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Dummer. ゛☀
Peace lily (Spathipnyllum) is happy when its roots are a little on the crowded side, but your plant will give you clear signals when it needs a little more space. Keep reading and we’ll give you the scoop on peace lily repotting.[图片]Does My Peace Lily Need a New Pot? Knowing when to repot a peace lily is important. If your plant is rootbound, it’s definitely time for repotting. For example, you may notice roots growing through the drainage hole or emerging on the surface of the soil. The easiest way to tell if your peace lily is rootbound is to slide the plant carefully from the pot so you can see the roots. A severely rootbound plant is unable to absorb water because the roots are so tightly packed. The plant will wilt because even though you may water generously, liquid simply runs through the drainage hole. If your peace lily is severely rootbound, it’s best to repot as soon as possible. If your plant can wait a little longer, spring is the ideal time for repotting a peace lily.[图片]Steps for Repotting Peace Lily Houseplants Select a slightly larger pot with a diameter only 1 or 2 inches more than the current container. Avoid planting in a larger container, as the moisture retained in the excess potting soil may cause the roots to rot. Cover the drainage hole with a coffee filter or a small piece of mesh to keep potting mix from washing through the hole. Water the peace lily an hour or two before repotting. Place fresh potting mix in the container. Use just enough so that once repotted, the top of the plant’s root ball will be about ½ to 1 inch below the rim of the container. The goal is for the plant to sit at the same level it was situated in the old pot; burying the plant too deeply may cause the plant to rot. Slide the peace lily carefully from its current pot. Tease the rootball gently with your fingers to release the compacted roots. Place the peace lily in the new container. Fill in around the root ball with potting mix, then firm the mix gently with your fingers. Water lightly to settle the soil, and then add a little more potting soil, if needed. Again, it’s important to situate the plant at the same level it was planted in its old pot.[图片]Place the peace lily in the new container. Fill in around the root ball with potting mix, then firm the mix gently with your fingers. Water lightly to settle the soil, and then add a little more potting soil, if needed. Again, it’s important to situate the plant at the same level it was planted in its old pot. Place the plant in a shady area for a couple of days. Don’t worry if the plant looks a little bedraggled for the first few days. Slight wilting often occurs when repotting peace lily houseplants. Withhold fertilizer for a couple of months after repotting a peace lily to give the plant time to settle into its new home. Note: Peace lily repotting is a perfect time to divide a mature plant into new, smaller plants. Once you’ve removed the plant from its old pot, remove offshoots carefully and plant each one into a small pot filled with fresh potting mix.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Is peace lily toxic to cats? A lovely plant with lush, deep green leaves, peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is prized for its ability to survive nearly any indoor growing condition, including low light and neglect. Unfortunately, peace lily and cats are a bad combination, as peace lily is indeed toxic to cats (and dogs, too). Read on to learn more about peace lily toxicity.[图片]Toxicity of Peace Lily Plants According to Pet Poison Hotline, the cells of peace lily plants, also known as Mauna Loa plants, contain calcium oxalate crystals. When a cat chews or bites into the leaves or stems, the crystals are released and cause injury by penetrating the animal’s tissues. The damage can be extremely painful to the animal’s mouth, even if the plant isn’t ingested. Fortunately, peace lily toxicity isn’t as great as that of other types of lilies, including Easter lily and Asiatic lilies. The Pet Poison Hotline says that peace lily, which isn’t a true lily, doesn’t cause damage to the kidneys and liver. [图片]Toxicity of peace lily plants is considered mild to moderate, depending on the amount ingested. The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) lists signs of peace lily poisoning in cats as follows: Severe burning and irritation of the mouth, lips and tongue Difficulty swallowing Vomiting Excessive drooling and increased salivation To be safe, think twice before keeping or growing peace lilies if you share your home with a cat or dog.[图片]Treating Peace Lily Poisoning in Cats If you suspect your pet may have ingested peace lily, don’t panic, as your cat is unlikely to suffer long-term harm. Remove any chewed leaves from your cat’s mouth, and then wash the animal’s paws with cool water to remove any irritants. Never try to induce vomiting unless advised by your veterinarian, as you may unintentionally make matters worse.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Growing peace lily in an aquarium is an unusual, exotic way to display this deep green, leafy plant. Although you can grow peace lily aquarium plants without fish, many people like to add a betta fish to the aquarium, which makes the underwater environment even more colorful. Read on to learn how to grow peace lilies in fish tanks and aquariums.