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Dummer. ゛☀
It’s Christmas time again and maybe you are looking for another decorating idea, or you live in a small apartment and just don’t have the room for a full size Christmas tree. Of late, rosemary Christmas trees plants have become popular nursery or grocery store items. Not only is rosemary used as a Christmas tree a festive ornamental for the season, but it is predominantly disease and pest resistant, aromatic, a culinary treasure, and responds beautifully to pruning to maintain the shape. Additionally, a rosemary tree for Christmas can be planted in the garden to wait the following holiday season while maintaining its role as an indispensable herb.[图片]How to Create a Rosemary Tree for Christmas With the burgeoning popularity of rosemary as a Christmas tree, you can easily purchase one for use during the holidays. However, if you have a bit of a green thumb, it’s also fun to know how to create a rosemary tree for Christmas. If you aren’t a big fan of rosemary, other herbs such as Greek Myrtle and Bay Laurel are also suitable for small living Christmas trees. Initially, the purchased rosemary tree has a lovely pine shape but over time as the herb matures, it outgrows those lines. It is very easy to prune the rosemary to help it maintain its tree shape. Take a picture of the rosemary Christmas tree, print it out and draw an outline of the tree shape you wish the herb to have with a permanent marker. You’ll notice that outside of the marker lines there are branches. These are the branches that need to be pruned back to regain the tree shape. Use your photo as a template to show you where to prune, clipping the branches all the way to their base near the trunk of the rosemary. Don’t leave nubs, as this will stress the herb out. Continue to prune every three to four weeks to maintain the desired shape.[图片]Care for a Rosemary Christmas Tree Keeping a rosemary tree for Christmas is extremely simple. Continue with the pruning schedule and mist the herb after pruning. Keep the plant in a sunny window or outside in full sun. Keeping rosemary for Christmas healthy requires regular watering. Rosemary plants are drought tolerant, but this doesn’t mean they need no water. It is difficult to tell when to water rosemary as it doesn’t wilt or drop leaves as other plants do when in need of water. The general rule is to water every week or two.[图片]The rosemary Christmas tree will have to be repotted at some point or planted outdoors until the following Christmas. Keep shaping the plant from spring through fall and then bring indoors again. Repot in a larger clay pot to aid in water retention with a lightweight potting mix that provides good drainage.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Given the right conditions, rosemary plants thrive, eventually reaching heights of 6 to 8 feet. They grow out as well as up, sending out stems that seem determined to explore their surroundings and invade the space of adjacent plants. If your rosemary plant has grown out of control, it’s time to take drastic action. Rejuvenation pruning of rosemary may be needed.[图片]Can You Hard Prune Rosemary? Gardeners are sometimes hesitant to make drastic cuts on rosemary shrubs because a few herbs with similar, woody stems don’t recover if you make severe cuts. A mature rosemary plant, however, tolerates this drastic pruning, even into the woody parts of the stem. You can do light pruning and harvesting any time of year, but a rosemary plant responds best to hard pruning in winter when it isn’t actively growing. When pruned in winter, the plant grows back in spring looking better than ever. Read on to find out how to rejuvenate a rosemary shrub. Note: For most people who grow rosemary, the plant will go through a cold period. It isn’t a good idea to prune any herb, rosemary or otherwise, shortly before or during cold because it will cause the plant to grow new shoots, which are very vulnerable to cold damage. In warmer areas where rosemary is more apt to grow to the size in which rejuvenation pruning is needed, the plant is not experiencing the same killing cold, so winter pruning while it’s in dormancy is best. That being said, for those of us NOT living in such areas, stick to spring pruning after the threat of frost has passed.[图片]Rejuvenating Rosemary Plants The first step in rejuvenating rosemary plants is to determine the size at which you want to maintain the plant. Cut the shrub back to about half of the desired size, and by the end of spring it will fill the allotted space. You can maintain the size of the shrub through summer with light pruning and harvesting. Cutting through the thick, woody parts of the stem on a mature rosemary shrub may be too much for your hand pruners. If you find the stems hard to cut, use loppers with long handles. The length of the handles gives you more leverage and you’ll be able to make the cuts easily. When tender new shoots replace the old growth, you’ll be able to make cuts easily with hand pruners. Don’t toss the prunings on the compost pile! Save the best tips to start new plants, and strip the needles off the remaining stems for drying. The tough stems make excellent kabob skewers.