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Agastache is a perennial plant with lovely flower spires that bloom all season long. The Agastache flower is commonly found in purple to lavender but may also bloom in pink, rose, blue, white and orange. Growing Agastache as a drought-loving perennial actually produces the best plants. Agastache plant is tolerant of low water and poor nutrient conditions but provides you with a color display and enduring greenery for months. Learning how to grow Agastache requires no special skills or care.[图片]What is Agastache Plant? Agastache is in the Hyssop family of herbs and makes a flavorful tea. It is a striking plant that has many varieties, some of which are hardy and others that are frost tender and grown as annuals in most cooler climates. Growing Agastache requires sun and well drained soil. The leaves resemble catmint and are a dull green with heavy veining. The plants can grow 2 to 6 feet tall and produce the showy Agastache flowers until the first frost. Agastache flowers come in a variety of colors and rise up off of stiff triangular stems. The blooms have the appearance of being coated with fuzz because they are comprised of many tiny florets. The entire flower may be 3 to 4 inches long and begin to bloom from the top down. This means that the florets at the crown of the flower die out first, leaving tips that look slightly burnt. This just adds more interest to the Agastache plant.[图片]How to Grow Agastache Growing Agastache can be done indoors as starts or you may direct seed into the garden in spring. Flowers will be produce quickly on plants that are started indoors in May and transplanted in early summer. Agastache plant is hardy in USDA plant hardiness zones 4 to 10. Most plants can survive temperatures down to 10 F. (-12 C.) if heavily mulched. Provide plenty of water when plants are establishing but they can mostly fend for themselves thereafter.[图片]Agastache Varieties There are many types of Agastache. The genus represents 30 different plants, each with different flower color, height, foliage, aroma and hardiness. Giant hyssop is a perennial garden favorite that tops 6 feet in height. Anise hyssop or Anise Agastache (Agastache foeniculum) is a licorice flavored and scented plant that makes an excellent tea. There is even a bubble gum scented cultivar. ‘Golden Jubilee’ bears golden yellow foliage with blue flowers. There are new cultivars of Agastache flowers bred every year. It is easy to find Agastache varieties for every garden. Agastache Uses Agastache are usually tall plants and their lengthy stalks show best at the back of a perennial border or lining a fence. They can be used in container gardens or in cut flower gardens, as the Agastache flowers are long lasting. Growing Agastache in the butterfly garden not only attracts those beautiful insects but pollinators and hummingbirds. Deer and rabbits do not seem to enjoy Agastache, which makes it ideal for the woodland garden.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Agastache, or anise hyssop, is an aromatic, culinary, cosmetic and medicinal herb. It has a long history of use and provides a splash of deepest blue across the perennial garden. Anise hyssop also adds a light licorice scent to the garden patch. This easy to grow herb gets woody square stems and may grow up to 3 feet tall. It needs no special attention and is, in fact, fairly self-maintaining once established. Light trimming will keep the plant looking its best. In this article, we will discuss when and how to prune Agastache for best results and a healthy plant.[图片]Agastache Pruning Info Many of our native perennial herbs are designed by nature to thrive without any human intervention. That being said, even a hardy specimen like anise hyssop can benefit from some minor meddling. Pruning anise hyssop when it is young in early spring will help force a bushier plant. Cutting back anise hyssop in late winter will allow the fresh new stems to come up unimpeded. The plant can also do quite well without any trimming but if you choose to cut, know when to prune Agastache for the most effective maintenance experience. In most regions of North America, anise hyssop will brown and die back for winter. You may choose to leave it just as it is with the addition of a bit more mulch around the root zone, and no harm will come to this hardy plant. You may also want to remove the dead plant material just to tidy up the area and allow the plant’s new growth to shine through in spring. The choice is yours and neither is strictly wrong or right. It just depends upon what kind of landscape you like to maintain. Pruning anise hyssop will enhance its appearance, force new compact growth and may increase blooms if deadheaded.