Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Garlic propagation is often associated with the planting of garlic cloves, also referred to as vegetative reproduction or cloning. Another method for commercial propagation is on the rise too — growing garlic from bulbils. The question is can you, the home gardener, grow garlic from bulbils?[图片]Can You Grow Garlic Bulbils? First off, you may be wondering what a “bulbil” is. Bulbils are tiny, undivided bulbs produced in the scape of hardneck garlic. The scape looks like a garlic flower; however, the reproductive parts are for show only, there is no cross pollination. Essentially, the bulbils are clones of the mother plant that can be planted to produce a replica of this parent. There may be less than 10 garlic plant bulbils or 150, depending upon the variety. Bulbil size ranges as well, from that of a grain of rice to the size of a chickpea. So the answer is yes, you can easily grow garlic from bulbils. There is an advantage to planting garlic bulbils over cloves. Propagating from garlic plant bulbils can revitalize garlic strains, thwart the transmission of soil-borne diseases and is economical as well. Now I’m betting you want to know how to grow garlic from bulbils, but first you need to harvest them.[图片]Harvesting Garlic Plant Bulbils Harvest the bulbils when mature or when the cluster has expanded and split open the sheath surrounding it. You may cut this from the plant, or hang and dry the entire plant. Drying takes a significant amount of time, so be sure to hang the scape or plant in a dry area lest they mildew. When the bulbils are easily removed by lightly rubbing, you are ready to separate them from the clusters, remove the chaff and dry further in a shallow pan in an aerated area with no direct sun. They can then be stored at room temp or cooler for six to seven months in an unsealed container. Do not refrigerate.[图片]How to Grow Garlic from Bulbils Garlic likes rich, well-drained soil amended with a good dose of compost and a soil pH of 6 to 8. Rocky or heavy clay soil will produce misshapen bulbs. Sow bulbils in a raised bed ½ to 1 inch deep, depending upon their size, and about 6 inches apart. The depth difference when planting garlic bulbils accounts for their size; tiny bulbils should be sown at a shallower depth. Space the rows 6 inches apart. Cover the bulbils with dirt and water in well. Keep the area weed free. The tiny bulbils take about three years to produce a good sized cloven bulb while the larger bulbils will produce small cloven bulbs in the first year. In the second year, harvest the bulbils and cure like garlic and then replant the “round” that fall. By the third year, the growing garlic from bulbils should be of that of a normal sized bulb.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Growing your own food is an incredibly rewarding experience, but it can also be frustrating since plant diseases and pests seem to be everywhere. This fall, why not try planting a few garlic cloves for next spring? If you’re trying your hand at growing garlic, keep an eye out for these common garlic problems.