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Dummer. ゛☀
Saffron (Crocus sativus) is easily the most expensive spice on the market, which is why it might be a good idea to learn about growing saffron indoors. The care of saffron crocus is no more difficult than that of any other type of bulb. A saffron crocus is just your garden variety autumn crocus; the expense comes in the labor intensive harvesting of the stigmas or saffron threads. Each thread must be handpicked at just the most opportune moment; too late and the stigmas will degrade.[图片]How to Grow Saffron Indoors First, when growing saffron indoors, you’ll want to acquire the bulbs. Make sure you buy from a reputable seed house and that the bulbs are saffron crocus and not autumn meadow crocus — Crocus sativus, not Colchicum autumnale. Note: To figure out how many corms to order, the general rule of thumb is three threads per person times the number of people in the family times the number of saffron dishes made per year. For example, if a family of four has saffron dishes once every two months or so, they need 24 plants. Crocus of any sort will rot if planted in wet soil, so planting saffron crocuses inside will ensure the bulb or corms do not rot. Your bulb purveyor will send them to you at the correct time for planting and/or consult with them regarding your climate and location, but they should be planted in the fall.[图片]Lay 1 to 2 inches of either fine gravel or coarse sand at the bottom of a 6-inch planter. Fill the remainder of the container with rich, well-draining potting medium. Dig a 2 to 3 inch hole and place the corm root side down (points facing up!) into it then cover with soil. Space the bulbs 2 to 3 inches apart. Situate the saffron crocuses inside in a cold room of between 35-48 F (2-9 C.), where they will get four to six hours of sun each day. Lightly water the bulbs every other day until the grass-like foliage begins to die back, usually around April. At this time, move the container to a warmer area to simulate spring temps of between 50-70 F (10-21 C.).[图片]Additional Indoor Saffron Care Watering care of saffron crocus at this stage should be re-initiated. Restart the every other day watering regime. Stigmas from the flowers — there will be three per flower — must be harvested from the blooms the same day they open. Snip open flowers from their stems and tweeze the saffron thread from the bloom, then lay the thread on a paper towel to dry (watch out for breezes or drafts!). Store the threads in an airtight container devoid of moisture. To use your saffron, either toast the strands and then grind into a powder or infuse them in a liquid for use in your favorite paella. Trim back the foliage only when you are positive the plant is no longer flowering. New buds should break the soil within one to seven days after the first bloom. On occasion, a second (rarely a third) may arise from the same plant. At this point, stop any irrigation and move the containers of crocus back into the cold room while dormant from April through September. While dormant, do not water the crocus. Remember, the corms will multiply each year, so eventually you may have more than you need. Give them to another saffron-lover as a gift. The plants can live up to 15 years, but it’s best to “refresh” them by digging up, dividing and replanting every four to five years. Be patient; it takes an entire year before the first flowers appear.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Saffron is obtained from harvesting the styles off mature Crocus sativus flowers. These tiny strands are the source of an expensive spice useful in many global cuisines. If you find your saffron not flowering, you may be stuck buying the spice at premium prices at the supermarket. In order to enjoy the beauty of the flowers and, more importantly, protect your pocketbook, finding out why saffron crocus is not blooming is crucial. Read on to find out how to get saffron crocus flowers in full production.[图片]Saffron Crocus Growing Conditions Saffron has been a popular spice since ancient times. It has an important place in the cuisines of Africa, the Middle East, and Mediterranean cuisines, and was a common barter spice brought to new lands by Spanish and other explorers. The spice is pricey but you can grow your own and harvest the flavor and color rich styles from the centers of your flowers. That is, of course, if you have the proper saffron crocus growing conditions. Who ever heard of a non-blooming saffron crocus anyway? What would be the point? In fact, some bulbs may be non-blooming due to disease, insect interference or damage to the embryo. The first step to correcting the issue is to dig up and examine the bulbs. Only plant back the healthiest that are without blemish and are plump, smooth and about 4 inches in diameter. Make sure your soil is well draining and the location is in full sun. Plant the bulbs 5 to 6 inches deep in fluffy but gritty loam. Add a bit of potassium rich fertilizer directly into the planting hole or cover the soil over the bulb with wood ash. Avoid nitrogen fertilizers which force more greenery at the expense of the flowers. Keep in mind that the hardiness range of saffron is United States Department of Agriculture zones 5 to 8. In other zones, the bulbs may refuse to flower.