[图片]When to Prune Agastache Herbaceous plants do best if trimmed back in early spring just as new growth is about to appear. Anise hyssop can also be deadheaded and shaped lightly from spring until mid-summer. Suspend any trimming thereafter, as it may force tender new growth that can be damaged when cool weather appears. Such light pruning will allow you to remove spent flowers and prevent seed heads and prolific self-seeding. Dig up the plant and divide it every 3 to 5 years to help prevent center die-out and rejuvenate the plant.[图片]How to Prune Agastache How to prune Agastache is just as important as when to prune it. Always use sanitized pruning shears or loppers that are nice and sharp. To deadhead anise hyssop, simply cut off the dead flowering stems. If you wish to force new growth and shape the plant, cut back up to 1/3 of the woody material. Make cuts at a slight angle to force moisture away from the stem. Remove plant material just above a viable bud node. Heavily cutting back anise hyssop to rejuvenate the plant can be done by removing the stems to within 6 to 12 inches from the ground.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Agastache is a member of the mint family and has leaves very characteristic with that family. Many types of Agastache, or Hyssop, are native to North America, making them perfect for wild butterfly gardens and perennial beds. Agastache varieties may cross pollinate and produce specimens that do not mimic the parent plant. This can either be a fun occurrence or a nuisance if your preferred species is taken over by a cross.[图片]Hyssop Plant Information Agastache plants are known for their brightly colored blooms, which attract hummingbirds and butterflies. In fact, another name for the plant is hummingbird mint. All Agastache plant types produce bushy plants with colorful spikes of flowers. Hyssop flowers are also edible and a colorful way to brighten the kitchen garden. These plants are hardy to United States Department of Agriculture zone 5 and survive freezing winters with some mulch over the root zone quite well, provided soils drain freely. Many varieties of Hyssop can get up to 4 feet in height but most remain only 12 to 18 inches tall. Hummingbird mint has lance shaped, toothy leaves with a grayish green hue. Blooms may be peach, mauve, pink, white, lavender, and even orange. Flowers begin showing up in midsummer and can continue to produce until the first frost when the plant will die back.[图片]Suggested Agastache Varieties As with all plants, there are continuous new introductions to the cultivated world of Hyssop. Agastache repestris is also called licorice mint and grows 42 inches tall with coral flowers. Honey Bee White is a 4-foot wide bush that is one of the taller species, while similarly the big bush Anise Hyssop will achieve 4 feet in height with a similar width. Agastache plant types for the edges of perennial beds include the orange large-flowered Acapulco series, Agastache barberi, and orange-yellow blooming Coronado Hyssop, each of which only top out at 15 inches in height. Some other types of Agastache to try by their common cultivation names: Blue Boa Cotton Candy Black Adder Sumer Sky Blue Fortune The Kudos Series (Coral, Ambrosia and Mandarin) Golden Jubilee Visit your local nursery and see what forms they offer. Most regional garden centers will carry plants that will do well in that locale and can be relied upon to perform well.[图片]Growing Different Varieties of Hyssop Whether you are growing Sunset Hyssop or Korean Hyssop, the soil requirements are similar. Agastache is remarkably tolerant of poor soils. The plants thrive in neutral, alkaline or acidic soil and only require good drainage and full sun. Deadheading isn’t necessary but will enhance the appearance of your plant as it blooms all summer. Provide deep, frequent waterings and avoid letting the plant dry and wilt, as flower production will be interrupted. If you want to ensure that your plant is kept true, remove any volunteers as they appear since they may be crosses of another Agastache in the area and will not continue the desired traits. Agastache is an elegant plant, easy to care for and looks airy and colorful in drifts along a garden path or in the cottage garden. Don’t miss this low maintenance bloomer for outstanding excellence in your garden.
