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Dummer. ゛☀
Burdock weeds are troublesome plants that grow in pastures, along ditches and roadsides and in many other disturbed areas across the United States. The weed is recognized by its large, oval or triangular “elephant-ear” leaves. The upper surface of the dark green leaves may be smooth or hairy and the lower leaf surface is typically wooly and pale green. The plant bolts in the second year and can reach heights of 3 to 10 feet. The small flowers, which are numerous, may be lavender, white, purple or pink. Why are burdock weeds so troublesome, and why is burdock management so critical? Read on to find out how to get rid of this weed.[图片]Reasons for Controlling Common Burdock It’s extremely difficult to eradicate burdock. Seeds spread quickly when the seed heads dry and break, scattering thousands of seeds far and wide. The weeds also spread when the prickly burs catch a ride on passing people or animals. Some people may experience unpleasant allergic reactions when the bristles contact the skin. The burs can cause real problems for livestock, resulting in eye infections, skin problems and mouth sores. The plant can also host root rot, powdery mildew and other diseases that can spread to agricultural plants.[图片]How to Kill Burdock Digging, hand pulling or plowing can be effective ways of controlling common burdock when the weeds are small. These techniques don’t work well on larger plants because it’s difficult to remove the entire taproot. You can mow taller plants, but mowing must be done before the plant has bloomed or you will simply spread the seeds. A number of herbicides are useful for controlling common burdock, including dicamba, 2,4-D, picloram, glyphosate and others. Unfortunately, burdock often grows in difficult, hard-to-access areas. Manual removal is often the only recourse as well as the most environmentally friendly.[图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Burdock is a native of Eurasia but has quickly become naturalized in North America. The plant is an herbaceous biennial with a long history of edible and medicinal use by native people. For gardeners who wish to try growing burdock plants, seed is available from numerous sources and the plant is adaptable to any light level and most soils. This is an easy plant to grow either as an herbal medicine or as an interesting vegetable. As a part of your medicinal or edible garden, very little burdock plant care is necessary once established.[图片]About Burdock Plants Burdock occurs in undisturbed sites where the plant forms a rosette the first year and a flowering spike the second. Both the roots and young leaves and shoots are edible. The plant is easy to grow and can produce roots up to 2 feet long in 100 days or less. Gardeners who want to know how to grow burdock should know that it is easier to harvest roots if planted in sandy, loose soil. Burdock may reach 2 to 9 feet in height and produces rough, sticky burred fruits. From these fruits comes its scientific name, Articum lappa. In Greek, ‘arktos’ means bear and ‘lappos’ means seize. This refers to the fruits or seed capsules which are barbed with spurs that grab onto animal fur and clothing. In fact, from these fruit, it is said the idea from Velcro was developed. The flowers are bright pinkish-purple and similar to many thistle species. The leaves are broad and lightly lobed. The plant will self-seed readily and can become a nuisance if not managed. This should pose no problem if you are continually deadheading the plant or if you intend to use it as a root vegetable. Another way to contain the plant is by growing burdock in pots.[图片]Burdock Plant Uses Among the many burdock plant uses is in the treatment of scalp and skin problems. It is also known to be a liver treatment and stimulates the digestive system. It is a detoxifying herb and diuretic and has also been used as an antidote in some cases of poisoning. In China, the seeds are used to treat colds and cough. Medical uses of burdock stem from the plant’s use in tinctures and decoctions resulting in salves, lotions and other topical applications. It is also a popular food plant, known as gobo, in Asian cooking. Roots are eaten either raw or cooked, and leaves and stems are used like spinach. Indigenous Americans were growing burdock plants in their own vegetable gardens before the country was settled by Europeans.[图片]How to Grow Burdock Burdock prefers loamy soil and a neutral pH in areas with average water. Seeds should be stratified and germinate at 80 to 90 % when sown directly in spring after all danger of frost has passed. Plant seeds 1/8 inch under the soil and keep evenly moist. Germination takes place in 1-2 weeks. Once seed has germinated, young plants grow quickly but it takes some time to establish a taproot of sufficient size to harvest. Plants should be spaced at least 18 inches apart. For the most part, burdock has no significant pest or disease issues. Continued burdock plant care is minimal but steps may have to be taken to manage the spread of the plant. Harvest leaves when young and tender and wait a year before taking the root.