Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Like most plants, when an orchid (plants in the Orchidaceae family) produces new leaves, older ones naturally turn yellow before dying back. When newer leaves turn yellow, it's important to reevaluate how you care for the plant and then check it for some common orchid diseases. While almost all of the symptoms of these include some sort of yellowing of the leaves, only a few turn leaves completely yellow. [图片]Too Much Light Most of the more than 25,000 species of orchids grow in tropical forests, shaded by the canopy. Although some species thrive in bright sunlight, others will experience yellow foliage. This will eventually drop off the plant. To avoid the problem in the future, provide the orchid with indirect sunlight by setting it on the sill of an east-facing window or within two feet of a south-facing window. If you know that your particular orchid species requires medium sunlight, place it on the sill of a west-facing window or within one foot of a window that receives southern exposure. Cold Temperatures Orchids are hardy outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 through 11, depending on species. Outside of the tropics, most are grown indoors, however, where they do fine with typical indoor temperatures. Some orchids, such as phalaenopsis (Phalaenopsis spp.), hardy in USDA zones 10 through 12, are sensitive to temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and leaves will turn yellow. Again, these leaves will naturally fall from the plant. Adjust the temperature until you find one that suits the orchid best, between 60 and 80 degrees during the daytime and 50 to 55 degrees at night. Bacterial Rot Bacterial soft and brown rot are orchid diseases that turn the orchid's leaves yellow before they darken to black. Treat the infection by removing affected parts of the plant with sterile tools and then spraying the orchid until it is wet with a broad-range virucide, bactericide and fungicide, such as Physan 20. Use 2 teaspoons in 1 gallon of water. Repeat the spray once a month to prevent further occurrences. Keeping the foliage dry and increasing air circulation around the orchid also helps prevent this infection. [图片]Fusarium Wilt This disease can be distinguished from other orchid diseases by the wrinkled or shriveled appearance of the yellow leaves. Since it is typically caused by poor sanitation, prevention involves sterilizing cutting equipment before using it on the plant. A five-minute soak in solution containing 1 part household bleach and 3 parts of water and rinsing with clear water afterward should do the trick. Dip the tools and rinse them before each cut made to the orchid. Southern Blight If the lower part of the orchid's stems turn yellow as well as its leaves, suspect southern blight, a fungal infection. Treat southern blight with a systemic fungicide containing thiophanate methyl. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of the fungicide in 1 gallon of water and pour it over the soil. Reapply the fungicide in four weeks. Prevent southern blight on your orchids by providing increased air circulation and proper sanitation.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Orchids are notoriously expensive and temperamental plants, and many orchid owners are intimidated at the prospect of reproducing their orchids. However, orchids are quite hardy and can be reproduced easily. Reproducing your orchid can benefit the overall health of the plant, encouraging new growth. With the right preparation, you can use the division method to reproduce your orchids yourself in an afternoon. [图片]Division Step 1 Reproduce your orchid during the early spring, just after new growth has become visible on the plant. This gives the divided plants ample time to recover from the stress of division. Step 2 Remove the orchid from its pot, and examine the roots. The roots should cover the outside of the growing medium and should be white in color. If the roots are not white, you may be over watering your orchid. Step 3 Grasp the base of the plant, where the plant meets the soil, and gently tug the plant apart into two equal halves. When the halves begin to separate, check the soil in each half for bulbs. To ensure flowering the following season, each half should contain at least three bulbs. Each half should also include some new growth. Step 4 Pull the halves completely apart, and use a pair of sharp gardening shears or a sharp knife to cut any roots connecting the two halves. Remove the old soil from around the roots on each half. [图片]Repotting Step 5 Trim the roots to a length of 4 inches, and save the white root trimmings for use in repotting. Completely remove any brown or soggy roots, and discard. These roots may spread rot in the new plants. Step 6 Place several pieces of bark or polystyrene in the bottom of each new pot to encourage drainage. Gently ease each divided plant into its new pot, positioning the plant so that the new growth is at the center of the pot. Pack the sides of the pot with the trimmed white roots, and fill around the roots with orchid compost. Press the compost into place so that the plant is secure in the pot. Step 7 Soak the plants from above, and allow them to drain for two hours. Soak the plants once more, and do not water again for two weeks. Keep the plants in a shady area for the first two months after repotting.