Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Chlorophytum comosum may be lurking in your house. What is Chlorophytum comosum? Only one of the most popular houseplants. You may recognize its common name of spider plant, AKA airplane plant, St. Bernard’s lily, spider ivy or ribbon plant. Spider plants are one of the most popular houseplants because they are so resilient and easy to grow but do spider plants need fertilizer? If so, what type of fertilizer is best for spider plants and how do you fertilize spider plants?[图片]Spider Plant Fertilizer Spider plants are hardy plants that thrive in less than optimal conditions. Plants form tight rosettes of leaves with dangling plantlets hanging from long stems of up to 3 feet. While they prefer bright light, they tend to scorch in direct sunlight and are perfect for lower lit abodes and offices. They do not like temperature below 50 degrees F. (10 C.) or cold drafts. To care for your spider plant, be sure it is planted in well-draining, well-aerating potting medium. Water throughout the growing season on a regular basis and mist the plant occasionally, as they enjoy the humidity. If your water is from city sources, it is most likely chlorinated and probably fluoridated as well. Both of these chemicals can result in tip burn. Allow tap water to sit at room temperature for at least 24 hours or use rainwater or distilled water to irrigate spider plants. Spider plants are native to South Africa and are prolific growers and producers of a multitude of plantlets. The plantlets are basically a spider plant baby and can be easily snipped from the parent and rooted in water or damp potting soil to become yet another spider plant. All that aside, do spider plants need fertilizer as well?[图片]How to Fertilize Spider Plants Fertilizing a spider plant must be done in moderation. Fertilizer for spider plants should be applied sparingly, as over-fertilization will result in brown leaf tips just as chemically laden water. There is no specific spider plant fertilizer. Any all-purpose, complete, water soluble or granular time-release fertilizer suitable for houseplants is acceptable. There is some discrepancy in the number of times you should feed your spider plant during the growing season. Some sources say once a week, while others says every 2-4 weeks. The common trend seems to be that over-fertilizing will cause more damage than under feeding. I would go for a happy medium of every 2 weeks with a liquid fertilizer.[图片]If the tips of the spider plant begin to brown, I would back off the amount of fertilizer by ½ of the manufacturer’s recommended amount. Remember that brown tips may also be caused by chemical laden water, drought stress, drafts, or temperature fluxes. A little experimentation might be in order to get your plant back in tip-top shape, but these plants are known for rebounding and will almost certainly be in the flush of health with a little TLC.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Fungus gnats on spider plants are definitely an annoyance, but the pests, also known as soil gnats or dark-winged fungus gnats, typically cause little damage to indoor plants. However, if you’re tired of spider plant fungus gnats terrorizing your prized plant, help is on the way.[图片]Do Fungus Gnats Harm Spider Plants? Fungus gnats are attracted to spider plants and other indoor plants because they like organic soil and warm, humid conditions. Fungus gnats are nuisances but they generally don’t harm plants. However, certain species of fungus gnats lay eggs in the soil, where the larvae feed on the roots or, in some cases, may even burrow into the leaves and stems. This is when some type of fungus gnat control is needed, as the larvae can be harmful in large numbers, and may damage plants or stunt plant growth. Young plants, as well as seedlings or newly propagated cuttings are most susceptible. An adult fungus gnat lives only a few days, but a female can lay up to 200 eggs during her short lifespan. Larvae hatch in about four days and feed for a couple of weeks before pupating. After another three of four days, they emerge as the next generation of flying spider plant gnats.