Miss Chen
Miss Chen
The proper amount of light is critical for petunias to produce lush, healthy foliage and ample flowers. Lack of sunlight leads to weak plants that are more prone to disease. Without sunlight, petunias also flower poorly with few blossoms through the otherwise productive summer months. [图片]Seedlings Petunia seeds require sunlight to germinate. Sow the seeds on the soil surface and place them in an area that receives bright light to ensure they sprout. Both seed-grown and purchased seedlings must be supplied with plenty of light until you are ready to transplant them outside. Set the petunias in a sunny window where they receive at least six hours of direct light a day. If you don't have a suitable window, use fluorescent grow lights to provide enough light for the petunias to produce healthy, compact growth. Full Sun Beds Plant petunias in beds that receive full sunlight whenever possible. Petunias flower best and produce the most compact growth when supplied with six to eight hours daily of sunlight. Before transplanting petunias to a full-sun bed, harden them off so they don't suffer leaf scalding from the bright light. Place potted petunias in an outdoor area protected from direct sunlight. Gradually move them into direct sun over the course of seven days before finally planting them in the garden bed. Partial Sun Beds While not preferred, petunias can grow in partial-sun beds. When this is necessary, choose a bed that receives full morning sun and dappled sunlight or bright shade in the later afternoon. Petunias may not flower as well when planted in partial sunlight, and the plants may become leggy and weak looking. Prune the plants by up to half their height at midseason if they are weak and spindly. Pinching helps encourage a new flush of growth and makes the plants appear fuller. [图片]Container Concerns Container-planted petunias also do best in full sunlight, whether you are using a planter or hanging basket. The high amount of light causes the soil to heat up and dry out more quickly in the container. Water daily to help prevent the soil from drying out too much. When possible, set the containers in an area where the petunias receive full sun but the base of the container receives shade. For example, A half barrel of petunias sitting behind a low shrub is shaded at the container level but sunlight can reach the petunias planted in the top unhindered.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
The proper amount of light is critical for petunias to produce lush, healthy foliage and ample flowers. Lack of sunlight leads to weak plants that are more prone to disease. Without sunlight, petunias also flower poorly with few blossoms through the otherwise productive summer months. [图片]Seedlings Petunia seeds require sunlight to germinate. Sow the seeds on the soil surface and place them in an area that receives bright light to ensure they sprout. Both seed-grown and purchased seedlings must be supplied with plenty of light until you are ready to transplant them outside. Set the petunias in a sunny window where they receive at least six hours of direct light a day. If you don't have a suitable window, use fluorescent grow lights to provide enough light for the petunias to produce healthy, compact growth. Full Sun Beds Plant petunias in beds that receive full sunlight whenever possible. Petunias flower best and produce the most compact growth when supplied with six to eight hours daily of sunlight. Before transplanting petunias to a full-sun bed, harden them off so they don't suffer leaf scalding from the bright light. Place potted petunias in an outdoor area protected from direct sunlight. Gradually move them into direct sun over the course of seven days before finally planting them in the garden bed. [图片]Partial Sun Beds While not preferred, petunias can grow in partial-sun beds. When this is necessary, choose a bed that receives full morning sun and dappled sunlight or bright shade in the later afternoon. Petunias may not flower as well when planted in partial sunlight, and the plants may become leggy and weak looking. Prune the plants by up to half their height at midseason if they are weak and spindly. Pinching helps encourage a new flush of growth and makes the plants appear fuller. Container Concerns Container-planted petunias also do best in full sunlight, whether you are using a planter or hanging basket. The high amount of light causes the soil to heat up and dry out more quickly in the container. Water daily to help prevent the soil from drying out too much. When possible, set the containers in an area where the petunias receive full sun but the base of the container receives shade. For example, A half barrel of petunias sitting behind a low shrub is shaded at the container level but sunlight can reach the petunias planted in the top unhindered.