[图片]Garlic Problems in the Garden Garlic pests and disease can ruin your harvest, sometimes without your even knowing it until it’s too late. Others wait to emerge until later, causing problems when drying garlic. Either way, it’s a huge headache. The most common problems of garlic are caused by these common types of pathogens: Fungal By far, fungal problems are the most common garlic plant problems. You may get an early hint that something’s wrong, like early yellowing of foliage or white or gray, fluffy growth low on the stem. Unfortunately, there’s very little that can be done about fungal diseases in garlic. The best strategy is to practice a four year crop rotation. If you can’t do this, some fungal pathogens, like Botrytis, can be discouraged by wide spacing between plants. Drying garlic quickly will often prevent storage spoilage. When you must use the same garden space, minimize sources of fungal spores like dead leaves and spent plants by immediately removing and burning or bagging. [图片]Nematodes These tiny roundworms live in the soil and feed on roots and bulbs – they can destroy an entire crop in no time. If your plants are lacking in vigor or the leaves look bloated, nematodes may be the cause. Fungus and bacteria can further complicate diagnosis by moving into the nematodes’ feeding sites. Nematode control in the home garden isn’t easy, which is why most gardeners simply move to another garden spot for several years to starve the pests out. You’ll have to take care to ensure that no members of the onion or nightshade family pop up unexpectedly to give the nematodes something new to feed upon during that time. Mites Bulb mites sometimes bother garlic and onions, feeding on stem plates and roots. Infected plants will be much smaller than non-infected plants and may easily pull out of the soil because of their damaged root system. You may be able to see tiny cream colored mites with purple-brown legs clustered under garlic scales or at the base of roots.[图片]Like with nematodes, the feeding of these mites allows other pathogens to invade the garlic bulb. You’ll also need to practice crop rotation to destroy these mites. They’re more flexible in their feeding than nematodes, so leaving your garden fallow or planting it out with a green, non-bulbing manure is recommended.
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ノゲイトウの育て方・栽培方法 育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 庭植えでは、水はけのよい日なたに植えつけましょう。 鉢植えは、風通しのよい日なたに置きます。 水やり 庭植えには、特に水やりは必要ありません。 鉢植えでは、栽培期間を通じて土の表面が乾いたら、たっぷり水を与えましょう。 [图片]肥料 庭植え、鉢植えとも5月から9月に、緩効性化成肥料(チッ素-リン酸-カリ=10-10-10)などを施しましょう。 病気と害虫 病気:特にありません。 害虫:アブラムシ、ハダニ、ヨトウムシ類、オオタバコガ 5月から10月の間、ハダニやアブラムシが発生します。見つけしだい防除しましょう。なお、ハダニは水やりの際、葉裏に水をかけると発生が少なくなります。 6月から11月の間、ヨトウムシ類やオオタバコガの成虫が夜に飛来し、卵を産みつけていきます。ふ化した幼虫は食欲旺盛で、花序や新芽を激しく食害します。成虫は繰り返し飛来して産卵するので、長期間にわたって防除しましょう。 [图片]用土(鉢植え) 土質はあまり選びませんが、どちらかというと赤玉土中粒5、腐葉土3、酸度調整済みピートモス2の配合土など水はけのよい土を好みます。適量のリン酸分の多い緩効性化成肥料を元肥として混ぜて植えつけましょう。 植えつけ、 植え替え 植えつけ適期は5月から9月です。 ふやし方 タネまき:5月から7月が適期で、覆土は不要です。本葉2~4枚のころに鉢上げしましょう。鉢上げが遅れると、小苗のうちに開花してしまい大きく育ちません。 [图片]主な作業 摘心:背を高くしたくない場合は摘心を行うとよいでしょう。6月から9月に行います。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Garlic is a plant that requires some patience. It takes around 240 days to mature and it’s worth every second. In our household there really is no such thing as too much garlic! During the course of those 240 days, any number of pests, diseases and weather conditions can affect the garlic crop. One such crisis occurs when garlic is falling over. So, how to fix drooping garlic? Read on to learn more.