[图片]Fungus Gnat Control on Spider Plants If you are looking for ways to control annoying soil gnats in your spider plants, the following tips should help: Move infested plants away from healthy plants. Be careful not to overwater, as fungal gnats like to lay eggs in damp potting mix. If your spider plant is infested, allow the top 2 to 3 inches to dry. Always pour out any standing water remaining in the drainage tray. Repot a severely infested spider plant into a clean container with fresh potting soil. Be sure the container has a drainage hole. Yellow sticky traps are an effective way to catch adult fungus gnats before they have an opportunity to lay eggs. Cut the traps into small squares and attach the squares to wooden or plastic sticks, then insert the sticks into the soil. Change the traps every few days.[图片]Apply B-ti (bacillus thuringiensis israelensis). The bacterial insecticide, which is different from regular Bt, is available in products such as Gnatrol or Mosquito Bits. Control is temporary and you may need to reapply B-ti every five days or so. Some people find that homemade solutions are effective for fungus gnats on spider plants. For example, fill small jars halfway with vinegar and a drop or two of liquid dish soap, then poke several holes in the lid (large enough for adult flies to enter). The flies, attracted to the vinegar, fly into the trap and drown. You can also place several slices of raw potatoes on the soil surface. Lift the slices after about four hours to check for larvae. This solution is probably most effective when used in conjunction with other fungus gnat control techniques. If all else fails, Apply a pyrethrin insecticide to the soil surface. Although pyrethrin is a lower toxicity product, it’s still important to use and store the insecticide strictly according to label recommendations. It’s a good idea to apply the insecticide outdoors, then wait a day before bringing the spider plant back inside.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Spider plants are very popular houseplants, and for good reason. They have a very unique look, with small little plantlets dangling on the ends of long stalks like spiders. They’re also extremely forgiving and easy to take care of – they don’t require much at all in the way of special care. Sometimes, however, you may encounter spider plant problems. Wilting spider plants are not uncommon, though they’re usually easy to cure. Keep reading to learn more about what to do when your spider plant looks wilted.[图片]Why a Spider Plant Looks Wilted So if you’re asking. “Why is my spider plant wilting,” you’ll need to do a bit of troubleshooting. When spider plant leaves look droopy, it can mean one of several things. Water – One obvious problem is improper watering. Spider plants need a good amount of watering during the summer – the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Overwatering can also cause problems, however, with wilting and yellowing plants. Don’t let the soil get soggy in the summer, and in the winter let it dry out between light waterings. Light – The wrong amount of light or heat can also result in wilting spider plants. Spider plants do best in bright but indirect sunlight, like in a south-facing window or a space outside that receives less than 6 hours of sunlight. Overheating, a problem that often comes with too much sun, can also cause wilting spider plants.[图片]If your spider plant has been drooping in bright direct sunlight, give it a good soak in a bucket of water for 15 minutes, then move it to a shadier, cooler spot. Of course, spider plants do need some sunlight. If your plant is wilting in full shade or far from a window indoors, move it to a sunnier spot and see if it perks up. Fertilizer – If your spider plant leaves look droopy, it may also be a problem with soil quality. You should feed your spider plant with a balanced fertilizer every other week in the summer and less frequently in winter.