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Dummer. ゛☀
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is a commonly grown herb plant popular for its fragrant aroma. This easy-care plant enjoys hot, dry conditions, making it suitable for use in a variety of landscape settings and an excellent candidate for areas prone to drought. Keep reading to learn more about lavender plant care.[图片]How to Grow Lavender in the Garden As lavender seeds are slow to germinate, purchasing seedling plants is the most reliable way to grow this plant. Growing lavender plants is an easy endeavor provided you give them what they need. Although lavender can tolerate a variety of growing conditions, this plant thrives best under warm, sunny conditions in well-drained soil. In addition, an alkaline soil rich in organic matter can encourage higher plant oil production, enhancing the fragrance in lavender plants. As lavender is native to arid regions, the plant will not tolerate moist or overly wet conditions; therefore, it’s important to consider location when growing lavender plants. They should be located in areas with adequate drainage and spaced far enough apart to ensure good air circulation. This will help reduce the chance of developing root rot.[图片]Lavender Plant Care Once established, lavender plants require little care or maintenance. While they should be watered regularly early on, established plants need little water, as they are extremely drought tolerant. Regular pruning not only keeps lavender plants neat looking in appearance, but also helps to encourage new growth. Low-growing varieties can be cut back to the new growth while larger types can be pruned to about a third of their overall height. Generally, lavender plants take up to a year or more before they are ready for harvesting. However, once they are ready, it’s best to harvest the plants early in the day, picking flower spikes that haven’t fully opened yet. Bundle the plants up and hang upside down in a dry, dark area for about one to two weeks.[图片]How to Grow Lavender Indoors Growing lavender plants indoors is no different from out in the garden. However, when growing lavender inside, make sure that the plants receive plenty of light and warm temperatures. Water only when the plants are significantly dry and do not fertilize. We hope that after reading these growing tips, lavender will make it into your garden. Once you know how to grow lavender, you can enjoy these fragrant plants for years to come.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Horseradish is a plant that can grow anywhere once started. This trait makes it both an easy to grow herb and an unwanted invasive that leaves gardeners wondering how to eliminate horseradish plants. When it comes to trying to get rid of horseradish, most people have difficulty doing so because of its hardiness. Keep reading to learn more about how to kill horseradish plants or to simply control them.[图片]Tips for Controlling Horseradish If you have had difficulty controlling horseradish, there are a few things to remember. First of all, horseradish is one of those plants that grows from cultivars. This means that the smallest piece of root can yield plants. Controlling horseradish is difficult because of this hardy trait. Basically, controlling horseradish is best done by digging up as much of the plant as possible, including the roots, every year. By doing this, you can eliminate some of the plants, and make a good attempt at keeping these plants in the area you want it located instead of allowing it to spread. One way to keep your horseradish under control is to prepare the area before you even plant it. Sometimes using a large barrel or bucket underground to plant the roots in will help to keep the horseradish reined into one area of your yard or garden. Controlling horseradish is easier than killing it, so preparation before planting is probably the best control chance you will get.[图片]How to Kill Horseradish Plants When you are thinking about killing horseradish plants, your best bet is to dig them up as much as possible first. There is no chemical or natural agent that will kill the plant completely if it is growing wildly. Killing horseradish plants isn’t difficult, but it is tedious because you have to keep up on it. If you are trying to eliminate horseradish plants, you should realize that digging up the roots is the best way to eliminate as much as possible. Once you do that, you can wait and see what grows and use a chemical or natural weed killing agent on the area to kill off the rest. This process will need to be repeated until the plant does not come back. Instead of killing horseradish, consider camouflaging it. Depending on how large a patch of plants you have, eliminating horseradish is best done by just mowing over the area and planting some grass seed among the mowed plants. This way, the plant isn’t eliminated, but it is controlled and it should stop spreading if you keep it mowed.[图片]Eliminating horseradish can be done, but be aware that if you want to get rid of horseradish, you’ll probably have to do a lot of work. This includes digging, chopping, cutting and spraying. One final note on how to kill horseradish plants: do not try using a rototiller to eliminate horseradish plants. Rototilling doesn’t work because it just makes a whole bunch of root pieces in the ground; each makes a new plant and makes it easier for the horseradish to spread.