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Orchids have an undeserved reputation for being difficult to grow and easy to kill, which, unfortunately, causes many people to shy away from growing them in their homes. In reality, you can grow many popular orchid species, such as Cattleya, Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium, at home with simple, common-sense care. Overwatering is a common concern when growing orchids; the ice cube watering method is a simple trick that you can use to avoid over-irrigating your new houseplant. [图片]Sunlight Orchids require just the right amount of sunlight in order to grow successfully. If provided too little sunlight, the plant will fail to blossom; if provided too much sunlight, the blossoms will fade and the foliage will burn. The best way to expose your orchid to the sunlight it needs is to place it within 4 feet of a sunny south-facing window where it can receive filtered light for at least four hours each day. Water If it's your first time growing an orchid, knowing just how much water to give your new houseplant may seem a bit tricky. Fortunately, using the ice cube watering method takes all the guesswork out of irrigating your orchid. Simply arrange three standard-size ice cubes on the surface of the potting mix around the plant; avoid letting the ice touch the orchid directly. As the ice cubes melt, they will slowly and evenly moisten the potting mix. Water your orchid once a week using this method. Fertilize When grown in their native climates, orchids use their thick, fleshy roots to draw nutrients from the air around them. When you grow them indoors as houseplants, you must provide nutrients for your orchids by following a regular fertilization schedule. Feed the orchid with weekly applications of a specially formulated orchid fertilizer from early spring through summer. Cease fertilization during the fall and winter months; the plant is not actively growing and doesn't need the steady stream of supplemental nutrients. [图片]Re-pot Occasional re-potting is essential to maintaining the long-term health of your orchid. The University of Tennessee recommends re-potting indoor orchids every one to three years to replace the potting mix and to trim out any problematic roots. Gently remove the orchid from its planting container and rinse its roots under warm running water. Feel the roots with your fingertips; healthy roots will feel stiff and turgid. Use a sharpened and sterilized gardening knife to cut out any roots that are brown or mushy. Repot the orchid in a well-draining potting mix composed of equal parts peat moss, redwood bark, charcoal and volcanic rock.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Orchids are tropical plants that exist in more than 25,000 varieties. They grow in a wide range of environments, from arctic tundras to rain forests, writes Dr. Leonard Perry, a University of Vermont horticulturist. Some types grow in soil, while others grow on the sides of trees, taking their nourishment from the air and moisture around the trees, as well as from bits of decaying organic matter. As with all plants, orchids require nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to grow. Although they require little fertilizing, providing proper nutrients will help them to thrive, and you can make your own orchid fertilizer. [图片]Step 1 Place ½ lb. used coffee grounds into a 5-gallon bucket. Fill the bucket with water and allow the mixture to sit overnight. Filter out the grounds with cheesecloth. Discard the grounds, keeping the liquid. Step 2 Heat 10 broken eggshells in a 200-degree oven for 30 minutes to kill bacteria. Allow the eggshells to cool. Grind them in a food processor, breaking them up to a fine powder if possible. Place the ground up shells in a jar with water and allow them to soak for five days. Filter out the powder with cheesecloth and discard it. The remaining water is a rich source of calcium for plants. Step 3 Dilute 1 tsp. plain molasses in 1 pint water and mix vigorously. Molasses will give the plant additional potassium for essential growth processes. Step 4 Add equal amounts of coffee grounds water, eggshell water and molasses water to a 5-gallon bucket. Step 5 Mix the ingredients thoroughly. [图片]Step 6 Dilute the solution by half and apply to the orchid growing medium in place of watering. Fertilize monthly with the mixture. Store any left over mixture in covered containers in a refrigerator