[图片]Repotting – If your spider plant looks wilted and you can see roots coming out of the drainage holes, your plant is outgrowing its pot. Transplant it to a bigger pot, and water and feed it well. Spider plants can be a little fussy about water and light requirements, but they’re also very durable. If you notice your plant wilting and act to fix it, it should bounce back with no problem.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Spider plants form from thick tubers with a tangled root mass. They are native to tropical South Africa where they thrive in hot conditions. A spider plant with swollen roots may be pot bound, require more soil or showing evidence of a strange adaptation found in these and many other plants. A quick repotting should determine which the case is. As long as the tubers and roots are healthy, the plant is in no danger and will thrive.[图片]Yes, a Spider Plant Has Tubers Spider plants are old-fashioned indoor plants in the lily family, Liliaceae. These plants have been handed down from generation to generation and are important heritage plants to many families. The spiderettes that form on the ends of the spider plant stolons can be divided away and started as new plants. Thick roots will form quickly on the spiderettes, even if they are taken from the mother. However, a mature spider plant with swollen roots may also indicate a unique storage organ has formed on your plant. Spider plants form dense, fleshy clusters of tubers. These are the source of the shoots and leaves and are companions of the root system. Tubers are white, smooth, twisting masses which may push to the surface of the soil. If most of the tuber mass is under the soil, one or two visible tubers shouldn’t cause the plant any harm.[图片]When a spider plant has tubers in numbers that are highly visible, it may be time for a new pot or simply a topping of good soil. Over time, watering can flush some of the soil from the container making the level low. When repotting, wash the thick spider plant roots gently before nestling them into the soil. The spiderettes on the ends of spider plant stolons will form fat, roots. This is natural and, in the wild, the babies would simply root a bit away from the mother. In this way, the plant spreads vegetatively. Sometimes, stressed plants can form tuber-like water storage organs. This is a natural adaptation and useful in their native region. Other organs which appear to be tubers are the fruit. It is very unusual for a spider plant to flower and even more unusual for them to produce fruit, as it is usually aborted. If the plant produces fruit, it will appear as leather, 3-lobed capsules.[图片]Are Spider Plant Roots Edible? Spider plants are in the lily family and closely related to daylilies, whose roots are edible. Are spider plant roots edible? There seems to be some evidence that the tubers are not toxic but can cause problems in small animals in large doses. Of course, almost anything can be toxic in huge amounts as compared to body size. It’s probably wise to leave the tubers untouched and enjoy the plant, but if you are wildly curious, check with your local poison control center to verify that the plant is not on the list of concerns. The beauty of the plant will endure more surely if you leave those thick spider plant roots and tubers alone.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Spider plants are very popular and easy to grow houseplants. They’re known best for their spiderettes, little miniature versions of themselves that sprout from long stalks and hang down just like spiders on silk. The interesting spiderettes often overshadow the fact that spider plants bloom, producing delicate white flowers along these stalks. When pollinated, these flowers make seeds that can be harvested and grown into new plants. Keep reading to learn more about how to grow a spider plant from seed.[图片]Harvesting Spider Plant Seeds Do spider plants have seeds? Yes. Your spider plant should bloom naturally, but it will need to be pollinated in order to produce seeds. You can do this yourself by gently brushing a cotton swab against one flower after the other, or you can simply put your plant outside to allow insects to pollinate it naturally. After the flowers have faded, you should see bumpy green seed pods appear in their place. Harvesting spider plant seeds is easy, and mostly involves waiting. Allow the seed pods to dry on the stalk. Once they’re dry, they should split open naturally and drop their seeds. You can place a piece of paper under the plant to collect the seeds when they fall, or you can break the dry pods off by hand and put them in a paper bag, where they should split open.