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ハナショウブの基本情報 学名:Iris ensata 和名:ハナショウブ(花菖蒲) 科名 / 属名:アヤメ科 / アヤメ属 特徴 ハナショウブは初夏、梅雨の中でも、ひときわ華やかに咲き誇ります。野生のノハナショウブをもとに、江戸時代を中心に数多くの品種が育成され、現在2000以上あるといわれています。優美な花形としっとりとした風情が魅力で、色彩の魔術師とも呼ばれるように、花色の変化に富んでいます。アヤメやカキツバタに似ていますが、花弁のつけ根が黄色で、アヤメのような網目模様はなく、葉幅は狭く、葉脈がはっきりと隆起している点でカキツバタと区別できます。花形は、三英咲き(さんえいざき)と呼ばれる3枚の弁が大きく目立つものと、6枚の弁が広がる六英咲き(ろくえいざき)、そして八重咲きなどがあります。品種の育成地によって、江戸系、伊勢系、肥後系の3タイプに大別されますが、これらの交配種もあり、さらに、種間交配によって育成された黄花品種や、アメリカなど海外で育成された品種もあります。 なお、端午の節句のショウブ湯に利用されるのは、サトイモ科のショウブ(Acorus属)で、ハナショウブとは別の植物です。 種類(原種、園芸品種) 江戸系(江戸種) 変化に富み多彩。茎が剛直で庭植え向き。群生させると見事。 [图片]伊勢系 弁が垂れるのが特徴。伊勢ナデシコ、伊勢ギクと合わせて伊勢3花と呼ばれる。外花被が3枚の三英花(さんえいか)が多い。 [图片]肥後系 豊満でボリューム感のある花。鉢植えで観賞するのによい。外花被が6枚の六英花(ろくえいか)が多い。 [图片]長井古種 山形県長井市にある品種群。江戸時代より保存され守られているといわれる。 [图片]斑入り ノハナショウブの斑入り葉品種。 [图片]‘愛知の輝’ キショウブとの交配により育成された黄花の品種。
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Dummer. ゛☀
I like things hot, as in spicy hot. Four star, bring it on, hot. As you can imagine, I have a fondness for horseradish. This has me pondering about how to make hot horseradish.[图片]How to Make Hot Horseradish Horseradish not hot? I feel you. I have had dishes where the horseradish was not hot. Perhaps there wasn’t enough horseradish sauce or maybe the sauce was old. Whatever the case, there are some tips to making spicy horseradish. Horseradish is a hardy perennial primarily cultivated for its large taproot — the source of all that delicious heat. When this taproot is grated or crushed, the root cells release pungent oil. You can grow it yourself or purchase it in the produce section of the market. Horseradish needs to be planted in rich, moist, deeply tilled loam or sandy loam soil. It is started by side roots or secondary roots called sets, not by seed. The soil pH should be between 6.0 and 6.8, which will aid the plant in absorbing boron, important to healthy tap roots. Too much nitrogen, however, will encourage foliage growth and little root growth.[图片]Spicy Horseradish Tips If purchasing horseradish, look for firm, unblemished roots. When cut, the root should be creamy white. The root can be stored for several months between 32-38 degrees F. (0-3 C.), but for the hottest horseradish sauce, use as soon as possible. The heat begins to fade the longer it is stored. Similarly, if you have horseradish sauce or cream that isn’t hot, the likely reason is that it has been sitting around for too long or it was made incorrectly. The sauce itself should be creamy white and will darken and lose potency as it ages. To prepare your own horseradish, work either outside or in a well-ventilated room. Peel the roots and either slice or grate them. Sliced root can be ground in a food processor, blender, or meat grinder with a small amount of water. You can grate horseradish either by hand or with the processor’s grating blade with a bit of water. If it’s too runny, drain some water off; or too thick, add a bit more. Be careful. The fumes from the root can be potent! Fresh crushed horseradish is at its strongest but once it is exposed to air, the pungency begins to wane.[图片]The key to making horseradish hot, and I mean HOT, people, is when to finish it off with the next ingredient — vinegar. Vinegar stabilizes the flavor and when you add it, will affect the spicy outcome. If you add the vinegar too soon, the horseradish will be milder in flavor. For “knock your socks off” spicy, be sure to wait three minutes before adding 2 to 3 tablespoons of (5% strength) white distilled vinegar and ½ teaspoon salt for each cup of grated root. So, to achieve the hottest horseradish, use the freshest root possible and be patient; wait three minutes before adding the vinegar and salt. Also, once your horseradish is complete, proper storage is crucial to maintain that heat. Store it in an airtight container in the fridge for four to six weeks or in the freezer for six months or even longer.