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
If your orchid loses all of its flowers, you should cut the flower stalk about an inch from the main stalk, water it and stick it in a window with indirect sunlight. Contrary to popular belief, orchid flowers do not last forever, but when properly cared for can last a month or more. Orchids are extremely hardy plants that can grow well and bloom with minimal care. [图片]The Care of Orchids Orchids are topical and subtropical plants that require moisture and indirect sunlight. Depending on the amount of sunlight, temperature and moisture in the air, orchids should be watered at least once a week. Watering can be a light misting to a thorough drenching of the growing medium. Orchid fertilizer should be used occasionally and in accordance with the product's directions. To ensure the roots do not rot, air movement, however slight, is critical. Pests like aphids, mites and scale should be treated with an organic material specific to the pest. Orchid Growing Mediums Orchids grow everywhere in the wild, so virtually any planting medium will work. With the right moisture conditions, orchids can grow without soil at all. Common household growing media includes bark pieces, sphagnum or peat moss or perlite. Whatever the medium, it should retain moisture for about a week to allow moisture to slowly evaporate. Never use soil or allow the roots to soak in a pool of water. Both soil and standing water will rot the roots and kill the plant. [图片]New Growth After the flowers have faded and died, orchids require a short dormant period to send out new roots and new flower stalks. New roots will usually appear in the area of the last flowering stalk. An orchid is healthy if you find new white or light green fleshy roots. After several weeks, new growth on the main plant above the roots will grow into a new stalk with flowers appearing before long. Recommendations With the explosion of orchids available in grocery stores, big box hardware stores and flower shops, there is a good chance perfectly healthy orchids can be found in the potted plant clearance section. Look for plants that have healthy green leaves or are not too wilted and show new root growth. Immediately repot and water them when you get home, and soon you will have a large, inexpensive orchid collection.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Orchids (Orchidaceae) first appeared on Earth about 100 million years ago and adapted over time to include both terrestrial types growing in soil and epiphytic types thriving on only air and water. Close to 25,000 naturally occurring orchid species exist on every continent, and all have their own distinctive characteristics or adaptations. Even though they have diversity among their species, orchids share common strategies that ensure their survival. [图片]Flower Pollination Orchids developed a variety of unusual flowers that attract the creatures that pollinate them. Some flowers resemble their pollinators, such as those of moth orchids (Phalaenopsis group), which are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12. The wide petals at the top of those flowers are reminiscent of moth wings. The flowers of Venus' slipper orchids (Paphiopedilum group) each has a pouch-shaped petal that directs bees and birds straight to the source of pollen. Venus' slipper orchids are perennial in USDA zones 9 through 12. Fungal Relationship The ghost orchid (Dendrophylax lindenii), an endangered species that is hardy in only southern Florida in USDA zone 10a, is a leafless orchid that relies on a symbiotic relationship with fungi to move nutrients throughout the plant. A specific fungus lives inside this orchid's roots and also protrudes outside the roots and gathers nutrients from soil. Multipurpose Roots Epiphytic orchids' roots have evolved to serve multiple functions. Such an orchid's roots work as roots normally do by transferring water and nutrients to the rest of the plant, but they also anchor the air plant to a tree and perform the photosynthesis that leaves normally do on other kinds of plants. An epiphytic orchid's roots also can store water in the same way as a succulent plant's stems, allowing the orchid to exist high in a tree top to get more sunlight than plants living below. [图片]Stem Pseudobulbs Because epiphytic orchids live above soil level, they developed bulblike structures that perform the same work of storing water and nutrients that underground bulbs perform for other types of plants. In an epiphytic orchid, one or more sections of a stem bulge outward and become darkened areas, which are the pseudobulbs. Orchids with pseudobulbs can thrive in regions that have dry months between times of seasonal rainfalls.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