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The borage herb is an old fashioned plant that can get up to 2 feet or more. It is native to the Middle East and has an ancient history in war as an enhancement for bravery and courage. Growing borage provides the gardener with cucumber-flavored leaves for tea and other beverages as well as bright starry blue flowers for decorating salads. All parts of the plant, except the roots, are flavorful and have culinary or medicinal uses.[图片]Borage Plant Info While not as common as thyme or basil, borage herb (Borago officinalis) is a unique plant for the culinary garden. It grows quickly as an annual but will colonize a corner of the garden by self-seeding and reappearing year after year. June and July are heralded by the presence of the borage flower, an appealing, small, brilliant blue bloom with attracting qualities. Indeed, the plant should be include in the butterfly garden and brings pollinators to your veggies. The oval leaves are hairy and rough with the lower foliage pushing 6 inches in length. The borage plant may grow 12 or more inches wide in a tall bushy habit.[图片]Growing Borage Herb cultivation just takes a little gardening know how. Grow borage in an herb or flower garden. Prepare a garden bed that is well tilled with average organic matter. Ensure that the soil is well drained and in a medium pH range. Sow seeds directly into the garden after the last date of frost. Plant seeds ¼ to ½ inch under the soil in rows 12 inches apart. Thin the borage herb to at least 1 foot when the plants measure 4 to 6 inches tall. Planting borage with strawberries attracts bees and increases the yield of fruit. It has limited culinary use in today’s foods, but the borage flower is often used as a garnish. Traditionally the borage plant was used to treat many ailments, from jaundice to kidney problems. In medicinal use today it is limited, but the seeds are a source of linolenic acid. Borage flowers are also used in potpourris or candied for use in confections. Borage can be perpetuated by allowing the flowers to go to seed and self sow. Pinching the terminal growth will force a bushier plant but may sacrifice some of the flowers. Borage herb is not a fussy plant and has been known to grow in refuse piles and highway ditches. Be assured you want the plant to regrow annually or remove the flowers before it seeds. Growing borage requires a dedicated space in the home garden. [图片]Borage Herb Harvest Sowing the seeds every four weeks will ensure a ready supply of borage flowers. The leaves may be picked at any time and used fresh. Dried leaves have little of the characteristic flavor so the plant is best consumed after harvest. Leave the flowers alone if you are hosting a honeybee colony. The blooms produce an excellent flavored honey.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Native to warm climates of the Mediterranean, borage is a tall, sturdy herb distinguished by deep green leaves covered with fuzzy white hairs. Masses of bright borage flowers attract honeybees and other beneficial insects all summer long. Home herb gardeners can select from four primary varieties of borage, all equally beautiful and easy to grow. Read on to learn more about various borage plant types.[图片]Borage Plant Types Below are the common varieties of borage: Common borage (Borago officinalis) – Also known as starflower, common borage is the most familiar of the different types of borage. Common borage displays intensely blue blooms with contrasting black stamens. Variegata (Borago officinalis ‘Variegata’) – This interesting variegated plant displays delicate blue borage flowers and green leaves mottled with white. Alba – (Borago officinalis ‘Alba’) – Also known as white borage, Alba is a great choice if you’re looking for a plant with intense white blooms. Stalks of white borage tend to be a bit sturdier than common borage and the plant usually blooms later in the season than its blue cousin.[图片]Creeping borage (Borago pygmaea) – Creeping borage is a sprawling plant with fragrant, pale blue blooms that appear from late spring through early autumn. Most borage varieties are fast-growing annuals, but creeping borage is a short-lived perennial suitable for growing in USDA planting zones 5 and above. All of these plants grow well in full sun, though many borage flowers tolerate partial shade. They also prefer sandy soil, but will happily grow in just about any soil type as long as it drains well. Borage likes to be kept somewhat moist throughout the growing season, but not soggy – another reason drainage is important.[图片]Regardless of the type grown, borage can be prone to reseeding under the right conditions, so deadheading can help alleviate this should it be a concern. Now that you know about the different varieties of borage plants you can grow in the garden, you are well on your way to becoming a borage connoisseur.