[图片]Growing Peace Lily in an Aquarium or Container Select a wide-based aquarium that holds at least a quart of water. Clear glass is best, especially if you plan to add a betta fish. Pet stores sell inexpensive goldfish bowls that work very well. Rinse the container thoroughly, but don’t use soap. Select a small to medium-size peace lily with a healthy root system. Be sure the diameter of the peace lily is smaller than the opening of the container. If the opening of the aquarium is too crowded, the plant may not receive enough air. You’ll also need a plastic plant tray; craft knife or scissors; decorative rock, pebbles or aquarium gravel; a jug of distilled water; large bucket and a betta fish, if you choose. You may also want to add figurines or other decorative accessories.[图片]How to Grow Peace Lilies in Fish Tanks or Aquariums The first step is to create a lid from the plastic plant tray, as this will serve as a support for the peace lily. Use a sharp craft knife or scissors to trim the plant tray (or similar object) so that it fits snugly into the opening without falling through. Cut a hole in the center of the plastic. The hole should be about the size of a quarter, but probably no larger than a silver dollar, depending on the size of the root mass. Rinse the decorative rocks or gravel thoroughly (again, no soap) and arrange them in the bottom of the aquarium or fish tank. Pour room temperature distilled water into the aquarium, up to about 2 inches from the rim. (You can also use tap water, but be sure to add a water de-chlorinator, which you can purchase at pet stores.) Remove the soil from the roots of the peace lily. Although you can do this in the sink, the easiest method is to fill a large bucket with water, then swish the roots of the lily gently through the water until ALL of the soil is removed. Once the soil has been removed, trim the roots neatly and evenly so they don’t touch the bottom of the aquarium. Feed the roots through the plastic “lid” with the peace lily plant resting on the top and the roots below. (This is where you will add a betta fish, if you choose to do so.) Insert the lid into the fish bowl or aquarium, with the roots dangling into the water.[图片]Care of Peace Lily in Aquariums Place the aquarium where the peace lily is exposed to low light, such as under a fluorescent light or near a north- or east-facing window. Change one-quarter of the water every week to keep it clear and clean, especially if you decide to add a fish. Avoid flake food, which will cloud the water very quickly. Remove the fish, clean the tank and fill it with fresh water whenever it begins to look brackish – usually every couple of weeks.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Peace lilies are not true lilies but in the Araceae family. They are beautiful evergreen plants that produce creamy white spathes, similar to flowers. The presence of these plants in your home or garden may pose a risk to your pets, especially dogs that like to chew different plants in the landscape. How toxic is peace lily? Read this article for the answer and tips on how to protect your pet. [图片]How Toxic is Peace Lily? As glorious as peace lilies are when they are blooming, there is an underlying menace in these hooded flowering plants. The presence of peace lily and dogs can be an unfriendly equation. Is peace lily toxic to dogs? All parts of the plant, from stems to leaves and even the attractive blooms, contain an irritating toxin that can be dangerous to man’s best friend, so it is best to remove or fence off an area where peace lilies grow. Peace lily isn’t technically poisonous, but it contains a compound that can be extremely bothersome to pets, children and even an adult if consumed. Even the pollen from the spadix can cause oral irritation if licked off fur and paws. The culprit is the presence of calcium oxalate crystals. These are also called raphides, and are needle sharp and shoot out of damaged parts of the plant. The crystals are insoluble and persistent when they contact tissue. The result is an inflammatory reaction, which can be mild to severe and accompanied by other symptoms.[图片]Symptoms of Peace Lily Toxicity in Dogs As if having an inflamed, irritated mouth, muzzle and throat aren’t enough, peace lily toxicity in dogs can also manifest several other symptoms. Animals may also get diarrhea, vomit and exhibit excessive drooling. In severe cases, your dog may appear to have trouble breathing due to an inflamed airway. The symptoms can be very distressing but usually don’t warrant a trip to your veterinarian. If the animal shows signs of airway discomfort or if symptoms persist, however, it is time to call your animal doctor and seek treatment. In most cases, the irritation is minor and home remedies can do the trick. If you are unsure what plant your dog may have eaten, it is also a good idea to seek the advice of your vet.[图片]Treating Peace Lily Symptoms If symptoms are mild and the dog is not in too much distress, make sure there are no plant parts still in its mouth. Try to rinse the dog’s mouth out and encourage drinking of water. Ice chips can ease the discomfort or even ice cream. If the animal is experiencing difficulty breathing, you should take it to the veterinarian. Steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs are the usual prescription. Once your animal is comfortable, take steps to remove peace lily and dogs from each other’s company. Either pot up the plants and place them in a high location or simply remove them from the landscape. Determining how to deal with the problem also depends upon how successfully your dog learned from its lesson. In most cases, the animal will never go near the plant again.