[图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Rosemary is a magnificent fragrant herb that is native to the Mediterranean. During the Middle Ages, rosemary was used as a love charm. While most of us enjoy the aroma of fresh rosemary, today most people grow it for its culinary uses and ornamental qualities. There are several easy to care for varieties in this family of Lamiaceae, one of which is the creeping or prostrate rosemary plant (Rosmarinus officinalis “Prostratus”). So, what is creeping rosemary, and is prostrate rosemary suitable for your landscape?[图片]Creeping Rosemary Information Prostrate rosemary in the landscape is an easy to care for creeping perennial herb suitable for the herb garden, perennial beds, containers, and rockeries. A low growing herbaceous shrub, prostrate rosemary plants can be grown throughout USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 8 to 10. The plant only grows to a height of about 2 inches to 1 foot tall (5-30 cm.) and will spread 4 to 8 feet (1.2-2.4 m.) if left unchecked. The best time to plant prostrate rosemary is in the fall. Plant your creeping rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Prostratus’) in full sun to part shade in well draining soil, although it will do well in almost any type of soil so long as it is not allowed to become sodden. You will be rewarded with an aromatic evergreen with gray green leaves reminiscent of pine needles and attractive light purple flowers.[图片]Growing Prostrate Rosemary Plants Prostrate rosemary plants can be purchased at the local nursery and may also be found under the names Blue Agave, American Aloe or Maguey. Conversely, you can propagate rosemary by clipping 2 inches (5 cm.) of soft, new growth. Remove the lower inch of leaves, dip in rooting hormone and then place the start in damp, sterile seed mix. Place the new plant in indirect sunlight in a warm area and mist daily. Roots should begin to form after about two to three weeks, at which time you can transplant into pots to continue to grow. After three months, the rosemary is big enough to transplant outdoors in a full sun exposure, four to six hours per day. Trim any extra long or damaged branches on the rosemary. Dig a hole a couple inches deeper than the root ball of the herb. Mix 2 to 4 inches of shredded bark or gravel into the soil to provide better drainage. Plant the rosemary and back fill the hole. Water the plant in, taking care not to drown it. Additional plant should be space 24 to 36 inches (60-90 cm.) apart in the garden.[图片]Care of Trailing Rosemary The care of trailing rosemary is quite simple. Water, but don’t drown the plant. Remember, rosemary is used to dry conditions. Fertilize rosemary with 1 ½ tablespoons of slow release 10-10-10 fertilizer around the base of the plant and work in lightly with a hand cultivator. Follow up with some water to activate the fertilizer. Not only is prostrate rosemary a no-fuss herb, it is also drought tolerant and primarily pest resistant. That said, keep weeds away from around the base of the rosemary. Spittle bugs, the one pest rosemary doesn’t seem to be resistant to, may use the weeds as living quarters while they snack on your rosemary. A spray from the hose may be enough to wash them off. A half inch layer of white sand around the rosemary’s base will also reduce weed growth and decrease the possibility of root rot. Your new rosemary herb can be used either fresh or dry with foods such as roasted potatoes, lamb, pork, fish and poultry dishes and veggies. You can also throw some on the grill when barbecuing to impart a lovely flavor or even use mature woody stems as skewers over the grill.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a savory kitchen herb with a pungent flavor and attractive, needle-like leaves. Growing rosemary in pots is surprisingly simple and you can use the herb to add flavor and variety to a number of culinary dishes. Read on for tips about growing potted rosemary herbs.[图片]Planting Rosemary in a Pot Rosemary in a pot requires a good quality commercial potting mixture with ingredients such as fine pine bark or peat moss with vermiculite or perlite. Growing rosemary in a pot with a diameter of at least 12 inches allows enough space for the roots to grow and expand. Be sure the container has a drainage hole because rosemary grown in containers will rot in soggy, poorly drained soil. The easiest way to grow rosemary in a pot is to start with a small bedding plant from a garden center or nursery, as rosemary is difficult to grow from seed. Plant the rosemary at the same depth it is planted in the container since planting too deeply may suffocate the plant. Rosemary is a Mediterranean plant that will thrive in a sunny location on your porch or patio; however, rosemary isn’t cold hardy. If you live in a climate with chilly winters, bring the plant indoors before the first frost in autumn. If you prefer not to grow rosemary indoors, you can grow the herb as an annual and start with a new rosemary plant every spring.