[图片]How to Grow a Spider Plant from Seed When growing a spider plant from seed, you should plant the seeds right away, as they don’t store well. Sow the seeds about ½ inch deep in good potting mix and keep them warm and moist. Spider plant seed germination usually takes a couple of weeks, so be patient. Allow your seedlings to grow many true leaves before transplanting them – growing spider plants from seed produces delicate seedlings that don’t like to be moved too soon.[图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
One of the easiest and most common plants to grow is the spider plant. Spider plants have relatively few problems but occasionally cultural, pest or disease issues may arise. Yellow leaves on spider plants is a classic complaint but the cause can take some serious sleuthing to uncover. A close look at your plant and its growing conditions can start to unravel why you may see leaves turning yellow on spider plant.[图片]Causes of Yellow Leaves on Spider Plants Spider plants are charming houseplants that are often in the family for generations. The babies they produce will live on for years and produce spiderettes of their own. It is not unusual for many copies of an original spider plant to exist within a family or group due to these spiderettes. If you have the mama spider plant, it can be quite precious since it is the source of so many copies of itself. Yellowing spider plant leaves are, therefore, a concern and the cause needs to be identified and dealt with swiftly.[图片]Environmental issues One of the more common reasons you may see yellowing spider plant leaves is cultural. The plant doesn’t mind a cramped pot, but you should change the soil annually. If you fertilize monthly, the soil can build up toxic levels of salt. Leach the pot after fertilizing to prevent the salts from burning the roots. These houseplants thrive in many types of light but excess light can cause the leaves to burn and no light will gradually weaken the plant with signs showing up first with leaves turning yellow on spider plant. Plants can also get yellow leaves if they are moved to a new environment. It is simply a symptom of shock and will clear up once the plant adapts to its new surroundings. Excess minerals in the tap water can also cause discolored leaves. Use rainwater or distilled water when irrigating spider plants.[图片]Disease A spider plant with yellow leaves may also be suffering a nutritional deficiency, but if you fertilize and change the soil annually, it is more likely a disease. Check to see if the container the plant is in drains freely. Setting the pot on a saucer and keeping the roots wet can cause mold issues and possible root rot. Water your plant when the top half inch feels dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering but don’t let the plant dry out. Spider plants have few disease issues other than rust and root rot, but root rot can be serious. When you see spider plant leaves turning yellow and are an enthusiastic waterer, remove the plant from its container, rinse the roots, cut away any soft or moldy parts and repot in sterile potting medium.[图片]Pests Indoor plants don’t get many pest issues unless they came from the nursery with bugs or you introduce a new houseplant that has hitchhikers. If you put your plant outside in summer, it will be exposed to many insect pests. Most common are sucking insects whose feeding behavior reduces the sap in the plant and can introduce diseases. Watch for mealybugs, aphids, scale, whiteflies and mites. Combat these with a good horticultural soap and by rinsing the leaves to remove the pests. Place the plant where air circulation is good after rinsing the leaves so that foliage can dry off quickly. Neem oil is also effective.