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Dummer. ゛☀
If you have ever grown horseradish, then you are only too well aware that it can become quite invasive. No matter how carefully you dig it up, there will undoubtedly be some bits of root left behind which will then be only too happy to spread and pop up everywhere. The solution, of course, would be container grown horseradish. Keep reading to find out how to grow horseradish in a container.[图片]Horseradish History Before we get into horseradish container growing, I want to share some interesting horseradish history. Horseradish originated in southern Russia and the eastern region of the Ukraine. An herb, it has traditionally been grown for centuries for not only culinary use, but medicinal uses as well. Horseradish was incorporated into the Passover Seder as one of the bitter herbs during the Middle Ages and is still used to this day. In the 1600’s, Europeans were using this spicy plant in their foods. In the mid-1800’s, immigrants brought horseradish to the United States with the intention of developing a commercial market. In 1869, John Henry Heinz (yes, of Heinz ketchup, etc.) made and bottled his mother’s horseradish sauce. It became one of the first condiments sold in the United States, and the rest is history as they say. Today, most commercially grown horseradish is grown in and around Collinsville, Illinois – which refers to itself as “the horseradish capital of the world.” It’s also grown in Oregon, Washington, Wisconsin and California as well as in Canada and Europe. You, too, can grow horseradish. It can be grown as an annual or as an herbaceous perennial in USDA zone 5. I couldn’t resist imparting some interesting facts, but I digress, back to planting horseradish in pots.[图片]How to Grow Horseradish in a Container Horseradish is grown for its pungent, spicy taproot. The plant itself grows in clumps with the leaves radiating out from that root. It grows to between 2-3 feet in height. The leaves may be heart shaped, tapering or a combination of both and may be smooth, crinkled or lobed. The plant blooms in late spring to early summer and becomes fruit that contains 4-6 seeds. The main taproot, which can reach more than a foot in length, is off-white to light tan. The whole root system can be several feet long! That’s why container grown horseradish is a great idea. You would have to dig a heck of a hole to get all of the root system out and, if you don’t, here it comes again, and with a vengeance the next season! When planting horseradish in pots, choose a pot that has drainage holes and is deep enough to encourage root growth (24-36 inches deep). Although horseradish is cold hardy, plant your container grown root after all danger of frost has passed or start it indoors. Take a 2” piece of root cut at a 45-degree angle. Place the piece vertically in the pot and fill in with potting soil amended with compost. Cover the root over with one inch of the soil mix and one inch of mulch. Keep the soil moist, but not wet, and place the pot in a full sun to semi-shady area.[图片]Horseradish Care in Pots Now what? Horseradish care in pots is pretty nominal. Because pots tend to dry out more quickly than in gardens, keep a close eye on moisture; you may have to water more often than if the root was in the garden. Otherwise, the root should begin to leaf out. After 140-160 days, the taproot should be ready to harvest and you can make your own version of Mr. Heinz’s mom’s horseradish sauce.