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Peace lily is a popular indoor plant, valued for its easy-going nature, its ability to grow in low light environments, and last but certainly not least, the beautiful white flowers, which bloom nearly nonstop. Although this plant isn’t fussy, it’s important to understand how to water a peace lily. Read on for the details of peace lily watering requirements.[图片]When to Water Peace Lily Poke your finger into the potting soil to determine if it’s time to water your peace lily. If the soil feels moist to the first knuckle, it’s too soon for watering peace lilies. If the soil feels dry, it’s time to give your peace lily a drink of water. If you like high-tech gadgets, you can use a water meter. However, the knuckle test is just as reliable and considerably cheaper.[图片]How to Water a Peace Lily The best way to water a peace lily is to set the plant in the sink. Pour water slowly onto the soil until liquid drips through the bottom of the pot. Let the plant drain thoroughly, then return it to its drainage saucer. Never let the plant sit in water, as disease caused by excess water is the number one reason for houseplant death. Too little water is always preferable to too much water. Peace lilies can stand a fair amount of neglect, but allowing the soil to become bone dry may result in a sad, droopy plant. However, peace lily will nearly always bounce back with a good watering.[图片]Peace Lily Watering Tips Tap water is fine for watering peace lilies, but letting the water sit out for a day or two allows fluoride and other harmful chemicals to dissipate. If water runs straight through the pot, it may mean the plant is badly root bound. If this is the case, repot your peace lily as soon as possible. If you forget to water your peace lily for an extended time, the edges of the leaves may turn yellow. If this happens, water the plant well, then clip off the yellowing foliage. Your plant should soon be good as new.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Peace lilies are excellent houseplants. They’re easy to care for, they do well in low light, and they’ve been proven by NASA to help purify the air around them. But what do you do when the flowers or even the leaves start to dry up and die? Should peace lilies be pruned? Keep reading to learn more about when and how to prune peace lily plants.[图片]Peace Lily Pruning Peace lilies are known for their big white bracts, the part we think of as a flower that is actually a modified white leaf surrounding a cluster of tiny flowers on a stalk. After this “flower” has bloomed for a while, it will naturally start to turn green and droop. This is normal, and it just means the flower is spent.[图片]You can clean up the appearance of the plant by deadheading. Peace lilies produce their flowers on stalks that grow up from the base of the plant. Once a stalk has made one flower, it won’t make any more – after the flower fades, the stalk will eventually brown and die as well. Peace lily pruning should be done at the base of the plant. Cut the stalk off as close to the bottom as you can. This will make room for new stalks to emerge.[图片]Pruning a peace lily isn’t limited to the flower stalks. Sometimes leaves yellow and start to shrivel up. This may be due to under watering or too much light, but it can also happen just because of old age. If any of your leaves are turning color or drying out, just cut the offending leaves away at their base. Always disinfect your shears between each cut to prevent the spread of disease. That’s all there is to pruning peace lilies. Nothing too complicated and a very good way to keep your plants looking healthy and happy.
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Dummer. ゛☀
When it comes to easy indoor plants, it doesn’t get much easier than peace lily. This tough plant even tolerates low light and a certain amount of neglect. However, repotting a peace lily plant is occasionally necessary, as a rootbound plant isn’t able to absorb nutrients and water and may eventually die. Fortunately, peace lily repotting is easy! Keep reading to learn how to repot a peace lily.[图片]When to Repot Peace Lilies Does my peace lily need repotting? Peace lily is actually happy when its roots are slightly crowded, so don’t rush to repot if the plant doesn’t need it. However, if you notice roots growing through the drainage hole or circling around the surface of the potting mix, it’s time. If the roots become so compacted that water runs straight through the drainage hole without being absorbed into the potting mix, it’s time for an emergency peace lily repotting! Don’t panic if this is the case; repotting a peace lily isn’t difficult and your plant will soon rebound and grow like crazy in its new, roomier pot. [图片]How to Repot a Peace Lily Select a container only a size larger than the peace lily’s current pot. It may sound logical to use a larger pot, but a large amount of damp potting mix around the roots may contribute to root rot. It’s much better to repot the plant into gradually larger containers. Water the peace lily a day or two before repotting. Fill a container about one-third full with fresh, high quality potting mix. Remove the peace lily carefully from the container. If the roots are tightly compacted, loosen them carefully with your fingers so they can spread out in the new pot.[图片]Set the peace lily in the new pot. Add or subtract potting mix to the bottom as needed; the top of the root ball should be about an inch below the rim of the pot. Fill in around the root ball with potting mix, then firm the potting mix lightly with your fingers. Water the peace lily well, allowing excess liquid to drip through the drainage hole. Once the plant has completely drained, return it to its drainage saucer.