[图片]Help, My Garlic Fell Over! First things first. I’m stating the obvious for most garlic growers, but here goes. When garlic is reaching maturation, the leaves begin to sag and brown. You end up with garlic plants drooping. If you do a quick math calculation to figure out how many months it has been since you planted the garlic, you may just realize that it’s nearing harvest time. If you’re still in doubt and your memory is like mine (that is like a sieve), simply pull up one of droopy plants. If the bulb is large and ready, there’s no need to wait for full dieback, but leave the foliage on to dry naturally. This extends the garlic’s storage time. If the bulb is ready, then there’s no further need for troubleshooting floppy garlic. If, however, the garlic is falling over and readiness isn’t a factor, it’s time to look further for another possible cause.[图片]Troubleshooting Floppy Garlic How to fix drooping garlic depends on what other problems may be affecting the plants. Moisture issues Another reason for a drooping garlic plant is the most common reason for drooping in any plant — lack of water. Garlic requires consistently moist soil. Water the plants with 2 inches of water at least two times a week. Conversely, too much water can also affect the garlic, resulting in garlic that is falling over. Sometimes during heavy rainstorms, your garlic may get beaten down by the force of the storm. Don’t worry; it’s likely that the garlic will bounce back as it dries.[图片]Nutrient problems Yet another reason for drooping garlic plants may be that they are hungry. Lack of nitrogen, potassium, calcium, and magnesium will affect the growth of the plants. You can bring them around by doing a foliar feed or root zone feeding. Insect pests A more dire possibility may be that the garlic has become the host for onion root maggot or wireworms. Although garlic is a hardy veggie, it’s also prone to any number of insect infestations and fungal diseases, not to mention the above soil deficiencies. Poor location Perhaps you have planted your garlic in the wrong spot. Garlic needs at least six hours of sun in quick draining soil, rich with nutrients. Maybe you should try replanting the garlic. Prepare a new site for it if you think the wilt is caused by poor soil or if the plants are in too shady of an area.[图片]Amend the soil in a sunny area with equal parts of organic compost and well-draining soil. Dig 3 inches of this into the top 3 inches of soil in the new site. Dig the garlic up and transfer them in the morning of a cool day. Feed the garlic with a side dressing of nitrogen fertilizer. Dig this into the top inch of soil around each plant and water the plants immediately thereafter. Spread 2-3 inches of organic mulch around the plants to maintain warmth and moisture. Hopefully, all this will perk up the garlic and you will no longer need to say, “Help, my garlic fell over!”
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ノゲイトウの基本情報 学名:Celosia argentea 和名:ノゲイトウ(野鶏頭)  その他の名前:セロシア 科名 / 属名:ヒユ科 / ケイトウ属(セロシア属) 特徴 ノゲイトウの花色は淡いピンクから濃い赤紫色で、ロウソクの炎のような形をしています。花序は水分が少なくかさかさしており、枝ごと切り取って逆さに吊るしておくだけで、簡単にきれいな色のドライフラワーができ上がります。 ケイトウ属の植物は、アジア、アフリカ、アメリカの熱帯から亜熱帯に30~60種ほどが分布しますが、園芸植物として主に観賞されてきたのは、本種ノゲイトウ(Celosia argentea)とケイトウ(C. cristata)の2種で、ともに高温と乾燥に強く、荒れ地でもよく育つ丈夫な植物です。 また、ノゲイトウは1m以上の草丈に育ちますが、近年ノゲイトウにそっくりなキャンドル状の花序をもった、コスモシリーズやスパイキーシリーズなど、草丈の低い品種が流通しています。こちらはノゲイトウとは別種の、セロシア・スピカータ(C. spicata)とされています。 [图片]ノゲイトウのタネは低温では発芽不良になるので、気温が上がる5月以降にまきましょう。好光性種子なので、覆土は不要です。発芽した苗は本葉2~4枚の小さなうちにポットに鉢上げしましょう。移植が遅れると小苗のうちに花が咲いてしまい、草丈が伸びないので注意が必要です。 [图片]種類(原種、園芸品種) ノゲイトウ‘シャロン’ Celosia argentea ‘Sharon’ 薄ピンクの花序は、ノゲイトウのなかでは長めで15cm程度になる。高温期の真夏は、花色が薄くなりやすい。 [图片]ノゲイトウ‘ピア’ Celosia argentea ‘Pia’ ロウソクの炎のような、濃い紫の花序が美しい品種。花壇、切り花、ドライフラワーに向く。 [图片]セロシア・スピカータ「スパイキー」シリーズ Celosia spicata Spiky Series ノゲイトウと同じく、ロウソクの炎のような花序をもつ矮性品種。