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Dummer. ゛☀
As the name implies, sunset hyssop plants produce trumpet-shaped blooms that share the colors of the sunset – bronze, salmon, orange and yellow, with hints of purple and deep pink. Native to Mexico, Arizona and New Mexico, sunset hyssop (Agastache rupestris) is a hardy, striking plant that attracts butterflies, bees and hummingbirds to the garden. Growing sunset hyssop isn’t difficult, as the plant is drought-tolerant and requires little maintenance. If this brief description has piqued your interest, read on to learn how to grow sunset hyssop in your own garden.[图片]Sunset Hyssop Information The fragrant aroma of sunset hyssop plants is reminiscent of root beer, thus giving it the moniker “root beer hyssop plant.” Sunset hyssop is a hardy, versatile, fast-growing plant suitable for growing in USDA plant hardiness zones 5 through 10. At maturity, clumps of sunset hyssop reach heights of 12 to 35 inches, with a similar spread.[图片]Caring for Root Beer Hyssop Plants Plant sunset hyssop in well-drained soil. Hyssop is a desert plant that is likely to develop root rot, powdery mildew or other moisture-related diseases in wet conditions. Water sunset hyssop regularly the first growing season, or until the plant is well established. Thereafter, sunset hyssop is very drought tolerant and generally does fine with natural rainfall. Mulch sunset hyssop lightly with pea gravel in late autumn if you live in the cooler range of hyssop’s acceptable growing zones. Avoid compost or organic mulch, which may keep the soil too moist. Deadhead flowers as soon as they wilt to encourage development of more buds. Deadheading also keeps the plant neat and attractive.[图片]Divide sunset hyssop plants in late spring or summer if the plants look overgrown or are outgrowing their boundaries. Replant the divisions, or share them with friends or family. Cut sunset hyssop nearly to the ground in early spring. The plant will soon rebound with a burst of healthy, vigorous growth.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Goosegrass (Galium aparine) is an annual weed found in warm season turf grasses. The grass seeds readily and spreads on the wind from lawn to lawn. Find answers to what is goosegrass and learn how to control it in order to grow a healthier lawn. The methods on how to kill goosegrass range from cultural to herbicidal. Goosegrass weed control is essential because the rapidly spreading plant can take over entire areas of the lawn.[图片]What is Goosegrass? If you have identified the splayed tufts of grass with numerous finger-like blades in your lawn, you will need to investigate how to kill goosegrass. The plant can become established even in hard, compacted soils and is very resilient. The thick leaf blades are difficult to cut with a mower and even after a close trim, lawn grass will look ragged and unkempt if goosegrass is present. The plant is most obvious in warm summer periods, but may persist into winter in temperate zones. The thick, rough blades radiate from a central area in spikes of 2 to 13. Each blade is flat with slight serration at the edges. The color is emerald green with older blades bearing a touch of white on damaged edges.[图片]Control of Goosegrass in Lawns Controlling goosegrass is essential to an attractive lawn. The tough plant requires vigilance to keep the seed heads from forming. Keep your mower blades very sharp so they can remove the inflorescences before they seed. Overwatering and extreme culture can promote the growth of the weed. Patchy lawns and areas with heavy foot traffic will have the highest populations of goosegrass. Control of goosegrass in lawns relies upon proper maintenance first and pre-emergent or post emergent chemicals for flare ups. One simple way to help prevent the weed is by aerating. Aeration increases the porosity of the ground and discourages the formation of goosegrass.[图片]Goosegrass Weed Control There are several pre-emergence herbicides available for controlling goosegrass. Pendimethalin, dithiopyr and prodiamine are a few chemicals that are useful in combating the weed. They are either used singly or with other chemicals. The correct formula will depend upon what type of sod is in your lawn. Post emergence herbicides, such as glyphosate (Round-up), are useful as spot applications and can be used repeatedly during the season to control the weeds before they seed. Be sure to consult the label of the product you choose for goosegrass weed control. How to Kill Goosegrass Follow all recommended precautions on the product you use to control the weed. Most herbicides need to be applied when there is a dry period to prevent the product from rinsing off of grass blades. If you are using a spray application for control of goosegrass in lawns, apply it on a windless day to prevent drift that can kill non-target plants. Pre-emergent herbicides work best if applied in late winter to early spring when soil temperatures reach 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 C.) for 24 days in a row.