[图片]Rosemary Container Care Caring for rosemary grown in containers is easy enough. Proper watering is the key to growing potted rosemary herbs, and the best way to determine if the plant needs water is to insert your finger into the soil. If the top 1 to 2 inches of soil feels dry, it’s time to water. Water the plant deeply, then let the pot drain freely and never let the pot stand in water. Use care, as overwatering is the most common reason rosemary plants don’t survive in containers. Rosemary in pots generally doesn’t require fertilizer, but you can use a dry fertilizer or a dilute solution of a water-soluble liquid fertilizer if the plant looks pale green or growth is stunted. Again, use care, as too much fertilizer may damage the plant. Too little fertilizer is always better than too much. Always water the rosemary immediately after applying fertilizer. Be sure to apply fertilizer to the potting soil – not the leaves.[图片]Maintaining Potted Rosemary Herbs in Winter Keeping a rosemary plant alive during the winter can be tricky. If you decide to bring your plant indoors during the winter, it will need a bright location. A sunny windowsill is a good place as long as the plant won’t be chilled by cold air. Be sure the plant has good air circulation and that it isn’t crowded with other plants. Be careful not to overwater.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Rosmarinus officinalis is the herbal rosemary that most of us are familiar with, but if you add “prostratus” to the name you have creeping rosemary. It is in the same family, Lamiaceae, or mint, but has a broader growth habit and may be used as an elegant ground cover. The aromatic leaves and stems are still useful in culinary application and the lovely pale blue flowers are especially attractive to bees. Read on for more trailing rosemary plant info and tips on how to use this plant to enhance your garden.[图片]Trailing Rosemary Plant Info Trailing, or creeping, rosemary is a cultivar of the herbaceous shrubs of Mediterranean origin. The evergreen perennial is useful trained over fences, rockeries and raised beds. It is an attractive ground cover over time with its fine, leathery foliage and sweet flowers. Rosemary ground cover provides scented foliage which helps minimize weeds and is an excellent foil for other dry landscape plants. Rosemary is an excellent xeriscape plant with high drought tolerance once established. It combines well with most other perennial herbs and drought tolerant plants. Prostrate rosemary plants can grow up to 3 feet in height and 4 to 8 feet in width with beautiful trailing stems that arch over and have a useful draping nature. Leaves are leathery, pale grayish green and have a pungent scent and flavor. Rosemary ground cover is hardy to United States Department of Agriculture zones 8 to 10 but can be used in colder climes in containers and brought indoors for winter. It has numerous uses, from culinary to decorative, and rosemary was also thought to improve memory.[图片]How to Grow Creeping Rosemary The key to knowing how to grow creeping rosemary is to ensure superior drainage, as they are very susceptible to root rot in soggy conditions. Plants can thrive in compacted soil once established but young plants must be in loose soil to encourage root growth. In compacted soils, aerate around the root zone to encourage porosity and allow roots oxygen. Prostrate rosemary plants are native to dry areas of the Mediterranean. As such, it requires well-drained soil and even thrives in areas of low fertility. Plant in light, porous soil, adding some sand or grit as needed to increase percolation. The shrub does well in containers but be careful not to overwater. Allow soil to dry out completely before adding moisture.[图片]Choose a location with 6 to 8 hours of bright sunlight. Rosemary can be challenging to grow in the home interior. Where possible, place container plants in a sunny location where humidity is not high. In shoulder zones, you can plant the herb in a sheltered location and mulch heavily around it, covering the plant at night during cold snaps and it should survive light freezes. If some stems succumb to cold weather, trim them off and allow new growth to come from the base. You can prune the plant lightly to encourage branching or even train it over a structure for an appealing effect. Rosemary ground cover can also be left to scramble over rocks and other areas as an effective herb barrier and attractive living mulch.