ピンクと紫の花色がある。 セロシア・スピカータ「コスモ」シリーズ Celosia spicata Cosmo Series 特に矮性で、草丈は20cm以下。薄黄色、紫、ピンク、サーモン色がありカラフル。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Garlic is a component to most international cuisines. The herb’s popularity is a testament to its powers and intoxicating flavor. Add a little garlic to almost any dish and it perks up perceptibly. Garlic plant propagation is a noteworthy pursuit for those of us who need our garlic fix. Fresh bulbs, scapes and leaves add punch or delicate notes, depending upon your desires. Learn how to propagate garlic for a garden fresh supply of this Allium plant year around.[图片]How to Propagate Garlic You know you want it. Garlic with its pungent, zesty flavor and intense aromatic properties is actually quite easy to grow. Choice of variety that is suitable for your growing zone and soil is the first concern when propagating garlic bulbs. Softneck varieties grow best in warm climates, while the hardneck types are more suited to cooler climes. For the indecisive gardener, the Asian species can perform well in either climate. Planting Garlic Cloves Fall is the best time to plant most garlic. In climates with longer growing seasons, you can plant in late winter to early spring as soon as all danger of frost has passed. Garlic plant propagation requires deeply cultivated beds with plenty of compost added in to enrich the soil and enhance drainage. Dig trenches 1 inch deep and 2 inches wide. Keep trenches 6 inches apart and plant individual cloves at the same spacing. A single garlic bulb can yield up to eight plants. Separate the cloves, ensuring the papery covering is intact. Place each clove with the pointed top upright and cover the trenches with amended soil. Place several inches of mulch such as straw over the top of the beds.[图片]Propagating Garlic Bulbs from Seed Garlic seed is tiny and contained in the mature, dried flowers of the plants. Shake out the tiny black seeds and plant them immediately or save them in a cool, dry location until ready to plant. Growing the Allium from seed can be a frustrating process, as it takes much longer than plants established from cloves or bubils, and germination is capricious. Plant seeds indoors in fall to early winter after a storage period of four weeks in the refrigerator to encourage germination. Use a good seed starting mixture and plant seeds in flats with ¼ inch soil covering them. They need to be in an area of at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit (15 C.), covered to retain moisture and heat, and in a place with bright light after seedlings emerge. Harden off seedlings before transplanting to prepared beds in spring. Propagating garlic cloves will result in edible bulbs in a few months as opposed to seeded garlic, which produces bulbs the following year.[图片]Planting Garlic Bulbils Another method of garlic plant propagation is through the use of bulbils. Bulbils are located in the scape of hardneck varieties or on the false neck of softneck species. They are small undivided bulbs that can function like seed. The advantages to using bulbils are their ability to prevent soil borne disease and their faster production. Plant garlic bulbils 1 inch deep in fall, much the same way you would plant cloves. Care and cultivation is the same as bulb-planted garlic. Be careful not to weed out the tiny seedlings in spring, which will emerge looking much like common grass. Leave the plants in the ground until the tops turn brown and then harvest. The resulting bulbs will be smaller than those you get when propagating from cloves but equally delicious and you can get many more from bulbils.
