that don the branch tips in late summer through autumn. [图片]Step 1 Prune off any broken or dead branches on the confederate rose bush any time you encounter them. Make the pruning cut 1/4 to 1/2 inch above a lower branch junction, leaf or dormant bud if no leaves are present. Step 2 Reduce the length of any branch or trunk in early spring to a height of 12 to 36 inches. Since larger diameter branches occur lower in the confederate rose, use loppers if they're wider than 3/4 inch in diameter. Time this reduction or rejuvenation pruning for just before the buds begin to swell and the leaves unfurl. In subtropical areas, this may mean pruning in late winter. Step 3 Clip off any suckering, thin shoots from the main trunk or larger, healthy stems on the confederate rose any time of year, too. Make the cuts flush with their attachment to the main trunk or even with the soil line. Step 4 Trim off old flowers once they fade if you do not want the seed capsules to form on the branches. Some find them attractively curious, as the seed capsules are fuzzy and split open to reveal a cottony core with seeds.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Lavender roses are quite often described as enchanting and irresistible. Traditionally, the color of this rose has been appointed to mean love at first sight, and is given between lovers as a sign of such enchanting love. Lavender roses are a nice addition to any garden, adding colorful variety and wonderful contrast especially when paired with white roses. [图片]Blue Moon A popular commercial variety of lavender roses is the "Blue Moon." This rose is a hybrid tea rose that will grow approximately 4.5 feet tall. "Blue Moon" lavender roses are known for their strong, sweet fragrance and large double-blooming petals. This type can be grown as a rose bush or as a climbing rose plant. Angel Face "Angel Face" is a lavender colored floribunda rose that will grow just about 4 feet tall. It has a sweet fruity fragrance and is typically a mauve lavender color. What is unique about "Angel Face" is that it will have a more blue lavender color in warmer climates. Resistant to most diseases, the "Angel Face" rose is easy to grow in home gardens. Barbra Streisand "Barbra Streisand" is another hybrid tea rose with a strikingly deep lavender color and a strong, citrus aroma. It has very large flowers and will bloom repeatedly throughout the late spring and early summer months. [图片]Lagerfeld Named after the famous fashion designer, the "Lagerfeld" is a beautiful pale lavender and light gray color. This grandiflora rose has an understated old-rose fragrance Sterling Silver The "Sterling Silver" hybrid tea rose is said to be the first lavender rose that gained popularity for its distinctly silver and purple color. While the color may not be as vibrant as other lavender roses, this classic beauty has a traditional rose smell.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The garden croton (Codiaeum variegatum) is a small shrub with big tropical-looking leaves. Crotons can grow outdoors in gardening zones 9 to 11, and some varieties also make great houseplants, though demanding ones. Their striking red, orange and yellow-striped leaves make the extra work worthwhile. Some varieties even have purple or white stripes and patches on the dark green leaves. But sometimes the bright colors on a croton fade, leaving them with ordinary-looking green leaves. It can be disappointing to notice a croton losing color because those vibrant leaves are this plant’s best feature.[图片]Why is My Croton Losing its Color? Color loss of croton is common in winter and in low light conditions. Croton plants are native to the tropics, growing wild in Indonesia and Malaysia, and they do best in full sun or bright indoor light. Most often, croton plants with faded leaves are simply not receiving enough light. Conversely, some colors may fade if crotons are exposed to excessive direct light. Each variety has its own light preferences, so check whether the variety you have does best in full sun or partial sun.[图片]What to Do When Croton Leaves are Fading If a croton’s colors fade in low light levels, you need to increase the amount of light it is receiving. Bring the croton outdoors during the warm part of the year to give it more light. Be sure to harden off the plant, bringing it outdoors for a few hours at a time and placing it in a shady spot at first, to allow the plant to adjust to the brighter light, wind, and less stable temperatures of the outdoors. Crotons are not cold hardy and shouldn’t be exposed to temperatures below 30 degrees F. (-1 degree C.). Bring your croton back indoors before the first frost in fall. If a croton develops fading leaves when it is exposed to excessively bright light, try moving it into the shade or farther away from the window. To keep your croton healthy during the winter when it has to be indoors, place it near the sunniest window in the house, within 3 to 5 feet (.91 to 1.52 m.) of the glass, or provide a grow light. Legginess is another sign that the plant is not getting enough light. To ward off other problems that could cause weak coloration in crotons, provide a balanced slow-release fertilizer two to three times a year, but avoid over fertilizing, especially during the winter when growth is slower. Keep soil evenly moist, but avoid waterlogged or poorly drained soil, which may cause leaves to turn yellow. Crotons should be misted to keep them healthy indoors, since they prefer more humidity than most houses provide.[图片]