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Dummer. ゛☀
A versatile herb with a host of medicinal uses, goosegrass (Galium aparine) is most famous for its Velcro-like hooks that have earned it a number of descriptive names, including cleavers, stickweed, gripgrass, catchweed, stickyjack and stickywilly, among others. Read on for more information and learn how to use goosegrass herb medicinally and in the kitchen.[图片]Goosegrass Herb Information Goosegrass is native to regions of Africa, Asia and Europe, and most likely to New Zealand, Australia and Scandinavia. It’s unclear whether this annual herb has naturalized in North America or if it is native, but either way, it can now be found in the United States, Canada and Mexico, as well as South and Central America. At maturity, goosegrass is a good-sized plant that reaches a height of about 4 feet (1.2 m.) and can spread out to nearly 10 feet (3 m.).[图片]Goosegrass Herbal Uses Goosegrass benefits are many and the plant has been used medicinally everywhere it grows. It is a potent diuretic and is also used to treat cystitis and other urinary issues, as well as gallstones, bladder and kidney problems. It should be used in small amounts and should be avoided by diabetics. Traditionally, goosegrass herbal uses include a poultice for skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema, as well as minor cuts and scrapes. Because goosegrass is high in vitamin C, mariners valued it as a treatment for scurvy in days of yore. Many modern herbal practitioners rely on goosegrass for its anti-inflammatory qualities and to treat respiratory problems, including coughs, asthma, flu and the common cold.[图片]Using Goosegrass Herbs in the Kitchen Interested in using goosegrass herbs in the kitchen? Here are a few ideas: Boil goosegrass shoots and serve them with olive oil or butter, seasoned with a little salt and pepper. Roast ripe goosegrass seeds at a low temperature. Grind the roasted seeds and use them as a non-caffeinated coffee substitute. Add the tender young shoots to salads, omelets or soups. Potential Problems We’ve explored the many goosegrass benefits, but it’s also important to consider why goosegrass isn’t always welcome (other than the fact that it sticks to everything it touches). Goosegrass can be invasive and is considered a noxious weed in many areas. Check with your local cooperative extension if you’re thinking about planting goosegrass seeds, as the plant may be prohibited or restricted, especially across the southeastern United States and much of Canada. Disclaimer: The contents of this article is for educational and gardening purposes only. Before using ANY herb or plant for medicinal purposes, please consult a physician or a medical herbalist for advice.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Companion planting is a traditional practice where each plant serves a purpose in the garden and form relationships that assist each other. Ginger companion planting is not a common practice but even this spicy rooted plant can aid in the growth of other plants and be part of a culinary theme. “What can I plant with ginger,” you may ask. Pretty much anything with the same growth requirements. Ginger has no negative effects on any other plant, so the combination can be for recipe needs or simply as an accent in an otherwise boring green color scheme.[图片]What Can I Plant with Ginger? Ginger roots, or rhizomes, are the source of the pungent, spicy flavoring used dried or fresh in many world cuisines. It has numerous health benefits and thrives in humid, warm regions. Ginger is harvested by digging up the whole plant, so be sure to start numerous rhizomes to ensure a continuous supply of this delicious root. When you are installing your rhizomes, consider some good companions for ginger that will make a convenient culinary garden or simply provide weed cover, insect repellence and natural mulch. A better question to ask is what can’t you plant with ginger. The list will be shorter. Ginger thrives in deeply rich, loamy soil. The plant needs several hours of daylight but prefers morning light to scorching afternoon sun. It can also perform well in dappled light and makes an ideal companion plant under fruit and nut trees. Trees in the legume family are especially useful, as they fix nitrogen in soil for better overall plant growth. Annual legumes can be used similarly such as red clover, peas, or beans. Make sure any ginger plant companions share the same growing needs in order to ensure their success.[图片]Other Plants that Thrive with Ginger Your selection of companions for ginger may also take into consideration the types of cooking you prefer. Ginger is a common flavoring in many Asian, Indian and other international dishes. If you want a one-stop produce area, use plants that are often used in these cuisines as companions to the ginger plot. Perfect choices include: Kaffir lime Chili peppers Cilantro Lemongrass For plants like cilantro and chilies, make sure they are at the edge of the planting zone or where the most light penetrates. Keeping plants that are commonly used in your favorite dishes allows you to easily harvest the ingredients for dinner without having to traipse around your landscape looking for the necessary items.