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Dummer. ゛☀
A pungent perennial, horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) is a member of the Cruciferae family (Brassicaceae). A very hardy plant, horseradish flourishes in USDA zones 4-8. It is used primarily for its roots, which are grated and used as a condiment. Like its cousins, broccoli and radish, the horseradish plant has flowers; the question is, are horseradish flowers edible? If not, should you cut horseradish flowers?[图片]Are Horseradish Flowers Edible? As mentioned, horseradish is grown primarily for its peppery root. A cold hardy crop, horseradish thrives in either sun or partial shade and is propagated from root cuttings. Horseradish establishes rapidly and even after harvesting the roots, will more than likely pop up in the garden whether you want it to or not. For this reason, many people plant horseradish in pots to retard the possibility of spreading. If you plant horseradish in the garden, choose a sunny to partially sunny site and allow 18-20 inches between plantings. Plant the root cuttings as soon as the ground is thawed enough to dig in the spring. Plant the cuttings twice as deep as the piece of root since the plants develop a very long taproot. This, of course, is why they plants tend to return and can become invasive. Although you are digging up the root to harvest, it’s very difficult to get every bit. The remaining root pieces easily propagate and, voila, you have horseradish growing again.[图片]As the plants grow, you can pick young leaves to add to salads for a peppery kick. The older leaves, while edible, are tough and unpalatable. So how about flowers on horseradish? On some crops, the flowers are pinched or cut back to encourage leafy growth, especially on herbaceous plants. On other plants, flowers are encouraged because the end goal is for fruit. Horseradish falls into neither of these categories. While you may see a horseradish plant flowering, the blooms are neither here nor there. As the plant grows, small leaves become large, up to 2 feet long, and coarse, and a flower stalk pokes out from atop the plant. From the stalks, small, insignificant, white flowers are borne. In the summer, you may or may not see the horseradish plant flowering. Flowers on horseradish are not of any great importance since they produce little, if any, viable seed. Some years the plant may not bloom at all. In either case, while the aromatic young leaves are used in cooking, the flowers are not.[图片]Because the plant is being grown for its root, there is no need to cut horseradish flowers, unless, of course, you wish to use them for indoor flower arrangements – although the flowers are not showy. If your horseradish plant has flowers, it may even be of some benefit to leave the blossoms alone. They may attract pollinators to the rest of the vegetable garden, which is certainly not a bad thing.
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Dummer. ゛☀
If you are a lover of all things spicy, you should be growing your own horseradish. Horseradish (Amoracia rusticana) is a hardy perennial herb that has been popular for over 3,000 years. Harvesting horseradish plants is a simple task and the resulting condiment can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 weeks. Keep reading to find out how and when to harvest horseradish root.[图片]When to Harvest Horseradish Horseradish is cultivated for its pungent root. The plant is a large leaved herb that thrives in full sun but tolerates some shade. Hardy to USDA zone 3, horseradish is resistant to most diseases and adaptable to many soil types. Plant horseradish in the spring as soon as the soil can be worked. Prepare the soil by digging down 8-10 inches and incorporating a generous amount of compost. Amend the soil further with either a 10-10-10 fertilizer in the amount of one pound per 100 square feet or well decayed manure. Let the plot stand undisturbed for a few days before planting the horseradish. Set the horseradish root cuttings or “sets” either vertically or at a 45-degree angle, spaced one foot apart from each other. Cover the roots with 2-3 inches of soil. Mulch around the plants with compost or leaves to help retain moisture, cool the soil and control weeds. You can then leave the plants to grow with little other maintenance other than weeding and water or you can strip the roots. Stripping the roots will give you the best horseradish roots. To do this, remove the soil around the upper ends of the main root, leaving the other roots undisturbed. Remove all but the healthiest sprout or leaves and rub off all the tiny roots from the crown and along the sides of the main root. Return the root to its hole and fill in with soil. Now that the horseradish is growing nicely, how do you know when it’s horseradish harvesting time? Horseradish growing season is during the late summer into early fall. So you won’t be harvesting horseradish plants until late October or early November, one year after planting.