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ノアサガオの基本情報 学名:Ipomoea indica 和名:ノアサガオ(野朝顔)  その他の名前:宿根アサガオ、琉球アサガオ、西表アサガオ、ケープタウンアサガオ 科名 / 属名:ヒルガオ科 / サツマイモ属 特徴 ノアサガオは熱帯から亜熱帯地域に自生するつる性の多年草で、沖縄では海岸付近に旺盛に繁茂しています。‘オーシャン・ブルー’が代表的ですが、ピンクや白花も流通しています。昨今の「緑のカーテン」ブームにより、最も注目されている植物の一つで、窓や壁を覆って日ざしを遮り、柔らかな日陰をつくってくれます。 一年草のアサガオと比べて格段に強健で、10数mもつるを伸ばします。開花期間は長く、霜が降りる11月まで咲き続け、10月上旬ごろに花数が最も多く、美しくなります。3~8個の花を房状につけ、しかも夕方まで咲き続けるので、豪華です。繁殖力もきわめておう盛で、地表面付近からランナーを出し、広がっていきます。 関東地方以西では、冬に茎葉が枯れたら地上部を切ってマルチングか盛り土をしておけば、戸外で冬越しできます。 [图片]種類(原種、園芸品種) ‘オーシャン・ブルー’ Ipomoea indica ‘Ocean Blue’ ノアサガオの突然変異種。花色は朝は青紫、夕方になると赤紫に変化する。暖地では簡単な防寒で冬越しする。タネができないので、さし木または茎伏せでふやす。 育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 日当たりと風通しのよい場所で育てます。真夏に強い西日が当たると葉がうなだれることがありますが、夕方に水やりをすれば回復します。短日植物であるため、夜間に照明が当たらないように注意しましょう。 暖地であれば、冬に茎葉が枯れても地下の茎が残ります。霜で傷んだら地上部を刈り取り、マルチングか盛り土をしておくと、戸外で容易に冬越しできます。 水やり 梅雨明け後は乾きすぎないように、しっかりと水やりをします。特に生育おう盛となる真夏は、庭植えであっても朝夕の水やりが必要となり、土の中に十分しみ込むまで時間をかけて水やりをします。 [图片]肥料 元肥として緩効性肥料を用土に混ぜておきます。植えつけ1か月後からは、1㎡当たり30gの化成肥料を2~3週間に1回置き肥し、肥料切れさせないようにします。真夏には毎日水やりを行うようになるので、液体肥料では微量要素が流れ出しやすいため、置き肥のほうがよいでしょう。肥料が切れると、下葉が黄色くなり、花つきも悪くなります。 病気と害虫 害虫:オンシツコナジラミ、ヨトウムシ 8月から10月にかけて、オンシツコナジラミとヨトウムシが発生することがあります。オンシツコナジラミは葉裏につきやすく、これは株を揺すると一斉に飛び立つので、よくわかります。ほうっておくと、排せつ物によりすす病を併発します。ヨトウムシは発生したら捕殺します。 用土(鉢植え) 腐植質に富み、水はけのよい用土が適しています。市販の草花用培養土などを利用し、さらに牛ふん堆肥を1割ほど加えるとよいでしょう。 [图片]植えつけ、 植え替え 5月ごろからポット苗が流通します。成長が早いので時期を急いで植えつける必要はありませんが、苗を入手したらポット内で根詰まりしないうちに速やかに植えつけます。生育がおう盛なため地植えが望ましいですが、できない場合は土がたっぷり入る大型のプランターなどに植えつけます。庭植えの場合、株間は60~90cm、プランターの場合は1株で十分です。 ふやし方 5月から6月と8月下旬から9月に、つるを1節つけて切ってさし木をするか、茎伏せします。地面を這って根を下ろしたつるを掘って鉢上げすることもできます。 [图片]主な作業 誘引:支柱やネット、あるいはひもなどにつるを誘引します。手が届く低い位置にある間は、つるがネット全体に行き渡るように、横方向にもこまめに誘引します。 花がら摘み:涼しくなれば花は翌日まで咲いていますが、本来は一日花なので、毎日咲き終わった花を摘み取ります。 枯れ葉取り:黄色くなった枯れ葉は目立つので、適宜取り除きます。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Garlic packs a robust aroma and flavor that many of us can’t do without. The good news is that garlic is fairly easy to grow and for the most part, is pest resistant. In fact, garlic is often a part of co-planting or companion planting, wherein garlic is grown alongside other plants to their mutual benefit. That said, even garlic has its share of garlic plant pests. What are some common garlic pests and how can you control pests on garlic bulbs?[图片]What are Common Garlic Pests? Garlic has both natural fungicidal and pesticidal properties. That’s why many gardeners plant it near certain crops. Garlic contains the compound allicin, which is released when the cloves are crushed or bitten. Possibly, this is garlic’s defense mechanism, but whatever the case, it serves to deter some pests like aphids near lettuce. Apparently, they don’t love garlic as much as I do; they view it as more like the repellent it is to Dracula. Even so, the plant may get garlic bugs that worship the bulb. Many of these garlic plant pests also plague onions, which are closely related to garlic.