Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Now that you have successfully grown and harvested your garlic, it is time to decide how to store your aromatic crop. The best way to store garlic depends on how you intend to use it. Continue reading to learn more about how to store fresh picked garlic from your garden, including garlic storage before planting more next year.[图片]How to Store Garlic There are a number of methods for storing garlic from the garden. Once harvested, you’ll need to decide how to store garlic based on your preferences and what you plan on doing with your crop. Storing Garlic at Room Temperature Spread some newspapers out in a location away from sunlight and in a cool, well-ventilated area. Allow the garlic to dry for at least two weeks, in a mesh bag or airy container, until the skins become paper like. This air-dry storage method preserves garlic for five to eight months. How to Store Garlic by Freezing Frozen garlic is perfect for soups and stews, and can be achieved one of three ways: Chop garlic and wrap tightly in freezer wrap. Break or grate off as needed. Leave garlic unpeeled and freeze, removing cloves as needed. Freeze garlic by blending some garlic cloves with oil in a blender using two parts olive oil to one part garlic. Scrape out what is needed.[图片]How to Store Fresh Picked Garlic by Drying Garlic must be fresh, firm and bruise-free to dry using heat. Separate and peel cloves and cut lengthwise. Dry cloves at 140 degrees F. (60 C.) for two hours and then at 130 degrees F. (54 C.) until dry. When garlic is crisp, it is ready. You can make garlic powder from fresh, dried garlic by blending until fine. To make garlic salt, you can add four parts sea salt to one part garlic salt and blend for a few seconds. Storing Garlic in Vinegar or Wine Peeled cloves can be stored in vinegar and wine by submerging them and storing in the refrigerator. Use garlic as long as there is no mold growth or surface yeast in the wine or vinegar. Do not store on the counter, as mold will develop.[图片]Garlic Storage Before Planting If you want to keep some of your harvest for planting next season, just harvest as usual and store in a cool, dark, well-ventilated spot. Now that you know how to store fresh picked garlic from the garden, you can decide the best way to store garlic based on your individual needs.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Most epicureans use garlic on an almost daily basis to enhance the flavor of our culinary creations. Another plant that can be used to impart a similar, though lighter, flavor of garlic is the elephant garlic. How do you grow elephant garlic and what are some of elephant garlic uses? Read on to learn more.[图片]What is Elephant Garlic? Elephant garlic (Allium ampeloprasum) looks like a giant garlic clove but in fact, is not a true garlic but more closely related to a leek. It is a hardy bulb with large blue-green leaves. This perennial herb boasts an outsized pink or purple flower stalk that appears in the spring or summer. Under the ground, a large bulb consisting of five to six large cloves surrounded by smaller bulblets grows. This allium plant attains a height of about 3 feet from bulb to the tip of the strap-like leaves and originates in Asia.