[图片]How to Get Saffron Crocus Flowers Even the experts admit the bulbs aren’t easy to bring to flower. The extra potassium should help but if you plant at the wrong time, these fall bloomers may refuse to produce flowers. Early August is a perfect time to install the bulbs. Understanding the life cycle of these pretty little flowers might prove useful. The leaves erupt in late winter to early spring. No blooms occur during this time. Once the temperatures start to heat up, the bulb goes dormant and the leaves die back. During this time, water the bulbs sparingly. New leaves form in September when cooler air arrives. Once you have leaves, the flower makes its appearance. If the saffron crocus is not blooming, it might have gotten hit with an early freeze or site and soil conditions may not be right.[图片]Non-Blooming Saffron Crocus Triage Generally, saffron crocus flower well the first year but slowly peter out over successive years. Old bulbs could be the reason for saffron not flowering. The good news is that the bulbs will naturalize and you can dig up and separate the biggest, most vigorous ones to grow. Another common cause of failure to bloom in saffron is from pests and not the little brother type pest. I am referring to rodents and birds. Rodents will eat the bulb and birds will pluck off the flowers. Use bait stations to keep rodents at bay and bird netting to protect the blooms. Once you have a lovely crop of fall crocus, use tweezers to harvest the red styles. Dry them and store them in a dim, cool location until ready to use in Paella or whatever your favorite saffron dish may be.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Saffron has often been described as a spice that is worth more than its weight in gold. It’s so expensive that you may wonder “Can I grow saffron crocus bulbs and harvest my own saffron?” The answer is yes, you can grow saffron in your home garden. Keep reading to learn how to grow saffron.[图片]Before Growing Saffron Crocus Saffron comes from the saffron crocus bulb (Crocus sativus), which is an autumn blooming crocus. The spice is actually the red stigmas of this crocus flower. Each flower will only produce three stigmas and each saffron crocus bulb will only produce one flower. When growing saffron, first find a place to purchase the saffron crocus bulbs. Most people turn to a reputable online nursery to purchase them, though you may find them for sale at a small local nursery. It’s highly unlikely that you’ll find them at a chain store or big box store. Once you have purchased the saffron crocus bulbs, you can plant them in your yard. As they are fall-blooming crocus, you will plant them in the fall, but they will probably not bloom the year you plant them. Instead, you’ll see foliage in the spring, which will die back, and saffron flowers the following fall. Saffron crocus bulbs do not store well. Plant them as soon as possible after receiving them.[图片]How to Grow Saffron Plants Saffron plants need well draining soil and lots of sun. If saffron crocus is planted in swampy or poor draining soil, it will rot. Other than needing good soil and sun, saffron crocus are not picky. When you plant your saffron crocus bulbs, place them in the ground at about 3 to 5 inches deep and at least 6 inches apart. About 50 to 60 saffron flowers will produce about 1 tablespoon of saffron spice, so keep this in mind when figuring how many to plant. But, also keep in mind that saffron crocus multiply rapidly, so in a few years time you will have more than enough.[图片]After your saffron crocus bulbs are planted, they need very little care. They will be hardy down to -15 F (-26 C). You can fertilize them once a year, though they grow fine without being fertilized as well. You can also water them if the rainfall in your area falls below 1.5 inches per week. Growing saffron crocus is easy and certainly makes the expensive spice much more affordable. Now that you know how to grow saffron plants, you can give this spice a try in your herb garden.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The piney scent of a rosemary plant is a favorite of many gardeners. This semi hardy shrub can be grown as hedges and edging in areas that are USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 6 or higher. In other zones, this herb makes a delightful annual in the herb garden or can be grown in pots and brought indoors. Because rosemary is such a wonderful herb, many gardeners want to know how to propagate rosemary. You can propagate rosemary from either rosemary seeds, rosemary cuttings or layering. Let’s look at how.[图片]Step-by-Step Instructions Stem Cutting Rosemary Rosemary cuttings are the most common way in how to propagate rosemary. Take a 2- to 3-inch cutting from a mature rosemary plant with a clean, sharp pair of shears. Rosemary cuttings should be taken from the soft or new wood on the plant. The soft wood is most easily harvested in the spring when the plant is in its most active growth phase. Remove the leaves from the bottom two-thirds of the cutting leaving at least five or six leaves. Take the rosemary cuttings and place it in a well draining potting medium. Cover the pot with a plastic bag or plastic wrap to help the cuttings retain moisture. Place in indirect light. When you see new growth, remove plastic. Transplant to a new location.