[图片]Mites – Bulb mites are one example of pests found on garlic bulbs and other alliums. Off white in color, shiny and globular, they are found huddled together under the plants’ roots. Bulb mites reduce harvest and generally stunt plant growth. They can live from one growing season to the next, so it is recommended that you rotate plantings by skipping the allium varieties in successive years. Leaf miners – Leaf miners (Liriomyza huidobrensis) are another pest found on garlic bulbs, first as eggs lain within the leaf tissue. The hatchlings are tiny, off-white larvae that then tunnel inside the leaves, leaving visible damage. Although the resulting leaf damage is primarily cosmetic, the presence of leaf miners may damage other leafy crops in the garden. Wheat curl mites – Severe infestations of wheat curl mite can cause twisted, stunted leaf growth but its major impact is upon the bulb. Wheat curl mites (Eriphyes tulipae) can cause cloves to dry out. The mites act as a vector for Yellow Streak virus as well. The mites are so tiny; they are nearly invisible to the naked eye. Treating the mites is possible by dipping the seed garlic in hot water prior to planting. Nematodes – A particularly insidious garlic bug is the nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci), which lives and reproduces inside garlic plants. These microscopic worm-like pests eat all parts of the stems, leaves and bulbs. It can live without water and survive for many years in the soil. Nematode nibbling can result in deformation, discoloration and tissue collapse of the bulb. The worst thing about garlic nematodes is that their population continues to expand exponentially for years with no visible signs of damage. What this means is that for years, healthy garlic plants will not be significantly affected but then all at once the astronomical nematode population will decimate the garlic crop. Thrips – Lastly, thrips are the garlic plant’s most common pest. They suck the sap from the plants, gradually slowing growth and bulb production. If the infestation is severe, entire commercial garlic fields can wilt and die. In additional to those above, garlic plants can, on occasion, be feasted on by snails.[图片]Control of Garlic Insect Pests Some of the above pests can be dealt with by applying commercially available pesticides. If you would rather use a more organic method, the first order of business is to practice crop rotation, not just for garlic, but for any alliums. Also, seek out guaranteed clean seed. Practice strict sanitation and only use disease-free planting material. Sticky traps can be laid to entrap thrip migrations. Garlic’s powerful aroma may also be a key player in garlic insect pest control. Garlic extract is used to treat some plants and for repelling pests such as slugs. Strangely, an application of garlic extract may be the key to thwarting nefarious insect armies and if your nose is up for it, certainly worth a try.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Seems you either love garlic or detest it. Insects seem to have the same reaction. It doesn’t seem to bother some of them, but to others, garlic is as repelling as it is to a vampire. Controlling garden pests with garlic is a low cost, non-toxic control and can be done quite simply. How do you use garlic as a pest control?[图片]Using Garlic for Pest Control There are a couple ways to use garlic as a pest control. The most common is to make a garlic spray for pests. Examples of some of the unwelcome insects that can be controlled utilizing a garlic spray include: Aphids Ants Beetles Borers Caterpillars Armyworms Slugs Termites Whiteflies In conjunction with this natural pesticide, be sure to keep the yard weed free and start off with healthy soil that has plenty of organic matter incorporated into it. Of course, you can purchase a garlic spray which comes in a convenient atomizing sprayer and is usually mixed with other natural products like eucalyptus oil, potassium soap, or pyrethrum, but making your own spray is a less expensive and a very simple project for controlling pests with garlic.