[图片]How to Grow Elephant Garlic This herb is easy to grow and once established, requires little maintenance. Purchase large seed cloves from a supplier or try setting those found at the grocers. Elephant garlic bought at the grocers may not sprout, however, as they are often sprayed with a growth inhibitor to prevent sprouting. Look for heads that are firm with a dry, papery covering. With elephant garlic planting, most any soil will do, but for the largest bulbs begin with a well-draining soil medium. Dig down a foot into the soil and amend with a 1.5 gallon bucket of sand, granite dust, humus/peat moss mix per 2’x 2’to 3’x 3′ section and mix in well. Top dress with some well-aged manure and mulch around the plants with chopped leaves and/or sawdust to keep weeds at bay and also to nourish as the amendments decompose or break down. Elephant garlic prefers full sun and can be grown in temperate regions all the way into tropical zones. In cooler climates, plant in the fall or spring while in warmer regions the herb can be planted in spring, fall, or winter. Break up the bulb into cloves for propagation. Some cloves are much smaller and are called corms, which grow on the outside of the bulb. If you plant these corms, they will produce a non-blooming plant in the first year with a solid bulb or single large clove. In the second year, the clove will begin to separate into multiple cloves, so don’t ignore the corms. It may take two years, but eventually you will get a good head of elephant garlic.[图片]Caring for and Harvesting Elephant Garlic Once planted, elephant garlic care is pretty simple. The plant does not have to be divided or harvested each year, but rather can be left alone where it will spread into a clump of multiple flowering heads. These clumps can be left as ornamentals and as deterrents to pests such as aphids, but will eventually become over crowded, resulting in stunted growth. Water the elephant garlic when first planted and regularly in the spring with 1 inch of water per week. Water the plants in the morning so the soil dries by nightfall to discourage diseases. Stop watering when the garlic’s leaves start drying out, which is an indication it’s harvest time. Elephant garlic should be ready to pick when the leaves are bent over and dying back — about 90 days after planting. When half of the leaves have died back, loosen the soil around the bulb with a trowel. You can also top off the immature plant tops (scapes) when they are tender prior to blooming. This will direct more of the plant’s energy into creating large bulbs.[图片]Elephant Garlic Uses Scapes can be pickled, fermented, stir fried, etc. and even frozen in a resealable bag, raw, for up to a year. The bulb itself can be used just as regular garlic, albeit with a milder flavor. The entire bulb can be roasted whole and used as a spread on bread. It can be sautéed, sliced and eaten raw, and minced. Drying the bulb out in a cool, dry basement for a few months will extend the life of the garlic and induce a fuller flavor. Hang the bulbs to dry and store for up to 10 months.
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バージニアストックの基本情報 学名:Malcolmia maritima(Cheiranthus maritimus) その他の名前:マルコルム・ストック(英名) 科名 / 属名:アブラナ科 / マルコルミア属 特徴 バージニアストックは、ストックを小型にしたような姿ですが、小枝が多数出るので、こんもりとにぎやかに咲き続けます。ストックのように長い穂にはならずに、花も上向きに咲き、かすかな芳香があります。花径は2cmくらいで、紫、桃色、白と色幅があり、咲き進むと桃色から紫に変わるものも多くあります。個体差はありますが、品種は今のところありません。 成長が早く、開花期間も長いので、花壇やコンテナの寄せ植えなどに利用しやすい花です。小花が群れ咲くので、チューリップやアネモネなどの大きな花と組み合わせるとお互いが引き立ちます。 マルコルミア属は、地中海沿岸地方からアフガニスタンにかけて35種があり、栽培されるのは、主に本種のマリチマ種です。もともとの原産地はギリシャやアルバニアですが、広い地域に野生化しています。学名は、英国の園芸家ウィリアム・マルコルム氏に由来します。 [图片]個体差はありますが、品種は今のところありません。 もともと砂地などのやせ地に育つ花で、肥料が多いと茎が柔らかくなり、倒れやすくなります。庭植えの場合はほとんど必要ありません。 鉢植えの場合は、開花期間が長いので、春と秋に10日おきくらいに薄い液体肥料を施します。 病気と害虫 病気:根腐れ、灰色かび病 水はけが悪いと根腐れしやすく、風通しが悪いと灰色かび病などが出ます。 害虫:アブラムシなど 生育中は、アブラムシなどの防除を行います。ストックや菜の花など、ほかのアブラナ科植物と同様に対処します。 [图片]用土(鉢植え) 水はけのよいものであれば、用土はあまり選びません。酸性土では生育が悪いので、石灰類で中和しておきます。 植えつけ、 植え替え 植えつけ:3月から4月には苗が流通するので、花壇や鉢に植えつけができます。秋にはタネをまいて育てた苗の植えつけができます。 [图片]ふやし方 タネは花壇にじかまきができます。ポットにまいた場合は、移植を嫌うので、根を切らないように早めに鉢替えや植えつけを行います。 発芽後、混み合っているところは間引きます。株張りはそれほど大きくならないので、株間は10cmくらいが目安です。