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Dummer. ゛☀
I love the aroma and flavor of rosemary and use it to flavor several dishes. When I think of rosemary, however, I just think…rosemary. I don’t think of different rosemary plant varieties. But there are a number of rosemary plant types to choose from. Read on to learn more about the varieties of rosemary.[图片]Are There Different Types of Rosemary Plants? Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) has a wonderful and lengthy history. It has been nurtured by cooks and treasured by apothecaries for centuries. Interestingly, rosemary is said to live for exactly 33 years, Christ’s life span, and then die. Although native to the Mediterranean, rosemary has been cultivated for so long that natural hybrids have developed. So yes, there are different types of rosemary, but what types of rosemary are there?[图片]Types of Rosemary to Grow There are basically two types of rosemary, those that are upright shrubs and those that grow as ground covers. Beyond that things get a little more complex, especially since one variety may be sold under several different names. In cold climates, rosemary wouldn’t survive the freezing temperatures and is more often grown in a pot that is moved inside for the winter. However, some varieties are more cold hardy than other types. In warm regions, rosemary thrives outside and may grow into tall shrubs. For example, upright rosemary plant varieties run the gamut from 6- to 7-feet tall to smaller ones reaching around 2-3 feet in height. Here are some common rosemary plant types: ‘Arp’ is a cold hardy rosemary that was named for the town of Arp’s newspaper editor, also by the name of Arp. It was discovered by a woman by the name of Madalene Hill. Later down the road, yet another cold hardy rosemary was named after her, the ‘Madelene Hill.’ ‘Joyce de Baggio’ also known as golden rain or golden rosemary, is indeed somewhat gold in color. Sometimes mistaken for a variegated plant, the leaf color actually changes with the seasons. Leaves are bright yellow in the spring and fall and become a dark green during the summer.[图片]Blue Boy rosemary is a slow-growing herb that works well in containers or as a border plant. The tiny leaves are edible; you just need a lot of them. Creeping rosemary does exactly what it sounds like it does and makes a lovely scented ground cover. Pine scented rosemary has wispy or feathery looking leaves. One of the creeping types of rosemary to grow, pink rosemary has small leaves and pale pink flowers that bloom in late winter. It can become a bit out of hand if not pruned frequently, but luckily this rosemary suffers no ill effects from pruning. ‘Santa Barbara’ is another trailing rosemary that is a vigorous grower that can reach lengths of 3 feet or more. ‘Spice Islands’ rosemary is a very flavorful herb that grows as an erect, four foot shrub that blossoms with dark blue flowers in the late winter and early spring. Upright rosemary has wonderfully flavored leaves and dark blue flowers, while white rosemary, as its name suggests, blooms with a profusion of white flowers from mid-winter to late spring. It is also very aromatic and a bee magnet.
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Dummer. ゛☀
White flowering rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ‘albus’) is an upright evergreen plant with thick, leathery, needle-like leaves. White rosemary plants tend to be lavish bloomers, producing masses of sweetly scented white flowers in late spring and summer. If you live in USDA plant hardiness zones 8 through 11, you should have no trouble growing white flowering rosemary in your garden. Birds, bees and butterflies will thank you! Read on to learn more.[图片]Growing White Flowering Rosemary Although white flowering rosemary tolerates partial shade, it thrives in full sunlight. This drought-tolerant Mediterranean plant needs light, well-drained soil. Add fertilizer such as a water-soluble fertilizer, a balanced, slow-release fertilizer, or fish emulsion at planting time. Allow at least 18 to 24 inches between plants, as rosemary needs adequate air circulation to remain healthy and disease free.[图片]Caring for White Rosemary Water white flowering rosemary when the top of the soil feels dry to the touch. Water deeply, and then let the soil dry before watering again. Like most Mediterranean herbs, rosemary is susceptible to root rot in soggy soil. Mulch the plant to keep the roots warm in winter and cool in summer. However, don’t allow mulch to pile up against the crown of the plant, as moist mulch may invite pests and disease. Fertilize white rosemary plants every spring, as directed above. Prune white flowering rosemary lightly in spring to remove dead and unsightly growth. Trim white rosemary plants for use as needed, but never remove more than 20 percent of the plant at once. Be careful about cutting into woody growth, unless you are shaping the plant.[图片]Uses for White Flowering Rosemary White flowering rosemary is often planted for its ornamental appeal, which is considerable. Some gardeners believe white flowering rosemary plants, which can reach heights of 4 to 6 feet, may have pest-repellent properties. Like other types of rosemary, white rosemary plants are useful in the kitchen for flavoring chicken and other dishes. Fresh and dried rosemary is used in potpourris and sachets, and the aromatic oil is used to perfume, lotion and soap.
