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Dummer. ゛☀
If you’re looking for a little something different to add some zip to your favorite Mexican dishes, then epazote herb growing may be just what you need. Keep reading to learn more about epazote uses for your herb garden palette.[图片]What is Epazote? Epazote (Dysphania ambrosioides, formerly Chenopodium ambrosioides), is an herb in the Chenopodium family, along with lambsquarters and pigweeds. Although often thought of as a weed, epazote plants actually have a long history of both culinary and medicinal use. This adaptable plant is native to tropical Americas, and is commonly found throughout Texas and the Southwestern United States. Common names include paico macho, hierba homigero, and yerba de Santa Maria. The plant is drought resistant and grows to 3 feet high at maturity. It has soft leaves that are notched and small flowers that are hard to see. Epazote can usually be smelled before it is seen, as it has a very pungent odor. In large doses, the flowers and seeds are poisonous and may cause nausea, convulsions and even coma.[图片]Epazote plants were brought to Europe from Mexico in the 17th century where they were used in a number of medicines. The Aztecs used the herb as both a culinary and medicinal herb. Epazote herbs contain anti-gas properties that are thought to reduce flatulence. Also known as wormseed, this herb is often added to animal food and is thought to prevent worms in livestock. Southwest dishes commonly use epazote plants to flavor black beans, soups, quesadillas, potatoes, enchiladas, tamales and eggs. It has a distinct flavor that some even call a cross between pepper and mint. Young leaves have a mild flavor.[图片]How to Grow Epazote Epazote herb growing is not difficult. This plant is not picky about soil conditions but does prefer full sun. It is hardy in USDA plant hardiness zone 6 to 11. Plant seeds or seedlings in the early spring once the ground can be worked. In warm areas, epazote is a perennial. Because of its invasive nature, however, it is best grown in containers.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Herbs have been cultivated for centuries for both culinary and medicinal uses. Most of us are familiar with parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme, but what is dittany of Crete? Read on to learn more.[图片]What is Dittany of Crete? Dittany of Crete (Origanum dictamnus) is also referred to as Eronda, Diktamo, Cretan dittany, hop marjoram, wintersweet, and wild marjoram. Growing dittany of Crete is an herbaceous perennial that grows wild on the rocky faces and gorges that make up the island of Crete – a multi-branched, 6 to 12 inch herb with round, soft fuzzy grey leaves emanating from slender arching stems. The white, down-covered leaves highlight the 6- to 8-inch, pale pinkish purple flower stalks, which bloom during the summer. The flowers are attractive to hummingbirds and make lovely dried flower arrangements. Dittany of Crete has played an important part in Greek Mythology, as a medicinal herb through medieval times, and as a perfume and flavoring for drinks such as vermouth, absinthe and Benedictine liqueur. Flowers are dried and brewed into an herbal tea for all sorts of ailments. It also adds a unique nuance to foods and is often combined with parsley, thyme, garlic and salt and pepper. The herb is lesser known in North America, but still cultivated in Embaros and other areas south of Heraklion, Crete.[图片]History of Dittany of Crete Plant Historically ancient, dittany of Crete plants have been around since Minoan times and utilized for everything from a cosmetic hair and skin treatment to a medicinal salve or tea for digestive problems, healing of wounds, easing childbirth and rheumatism and even to cure snake bites. Charlemagne lists it in his medieval itemization of herbs, and Hippocrates recommended it for a plethora of disorders of the body. Dittany of Crete plants symbolize love and are said to be an aphrodisiac and have long been given by young men to their lovers as a representation of their deep desire. Harvesting dittany of Crete is a risky endeavor, as the plant favors precarious rocky environs. One of the many names given to dittany of Crete is Eronda, meaning “love” and the young lovers searching for the herb are called ‘Erondades’ or love seekers. Goats wounded by an arrow were said to seek wild growing dittany of Crete. According to Aristotle, in his treatise “The History of Animals,” the ingestion of dittany of Crete herbs would expel the arrow from the goat — and logically from a soldier as well. Dittany of Crete herbs are also mentioned in Virgil’s “Aeneid,” in which Venus heals Aeneas with a stalk of the herb. In Greek mythology, it was said that Zeus gave the herb to Crete as a thank you gift and was used by Aphrodite. Artemis was often crowned with a wreath of dittany of Crete and the herb’s name is said to have been derived from the Minoan goddess Diktynna. To this day, wild dittany of Crete herbs are prized and protected by European law.[图片]How to Grow Dittany and Cretan Dittany Care Dittany of Crete can be grown in USDA growing zones 7 to 11 in full sun exposure. The plant can be propagated by seed in the early spring or by division in spring or fall. Seed germination takes about two weeks in a greenhouse. Plant the herb outside in early summer in containers such as hanging baskets, rockeries, or even as a green roof. You may also take basal cuttings in summer when the shoots are 8 inches above ground. Pot them into individual containers and place them in a cold frame or greenhouse until the root system has matured, then plant them outside. Dittany of Crete is not particular about its soil but does prefer dry, warm, well-drained soil that is slightly alkaline. Once the herb has established itself, it will need very little water.