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Dummer. ゛☀
A warm season annual native to the Mediterranean, borage is easily recognized by its bristly, grey-green leaves and five-petaled, star-shaped blooms, which are usually intense blue. However, less common varieties with white or pale blue blooms are also available. If you don’t have space in your garden, or if you’re concerned about the plant’s rambunctious growth habit, consider growing borage in containers.[图片]Borage Growing Conditions This beautiful herb definitely isn’t fussy. Borage prefers full sunlight but tolerates light shade. In the ground, borage thrives in rich, well-drained soil. However, potted borage plants do fine in any well-drained commercial potting soil. Growing Borage in Pots Borage reaches heights of 2 to 3 feet and the taproot is long and sturdy. Therefore, potted borage plants need a sturdy container with a depth and width of at least 12 inches. Although you can grow borage from seed, most gardeners prefer to start with bedding plants, which are generally available in garden centers or specialty herb stores. If you are adventurous, plant seeds directly in the container soon after the last frost in spring, or start the seeds indoors a few weeks earlier. Keep in mind that because of its long taproot, borage doesn’t transplant well. Starting the plant in its permanent home can save you trouble down the road.[图片]Caring for Container Grown Borage Water borage deeply whenever the top 1 to 2 inches of potting media feels dry to the touch, then let the pot drain. Check often during hot, dry weather, as containerized plants dry quickly, but be careful not to let the soil become soggy, which promotes rot. Borage in containers generally requires no fertilizer. If you decide to feed the plant, use a diluted solution of a water-soluble fertilizer. Avoid overfeeding, which often promotes lush foliage but few blooms.[图片]Borage tends to be relatively pest resistant, but the plant is sometimes bugged by aphids. If you notice the tiny pests, spray the plant with insecticidal soap spray. Pinch tips of young plants to keep borage compact and bushy, and snip the leaves as needed for use in the kitchen. You can also trim the plant if it looks overgrown in mid-summer. Be sure to deadhead blooms as soon as they wilt. Otherwise, the plant will go to seed and blooming will end early. The plant may also need stakes to keep it upright.
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Dummer. ゛☀
You don’t need many excuses to grow borage. With its brilliant blue starry flowers and charismatic fuzzy stems, borage is an herb with tons of garden appeal. This plant has a rich history of use as an herbal remedy but you might also consider borage cover crops to enrich soil. Using borage as green manure allows the nutrients brought up by the plant’s deep taproot to be dispersed into the upper areas of soil when the plant composts. Borage returns high nitrogen to the soil when it is tilled back in. The result is healthy soil, rich in nutrients and deeply aerated earth.[图片]Borage Cover Crops and Fertilizer Borage is an old-fashioned herb with a history of culinary and medicinal use. Also known as starflower because of its arresting blue flowers, borage is also a great companion plant said to improve the flavor of tomatoes. Commercially, borage is grown for its oil content, but in the garden, you can use its leaves soaked in water as a fertilizer or plant masses of the herb as a living soil enricher. Borage provides a showy display for 4 to 6 months and then has a slow nitrogen release when you chop it back into the soil. Planting a borage cover crop affords a period of spectacular beauty as the sea of deep blue blooms decorate the landscape. Once the flowers are spent, you can till in the plants, reducing them to smaller broken down pieces that will compost back into the soil. Using borage as green manure has a win-win effect with a season of beauty and a season of giving back to the earth. True, there are higher nitrogen cover crops that release more quickly when returned to the earth, but the colorful abandon of borage cover crops is a delight to behold and the gradual nitrogen release allows more nitrogen to remain for future crops while it conditions the soil and increases tilth.[图片]How to Use Borage as a Cover Crop Sow the seeds in March to April into a well turned bed that has been raked to remove any debris and obstacles. Seeds should be planted at 1/8 inch under soil and 6 inches apart. Keep the seed bed moderately moist until germination. You may need to thin the seedlings to allow the plants to mature. If you are in a hurry, you can till the plants into the soil before they flower or wait to enjoy the blooms and then chop the plants into the soil to release their nutrients slowly. The deep taproots and wide fibrous root zone will break apart problem soils and aerate, increasing water percolation and oxygen. Planting a borage cover crop in late summer will provide green material for nitrogen release but will not provide you with the flowers. It is still a worthwhile green manure that is easy to plant and grow.