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Dummer. ゛☀
It makes sense that indoor plants should improve air quality. After all, plants convert the carbon dioxide we breathe out into the oxygen we breathe in. It goes way beyond that, though. NASA (which has a pretty good reason to care about air quality in enclosed spaces) has conducted a study on how plants improve air quality. The study focuses on 19 plants that thrive indoors in low light and actively remove pollutants from the air. Way at the top of that list of plants is the peace lily. Keep reading to learn more about using peace lily plants for air purification.[图片]Peace Lilies and Pollution The NASA study focuses on common air pollutants that tend to be given off by manmade materials. These are chemicals that become trapped in the air in enclosed spaces and can be bad for your health if breathed in too much. One of these chemicals is Benzene, which can be naturally given off by gasoline, paint, rubber, tobacco smoke, detergent, and a variety of synthetic fibers. Another is Trichloroethylene, which can be found in paint, lacquer, glue, and varnish. In other words, it’s commonly given off by furniture. [图片]Peace lilies have been found to be very good at removing these two chemicals from the air. They absorb the pollutants from the air through their leaves, then send them to their roots, where they’re broken down by microbes in the soil. So this makes using peace lily plants for air purification in the home a definite plus. Do peace lilies help with air quality in any other ways? Yes, they do. In addition to help with air pollutants in the home, they also give off a lot of moisture in the air.[图片]Getting clean air with peace lilies can be even more effective if a lot of the pot’s topsoil is exposed to the air. Pollutants can be absorbed straight into the soil and broken down this way. Trim away the lowest leaves on your peace lily to allow lots of direct contact between the soil and the air. If you want to get clean air with peace lilies, simply add these plants to your home.
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Dummer. ゛☀
It makes sense that indoor plants should improve air quality. After all, plants convert the carbon dioxide we breathe out into the oxygen we breathe in. It goes way beyond that, though. NASA (which has a pretty good reason to care about air quality in enclosed spaces) has conducted a study on how plants improve air quality. The study focuses on 19 plants that thrive indoors in low light and actively remove pollutants from the air. Way at the top of that list of plants is the peace lily. Keep reading to learn more about using peace lily plants for air purification.[图片]Peace Lilies and Pollution The NASA study focuses on common air pollutants that tend to be given off by manmade materials. These are chemicals that become trapped in the air in enclosed spaces and can be bad for your health if breathed in too much. One of these chemicals is Benzene, which can be naturally given off by gasoline, paint, rubber, tobacco smoke, detergent, and a variety of synthetic fibers. Another is Trichloroethylene, which can be found in paint, lacquer, glue, and varnish. In other words, it’s commonly given off by furniture. [图片]Peace lilies have been found to be very good at removing these two chemicals from the air. They absorb the pollutants from the air through their leaves, then send them to their roots, where they’re broken down by microbes in the soil. So this makes using peace lily plants for air purification in the home a definite plus.[图片]Do peace lilies help with air quality in any other ways? Yes, they do. In addition to help with air pollutants in the home, they also give off a lot of moisture in the air. Getting clean air with peace lilies can be even more effective if a lot of the pot’s topsoil is exposed to the air. Pollutants can be absorbed straight into the soil and broken down this way. Trim away the lowest leaves on your peace lily to allow lots of direct contact between the soil and the air. If you want to get clean air with peace lilies, simply add these plants to your home.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Peace lilies have green leaves and lovely flowers, which are slender, graceful and the color of porcelain. If you see your peace lily getting brown tips on its leaves, it’s time to review the care you are giving them. Generally, brown tips on peace lily leaves means the owner made mistakes in providing care. Read on for information about what causes a peace lily with brown tips on its leaves.[图片]Reasons for Brown Peace Lily Tips In a healthy peace lily, the stalks bearing the beautiful lily-like flowers emerge from a mounding mass of glossy green leaves. If you see brown tips on peace lily leaves, review your cultural care immediately. Brown peace lily tips almost always result from improper care. Every species of houseplant has its own requirements for essentials like water, fertilizer, sun and soil. If you get any one aspect wrong, the plant will suffer. [图片]Irrigation problem – The most likely reason for brown tips on peace lily leaves is irrigation, either too much or too little. Generally, experts recommend that you wait until the lily wilts slightly before watering it. When you give the plant too little water, the leaf tips may turn brown. For example, if you wait until the lily is deeply wilted instead of just slightly wilted to provide water, brown peace lily tips are the likely consequence. But the opposite extreme, watering so frequently that the soil is soggy, is equally bad for the plant. Curiously, it causes the same symptom: peace lily with brown tips on its leaves. Humidity – These plants appreciate warm, wet environments. In fact, you should keep the plant on a large saucer filled with pebbles and water to provide the humidity it craves. If you don’t do this, the peace lily may still be okay. But if you place it in the path of a heat vent, it isn’t likely to pass through unscathed. You are likely to see leaf damage in the form of peace lilies getting brown tips.[图片]Fertilizer and/or salt – Excess fertilizer also causes brown leaf tips on peace lilies. Only feed your lily once every few months. Even then, dilute the solution until it is quite weak. Salt in the water can also cause brown tips on peace lily leaves. If you suspect your water has a high salt content, use distilled water to irrigate.
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