1つのポットで3~5本の苗を育て、そのまま20cmくらいの株間で植えつけてもよいでしょう。 [图片]主な作業 タネまき:一年草なのでタネでふやします。ただし、とったタネからは花色や大きさ、枝ぶりなど個体差が出ます。また、市販のポット苗のなかには矮化剤で草丈低く育てたものもあり、とったタネをまくと本来の草丈になります。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Garlic is found in almost every cuisine on the planet. This popularity has led more and more people to cultivate their own bulbs. This leads one to wonder how to save garlic for next year’s crop.[图片]How to Save Garlic for Next Year Garlic originates from Central Asia but has been cultivated for over 5,000 years in Mediterranean countries. The ancient Greeks and Romans enjoyed garlic with reports of gladiator consuming the bulb prior to battle. Egyptian slaves are purported to have consumed the bulb to give them strength to build the great pyramids. Garlic is one of 700 species in the Allium or onion family, of which there are three specific types of garlic: softneck (Allium sativum), hardneck (Allium ophioscorodon), and elephant garlic (Allium ampeloprasum). Garlic is a perennial but is usually grown as an annual. It is a relatively easy plant to grow provided it has full sun exposure and well amended and well draining soil. Your garlic will be ready for harvest in the mid to late summer. Leave the bulbs in the ground as long as possible to allow them to attain maximum size, but not so long that the cloves begin to separate. which adversely affects garlic bulb storage. Wait for the foliage to die back and begin to brown, then carefully lift the bulbs out of the soil, taking care not to cut the bulb. Fresh bulbs bruise easily, which may encourage infection and affect the storing garlic bulbs, effectively cutting their shelf life.[图片]Storing Garlic Bulbs When storing garlic bulbs, cut the garlic stalks an inch above the bulb. When saving garlic stock for the next year, the bulbs need to be cured first. Curing bulbs simply involves drying the garlic in a dry, warm, dark and ventilated area for a few weeks. Select your largest bulbs when saving garlic stock for planting the following year. Curing the garlic bulbs properly is crucial to storing garlic for planting. If you cure outdoors, the bulbs risk sunburn and poorly ventilated areas my facilitate disease and mildew. Hanging the bulbs from the stalks in a dark airy space is one of the best methods. Curing will take anywhere from ten to 14 days. The bulbs will be successfully cured when the neck has constricted, the center of the stem has hardened and the outer skins are dry and crisp. Proper storage is also crucial when saving garlic stock for planting. While garlic will keep for a short time at room temperatures of between 68-86 degrees F. (20-30 C.), the bulbs will begin to degrade, soften, and shrivel. For long term storage, garlic should be kept at temps between 30-32 degrees F. (-1 to 0 C.) in well ventilated containers and will keep for six to eight months.[图片]If, however, the goal of storing garlic is strictly for planting, the bulbs should be stored at 50 degrees F. (10 C.) at a relative humidity of 65-70 percent. If the bulb is stored between 40-50 degrees F., (3-10 C.) it will easily break dormancy and result in side shoot sprouting (witches brooms) and premature maturation. Storage above 65 degrees F. (18 C.) results in late maturations and delayed sprouting. Be sure to plant only seed garlic that has been properly stored and keep an eye out for any garlic blight nematodes. This nematode causes bloated, twisted, swollen leaves with cracked, mottled bulbs and weakens plants. When saving and storing garlic stock from one year to the next, plant only seed bulbs that appear unblemished and healthy for best results.