[图片]How to Use Borage as Fertilizer If you just simply like to have a few of the plants around for their beauty, use as a tea or for the decorative bee attracting flowers, the plants are still useful even in small numbers. These annuals can get 2- to 3-feet tall with numerous secondary branching stems and leaves. Strip leaves and place them in enough water to cover them. Put a lid on the container and let it ferment for two weeks. After the two-week period, drain out the solids and you now have an excellent fertilizer. Use borage as fertilizer weekly, diluted with water at 1 part to 10 parts water. The solution can keep for several months. And don’t forget to till in your annual borage plants no matter how many there are. Even small numbers of the plants are excellent soil conditioners, the plant equivalent of beauty and brains.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Borage is a fascinating and underrated plant. While it’s completely edible, some people are turned off by its bristly leaves. While the older leaves do develop a texture that not everyone finds pleasant, the younger leaves and flowers provide a splash of color and a crisp, cucumber flavor that can’t be beaten. Even if you can’t be convinced to bring it into the kitchen, borage is a favorite of bees to such an extent that it’s often called Bee Bread. No matter who’s eating it, borage is great to have around, and so easy to grow. Keep reading to learn about borage seed propagation and growing borage from seeds.[图片]Borage Seed Growing Borage is a hardy annual, which means that the plant will die in a frost, but the seeds can survive in the frozen ground. This is good news for borage, as it produces a huge amount of seed in the fall. The seed falls to the ground and the plant dies, but in the spring new borage plants emerge to take its place. Basically, once you’ve planted borage once, you never need to plant it in that spot again. It reproduces only by dropped seed, though, so you don’t have to worry about it spreading across your garden while you’re not looking. Don’t want it anymore? Simply pull up the plant in early summer before the seeds have dropped. [图片]How to Plant Borage Seeds Borage seed propagation is very easy. If you want to collect seeds to give away or plant elsewhere in the garden, pick them off the plant when the flowers begin to wither and brown. The seeds can be stored for at least three years. Growing borage from seeds is just as easy. The seeds can be sown outdoors four weeks before the last frost. Sprinkle them on the ground and cover them with half an inch of soil or compost.[图片]Don’t start borage seed growing in a container unless you intend to keep it in that container. Growing borage from seeds results in a very long taproot that does not transplant well.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Sage, rosemary and thyme are perennial staples of most herb gardens, but don’t forget the annuals. A hardy annual, suited to all USDA hardiness zones, is borage. This self-seeding herb is easy to grow and if allowed to bloom and set seed will provide year upon year of edible blue blossoms as well as foliage. The question is, when and how to harvest borage?[图片]How and When to Harvest Borage Before we get into borage harvesting, a little more info about the plant is useful. An ancient herb, borage also goes by the names “bee plant,” “bee bread,” talewort, starflower and cool-tankard. The reference to bees is particularly apt, as the plant is an excellent bee attractor with its also aptly named star-shaped flowers. Borage flowers are usually bright blue, but the cultivar ‘Alba’ has white flowers. Although borage self-seeds, it is less likely to be invasive than herbs such as mint. Borage spreads from seeds above ground rather than underground stolons like mint. The plant can be top heavy with the weight of its cluster of flowers and will reach a size of between 18-36 inches high by 9-24 inches across. Not only is borage beneficial to pollinating bees, but it seems to improve the quality of other plants. It is often grown in conjunction with cucumber, beans, grapes, squash and peas. Borage is high in calcium and potassium, so many folks plant it with their tomatoes to stave off blossom end rot, which is the result of a lack of calcium. Potassium also helps plants set fruit, so a little borage in the garden may go a long way towards engendering healthy and bountiful crops.[图片]Borage (Borago officinalis) is of Mediterranean origin and, as such, thrives in full sun, although it will tolerate light shade. Direct sow seeds ¼ inch deep in rows set 18 inches apart in February or March. Germination should occur within a week or two. When the seedlings are two inches tall, thin to a foot to 15 inches apart. Seeds can be readily obtained at nurseries, garden centers or via the internet. Or, if you know someone who is growing the herb, you might try harvesting borage seeds yourself. Harvesting borage seeds is pretty easy since, unlike many other seeds, borage seeds are fairly large. They look like small, hard seed pods with grooved sides and a cap on the top.