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Dummer. ゛☀
While children may make wishes on the fuzzy heads of dandelions, gardeners and lawn enthusiasts tend to curse the cheery yellow flowers of dandelions when they appear. And for good reason. Dandelions will push out grass and other plants, as well as sapping water and nutrients away from surrounding plants. Dandelion control also tends to be difficult due to their fluffy and far floating seeds. But the answer to the question of how to get rid of dandelions is simply a matter of thoroughness and patience.[图片]How to Get Rid of Dandelions There are several methods for dandelion control. All methods for dandelion removal must be performed every year. Due to the fact that dandelion seeds can travel several miles on the wind, it is difficult, if not impossible, to have permanent removal of this weed from a garden or lawn. How to Kill Dandelions with Herbicide There are two basic types of herbicide that can be used on dandelions. The first is a selective broadleaf herbicide. A broadleaf herbicide will only kill broadleaf weeds, such as dandelions. A broadleaf herbicide is good for killing dandelions in lawns, as the herbicide will kill the dandelions and not the grass. The other kind of effective dandelion herbicide is a non-selective herbicide. Non-selective means that the herbicide will kill any plant that it comes in contact with. Glyphosate, typically known as Round-up, is the most common type of this kind of herbicide. Non-selective herbicide is effective for spot dandelion removal, such as killing dandelions in flower beds and in walkways. When using any herbicide for dandelion control, it will work best to apply the herbicide before the dandelion has developed flowers. Once dandelion flowers have emerged, the dandelion is far more resistant to herbicides and the herbicide, broadleaf or non-selective, will not be as effective.[图片]Hand Digging for Dandelion Removal The most effective, but also the most time consuming, method for dandelion control is hand digging them. Hand digging should be done in the spring, right when the first dandelion seedlings appear. Special “dandelion pullers” or similar tools can be bought to help with hand digging. When hand digging as a way of how to kill dandelions, it is important to remember that you must remove the entire taproot of the dandelion. Dandelion taproots can run deep. Because dandelion taproots grow deep, it is unlikely that you will kill every dandelion in your yard during the first round of hand digging. Every few weeks, hand dig any dandelions that re-emerge from their taproots.[图片]Using a Pre-Emergent for Dandelion Control A pre-emergent is a chemical that can be applied your lawn or flower bed to prevent seeds from germinating. When using a pre-emergent for dandelion control, it must be applied in late winter in order to be effective. The pre-emergent will prevent the dandelion seeds from germinating and is only effective if used before the dandelion seeds have had a chance to germinate. With all of the types of ways for controlling dandelions, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to prevent the dandelions from going to seed. Once the fluffy seed heads appear, the number of dandelions in your yard (and your neighbor’s) will multiply. But now that you know how to get rid of dandelions, you can be confident that with some time and effort, you can have a dandelion free yard.