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Companion planting is a modern term applied to an age old practice. American Indians certainly utilized companion planting when cultivating their vegetables. Among the myriad of companion plant options, planting garlic with tomatoes, as well as with other types of vegetables, holds a unique place.[图片]Can You Plant Garlic Near Tomatoes? Companion planting works by increasing plant diversity. Simply put, companion planting is alternating two or more types of veggies in a single row. This practice seeks to confound insects that tend to consume certain crops, leading them to move onto greener pastures, so to speak. This practice is also referred to as intercropping — that is combining plants that are desired by insects among those that are undesirable. The American Indians commonly intercropped three specific crops — corn, pole beans, and squash — called the Three Sisters method. This mutually advantageous planting system allows the beans to make use of the corn stalks to climb up, provides the corn nitrogen through the beans and the squash provides living mulch. There are many common combinations for companion planting. Some of these involve other vegetables or often flowers and herbs that repel insect marauders or attract pollinators. The answer to the above question is of course, you can plant garlic near tomatoes, but is there a benefit to such a companion planting? Strong smelling and tasting plants like onions and garlic are known to repel specific insect species. [图片]Garlic and Tomato Companion Planting So what benefit is there to planting garlic with tomatoes? Garlic is said to repel aphids when companion planted with roses. When garlic is grown around fruit trees, it deters borers, and specifically protects peach trees from leaf curl and apples from apple scab. Garlic in the garden is also said to deter: Codling moths Japanese beetles Root maggots Snails Carrot root fly Growing tomato plants next to garlic repels spider mites known to ravage the tomato crop. It seems that while most of us love the pungent flavor and aroma of garlic, the insect world finds it less irresistible. Keep in mind, however, that not all plants in the garden coexist with garlic as readily as companion planting garlic with tomatoes. Veggies such as peas, beans, cabbage, and strawberries have abhorrence for garlic.[图片]You cannot only plant tomato plants next to garlic as a natural insecticide, but you can make your own garlic spray too. To make a garlic insecticidal spray, simply crush four cloves of garlic and steep them in a liter of water for several days. Pour this brew into a spray bottle for use as an insecticide, provided you are one of the many of us who love the smell of garlic.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Not only does garlic keep the vampires at bay but it also makes everything taste better. Fresh garlic from potted garlic plants, keeps the nearby bulbs crisper and more pungent than any from the grocery. Growing garlic in containers takes some planning and the right type of container. Read on for some tips on how to grow garlic in a container and capture the head bite of fresh bulbs in your home recipes.[图片]Container Gardening for Garlic Garlic is in the Allium family, which includes onions and shallots. The bulbs are the most powerful flavor on the plants, but the greens are also eaten. It is these heady bulbs which are the basis for planting. Each is planted 2 to 3 inches deep and must also have room for the roots to grow. This should be a consideration when choosing your container. Garlic planted in fall is ready for harvest by June. Growing produce in pots near the kitchen is a space-saving trick, but also allows the cook in the family easy access to the freshest ingredients