[图片]Ginger companion planting may also include seasonings that are often combined with ginger cooking. These might be galangal, turmeric, and cardamom. These plants are related to ginger and share similar growth requirements. Other plants to use are semi tropical to tropical flowering plants that will create a crazy quilt of color and enhance the lovely ginger blooms. Try calla and canna. Ginger originated in Southern Asian tropical rainforests and its native plant companions include hibiscus, palms, teak, and orchids. If you are in a moist, warm region, you can try any of these natural plant companions. The indigenous plants of ginger’s native region are naturals to plant in and around your ginger plot.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Ginger plant (Zingiber officinale) may seem like a mysterious herb to grow. The knobby ginger root is found in grocery stores but very rarely do you find it in your local nursery. So can you grow ginger at home? The answer is yes, you can. Not only is growing ginger plants possible, it is easy as well. Let’s take a look at how to grow ginger root in your garden.[图片]How to Grow Ginger Root Planting ginger starts with finding some ginger root to plant. You can find a ginger root dealer online, but just as easily you can head to your local grocery store and buy a ginger root right out of the produce section for growing ginger plants. Choose a healthy, plump looking ginger root that is about 4 to 5 inches long with at least a few “fingers.” If possible, find a ginger root where the tips of the fingers are greenish. Ginger plants take 10 months to mature. If you live in USDA zone 7 or higher, you can grow ginger root in the ground (though in all zones but zone 10, the leaves will die in the winter). If you live in zone 6 or lower, you’ll need to bring your ginger plant in for the winter, which means you will need to plant the ginger root in a pot. Next, you will need to select a place to grow your ginger plant. Ginger root grows in part to full shade and likes rich, loose soil. If you’ll be planting ginger in the ground, it’s a good idea to add lots of compost or rotted manure to the chosen spot. If you will be growing ginger in containers, using potting soil is a must.[图片]Plant your ginger root in the early spring, after all chances of frost have passed. The next step in growing ginger plants is to break or cut off a finger and make sure the section is at least 1 to 2 inches long as has at least one of the buds (looks like a rounded point) on it. To help prevent rot in the ginger root, allow the cut pieces to dry for a day or two in a warm, dry place before putting them in the ground. Plant the ginger sections in a shallow trench. You shouldn’t be planting the ginger root sections any deeper than 1 inch. You may find as your ginger plant grows that the root pushes back up through the top of the soil. This is okay and it’s common for the plant to have roots above soil. Plant one ginger plant per square foot. Once the ginger root is planted, water it thoroughly. In a week or two you’ll see the leaves of the ginger plant emerge. Once the leaves emerge, water sparingly, but when you water the ginger root plant, water it deeply. The leaves on the ginger plant will get to be up to 4 feet tall and are susceptible to wind damage. If you live in an area where ginger will not survive the winter, bring your ginger plant inside once night time temperatures dip below 50 F. (10 C.). Continue to care for your plant over the winter.[图片]How to Harvest Ginger Your ginger plant will be ready for harvest in the spring, or you can let it grow through the next summer for a larger harvest. When you’re ready to harvest, lift the ginger plant gently from the soil. If you’d like to continue to grow ginger root, break off a part of the ginger root that has foliage and carefully replant it. The rest of the ginger root can be used as your harvest. Break off the foliage and wash the ginger root. The ginger root can be broken into smaller pieces for easier use. Now that you know how to grow ginger root, you can enjoy its amazing flavor in your favorite recipes.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The feverfew plant (Tanacetum parthenium) is actually a species of chrysanthemum that has been grown in herb and medicinal gardens for centuries. Read on to learn more about feverfew plants.[图片]About Feverfew Plants Also known as featherfew, featherfoil, or bachelor’s buttons, the feverfew herb was used in the past to treat a variety of conditions such as headaches, arthritis, and as the name implies, fever. Parthenolide, the active ingredient in the feverfew plant, is being actively developed for pharmaceutical application. Looking like a small bush that grows to about 20 inches high, the feverfew plant is native to central and southern Europe and grows well over most of the United States. It has small, white, daisy-like flowers with bright yellow centers. Some gardeners claim the leaves are citrus scented. Others say the scent is bitter. All agree that once the feverfew herb takes hold, it can become invasive. Whether your interest lies in medicinal herbs or simply its decorative qualities, growing feverfew can be a welcome addition to any garden. Many garden centers carry feverfew plants or it can be grown from seed. The trick is knowing how. To grow feverfew from seed you can start indoors or out.