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Dummer. ゛☀
We freely admit that it may be a little odd to have an article about how to grow dandelions. After all, most gardeners consider dandelions a weed and are looking for information on how to remove it from their garden. But, once you get to know a little more about this nutritious plant, you may find yourself also wondering how to grow and harvest dandelion plants for yourself.[图片]Why You Should Be Growing Dandelion Greens While dandelions can be a nuisance in the lawn, they are also a surprising source of nutrients. Dandelion greens contain vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamin, riboflavin, beta carotene and fiber. They are actually more nutritious than most of the fruits and vegetables you can buy in the grocery store. It is also touted as being beneficial to your liver, kidneys, blood and digestion. Not to mention that it supposedly helps with acne, weight-loss, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is nearly a perfect food.[图片]How to Grow Dandelions At a very basic level, you don’t need to do much to grow dandelions. Chances are there is a whole yard full of them near where you live, perhaps even right outside your door, but it’s likely that the dandelion plants growing in your lawn are Common Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale subsp. vulgare). This is the most common variety of dandelion, but there are thousands of varieties and cultivars to be found around the world. Common Dandelion has all the health benefits mentioned above, but they tend to be a bit more bitter than some of the other varieties of dandelion you can buy.[图片]Some “gourmet” varieties of dandelion include: Amélioré à Coeur Plein Dandelion Pissenlit Coeur Plein Ameliore Dandelion Improved Broad Leaved Dandelion Arlington Dandelion Improved Thick-Leaved Dandelion a.k.a Dandelion Ameliore Dandelions are by nature a very bitter green, but there are steps you can take to reduce how bitter it is. First, grow a less bitter variety such as the ones listed above. The right variety can make dandelion greens taste much better than the wild variety growing in your yard. Second, try growing dandelions in the shade. This will blanch the leaves some and will result in a less bitter leaf. Alternately, you can manually blanch the dandelion leaves by covering the plants a few days before you are ready to harvest. The third thing you can do to reduce bitterness is to harvest dandelion leaves early. Young leaves will be less bitter than more mature leaves. You can keep your dandelions from becoming invasive in your yard by either choosing a less invasive variety (yes, they exist) or by making sure that the plant never goes to seed and therefore cannot spread its seeds throughout the neighborhood.[图片]Harvesting Dandelions Much like other greens, dandelions can be harvested either as a “head” by removing the entire plant when mature (starting to flower) at harvest or as a leaf, which means that you would remove only some of the young leaves or the whole head when the plant is still young. Both ways are acceptable and which you choose will be based on your preference. Another benefit of growing dandelions is the fact that it is a perennial. After you harvest the plant it will grow back the same season, year after year. Never harvest dandelions from a location that is near a road or has been treated with pesticides or other chemicals.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Cumin is native to the eastern Mediterranean through to East India. Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) is an annual flowering plant from the family Apiaceae, or parsley family, whose seeds are used in the cuisines of Mexico, Asia, the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Beyond its culinary uses, what else is cumin used for and how do you grow cumin?[图片]Cumin Herb Information Cumin seeds are usually yellowish-brown in color, oblong in shape, resembling a caraway seed. They have been used since ancient Egyptian times. Cumin is referred to in the Bible and the ancient Greeks used the spice as a table-side condiment just as we use a salt shaker. Spanish and Portuguese colonists brought it to the New World. During medieval times, cumin purportedly kept chickens and lovers from wandering off. Brides of that time also carried cumin seeds during their wedding ceremonies as a symbol of their faithfulness. Several different varieties of cumin exist with the most common being black and green cumin used in Persian cuisine. Cumin growing occurs not only for culinary purposes, but it is also cultivated for use in bird seed. As a result, cumin plants pop up in areas of the world not known for the plant.