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Your spider plant has happily grown for years, seeming to like the neglect and being forgotten about. Then one day little white petals on your spider plant catch your eye. Bewildered, you wonder, “Is my spider plant growing flowers?” Spider plants do bloom sometimes. Read on to learn more.[图片]Does a Spider Plant Flower? Spider plants do occasionally develop small white flowers at the ends of their long arching stems. Many times these flowers are so short lived and inconspicuous that they go completely unnoticed. Flowers on spider plants can grow in a cluster or can be single, depending on the variety of spider plant. Spider plant flowers are very small and white, with three-six petals. [图片]My Spider Plant is Growing Flowers Sometimes, certain varieties of spider plants will send out frequent flowers as a young plant but then never flower again as the plant matures. However, most spider plants won’t flower until they are mature and slightly pot bound. If your spider plant is not sending out flowers and plantlets, it could be too much sunlight or not enough sunlight. Spider plants prefer bright, but indirect light. Spider plants also need lighting that changes with the seasons, such as more light in summer and less light in winter. It’s also a good idea to rotate hanging spider plants occasionally to give them even light for even growth.[图片]Spider plant flowers also may not develop if the spider plant is over fertilized. You may get very bushy green plants from too much fertilizer, but no flowers or plantlets. Use only a low dose fertilizer on spider plants like a 4-4-4 or 2-4-4. If you really want spider plant flowers, you can also try a bloom boosting fertilizer in spring. If you’re lucky enough to have a blooming spider plant, then enjoy them. You can even collect seeds from the spent flowers once the green pods have turned brown.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are very popular houseplants. They are great for beginners since they are tolerant and very difficult to kill. After you’ve had your plant for a few years, you may find that it has grown very large and isn’t doing well. If that happens, it’s time to start dividing spider plants. Can you split a spider plant? Yes, you can. Read on for information about when and how to divide a spider plant.[图片]Spider Plant Division Spider plants have tubular roots that grow rapidly. That’s why spider plants outgrow their pots so quickly—the roots just need more room to grow. If you’ve moved your spider into new, bigger pots several times, it should be thriving. If it is struggling, it may be time to think about spider plant division. If you want to know when to split a spider plant, dividing spider plants is appropriate when the roots are crowded. Tightly packed roots may kill off some central root sections. When this happens, the plant’s leaves may die and brown even though you haven’t moved it or changed its care.[图片]That’s because some of the roots are not able to do their job. Dividing spider plants pushes the plant’s “restart” button and gives it a new chance to grow happily. How to Divide a Spider Plant If you want to know how to divide a spider plant, it isn’t very difficult if you have an overview of the procedure. When you are dividing spider plants, you’ll need a sharp garden knife, additional containers with good drain holes and potting soil. The idea is to slice off and throw away the damaged roots, then divide the healthy roots into several pieces.[图片]Remove the plant from its pot and take a look at the roots. You may need to wash soil from the roots with the hose in order to see them well. Identify the damaged roots and cut them off. Decide how many plants can be started from the remaining roots. After that, cut the roots into several sections, one for each new plant. Repot each section of the plant into its own pot. Plant each one in well-draining potting soil, then water each pot well.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are popular houseplants. Flexible about the level of care they receive and tolerant of abuse, they are perfect for gardening beginners. When should you repot a spider plant? These plants grow fast and the tuberous roots can crack open a flower pot. It’s important to start spider plant repotting before this happens. Read on for information on moving spider plants to larger pots.