[图片]How to Grow Feverfew Seeds for growing feverfew herb are readily available through catalogs or found in the seed racks of local garden centers. Don’t be confused by its Latin designation, as it is known by both Tanacetum parthenium or Chrysanthemum parthenium. The seeds are very fine and most easily planted in small peat pots filled with damp, loamy soil. Sprinkle a few seeds into the pot and tap the bottom of the pot on the counter to settle the seeds into the soil. Spray water to keep the seeds moist as poured water may dislodge the seeds. When placed in a sunny window or under a grow light, you should see signs of the feverfew seeds germinating in about two weeks. When the plants are about 3 inches tall, plant them, pot and all, into a sunny garden spot and water regularly until the roots take hold. If you decide on growing feverfew directly in the garden, the process is much the same. Sow the seed in early spring while the ground is still cool. Sprinkle the seeds on top of the soil and lightly tamp to make sure they make full contact. Don’t cover the seeds, as they need sunlight to germinate. As with the indoor seeds, water by misting so you don’t wash the seeds away. Your feverfew herb should sprout in about 14 days. When the plants are 3 to 5 inches, thin to 15 inches apart.[图片]If you choose to grow your feverfew plant somewhere other than an herb garden, the only requirement is that the spot be sunny. They grow best in loamy soil, but aren’t fussy. Indoors, they tend to get leggy, but they flourish in outdoor containers. Feverfew is a perennial, so cut it back to the ground after frost and watch for it to regrow in the spring. It re-seeds fairly easily, so you might find yourself giving away new plants within a couple of years. The feverfew herb blooms between July and October.
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Although not as well known as parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme, feverfew has been harvested since the time of the ancient Greeks and Egyptians for a myriad of health complaints. The harvesting of feverfew herb seeds and leaves by these early societies was thought to cure everything from inflammation, migraines, insect bites, bronchial diseases and, of course, fevers. Today, it is once again becoming a staple in many perennial herb gardens. If one of these gardens is yours, read on to find out how and when to harvest feverfew leaves and seeds.[图片]Feverfew Plant Harvesting A member of the Asteraceae family along with its cousin’s sunflowers and dandelions, feverfew has dense clusters of daisy-like flowers. These blooms perch atop stalks over the bushy, dense foliage of the plant. Feverfew, native to southeastern Europe, has alternate yellowish-green, haired leaves that, when crushed, emit a bitter aroma. Established plants attain a height of between 9-24 inches. Its Latin name Tanacetum parthenium is partially derived from the Greek “parthenium,” meaning “girl” and alluding to another of its uses – to soothe menstrual complaints. Feverfew has an almost ridiculous number of common names including: ague plant bachelor’s button devil daisy featherfew featherfoil feather fully flirtwort maid’s weed midsummer daisy matricarialn Missouri snakeroot nosebleed prairie dock rainfarn vetter-voo wild chamomile When to Harvest Feverfew Leaves Feverfew plant harvesting will take place in the plant’s second year when the flowers are in full bloom, around mid-July. Harvesting feverfew herbs when in full bloom will produce a higher yield than an earlier harvest. Take care not to take more than 1/3 of the plant when harvesting. Of course, if you’re harvesting feverfew seeds, allow the plant to bloom completely and then gather the seeds.[图片]How to Harvest Feverfew Prior to cutting back feverfew, spray the plant down the evening before. Cut the stems, leaving 4 inches so the plant can regrow for a second harvest later in the season. Remember, don’t cut more than 1/3 of the plant or it might die. Lay the leaves flat out on a screen to dry and then store in an airtight container or tie feverfew in a bundle and allow to dry hanging upside down in a dark, ventilated and dry area. You can also dry feverfew in an oven at 140 degrees F. (40 C.). If you are using feverfew fresh, it’s best to cut it as you need it. Feverfew is good for migraines and PMS symptoms. Supposedly, chewing a leaf at the first sign of symptoms will rapidly ease them.[图片]A word of caution: feverfew tastes quite noxious. If you don’t have the stomach (taste buds) for it, you might try inserting it into a sandwich to mask the flavor. Also, don’t eat too many fresh leaves, as they cause blistering of the mouth. Feverfew loses some of its potency when dried.
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