[图片]How to Make Garlic Spray for Pests So how do you make a garlic spray for pests? There are many recipes to be found on the internet, but the basic recipe for a garlic spray is as follows: First, make a concentrate garlic extract. Crush four or five garlic cloves in a food processor, blender or with a mortar and pestle. Add to this, one quart of water and four or five drops of dishwashing soap, preferably a natural, biodegradable soap. Strain the mixture through some cheesecloth two times to remove any bits of garlic that may clog the spray bottle. Store the concentrated garlic in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. To make the garlic spray, just dilute your concentrate with 2 ½ cups of water, pour into a spray bottle or pressure sprayer and you are ready to do some damage. Keep in mind that this natural pesticide won’t last forever. It is best to use it soon after making, as the concoction will lose its potency over time. To apply the garlic spray, spray the plant once a week to protect against pests or twice a week if rain is in abundance. Don’t spray when it is getting close to harvest time unless you want your lettuce to taste garlicky. Also, garlic spray is a broad spectrum pesticide, so only spray the parts of the plants that are infested so you lessen the risk of harming any beneficial insects.[图片]Another way of using garlic for pest control is to intercrop with it. That just means planting garlic among other crops. This is especially beneficial if you love garlic like I do. I’m going to grow it anyway, so I might as well plant it around my roses to repel aphids or around the tomatoes to prevent red spider mites. While garlic does a wonderful job of repelling pests on many plants, avoid planting near legumes, peas and potatoes.
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ネリネの基本情報 学名:Nerine その他の名前:ダイヤモンドリリー 科名 / 属名:ヒガンバナ科 / ヒメヒガンバナ属(ネリネ属) 特徴 ネリネは、姿形がヒガンバナに似ていることもあり、日本では従来あまり人気がありませんでしたが、欧米では育種が盛んに行われました。花弁が宝石のようにキラキラと輝くことから「ダイヤモンドリリー」の名前で親しまれ、近年は日本でも切り花や鉢物として注目されるようになりました。リコリスのような青色や黄色の花はありませんが、純白やその絞り咲きなどはとても美しいものです。 流通する園芸種の多くは、ネリネ・サルニエンシスをもとに改良されたもので、耐寒性がないので、冬は凍らないように管理する必要があります。一方、ボーデニー種やウンデュラータ種は耐寒性があり、関東地方以西では戸外での栽培が可能です。またリコリスは半日陰でも育ちますが、ネリネは日当たりを好むという点で栽培環境が異なります。 開花期間は長く、1か月間くらい花を楽しむことができますし、切り花やアレンジメントとしても花もちがよく、重宝します。 [图片]種類(原種、園芸品種) ネリネ・ウンデュラータ Nerine undulate 異名ネリネ・クリスパ。温度があれば常緑を保つ。丈夫で耐寒性があり、露地でも栽培可能。繊細な花弁が美しく、原種らしい可憐さがある。 ネリネ・ボーデニー Nerine bowdenii 夏成長型。耐寒性があり、庭植えでも栽培可能。濃いピンク色の花と白花があるが、特に濃いピンク色の花が華やかで美しい。開花したあと葉が枯れる。 ネリネ・サルニエンシス Nerine sarniensis 冬成長型。ダイヤモンドリリーと呼ばれる多くの園芸品種を生み出した原種。花が大きく、花立ちがよく、バランスのとれた花姿が好まれる。なお、サルニエンシスの園芸種は、色名で呼ばれることが多く、品種名で流通することはほとんどない。 [图片]育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 日当たりのよい場所で育てます。園芸品種(サルニエンシス系)は耐寒性がないので、鉢植えにして冬は霜の当たらない場所で管理します。 水やり 乾かし気味に管理します。特に、休眠中の高温期は水を嫌い、このときに過湿にすると球根が腐敗しがちです。蕾や葉が伸び出すようになってから、鉢土が十分に乾いたときに水やりするようにしましょう。 肥料 花後の11月中旬から2月上旬まで、月に1回程度、カリ分の多い液体肥料を施します。 [图片]病気と害虫 特に問題となる病害虫はありません。 用土(鉢植え) 水はけと通気性に富む土が適しています。赤玉土小粒単用、もしくは砂を2割程度混合します。 植えつけ、 植え替え 8月下旬から9月中旬にかけて植えつけます。または、花後に植えつけてもよいですが、その場合は翌年咲かないことがあります。根が深く張らないので、やや浅めの鉢を用い、球根の肩が出るくらいの深さに植えつけます。3号鉢に1球、または5号鉢に3~4球植えとします。 [图片]ふやし方 あまり自然にはふえませんが、数年間植えっぱなしにしておくと、まわりに小さな球根ができます。これを数年間養成すると開花球になります。 主な作業 花がら摘み:花が咲き終わったら、花首のところで花を折り取ります。
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