[图片]How to Propagate Rosemary with Layering Propagating a rosemary plant through layering is much like doing so through rosemary cuttings, except the “cuttings” stay attached to the mother plant. Choose a somewhat long stem, one that when bent over can reach the ground. Bend the stem down to the ground and pin it to the ground, leaving at least 2 to 3 inches of the tip on the other side of the pin. Strip away the bark and leaves that are 1/2 inch on either side of the pin. Bury the pin and the bare bark with soil. Once new growth appears on the tip, cut the stem away from the mother rosemary plant. Transplant to a new location.[图片]How to Propagate Rosemary with Rosemary Seeds Soak seeds is warm water overnight. Scatter across the soil. Cover lightly with soil. Germination may take up to three months
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Dummer. ゛☀
A lot of people enjoy having small kitchen window sill plants like rosemary. However, although they are easy to grow, they aren’t without faults. Often, you’ll find there are problems with growing rosemary, one of them being a common fungus.[图片]Powdery Mildew on Rosemary Perhaps you’ve noticed a white powder on your rosemary plants in your kitchen. If so, you aren’t alone. The white powder is actually powdery mildew on rosemary, a common plant ailment. It is caused by many different fungi that are closely related. This is one of the most common problems with growing rosemary plants, and all indoor plants actually. Each indoor plant has a white powdery mildew that is specific to that particular plant. Rosemary is no different. Powdery mildew won’t kill the rosemary plant, but it will weaken it. This is one of the easiest plant diseases to diagnose. Powdery mildew appears as a white powder on rosemary, which coats the leaves of the plant. The powder is actually thousands of little spores and can spread to other plants if severe enough.[图片]How to Get Rid of Powdery Mildew on Rosemary Powdery mildew can be partially removed if you rub the leaves of your rosemary plant carefully. If you don’t try to remove some of it, the white powder on rosemary can result in leaf drop. The powdery mildew on rosemary can rob the plants of the nutrients they need to grow. Powdery mildew on rosemary can definitely make the plant look a little ragged, but it shouldn’t kill it. Pick up any infected leaves that have fallen off the plant. Also, take infected plants out of high humidity rooms, like the bathroom or kitchen. Finally, spraying the white powder on rosemary with a fungicide such as neem oil will help to kill the fungus. You might want to try spraying water on it first every few days to knock the mildew off before resorting to fungicide. You may need to repeat this every few days for it to be effective, but be careful not to overwater the plant itself or you will end up with root rot, another of the common problems for rosemary plants or other indoor houseplants.[图片]Preventing Powdery Mildew on Rosemary One of the best ways to treat white powder on rosemary is to prevent it in the first place. Even if you still have an outbreak, with a few precautions beforehand, the powdery mildew will not have as good a stronghold, making it’s treatment even easier. When it comes to the prevention of powdery mildew, the use of bicarbonates seems promising, at least for many people. Since powdery mildew fungus thrives in moist, humid conditions, ensure that your plant has plenty of light and well-draining soil. Only water the plant as needed to avoid overly saturated soil and keep the water off the foliage. Keep your rosemary plants well ventilated too, meaning do not overcrowd them with other plants. This only creates a moist environment for the fungus to thrive in. Oftentimes, powdery mildew attacks new growth, so avoiding excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers should help limit this growth. Purchasing plants that are resistant to the disease, whenever available, is a good idea too. Now that you know what the white powder on rosemary is, and how to treat or prevent it, you can go back to enjoying your rosemary plant.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Rosemary is a popular culinary herb in the home garden. It can be planted either in the ground or in containers, but depending on how you grow this herb, how you water your rosemary plant differs.[图片]How to Water a Rosemary Plant in the Ground Rosemary is a plant that is easy to grow in the ground, mostly because it rather drought tolerant. A newly planted rosemary plant needs to be watered frequently for the first week or two to help it become established, but after it has been established, it needs little in the way of watering other than rainfall. Rosemary is drought tolerant and can go quite some time without being watered when planted in the ground. In fact, often what will kill a rosemary plant growing in the ground is too much water, and rosemary is very sensitive to drainage. It doesn’t like to grow in soil that doesn’t drain well and can succumb to root rot if left in soil that stays too wet. Because of this, you should make sure to plant your rosemary in well draining soil and after it is established, then only water in times of severe drought.