[图片]How to Harvest Horseradish Root Horseradish harvesting is a simple process. Dig a trench down a foot or two along one side of the row of plants. Dig the roots from the opposite side of the row, loosening them with a fork or shovel. Grasp the tops of the plants and tug them gently from the soil. Trim back the foliage, leaving about an inch. Trim off side and bottom roots. Save any that are 8 inches or longer for the following year’s planting stock. If you are overwintering planting stock, tie clean root cuttings together and store them in moist sand in a cool, dark area of between 32-40 degrees F. (0-4 C.). If you are storing the root for future culinary use, wash it and dry it well. Store the root in a perforated plastic bag in the vegetable crisper for 3 months or even longer…or go ahead and process it for use.[图片]To process for use as a condiment, wash the root well and peel it. Cut into half inch slices and puree in a blender or food processer along with ¼ cup water and some crushed ice. If you like it hot, let the puree stand for three minutes and then add 2-3 tbs. of white wine or rice vinegar and ½ tsp of salt for each cup of horseradish puree. If you want a milder condiment, add the vinegar and salt immediately after pureeing. If it is too runny for your taste, use a fine meshed sieve or cheesecloth to drain out some of the liquid. The resulting condiment can be stored in a sealed container for up to 4-6 weeks in your refrigerator.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Fresh horseradish is absolutely delicious and the good news is it’s easy to grow your own. Horseradish is said to have many health benefits and also contains oil called isothiocyanate that has antibacterial and antifungal qualities. This makes me think that companion plants for horseradish might get a huge benefit. Read on to find out about companion planting with horseradish and what grows well with horseradish.[图片]Companion Planting with Horseradish Companion planting is a method of planting two or more plants that have a symbiotic relationship; that is, they mutually benefit one another is some way. Most plants benefit from this practice and planting companions for horseradish is no exception. As mentioned, horseradish contains oil that helps to curb fungal and microbial movement. While it doesn’t prevent infection, it can curtail it which makes horseradish a boon to many other plants, but what are companions for horseradish?[图片]What Grows Well with Horseradish? Horseradish not only helps ward off diseases, but it makes an excellent insect repellent. For this reason, potatoes and horseradish grow very well together. Horseradish repels: Potato bugs Potato beetles Aphids Blister beetles Whiteflies Some caterpillars If you decide to try this particular horseradish plant companion combo, be advised that horseradish spreads rapidly and is easily propagated from even the tiniest bit of root left in the ground. So plant it at the corners of the potato patch or, better yet, in pots near the patch.[图片]Fruit trees and brambles also make good horseradish plant companions; plant horseradish at the base of small fruit trees or in amongst berries or grapes to get the benefits of its insect repellent qualities. The root is also said to deter birds and small rodents, like moles and field mice, from eating up all the fruit. The same cannot be said of squirrels, however, but (in my experience) nothing deters a determined squirrel. Sweet potatoes, strawberries, asparagus and rhubarb are all said to make wonderful horseradish plant companions. Again, in every instance, the companion plants seem to get all the benefits from the horseradish. That’s okay, plant it anyway. Horseradish has numerous health benefits for humans too. It is a cancer fighting cruciferous, high in vitamin C, can be used as a gastric stimulant or a topical pain reliever, and don’t forget its antibacterial and antibiotic qualities. A very useful plant, one that is easily grown, is companion plant friendly or can stand alone.