[图片]What is Cumin Used For? Ground cumin is an essential spice in curry powder and is found in Indian, Vietnamese and Thai foods. Many Latino recipes call for the use of cumin; and in the United States, many a chili recipe includes cumin. In India, cumin is a traditional ingredient in not only curry, but kormas, masalas, soups and other recipes. Cumin can even be found in some cheeses, like Leyden cheese, as well as some French breads. Curry powder isn’t the only blend in which cumin is found: achiote, chili powder, adobos, sofrito, garam masala and bahaarat all owe their distinct ethnic flavors partially to cumin. Cumin seed can be used whole or ground and even lends itself to some pastries and pickles. A mix of cumin, garlic, salt, and chili powder on grilled corn on the cob is delicious. In some regions of the world, cumin is thought to aid in digestion. Ayuryedic medicinal practices incorporate the use of dried cumin seeds. Often processed with ghee (clarified butter), cumin may be applied externally or ingested to aid in appetite, digestion, vision, strength , fever, diarrhea, vomiting, edema and even for breast feeding mothers to facilitate lactation.[图片]How Do You Grow Cumin? So how does one go about cumin growing, and what about cumin plant care? Cumin plant care requires a long, hot summer of about three to four months with a temp of around 85 degrees F. (29 C.) during the day. Cumin is sown in the spring from seed in rows 2 feet apart in fertile, well draining soil or, in cooler climates, start seed indoors four weeks prior to the last spring frost. Sow shallowly, about ¼-inch below the soil surface. Keep the seeds moist during germination. Transplant outdoors when temperatures routinely exceed 60 degrees F. (16 C.) or higher. Cumin seed is harvested by hand after the bloom of the small white or pink flowers. Seeds are harvested when they brown — about 120 days – and are then dried and ground. The strong aroma and distinct flavor of cumin is due to its essential oils. Like all herbs, it is at its height in the morning and should be harvested at that time.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Succulents are easy to grow, attractive and aromatic. Such is the case with Cuban oregano. What is Cuban oregano? It is a succulent in the Lamiaceae family, also known as Spanish thyme, Indian borage and Mexican mint. It is not a true oregano in the family, Origanum, but has a scent characteristic of the true oreganos. There are numerous culinary and traditional Cuban oregano uses. Once you know how to grow Cuban oregano, try this lively little plant in containers, a well-drained, partially sunny area of the garden or in trailing baskets.[图片]What is Cuban Oregano? Plectranthus amboinicus is a perennial succulent with aromatic foliage. It is often grown as a houseplant but can thrive outdoors in warm season regions or in summer. Leaves contain pungent oils, which can be harnessed for cooking. The flavor of Cuban oregano is said to be much stronger than Greek oregano, the herb most frequently used to flavor pizzas and other Mediterranean dishes. Harvesting Cuban oregano and using it in recipes can provide similar flavor to traditional oreganos but should be used in more moderate amounts to avoid over-seasoning the dish. Cuban oregano is a member of the mint or deadnettle family. As such, it has characteristic thick, fuzzy leaves with a strong pleasing odor. Leaves are grayish green and finely haired and saw-toothed at the edges. Flowers are borne in panicles and may be white, pink, or lavender. Plants grow between 12 and 18 inches tall and may develop a trailing habit, making it attractive in hanging baskets. As an in-ground plant, it will spread to a small mounded ground cover. Cuban oregano growing requirements are somewhat different than traditional oreganos, as they may burn in full sun and perform better in some light shade.[图片]How to Grow Cuban Oregano Choose a site with well-draining, gritty soil in partial sun for this little plant. It is frost tender but does well in tropical to semi-tropical areas year around. In temperate regions, grow the plant in a container and bring it indoors in fall. Cuban oregano does most of its growth in spring and summer and prefers hot, dry conditions. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t need water, however. The plant needs regular irrigation but cannot survive consistently wet roots, which makes drainage especially important. Growing plants in containers makes it easier to accommodate Cuban oregano growing requirements by moving it as the seasonal sun gets hotter in certain areas of the garden. Some noon-day shade is required to prevent leaves from burning and ruining their appearance.[图片]Cuban Oregano Uses Cuban oregano leaves can be used just like regular oreganos. Harvesting Cuban oregano leaves for traditional medicinal purposes can be traced back centuries. It was useful in treatment of respiratory and throat infections as well as rheumatism, constipation, flatulence and as an aid to stimulate lactation. Modern applications use it as a substitute for Mediterranean oreganos, either dried or fresh. The leaves may be dried and crushed to add to meat dishes. Fresh leaves, in small amounts, are used in soups and stews, and in stuffing for poultry and other meat. Be cautious, as the plant is very strongly flavored and can overpower other seasonings. This little plant has attractive foliage, the blooms attract pollinators and its use in the kitchen adds another tool to your culinary prowess.