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Petunias (Petunia spp) fill the showiest of flower beds or the humblest of hanging baskets with spring-to-fall color. These tough, sun-loving annuals grow in bush or trailing forms, with trumpet-like, single or double blooms. Deadheading their spent blossoms keeps the easy-care plants in full flower over the entire summer. Add fragrance to their list of attributes, and petunias may be the ideal garden annuals. One of their few liabilities is that a tiny, flower-devouring striped worm finds petunias irresistible. [图片]Identification Gardeners across the United States risk finding their prize petunias infested with tobacco budworms. These green caterpillars are the larvae of the 1 1/2-inch wide Helicoverpa virescens moth. The female moths deposit their eggs on a petunia's foliage and buds at dusk. The eggs hatch into striped caterpillars. Their colors range from light green or light brown to red and other dark shades. The coloration acts as camouflage. It varies according to the plants on which the pests feed. Life Cycle Newly tobacco budworms feed on a petunia's flowers for about four weeks before falling to the ground. They tunnel from 2 to 6 inches deep, build dirt cocoons and pupate. Where winter temperatures remain above 20 degrees Fahrenheit, the caterpillars entering the soil in autumn can survive until spring. The adults emerge after pupation to mate to lay eggs. Two generations of these worms typically attack petunias in a single growing season. Damage The tobacco budworms feed on flower buds and flower ovaries. Some buds don't open at all. Infected buds that do open have chewed, shredded petals. Budworm infestations, and the damage they cause, worsen as the summer passes. [图片]Manual Control Checking your petunias daily for chewed buds and blooms is the best way to limit tobacco budworm damage. The caterpillars feed most heavily in the early evening. Examine the plants, then manually remove and destroy the worms. If that's impractical, do a daytime check under the petunias' lower leaves and around their bases. The worms frequently hide in the soil during daylight. Tilling your petunia bed in fall destroys overwintering pupae. Biological Control Parasitic wasps feed on tobacco budworm caterpillars. Campoletis sonorensis attacks the young larvae, while Cardiochiles nigriceps goes after mature caterpillars ready to pupate. Several species of paper wasps also kill the pests. Chemical Control Tobacco budworms are somewhat insecticide-resistant. Spinosad-based insecticides as well as those containing synthetic pyrethrins are most likely to succeed in controlling them. Look for insecticides containing bifentrhrin, permethrin or esfenvalerate.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Begonias are probably one of the most varied and well-known houseplants. The varieties of begonias number in the thousands, and their popularity is quite apparent. Begonia blooms range from small and delicate to large and roselike. More popular than begonia blooms, the leaves of certain begonia varieties grow into mosaic patterns of varying colors. Several factors cause begonia leaves to fall off suddenly and rot. [图片]Water The most common reason begonia leaves rot is too frequent watering. Begonias are succulent plants with stems that are mostly water, which makes them very sensitive to moisture and fungus. Overwatering begonias causes their leaves to turn yellow, a process called chlorosis. Eventually, those leaves rot and then fall off. If you see brown spots on the leaves as well, they have the fungal infection botrytis, which thrives in cool and wet conditions. Temperature and Humidity Other factors that affect begonia leaves' health are temperature and humidity. Begonias originate from tropical environs and are accustomed to growing in bright, warm and humid conditions. Even if you water your begonia properly, high humidity along with cool temperatures can increase the likelihood that the begonia will suffer from leaf rot and/or botrytis. Treatment If your begonia's leaves begin to yellow, all hope is not lost. One of the first ways to stave off chlorosis is to give your begonia a 1/2-strength fertilizer to boost its nutrient intake. If your begonia has yellowing or rotting leaves, another treatment is to change its growing conditions by moving it to a sunnier, warmer place; if a begonia shows signs of chlorosis, it probably is not happy in its location. If your begonia has botrytis spots on its leaves, cut off and dispose of the leaves to avert the fungus' spread. [图片]Prevention Preventing leaf rot and botrytis requires a few simple measures. When purchasing or planting a begonia, ensure that the potting mixture is light, airy and drains easily; that will prevent the begonia from sitting in water. Plant or buy a begonia in a pot that matches the begonia's size; an oversized pot holds more water in the soil than the begonia can use at one time, resulting in the plant sitting in water. Grow begonias in a sunny or partly sunny location to increase their location's temperature, which will prevent rot and fungus.