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Climbing roses provide a colorful accent that can be trained onto trellises, around windows and doors or along eaves. The old-fashioned blooms have new life with today's modern hardscapes and landscape structures. Roses need at least six hours of sunlight a day, and the Texas climate provides that in spades. Climbers can flower just in spring, or flower repeatedly, giving a color show well into fall. [图片]Old Garden Roses Roses in older gardens are often cultivars that don't exist anymore. They can be found creeping over walls and fences or even in cemeteries with no one to care for them. These climbers are being preserved through cuttings and reintroduced into cultivation. Schulenburg Apricot, Katy Road Pink and Highway 290 Pink Buttons are examples of some of the old garden roses. Old roses, which are any variety produced before 1867, are resistant to many common rose problems and can be trained as an espalier or trellis form. Lady Banks grows 20-foot-tall canes, and Cecile Brunner is not far behind with 15- to 20-foot canes. Either would be excellent choices for their old-fashioned pastel blooms and hardy climbing nature. 1950s Cultivars A lot of new cultivars were introduced in the 1950s. One of these, Climbing Pinkie, is an 8-foot-tall bush with semi-double pink flowers. The canes are thornless and the blooms carry a light fragrance. Don Juan Is a citrus-scented red rose that blooms fully even in the worst Texas heat. For vigor you can't beat Dortmund, a 1955 introduction. It can grow up to 30 feet tall and bears deep red flowers with a white center and bright yellow stamen. The roses have overlapping petals that give the blooms a frilled appearance. The thorns on this bush deserve respect as they are large and sharp. [图片]Earth Kind Earth Kind is a designation from Texas A&M University that rates roses for their health, environmental friendliness and tolerance to Texas' extreme climate. Sea Foam is a moderate climber that only gets 3 feet tall and then cascades downward. None of the roses in the Earth Kind program have been treated with any chemicals or even fertilized. New Dawn was the first rose to be patented in the U.S. it is a fast climber that can grow to 20 feet tall, sporting white flowers with pink centers. Reve 'd Or is another vigorous species climber. The Earth Kind rose designation is now being used in other states to categorize rose bushes for responsible growers.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
A Lady Banks rose (Rosa banksia) produces cascades of yellow or white flower clusters. It grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 10. This wild rose looks best when allowed to grow in its natural form, but infrequent pruning can help keep it in bounds while still ensuring ample flowering. [图片]Ready Your Shears Two types of shears are needed to prune a Lady Banks rose. Basic loppers handle most pruning needs, but you will need smaller hand pruners or bypass shears for shaping the bush. Wipe the shear blades with a cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol to disinfect them before you prune. If you cut out diseased wood or are moving between plants, wipe the shears again. Some varieties of Lady Banks roses have thorny stems, so wear leather gardening gloves and long sleeves if you are trimming a thorned variety. Timing Is Everything Lady Banks roses flower on 2- or 3-year-old canes, so they don't require annual pruning except to remove damaged wood. Pruning too frequently will remove the flowering canes so there are no blooms and only foliage. These roses only flower once a year in late spring or early summer. Prune Lady Banks immediately after this annual flowering, before the plant begins to set new buds for the following year. Thinning It Out Thinning allows for air circulation within the rose bush, which improves flowering and minimizes disease concerns. Yellow and brown canes are completely dead, so remove these at ground level using the loppers. You can also remove the tallest and thickest canes at ground level to open up the center of the plant for air circulation. Pruning these out also lets in more light, so the smaller canes can leaf out and set flower buds. Also, remove any damaged canes, either cutting them off at ground level or cutting them back to the nearest outward facing bud or leaf on healthy wood. [图片]Shaping Up Light shaping every two years helps keep the sprawling, climbing canes of the Lady Banks rose under control, but you don't want to over prune and lose the plant's natural form. Begin by cutting back any overgrown canes, especially those that extend over walkways, or are wrapping around structures or tree branches. Cut these back to a bud or leaf at the desired cane length using the bypass shears. You can also prune back dull green canes to manage their height, but don't prune back the bright green canes because these are your future flowering stems. After pruning, remove the clippings from the bed, and compost or dispose of them.
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