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Dummer. ゛☀
An old-fashioned, perennial herb, costmary (Chrysanthemum balsamita syn. Tanacetum balsamita) is appreciated for its long, feathery leaves and mint-like aroma. Tiny yellow or white blooms appear in late summer. Also known as Bible plant, costmary leaves were often used as bookmarks to mark pages of scripture. Additionally, plant historians report that the pungent-smelling leaf was often sniffed surreptitiously to keep church-goers awake and alert during long sermons. Read on to learn more about caring for costmary plants and how to use them.[图片]Costmary Growing The costmary herb plant is a hardy herb that tolerates hot summer and cold winters. It thrives in nearly any type of poor, dry soil, including clay and sand. Although the plant grows in partial shade, blooming is best in full sunlight. In the herb garden, this tall plant, which reaches heights of 2 to 3 feet, is lovely behind shorter herbs such as thyme, oregano, or sage. Nasturtiums or other colorful bloomers can be planted to complement costmary’s bright green foliage. Purchase costmary plants at a nursery or greenhouse, or ask gardening friends to share divisions from established plants. The plant spreads by underground rhizomes and is extremely difficult—if not impossible—to grow from seed.[图片]Costmary Plant Care Caring for costmary is an easy task; once established, the herb requires no fertilizer and rarely needs water. Allow at least 12 inches between each plant. Costmary benefits from division every two to three years to prevent the plant from becoming tired and overgrown. Dig the clump in spring or autumn, then pull the rhizomes apart with your hands or separate them with a knife or shovel. Replant the divisions or give them away.[图片]Uses for Costmary Costmary is harvested before the plant blooms and the fresh, sweet-smelling leaves are used to flavor soups, salads, and sauces. Like mint, the leaves make an aromatic garnish for fresh fruit or cold drinks. The leaves also have medicinal uses, and a costmary poultice takes the sting and itch out of insect bites and minor cuts and scrapes. Dried costmary is often used in potpourris or sachets, and it combines well with other dried herbs such as cloves, cinnamon, rosemary, bay, and sage. Planting costmary around a dog’s pen may help discourage fleas.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Cilantro is a popular, short-lived herb. If you wish to increase the life span of cilantro, harvesting it regularly will help greatly.[图片]How to Harvest Cilantro When it comes to cilantro, harvesting is relatively easy. All that is required is cutting cilantro plants about one-third of the way down. The top one-third is what you will use to cook with and the bottom two-thirds will grow new leaves. How Often Should You Harvest Cilantro? You should be harvesting cilantro about once a week. If the plant is growing well, you can harvest more often. Either way, you’ll need to harvest the cilantro at least once a week to help stave off bolting. After harvesting the cilantro, if you aren’t able to cook with it immediately, you can freeze the cuttings until you’re ready to cook with them.[图片]How Do You Cut Cilantro? When cutting the cilantro stem, make sure that you are using sharp, clean shears or scissors. Leave a few leaves on the intact stem so that the plant will still be able to generate food for itself. Now that you know how to harvest cilantro, you know that cilantro harvesting is easy and painless. Harvesting cilantro is an excellent way to have fresh herbs for your Mexican and Asian dishes as well as keeping your cilantro plants usable a little longer.[图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Growing cilantro indoors can be as successful and flavorful as growing cilantro in your garden if you give the plant a little extra care. When planting cilantro indoors, it’s best not to transplant plants from your garden. Cilantro does not transplant well. When you grow cilantro indoors, start with seeds or starter plants. Ultimately, make sure that your plants are 3 to 4 inches apart.