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[图片]#茉莉花 掉叶子的表现 少量落叶 茉莉花在冬季的时候,如果是少量的掉叶子,大部分的叶子都是保持绿色的话,这是常绿休眠,在温度保持15℃以上的时候会出现。 大量落叶 茉莉花在冬季的时候,大面积的掉叶子,但是枝条还是比较健康的,这就是落叶休眠,在温度保持在3℃——15℃之间的时候出现。 落叶+冻害 在冬季的时候,茉莉花的叶子不仅是大量的掉,它还容易遭受冻害。 [图片]茉莉花冬季掉叶子的原因 茉莉花在冬季的时候掉叶子,其中最重要的一个原因就是温度,此外也有其他的影响。 在冬季的时候,如果气温过低,就会引发茉莉花掉叶子,严重的时候还会产生冻害的。此外,可能是摆放的位置有问题,茉莉花放在了容易受到冷风的地方,被冷风一吹就会受冻。还可能是浇水太少或者太多的原因,浇水太多或者太少,盆土就会处于过干或者过湿的现象,这是不利于茉莉花的生长的,使其落叶。 [图片]茉莉花冬季叶子掉光了能活吗 在冬季,如果茉莉花的叶子已经掉光了,那就先看看它的枝干,如果枝干还是青绿色的,那就表示茉莉花还有得救,首先就要先根据茉莉花的掉叶子的原因,来改变它的现状,使其不要在继续掉叶子了。等到了清明的时候,将茉莉花搬到室外半阴的地方,剪掉枯枝,停止施肥,浇水的时候要在盆土干透后再浇,下雨天的时候可以淋雨,这样养护一段时间,随着温度的上升,在茉莉花的叶芽处就可以重新长出枝叶了。 [图片]
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Gardeners flock to their vegetable and flower gardens in spring, replanting vegetables and tending perennial bulbs and bushes. Springtime also sees new plantings with new bulbs and perennials going into the ground and short-term annuals filling in the gaps. Annual petunias and marigolds both grow successfully separately and together throughout the country. [图片]Petunias The University of Minnesota ranks petunias among the most popular summertime annuals for their bright colors, lively fragrance and adaptability. Petunias grow in grandiflora, multiflora, miliflora and groundcover varieties with compact to vining growth, single-to double-petal flowers and many colors. Marigolds The Clemson Cooperative Extension notes that marigolds are very successful in home gardens with good hardiness and disease resistance. Marigolds grow in dwarf and large sizes ranging from 6 inches to 3 feet in height, depending on cultivar. Marigolds always bloom in oranges, yellows and reds. [图片]Growing Season Petunias and marigolds are annuals growing and blooming from spring to fall with the right care. As annuals, both plants fade and die in frost, requiring replanting in spring. Gardeners in U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zones 10 and 11 can maintain both varieties through winter in the absence of frost. Site Requirements Marigolds and petunias both do best in full sun and rich, dark soil. Both plants need quick drainage and grow well in the same beds. Amending the soil with organic compost and 5-10-5 fertilizer before planting gives the plants nutrition. Plant them according to cultivar-specific spacing and depth needs.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Petunias bloom for most of summer with only a minimum of care. The plants come in a variety of colors and types, with most beginning to flower soon after spring frost danger passes. The plants may become leggy as the season progresses. Legginess results from weak overgrown stems that produce sparse foliage and flowers. General maintenance practices can prevent and fix legginess, helping the petunias produce a fresh supply of new buds and blooms. [图片]Step 1 Purchase petunias that have full foliage with leaves forming along the entire length of the stems. Plants that have sparse foliage and overly long stems are weaker and may not fill out well once transplanted to the garden. Step 2 Provide indoor sown seedlings with at least eight hours of direct sunlight a day once the seeds sprout. Rotate the seedling pot daily so all sides of the plant receive equal sunlight. Rotating and plenty of light encourages the plants to produce full growth and prevents the stems from stretching toward a light source, which results in legginess. [图片]Step 3 Pinch off the tip of each stem after transplanting the petunias to the garden. Remove the tips directly above a leaf bud. Pinching encourages branches and results in fuller plants with shorter stems and more flower buds. Step 4 Prune petunias in midsummer if they become overgrown and leggy from the growth of the first half of the season. Remove up to one-half the plant's height with a pair of pruning shears. New fuller growth resumes within one to two weeks.