possible. Containers for Growing Garlic Growing garlic in containers provides that just-picked flavor for the strongest bulbs ever. You need one that is at least 6 inches deep and has excellent drainage. The container also needs to be big enough to leave 6 inches of space between cloves. Other things to consider are evaporation rate and heat conductivity. Terra cotta pots evaporate more quickly and will need to be watered more often than glazed pots. If you don’t care about appearance, you can even use a 5-gallon bucket with holes punched into the bottom.[图片]Soil Mixture for Potted Garlic Plants The proper soil medium is important for garlic planting in pots. It can’t retain too much moisture nor be too dry, and should have plenty of organic nutrients available for the bulbs. A good mix of peat, perlite or vermiculite, potting mix or compost and a little bit of builder’s sand will give you the drainage, moisture retention and nutrients necessary for growing garlic in containers. Container gardening for garlic can also include some early harvest cool vegetables, such as lettuce, which will be harvested before winter’s chill in most cases. Lettuces planted over un-sprouted cloves will minimize weeds and keep the soil broken up with their roots.[图片]How to Grow Garlic in a Container Once you have your planting medium and container, fill the receptacle halfway full of the soil mix. Add a slow release granular balanced plant food, such as a 10-10-10, and mix into the soil. Insert the bulbs with the pointed side up and then back fill with more soil, pressing around each clove. If moisture is minimal, water the soil until it is evenly damp. Plant a short-term crop on top or simply cover the container with organic mulch. In spring the shoots will come up and eventually turn into scapes. Harvest these for stir fry or just to eat raw. By late June, your garlic is ready to dig up and cure. Container gardening for garlic is that easy and very rewarding. Try it as an annual part of your fall planting for delicious ready-to-grab flavor and zing in all your food.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Of late, there has been much in the news about the promising possibilities garlic may have in reducing and maintaining a healthy level of cholesterol. What is known for sure, garlic is a terrific source of Vitamins A and C, potassium, phosphorus, selenium and a few amino acids. Not only nutritious, it’s delicious! But have you ever wondered about the different types of garlic plants you can grow? Find out in this article.[图片]Garlic Varieties to Grow Garlic’s history is long and convoluted. Originally from Central Asia, it has been cultivated in the Mediterranean for over 5,000 years. Gladiators ate garlic prior to battle and Egyptian slaves purportedly consumed it to give them strength to build the pyramids. There are basically two different types of garlic, although some folks lump elephant garlic as a third. Elephant garlic is actually a member of the onion family but is a variant of the leek. It has very large bulbs with very few cloves, three or four, and has a sweet, mellow onion/garlic flavor and a similar mien, hence the confusion. Garlic is one of 700 species in the Allium or onion family. The two different types of garlic are softneck (Allium sativum) and hardneck (Allium ophioscorodon), sometimes referred to as stiffneck.