[图片]Tips for Growing Cilantro Indoors It’s best to use an unglazed terra cotta container when growing cilantro inside because it allows for greater moisture and air to pass through the roots. Make sure that you have plenty of drainage holes in the bottom of the container. Cilantro growing indoors needs more nutrition because the root system range is limited and can’t access as much soil for nutrients as it would in your garden. The soil when planting cilantro indoors should be a mixture of potting soil and sand to allow water to move freely. In addition, you can use a fertilizer of liquid fish emulsion or chemical formulation of 20-20-20 to add additional nutrients. Use half concentrations of the fertilizers bi-weekly during the active growing periods.[图片]Thorough watering is more important than frequent watering when growing cilantro inside. Water the plants until the water comes out the drainage holes. Check the soil frequently, but cilantro growing indoors should only be watered when the soil is dry to the touch. This will be more often in the summer months. To grow cilantro indoors, it’s important that the plant have full sun four to five hours per day. If you also use a growing light, growing the cilantro inside will be more successful.[图片]Harvesting Cilantro Growing Indoors When you grow cilantro indoors, it’s important to harvest it with care. Indoor herbs naturally reach for the light and can, therefore, become spindly. Pinch them at the growing tips to force a bushier plant. Keep in mind when planting cilantro indoors that it will grow less abundantly than when grown outside in your garden. However, with added care and attention to sun exposure, soil mixture, moisture and gentle harvesting, you will be rewarded with this flavorful and aromatic herb year round.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Cilantro bolting is one of the most frustrating things about this popular herb. Many gardeners ask, “Why does cilantro bolt?” and “How can I keep cilantro from flowering?” With attention to the environment you grow cilantro in, you can help lengthen the amount of time before cilantro will bolt and, therefore, increase the amount of time you can harvest leaves from your cilantro plants.[图片]What to Do When Cilantro Bolts Many gardeners wonder what to do when cilantro bolts. When they see the white cilantro flowers, they wonder if they can simply cut them off. Unfortunately, once cilantro bolts, the leaves rapidly lose their flavor. Cutting the cilantro flowers off won’t bring the flavor back to the leaves. Instead, go ahead and let the cilantro flowers go to seed. The seeds of the cilantro plant are the spice coriander and can be used in Asian, Indian, Mexican and many other ethnic recipes.[图片]Why Does Cilantro Bolt? Cilantro grows best in cool, moist conditions and will bolt rapidly in hot weather. This a survival mechanism for the cilantro plant. The plant knows that it will die in hot weather and will try to produce seeds as quickly as possible to ensure that the next generation of cilantro will survive and grow. How to Keep Cilantro from Bolting The first thing to understand is that there is no true way to keep cilantro from bolting. Plants are designed to do one thing and that is to reproduce. You are fighting nature. But there are several things you can do to significantly lengthen the time before the cilantro plant produces flowers.[图片]First, if you live in a climate that doesn’t have moist, cool weather, you can buy slow-bolt cilantro. This is cilantro that has been bred to withstand higher temperatures. Second, no matter what kind of cilantro you grow, you should practice succession planting. This is where you plant new seeds every one to two weeks so that as one set of cilantro plantings start to bolt, the next set will be ready to harvest. Third, plant cilantro to grow during cool weather. Early spring, late summer and early fall are the best times to plant cilantro. If you plant in late spring to mid summer, your cilantro will bolt quickly in the heat. Fourth, harvest your cilantro leaves frequently. The more you harvest your cilantro, the more likely you are to nip immature flowering stalks which will delay cilantro flowering. Fifth, mulch cilantro and plant it tightly. It isn’t the heat of the air that causes cilantro to bolt, but rather the heat of the soil. Mulch will help keep the soil cool and retain moisture. Planting cilantro tightly will shade the ground it grows in, which also helps to keep the soil cooler.
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