[图片]Watering Rosemary Plants in Containers While rosemary grown in the ground needs little water from the gardener, rosemary grown in containers is another matter. A rosemary plant in a container doesn’t have the chance to grow the extensive root system to seek out water like the plants in the ground. Because of this, they are far less drought tolerant and need to be watered frequently. But, like ground-planted rosemary, those grown in containers are also sensitive to drainage.[图片]With container-grown rosemary, water the plant when the soil is just dry to the touch on the top. It’s important that you don’t let the soil dry out completely as rosemary plants lack signals like droopy leaves or wilted stems to let you know they are dangerously low on water. They can actually die before you realize there was ever a problem. Therefore, always keep the soil of your potted rosemary at least a little moist. On the flip side, make sure the pot has excellent drainage. If the soil becomes too wet, the plant can easily develop root rot and die.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Growing rosemary indoors is sometimes a tricky thing to do. Many good gardeners have tried, and despite their best efforts, end up with a dry, brown, dead rosemary plant. If you know the secrets to proper care of rosemary plants growing inside, you can keep your rosemary plants growing happily indoors all winter long.[图片]Tips for Growing Rosemary Indoors Most often, there are four things on the list of what kills rosemary plants indoors. These are: lack of sunlight poor watering practices powdery mildew pests If you can avoid these issues, your rosemary plant will live happily inside. Let’s look at how to avoid each. Lack of Sunlight Most people aren’t aware that the lack of sunshine is the most common reason for a rosemary plant growing indoors to die. Often, rosemary plants are brought indoors without any acclimation. They go from six to eight hours of strong, direct light to four to six hours of weak or indirect light. The rosemary plant is unable to produce enough energy to stay alive on this amount of weak light and simply dies. The first step to preventing rosemary light starvation is to put your rosemary on a sunlight diet before you bring it indoors. Several weeks before you plan on bringing the rosemary inside, move the plant to gradually shadier areas of your yard. This will force the rosemary plant to grow leaves that are more efficient at turning light into energy, which will help it cope with weaker indoor light when it moves inside. Once your rosemary moves indoors, make sure that you place it in the brightest window in your house, which is normally a south facing window. If your rosemary plant is not getting at least six to eight hours of light a day, place a lamp with a fluorescent light bulb as close as possible to the plant to supplement the sunlight.[图片]Poor Watering Practices The second most common reason for an indoor rosemary dying is watering practices. Often, indoor rosemary plants are watered too little or too much. Make sure that the drainage on the container with the rosemary is excellent. Only water the soil when the top of the soil is dry to the touch. But, that being said, never let the soil dry out completely. In the winter, rosemary plants grow much more slowly and need much less water than they do in the summer. Watering too often will cause root rot, which will kill the plant. On the other side, if the soil of the rosemary plant is allowed to dry out completely, the roots will die back and the plant will not have enough roots to support itself.[图片]Powdery Mildew Indoors or outdoors, rosemary plants are very susceptible to powdery mildew. Most homes don’t have the same air circulation as the outside world does, which makes this an even worse problem for the plant inside. The best way to drive away powdery mildew on rosemary plants is to increase the air circulation around it. Letting a fan blow on it for a few hours a day or taking it out of more high humidity rooms like the bathroom or kitchen, will help improve the air circulation. You can also treat the plant with a fungicide to help keep away the powdery mildew. Pests To be honest, while pests may get the blame for killing a rosemary plant, most pests will only infest a plant that is already weakened. Unfortunately, most rosemary growing indoors, despite all best efforts, are growing in a somewhat weakened state. The stricter you are with yourself about making sure that your rosemary plant is watered properly and gets enough light, the less likely pests will bother the plant. But, if your rosemary is infected with pests, use a houseplant pesticide to remove them. Since rosemary is an herb and it is mainly grown to be eaten, look for organic pesticides. One that is growing in popularity is neem oil, as it is very effective against pests but is completely harmless to humans and pets.