[图片]Spider Plant Repotting Repotting spider plants simply means moving spider plants to larger pots. It is often necessary to repot houseplants as they outgrow their pots, and spider plants tend to grow faster than most. Spider plants are native to the coastal areas of South America. The plant’s tuberous roots allows the species to thrive despite varying levels of precipitation in the wild. These same water-storing tuberous roots assist your spider houseplant to survive when you forget to water it for a few weeks. The roots grow fast, however. At some point before the roots crack open the pot, it’s time to think about spider plant repotting.[图片]When Should You Repot a Spider Plant? Spider plants grow best when they are slightly pot bound. However, the plants, roots included, grow fast. You’ll want to think about repotting spider plants before the plants crack their pots. Plants get different cultural care, so their growth rates vary. You just have to keep an eye on your spider plant. When you see roots showing above the soil, it is time to start moving spider plants to larger pots.[图片]How Do You Repot a Spider Plant? How do you repot a spider plant? Repotting a spider plant is fairly easy. You gently remove the plant from its current pot, rinse and trim its roots, then replant it in a larger pot. When you are moving spider plants to larger pots, make sure the new pots have good drainage holes. Spider plants don’t tolerate wet soil for very long. Use a general-purpose potting soil or soilless medium for spider plant repotting. Fill the bottom of the pot with soil, then place the plant’s roots in the soil. Keep adding soil and tucking it around the roots until all the roots are covered. Water the plant well and care as usual.
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第一次养#多肉 的花友,可能都被那些各种各样的多肉名词给搞晕过,看着别人再那里讨论的热火朝天,结果自己啥都不知道,那滋味……不过,今天,花花就给大家科普一下这些多肉的专业术语! 养护术语 [图片]#露养 所谓的露养,其实就是露天养殖,只要你是放在室外的,不管是种在地里还是花盆里,都算是露养。 注意: 能不能露养和天气有很大的关系,基本上春秋都是可以露养的,但是冬夏我国大部分地区不能进行露养,除非是大神。 全日照 所谓的全日照,指的是多肉在室外,能够接受太阳直射的时间达到了8个小以上,这里指的一般是光照时长,而不是光照强度。 注意: 夏天最好不要全日照,有些品种的多肉会被晒坏的,春、秋全日照可行,冬天室外气温在5~10℃,也可以全日照。 [图片]闷养 所谓的闷养,就是用透明的器皿或者是塑料袋罩住需要养护的多肉,使得水分蒸发之后可以留存在那个小小空间里,人为创造一个高湿度的相对封闭的环境。 注意: 一般用于百合科有窗的多肉植物的养护或者播种时使用。 见干见湿 所谓的见干见湿,其实就是浇水方法,等多肉土壤的水分干了,拿起多肉的花盆试一下,轻飘飘的了就浇水,直到盆底底部有水渗透出来就停止浇水。 注意: 干透浇透;不干不浇,浇则浇透等,说的其实都是一样的。 [图片]散光 所谓的散光,指的就是多肉植物没有直接受到阳光照射,而是放在直射阳光旁的散射光下的一种栽培环境。比如,比较亮堂的客厅,那就是散光处。 注意: 除了一些特定的品种之外,其他多肉除非是在服盆缓苗中,不然不建议在散射光出养护,因为会徒长! 状态术语 [图片]缀化 所谓缀化,其实就是就是指多肉植物受到不明原因的外界刺激后,顶端的生长点异常分生、加倍、形成多个生长点,这些生长点横向发展连成一条线,最终成扇形或者鸡冠状! 注意: 缀化和多肉植物的多头还是很不一样的,多肉的多头是向着不同的方向,有很大的随机性,但是缀化最终只会形成扇形或者是鸡冠状。 [图片]锦 所谓的锦,指的是多肉颜色的一种变异现象,多肉的茎叶等部位可能会在外界环境的发生颜色上的改变,比如变成白色、黄色、红色等各种颜色,而锦还有一种情况,叫做锦斑,其实就是一个个的小点点了~ 注意: 锦这种状态的出现并不稳定,有时候有些多肉的锦会退化,这一点大家要小心哦~ 群生 所谓群生,其实就是指一棵多肉长出了好几个头,即单颗多肉植物体上着生多个生长点。 注意: 区分群生和缀化,缀化可以看上面,花花解释过一次了! [图片]老桩 所谓老桩,指的就是多肉长了好多年之后,下边的茎干木质化了的状态。 注意: 注意,老桩是木质化,下面质地比较坚硬,是木色的,而一些徒长的多肉,下面的茎干比较脆弱,颜色也是绿色的。 [图片]爆盆 所谓爆盆,就是多肉植物生长的太快,把整个花盆都给占满了!爆盆和群生有异曲同工之妙,但是爆盆有可能是好几颗多肉一起,但是群生,指的是从一个根系上生出来的! [图片]徒长 所谓徒长,就是多肉在缺少光照、水分过多的情况下,叶片颜色变绿,枝条上的叶片间距拉长,长势细高的模样。 注意: 想要多肉不徒长,或者是解决多肉的徒长问题,最好的办法就是晒太阳,而且是放到室外直接接受太阳照射! [图片]穿裙子 所谓的穿裙子,一般发生在莲花座形状的多肉身上,因为缺少日照,水分又过多引起的叶片下垂的现象!一打眼看上去,可不就像是穿裙子了嘛! 注意: 想要避免这种情况,平时浇水不能太多,同时不能将多肉放在阴凉处,如果发生了穿裙子的情况,就要立刻将多肉移到阳光下,并且控水。或者将垂下去的叶片全都摘掉之后再放到太阳底下养护。 [图片]花箭 所谓花箭,指的是从叶片中生长出长长的花茎,等到春天的时候,花茎上就会开出美丽的花朵,一般景天类常是这种开花方式。 [图片]休眠 所谓休眠,指的是多肉植物因高温或低温停止生长或者生长缓慢,而且因为品种不同,多肉休眠的特征也不明显,其中最明显的当为山地玫瑰。休眠的时候看上去像是一个还未开放的玫瑰花,休眠结束之后就变成了大白菜! 注意: 多肉休眠期间必须控水,放到阴凉处养护。 病征术语 化水 所谓的化水,其实就是多肉因为环境闷热潮湿或者病菌造成叶片、根茎的透明化,最后叶片会渐渐消失。 注意: 一旦发现了多肉化水,就要赶紧将已经化水的叶片摘掉,同时将多肉放到通风良好的地方去! 黑腐 所谓黑腐,一般来说是由于环境闷热加上病菌,引起的植株茎干变黑,腐烂,夏季是高发期。 注意: 夏季一定要遮阴,将多肉放到通风良好的地方,实在不行可以用电风扇吹,一旦发生了黑腐,要尽快将黑腐部分剪掉,然后消毒阴干,换新的盆土。 繁殖术语 [图片]砍头 所谓的砍头,就是把多肉的顶部砍了,然后将顶部重新放到沙土上等待生根,而下面光秃秃的杆子上,也会逐渐爆出小崽来! 注意: 想让多肉一头变多头也可以用这样的方法,以及多肉烂根了也可以这样做 [图片]叶插 所谓的叶插,其实就是把叶子将叶片置于土壤中,让其生根发芽,长成一个新的植株,是多肉植物常见的一种繁殖方式! 注意: 叶插要保持温度以及湿度,一般温度在10℃以上,就可以叶插了,湿度,保持盆土表面微微湿润即可。 只有了解了多肉的状态, 才能养好多肉哦~
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