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Petunias are bright and colorful annual flowers thriving throughout the country. They grow in both small and large varieties and bring color to all summertime gardens. They require the right season and conditions to maintain healthy stems, foliage and blooms. Petunias may go brown for a number of reasons. [图片]Growing Season Petunias are annuals, and so grow for only one season. They require midspring plantings and summer growing seasons. Do not plant them outdoors until all frost is past. These plants grow well in gardens, pots and hanging containers. Frost Annual flowers die in frost, so petunia leaves naturally yellow and fade when fall approaches. Browning in fall simply means that the petunias are at the end of their lifespans. Save petunias in pots by moving them indoors and out of the frost. Light According to the University of Minnesota, light is the most important aspect of petunia growing. Petunias that don't receive at least five to six hours of full sun every day won't bloom or spread. Heavily shaded petunias may display yellow or brown leaves from lack of sun. [图片]Soil and Spacing Petunias require moderately fertile, quick-draining soil and will rot and die in tight soil or standing water. The University of Minnesota recommends amending soil with peat moss or compost before planting. Give petunias 8-8-8, 10-10-10 or 12-12-12 fertilizer at planting to increase growth and blooming. Water Petunias that don't get enough water will die with wasted blooms and brown, crumbling leaves. Increase watering to 2 to 3 inches of water a week to save brown and dying petunias.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Half-hardy annuals, including petunias (Petunia spp.) or geraniums (Pelargonium spp.) or hardy annuals, like pansies (Viola x. wittrockiana) usually won't be adversely affected by a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. But that can depend on when they are exposed to it. Plants that have experienced a gradual cooling in fall can survive freezing better than those just planted in spring, which lack such "hardening." Still, you should cover annuals you wish to save whenever frost is forecast, as the meteorologist isn't always right about how low the temperature will go. [图片]Protecting Petunias Petunias can potentially be perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. Elsewhere they are considered half-hardy annuals, which means they will survive light frosts but not heavy ones. Farmers' Almanac defines a light freeze as one caused by temperatures between 29 and 32 F. Because the weather frequently warms into Indian summer after a harsher frost, you may be able to keep your petunias blooming until late fall simply by covering them whenever the temperature threatens to drop below 29 F. [图片]Tolerant Pansies Pansies, which grow in USDA zones 5 through 10, may droop and change color after a hard freeze -- temperatures below 25 F -- but that doesn't mean they are dying. Hardier than plants from tropical regions, they can survive around 10 F. It's a good idea to cover pansies with straw or pine straw whenever forecasts call for temperatures below 20 F, as frozen roots may cause them to die of thirst. [图片]Keeping Geraniums Alive Like petunias, geraniums -- potentially perennials in USDA zones 9 through 11 -- are likely to come through a light frost unscathed. Those with thick stems probably will survive a moderate freeze, with temperatures from 25 to 28 F, though it is likely to shrivel their flowers and leaves. Temperatures below 25 F will kill stem tissue too, so -- with the exception of a few of the more obscure species -- geraniums usually won't survive a hard freeze. If you intend to use yours as winter houseplants, avoid damage by moving or covering them whenever temperatures are slated to fall below 29 F. Plant Protection If your petunias or geraniums are growing in containers when frost threatens, move those containers to a roofed and warmer spot, such as a garage or porch, temporarily. Plants in the ground can be protected with porous "caps" such as large clay flower pots, tented newspapers and cardboard boxes. If you have row or frost covers, you can lay them over the plants, but sheets or lightweight blankets generally will work as well. For a light frost, you can toss one of those coverings over the plants. If a moderate to hard freeze is predicted, use stakes to suspend the covering above the plants so it surrounds them on all sides without actually touching them.
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