[图片]Softneck Garlic Of the softnecked variety, there are two common garlic types: artichoke and silverskin. Both of these common garlic types are sold in the supermarket and you have more than likely used them. Artichokes are named for their resemblance to artichoke vegetables, with multiple overlapping layers containing up to 20 cloves. They are white to off-white with a thick, hard-to-peel outer layer. The beauty of this is their long shelf life — up to eight months. Some artichoke garlic varieties include: ‘Applegate’ ‘California Early’ ‘California Late’ ‘Polish Red’ ‘Red Toch’ ‘Early Red Italian’ ‘Galiano’ ‘Chamiskuri’ ‘Applegate’ ‘California Early’ ‘California Late’ ‘Polish Red’ ‘Red Toch”Italian Purple’ ‘Lorz Italian’ ‘Inchelium Red’ ‘Italian Late’ Silverskins are high yielding, adaptable to many climates and are the type of garlic used in garlic braids. Garlic plant varieties for silverskins include: ‘Inchelium’ ‘Polish White’ ‘Chet’s Italian Red’ ‘Kettle River Giant.’ Hardneck Garlic The most common type of hardneck garlic is ‘Rocambole,’ which has large cloves that are easy to peel and have a more intense flavor than softnecks. The easy-to-peel, loose skin lessens the shelf life to only around four to five months. Unlike softneck garlic, hardnecks send out a flowering stem, or scape, that turns woody.[图片]Hardneck garlic varieties to grow include: ‘Chesnok Red’ ‘German White’ ‘Polish Hardneck’ ‘Persian Star’ ‘Purple Sriped’ ‘Porcelain’ Garlic names tend to be all over the map. This is because much of the seed stock has been developed by private individuals who can name the strain anything they desire. Therefore, some garlic plant varieties may be very much the same despite different names, and some with the same name may be very different from each other indeed. “True” garlic plant varieties do not exist, hence, they are referred to as strains. You very well may want to experiment with different types until you find the ones you prefer and that do well in your climate.
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ノコンギクの育て方・栽培方法 育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 日なたで育て、夏だけ明るい日陰に移すか、30%程度の遮光をします。明るい日陰でも育てることはできますが、花つきが悪くなるのですすめられません。ヤマシロギク、アキバギク、ヨメナもノコンギクと同様に扱います。庭植えの場合は日当たりさえよければ、問題なく育ちます。 シロヨメナ、イナカギクは年間を通して明るい日陰で育てます。 水やり 表土が乾いたら十分に水を与えます。特に渓流沿いや湿った草地に自生する種類は浅く腰水にするか、二重鉢にして乾燥を防ぎます。庭植えの場合は、よほど晴天が続いて乾燥しないかぎり不要です。 [图片]肥料 植え替えの際に、元肥としてリン酸とカリウムが多めの緩効性化成肥料を、3号鉢であれば一つまみ施します。4月から9月にかけて、月に2回、草花用の液体肥料を1500~2000倍に薄めて施します。肥料が多すぎると姿が乱れるので、少なめを心がけましょう。豪華に咲かせたい場合は、春の間だけ親指大の油かすの玉肥を3号鉢であれば1~2個追肥します。庭植えの場合は、特に必要ありません。 病気と害虫 病気:うどんこ病 うどんこ病が発生しても多くは軽症ですみます。多発する場合は、一度切り戻して、発生した茎や葉を処分するか、茎を間引いて風通しをよくしましょう。 害虫:アワダチソウグンバイ、ヨトウムシ、ハダニ、アブラムシ アワダチソウグンバイは6月から10月を中心に発生し、セイタカアワダチソウで越冬します。葉の裏に寄生して汁を吸います。葉の表面が白くかすれたようになり、ひどい場合は葉が黄色く変色して落葉します。ふんにカビが生えて黒く汚れる(すす病)こともあります。 [图片]用土(鉢植え) 赤玉土小粒7、腐葉土3の配合土でよく育ちます。市販の草花用培養土でも問題ありません。渓流沿いに生えるセンボンギク、イワバノギク、高原に生えるシラヤマギクは、鹿沼土、赤玉土、軽石の各小粒を等量配合した土で植えます。このような山砂植えは、盆栽仕立てにする場合にもよいでしょう。 植えつけ、 植え替え 2月から3月の芽出し直前に植え替えます。よくふえてすぐに根詰まりを起こすので、鉢植えの場合は毎年植え替えます。盆栽仕立ての場合は数年に1回でもかまいません。庭植えの場合は特に植え替えの必要はありませんが、予定外の場所に生えてきた株は抜くか、早めに移植します。 [图片]ふやし方 株分け:2月から3月の芽出し直前に行います。長い地下茎を半分か1/3ほどに切ってしまっても大丈夫です。古い親株には弱い芽しかないので切り捨てて整理すると、自然に株分けした形になります。 さし木:5月から6月に、よく伸びている新芽を切り取り、清潔な用土にさします。 タネまき:11月から12月に採取したタネを、湿らせた川砂に混ぜて1か月ほど冷蔵庫の野菜室で保管してから、2月にまきます。順調に成長すると、タネをまいた年に開花します。 [图片]主な作業 切り戻し:枝を多くして花数をふやすために、5月から6月に1/3~1/2ほどを残して上部を切り取ります。あらかじめ春の間に油かすなどのチッ素肥料を施して、枝が出やすいようにしておきます。 花がら摘み・花茎切り:タネをとるつもりがなければ、花が終わったら花茎を切り取ります。
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ノコンギクの基本情報 学名:Aster microcephalus var. ovatus 和名:ノコンギク(野紺菊)  その他の名前:野菊 科名 / 属名:キク科 / シオン属(アスター属) 特徴 ノコンギクは、日本各地の低地から高原までの草原に広く見られる多年草です。いわゆる「野菊」を代表する植物の一つです。茎はまっすぐ、あるいはほかの植物に寄りかかりながら斜めに伸び、地下に細長い地下茎を多数伸ばしてふえていきます。葉は卵形から狭卵形が多く、葉の基部はくさび形で、ごく短い葉柄があります。 コンギク(Aster microcephalus var. ovatus‘Hortensis’)はノコンギクに似ていますが、葉がやや細長く花は濃い紫色をしています。しばしばこの本種が「ノコンギク」の名で流通しています。 センボンギク(A. microcephalus var. microcephalus)は谷川の増水時には水没するような川岸に生える変種で、葉が非常に細く3~5mmのものです。同じような場所に生え、同様に葉が細長く幅が1cm強のものがタニガワコンギク(A. microcephalus var. ripensis)と呼ばれます。