With over 25,000 species of orchids, you're likely to find a type of orchid that fits your color and size preferences. Because there are so many types of orchids, including plants that bloom once a year and others that can bloom several times, it is difficult to determine exactly when orchids in general are "in season." Keep in mind that outdoor-planted orchid bloom times may vary slightly from norms, based on sunlight and your local temperature. [图片]Facts A winter walk through the nursery or home center might give you the impression that orchids are only in season at that time. However according to an article from Colorado State University, "with proper selection" you can have blooming orchids in your home yearlong. For example, phalaenopsis — sometimes called the moth orchid — tends to bloom only once a year, generally after two months of decreased temperatures and slightly decreased light. Extending the dormancy period of your orchid by reducing the water and light it receives may extend periods of blooming and let you stagger blooms throughout the year. Length of Bloom The length of bloom time for your orchid depends upon the type of orchid you have. For example, Phalaenopsis often lasts six to 12 weeks. Lady Slippers last about six weeks. Cattleya blooms often last just a few weeks. Often, the care you give the orchid and the conditions it is kept in determine how long the plant blooms. Care Keep your orchids blooming for as long as possible by using a blossom-booster fertilizer as soon as the flower spikes, continuing through the time that the last bud opens fully. Since orchids thrive in humid conditions, mist the stems and leaves daily or move the plant near other potted plants to give it more moisture. Position your orchid in a south-facing window where it receives adequate indirect light. Most orchids have medium green leaves when they receive proper light levels. [图片]Considerations When buying growing orchids at the home center or floral department, look for plants that are only partially blooming, suggests the Argus Orchids website. Partially blooming plants with about half their blooms open assure you longer-lasting bloom times in your home; heavy blooming plants are often on the downside of growth and blooming.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Orchids are a large family of beautiful, tropical flowers. They come in a tremendous range of colors, sizes and shapes. Some are fragrant, even smelling like chocolate or coconut. Orchid fanciers wax poetic over the delicate beauty of these unusual flowers, but they do have a reputation as difficult to grow. Orchids have specific needs for fertilizer. While it is easiest to buy orchid food at the nursery, it is satisfying and cost-effective to make your own. [图片]Nutrients In their native habitats, orchids get nutrients from the air, water and whatever is nearby. Grown at home, it is up to you to provide the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and optimal flowering. Orchids require a proper balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, along with trace elements. Nitrogen promotes healthy stems and foliage, phosphorus makes roots strong and potassium promotes healthy flowers. These three nutrients are macronutrients. Trace elements include iron, zinc, copper and boron. Rice Water A good source of vitamins such as niacin, thiamin, riboflavin and folic acid necessary for healthy orchid growth is water used for boiling rice. The Care for Your Orchids website recommends using brown rice rather than white. It's an easy fertilizer to make -- after cooking rice, let the leftover water cool, then water the orchid. Make the rice water a more balanced fertilizer by dissolving Epsom salt, which contains magnesium, or molasses, a good source of potassium, into the water before use. Eggshells Dried eggshells are good source of calcium and other nutrients. Crush eggshells, then boil them in a large pot of water. Once the water reaches the boiling point, turn off the heat and allow the eggshells to steep for up to eight hours. You can discard the shells, and pour the water into a spray bottle for easy use. Just spray onto the bark around the orchids. Alternatively, you can just grind up eggshells and sprinkle around the plant. This is not as effective a method, however. Potatoes [图片]Potatoes provide potassium and a small amount of phosphorus, both essential for healthy orchid growth and flowering. Dice the potatoes into very small chunks, leaving on the skin. For even more potassium, you can add small pieces of banana. Boil this mixture for several minutes, and allow it to reach room temperature before use. For better nutrient balance, add 1 tsp. of Epsom salt, which will add magnesium. Use this mixture to water your orchids as usual.
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