[图片]Borage Harvesting Both the leaves and flowers of borage are edible with a flavor much akin to a cucumber. The stalks and leaves are covered with fine, silvery hairs that tend to get pricklier as they mature. Borage leaves contain a small amount of silica, which for some people can act as an irritant. It’s wise to handle the plant with gloves while picking borage leaves and even in the kitchen if you know or think you may be susceptible. When picking borage leaves, select the young ones, which will have less of the little hairs. Continual harvesting and deadheading will allow for a longer period of use.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Companion planting is based on the idea that some plants perform better if they are located near a strategic plant partner. This partner may attract beneficial insects, improve soil quality, or even share root space in a mutually beneficial manner. Read on to learn about borage and companion planting.[图片]Plants That Grow Well with Borage Using borage (Borago officinalis) as a companion plant is good choice. Plants that grow well with borage include: Tomatoes Cabbage Squash Strawberries The borage companion plant is said to repel tomato worms and cabbage worms because borage attracts beneficial insects, such as bees and tiny wasps. As we know these are great plant pollinators, but they also repel garden pests. Additionally, borage works well in the garden alongside many types of herbs and flowers. So bring on the borage as a companion plant![图片]Companion Planting with Borage Companion planting with borage is a rich subject. Borage has a reputation for improving the flavor and growth of strawberries. This may be due to the fact that it adds trace minerals to the soil. Borage leaves are known to contain potassium, calcium and Vitamin C. Because borage leaves are rich in minerals and vitamins, the leaves make nice mulch for almost any vegetable. Use the older, larger, fading leaves for this purpose. Borage plant material is also a rich contributor of nutrients and bulk for your compost bin. Buy borage seeds to start your companion planting endeavor. The seeds germinate quite easily. You can also buy borage seedlings at your local nurseries or sometimes at farmers’ markets. Please note that borage reseeds itself vigorously. If borage pops up in places you don’t want, they are very easy to weed out of your planting beds.[图片]Borage leaves are coarse, thick and hairy. The flowers are the star of the show with this plant. Tiny little lavender or blue colored star-shaped flowers bloom on and on throughout the growing season. In mild climates, borage sometimes blossoms throughout the winter. The borage companion plant takes sun or part shade and prefers moist soil. Borage flowers and immature borage leaves are edible. The flowers are a tiny bit spicy and very pretty in salads, iced lemonade, or stir-fry (add at the very end). Note of caution: Pregnant and nursing women should not eat borage. It isn’t good for their health or the health of their babies.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Betony is an attractive, hardy perennial that’s perfect for filling in shady spots. It has a long blooming period and self-seeds without an aggressive spread. It can also be dried and used as an herb. Keep reading to learn more wood betony information.[图片]Wood Betony Information Wood betony (Stachys officinalis) is native to Europe and is hardy to USDA zone 4. It can tolerate anything from full sun to partial shade, making it a popular choice for shady areas where few flowering things will thrive. Depending upon variety, it can reach heights of anywhere between 9 inches (23 cm) and 3 feet (91 cm). The plants produce a rosette of slightly scalloped leaves that then reach upward in a long stalk that blooms in clumps along the stalk, making for a distinctive look. The flowers come in shades of purple to white. Start from seed in autumn or spring, or propagate from cuttings or divided clumps in spring. Once planted, growing betony plants will self-seed and spread slowly in the same area. Allow the plants to fill in an area until they become overcrowded, then divide them. It may take them three years to reach critical mass in sunny spots and as long as five years in the shade.[图片]Betony Herb Uses Wood betony herbs have a magical/medicinal history dating back to Ancient Egypt and have been used to treat everything from shattered skulls to silliness. Today, there is no scientific evidence that wood betony herbs have medicinal properties, but plenty of herbalists still recommend it to treat headaches and anxiety. Even if you’re not looking for treatment, betony can be brewed into a good substitute for black tea and makes for a nice base in herbal tea mixes. It can be dried by hanging the entire plant upside down in a cool, dark, dry place. [图片]
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