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ハナトラノオの基本情報 学名:Physostegia virginiana 和名:ハナトラノオ(花虎の尾) その他の名前:カクトラノオ 科名 / 属名:シソ科 / カクトラノオ属(フィソステギア属) 特徴 ハナトラノオは夏から秋にかけて、全国いたるところでよく見かける花です。優しいピンクの花が群れ咲く様子は、残暑の中でも、つかの間の涼しさを感じさせてくれます。フィソステギア属には15種ほどがありますが、栽培されるのは、ほとんど本種(Physostegia virginiana)です。北アメリカ東部原産で、日本へは大正時代に入り、丈夫でよくふえるため急速に広まり、現在ではポピュラーな宿根草の一つになっています。カクトラノオとも呼ばれるように、花穂は細長い四角錐で、花は四方に向かって規則正しく並んで咲きます。ありふれた花ですが、よく見るとなかなか美しいもので、一つ一つの花の形もユニークです。性質が強く、地下茎を伸ばして広がり、ほとんど放任栽培でもよいくらいです。濃桃色のものから白花まで、いくつかの品種があり、草丈や開花期にも幅があります。 [图片]種類(原種、園芸品種) ‘ビビッド’ Physostegia virginiana ‘Vivid’ 9月咲きの晩生種。節間が詰まり、草丈は50〜60cm。 [图片]‘サマー・スノー’ Physostegia virginiana ‘Summer Snow’ 8月咲き。草丈1m近くになる高性種。 [图片]斑入り葉(バリエガタ) Physostegia virginiana ‘Variegata’ 白覆輪の斑が入る。乾燥や強い日ざしによる葉焼けに注意。 [图片]育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 耐寒性・耐暑性が強く、日当たりから半日陰まで、あまり場所を選びませんが、どちらかというと湿り気のあるところを好み、腐植質に富む乾燥しないところが理想です。乾きやすいところでは成長が抑えられ、草丈低く開花しますが、花数は少なくなり、下葉も枯れやすくなります。鉢植えの場合は、特に乾燥に注意します。 水やり 開花期が7月から10月で、梅雨が明けてから極端に乾燥すると、蕾の発育が悪く、鉢植えでは咲かないこともあります。用土が乾き始めたらたっぷり与えます。 肥料 4月から5月の生育初期に少量施しますが、腐植質の多いところでは無肥料でもよいくらいです。6月から7月に肥料分が多いと伸びすぎて倒れやすくなります。開花後、地中の芽を太らせるために、お礼肥を施します。 [图片]病気と害虫 病気:白絹病 水はけが悪いと、まれに白絹病などが発生することがあります。 害虫:ケムシ類 ほとんど見られませんが、ケムシ類による蕾の食害には注意します。 用土(鉢植え) 水はけがよく、しかも保水性のあるものがよく、赤玉土7、腐葉土3の配合土など、一般の草花向け用土が利用できます。 植えつけ、 植え替え 植えつけ:堆肥や腐葉土を入れて耕してから植えつけます。ポット仕立ての苗であれば、ほぼいつでも植えつけ可能ですが、株分け苗や地下茎を植えつける場合は、3月から4月か10月ごろに行います。しっかり根づくまでは乾かさないよう十分水やりします。 [图片]植え替え:根詰まりしやすいので、鉢植えでは、毎年春か秋に古い用土を落とし、芽数を制限して新しい用土に植えます。 ふやし方 株分け:さし芽やタネまきも可能ですが、主に株分けでふやします。地下茎を伸ばしてふえるので、これを切り分けてふやします。 主な作業 間引き:周囲に広がるので、必要な分を残して間引きをします。中心部の生育が悪くなるようなら、一度掘り上げて、堆肥などを混ぜて植え直します。乾燥防止のため、バークなどのマルチングをしておくとよいでしょう。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Most rosemary plants have blue to purple flowers, but not pink flowering rosemary. This beauty is as easy to grow as its blue and purple cousins, has the same fragrant qualities but with different hued blossoms. Thinking about growing rosemary with pink flowers? Read on for information about growing pink rosemary plants.[图片]Pink Flowering Rosemary Plants Rosemary(Rosemarinus officinalis) is an aromatic, perennial evergreen shrub that is steeped in history. The ancient Romans and Greeks used rosemary and associated it with love of their deities Eros and Aphrodite. You are likely to love it as well for its delicious flavor, scent and ease of growing. Rosemary is in the mint family, Labiatae, and is native to the Mediterranean hills, Portugal, and northwestern Spain. While rosemary is primarily used in culinary dishes, in ancient times, the herb was associated with remembrance, memory and fidelity. Roman students wore sprigs of rosemary woven into their hair to improve memory. It was once also woven into a bridal wreath to remind the new couples of their wedding vows. It was even said that just a light touch of rosemary could render one hopelessly in love. Pink flowering rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis var. roseus) has a semi-weeping habit with typically small, needle-like, resinous leaves. With no pruning, pink flowering rosemary sprawls attractively or it can be tidily pruned. The pale pink blossoms bloom from spring into summer. It may be found under names such as ‘Majorca Pink,’ ‘Majorca,’ ‘Roseus,’ or ‘Roseus-Cozart.’