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花かんざしの育て方・栽培方法 育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 日照の多い乾燥した気候を好むので、日当たりと風通しがよい場所で育てます。15℃くらいの冷涼な時期によく成長し、花も咲き続けます。高温期は半休眠状態になり、多湿の状態が続くと株が腐ります。耐寒性も耐暑性も弱いのですが、冬期の軽い凍結や霜くらいには耐えるので、関東地方の平野部なら軒下などで冬越しします。 水やり 多湿にならないよう、用土が乾いたらたっぷりと水を与えます。 肥料 開花期間が長いので、2月から4月ごろまで、薄い液体肥料を月に3~4回施します。 [图片]病気と害虫 病気:灰色かび病など 日照不足や多湿になると灰色かび病などが出やすくなります。できるだけ風通しよく、蒸れないようにしておきます。 害虫:アブラムシ アブラムシの防除を行います。 [图片]用土(鉢植え) 水はけのよい用土を使います。低温期には一般の草花向け培養土も利用できますが、山野草向けの用土のほうが管理が容易です。夏越しには、鹿沼土や軽石などを主体とした用土が確実です。 植えつけ、 植え替え 植えつけ:鉢植えやポット苗を、花壇やコンテナの寄せ植えなどに利用できます。ただし、一年草扱いすることが多く、入梅のころにはほとんど枯れます。夏越しさせるには、早めに山野草向けの用土で植えつけ、根をしっかり張らせておきます。 [图片]ふやし方 さし芽:さし芽でふやします。日本の気候ではタネはほとんど実りません。 さし芽の適期は3月から5月です。大株や古株ほど枯れやすいので、さし芽で小苗をつくっておくと安心です。秋に涼しくなってから、植えつけや植え替えを行います。 [图片]主な作業 花がら切り:花は長もちしますが、咲き終わった花は順次切り取ります。早めに切ってドライフラワーとして利用することもできます。 枝すかし、刈り込み:茎葉が混み合わないよう、様子を見て枝すかしや刈り込みを行います。株元から新芽が出てくるので、古い枝は取り除き、新しい枝に更新していくと、株が長もちします。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) is an herbaceous perennial in the family Brassicaceae. Since the plants do not produce viable seeds, propagation of horseradish is via root or crown cuttings. These hardy plants can become quite invasive, so dividing horseradish plants becomes a necessity. The question is when to split horseradish roots. The following article contains information on how to divide a horseradish plant and other useful information on horseradish root division.[图片]When to Split Horseradish Roots Horseradish is suited for growing in USDA zones 4-8. The plant grows best in full sun to partial sun in warmer regions, in almost all soil types provided they are well-draining and highly fertile with a pH of 6.0-7.5, and thrive in cooler temperatures. Horseradish root division should occur when the leaves have been killed off by frost or late in the fall in warmer regions. If you live in a really warm area where ground temps stay above 40 degrees F. (4 C.) year round, horseradish can be grown as an annual and roots will be harvested and stored in the refrigerator until propagation of horseradish in the spring.[图片]How to Divide a Horseradish Plant Prior to dividing horseradish plants in the fall, prepare the planting site by weeding and raking out any large pieces of detritus. Amend the soil with 4 inches of compost and coarse sand, and dig it into a depth of one foot. Loosen the soil around the plants, about 3 inches out from the crown and down 10 inches into the soil. Lift the plants carefully from the ground with a fork or shovel. Brush off the large clumps of soil from the roots and then wash them with a garden hose to remove the remaining dirt. Let them dry in a shaded area. Wash a sharp gardening knife with hot soap and water and then sanitize with rubbing alcohol to remove any pathogens that might infect the roots prior to cutting into them. Dry the knife with a paper towel. Propagation of horseradish is done with either root or crown cuttings. Regions with short growing seasons should use the crown method. To create crown cuttings, slice the plant into equal portions with an even share of foliage and roots. For root cuttings, slice the slender side roots into 6- to 8-inch long sections, each with a diameter of around ¼ inch.[图片]In your prepared planting site, dig a hole that is deep enough to accommodate the root of the cutting. Plant the new horseradish plants 2 feet apart in rows that are 30 inches apart. Backfill around the plants until the root is covered. If using crown cuttings, fill in until the base of the stems are even with the rest of the bed. Water the cuttings in well, down to a 4-inch depth. Lay 3 inches of mulch down between the cuttings, leaving an inch between the mulch layer and the plants to help retain moisture. If you lack rain during the winter months, water each week down to a depth of an inch. Allow the soil to dry completely between watering.
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