ホソバコンギク(A. microcephalus var. angustifolius)はノコンギクに似ていますが、葉の幅が狭いものです。この3つの変種には中間型が多く、区別しない見解もあります。ハマコンギク(エノシマヨメナA. microcephalus var. littoricola)は海岸近くに生える変種で、葉の幅が広く、厚みがあり、光沢があります。草丈もノコンギクより低めです。 [图片]種類(原種、園芸品種) アキバギク Aster sugimotoi アキハギク、キヨスミギクともいう。ノコンギクに似ているが、はっきりした葉柄がある点で区別できる。 ‘清澄’(きよすみ) Aster ‘Kiyosumi’ アキバギク、またはアキバギクとノコンギクの種間雑種。小型に生育させることができる。 チョクザキヨメナ Aster microcephalus var. ripensis f. tubulosus オビトケコンギクともいう。舌状花が筒状になる。 ‘夕映え’(ゆうばえ) Aster microcephalus var. ovatus ‘Yubae’ 赤紫色の花が咲く園芸品種。 [图片]‘桃山’(ももやま) Aster microcephalus var. ovatus ‘Momoyama’ 桃色の花が咲く園芸品種。 シロヨメナ Aster ageratoides 山地の明るい日陰に見られ、白い花を咲かせる。葉が薄くて色が濃く、先端が鋭くとがり、ごく短い葉柄がある。 タマバシロヨメナ Aster ageratoides f. ovalifolius シロヨメナの葉の幅が広いもので、変種とされることもある。 イワバノギク Aster microcephalus var. lineari-lanceolatus 四国の渓流沿いに見られる葉が細く小型の変種。特に小型のタイプがヤクシマギクやヤクシマコンギクの名でしばしば流通している。 [图片]イナカギク(ヤマシロギク) Aster semiamplexicaulis シロヨメナによく似ているが、全体に軟らかい毛が生え、葉柄がなく茎を半分ほど取り巻く点で区別できる。主に西日本で見られる。 シラヤマギク Aster scaber 花が2cm弱で、舌状花の数が少なくてまばらにつき、茎の下の方の葉は長い葉柄があって葉のつけ根は心形である点で区別できる。 [图片]ヨメナ Aster yomena 花の大きさが3cm前後、葉にははっきりとした葉柄があること、冠毛(タンポポの綿毛にあたる部分)がごく短く0.5mmほどであることで区別できる。 カントウヨメナ Aster microcephalus var. dentatus 主に関東地方で見られる変種で、花がやや小さく、葉がすこし薄くて切れ込みがやや深い点などで区別できる。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Garlic is a long season crop, 180-210 days to maturation, depending upon the variety. So as you may imagine, the proper fertilization of garlic is of paramount importance. The question is not only how to fertilize garlic, but when is the best time for feeding garlic plants?[图片]Garlic Plant Fertilizer Garlic is a heavy feeder, basically because it takes so long to come to fruition. Because of this, it’s best to think about feeding garlic plants right from the start. In most climates, garlic bulbs should be planted in late fall or early winter — six weeks before the soil freezes. In milder areas, you may plant garlic in January or even February for late summer or early fall. Prior to either of these planting times, you should amend the soil with plenty of compost, which will become the basis for fertilizing your garlic as well as aid in water retention and drainage. You can also use manure or 1-2 pounds of all purpose fertilizer (10-10-10), or 2 pounds of blood meal per 100 square feet of garden space. Once the garlic has been sown, it is time to consider a schedule for further fertilization of garlic.[图片]How to Fertilize Garlic Fertilization of garlic plants should occur in the spring, if you planted in the fall. Fertilizing your garlic can occur either by side dressing or broadcasting fertilizer over the entire bed. The best garlic plant fertilizer will be high in nitrogen, those containing blood meal or a synthetic source of nitrogen. To side dress, work the fertilizer in an inch down or so and about 3-4 inches from the plant. Fertilize every three to four weeks. Fertilize your garlic again just before the bulbs swell, around mid-May. By all accounts, however, do not fertilize with high nitrogen foods after May, as this may stunt the bulb size.[图片]Keep the area around your garlic weed free since it doesn’t compete well with weeds. Water the garlic deeply every eight to 10 days if spring is dry but taper off in June. Start checking for mature cloves at the end of June. It’s best to dig one out and cut it in half to check for maturity since the green tops of garlic don’t die back like other Alliums when they are ready. You’re looking for plump cloves covered with a thick, dry papery skin. Cure bulbs in a shaded, warm, dry and airy place for a week. Garlic can be stored for months in a cool, dry, dark area. Cold temperatures promote sprouting, so do not store in the refrigerator.
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