[图片]Growing Pink Rosemary Pink flowering rosemary, like all rosemary plants, thrives in full sun and is drought tolerant and hardy down to 15 degrees F. (-9 C.). The shrub will grow to about three feet in height depending upon pruning and is hardy to USDA zones 8-11. This fragrant ornamental has few pest issues, although the usual culprits (aphids, mealybugs, scalesand spider mites) might be attracted to it. Root rot and botrytisare the most common diseases that afflict rosemary, but other than that the plant is susceptible to few diseases. The number one problem resulting in plant decline or even death is overwatering. Once the plant is established, it requires very little care. Water only when the weather has been extremely dry.[图片]Prune the plant as desired. To harvest for use in food, only take 20% of the growth at any one time and don’t cut into the woody parts of the plant unless you are pruning and shaping it. Cut sprigs in the morning before the plant has flowered for the best flavor. The sprigs can then be dried or the leaves stripped from the woody stem and used fresh.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Rosemary is a great plant to have around. It’s fragrant, it’s useful in all kinds of recipes, and it’s quite tough. It likes full sun and well-drained soil. It can only survive down to 20 F. (-6 C.), so in cool climates, it’s best grown as a container plant. In mild climates, however, it makes a great shrub in outdoor beds, where it blooms spectacularly in the winter. One very good variety for colorful blooms is the Tuscan blue. Keep reading to learn more about growing Tuscan blue rosemary and how to care for Tuscan blue rosemary plants.[图片]Growing Tuscan Blue Rosemary All varieties of rosemary bloom with delicate flowers. The color of the flowers can vary from type to type, ranging from shades of pink to blue to white. Tuscan blue rosemary plants (Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Tuscan Blue’), true to their name, produce deep blue to violet flowers. The plant should bloom from winter to spring. Flowers may come back again for a smaller showing in summer or autumn. How To Grow Tuscan Blue Rosemary Plants Tuscan blue rosemary care is relatively easy. Tuscan blue rosemary plants grow in a more upright pattern than many other rosemary varieties. They can grow up to 7 feet tall and 2 feet wide. If you want to keep your plant more compact, you can prune it back heavily (by as much as ½) in the spring, after it has finished blooming.[图片]Tuscan blue rosemary hardiness is a little better than that of other rosemary varieties. It should be able to survive down to about 15 F. (-9 C.), or USDA zone 8. If you live in a colder climate than that, you may be able to overwinter your Tuscan blue rosemary by heavily mulching it in the fall and planting it in a spot that’s sheltered from the wind but still receives full sun. If you want to be sure your rosemary survives the winter, you should grow it as a container plant and bring it indoors for the cold months.
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