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Dummer. ゛☀
While pruning a rosemary plant is not needed to keep a rosemary healthy, there are several reasons why a gardener might want to prune a rosemary bush. It may be that they want to shape the rosemary or reduce the size of the rosemary shrub or to create a more bushy and productive plant. Whatever your reasons for wanting to prune your rosemary, there are a few things you need to know about how to prune a rosemary bush.[图片]When to Prune Rosemary Rosemary pruning can be done anytime during the spring or summer up until four to six weeks before the first frost. Pruning rosemary after this time, or in the fall and winter, can cause the rosemary shrub to focus on growing new, tender growth rather than hardening off and protecting the growth that it has. If a rosemary bush does not harden itself off, it will be more susceptible to winter damage which can kill it.[图片]Tips for How to Prune a Rosemary Bush Before you prune your rosemary bush, make sure that your pruning shears are sharp and clean. Blunt or dirty pruning shears can result in ragged cuts that can leave the rosemary plant vulnerable to bacteria and pests. The next step in how to trim rosemary bushes is to decide why you want to trim the plant. If you are trimming the rosemary to shape it, say as a hedge or a topiary, draw a mental picture of what you would like the plant to look like and trim away the branches that do not fall into that outline. If your shaping needs to remove more than one-third of any branch, you will need to prune the rosemary back in stages. You can prune back branches by one-quarter, but you will need to give them a season to recover before pruning again.[图片]If you are doing rosemary pruning simply to create a busier plant, you can remove the end one to two inches of the branches. This will force the branch to split and will create a bushier plant. This technique is particularly helpful if you are growing rosemary for cooking, as this creates more foliage in a more compact space. You may also find that your rosemary plant is in need of some rejuvenation. Find tips for this here: Rejuvenating Rosemary Plants. The steps for how to prune a rosemary bush are simple but important. Knowing how to trim rosemary bushes properly will help you keep your rosemary happy and manageable.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Rosemary is a hardy,evergreen herb that is vigorous and fragrant. The needle-like foliage is full of aromatic oils that release in stews, soups and sauces. Drying rosemary can help capture that aroma and the flavor. Harvesting rosemary in summer for drying protects the essence of the plant and brings it conveniently to your spice rack.[图片]Harvesting Rosemary Tips on how to dry rosemary must include a talk on timing. Most herbs are best just before flowering when the oils are at their peak. Cut the stems in the morning just after the dew dries and before the heat of the day is at its height. Use pruners when harvesting rosemary from mature plants with woody stems. Wash the stems before you begin drying rosemary.[图片]How to Dry Fresh Rosemary Fresh rosemary is easiest to use because the leaves are soft and pliable. It’s easy to preserve the flavor of the herb but drying rosemary makes the leaves hard and woody. The process of how to dry rosemary can include grinding the dry needles into powder for use without the hard texture. You can just leave a stem of rosemary on the counter and it will dry, but to ensure safety and quality, a food dehydrator is useful. Dry the stems in a single layer on the dehydrator trays. Pull off the leaves after they are dry and store rosemary whole or ground. Other methods of how to dry rosemary can be done by hanging on a clothes hanger or pulling off the leaves and letting them dry in a single layer on a cookie sheet. A pretty and easy way of drying rosemary is to make tied bouquets. The herb is attractive with numerous leaves and a rich green color. When bundled and tied with a bright ribbon, the bouquet emits a fresh evergreen scent as it dries. Hang the bundles in a warm, dry area until the needles start to fall off, then remove the leaves by rubbing the stem upwards over a bowl or bag.[图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Rosemary’s fragrance floats on the breeze, making homes near plantings smell clean and fresh; in the herb garden, rosemary can double as a hedge when the right varieties are selected. Some rosemary varieties are even suitable as indoor potted plants, provided they get to spend the summer sunbathing on the patio. These tough, flexible plants seem almost bulletproof, but when brown rosemary plants appear in the garden, you may wonder, “Is my rosemary dying?” Although brown rosemary needles aren’t a particularly good sign, they are often the only early sign of root rot in this plant. If you heed their warning, you may be able to save your plant.[图片]Causes of Brown Rosemary Plants There are two common causes of rosemary turning brown, both caused by environmental problems that you can easily correct. The most common is root rot, but a sudden shift from the very bright light on a patio to the comparatively darker interior of a home can also cause this symptom. Rosemary evolved on the rocky, steep hillsides of the Mediterranean, in an environment where water is available for only a short period before it rolls on down the hill. Under these conditions, rosemary never had to adapt to wet conditions, so it suffers terribly when planted in a poorly-draining or frequently over-watered garden. Constant moisture causes rosemary roots to rot, leading to brown rosemary needles as the root system shrinks. Increasing drainage or waiting to water until the top 2 inches of soil are dry to the touch is often all these plants need to thrive.[图片]Potted Rosemary Turning Brown The same watering policy for outdoor plants should hold for potted rosemary — it should never be left in a saucer of water or the soil allowed to remain wet. If your plant isn’t over-watered but you’re still wondering why rosemary has brown tips, look to recent changes in lighting conditions. Plants that move indoors before the last frost may need more time to adjust to the lower amounts of available light.[图片]When moving rosemary from the patio, start earlier in the season when indoor temperatures and outdoor temperatures are similar. Bring the plant inside for a few hours at a time, gradually increasing the time it stays inside during the day over a few weeks. This gives your rosemary time to adjust to indoor lighting by producing leaves that are better at absorbing light. Providing supplemental light can help during the adjustment period.
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